Cheese week: what is important to do on the last day before Lent. Preparatory weeks for Lent Forgiveness Sunday week of Adam's exile

Meat week- This is the third Sunday of the period of preparation for Lent. This is the time when every Orthodox Christian should strive to cleanse himself as much as possible from sins and vices, pacifying his flesh.

The meaning of the term "meat waste"

The word comes from the Greek “apokreos” and the Latin “carni privum”, which means deprivation of meat. Meat week begins on the 56th day before Easter. It is followed by the last week before Lent - cheese week, or as it is popularly called - “Maslenitsa”. Those who decide to fast do not eat meat this week and eat exclusively dairy products and eggs.

Preparing for Easter

It is important to properly prepare for the celebration of the most important Orthodox holiday- Easter. The period of preparation for fasting consists of three weeks, each of which is devoted to a specific topic. It begins with the story of a Pharisee and a publican praying in the temple. Cheese Week is the final part of the preparatory period before Easter.

Weeks during preparation and Lent are devoted to specific topics:

  • About the Pharisee and the Publican;
  • About the Prodigal Son;
  • Meat;
  • Cheese waste.

This period is aimed at making it easier for a person to switch to an ascetic lifestyle from his usual way of life. Such preparation for Lent has been practiced for more than 16 centuries.

Description of Meat Week

The third week of preparation for Lent is called Meat Week. It's aimed at failure Orthodox Christian from eating meat products to make abstinence easier in the future. This last days before Lent, when it is still permissible to eat meat products.

During this period, fairs and wedding festivities ended. Believers were preparing for the remembrance of the Passion of Christ. next week called Maslenitsa. During this week they already give up meat and eat only eggs and dairy products.

Ecumenical Parental Meat Saturday

It falls on Meat Empty Week. On this day the church commemorates all those who have died since the time of Adam.

Memorial prayer Sermon Video Photo: week o Last Judgment

Lord, hear our prayers for our parents who left this earth and went to Your Kingdom, where there is eternal life. Only You are able to console our grieving souls. Please forgive all the sins of the deceased and give him life in joy and happiness in Heaven. I cry and pray for the soul of God’s servant (name) with faith and hope for consolation. Don’t leave me alone in the sorrow of mourning, help me survive the loss. Forgive him all his sins, let his soul rest in peace and find eternal life. I will pray for him and praise him your name, Our Lord! For you are our Father, and only you know when it will strike last hour ours on earth to take our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. May we find eternity next to you. Forever and ever. Amen

This memorial day reminds all Christians of the need for the salvation of all people, therefore all living people should pray for the souls of deceased sisters and brothers. Only the body dies, but the soul remains alive, which means it still has time for repentance. Everyone, living and deceased, has time until the Last Judgment to repent. By praying for deceased relatives, we ourselves quietly become better: we begin to love our neighbors and cleanse ourselves of evil.

Is Maslenitsa a Christian holiday?

Maslenitsa is not based on Christianity at all. Every educated person knows this. Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan celebration of welcoming spring and seeing off winter. Previously, this holiday was a kind of bacchanalia, which was accompanied by games, fights, unbridled fun and abundant drunken feasts. Before the adoption of Christianity, such festivities were aimed at appeasing the pagan gods. In some cases, they were accompanied by human sacrifices, including the first martyrs - the Kiev Varangian Theodore and his son John. Therefore, the Orthodox Church, talking about the Last Judgment, calls for repentance and asks us to be wary of pagan rituals that still live in our subconscious.

After the baptism of Rus', people could not refuse to celebrate Maslenitsa. It is difficult for the Russian people to cancel holidays accompanied by reckless parties and rich feasts. The Orthodox Church was forced to combine this week with the last preparatory week. Thus, she could at least somehow control what was happening and prevent blasphemous revelry during Lent. The tradition of commemorating deceased ancestors with pancakes was reinterpreted as a conspiracy - a festive meal before Lent. In churches they read the repentant prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. At the same time, ritual pagan spells and ditties were performed on the streets, which defile the hearing of a believer.

What is allowed to eat during meat-eating week?

Orthodox believers are interested in the question of what they can eat this week in order to properly prepare the body for Lent.

On Sunday they eat the usual meat products: poultry, beef, pork, sausages. There are no strict prohibitions on this day. If you wish, you can eat fatty sausages or lard. However, this should be done in moderation, since this is still a preparatory week, after which the Lent. Meat week is followed by Cheese week. Meat products are excluded from the diet.

It is worth noting that the traditions of the Orthodox Church are very wise. After all, for fasting to be beneficial, you need to properly prepare your body for it.

Christian services

Meat week begins on Sunday; during the service on this day, the story of the prodigal son is remembered. At daily liturgies, they remember the upcoming Last Judgment, which will take place when the second coming of Christ occurs. During weekday services, verses from the Gospel are read, where Jesus himself spoke about the coming Judgment.

Meat Week ends parent's Saturday, when all Orthodox Christians commemorate their deceased relatives and friends. In memory of them, memorial services and funeral prayer services are ordered.

On Sunday they hold the Great Meat Empty - a festival of meat, before completely abandoning it. As a rule, these are folk fairs and festivities with a lot of meat, which is baked, fried on mushrooms and eaten in abundance.

How to prepare for meat-eating week?

The clergy recommend thinking about your diet for the next month, taking into account that it should include meatless dishes. It is also important to prepare psychologically to give up entertainment and holiday activities.

If possible, attend divine services, confess and receive communion as often as possible. During the preparatory period, as well as during the fast itself, you need to refrain from attending entertainment events and reduce viewing of entertainment programs to a minimum.

It is worth remembering that fasting is not a punishment, but a time when every believer can cleanse his soul. By fighting our passions, we become closer to God, healing physically and spiritually.

Probably, the vast majority of people associate the word “Maslenitsa” with delicious hot pancakes, saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring at cheerful folk festivals. This holiday has a long history, going back to the times of paganism, when the Slavs worshiped the sun god - Yaril. But according to the later traditions of the Orthodox Church, Maslenitsa (more precisely, meat-free week) is a preparatory period for Great Lent, when meat products are excluded from the diet; it is not celebrated on Wednesday and Friday Divine Liturgy and the repentant prayer of St. is read. Ephraim the Syrian. How can Christians spend this week correctly so that the holiday does not become a time of gastronomic excesses and pagan revelry?

For many pagan peoples, the transition from winter to spring was accompanied by certain religious rituals and celebrations. In Rus', the transition from hibernation to spring rebirth was marked by a holiday called Komoeditsa or Maslenitsa.

After the baptism of Rus', the church tried to abolish pagan traditions and holidays, or bring them closer to Orthodox culture, because completely prohibitive measures are usually ineffective. The Church replaced pagan holidays with Christian ones and, as it were, churched folk customs, giving them a completely different meaning. So it was with radonitsa, and with the custom of caroling, and with the same Maslenitsa. The Church timed Maslenitsa to coincide with the Cheese preparatory week before Lent, removing the pagan meaning and replacing it with new Christian content.

But speaking about cheese or meat week, we must remember: initially there were two fundamentally different traditions of spending this special time of year, which can be conditionally designated as follows: “purely church” and “purely secular”.

The one who followed church tradition, perceived the last week before Lent as the most important stage of preparation for it. Believers understood: if these days were spent in excessive pleasures and amusements, Lent would be disrupted for them. In the bosom of the Holy Church, the liturgical practice of preparing for Cheese Week in prayer and repentance has developed.

People who did not have a deep religious feeling and did not even belong to Orthodoxy at all celebrated Maslenitsa differently: with riotous revelry, drunkenness and other excesses.

But sitting at a friendly table and eating pancakes this week is not prohibited even by the church! The special meaning of Maslenitsa in very recent times, when there were no telephones or e-mail, was so that people, during the week preceding Forgiveness Sunday and Lent, had time to go and visit their close and distant friends and relatives, to ask each other's forgiveness. And having reconciled, having asked for forgiveness, how can one not sit down to a feast? After all, quite recently everyone heard in the church the Gospel reading about Zacchaeus, who, having repented, with all his heart, arranged a treat for the Savior and for his friends. Or the parable of the prodigal son, about the happiness of reconciliation and forgiveness: “... bring the fatted calf and kill it; Let's eat and have fun! For this son of mine was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. And they began to have fun” (Luke 15:23). Only instead of calf during Meat Week we have pancakes.

One famous Moscow priest once said that during Maslenitsa you should eat so many pancakes that later the very sight of a pancake would cause disgust. This is probably something like “mortification of the flesh,” about which much has been written in ascetic literature. At the same time, Maslenitsa is not a reason to overeat to the limit, so that you don’t want to eat until Easter. It still won't work. The meal charter for Maslenitsa is a consolation for those who pray, attend services and seriously prepare for Lent.

In this week, the last before Lent, it would be good to remember the advice St. Sergius Radonezhsky: “Stay abstinent.” The beginning of Lent is unthinkable without the physical preparation that is offered to us Orthodox Church. Monday of the 1st week of Lent is called Clean Monday: a clear conscience, a pure soul- because it was Forgiveness Sunday. You also need to be clean in body, if a person is God’s, therefore there must be abstinence. According to the words of the holy fathers, Lent is the spring of the spirit, because when we limit ourselves physically, our spirit blossoms. Those who have tasted this joy of Lent already treasure these days and look forward to them. Only an intemperate soul, a person who pleases his flesh, perceives fasting as something painful.

When a person adheres to the church rules, is imbued with the spirit of worship, and prepares himself for entering the Pentecostal period, then those restrictions that are associated with the Lenten period are perceived organically by him.

In 2019, Lent will last from March 11 to April 27. To every true believer Orthodox person, you need to know all the nuances of preparing for this difficult test, which carries with it many restrictions. Cheese Week (Maslenitsa or Cheese Week) will be one of these stages, namely the final one, before the onset of Lent. It will take place from 4 to 9 March. And, on March 10, there will be Cheese Week (Forgiveness Sunday).

What you need to know about preparing Christians for Lent 2019 and Cheese Week

During the period of its existence, the church formed rules for preparing believers for the entry into Lent and recognized their effectiveness. Entry into Lent consists of four Sunday days and three weeks (22 days), which very smoothly help transition into a period of abstinence and prayer.

This period begins on Sunday, when the Gospel about the publican and the Pharisee is read. It is then that a person begins to prepare for the fact that he needs to go to the temple. After all, the publican and the Pharisee both came to the temple and both prayed. Only one did it sincerely, and the other, extolling himself. The one who said the prayer from the heart came out of the temple justified. This is the main point, you need to go to church, pray, but not think about yourself better than you really are. During this period, the fast that Orthodox Christians all year round happens on Wednesdays and Fridays. This is called a continuous week. It is allowed to eat any food so that a person can feel all his weaknesses.

Next comes the second Sunday, which is dedicated to reading the Gospel about the return of the prodigal son. By this the church shows that every person in his life commits acts like the prodigal son. He left his father’s house and did as he pleased, but realizing the depth of his fall, he returned to his father, bringing his repentance. This is the meaning that the doors of the temple are always open to any person. You need to get up and go to church - to repent, correct your lifestyle, your thoughts and actions.

The third week begins, during which you can eat meat, except Wednesday and Friday, until the Sunday of the Last Judgment. The peculiarity of this week is that for the Lord God, there are no dead people, for Him they are all alive. And it is very important for living Christians to remember them. On Saturday (Ecumenical Saturday), all the departed are remembered. That is, having prayed for all previously living people before entering Lent, a person begins to take care of his spiritual growth and development.

On Sunday of the third week, March 3, 2019 (Meat Empty Week), they stop eating meat, that is, they completely eat it. This Sunday is dedicated to the Gospel reading about the Last Judgment. The main idea is that the Lord will judge people not for simply doing evil deeds, but for not doing good deeds.

The fourth week is Raw Food, you can no longer eat meat, but dairy products and eggs are allowed. People called this period Maslenitsa. The point is to prepare for the subsequent refusal of these products too. Ends with the day mentioned in the Gospel as the expulsion of Adam from paradise. It says that through Adam sin entered the world and human life. Along with this came illnesses, as companions to the end of life, that is, human death. Initially, man was not created in order to die, but in order to praise God. But sin brought a lot of trouble. The Earth and humanity as a whole are punished for sin.

Cheese Week 2019 and its meaning

In ancient times, people celebrated this holiday on the day of the spring equinox. These were their first attempts to get closer to God. Over time, the Orthodox Tsarkov added a spiritual meaning to it, which lies in preparing for the passage of Lent. It makes it possible to tune in to communicate with God, repent and earn forgiveness.

Forgiveness Sunday, on this day people ask each other for forgiveness. The custom comes from ancient times. At that time, the monks went into the desert for 40 days and were there, completely alone. There was a possibility that they might not return. The point was to say goodbye to your neighbors and ask for their forgiveness. Because this could be their last opportunity.

What not to do for Cheese Week 2019

The main traditional attributes of the Maslenitsa celebration are a scarecrow symbolizing the holiday, festivities, slides and baking pancakes with various fillings.

Rules for Cheese Week:

receive guests if the house is a mess;

  1. On the short Maslenitsa (from Monday to Wednesday), you can do any housework, and from Thursday, all work is completed.
  2. You can’t get angry, swear, or swear.
  3. You can't eat meat.

Fasting is what allows a person to prepare himself for communication with God. Therefore, fasting should be pleasant, it is spring for the soul. Therefore, every person needs to force himself to work in order to return to the Kingdom of Heaven, through the meeting of the risen Christ the Savior.

In the Orthodox religion, the last day before the start of Lent is an important holiday. People call it Forgiveness Sunday. It is believed that at this time everyone can cleanse the soul of negativity.

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In perspective...

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Cheese week

The Week of Cheese, in which there is a “release of cheese,” that is, the cessation of eating cheese, immediately before the onset of Lent, is dedicated to the memory of the “Exile of Adam.” The hymns of this week recall the fall of our ancestors Adam and Eve, and this makes clear the need for the Lenten feat. Adam and Eve fell through intemperance and disobedience, and now, through the voluntary feat of abstinence and obedience to the Church, we can rise again and regain the heavenly bliss they lost. At the liturgy, the Gospel is read, inspiring us to forgive our neighbors for offenses and to fast not just for show, like the Pharisees, but unfeignedly, for the sake of God (Matthew 17).

Entering Great Lent, believers, according to ancient Christian custom, remembering the Lord’s instruction about this in the Gospel, mutually ask each other for forgiveness. This rite of forgiveness is performed at the end of Vespers. This Vespers has a number characteristic features. The first half of it, before the evening entrance, has a festive character and is performed in light festive attire. There are 10 stichera on “I cried to the Lord”: 4 of them are “repentant” - two from the Octoechos of the ordinary voice on the stichera, and 2 morning ones on the stichera, then 3 stichera of the Triodion and 3 stichera of the Menaion, Glory and now, the Theotokos in the same voice of the Menaion. After the evening entrance and “Quiet Light” the Great Prokeimenon is sung in a particularly touching tune 4 and a half times: Do not turn Your face away from Your servant, as I grieve, hear me soon: take in my soul and deliver me. After singing the prokeemna, the royal doors are immediately closed, it reads: “ Grant, Lord, this evening", the priest takes off his festive vestments, puts on a black stole and goes to the pulpit to recite the Petitionary Litany: " Let's do it evening prayer our Lord." The further service is already of a Lenten nature. According to “Now You Let Go,” the troparia are sung with great bows: “ Virgin Mary», « Baptist of Christ" And " Pray for us" Instead of a strict litany: “ Have mercy on us, God""Lord, have mercy" is read 40 times, after the priest exclaims: " Sy blessed"The prayer is read: " Heavenly King"and then the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian: " Lord and Master of my life"with three bows to the ground. After that, immediately release. Instead of the usual dismissal, it is customary to read the prayer: “The Lord is merciful,” as is usually read throughout Great Lent at the end of Great Compline, “for us who have fallen to the ground” prostrate. After this prayer, the serving priest usually pronounces the word appropriate for the day about the forgiveness of offenses, and in cathedrals the bishop, prostrating himself, asks the believers for forgiveness, and then everyone, kissing the icons and the cross held by the clergyman, approaches him with a bow to the ground, asking for his forgiveness, then they all stand in a row and ask each other for forgiveness with bows to the ground . “Forgiveness day, what a great heavenly day of God this is,” says St. Theophan the Recluse, “if we all used it as we should, then this day would make heavenly societies out of Christian societies, and the earth would merge with heaven...” (“Thoughts” for every day of the year").

This day was especially touching and touching in ancient monasteries. In the Holy Land, many ascetics, after this, went into the desert for the entire Great Lent and returned to their monastery only on Lazarus Saturday. Many did not live to see their return. And for such, it was especially customary, during this touching rite of mutual forgiveness, to sing the stichera of Easter: “May God rise again” and “The Holy Easter has appeared to us today...” This singing was accepted in many monasteries in our time. It encourages human weakness, as if afraid of long days strict fasting, putting us on the brink of the bright triumph of the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

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