Seedlings in peat cups guarantee a harvest. Gladioli - planting and care in open ground

Gladioli - garden decoration. It is best to prepare gladioli for sowing in March.

Despite the fact that these flowers are usually prepared for sowing in March or April, and planted in the first half of May, it happens that the bulbs sprouted already in March. Experienced gardeners know that this is common for gladiolus if the corms are kept at room temperature.

Why do flowers begin to sprout prematurely?

This happens if the storage conditions of the bulbs are violated. If you store gladioli bulbs at room temperature and high humidity, they will begin to germinate as early as March.

During the period of natural and forced dormancy, the bulb cannot germinate. Natural dormancy lasts 40 days. During this time, the corm will not germinate, even under favorable conditions. But after natural dormancy this can happen, therefore, to prevent the flowers from germinating ahead of time, the bulbs need to be immersed in forced dormancy. Bulbs should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C and 60-70% humidity.

If the storage conditions of the bulbs are violated, they germinate, while only the sprout lengthens, and the roots do not develop. This is harmful to the plant as it depletes it.

What to do with early germination? You cannot plant the bulb in the ground. There is still little light and nutrition, the plants will grow poorly and will not form flowers at all.

To avoid early germination, closer to spring you need to look more often planting material. If there are sprouts there, they need to be dried in a warm place for 2-3 days, and then removed to a place where the temperature is not higher than 5 °C. 2 weeks before planting, the bulbs can be moved to more comfortable conditions - 15 °C. This will prepare them for germination.

If you can't wait to drop off

Some sprouted bulbs, already peeled, can be planted in peat pots. Using them, you won’t have to replant, since the flowers don’t really like it. However, the plants will require additional care - natural light very few, and the plants are sun-loving. The place for pots with bulbs should be cool and well lit. There is no need to overdo it with watering, otherwise the leaves will stretch out greatly, which can lead to breakage after planting in open ground. It is also worth considering that such early gladioli will not bloom this year.

After planting in open ground, it is advisable to cover young gladioli from the sun and wind. You can grow gladioli in tubs at the dacha or on the balcony in flower pots.

Is it possible to grow flowers by March?

It is possible, but this process is very complicated and requires a well-equipped place. In order for gladioli to grow in winter and delight with their flowering in March, they need good lighting, comfortable temperature, humidity and constant ventilation. In an apartment, it is almost impossible to achieve all the conditions for growing gladioli at a time when in nature they are still supposed to be at rest. This requires a special greenhouse with lamps, heating, constant humidity and ventilation. Often, by March, gladioli are grown exclusively for sale, and not for their own pleasure. The process itself is labor-intensive.

It is difficult to prepare the material for planting. To get beautiful bouquets of gladioli in March, the corms need to be dug up in the first half of September and planted by the beginning of December. Because the natural light not enough, it is necessary to additionally use artificial. It is turned on no earlier than a week after the bulbs have finally sprouted.

How to plant gladioli correctly (video)

Preparing bulbs and soil for planting

Whatever the decision about which month to grow gladioli, several conditions must be met when preparing the bulbs for planting:

  1. A month before planting, you need to bring the material home.
  2. Gladioli bulbs must be cleared of scales. Diseased bulbs are thrown away, but if the lesion is small, you can cut it out. The cut area is lubricated with brilliant green.
  3. Peeled bulbs cannot be planted immediately. You need to keep them in boxes in the light until they germinate. After this, the sprouted corms of the plant are planted in a pot.

The soil should be thoroughly prepared before planting gladioli. A good choice places and lands - collateral successful cultivation gladioli. What do we have to do?

  1. Choose a well-lit place.
  2. Dig up the beds for future crops and clear them of weeds in the fall. The digging depth is about half a meter. In the spring you don’t need to be so zealous; you can dig not so deep.
  3. You can add fertilizers to the soil, such as phosphorus or potassium. Add lime to acidic soil or dolomite flour. IN clay soil add peat mixed with sand. You can fertilize gladioli with humus, but you cannot add fresh organic matter, as this harms the plant.
  4. Gladioli should not be planted after root crops, as there may be a risk of wireworm infection.
  5. It is best if melons, legumes, strawberries, and garlic previously grew at the site where gladioli will be planted. Dahlias and zinnias are also safe neighbors, since they do not share diseases with gladioli.

How to properly store gladioli (video)

Planting bulbs

Optimal width beds - 1 m. Planting depth depends on the soil. The heavier the soil, the less deeply you need to plant gladioli bulbs. Smaller bulbs also need to be planted at shallower depths. Typically the depth varies from 8 to 15 cm.

In one row, the distance between plantings is 15 cm, and between rows - 25 cm.

Before planting the bulbs, the furrow should be well watered and the bottom should be covered with a 1 cm layer of sand.

Gladioli feel good if planted in moss.

Moss has the ability to retain water, this will help prevent plants from drying out during drought.

Feeding with humus should be introduced when the seedlings grow at least 10 cm.

If all conditions for planting are met, the soil is properly prepared, then gladioli will bloom in right time and will produce good bulbs for sowing next year.

In regions with a mild climate ( warm winter, early spring, hot long summer) begin preparing gladioli corms for planting from the end of January to March, in regions with a cold climate - from the beginning of April. Corms are sorted into groups depending on the timing of flowering and carefully cleaned of scales (destroying specimens affected by fungal diseases), treated against diseases and with microelements, and laid out for vernalization.

If gladioli corms were properly prepared for wintering and stored in proper conditions, then the likelihood of their premature awakening is minimized. In winter and spring, once every 3-4 weeks, corms are inspected in order to promptly detect undesirable phenomena (thrips attack, disease development, signs of early awakening) and take necessary measures to save the collection. It happens that in March, gladioli corms (especially early and mid-early varieties) begin to grow: their root tubercles swell and sprouts begin to appear, sometimes reaching significant sizes (up to 8 cm).

Corms with sprouts discovered during the inspection are dried in a warm room for several hours (corms with dry scales - for less time, and if there was high humidity- longer), placed for further storage in a cold place (preferably with a temperature of +1 degree or slightly higher). A week before planting, these corms are taken out of storage, carefully cleaned (so as not to damage the sprouts and roots) and placed sprout up in low boxes, the bottom of which is powdered with dry peat. If there are a lot of such corms, then they can be carefully laid out in boxes or crates in 2-3 tiers, protecting the root tubercles from damage and without pinching the sprouts by neighboring corms. Boxes and drawers with sprouted corms are placed on light shelves and window sills in a room with a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Such specimens are planted in the garden very carefully, protecting the sprouts from breaking off and the roots from damage (they cannot be pressed into the soil, because damaged roots of gladioli are not restored). These gladioli bloom half a month earlier.

You can plant some of the sprouted corms of gladioli in bowls, but it is better to use large peat pots for this (to plant them in the ground with the plants in the spring), thus avoiding transplantation, which gladioli are sensitive to. Gladioli planted in peat pots will need to be kept in a cool and very bright place (preferably on a glassed-in loggia or in a cool greenhouse), watered very limitedly so that the leaves do not stretch too much, otherwise after planting in the ground the long leaves will be vulnerable to the wind and break, flowering in This year we won’t have such gladioli anymore. After planting in the ground, it is advisable to initially cover gladioli grown in pots from the sun and wind with covering material. Several gladioli corms can be planted in large flowerpots and grown in the summer on a balcony or in the garden as ordinary tub plants (do not replant them in open ground).

Gladiolus needs well-lit, wind-protected and well-drained areas. In the northern regions, even slight shading of gladiolus plantings at any time of the day retards the growth of plants, reduces their decorative qualities and leads to later flowering compared to flowering in areas that are fully illuminated. Phytodesign will help you choose a place intended for planting gladiolus, which should be flat or have a slight slope in the south direction, which ensures drainage of excess water and good soil heating.

Heavy, clayey, peaty and purely sandy soils, highly alkaline and acidic, are unfavorable for gladiolus. The necessary soil structure is created by adding sand to heavy loamy soils, clay - to sandy soil and a sufficient amount of well-rotted compost and humus.

Plant gladioli on ridges, the width of which, for ease of care, is usually 1-1.2 meters, to a depth that depends on their diameter, that is, about 3 times the height of the corm. Post-planting mulching with crumbly peat or peat chips is required, which is scattered over the surface of the planted area in a layer of 3-5 centimeters.

Start preparing the corms for planting about a month before planting by cleaning the gladioli from covering scales. Peel carefully to avoid damaging the sprouts. Cut out the damage, and treat the cut area with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, dust with sulfur or crushed coal.

Place the peeled corms in a single layer, sprout side up, in a bright, dry, warm room. Over 20-30 days in the corm in the light and at low humidity, moderate shoot growth occurs without root growth, although their rudiments already appear on the bottom. Before planting, treat the corms with a solution of Fundazol or Maxim.

Gladiolus responds well to careful care. Water generously - 10-15 liters per 1 square meter. Loosen the soil regularly, including after watering.

Feed for the first time in the phase of appearance of the 2-3rd true leaves. For 1 square meter, add 25-35 grams of ammonium nitrate, 15-20 grams of potassium fertilizer, 30-40 grams of superphosphate. The second feeding is in the phase of appearance of the 5-6th true leaves: apply 10-20 grams per 1 square meter of ammonium sulfate, 15-20 grams of superphosphate and 10-20 grams of potassium sulfate. The third feeding is at the beginning of budding or slightly earlier when the peduncle extends. She provides good flowering And better education corms. Add 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 15-20 grams of potassium chloride per 1 square meter.
Full maturation of gladioli corms occurs 6-8 weeks after the end of flowering. However, in middle lane and in more northern areas, excavation often has to be done earlier. If thrips has spread greatly during the growing season, then 1-2 weeks before digging up the corms, spray the plants with a solution of Fitoverm, Fufanon, Aktellika, Aktara, Intva-VIR. As the temperature drops, the pest moves into the covering scales of the corms, so if there are a lot of thrips, it is also worth treating the corms immediately after digging in an Actellik or Fufanon solution for 30 minutes. If rot is widespread, you can pickle the corms in a solution of the drug Maxim.

Gladioli are quite sensitive to negative temperatures, so plants are dug up before the onset of stable cold weather, usually in late September-early October, depending on weather conditions. Approximately 7 - 9 centimeters from the plants, cut through the ground with a shovel. Then deepen the scoop and pry up the corms with a lump of earth. Using pruning shears, trim the stems of the newly formed corms, leaving no stump. Remove the old corm and take a new one left hand, A thumb right click on the old one, separating it. After this, trim the roots. Wash the gladioli in water and place them in a bucket of garlic pulp for 2 - 3 hours. Then pre-dry them and take them home. Dry there for another 2 - 3 weeks at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees. After this, the gladioli should lie at room temperature for 3 - 4 weeks. At this time, look through the corms, remove severely affected ones, cut out sore spots and cover the cuts with brilliant green.

Before storing, gladioli need to be treated against a terrible pest - thrips. Spray them with any preparation suitable for killing cockroaches. Wrap the corms in several layers of newspaper and place them in the refrigerator or balcony door. The temperature should be 3-9 degrees, and the relative humidity should be within 60 percent. It’s a good idea to add cut cloves of garlic to the package and change them from time to time.

The varieties selected by A. Gromov are extremely popular: Gagarin's Smile, Andrei Sakharov, Maya Plisetskaya, Marina Tsvetaeva, Mother, Moscow 850, Ruddy Cheeks, Traffic Light, Sokolniki, Solo Canary, Amber Baltic.

For many years, I associated gladioli only with September 1, and these flowers in my mind turned into something cold and official. But one day I wandered into an exhibition of gladioli and became ill with them. It turned out that the name of the plant comes from Latin word"gladus", which means "sword", and it was given to him for the shape of the leaves. That’s when I started thinking about how to grow beautiful gladioli in my dacha?

Now my garden is full of gladioli. I plant them in a sunny place in early May. I make a hole, pour in some sand, put in a corm, cover it with sand and then earth. As you can see, special soil for gladioli is not required. I feed the plants twice with complex fertilizers: when several leaves appear, I add nitrogen, and the second time, when buds appear, I add potassium and phosphorus. Those. and fertilizers for gladioli are the most common. I water the plants generously, trying not to get it on the leaves, and loosen them often.

How to grow gladioli in the country?

If I really like a variety of gladiolus, then I propagate it by dividing the corm into three parts so that each has a sprout and a piece of the bottom. I lubricate the cuts with brilliant green. Each “piece” will bloom in the summer.

In the fall, a month after flowering and after the first frost, I dig up the plant, cut off the leaves and lightly dry the corms. Then I free them from the remaining stems and soil and dry them at home on top of the kitchen cabinets for a month. Then I wrap it in paper and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. And a month before planting, I take it out, treat it against diseases and pests, and lay it out on the windowsill. If I see that the bulbs are damaged by thrips (because of this, the gladiolus will not bloom), I buy a suitable insecticide, put the corms by variety in bags, spray the drug into them and tie them up. And after 2-3 days I take them out and put them on the windowsill again. And also, to save flowers from diseases, you can hold the corms in hot water(50-55°C), then rinse in cold water and dry.

Here's what domestic varieties I liked the gladioli the most:

. "Peacock feather". The flower is green-pink. The edges of the petals are bright pink. There are 21 buds in the inflorescence, 7-8 flowers are open at the same time. Height 140-150 cm, inflorescences - 75 cm.

Peacock feather

. "Czardas". The flower is 14.5 cm in diameter, highly corrugated. The color of the flowers varies from milky crimson to bright crimson. Plant height 150 cm, inflorescences 75 cm.

. "Cranberries in sugar." The flowers are 13 cm, pale crimson with a dark cherry spot. The height of the plant is 170 cm, the inflorescence is 80 cm. Of the 22 flowers, 12 are open at the same time.

Cranberries in sugar

. "Grand Duchess"Elizabeth". The flowers are pale salmon with a golden hue, 14.5 cm in diameter, corrugated. Plant height is 150 cm, inflorescences are 70 cm."

Grand Duchess Elizabeth

Dear Olga. We will add additional information on how to grow beautiful gladioli to your useful experience for site visitors.

Gladioli in the budding phase require more phosphorus and potassium. With a sufficient amount of these elements, flowering will be good, and the corm will gain the necessary supply nutrients. For feeding, superphosphate (phosphorus) and potassium chloride or potassium sulfate (potassium) are best suited. Fertilizers should be applied to the furrows between the rows in liquid form at the rate of: 25 g/m² superphosphate and 15 g/m² potassium chloride or potassium sulfate. Since superphosphate does not dissolve in water, it must be filled with water for a day, and the infusion should be shaken thoroughly before adding it to the soil. Before and after fertilizing, water the plants thoroughly.

Gladioli are cut at the moment of full opening of the lower flower in the inflorescence. The remaining flowers will open gradually in a vase of water over two weeks or more. To make the cut smooth and neat, you need to use a sharp knife or pruning shears. On a plant left in the garden, it is recommended to leave as much more leaves(at least four), which will “work” on the corm.

To avoid damaging the leaves remaining on the plant when cutting, you can perform the operation in this way: using a narrow knife sharpened on both sides, pierce the stem in the place where the fourth and fifth leaves diverge, and then, holding the plants with one hand below the puncture, simply pull them out with the other peduncle

Summer cottage impossible to imagine without flowers. Russians grow a lot of things to decorate their plots. For example, experienced florist Svetlana Khomchenko from Yaroslavl. She told us how to plant gladioli correctly.

“Whatever flowers I have grown in my life - roses, carnations, and tulips - I have ordered from all over the country. But gladioli became my main love. I tested more than 500 varieties and selected the best, disease-resistant and most decorative. And the agricultural technology was worked out to the smallest detail. I was even going to write a brochure: Flowers in the country - growing and breeding gladioli.

How to care for gladioli

Over the summer I fertilize several times, starting when the third or fourth leaf appears: first with mullein infusion, then with chicken infusion or a weak infusion of pigeon droppings. After watering and rain, the plants receive another portion. Gladioli can be fed with chlorophyll extract - fill a 10-bucket barrel with grass, weeds, fill it with water and add 100 g of caustic soda. After a week, the fertilizer is ready, I throw out the rough stems with a pitchfork, and you can feed all flower and garden crops by diluting 1 liter of infusion in 1 bucket of water.

After the appearance of the fourth leaf, I systematically spray the gladioli against pests with chlorophos or karbofos (0.3% solution) at intervals of 10 days, or with an infusion of garlic or tomato stepsons. Against diseases, I spray the plants with 0.3% foundation 3 times a season.

In the fall, after digging up gladioli, I burn corms with obvious signs of disease, and cut the stems of healthy ones short, wash them in water, soak them for 20 minutes in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate and dry them during the day in the wind and sun. Then I dry it for 2-3 weeks near heating devices (you can hang it in gauze bags). By the end of drying, the old mother corm is easily removed (if with difficulty, then it is either not completely dry or sick). A diseased corm must be destroyed to avoid infecting healthy ones.

I separate the corms and baby bulbs and store them by variety in paper bags or bags in the coolest place in the apartment or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. For better preservation, I powder them with naphthalene and foundation. Of course, powdered material cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

When and how to plant gladioli

In the spring, a month before planting, I clean the gladioli corms and arrange them in boxes in one layer. Before planting, I soak the corms and the cleaned baby for 10 hours in a solution of 0.5% succinic acid(growth stimulator), then for 20 minutes in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. I add 3 g of foundationazole per 1 liter to both solutions. I plant gladioli corms in late April - early May, as soon as the soil thaws to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Many people ask me, at what depth to plant gladioli? When planted deeply, the flowers form few children; when planted shallow, they produce a large corm and many children. I plant large corms, depending on the soil, to a depth of 12-20 cm according to a 20x25 cm pattern.

Shoots will appear when the threat of frost has passed, during which time the gladioli will form a powerful root system. And, conversely, when planted late in hot weather, the plant develops green mass without creating a good root system. After the emergence of seedlings, you can mulch the plantings with overripe litter from sawdust from chickens or chaff.

I pour sand in a layer of 3-5 cm into the planting furrows or put sphagnum moss. Planting in fresh horse manure gives excellent results. Two weeks before planting in the ground, I place the cleaned babies in 5-6 pieces in film cups. After the shoots emerge, I plant the cups in the ground at intervals of 25 cm.

Depending on the variety and size of the corm, gladioli bloom in July-September.”

In my dacha, gladioli grow well and produce powerful flower stalks. But for some reason the buds only bloom halfway and then fade. What's the matter? (Fedor Grachev, Lipetsk region)

The most likely reason for this is diseases and pests of gladioli, primarily gladiolus thrips. This is a small insect, up to 1 mm, which is quite difficult to see with the naked eye. Larvae and adult insects suck juices from the most tender parts of the gladiolus - young growing leaves and bud petals. Silvery spots form on the buds affected by numerous punctures, and when mass destruction the buds do not bloom and fade.

How to resist diseases and pests of gladioli?

Thrips overwinter on corms, under the covering scales. Therefore, gladioli should be stored at a temperature of 4-6°. With more high temperature thrips wakes up and damages the corm. To prevent diseases and pests, before planting, gladioli corms should be soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of Decis or Intavir.

During the growing season, gladioli affected by diseases and pests should be sprayed repeatedly with special preparations, starting in June. Greatest effect gives "Aktara". Processing should be carried out in dry and warm weather. Rain will negate all your efforts, and in cold weather gladioli pests are not active.

In autumn, thrips go underground or into the covering scales. Therefore, when digging up gladioli, the leaves must be cut off immediately, leaving a stump of no more than 1 cm, and the old corm must be broken off. All plant remains remove from the planting site along with leaves and old corms and burn. It is advisable to immediately treat the corms themselves against thrips, and then send them to dry.

If diseases and pests of gladioli are not controlled, the corms will become depleted and eventually you will not have flowers.

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Gladioli can be planted in peat. the pot, and then into the ground with it, it will bloom earlier. And asters around the end of the month. Good luck!​

​Where do you live? I plant in early May, before the ground is cold. middle lane

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​In the language of flowers GLADIOLUS - “YOU PIERCED MY HEART”​

- Gladioli bulbs are usually divided into “babies” (formed in the first year of planting the bulb), “girls” (grown from the kids the next year), “girls” (bulbs of the third year of life) and “mothers” (bulbs of the fourth and last year life). When planting, you should not mix “babies” with adult plants; it is usually customary to plant each type of bulb in rows, observing the order - “mothers” - “girls” - “girls” - “babies”, or plant “babies” in a separate bed, as they bloom they won't.​

​really has its own subtleties, although if you follow some recommendations, then these gorgeous flowers will not cause you much trouble and will definitely delight you with their bright, elegant flowers. For a more convenient consideration, we will divide the entire process of growing gladioli into several stages:

- potassium permanganate;

Gladiolus corms should be prepared for planting 15-20 days in advance. They are cleaned of integumentary scales, and then inspected for the presence of pests, damage and diseases. If the corm is healthy, then its surface is dense and shiny, thick buds and thick tubercles peck on it. The last one is the rudiments of the roots. If there are shriveled bulbs, too soft or covered with mold or ulcers, then they should be thrown away. If there are small spots on the corm Brown, then this is most likely scab or fusarium, which you can get rid of: the spots are carefully cut off, and the cut itself needs to be covered with brilliant green. By the time of planting, it will be covered with epidermis.

The first stage is covering the seedlings with humus. It is carried out when the stems are at least 8 centimeters high, and humus must be added to a height of five centimeters along the stem. This measure solves two problems at once: it prevents excess moisture from evaporating from the soil and allows both the roots and the stem to not overheat.

​Before squeezing gladioli directly into the ground, soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes or in any other solution that you usually use to disinfect planting material. After all these procedures, the time comes when it’s time to plant gladioli in the ground.

Planting gladioli in open ground and caring for them.

Gladioli are the most popular type of flowers in our country. They were once the favorite flowers at weddings, but now you can see huge bouquets of them among schoolchildren on Knowledge Day. Of course, gladioli are favorite flowers to grow on personal plots, so we’ll look at how to properly plant gladioli in the ground and how to care for them.​

​Seedlings are inconvenient How to transport them later? Keep it in the refrigerator until the end of March, then put it in the ground to warm up at the beginning of May.

​Before planting gladioli, check the soil, it should dry out and warm up, its temperature should be at least ten degrees Celsius at a depth of ten to twelve centimeters, and for unpeeled tubers it can be five to six degrees. It is not recommended to plant gladioli in cold soil. In this case, the corms will not germinate, they may even die if they remain in such conditions for a long time, especially if there is excessive moisture. Gladioli planted in well-warmed soil ten to twelve days later than those planted in cold soil not only catch up with them in growth, but also begin to bloom earlier. For residents of the middle zone, approximate dates for planting gladioli in open ground occur at the end of April and last until mid-May.​

​The optimal temperature for the development of gladioli roots is 10-12°, therefore best time landings early spring, when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 10°, which in our conditions happens in early April. Very early planting in cold and waterlogged soil leads to stunted growth and damage to the corms by diseases.​

​At the end of March (early April) I take them out of the refrigerator, where they are stored, wrapped in newspaper. I peel off the husks. I spray it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If there are sore spots, I carefully cut them out. sharp knife, grease with brilliant green or sprinkle with ash.. The next day I spray it with Heterauxin (root former) according to the scheme. I put it on the windowsill, in the light, or plant it in the ground, in pots. (half a bulb) Then they will bloom two weeks earlier, when planting they will have roots. I plant it in early May, to a depth equal to two bulbs. if the ground is cold, pour 50g of water, cover with a piece of film, it will warm up in good weather in 2-3 days. It is good to pour sand into the bottom of the hole (my soil is loam). In principle, gladioli are unpretentious flowers. Watering, fertilizing, garter. . That's all, perhaps! In September, dig up the bulbs, dry them in the shade, and put them in the refrigerator. That's it.​

- Gladioli need to be watered abundantly, but rarely, for example, during hot periods once a week, using a bucket of water per square meter. It is advisable to use warm water so that a crust does not form.

- Choose any varieties you like; for northern regions, varieties with early or mid-early flowering are preferred. Remember that when buying bulbs from Holland, there is a chance that you will not be able to grow these bulbs in the second year, since climate change for these bulbs can be disastrous, although the children of such bulbs will most likely adapt easily.​

​- brilliant green.​

​The corms are laid out in a couple of layers with the buds facing up for germination in light warm room, but at the same time in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. There is no need to moisturize them, because this will lead to rapid growth roots that break off during planting, which in turn can lead to stunted growth of the plant itself. If the corm is prepared correctly for planting, then before planting it will have root tubercles, the size of which will be no more than three millimeters. And the sprouts will be from 1 to 10 cm. Those corms that have not produced either sprouts or roots are discarded.​

  1. The second stage is periodic loosening of the soil around the planted gladioli. Typically the period between loosening is approximately 10 or 15 days. Care should be taken not to damage the bulbs and stems.​
  2. ​First, you need to choose the right place where they will be planted, so that planting gladioli babies in the ground in the spring will bring “fruit” in the fall in the form of beautiful and strong buds.​
  3. ​Preparing for planting gladioli bulbs​
  4. Gladioli are propagated by sowing tubers, dividing corms and seeds.

Of course, for the southern regions, the time favorable for planting gladioli comes earlier. If it is desirable that the plants bloom no earlier than September or October, then late planting is used. You can extend the time for receiving flowers by planting at several times.​

When to plant gladioli? It matters!

​To create long flowering Corms can be planted at several times, at intervals of 10 days, up to May 10-15. Good results are also obtained by using average and late varieties, which form flowers more High Quality than the earlier ones.​

Gladioli are very afraid of frost. Plant potatoes a week later.​
- Feed gladioli with complex mineral fertilizer, it is advisable to fertilize 4 times: after the third leaf grows, at the beginning of budding, at the beginning of flowering and after flowering (if you want to leave the bulbs for next year).

  • - Examine the onion from all sides: is there any rot or any sores on it, pay special attention to the bottom, it is by this that you can determine the age of the onion. The older the bulb, the wider the bottom will be, and if it is larger than 2.5 cm, then such a bulb is not suitable for planting.​
  • ​Choose well-lit, dry areas for planting gladioli; it is better if it is loam or fertile sandy loam. In the fall, dig up the soil using a spade, while adding humus at the rate of 2 buckets per square meter. Please note that you can only use humus, not manure.​

Preparing to plant gladiolus

​Many new gardeners may be wondering how and when to plant gladioli. The moment is actually very important, because if you plant a flower earlier than necessary, the bulbs may die or freeze. Late planting may result in the plant simply not blooming. The time for planting gladioli varies depending on climate zone, from weather conditions. It is much easier to focus on the temperature of the earth at the desired depth (that is, where you will plant flowers). average temperature measured at a depth of 12-14 cm. It should not be below 10 degrees Celsius. When the temperature reaches this level, the present period is the most favorable for planting gladioli.

Planting gladioli with corms

Watering of gladioli is also carried out using a special technology. It would be wrong to pour water under each stem; it is best to prepare shallow grooves (no more than 5 centimeters) between the bulbs and pour water directly into them. This method of watering will protect the leaves of the flowers from damage.

How and when should gladiolus be planted?

Gladioli will enjoy a lot of sun and open areas of land. This is very important condition, since without it it will be impossible to get powerful stems and large flowers.​

When to plant gladioli?

Planting gladioli in open ground requires some preliminary steps, namely preparing the bulbs for planting.

​Seed propagation is used mainly in breeding work. Plants grown from seeds do not retain varietal characteristics, therefore this propagation technique is almost never used in floriculture practice. However, it can be profitable in the south, where conditioned corms can be obtained in one year. The seeds are sown in February in a greenhouse in a substrate consisting of two parts leaf humus and one part river sand. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in 0.1% heteroauxin or 0.01% sodium humate solution for 2-3 hours. In the spring, boxes with sowing are taken out into greenhouses or pinned into the ground along with the box. At good care-regular watering and frequent feeding - young corms with a diameter of 0.8-1.5 cm are formed.

​If the gladiolus variety has a long period from planting to flowering, then it can be planted in more early dates. This applies to late and mid-late varieties, which bloom on the ninety-fifth to one hundred and tenth day from planting. For early planting of gladioli, you can use a special shelter, equipped with sheets, peat, film or frame, so that the soil does not freeze in winter. In this case, in the spring, around March, you can remove the shelter by replacing the frame or film. The sun's rays will quickly warm the soil and it will be possible to plant gladioli much earlier.​

​in Africa they have been blooming for a long time, but in Yakutia they will never come up, I got the idea

​At the beginning of May​

- If you want to get a good bulb for planting next year, then you should cut the flower correctly so that 5-6 leaves remain, at least four, which would completely cover the rest of the peduncle. The flowers are cut with two or three lower flowers in bloom, the knife is inserted deeper into the rosette of leaves, and an oblique cut is made, first on one side of the peduncle, then on the other.​

You will need

  1. - If the bulbs were purchased in the spring, then after purchase you can immediately begin to germinate them. To do this, they are cleaned of dry covering scales, laid out in one layer in carton boxes and put in a warm place with diffused lighting. Some people place the bulbs in trays with water soaked in cotton wool or sawdust, however, this is a bad option, since in such conditions the roots of the bulbs actively grow, which will break when planted in the ground, and the plant will not grow well.​
  2. ​In the spring, wait until the soil warms up to 9-10°C and dries out. Prepare your gladioli bulbs in advance. To do this, clean them and process them warm water. Heat the water to 30°C, soak the bulbs for 5 minutes, then wipe and dry. This method will speed up the flowering time.​
  3. In Ukraine, Crimea and southern Russia, planting of gladioli begins on March 14-16. In the northern parts of the country it begins in mid-May. If we talk about the middle zone, then it is most advisable to start planting gladiolus in April and finish in May. Late flowering varieties are planted at this time - 110-120 days. However, know that if you plant flower bulbs of different blooms at intervals of 10 days to two weeks, you can ensure that they bloom at the same time. You need to plant in pre-prepared holes or grooves, which are sprinkled with wet sand, which can protect the delicate root system at first.
  4. ​And the last stage of care begins when buds first appear on the stems. By this time the stems will need to be carefully staked to keep the gladioli straight as the flowers open.​


  • ​When to plant gladioli in open ground in spring​
  • ​Before planting gladioli, it is necessary to prepare the corms approximately 15-20 days before the expected planting date.​
  • ​ here is vegetative propagation.​
  • ​It all depends on the growing region! The main criterion for planting is the readiness of the soil, the degree of its warming up: optimally 10-12 degrees (when the birch tree begins to bloom).
  • ​When the soil warms up +10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. For us this is usually at the end of April. I don’t know about you.​
  • I plant a little later than the mass planting of potatoes. 2 days before planting, place the peeled bulbs on a damp cloth in a sunny place, making sure that the cloth does not dry out. This is necessary to stimulate root buds. Immediately before planting, soak the bulbs for 30 minutes in a Maxim solution (prevention of fungal diseases) and for 30 minutes in a karbofos solution (prevention against any dirty tricks, such as thrips). Plant in the ground to a depth equal to 3 bulb diameters. The depth is calculated from the bottom of the bulb to the surface of the earth. Do not sit flat, but at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. This contributes to better plant stability. It is best to plant in sand cushion. They made a hole, poured sand into it, placed the onion, poured sand on top, and then earth. I sow dwarf marigolds between the gladioli - for prevention. Watering is not frequent, but plentiful. Twice a season I treat the plants with Commander’s solution (thrips prevention), once when 3-4 leaves appear, and once on an unopened ear.


- Bulbs are dug up approximately 40 days after flowering or cutting. To do this, it is advisable to choose dry weather. After digging, the bulbs are cleaned and the strongest and healthiest are selected. The stems are cut to a height of no more than 1 cm, the roots of adult bulbs are cut off, and those of “girls” are shortened.​

- Before planting in open ground, it is advisable to keep the bulbs a little in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or special antibacterial chemicals, which can be bought in specialized stores. Before planting, keep the bulbs in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours. In this case, the causative agents of gladioli diseases will die. If rotten areas have appeared during the winter, cut them out with a sharp knife and cover them with brilliant green. After this, be sure to dry the sections for 1-2 weeks, and then carry out pre-sowing treatment, as described above.​ ​The planting depth also depends on many factors. The most significant of them will be the size of the corm itself and the composition of the soil. If the size of the bulb is 4-6 cm, then it should be planted to a depth of 15-18 cm. If the bulb is small - up to 4 cm - it should be planted to a depth of 10-11 cm. If the soil itself is heavy and clayey, then the depth is reduced to 5-7 see​

1. Buying gladioli bulbs

​To properly plant gladioli in the ground and make beautiful flower bed, plant them together with bushy, unpretentious annuals such as marigolds, petunias, and calendula. Sometimes, due to the wind, the stems of a flower bend and fall, they need to be tied up. The sticks to which the plants are tied perfectly hide the summer flowers in the flowerbed.

​We can say that it is best to plant bulbous gladioli somewhere from the last days of April to the beginning of May. The specific period depends on the location of the region. For example, planting gladioli in open ground in Siberia will be much later than in the southern regions - approximately from the 1st to the 10th of May. When to plant gladioli in open ground also depends on specific weather conditions, because the ground must warm up to at least 10 degrees Celsius at a depth of 10 cm.

2. Germination of gladioli bulbs

​Carefully inspect the planting material for the presence of diseases or pests and how they survived the winter. Clean the gladioli corms from the covering scales.​

3. Planting gladioli

​Annual asters or colistephus: Reproduction: by seeds. Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years. Sowing can be carried out both in open (autumn and spring) and in protected ground (for a month, starting in mid-March).​

The ground will thaw the straw and cover the bulbs with earth and straw. We couldn’t grow it at home without straws, this one with straw was large, we didn’t photograph it

​For now, store them in a cool, dry, dark place. This is my basement. , last year it was the refrigerator door (in paper bags).​

​And as for unpretentiousness, I would argue, either thrips, or fusarium, or some other nasty thing, and they are afraid of frost

- The bulbs are washed and disinfected in a potassium permanganate solution for about half an hour, and then dried outside for about three days, dried in a well-ventilated area for about a month, constantly turning them over and discarding the sick ones.

- Gladioli are planted in open ground at the end of May - beginning of June, when the threat of return frosts has passed.

​Make furrows 10-12 cm deep in the soil, 20 cm between rows, pour a little sand mixed with humus on the bottom, and place the bulbs at a distance of 10-12 cm. If the soil is acidic, lightly sprinkle the bottom of the furrows with ash. Bury the bulbs and water. Plant the children in furrows 5 cm deep, maintain a distance of 5-6 cm between the children in the row. Before planting, open their protective shell.​

The planting depth also depends on many factors. The most significant of them will be the size of the corm itself and the composition of the soil. If the size of the bulb is 4-6 cm, then it should be planted to a depth of 15-18 cm. If the bulb is small - up to 4 cm - it should be planted to a depth of 10-11 cm. If the soil itself is heavy and clayey, then the depth is reduced to 5-7 see​

4. Care for gladioli

​We call the rose the queen of flowers. And gladiolus can rightfully be called a king. He is magnificent and graceful. And he certainly won’t be able to leave anyone indifferent to him. No other flower is famous for such a variety of corolla sizes and shapes. By diversity color range he also has no equal.​

Planting gladioli in open ground

​Healthy corms have a shiny, dense surface, thick buds that have slightly sprouted, and root rudiments in the form of thick tubercles. It is better to throw away dried, softened, heavily covered with mold or sores bulbs; they will not produce beautiful strong flowers.​

5. Storing bulbs in winter

For seedlings, mid-late and late flowering plants are sown in a warm room in boxes (second half of March). The soil is prepared in advance; it should be nutritious, breathable, and hold water well. Options are possible here, for example: turf land, river sand, humus (3:1:0.5); turf soil, humus, sand (2-3: 1: 0.5); turf soil, peat, sand (1:2:2). The sand must be washed and calcined in the oven at a temperature of 80° C. Before sowing, the soil in the box is spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 l). These measures will protect plants from blackleg disease.​

There is no need to plant gladioli seedlings. Only those who, for one reason or another, have grown gladioli at home during storage, i.e., in order to preserve the plants. Or sometimes they plant it for a very early flowering, but why complicate the process of growing gladioli?

​Plant about a hundred days before the desired flowering date. can be planted throughout the spring.​

- Store dried bulbs in a cool, dark, ventilated room at a temperature of about 5 - no more than 10 degrees.

​- To plant gladioli you need to choose a light color sunny place and light sandy loam soil rich in humus.​

​Water not often, but generously so that moisture penetrates to the roots. Be sure to loosen the soil every 2-3 weeks; this can be done while removing weeds. Fertilize with liquid fertilizers at least 3 times during the summer.​

​Planting corms to a depth of less than 7 cm is not allowed.​

when to plant gladioli

Svetlana Zapolina

​It includes almost all shades, from white to black. Any whim of the gardener will be satisfied thanks to the selection work that was carried out with gladioli. Every year, catalogs around the world are replenished with more and more new varieties of these wonderful flowers. And every time a flower is able to amaze with renewed vigor with its sophistication and originality. What prevents you from growing such a noble flower on your own plot? If you are afraid that you do not have enough experience for this, then we can safely tell you: even novice gardeners can do this! We will try to convey to you how to plant them correctly. So, gladiolus! When is the best time to plant it?​


​Initially it seems that planting bulbous flowers in the ground is a simple matter, but in reality it is a whole ritual that takes into account the depth to which the plants need to be planted and even the distance between them.​


If there are small shiny dark brown spots of scab or fusarium on the surface of the bulb, then they can be treated. Carefully cut off the damaged areas with a sharp knife and lubricate the cut with green paint. Before planting, this place will be covered with epidermis.

Tatyana Savchenko SIBERIA

​The sowing rate is 3 g of seeds per standard box. The seeds are sprinkled with dry, finely sifted humus (layer 0.5 cm thick) and watered. Crops are covered plastic film, until seedlings appear, the temperature in the room is maintained at 18-20°. The next time is watered after germination (seeds germinate on the 3-10th day). In order for seedlings to grow and develop normally, the temperature should not be below 15 °.​
In St. Petersburg, gladioli are usually planted in the ground on May 9 (depending on the weather). To do this, in mid-April, peel the bulbs without damaging the sprout, and place them in a bright place in the room. By the time of planting, the bulbs will be ready.

Alla Alla

Natalya Pokusaeva

To increase the flowering period of gladioli at your dacha, do not plant all the bulbs at once, but plant in patria starting from the beginning of May with an interval of 10 days. Even those planted after May 20th have time to ripen. I always had wonderful flowers by September 1st.​


- Some gardeners add cloves of garlic to gladiolus bulbs to protect against bacteria.​

Alexa Khokhlova

​- It is very important not to plant gladioli in the same place for the second year in a row, as the plants may begin to get sick.​

​Tie the stems of the gladioli so that they do not fall under the weight of the inflorescences. In autumn, cut off all flowers and even unopened flower stalks. This is necessary so that the bulbs have time to gain strength before digging. Before frost, dig up the gladioli, cut off the stems and roots, dry and store in a cool, dry place.​

​The only exception can be children (that is, tubers). It is customary to plant them at a depth of 3-7 cm. However, you should not overdo it with the depth. Small bulbs may not germinate due to lack of air. Remember also that the distance between plants must be maintained. The higher it is, the lower the likelihood of contracting diseases. And finally - a visual video lesson:​

gladioli. I bought gladioli bulbs. Can you tell me when to plant?


​The first rule of how to plant gladioli in the ground is to correctly calculate the depth of the hole. General rule states that the hole should be three times as deep as the diameter of the bulb, only then will it grow and develop as it should. You need to pour a handful of dry sand into the dug hole and carefully place the flower bulb on it. Planting gladioli in the ground in the spring also requires maintaining a sufficient distance from one planting to another: the greater the distance, the more comfortable it will be for the gladiolus to grow. When the bulbs are planted in the ground, do not forget to water them generously with warm water.​


The final step before planting gladioli is to keep them in a warm and bright place for a couple of days. It is especially worth noting that the sun's rays should not fall directly on the tubers.​

Elena Smirnova

​Seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early June. The soil under asters must be fertile and moisture-permeable, since plants cannot tolerate stagnant water. Before planting, add humus, wood ash, compost, but in no case fresh manure. When planting seedlings, you must ensure that the roots do not bend and the growing point is not covered. Tall varieties with a wide bush they are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, medium-sized ones - 20-25 cm, dwarf ones - 10-15 cm. When planting, the plants must be “squeezed”, and damp earth Sprinkle dry around them. IN further care usual - timely watering, weeding and loosening.​
​Asters are sown in April. It’s better to go to a greenhouse at the dacha at the end of April - the seedlings are strong and of high quality, unlike homemade ones.

Elena Glushchenko

​When the leaves on the birch tree unfurl. Folk sign.​

Zhanna Ryabova

I plant it in early May and cover it with spunbond. In the spring, almost my entire plot is white, everything is covered.​

It's me

- In winter, the bulbs are checked at least once a month and those that are sick are removed.

Irina Shabalina

- Also harmful is the proximity of gladioli to cruciferous vegetables, for example, cabbage, turnips, radishes, horseradish or mustard seeds.


​Gladioli - very beautiful, majestic, very diverse in color and shape bulbous plants, very popular and loved by most gardeners.​


Gladioli are very beautiful flowers, which make beautiful bouquets. They are grown by planting bulbs annually, dug up every fall and stored until spring. To make gladioli happy bright inflorescences, you must follow all landing rules.​

Khurem Sultan

Preparing to plant gladiolus
How to best care for planted gladioli
Place the gladioli corms for germination in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight. There is no need to moisten them, otherwise this will cause increased growth of roots, which will still break off when planting, which will retard the growth of the plants.​

Victor Felk

​Plants of early and medium flowering are sown in early April in the soil of a heated film greenhouse or in greenhouses. The soil is prepared 1-2 weeks before sowing: humus is added and dug up, leveled with a rake, ridges 1 m wide are made, and then poured with a hot 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2. After this, they are covered with plastic film, which helps retain heat and moisture, and also provokes the germination of weed seeds. To get rid of their shoots, after 3-6 days the ground is dug up or loosened with a rake. If there are a lot of weed seeds in the soil, then the procedure is repeated again. This technique allows you to grow seedlings with virtually no weeding. If weeds do appear, they are selected when thinning aster crops. On the day of sowing, the prepared soil is loosened again, lightly compacted and marked (5 x 5 cm or 6 x 6 cm). After sowing, seeds are sprinkled with earth or finely sifted humus and watered room temperature and cover with plastic wrap, which is not removed until germination. Subsequently, the seedlings are watered with warm water to avoid the appearance of root rot....​

White Song of Corn

​Why seedlings? Plant earlier - it will bloom earlier, later - later. Don't you have anything else to do?​

Is it possible to plant gladioli seedlings and how? When to plant asters in St. Petersburg? More details please.

ღ M@rin@ ღ

​I plant carrots and onions at the same time --- at the end of April, they are not afraid of frost, they bloom from mid-July, if you need them to bloom later, then plant later --- it takes about three months before flowering --- for bulbs size 4 -5 cm and larger. And I have bulbs of all sizes, I plant them interspersed, so they bloom all summer. (the smaller the bulb, the later it blooms)
​Good site about gladioli​
​Growing gladioli - whether it is a labor-intensive process or not is up to you to decide. In the end, you can simply buy new bulbs every spring and plant them in a sunny place, and with minimal care enjoy the beauty of these “royal” flowers.​


- The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb and the soil, so on light soils it is customary to plant gladioli to a depth of four bulb diameters, and on heavy soils - three. The planting pattern for gladioli can be different, for example, 15 by 15 cm or 10 by 20 cm.

Evgenia Suvorova

Some sources call gladioli unpretentious flowers, others claim that their agricultural technology is quite complex and requires special skills and knowledge. Let's try to figure out who is right. From my own experience I can say that


- gladioli;


How and when should gladiolus be planted?

Ekaterina Belyaeva

​Growing gladioli in open ground- a simple task, but you will have to carry out a series of manipulations after a certain time in order for beautiful buds with flowers to grow from the bulbs.
Before planting, a properly prepared corm should have root tubercles no larger than 3 mm and sprouts from 1 to 10 cm. If during germination the bulbs do not produce any roots or sprouts, they are thrown out.
​Aster seedlings already need to be planted.​

Gladioli bulbs can be sprouted on the window, and then planted with sprouts, and I have already planted asters in Novosibirsk, then they will bloom in July and will bloom until October, I really like the 20 cm borders
​When the earth warms up Look at the birch tree How the leaves have blossomed so everything can go into the ground
​[link blocked by decision of the project administration]​
​Traditionally, gladioli are given as gifts to men, business partners, winners and award winners.​
- It will be good to mulch the plants after planting, this will protect them from drying out and weeds. For mulch, you can, for example, use bark, peat or chopped straw.​

Irina Borisovna

​growing gladioli​

Nature itself has instilled in man a love for plants and flowers. People are fascinated by planting and caring for gladioli in pots, they admire the magnificent flowers, inhale the floral aroma, and watch their growth and development. Even indoors, a person strives to surround himself with beautiful living plants. The gladiolus flower, due to its voluminous and long root, belongs to garden crops. But breeders were able to develop special varieties of gladioli suitable for growing both at home and outdoors.

Rules for planting gladioli in pots

The gladiolus flower, due to its splendor and beauty, is called the “gladiator's dream”. By ancient legend Gladiolus is considered the flower of gladiators who did not want to fight with their opponents. Until now, gladiolus is a symbol of friendship, nobility and memory!

How to plant gladioli in a pot:

  1. Selection of landing capacity. These should be spacious pots, flowerpots, cache-pots or containers with a diameter of 20 to 30 cm and a depth of 30-40 cm.
  2. Drainage is required. Excess moisture is harmful to gladioli, so drainage material at the base of the container and special holes in the bottom of the pot are prerequisites for a beautiful and powerful flower.
  3. Soil base. Airy and structured soil is suitable for planting and caring for gladioli in pots. For the plant to grow well, the soil must be nutritious and moisture-absorbing.
  4. Planting material. Only whole, healthy bulbs should be selected for planting. suitable varieties with a stem height of no more than 50 cm (miniature or small-flowered).
  5. Disembarkation time. The time range for planting gladioli is quite wide - from late March to mid-May.

Gladioli are planted in pots in March, and planting closer to summer is not prohibited - in mid-April and early May. The bulb is deepened into the planting soil by 10 or 12 cm, and the distance between them should not exceed 5-6 cm. After 2 or 3 weeks, you will be able to enjoy the first shoots. Ideal place for pots with gladioli, where there is no wind, sunny and warm, the plants should not get rainwater. To better understand the technology, watch a video of planting gladioli in pots.

Growing gladioli indoors and outdoors

Gladiolus belongs to the iris family; there are about 5,000 varieties in the world, varied in shape, appearance and color. A distinctive feature of gladioli is a long flowering period and long life after cutting.

Is it possible to plant gladioli in pots? Yes, this flower is great for landscaping balconies and loggias; flower pots can be displayed on paths in the garden and on summer cottage, lush flowering can transform an apartment and a private house. For every amateur or professional gardener, growing gladioli will be an interesting and exciting activity, and if all the rules are followed, you can achieve a stunning effect - long-term and lush flowering until the fall.

Continuous flowering of gladioli is maintained by planting additional seed rhizomes in pots, cache-pots or containers every 2 weeks. This method is ideal for low growing variety gladiolus

Caring for gladioli flowers without mistakes

in pots suitable for dwarf, miniature, small-flowered and medium-flowered varieties of gladioli. This allows a person to decorate his house and balcony, grow beautiful gladioli in the country house and in the flowerbed, plant flowers in hanging planters and floor flowerpots. Decorative properties gladioli are preserved provided that the soil is sufficiently moist; excess moisture can destroy the plant. Watering at home should be carried out at intervals of 3 times a week. On hot days, outdoors, you need to water the flowers twice a day - in the morning and evening. It will be useful to sprinkle the soil with mulch, which retains moisture well and protects against mold.

Proper feeding is the key to long and beautiful flowering of gladioli.

Mineral mixtures based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are suitable for this, organic fertilizers and substances to stimulate growth. The first fertilizing can be done at the stage of the appearance of the third leaf, the second time the fertilizer is applied when the sixth leaf grows. It is advisable to further fertilize during the formation of inflorescences.

Gladioli in pots outdoors - requirements:

  1. Preparation. Experts recommend soaking the seed material before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate with a concentration of 0.1% for half an hour.
  2. Landing. Boarding rules street conditions remain unchanged: a container of sufficient width and depth for planting, drainage to the bottom, fertile and loose soil. Planting is allowed to a depth of 10-12 cm from the end of March to the end of May, maintaining a small interval between gladiolus bulbs.
  3. Watering. Soil in containers dries faster than open ground, so the soil in a pot or flowerpot should be well moistened, but without excess moisture. Therefore, plants should be watered based on environmental conditions and air humidity. Root system gladioli requires systematic loosening of the soil; crust formation negatively affects the development of the plant and the quality of the flowers.
  4. Feeding. Gladioli should be fertilized at the root and outside the root system. Mineral fertilizers applied 4 times - on the 3rd leaf, on the 6th leaf, the next - during budding and at the beginning of flowering. Organic matter entered if necessary, twice per summer season growth stimulants are introduced - these can be the drugs Zircon and Epin.
  5. Protection. Diseases often attack gladioli in pots when planting and caring for them. Prevention and careful observation of the flower will avoid the death of gladiolus from pests.
  6. Loosening. Unique loves light and airy soil. When a crust forms on the surface, the process of rotting may begin, as a result the plant will die or lose its spectacular appearance. appearance. It is necessary to loosen the soil around the stem around the perimeter of the pot.

Due to the external resemblance of gladiolus leaves to swords, its second name is sword. These delicate and graceful flowers are universal - they can be grown in open ground on the street or in the garden, as well as in room conditions on a windowsill, balcony or loggia. The incredible bloom of gladioli can be preserved throughout the summer until the coldest weather, provided that they are cared for conscientiously and accurately.

Video about gladioli in a flowerpot