What are the benefits of vitamin E with potatoes? Vitamins in potatoes. Which varieties are suitable for what?

Potatoes are a root vegetable that recently became famous to the Russian population. Even in the time of Peter the Great, they began to eat it steamed and boiled.

IN currently Rarely is a feast complete without its participation in one dish or another. Both men and women, children and the elderly are very fond of this root vegetable, which has excellent taste and also goes well with other products, which allows you to add potato tubers to salads and soups. Most people also love mashed potatoes, which can be eaten with salads, pickles, and various other snacks.

What are the benefits of potatoes? Few can answer this question, but a large number of nutritionists recommend consuming this product.

About the composition

Potatoes contain a considerable amount of useful substances that contribute to the development and maintenance of the health of the human body. It is also known to contain a considerable amount of starch, but this is not where the value of the tubers lies.

This vegetable contains vitamins such as C, PP and several elements belonging to group B. As is known, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, improving blood quality, kidney activity and more.

Potatoes also contain several types of useful substances, among which nutritionists identify iron, potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates, chromium and phosphorus. The effects of these and other substances included in the composition are indicated below.

Benefits for the digestive system

As you know, potatoes are recommended to be given to small children. This is due to the fact that at an early age special attention should be paid to work from digestive system, which is perfectly adjusted by this type of vegetable. So, what are the benefits of potatoes for the digestive system? First of all, it improves metabolism by eliminating excess acid entering the intestines and stomach.

Almost all gastroenterologists advise people with diseases of the intestinal tract to drink potato juice on an empty stomach, the beneficial properties of which are that it significantly reduces the level of acidity in the intestines and stomach.

For the bones

Particular attention to potatoes in any form should be paid to those people who suffer from a lack of substances in the body such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. These components are responsible for the proper development and health of the musculoskeletal system and bones in general. In addition, these minerals ensure the proper condition and development of bone tissue, which is especially necessary for children at any age.

As for zinc, which is also found in potatoes, it has a beneficial effect on the production of collagen, which is necessary for the normal health of cartilage, joints, skin and ligaments.

Strengthening the nervous system

In modern conditions, strengthening the nervous system is a paramount task. In particular, all those who wish to improve the level of activity of their brain, as well as the state of the nervous system, should mandatory include potato dishes in your diet. This is due to the fact that this vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin B6, which forms norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, which help a person get out of stress.

The vegetable also has a high level of glucose, which contributes to the development of human brain activity.

Improvement of the cardiovascular system

Anyone suffering from cardiovascular diseases should also pay attention to potatoes. This particular product contains vitamin C, B-6 and fiber - substances that strengthen this system organism and rarely reduces the likelihood of developing coronary disease hearts doubled.

In addition, the presence of fiber helps to dramatically reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and vitamin B-6 reduces the likelihood of vascular damage.

Use in folk medicine

The fact that potatoes are an incredibly healthy vegetable has long been known in Rus'. Even in those days, its tubers were widely used to treat cuts, burns, and eczema. Currently, modern grandmothers and mothers cure bronchitis in their children with the help of potato steam, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory canals.

About the benefits of juice

What are the benefits of potatoes? First of all, its juice, which is rich in various vitamins and beneficial minerals. This fresh product has pronounced diuretic properties, and also perfectly helps with belching, heartburn, and other problems with the digestive system, including gastritis.

Among positive properties Potato juice is also known to cleanse the body. Regular use of it, even in small quantities, helps cleanse the entire body of unwanted toxins, toxins and salts. And if you combine it with the juice of other vegetables (for example, carrots and celery), you can get an excellent remedy that has a calming effect on the human nervous system.

About the dangers of potato juice

However, despite the beneficial properties of potato juice, contraindications and problems associated specifically with its excessive consumption have not yet been canceled. First of all, they are associated with the presence of certain diseases in the person consuming this vegetable. First of all, it is not recommended to consume freshly squeezed potato juice in excess for those who suffer from obesity. Despite the beneficial properties of potato juice, a contraindication and even a ban on its use may be imposed for those who have pancreatic diseases. Moreover, this is despite the fact that this product has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system as a whole.

About the dangers of potato tubers

Despite the presence of a large number of beneficial properties in potatoes, there are still contraindications and even prohibitions on their use. And they are associated primarily with improper preparation. For example, studies have shown that when potatoes are cooked above 120 ℃, Chemical substance, known as acrylamide. This compound, which is found in plastics, glues, dyes and cigarette smoke, has been found to play a role in the development of some forms of cancer. According to most nutritionists, fried potatoes are among the dishes whose consumption is extremely undesirable. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, during the cooking process, the tubers absorb a lot of oil, which then ends up in the stomach. As a result, the dish turns out to be fatty and very high in calories. Secondly, fried food in itself is not very healthy. And thirdly, they usually consume it with a lot of salt and sauces, which are also quite harmful. For this reason, it is better to replace it with baked potatoes, the benefits and harms of which are also ambiguous, but still most experts are inclined towards this method of preparation.

Also, any housewife who purchases tubers of such a vegetable in a store should pay attention to the presence of green spots on them. If they are present on root vegetables, it is advisable to refrain from purchasing this product, since these defects strictly indicate that the vegetable contains a large amount of solanine, which can accumulate if potatoes are stored for a long time. How dangerous is this substance? First of all, the fact that they can be poisoned. As a rule, the first symptoms of poisoning after eating such poor-quality products are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Jacket potatoes

Often, experienced housewives prepare potatoes for their table exclusively in their skins. What are the benefits of jacket potatoes? First of all, its beneficial effect is due to the fact that the root vegetable, boiled in its peel, contains a very high fiber content (many nutritionists claim that it contains five times more fiber than a banana). In addition, the tuber prepared in this way contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which helps the human body protect itself from viral diseases, as well as against colds, which is especially important in cool seasons. It is also known that vitamin C favorably fights free radicals, which cause premature aging.

Potatoes boiled in their jackets also strengthen the body’s immune system due to the presence of a large amount of selenium in its composition. This microelement also improves the structure of nails and hair, which is especially appreciated by the fair sex.

People who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity can drink the decoction that remains after cooking jacket potatoes - it helps combat such problems.

Baked potato

Such a vegetable, cooked in baked form, belongs to the category of low-calorie dishes, which are often recommended by nutritionists for those who want to lose weight, but would like to eat tasty, inexpensive and healthy food. What are the benefits of baked potatoes?

A vegetable prepared in this way contains a huge amount of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins necessary for the normal development of the body.

When eating such a product, one should not forget that its peel contains a large amount of potassium, which is very beneficial for humans, especially for their kidneys and cardiovascular system. Such tubers are perfectly digestible in the stomach and do not cause the feeling of heaviness that is typical of some other products.

Raw potatoes

The contraindications of potato juice and its benefits have been discussed above. However, an equally useful component is the pulp of the fresh vegetable, which remains after squeezing. The fact is that it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It will also help well with burns and wounds. Vegetable pulp will relieve inflammation well. And any wound will heal faster with such a compress.

Raw potatoes also help in the process of self-care. For example, many representatives of the fair sex know the results obtained from applying raw potatoes to the blue circles under the eyes - they disappear literally after 10 minutes.

Another benefit of raw potatoes? It contains a lot of zinc and potassium, which the body really needs at any age. Their greatest concentration is in the peel, which, unfortunately, most housewives throw in the trash. In addition, it contains the largest number of components that can help in the absorption of starch by the human body.

Even the followers proper nutrition I don’t mind eating French fries from McDonald’s, despite the high calorie content of the dish. Puree, fried, stewed - in whatever form it is consumed! In view of such popularity of potatoes among our compatriots and residents of other countries, it is advisable to mention the beneficial and harmful qualities of the vegetable.

Composition and characteristics of potatoes

Potatoes have high nutritional value, which is why, after consuming them, satiety remains for a long time. From a serving of 100 g. more than 30 gr. allocated to carbohydrates, 5 g. occupied by dietary fiber (including particular fiber), 4.4 g. - these are proteins, less than 0.3 g. fat accumulates. There is no cholesterol in potatoes unless you fry the vegetable!

When you take one tuber per day, you will fill 50% of your daily requirement for vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, the vegetable concentrates potassium (more than 22% of the daily value), pyridoxine (29%), iron (10%), magnesium (13%), calcium (3%) and other equally important nutrients.

In a smaller volume, potatoes contain choline, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin PP, zinc, thiamine and tocopherol. But there is practically no sodium in raw potatoes; it is allocated about 12 mg, which is less than 0.8% of the daily requirement.

Since the chemical list of vegetable substances has been sufficiently studied, alpha-lipoic acid has not been ignored. It is responsible for transforming glucose into precious energy, rather than fat reserves in hidden places. In addition, this element is a natural antioxidant.

Some evidence suggests that this very acid helps lower blood sugar levels. As you know, this quality is valued by diabetics.

Potato tubers contain the flavonoid quercetin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. This substance prevents Negative influence radionuclides on body cells.

As for caloric content, 100 gr. raw vegetable boasts 145 kcal. It’s easy to estimate the calorie content of a dish of 5 tubers; it’s approximately 700 Kcal. For such simple reasons, overweight people should not overuse vegetables.

One boiled potato contains 145 Kcal, one fried potato contains more than 480 Kcal. It has been proven that 38% of Russians eat fried potatoes, which, in addition to harmful starch, also contain a lot of cholesterol.

The calorie content tends to reach its maximum level in proportion to how long the potatoes have been stored. The older the tubers, the higher their the nutritional value. Young potatoes can rightfully be considered a dietary vegetable.

Potatoes in folk medicine

The unique composition of the root vegetable allows it to be widely used in folk medicine. Potatoes cope well with inflammatory processes and damage to the skin. To get rid of the problem, you need to apply a fresh slice to the wound.

Raw potatoes have shown good results in healing burns. In addition, the root vegetable can thoroughly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxic compounds and slagging.

If you drink potato juice in combination with carrot and celery juice, digestive processes are improved. The composition normalizes acidity in the stomach.

  1. It contains a lot of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. All of them are required to compact bone tissue. Regular and dosed intake of potatoes reduces the likelihood of fractures, lubricates joints, and prevents many ailments of this environment.
  2. Zinc in combination with iron and phosphorus are responsible for the production of collagen fibers. As you know, it is collagen that makes the skin taut and elastic, and also takes part in the formation of a strong musculoskeletal system. However, you should be careful, abuse of products with phosphorus leads to osteoporosis.
  3. The value of potato tubers has been proven for people who suffer from high blood pressure. The vasodilating effect reduces blood pressure, relieves headaches and frequent migraines, suppresses fatigue and dizziness.
  4. Potatoes stimulate neurons in the brain. This feature leads to improved mental activity, memory and concentration. Potatoes should be included in the menu of people who work physically, as they increase strength and fight fatigue.
  5. The vegetable improves the functioning of the digestive system, removes congestion, and lubricates the walls of the esophagus. Potatoes should be eaten for stool disorders, bloating, and constipation.
  6. Despite the high calorie content and starch content, young potatoes can be eaten while on a diet. It will saturate the body for a long time, replenish the daily need for essential elements and vitamins. You will be able to control your appetite and at the same time take from the vegetable all the calories you need for energy.
  7. Not without the valuable qualities of potato tubers for the immune system. Vitamin C in large quantities (more than half the daily requirement) is needed to suppress viral infections during their spread. Potatoes should be consumed by those who have often been sick since childhood or have difficulty with the off-season.
  8. The vegetable is good for the heart muscle. It contains potassium with magnesium, pyridoxine, thiamine, and other B-group vitamins. All of them have a beneficial effect on the density of blood channels and its circulation, and also reduce the likelihood of heart defects.
  9. Raw potato juice is highly prized, as is the tuber itself. The drink has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, expectorant effect. Potato juice makes cell walls thick, calms the human nervous system, and is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism.
  10. Many trials involving potatoes have confirmed the value of this vegetable in the fight against cancer. The vegetable and its juice prevent cancer by blocking the flow of blood to malignant tumors. The tumor simply resolves.
  11. The beneficial properties of potato tubers affect all vital human organs and systems. The vegetable increases metabolic processes, thereby improving food absorption, mental activity and psycho-emotional environment. Drinking potato juice is beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia.
  12. The raw vegetable has found application in the field of cosmetology. It is enough to grind the tuber on a grater and make a face mask. Some girls wipe their skin with potato juice to reduce the likelihood of creases and fine wrinkles. Potatoes whiten the skin from pigmentation and freckles.

  1. It is forbidden to eat root vegetables that have not ripened or sprouted. These fruits contain the toxic substance solanine. Studies have shown that the enzyme negatively affects the respiratory and circulatory system. Severe headaches, diarrhea and muscle cramps are common.
  2. Keep in mind that if you cook potatoes at temperatures above 120 degrees, the harmful chemical acrylamide begins to be released in the fruit. This reagent is found in plastics, cigarette smoke, glue and dyes. The substance leads to the development of cancer cells.
  3. Acrylamide provokes a neurotoxic effect on the body. The harmful substance leaves a detrimental imprint on human reproductive function and genes. All kinds of fried potato dishes have a maximum acrylamide content. The substance is present in table salt and fat. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such components.
  4. Potato consumption should be reduced due to its high potassium content. This condition applies to people who are simultaneously taking medications such as beta blockers. Such preparations contain a high concentration of potassium. This contraindication should not be overlooked. Otherwise, potassium oversaturation leads to the development of liver and kidney pathologies.
  5. Kidney failure usually results in: internal organs unable to pass through a high concentration of potassium. As a result, the disease can be fatal. Therefore, be sure to follow a diet that includes a variety of foods. Soon the body will be able to fully recover.
  6. Potatoes are dangerous products that provoke the development diabetes mellitus. Therefore, experts strongly recommend reducing the consumption of root vegetables before planning pregnancy. A high concentration of starch in potatoes leads to the development of gestational diabetes.
  7. Initially, research was based on the fact that all fried potato dishes provoke the development of diabetes. During numerous observations, something else became clear. Abuse of potatoes in any form develops the disease. Scientists have found that it is starch that provokes the disease. The vegetable is especially dangerous during gestation.

Potatoes have positive traits. The main condition remains that the root vegetable must be properly prepared and included in the diet in limited quantities. You shouldn't have high hopes for the vegetable. If you have contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor. It is also recommended to use potatoes externally. You can treat skin damage and prepare all kinds of masks and products to restore hair structure.

Video: how to treat yourself with potato juice

Marvelous universal product, and this manifests itself not only in cooking. Among the results of potato processing are ethyl alcohol, antimicrobial agents and even fiberboard construction boards, which, thanks to potato starch, are environmentally friendly materials.

In the medical field, substances from potato tubers are used to develop drugs that slow down the onset of Alzheimer's disease, destroy cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract, relieving inflammatory processes. Separate scientific interest

represent the beneficial properties of potatoes, previously in demand only in folk medicine.

Composition and calorie content Main substances (mg/100 g): Raw potatoes Baked in peel French fries
Water 79,25 77,46 74,45 38,55
Squirrels 2,05 1,71 2,63 3,43
Fats 0,09 0,10 0,13 14,73
Carbohydrates 17,49 20,01 21,44 41,44
Sugar 0,82 0,89 1,08 0,30
Alimentary fiber 2,1 2 2,3 3,8
Calories (Kcal) 77 86 96 312
Potassium 425 328 550 579
Phosphorus 57 40 71 125
Magnesium 23 20 30 35
Calcium 12 8 18 18
Sodium 6 241 14 210
Iron 0,81 0,31 1,07 0,81
Zinc 0,30 0,27 0,35 0,50
Vitamin C 19,7 7,4 8,3 4,7
Vitamin B9 15 9 26 30
Vitamin PP 1,061 1,312 1,348 3,004
Vitamin B6 0,298 0,269 0,354 0,372
Vitamin B1 0,081 0,098 0,067 0,170
Vitamin B2 0,032 0,019 0,048 0,039
Vitamin E 0,01 0,01 0,07 1,67

As can be seen from the above tables, the most useful are potatoes baked in their skins, which are often called “jacket potatoes”. Eating boiled tubers is also beneficial, but fried potatoes should not be overused, since such heat treatment sharply increases the content of fat and harmful substances, which digestive enzymes do not cope well with.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial effect of potatoes on various processes in the human body is explained by the presence in its composition of a large amount useful elements. Firstly, potatoes are a rich source of ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Although in smaller quantities, they also contain B vitamins. Secondly, due to the high starch content, potatoes supply the body with a significant amount of carbohydrates and give a person energy and vitality. Thirdly, potato proteins provide the human body with 14 of the 20 essential amino acids.

In addition, in any form and with any heat treatment, potatoes are very rich in potassium. This mineral contributes to the fight against hypertension because it helps dilate blood vessels.

Potassium also has diuretic properties and is necessary for people suffering from gout, acidosis, cystitis and prostatitis. By helping to remove excess fluids from the body, potassium thereby helps it maintain normal metabolism. Vitamin C, which potatoes are so rich in, is a powerful antioxidant that takes part in neutralizing free radicals in the human body and thereby helping to prevent the destruction of cells and connective tissues. It promotes collagen production and helps the process of iron absorption. Together with vitamin B, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc, vitamin C has

positive influence on the condition of the skin and relieves pain from minor burns. Vitamin B6, combining with various enzymes, plays an important role in the processing of proteins and carbohydrates, and also takes part in the process of fat metabolism. In addition, B6 promotes hemoglobin synthesis and, in general, improves hematopoiesis. Vitamin B9 ( folic acid for DNA synthesis and red blood cell regeneration. Its presence in the body is especially important for women during pregnancy, since B9 is involved in regulating the formation of structures of the fetal nervous system.

The presence of coarse dietary fiber in potatoes, in particular fiber, has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and helps prevent clogged arteries. Fiber also helps normalize stool during constipation. However, it is necessary to take into account that the bulk of dietary fiber, like other useful elements, is located in the potato peel or directly under it.

In traditional medicine

In traditional medicine directly potato tubers are not used, but the products obtained during their processing, as well as leaves, flowers and fruits of the potato bush, are used.

For example, potato starch is commonly found in powders and ointments that are prescribed for various skin diseases. It is also used as a binder in the manufacture of tablets. In addition, high-quality ethyl alcohol is obtained from potato starch. All top part (stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) of the potato bush contains the glycoalkaloid solanine, which is toxic to humans and animals. However, scientific research has shown that in

small doses

and in combination with other components, solanine can be beneficial. For example, it is used as a raw material for the synthesis of hormones in the pharmaceutical industry. In folk medicine

Potato juice is believed to be effective in treating stomach ulcers and gastritis.

It also normalizes the digestion process and relieves heartburn.

The positive effect is mainly due to the presence of starch in the tubers - a good enveloping agent.

In addition, the juice is indicated for diabetics (mild to moderate diabetes), as it normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. Potato juice also helps cleanse the body of toxic elements and toxins. For such purposes, it is often mixed with celery or carrot juice.

Before starting juice therapy, it is recommended to exclude meat, fish, spices and herbs from the diet for several days, replacing them with products of plant origin. This will help prepare your body to accept raw potato juice. Usually, in case of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink one glass of juice after waking up on an empty stomach, then go to bed for another half hour, and after another half hour you can have breakfast. A ten-day course of juice treatment should be followed by a ten-day break. Then the course can be repeated again. For heart problems, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of juice three times a day before meals. The course lasts three weeks, after which a one-week break is required.

To prepare potato juice, you need to choose healthy, non-sprouted tubers. It is important that the peel does not have a greenish tint, which indicates the presence of a toxic substance in the tuber.

It is also not recommended to squeeze juice from February until the new potato harvest, since solanine accumulates in it and the amount of useful elements decreases. The selected potatoes must be washed, dried and passed through a juicer. Alternative way – grate the potatoes or mince them, and then strain through cheesecloth.. To prepare the compress, you need to wash and boil 3-5 tubers in their peels. Then mash the potatoes, put them in gauze and apply them to the patient’s back and chest, wrapping them in a towel for 45-60 minutes. The procedure cannot be performed on children under 4-5 years of age. The compress is also contraindicated if the patient has a fever.

Secondly, potato compresses are recommended for use for joint pain. 200-300 g of raw potatoes must be grated and mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish roots.

The resulting mass should be applied to the legs, covered with cellophane film and insulated with woolen cloth. Usually this compress is done at night.

Thirdly, potato compresses can be useful if you have dark circles and bags under your eyes due to fatigue and lack of sleep. To prepare the compress, you need to wash and grate one potato on a fine grater. Then divide the resulting mass in half, wrap both parts in gauze and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes.

Inhalations For acute respiratory diseases

, which are accompanied by a cough, it is recommended to inhale over potatoes. Potatoes are boiled without salt in a small amount of water. Place a towel over your head and breathe over the steam for 5-10 minutes.

Potato broth contains many vitamins and minerals that tubers are rich in. Traditional healers claim that with its help you can relieve swelling and improve heart function. It is recommended to boil potatoes in their skins and without salt. You need to drink a warm decoction three times a week.

It is also believed that baths made from potato broth are beneficial for the skin of the hands, as they make it soft and promote the healing of small wounds.

Some traditional healers use tinctures from flowers to treat cancerous tumors. According to the recipe, pour 1 tablespoon of flowers into two glasses of boiling water, and then leave for about 30 minutes. After this, leave for about 3 more hours in a sealed container in the oven. The resulting liquid should be drunk three times a day, 100 ml. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. However, such treatment must be used very carefully, since the concentration of alkaloids in the flowers of the plant is much higher than in the tubers.

In oriental medicine

In the classical eastern treatises on medicine, there was no mention of potatoes, since at the time of their writing they did not yet know about potatoes in those parts. However, for example, in modern Tibetan medicine it is believed that this vegetable is beneficial nervous system(Rlung system in terms of Tibetan medicine), which regulates all processes in the body.

The gradual depletion of the Rlung system leads to aging of the body, and eating potatoes helps maintain and strengthen this system, slowing down aging. Potatoes also have antidepressant properties and help the body recover from stress.

In addition, it is considered a preventative against insomnia.

IN Moreover, potatoes have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Potatoes are often excluded from the list of healthy vegetables, since Eastern medicine classifies them as “cooling” foods, that is, those that slow down metabolism. In fact, this can be easily compensated for by adding “warming” salt, black and red pepper, garlic, dill or ghee to the potatoes.

Tibetan medicine

Potatoes have long been and continue to be the object of scientific research in various directions. This interest is explained by the fact that potatoes are a product that can provide millions of people with food and a comprehensive set of useful elements at a minimal price.

Researchers are studying ways to improve methods of planting, growing, harvesting and storing potatoes, developing methods for selecting potatoes for certain growing conditions, and selecting environmentally friendly technologies for protecting against harmful organisms and pathogens. In addition, potatoes are actively being studied in medicine. Experiments carried out on pigs helped establish that raw or heat-treated and eaten cold potatoes have a beneficial effect on the intestines and strengthen immune system . American scientists also developed a variety of “golden” potatoes, which contain more vitamins and minerals. Thus, it provides almost 42% of the daily value of vitamin A and 34% of vitamin E for a child. This variety is planned to be brought to

developing countries

, where people suffer from a lack of healthy and healthy food. The researchers also concluded that the virus that most often infects potato plants is very similar to one of the proteins that causes Alzheimer's disease. Now they are using this similarity to create antibodies that would help at least slow down the onset of the disease. Americans also believe that purple potatoes help kill cancer stem cells in the colon. Experiments on mice have shown that the pulp of baked purple potatoes reduces inflammation and suppresses the growth of tumors. Ethyl alcohol is obtained from the waste generated during potato processing, but Russian scientists talk about the possibility of obtaining other high-quality antimicrobial agents. Finally, in Britain, potato starch began to be used to produce biodegradable fibreboards

medium density fiberboard (MDF), which differ

high level

Problems with excess weight arise only if potatoes are eaten fried or seasoned with fatty sauces. Boiled, stewed or baked, potatoes can even become the basis of a fasting diet if, instead of fish and meat, they are consumed with other vegetables and spices.

Due to the fact that potatoes have good taste and high nutritional value, are rich in vitamins and minerals, are easy to digest, they are widely used in baby and dietary nutrition. Potatoes are usually recommended for patients with chronic renal failure, cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal diseases. However, potatoes are not recommended for people suffering from severe forms of diabetes and obesity.

In cooking

Potatoes are a versatile vegetable that is used in recipes all over the world. Potatoes are an indispensable ingredient in soups and a good side dish. In addition, it is put in salads, pies, meat dishes, and pancakes are made from it. Cooking potatoes is easy.

Both on its own and as part of various dishes, it is most often boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.

In order for the dish to be as tasty as possible, you should choose the right potatoes. Based on the density of the pulp, it is usually divided into 4 types: A, B, C and D. Potatoes of type A contain a minimum of starch and are poorly boiled. It is most often used for salads.

Type B potatoes are good for making chips, and Type C are good for deep frying. Type D is the flouriest variety and is best suited for casseroles and purees.

However, the marking is usually only on imported potatoes. If it is missing, you can navigate by color. Red varieties of potatoes (“red-tamb”, “roseval”, “sheri”) are characterized by a high content of antioxidants and do not crumble during cooking. Typically, these potatoes keep well in winter. White varieties (“erou”, “tiras”, “tsiganka”) contain a lot of vitamin C and, as a rule, such potatoes are well boiled. Yellow varieties (“symphony”, “rosalind”, “adretta”) are rich in carotene and retain their shape when cooked. Combination with other products, produced by the stomach for processing meat. Thus, incompletely digested foods enter the intestines, where the fermentation process can begin with the active release of toxins.

A combination of potatoes with vegetable oil, sour cream, cheese, green vegetables, as well as with grain legumes.


Potato drinks have a specific taste, but are considered very beneficial for the body. Juice from raw potatoes and potato decoction is recommended to drink as a cure for various diseases.

Often beets, celery or carrots are added to potato juice.

In addition, a traditional drink is prepared from the tubers - natural live kvass. With the addition of oatmeal, you can even make jelly from potatoes, which is considered a soothing detoxifying agent.

  • Dangerous properties of potatoes and contraindications
  • Despite the exceptional usefulness and importance of potatoes in the diet, they can only be consumed with some reservations:
  • Only potato tubers should be eaten, since the upper part of the bush (stems, leaves, flowers and fruits) contains the alkaloid solanine, which can cause poisoning of the body;
  • green and sprouted potatoes should also not be eaten due to their toxicity;
  • juice from raw potatoes can be prepared until February at most, since after that solanine begins to accumulate in the tubers themselves and in their skins;
  • when cooking potatoes at a temperature of 120 degrees and above, the amino acid asparagine contained in its composition is transformed into the carcinogenic substance acrylamide, therefore any other heat treatment method is preferable other than frying;

potatoes are not recommended for obese people; Potatoes should be used with caution by patients with severe diabetes. We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible harm potatoes in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share the picture in

After reaching Europe, potatoes did not immediately gain popularity among peasants. For a long time they were suspicious of this plant because they considered it poisonous. According to legend, in order to convince his subjects, the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, ordered potatoes to be planted near his castle and posted a daytime guard next to them.

Thinking that the soldiers were guarding something valuable, the peasants made their way to the castle at night and robbed the plantations. This “advertising” trick contributed to the spread of potatoes among local residents. In France, potatoes have long played a role ornamental plant and grew up exclusively in botanical gardens

. Ladies of high society wove potato flowers into their hair, and men wore them in boutonnieres. The attempt of the royal power to introduce the plant into agricultural life turned out to be a failure. Only in the 18th century did the agronomist and pharmacist Antoine Parmentier manage to gradually overcome the resistance of the people. He popularized potatoes by organizing dinner parties where he treated guests to potato dishes. Thus, it was he who managed to initiate the cultivation of potatoes as a vegetable crop.

In Russia, people also greeted the emergence of a new culture with fear and distrust. Potatoes were called “the devil’s apple” and “the fruit of harlots,” and Old Believers preachers simply forbade the cultivation of this plant. However, the authorities resorted to violent measures and forced the peasants to plant the “suspicious” vegetable. As a result, in the middle of the 19th century, massive popular uprisings, called “potato riots,” swept across the country.

It is interesting that just 50 years after the Russian “potato riots”, during the era of the gold rush, in Alaska, potatoes were valued by gold miners as worth their weight in gold. And all because potato tubers have high nutritional value and are rich in vitamin C, which helped gold miners fight scurvy and other diseases.

This is probably why the saying “potatoes and marriage are two too serious things to joke about” appeared in Ireland. They also love potatoes in Germany, where there is an analogue of the Russian proverb “fools are lucky.” The Germans usually say “the stupidest peasants have the biggest potatoes.” And in the Russian language there is a saying: “a table without potatoes is like a party without an accordion.”

Potatoes were glorified and immortalized not only in folk art.

For example, many painters depicted flowering potato fields, the process of planting and harvesting potatoes, and even the process of eating them in their paintings. Even Vincent Van Gogh, who had a whole series of paintings, did not ignore this topic: “Potato Eaters”, “Woman Digging Potatoes” and “Basket of Potatoes”.

In addition, poems and songs were written about potatoes. For example, in the film “Breakfast on the Grass” the song “Potato” is heard (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Lvovsky), and Vladimir Vysotsky performed his own song “Comrade Scientists.” In turn, the poet Ivan Demyanov wrote a children’s poem about potatoes:
Why are my palms black?
Nobody scolds me.
Potatoes with grandma
We planted by the fence!
Soon here, on the soft slopes,
Where the sides of the barn warmed up,
Lots of green bows
May will be stuck on the ridge.
After yellow, white, blue
The lights will light up -
They will be so beautiful
Our beds by the river!
Let my palms be dirty
I'm already used to work...
And there are no tastier potatoes,

What do you plant in the garden yourself?

The importance of potatoes in our lives is best demonstrated by the numerous museums and festivals dedicated to them. And May 30 is World Potato Day. Also, all over the world, people demonstrate their love for this vegetable by erecting monuments to it: Moreover, in 1995 potatoes became the first vegetable crop , who was raised in zero gravity - on the space shuttle Columbia. But even on the ground, breeders do not sit idle. They managed to develop a soft and very tender potato variety called “La Bonnotte”.

Although, according to legend, this potato was bred

supreme god Incas.“La Bonnotte” is planted and harvested exclusively by hand and no more than 100 tons per year. And the price for one kilogram of such a delicacy reaches 500 euros. Botanical description, it is one of the five most important crops in the world.


The history of potatoes goes back more than one millennium, and scientists believe that wild species of this plant were first consumed as food back in the 5th century BC. ancient Indians who lived in South America. It is not known for certain when and how potatoes left their homeland, but it is believed that they came to Europe through the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles in the mid-16th century.

In Spain, and especially in Ireland, potatoes quickly became a strong staple of the local diet, however, they were not very popular in the rest of Europe and were long considered the work of the devil.

Nevertheless, information about the true value of potatoes nevertheless spread over time throughout the Old World and, despite the initial distrust, they began to be grown and consumed in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and other European countries.

The first person to describe potatoes at the end of the 16th century and assign them the modern scientific name Solanum tuberosum (Latin for tuberous nightshade) was the Swiss botanist Caspar Baugin. As for the common name for potatoes, it varies depending on the country. For example, the Russian name “potato” comes from the German word “kartoffel”, which in turn was borrowed from the Italian language.

In Italy, potatoes were called “tartufoli” by analogy with truffle (Italian tartufo), since its tubers, like truffle tubers, are located underground.

The English name "potato" comes from the Spanish word "patata". The Spaniards, in turn, adopted the name from the Indians, combining their words “papa” (potato) and “batata” (sweet potato). In France, potatoes are still called “pomme de terre” (French earth apple). Varieties

There are a huge variety of potato varieties (about 4,000), ranging from various wild species in South America to species carefully bred by breeders. Typically, varieties are divided into categories depending on the ripening period: 70-80 days (early ripening), 90-120 days (mid-ripening), 140-150 days (late ripening).

In addition to such famous varieties, like Adretta, Riviera, American or Granada, which correspond to traditional ideas about appearance potatoes (brownish skin and light yellowish flesh), there are also very unusual varieties with colored pulp or variegated external color. For example, potatoes of the Vitelotte variety have a rich purple pulp, and All Blue potatoes have both skin and pulp of blue color. The Bikini variety has an unusual red-yellow skin, the Christina variety has a dark red skin, and the Shetland potato variety is black on the outside.

Features of cultivation

Potatoes are considered a perennial plant and are often found wild in their homeland, South America. However, in Europe it is grown as an annual plant. Depending on the variety, a potato bush can reach from 30 to 150 cm in height and have from 4 to 8 stems. The color of the leaves varies from light green to dark green with a brown tint. Small inflorescences of white, pink or lilac color

depending on the variety. Closer to autumn, fruits form on the bush - small, fleshy green-white berries. Tops and berries contain the toxic substance solanine, which protects the plant from harmful bacteria and insects. Tubers used for food are located underground. On the outer part of the potato there are so-called eyes (from 3 to 15 buds on one tuber), which subsequently develop into young shoots. Potatoes can be grown in any open ground

, in greenhouses and even in pots. The time of planting this plant depends on the ripening time of the tubers. Early varieties usually planted when the soil warms up to 10°C, although some gardeners choose days to plant potatoes according to lunar calendar . However, they begin to prepare planting material 30-40 days before planting. Tubers the size of egg

, selected in the fall, are scattered on the floor or laid out in a single layer in boxes and stored at a temperature of 12-15 ° C, always in the light and at high humidity. The potato planting itself can be done depending on the density of the soil. In hot climates and light, loose soil, holes are made for potatoes, while in humid climates in damp soil, ridges are cut for potatoes, raising the planting above ground level. Sometimes the seed propagation method is used.

To do this, take seeds from ripe potato fruits and plant them in boxes, leaving them in a lighted place. Seedlings 13-15 cm high are transplanted in early May.

Growing potatoes is necessarily accompanied by pest control.

The Colorado potato beetle and wireworm are a real scourge for potato plantations.

Larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle eat both the leaves of the potato bush and the tubers themselves. As for the wireworm, the only danger is the larva of this insect, which gnaws through roots and tubers, which leads to withering and rotting of the plant. To get rid of these pests you have to use chemicals.

Selection and storage

  1. You should not take potatoes that have turned green or have already sprouted; they contain alkaloids that can cause poisoning. Small holes, deep grooves and brown spots indicate that the potatoes have been exposed to pests. High-quality potatoes should be hard and elastic without external damage or defects.
  2. If the potato yields to pressure with a fingernail and liquid begins to ooze from it, most likely nitrates were used during cultivation.
  3. And when you pierce the skin of a good, pesticide-free potato with your fingernail, you will hear a loud, crisp sound.
  4. If you need to choose potatoes for storage for the winter, then varieties of medium and late ripening are suitable. It is also worth paying attention to the size of the root crop. Medium and small tubers contain more nutrients. In addition, the maturity of the potato depends on the thickness of the peel - the thicker it is, the more mature the potato is considered and the better it should be stored. Peeled and dried tubers are best kept at a temperature of 2-7°C. Potatoes also need to be sorted from time to time, getting rid of rotten roots, to avoid the spread of infections.
  5. Information sources Dubrovin Ivan. All about ordinary potatoes. – M.: Eksmo-Press, 1999. – 96 p. and antimicrobial activity of the periderm of potato tubers // Pharmacy and pharmacology No. 4 (11). – Pyatigorsk, 2015,
  6. New recyclable building material, made partially from potatoes, could help solve the waste problem. University of Leicester. October 31, 2013,
  7. Kapitanova E.K. Ode to potatoes//Medical news No. 10. – Minsk, 2015,
  8. Potato history,
  9. Solomonik T., Sinelnikov S., Lazerson I. European box. Culinary masterpieces of the world. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Neva”, 2006. – 368 p.
  10. National Nutrient Database

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Potatoes are a product with a very complex, surprising fate. Our people rebelled against him for a long time.

Complex, contradictory, but today such a strong love of Russian people for this product has crystallized over the course of 200 years, starting from the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, when potatoes were called nothing more than “devil’s apple.”

And in other countries, these starchy tubers had a hard time. In 1630, the French parliament banned potatoes due to their toxicity. Diderot considered such food coarse and unpretentious. But these are the French - for centuries they have been the most scrupulous nation when it comes to food.

If there is a product in the world that can feed a person in the absence of other food, then it is potatoes. Take a look at the nutrition facts comparison chart between potatoes and some other foods. She explains a lot.

When you eat it, you quickly feel full due to the presence of starch. But potatoes are not only an excellent source of carbohydrates. It contains a lot of potassium and vitamin C, as well as easily digestible proteins - building material for cells, tissues and muscles.

Among the beneficial properties, potatoes have a slight diuretic effect due to the high concentration of potassium and low sodium. And the specific mineral composition makes this root vegetable medicinal for the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

You've probably heard that potatoes baked or boiled with their skins (in their skins) are considered the healthiest. Indeed, in the peel itself and directly in the layer of pulp underneath it, a large amount of valuable substances, such as potassium and ascorbic acid, are concentrated.

Although it’s better to remove the peel from store-bought potatoes - who knows what they were sprayed with out of the reach of prying eyes.

Ascorbic benefits

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is needed by the body for immune protection, maintaining vigor and optimism, and also for effective fight against harmful free radicals.

It is through potatoes that we most often replenish vitamin C reserves, because we eat them much more often than, for example, lemons, oranges or black currants. Unfortunately, this vitamin evaporates extremely quickly. In tubers that have survived the winter, it becomes at least 6 times less.

Why is it useful?

Rescue of hypertensive patients

For hypertensive patients, an addiction to potatoes can save their lives. Their diet plan should contain as little meat as possible, because it contains the amino acid tyrosine, which contributes to the production of blood pressure-raising hormones.

Animal products can be successfully replaced by potatoes, but only on the condition that you do not suffer from diabetes. In this case, this useful root vegetable should not appear on the table too often.

Potato broth for vigor

Seasonal depression, loss of strength, lack of motivation, low performance - all this can be treated with potato broth. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm broth. This remedy is more useful than modern energy drinks. It will return clarity of thoughts and former enthusiasm.


Our mothers and grandmothers know this recipe by heart. A stuffy nose, sore throat and severe cough are treated with healing potato steam. Just boil the potatoes in their jackets in a small saucepan, cover with a towel and breathe over the steam for a few minutes.

For sinusitis, traditional medicine recommends applying hot potatoes with fresh cuts to the inflamed sinuses. Caution is needed here: in case of acute inflammation accompanied by severe pain and swelling, any heating is prohibited.

In gastroenterology

In folk medicine, juice from raw potatoes is widely used to treat heartburn, gastritis and peptic ulcers with high acidity. This is despite the fact that in large quantities it can be harmful and even poisonous.

Diet horror story

Take almost any diet program and you will truly feel sorry for potatoes. Fans of healthy eating generously give slaps to this nutritious and healthy product. He is accused of high calorie content, exceptional harm to a slender figure and other sins.

In fact, potatoes themselves are good and not at all harmful product. It simply absorbs animal and vegetable fats well: milk, butter and sunflower oil. But we still strive to flavor our favorite potatoes with mayonnaise, rich sauce, and ketchup. Here is the real reason for the dietary disgrace of potatoes.

Not long ago, the US Department of Agriculture conducted a large-scale study of the American diet. Over two years, experts managed to collect information on more than 10,000 people.

In a country where 55% of the population is made up of people suffering from... excess weight, potato lovers turned out to be almost the most slender. Indeed, healthy foods rich in carbohydrates are very nutritious and significantly lower in calories than meat products.


As the BBC news broadcaster reported, American scientists are ready to completely rehabilitate potatoes, which many nutritionists rejected for so long and advised especially obese patients to exclude from the diet.

The fate of the vegetable beloved by many Russians was the concern of the staff of the University. Scranton under the direction of Dr. Joe Vinson. The conscientious pundit admitted that he was inflamed with righteous anger after reading an opponent’s article in one of the medical journals on the dangers of potatoes.

For many years, Vinson had been researching natural antioxidants, so he could not agree with this opinion.

The two-month experiment, as usual, was carried out on mice suffering from high blood pressure. Each animal ate at least 2 potatoes per day, which is really a lot compared to its weight. No increase in body weight or blood sugar levels was observed.

It turns out that you can and should eat potatoes almost every day. Scientists have found biologically active substances in it that can strengthen the immune system. With a properly selected menu, potatoes do not cause obesity, since they contain few calories, no cholesterol, but a lot of B vitamins.

Joe Vinson recommends looking at red and purple potatoes since there hasn't been a full experiment with white potatoes yet. It is especially good, notes the American researcher, to eat potatoes boiled in their skins, because it is in the skin that the beneficial substances are concentrated.

"If you don't regularly eat fries or salty chips, you shouldn't worry about weight gain," Dr Vinson concluded.

According to news channel 16 WNEP, the results of the potato study attracted the attention of the American Chemical Society and the American Potato Council. They will contribute to further research.

Yellow is the most useful

Not counting the amazing variety of varieties, all edible potatoes can be divided into 2 types - with white and yellow flesh. And if Europeans prefer the first one much more, then in the conventional homeland of the root vegetable beloved by many Russians, on the island of Chiloe, which is located in Chile, they prefer yellow potatoes.

Yellow color is a clear sign high concentration beta-carotene, a substance responsible for good vision, beautiful skin and long-lasting youth.

If you don’t know what else new to cook from potatoes, pay attention to the recipes of Belarusian cuisine. There are more than 200 potato dishes: babka, kamjaki, drachena, komoviki, potato pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, porridge, taukanitsa and so on.

I wonder if there are any potato fans among our readers?