Flying ship. A fairy tale play in two acts. Scenario of the New Year's theatrical competition and game program based on the fairy tale “The Flying Ship”

Scene 1.

On stage, the Tsar and Zabava are pulling a plate from each other’s hands.

King: Will you come out?

Fun: I won’t go out!

King: Will you come out?

Fun: I won’t go out!

Tsar: And I said - you will come out!!

Fun: I won’t marry Polkan, and don’t ask!

Tsar: Last time I ask -Will you come out?!!!

Fun: DON'T GO OUT! ! (She pulled out the plate and threw it on the floor)

Tsar: Then you won’t get out of here! He leaves angrily.

Scene 2. Fun and girlfriends.

Fun sits in the middle of the stage, sings and cries. Dance of girls-girlfriends with teachers.

In the middle of the song Vanya appears with a brush. Freezes and listens to verse 2, standing in the background. Then he sits on the floor in front of the audience.

Vanya: Eat well.

Fun (in fright): Oh, who are you?

Vanya: Me? (Starts singing, dancing with the brush as if it were a cane) To the words “I have never seen such beauty in my life...” shows Zabava her reflection in the mirror and gives it to Zabava. Fun looks in the mirror, admires itself.

Black cats dance with Vanya. At the end, the cats shout “meow” and run back to their places.

To the words “excuse me, if something is wrong...” - he points to his dirty clothes and cats - friends.

Vanya: Let's get acquainted - Vanya. Chimney sweep He holds out his hand.

Fun: extends his hand. Nice to meet you. Fun. Princess.

Vanya: Princess. Why were you crying so much now?

Fun: My father is forcing me to marry Polkan, but I don’t want to. Vanya, save me, eh?

Vanya (continues singing): I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to talk in vain...

Before the words “Oh, I fell head over heels in love with the Tsar’s daughter...” he addresses the Princess: Close your ears. And how he addresses the audience with mystery.

Fun (opens ears): How can you help me Vanya?

Goes to the window. Look how high it is. But you don't have a helicopter.

Vania: moves his eyes like the ticking of a pendulum.“Come on, I’ll build a flying ship? And we will fly far, far away from here.”

Fun: Well done, Vanya!

Vanya: Well, am I going? Runs out the 2nd door.

Scene 3.

The Tsar enters: Fun, this is what I wanted to ask: Maybe you don’t want to get married at all?

Fun: Why? Want (flirting). I will only marry the one who builds the Flying Ship! ( Leaves).

King: Well, finally! Well done! good girl!

(shouting) Polkan!!!

Polkan enters imposingly: Well?

Tsar: Polkan, can you build a Flying Ship?

Polkan: Me? Work? This is not. And if I buy it, I will buy it. What you won't do for a dream.

Scene 4. Chorus “Dream”.

Zabava, the Tsar, Vanya, Polkan are on stage at the same time. Everyone performs their part of the song “Oh, if only my dream would come true...”. Everyone has backup dancers: Zabava has girlfriends, the Tsar has guards, Vanya has cats, Polkan has coins. The entire song is sung along by a choir of teachers (teachers, educators). General bow. Everyone except Vanya leaves to loud applause from the audience (like at a music show).

On stage, Vanya continues to loudly and dreamily sing “It wouldn’t be life, but a song would...”

Vodyanoy appears from behind the curtain: Why are you making noise?

Vanya, scared: Who are you?

Vodyanoy begins to sing: “I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy...”

Verse 1: fish and frogs dance with him. (two small round dances).

Verse 2 is sung by everyone, the leading part is the frog fish + adults:

“You are a Vodyanoy, you are a Vodyanoy, no one hangs around with you.

There’s water inside you, so why bother with someone like that?”

Vodyanoy: Disgusting?

All: Eh, your life is a tin.

Vodyanoy: Fuck it into the swamp. I live like a toadstool.

And I want to fly, and I want to fly, and I want to fly.

Everyone goes to their places.

Vanya and Vodyanoy are on stage. Vanya: How do I want to fly...

Vodyanoy: Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya. If you hold a magical instrument in your hands, you will build a flying ship.

Claps his hands, the “frog fish” pull a “very heavy” (real) toolbox. Vanya barely pulls him behind the curtain. Construction music sounds. The curtain moves in places. The merman is frightened by these sounds. Vanya opens the curtain. A painted ship is attached to the screen. Both are surprised by the beauty.

Vodyanoy: Well done, Vanya, you did it! Now you need cherished words, you can’t fly without them.

Vanya: Who knows?

Vodyanoy: My sisters know. They fly, they know. Follow the path - it will lead out (you can get a ball), but it’s time for me to sleep.

Vanya and the ball go to door 2, Vodyanoy to door 3 (near the audience).

Scene 5. Dance-song “Babki-Yozhki”.

Number from specialists. They fly out on brooms from behind the curtain.

“Farewell earth. Good luck!" (Flew away).

Vanya stands at door 3 during the dance.

Vanya (goes out to the center of the hall): Aha! “Earth - goodbye! Good luck"

From behind the curtain, Polkan pulls the ship out. Vanya turns around: Stop! Where? This is my ship!

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vanya: I know the treasured words - you can’t fly without them!

Polkan: What other words?

Vanya: Goodbye earth!

The servants push Vanya out the 3rd door.

Polkan: Goodbye, fool! (Shouts) King!! Fun!! Come here! Look! I built flying ship! Now the fun is mine! (takes her hand)

Fun hides his face with his hands.

King: And the ship is mine! (Goes behind the ship). What should I say?

Polkan: Say “Farewell to Earth”

King: Earth, farewell! (balloons flew out from behind the ship) What next?!

Polkan waves away the Tsar and draws Zabavushka: I have fulfilled your wish, Zabavushka!

Fun: This can't be true! (runs out the 2nd door and slams it hard)

Polkan knocks on the door: Open, Fun!

The king shouts: Polkan! Save me!

Polkan: I will save you, and you will give me the crown!

King: What are you talking about?!

Polkan: Well, as you wish...

King: I agree, I agree... (cries)

Polkan rolls Danya the Tsar out from behind the ship and takes the crown.

The king sits and cries.

Polkan knocks on the door again: Open, Fun. I am now the King. A bargain is a bargain.

He breaks into the second door. Barges in. The door slams behind him.

Scene 6.

Vanya and Zabava enter through door 3.

Fun: You're late, Ivanushka - Polkan built the Flying Ship.

Vanya: Not Polkan, but me. Look (leads to the ship)

Fun: What a great guy you are, Vanya! And Polkan is a deceiver! Dad!!

The sad Tsar appears.

Fun: Dad, Vanya built a ship. But Polkan stole it and deceived you.

King: Oh, he’s worthless! Polkan, come here! (beckons with a finger)

Polkan enters. The king takes the crown: Get out of sight!

Polkan: Oh, so?! You can’t do that with Polkan! You will still recognize Polkan! (threatening, leaves)

Scene 7. Finale.

The final song plays. Everyone sings. “Ah, in the fairy tale goodness triumphed again...”

Flying ship.

Based on the cartoon "The Flying Ship"

Tsar: Come out!

Fun: I won't go out!

Tsar: Come out!

Fun: I won't go out!

Tsar: Come out!

Fun:I won’t go out!

Tsar: You will come out!

Fun: I won’t go out! I won't go out! I won't go out! I won't go out!

Tsar: And I said, come out!!!

Fun: No-you-y-doo!

Tsar:You'll come out!

Fun:I won’t go out! I won’t marry Polkan, and don’t ask!

Fun stomps his foot and leaves offended.

Tsar (following her): Then you won’t get out of here with me!!!

Tsar: Oh, old age is no joy! What kind of child? Polkasha, maybe you can convince her? Well, influence her somehow! At least tell her that you love her! New Year Give me some gifts soon...

Polkan: Your Majesty, but this is too much! Well, as if I were marrying for love? Well, okay, even if it’s for love... Well, all this courtship: sweets, flowers - it’s not for me! I love counting money! You know, Your Majesty, you lock her somewhere far away, let her sit and think!

The Tsar and Polkan leave.

Fun comes on stage and sings.

Song of Fun

How unhappy we are princesses:

We are forbidden by law to love!

IN royal families, such an ancient order -

To get married according to convenience.

But I don’t want to, I don’t want to because of convenience!

And I want it for love, for love!

Freedom! Freedom!

Give me freedom!

I'll fly high like a bird.

We princesses have to live in captivity -

Young years are wasted.

We need to think about the throne all the time,

Observing the will of the father-king.

But I do not want,

I don't want to talk about the throne!

And I'm talking about love,

I want about love!

To freedom, to freedom,

I want to be free!

I'll fly high like a bird.

While Zabava is singing, Polkan approaches her with a pot of flowers, but she pushes him away.

Vanya watches all this from around the corner and after the song Zabava he comes out.

Ivan's song

I'm a simple man

And I will say without hiding,

What is so beautiful

Never seen it in my life.

And now live the day

I can't bear it without you!

That's what it takes to fall in love

To the king's daughter.

Talk about love

I'm not an expert.

Excuse me

If something is wrong.

I am such a person:

I don't like to talk in vain.

If you need anything,

Don’t worry, I’ll help you!

Just blink your eye

I'll hurry to help.

Oh, I fell head over heels in love

To the Tsar's daughter!

Fun: How will you rescue me, Vanya?

Vania: Let me build a flying ship!

Fun: In words you are all heroes, you prove it in deeds! And there’s no point in making eyes at me here! Once you build a flying ship, then come!

Vania: Okay, okay, Fun! Fine! I’ll build a ship before the New Year, just be patient for a little while.

Fun: Oh, New Year is very soon, will he have time?

Ivan runs away.

The Tsar and Polkan come out.

Tsar: Fun!

Fun: I will only marry the one who gives me a flying ship for New Year!

Tsar: Well, Polkasha, will you build a flying ship?

Polkan: I'll buy it!

The Tsar and Polkan leave, but Zabava remains and begins to sing.

As the song progresses, first the Tsar and Polkan come out, then Vanya. When Vanya sings with Zabava, the Tsar and Polkan look at them angrily from the side.

Song about a dream


Wooden floor, bench and candle,

Purring cat, hard-working husband:

This is happiness. There is no sweeter one.

What kind of life would it be then?

Oh, if only my dream would come true,


I'm on my own without any support,

If only it would be beneficial for Zabavu to get married.

Her house is for: a full cup!

This is happiness, my son-in-law Polkasha.

Oh, if only my dream would come true.

What kind of life would it be then?

Oh, if only my dream would come true,

What kind of life would begin then?


I'm crowned, fun is nearby,

New lands, new glory,

New money, new connections!

This is happiness - becoming rich from rags!

Oh, if only my dream would come true.

What kind of life would it be then?

Oh, if only my dream would come true,

What kind of life would begin then?

Vania:(sings from afar, and the Tsar and Polkan look at him with anger, Fun with love)

Old house, Russian stove,

Wooden floor, bench and candle

And there are a lot of children in the house.

This is happiness! Really, Fun?

Oh, if only my dream would come true.

What kind of life would it be then?

Oh, if only my dream would come true,

What kind of life would begin then?

The fun is gone.

Vanya goes in search of a flying ship and meets Vodyany.

Water: Why are you making noise? You'll scare away all the fish!

Vania: Who are you?

Water: I am Vodyanoy! And who are you?

Vania: I, this one, Ivanushka!

Water: Yes, Ivanushka! Cute! Listen to my song! I’ll sing it to you right now!

Here, hold it! (Gives him the umbrella)

Song Vodyanoy

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy

If only someone could talk to me

And then my girlfriends,

Leeches and frogs - wow, what disgusting things!

Oh, my life is a tin!!!

Well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I have to fly,

And I have to fly,

And I want to fly!!

I am a Vodyanoy, I am a Vodyanoy!

Nobody hangs out with me

There is water inside me.

Well, what's the deal with me?


Oh, my life is a tin!!!

Well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I have to fly,

And I have to fly,

And I want to fly!!

Water: Why did you wander here, tell me, Ivanushka, in such and such a wilderness, and even on New Year’s Eve? Wandered in what? Are you looking for something?

Vania: I really need a flying ship! And the trouble is that I have to build it before the New Year.

Water: So there is an hour left until the New Year! You won't have time to build it.

Vania: Yes!

Water: Flying ship, flying ship...

You know? You're a good guy, Ivanushka. I'll help you. I just have a flying ship.

Here! (gives him a boat). Hold it!

Vania: Thank you, Vodyanoy!

Water: But I don’t know how it flies! There are words for him that are needed, cherished, but I don’t know these words.

Vania: Where can you find them?

Water: There, you go along the path, there will be a hut, my sisters live there. So they will know the magic words. Say, from Vodyanoy. They will tell you cherished words.

Vania: Thank you very much, Vodyanoy!

Water: Just hurry up, there’s only an hour left until the New Year. Well, that's it, I'll go for a swim.

Ivan speaks off stage.

Vania: So here it is, the hut! You have to knock (Knocks)

Mistresses! is there anyone? (included) Wow, what a hut! The hut is such a hut! Well, it’s an uninvited guest, at least I’ll sit and wait for the hostesses (Sits on a chair and waits)

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs appear.

1 hedgehog: I smell it, I smell it, it smells of the Russian spirit! Who did it bring to us, straight to New Year's table.

2 hedgehogs: Delicious!

1 hedgehog: Yummy!

2 hedgehogs: That's a gift for the New Year!

Vania: I, I, I am not tasty... (Stuttering with fear) I'm coming to you from Vodyanoy.

Hedgehogs: from Vodyanoy? Well, that settles it all! Then we won't eat you.

1 hedgehog: And why did you come to us just before the New Year?

2 hedgehogs: What do you need?

Vania: Mmmm. Treasured words. Can't fly without them (points to the ship)

1 hedgehog: So the words...... (pretends to be smart, tries to remember)

2 hedgehogs: Let's dance, sisters, maybe we'll remember the words!

Grandmothers Yozhki dance and sing:

Ditties of grandmas Yozhek

Stretch your bellows, accordion!

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy

And she flew on a broom...

Even though I don’t believe it myself

These superstitions!

I was walking home through the forest.

The devil is following me.

I thought a man...

What the hell is this!?

I turned home

The devil is coming for me again...

I spat on his baldness

And she sent it to Leshem.

The most harmful of people -

This is a fabulous villain!

What a skilled liar!

It's a shame it's not tasty!

Stretch your bellows, accordion!

Eh, play and play!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!

1 hedgehog: We liked you, Vanyusha! We will help you.

2 hedgehogs: Now watch and listen.

Hedgehogs sit on brooms.

2 hedgehogs: Did you sit down?

1 hedgehog: Yes!

2 hedgehogs: Goodbye earth!

1 hedgehog: Don't forget your cherished words!

Vania: I won't forget!

2 hedgehogs: Good luck!

1 hedgehog: Hurry up Vanya, there is so little time left before the New Year...

Grandmas Yozhki are flying away. Ivan is alone.

Vania: Good luck! Earth, goodbye! Simple as that.

Polkan appears.

Polkan: Well, Ivan, I found a gift for Fun! Give me the flying ship!

Vania: Never!

Polkan: Well, everyone, be careful!

Scene of the fight between Vanya and Polkan. As a result, Polkan takes the ship and runs away. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Zabava and the Tsar come out.

Polkan runs to Zabava with the ship.

Polkan: Well, that’s all fun, in a couple of minutes the New Year will come and I brought you a gift! Just what you wanted, flying ship!

Fun in shock.

Polkan: I fulfilled your wish, now it’s up to you.

Tsar: So, Polkasha, take the bride! Give me the boat!

Polkan: No, Tsar Father, things won’t work like that! First the crown and money, and then the ship.

Tsar: Oh please!

Polkan: No, first the crown.

The king puts a crown on him.

Polkan: On the! Take the flying ship!

Tsar: But how can you fly on it?

Polkan: You say: “Farewell to Earth!” He will fly.

Tsar: Goodbye Earth!

The ship flies in his hands and pulls him along. Pulls it on high chair or a table, but he can’t get off there.

Tsar: Polkasha, get me out of here!

Polkan (admiring himself in the mirror): Leave me alone, old man!

Tsar: Get me out of here! Oh please! Well, take it off! Please take it off. Get me out of here. Well, in honor of the holiday, New Year.

Polkan: OK.

She comes up to him and takes him from the chair in her arms.

Polkan: Let’s go, Tsar Father, I’ll tell you how we will spend your money. So, first we...........................

Polkan and the Tsar fade into the background, but do not leave the stage.

Vanya comes in. Fun runs towards him.

Vania: Fun!

Fun: Ivanushka!

Fun: You are late Ivanushka, Polkan built the flying ship.

Vania: Yes, not Polkan, but me! Yes, here he is.

Fun: Did you fly?

Vania: Let's fly! Goodbye earth! Good luck!

They leave happy.

Polkan: King, King! The ship has been stolen!

Polkan is killed with grief, and the Tsar calms him down.

The last hour of December is sung all over the place.

Last hour of December

Blue evening, winter wind

Lanterns dissolved in star dust

The arrow will freeze after completing a revolution.

And the new year will come

The world will be filled with the sound of midnight

May the old year forgive us and understand everything.

Stays with us until January

Only an hour, the last hour.

And all our hopes

Let them come true one day

In the last hour of December

In the last hour of December

Coffee in a hurry, doors wide open

The holiday went out, the morning separated us.

And again on the road, time cannot be deceived

We can't get this night back.

Last hour of December, freeze for a moment

Let love and peace fly across the seas

And all our hopes

Let them come true one day

In the last hour of December

In the last hour of December

Last hour of December, freeze for a moment

Let love and peace fly across the seas

And all our hopes

Let them come true one day

In the last hour of December

In the last hour of December

In the last hour of December.

ALL . Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Music. Parting.


Elena Kutlaeva
Scenario musical fairy tale"Flying ship"

Musical fairy tale« flying ship»

based on Russian folk fairy tales

Developed: Kutlaeva E. A.

Target: Promote the development of children's creative and singing abilities before school age means musically- theatrical activities.


Improve the expressiveness of the child’s performance of the role (facial expressions, movements, singing);

Form figurative coherent speech (articulation, breathing);

Activate mental and cognitive interest;

Develop the ability to coordinate movements in accordance with shifts music and text;

Encourage children to communicate emotionally characteristic image heroes;

Develop a child’s productive thinking (encourage independent improvisation in movements, facial expressions, singing);

To cultivate creative activity, independence, artistic and aesthetic taste;

Develop a communicative attitude with peers;

Preliminary work:

View Russian folk fairy tales Flying ship

Retelling a fairy tale

Selection of melody and words for characters;

Distribution of roles;

Equipment and materials: Hero Costumes fairy tales, chest, throne, samovar, table, candle, brooms, house, chairs

Characters: Fun, Vanya the stove-maker, Tsar, Polkan, guards, waterman, grandmother Yozhki,

Action 1

The curtain is closed. Sounds music.

Tsar: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

Tsar: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

Tsar: I'll come out said.

Fun: Don't go out. I won’t marry Polkan and don’t ask.

Tsar: I’m asking for the last time, will you marry Polkan.


Tsar: Then you won’t get out of here with me. GUARDS.

The guards stand at the edges stage and open the curtain. The Tsar comes out and sits down next to Polkan. The guard takes his place.

Act 2

The song of Fun is playing. The curtain opens. Fun is sitting on a bench. Sings.

Why, we are not happy princesses

We are forbidden by law to love

In royal families there is such an ancient order

According to calculations, you need to get married...

Etc: But I don’t want to, I don’t want to because of convenience

And I want it for love, for love

Freedom, freedom, give me freedom

I'll fly high like a bird!

We princesses have to live in captivity

Young years are wasted

We need to think about the throne all the time

Fulfilling the will of the father-king.

Then Vanya the stove maker appears in the corner of the curtain. And he looks closely at Zabava, listens. Fun doesn't see him.

I am a simple man and I will say without hiding,

That I have never seen such beauty in my life

And now I can’t bear to live a day without you!

You must have fallen in love with the Tsar's daughter!

Etc: Talk about love ah-ah

I'm not an expert

Excuse me

If anything goes wrong

I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to talk in vain

If you need anything, don’t worry, I’ll help!

Just blink your eye and I will hurry to help

Oh, I fell head over heels in love with the Tsar’s daughter!

Fun: How will you rescue me, Vanya?

Vanya thinks and scratches his forehead.

Vania: Let me build it flying ship. (play with hands)

Tsar: FUN.

Sounds music, the curtain gradually closes, Vanya says goodbye to Zabava and runs behind the curtain into the bedroom.

The curtain suddenly opens. The Tsar and Polkan stand up.

Fun: I will only marry the one who builds flying ship.

The curtain closes.

Tsar: Will you build it?

Polkan: I'll buy it.

Turn off the lights on stage. Light a candle on the table. The curtain opens. Fun is sitting on a bench. Sings a song.

Small house Russian stove

Floor wooden bench and a candle

Purring cat, hard-working husband

This is happiness! There is nothing sweeter...

Etc: Oh, if only my dream would come true!

What a life it would be like then!

Oh, if only my dream would come true

What a life would begin then!

Tsar: I'm on my own without any support

If only it would be profitable for Fun to get married!

Her house is full

This is happiness - my son-in-law Polkasha!

Palkan: I'm crowned next Fun

New lands, new glory

New money, new connections

This is happiness! To riches from rags!

Vania: Small house Russian stove

Wooden floor bench and candle

And there are a bunch of kids in the house

This is happiness! True, Fun!

The curtain closes. Vanya goes to the middle of the hall and sings his song to the end. Walks along the track during the song.

At the end of the song the curtain opens and the Vodyanoy sits there. Vanya doesn’t see him, finishes the song and turns in his direction, getting scared.

Act 3

Water: Why are you making noise?

Vania: Who are you?

The merman seems to turn on the light itself stage.

Sings a song, gesticulating it.

I'm a merman, I'm a merman

Would someone talk to me

And then my girlfriends

Leeches and frogs (ugh what disgusting)

Etc: Hey, life, my tin!

Well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I should fly, and I should fly,

And I want to fly!

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy!

Nobody hangs out with me

There is water inside me

Well, what's the deal with me?

Vania: How do I want to fly? (Vanya dreams)

Water: Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya. Hold the tools in your hands, build a flying ship.

The merman gives the suitcase to Vanya. The curtain closes. There is the sound of construction. Vanya is building behind the curtain, and Vodyanoy is standing in front. Having completed the construction, Vanya goes out to Vodyanoy.

Water: Now we need cherished words. Without them, you won't rise.

Vania: And who knows them?

Water: My sisters, they know. They fly, they know. Follow the path, it will lead you out. It's time for me to sleep.

The merman went behind the curtain. Vanya goes under music, looking around, afraid. Walks around the hall and stops at the edge scenes.

Act 4

The curtain opens. There is a house. 3 Babka Yoshkas run out and sing.

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka

Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy and flying on a broom

Oh, I don’t believe in these superstitions myself!

I walked along the forest side and the devil followed me

I thought man, what the hell is this!

I turned home again the devil is following me

She spat on his baldness and sent him to the devil!

Stretch, fur accordion, hey, play and play

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka

Sing, don't talk!

BY: By brooms.

They take their broom. And everyone says.


The curtain closes.

Vania: Goodbye Earth! Good luck!

Action 5

It turns out Polkan wants to go behind the curtain. Vanya approaches them.

Vania: Wait, Where, my this is ship.

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vania: I know the cherished words. You can't fly without them.

Polkan: What other words?

Vania: The earth is simpler... The guards grab him and take him behind the curtain.

Polkan: laughs. Goodbye, fool.

The Tsar comes out.

Polkan: I built it flying ship. Now the fun is mine.

Tsar: A my ship. And what say something, necessary.

Polkan: Say goodbye to Earth.

The king goes behind the curtain and speaks.

Tsar: Earth, goodbye.

Sounds music raising the ship.

Polkan is silent.

Tsar: Polkan, Polkan. Get me out of here.

Polkan: I’ll give you a ladder, and you’ll give me a crown.

Tsar: What are you talking about?

Polkan: As you want…

Tsar: I agree, I agree.

Passes the crown through the curtain to Polkan. Polkan dresses her.

Polkan: Fun, I'm a king now. A bargain is a bargain.

Fun sighs sadly. While Polkan adjusts his crown. Vanya appears

Vania: Fun.

He approaches Zabava and hugs her. Fun tells him sadly.

Fun: You're late, Ivanushka, Polkan built a flying ship.

Vania: Yes, not Polkan, but me, me.

They start to run away, Polkan sees them and runs after them around the hall under music.

They run away behind the curtain, first Vanya and Zabavoy, then Polkan.

Vania: Good luck!

Polkan: AAAAAA.

Sounds music. The whole curtain opens. Vanya and Zabava leave the bedroom. The singing will conclude. song.

Ah, in fairy tale good has won again

Although evil was insidious and cunning

Oh, if only it were always like this

What a life it would be like then!

Department of Education of the Administration of Kemerovo

MBOUDOD "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"

Kirovsky district" Kemerovo

New Year's theatrical script

competitive game program

based on the fairy tale “The Flying Ship”

for children 7 – 10 years old

(Vbelt frames: 70-80 min.)

Compiled by:

teacher - organizer

KEMEROVO 2011" align="left" width="342" height="425 src="> Baba Yaga 1 and Baba Yaga 2" align="left hspace=12" width="347" height="403"> Zabava and Polkan


Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

PICTURE 1 “Polkan and Fun”

The hall is decorated in folk style. The backdrop depicts a flying ship. The scenery of the royal house is on stage. An argument between Polkan and Zabava can be heard.

Fun: Will not go!

Polkan: You'll go!

Fun: Will not go!

Polkan: You'll go!

Fun: Will not go!

Polkan: You'll go!

Fun: Will not go! Will not go! Will not go! Will not go! Will not go!

Polkan: You'll go!

Fun: And I say, I won’t go!

Polkan: I’m asking for the last time, will you go to New Year’s?

Fun: I won’t go, and don’t ask! (comes out from behind the scenes)

Polkan: Then you won’t be able to get out of here! (Pulls Fun back to the palace).

Fun: And here I go!

Polkan: You won't go out!

Fun: And I say, I’ll go out!

Polkan:takes Fun into the house, leaves the palace and sits down on a tree stump in front of the palace. The window doors open. Fun is singing in the window, breaking dishes.

Very boring

I want to celebrate New Year

So that with friends

And the gifts would be in the casket

Santa Claus so that

He congratulated us and Snegurochka

And Polkan here

Forces in the palace!


But I do not want

I don't want to go to the palace

And I'm magic

I want magic

Candies, gifts

And round dances

Make my dream come true!

Fun:(slams shutters) Well, I won’t go out!

Polkan: I used up all the dowry!

Fun: I won't go out!

Polkan: Fine, fine! Do you want a new dress?

Fun: Tired of it!

Polkan: Do you want a gem necklace?

Fun: Don't want!

Polkan: The golden-maned horse is in the royal stable!

Fun: Horse? (thought about it). No I do not want to! I'm tired of all!

Polkan: Well, you want, well, I don’t know... It’s fun, we’ll go on a ship into the New Year?!

Fun:(opens a window) On a ship? On what ship? Hmm, so he doesn’t fly!

Polkan: Yes, it will fly!

Fun: Will it fly? Through the sky?

Polkan:(dreamily) Across the sky!

Fun: Between the stars and clouds?

Polkan: Yeah!

Fun: Straight to Santa Claus?

Polkan: Yeah!

Fun:(comes out from behind the house with a suitcase) I agree!

Polkan:(falls off the log and scratches the back of his head) Ooo!

Fun: Well, are we flying or not?

Polkan: Now, I’ll just remember the cherished word!

Fun: Hurry up, we'll be late!

Polkan: Uh-uh, I don't remember.

Fun: Remember!

Polkan: Uh-uh, I forgot!

Fun:(sits on a tree stump and begins to cry).

Polkan: I remembered!

Fun: What did you remember? (cries).

Polkan: Someone else knows this word.

Fun: And who?

Polkan: Well, uh, I don't remember. Went.

Fun: Where did you go?

Polkan: Search!

Fun:(jabbers) How far is it to go? Is the road difficult? Will there be adventures? Isn't it scary in the forest? Will it be fun?

Polkan: So we’ll ask the guys, and it’ll be fun!

Fun: What guys?

Polkan: Fun, well, you said it yourself. I want to celebrate the New Year with my friends. So I invited all our friends.

Fun: Hooray! Let's go on a trip.

TRAVEL GAME “New Year’s repeater”

The leading characters Polkan and Zabava invite children to a round dance. Zabavva and Polkan are the first to sing a line of the song, and the children repeat after them each time, performing the movements in a round dance.

New Year

Children: New Year

Children: At the gate

Children: We're going

In a round dance

Children: In a round dance

Children: We're going

Children: And we sing

Sleep in winter

Children: Sleeping in winter

Children: We don’t allow

Children: We're going

Children: And we sing

Sleep in winter

Children: Sleeping in winter

Children: We don’t allow


Children: Outside the window

White snow

Children: White snow

Children: In the yard

Children's laughter

Children: Children's laughter

Children's laughter

Children: Children's laughter

Children: This is us

We are visiting

Children: We are visiting

Children: Near winter

Children's laughter

Children: Children's laughter

Children: This is us

We are visiting

Children: We are visiting

Children: Near winter


Father Frost

Children: Santa Claus

Red nose

Children: Red Nose

Children: Christmas tree for us

He brought

Children: He brought

Children: And around

Children: Lights

Sleigh creaking

Children: Sleigh creaking

Children: And snowballs

Children: And around

Children: Lights

Sleigh creaking

Children: Sleigh creaking

Children: And snowballs

Children's laughter

Children: Children's laughter

Children: This is us

We are visiting

Children: We are visiting

Children: Near winter

Children's laughter

Children: Children's laughter

Children: This is us

We are visiting

Children: We are visiting

Children: Near winter

(Children return to their seats.)

PICTURE 2 “Polkan, Zabava and Vodyanoy”

Fun sits on a snowdrift. Snowdrift sneezes, Vodyanoy appears.

Water: Why are you making noise?

Zabava and Polkan: Who are you?


I'm a merman, I'm a merman!

If only someone could talk to me!

Otherwise my friends are leeches and frogs.

Ugh, what disgusting.

Eh, my life is a tin

Yes, well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool.

And I want to fly, and I want to fly, and I want to fly!

Fun:(capriciously) And how I want to fly! Dear...mmmm!

Water: Water!

Polkan: Dear Vodyanoy! Do you know the sacred word?

Fun: Yes!

Water: I know.

Polkan: Speak!

Water: The word is the word! Yes, here it is...

Fun: What?

Water: Frogs, I say, leeches! In a word, a swamp... (starts to snore). Boredom...

Fun: Polkan, and Polkan. Wake him up.

Polkan: How can I wake him up? (starts to wake up) Get up! (The merman snores). Get up, I say! (Snores again). I can’t handle this alone, guys, help?


The musical background plays, Polkan and Zabava learn the movements with the children - and perform them to the music. For example, when Fun raises right hand up, children clap to the music when Polkan raises left hand up, all children perform the following foot movements to the music - heel, toe, stamp their feet 3 times.

Water: Why, I say, are you making noise?

Polkan: Yes, this. The sacred word, I say, do you know?

Water: My sisters know, they fly, they definitely know! Follow the path, it will lead out. When you reach the end of the path, be sure to whistle. And it's time for me to sleep (Yawns, leaves).

Fun: I'm cold!

Polkan: Fun! (Starts rubbing Zabava’s hands).

Fun: It's cold anyway!

Polkan:(breathes on Fun) Ha ha ha!

Fun: Hot!

Polkan:(starts to rub it with snow)

Fun: Freeze again! I don't want to get warm like that.

Polkan: But as?

Fun: New Year's Eve!

Polkan: How is that?

Fun: How? How? New Year's fun!

Polkan: Fun?

Fun: Yes, fun. With snowballs!


Props: 3 meter ribbon, blue and blue balloons white 20 pieces.

The presenters select 2 teams of children of 7-8 people each. The teams line up opposite each other. Each group of children receives 10 blue or white balloons, simulating snowballs. A ribbon is stretched between the teams. The team's task is to throw the balls over the ribbon to the opposing team while the music is playing.

Polkan: Are you warm?

Fun: Warm up!

Fun: Where? We've already arrived! Whistle!

Polkan:(scratching the back of his head) Yes, this is something I can’t do!

Fun: Ask the guys!

PICTURE 3 “Polkan, Zabava and Babki Yozhki”

(The soundtrack plays, Babka Yozhki appears and dances).

Grandma Yozhka 1: Look, look, Yagulya, what a girl has come to us!

Grandma Yozhka 2: Really good!

Fun has come to us in the forest

Oh, the beauty is good!

And on her heels

Voivodeshka Polkan!

Polkan: Fun, have you forgotten?

Fun: What?

Polkan: Treasured word!

Fun: The cherished word, grannies, tell me it immediately!

Polkan: Yeah, right away!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Look, you, Yagulya, look at them, give them your cherished word!

Look, what cunning people

Just tell you everything.

It's not a simple word

And it’s so magical!

Grandma Yozhka 2: Word, you say!

Polkan: Yeah!

Fun: Immediately!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Look, you, immediately! Why do you need it, a cherished word?

Polkan: So it is! We planned to fly on a ship in the New Year, but we don’t know the magic words.

Grandma Yozhka 2: Happy New Year! Do you hear, Yagulya, we have gathered for the New Year!

They want to fly on New Year's Day

“It’s good in it,” they say!

And with you for fun

They're taking all the boys!

Grandma Yozhka 1: You, good fellow, will have a magic word!

Grandma Yozhka 2: But you won’t just get the magic word until you solve our riddles.

Fun: Well, are you ready, Polkan?

Polkan: Yeah!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Riddle one

The house smells like a Christmas tree again,

The holiday will come to us soon.

Laughter, fun and gifts

What kind of holiday? New Year!

Game with the hall "NEW YEAR'S DITS"

Baba Yaga 1 is learning with the audience the second part of the ditty “One, two New Year - all the people have fun!”

Then Baba Yaga 2 sings the first part of the ditty, and the audience finishes the second.

In this room, in this room

The kids are cheerful,

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,

He also leads a round dance.

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

Fancy dresses

Smile, don't be gloomy.

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

In our yard there is

Snowman with a broom

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

The fluffy snow turns silver,

Santa Claus is racing in a troika

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

There is noise and laughter in our hall

The singing doesn't stop.

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

Oh, winter, winter, winter,

How many snowdrifts she made!

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

Happy New Year,

New Year's greetings!

“One, two New Year -

All the people have fun!”

Grandma Yozhka 2: Riddle two

She flies like a helicopter

Grandma Yozhka keeps giving rides.

The helicopter is definitely cool

Well, it’s better still... Mortar.


Props: 2 stupas made from 4 hoops and fabric according to the principle of a bag without a bottom.

Baba Yaga chooses two teams of 5 people. Each team receives a stupa. The participants’ task is to jump to the tree, go around it and return to the team while the music is playing.

Polkan:(breathes) Oh-oh! I'm exhausted. Give me the word, give me the word!

Grandma Yozhka 2: I won't tell, I won't tell! Spin you around in a dance!

Polkan: Well, say the magic word!

Grandma Yozhka 2: I was joking, I was joking! The word is simple, not complicated!

Polkan: Speak!

Fun: Speak immediately!

Grandma Yozhka 2: Old year Goodbye!

Fun: Hooray! Goodbye old year! It doesn’t work, Polkan help!

Polkan: Goodbye old year. Does not work…

Fun: Guys, help!

Fun: Polkan, but the ship is not flying!

Polkan: Doesn't fly.

Grandma Yozhka 1:(laughs) So it won’t fly.

Grandma Yozhka 2: No, it won't fly!

Grandma Yozhka 1: This is only the first part of the word magic!

Polkan: Where's the second one?

Grandma Yozhka 2: So, Santa Claus himself, a dear man!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Only he knows, but we don’t, we don’t know! (laugh)

Fun: Oh, grandmothers, grandmothers! Where can we look for Santa Claus now?

Grandma Yozhka 1: Why look for him, honey? Shout loudly, he will appear!

Fun: Why shout, grannies?

Grandma Yozhka 2: Look, you grannies! Words need to be shouted.

Polkan: Words again...

Grandma Yozhka 2: Remember, Fun, Santa Claus Come to Us!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Bring loads of gifts!

Fun: So, come to us, Santa Claus, bring a cartload of gifts!

Grandma Yozhka 2: Do you remember?

Fun: I remember!

Grandma Yozhka 1: Well, be here, but it’s time for us to go.

Grandma Yozhka 2 and Grandma Yozhka 1: On the stupas! (sound of stupa flying away)

PICTURE 4 “Polkan, Fun, Grandmother Yozhki and Santa Claus”

Mysterious music sounds, a snowstorm, bells.

Father Frost: I hear, I hear... And here I am, snowy hello to you, friends! Snow Maiden: Hello guys, it took us so long to get to you!

Father Frost: Well, who called us?

Fun: I called! Say the cherished word, I want to go to the real New Year.

Father Frost: Look, what should a real New Year be like then?

Fun: The real New Year is a holiday where there is a lot of fun, amusement, mischief, and gifts. Here!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, but a real New Year is when there are many friends nearby, good mood, surprises, smiles.

Father Frost: That's right, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, let's show Zabava and Polkan what a real New Year is like.

Round dance "New Year"

Snow Maiden and Father Frost invite you to a round dance. Santa Claus begins to sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (words have been changed). As soon as children hear the phrase “New Year” in the song, they should clap their hands.

We love New Year very much.

He will come to us soon.

We have a lot of fun

We are together for the New Year.

Let the New Year pass

Happily without worries.

And may all, all desires

Will fulfill the New Year.

Merry New Year holiday.

We don't care about the frost.

There are many gifts for the New Year

Santa Claus brought us!

Snow Maiden: Well, Fun, now you see how to celebrate the New Year.

Fun: I see, in a round dance!

Father Frost: And that's not the whole holiday!

Snow Maiden: A real holiday is not only a round dance, it is also games around the Christmas tree!

Father Frost: Well, guys, stand in a circle and remember the rules. As soon as I say snowdrift, turn into a snowdrift, squat down, as soon as I say snowflake, spin, and if you hear the word icicle, freeze in place and turn into an ice sculpture.

Fun: Which fun game, Polkan and I will always play like this from now on. Really, Polkan?

Polkan: Yeah!

Snow Maiden: It's fun, but that's not all!

Fun:(claps his hands) Not all?!

Father Frost: New Year's poems!


Fun: Grandfather Frost, can I also tell you a poem?

Father Frost: Of course, Fun!


Make a wish, write a letter.

Ask Santa Claus to make it come true!

When the New Year comes, look under the tree.

Come on, come on, what is there?

Open the box!

Father Frost: Eh-eh-heh! Granddaughter, Snow Maiden, I forgot about the gifts! Where, where? Oh-ho-ho! Apparently I lost my bag of gifts. Oh, my head is gray.

Snow Maiden: What are we going to do, Grandfather Frost?

Father Frost: Don't be sad, granddaughter.

One, two, three, a bag of gifts come!

(music plays, a bag runs out, Santa Claus tries to catch it, but nothing works).

Father Frost: Hey, what a smart guy. Oh, well, wait (blows on the bag). Prankster!

Get gifts for the kids.

Bag: No, Grandfather Frost, I won’t just give it up! If you play with me, make me laugh, then the gifts are yours!

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play with the bag?


I want to play an interesting game with the guys.

Everything that is in my bag

I'll call the guys

Listen carefully and be sure to answer:

“What did Grandfather Frost put in his New Year’s gift?”

If you agree with me, then let’s shout together: “Hurray!” and clap our hands, and if you don’t agree, then we stomp our feet loudly and shout: “Oooh!”

New Year's toys?

White snowballs?



Very tasty cutlets?

New Year's snowman?

Chocolate truck?

A very ripe banana?

And a toy button accordion?


Well, that's the end of the game!

Bag: Well done guys, they made no mistakes and made me laugh. Happy New Year. Grandfather Frost, take the gifts!

(the heroes give gifts to the children)


Fun: Thank you guys, thank you Grandfather Frost. Now I know what a real New Year is. This is fun, round dances, good mood and many many gifts.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, maybe we can take Zabava on a flying ship on New Year's Eve 2012?

Snow Maiden: Of course, grandpa!

Father Frost:

Father Frost came to you.

He brought a cartload of gifts.

Get ready for the road

Go to the new year!

(the sail on the flying ship opens, the year 2012 is written on the sail)

Snow Maiden:

A dense forest, a blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together:

“Hello, hello, New Year!” (fireworks soundtrack)


1. Kolcheev games at school. Text/ , - M.: School press, 2003. – 95 p.

2.Kurevina arts in the aesthetic education of children of preschool and school age. Text/ - M.: Linka-Press, 2003. – 175 p.

3.Bartenev, Father Frost Academy. Collection New Year's tales and scripts. Text / , . - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2003 .- 205 p.

4. Vasilyeva N. Holiday Tales and fabulous holidays. Text / N. Vasilyeva - M.: Rolf, 2002. – 92 s.

5.Riddles. Tongue twisters: Favorite poems Text / Comp. . -M.:AST-PRESS, 1999. – 65 s.

6.Kolomeisky, sketches, miniatures for schoolchildren

and students. STEM for growth.-Pub. 2nd, corrected. Text / . - Rostov n. D.: Phoenix, 2005. – 114 p.

7. And at ours at the gate. Text / . - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2002. – 193 p.

8. Osipenko holidays. Text / . - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2001. – 85 s.

9. We play and sing. Text / . – Moscow: “School Press”, 2001.-138 p.

10. “From winter to autumn.” Text / . – Moscow: “Children’s Literature”, 1979. – 102 p.

11. "Summer - autumn." Text / . – Moscow: “Children’s Literature”, 1999. – 114 p.

12. “Fallen, fallen, ring.” Games. Text / . – Moscow: Rodnik, 1999. – 156 p.


"Flying ship"

Scene 1

(palace. The king and daughter are arguing behind the curtainPolkan eavesdrops)

Tsar: Come out!

Fun: I won't go out!

Tsar: I’m asking for the last time. Will you marry Polkan?

Fun: I won't go out!

Tsar: Then you won't go anywhere with me.

(Polkan leaves with the Tsar. Fun comes out from behindcurtains)


(at the same time the princess breaks the dishes)

What unfortunate princesses we are

We are forbidden by law to love

In royal families

Such an ancient order

According to calculations, you have to get married.

But I don’t want it, I don’t want it out of calculation. But I want it out of love, out of love. I want Freedom, freedom - give me freedom. I’ll fly up like a bird.

(the chimney sweep listens to the song from behind the curtain)

We princesses have to live in captivity. Our young years are wasted. We need to think about the throne all the time. Fulfilling the will of the father-king

But I don’t want, I don’t want about the throne, But I want about love, I want about love To freedom, to freedom I want to freedom I’ll fly high like a bird

(The king walks across the stage, picking up the fragments)

Tsar: I exhausted everything devoted.

(Fun sits on the throne, Vanya sings in front of her)


I am a simple man and I will say without hiding,

That I have never seen such beauty in my life

And now I can’t bear to live a day without you

You must have fallen in love with the Tsar's daughter

I’m not an expert at talking about love, I don’t like to chat, If you need anything, tell me - I’ll help. Just blink your eye, I’ll hurry to help Oh, I fell head over heels in love with the Tsar’s daughter

Fun: How will you rescue me, Vanya?

Vania: Let me build a flying ship

(playing okay)

Fun: Father, Polkan! I will marry the one who builds the flying ship!

(The Tsar and Polkan are amazed)

Tsar: Will you build it?

Polkan.: I'll buy it!

(Fun, Polkan. The king stands in an inverted circle and singseach one, turning over to face the audience in turn)



Small house, Russian stove. A wooden house, a bench and a candle, A purring cat, a hard-working husband - This is happiness - there is no sweeter one!

Oh, if only my dream would come trueWhat a life would begin then Oh, if the dream came true What a life would begin then!


Without any support, I’m on my own If only it would be profitable for Fun to marry Her house, so that the cup is full That’s happiness - my son-in-law Polkasha!


I am crowned, there is Fun nearby, New lands, new glory, New money, new connections, This is happiness - becoming rich from rags!


Vania:(walks through the forest) A small house, a Russian stove, a wooden floor, a bench and a candle, and a crowd of children in the house. What happiness is there - Fun is nearby!

Scene 2

(Vanya runs into Vodyanoy)

Water: Why are you making noise?

Vania: Who are you?


I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.

If only someone could talk to me

Otherwise my girlfriends are leeches and frogs

Ugh, what disgusting! Eh! My life is a tin!

Well, she's in the swamp! I live like a toadstool

And I should fly, and I should fly,

And I want to fly.

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy

Nobody hangs out with me

There’s water inside me, so why deal with something like that?

Disgusting! Eh, my life is a tin.

Fuck her* into the swamp. I live like a toadstool

And I have to fly, and I have to fly, and I have to fly, I want to fly

Vania.: How do I want to fly?

Water: Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya. Here's a flying ship for you

(The merman takes out the ship)

Water: Now words are needed - cherished ones. It won't rise without them. But I don't know them.

Vania: And who knows them?

Water: My sisters know. Wait for them here. It's time for me to sleep.

(Granny hedgehogs jump out)


Stretch the bellows, hey accordion, play, play, sing ditties. Grandma hedgehog, sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy and flying on a broom. Oh, I don’t believe in these superstitions myself

I walked along the forest side, and the devil followed me.

The man thought, what the hell!

3- I:

I turned home, and the devil was following me again.

She spat on his baldness and sent him to Leshy!

The most faithful of people is a storyteller - a villain

He is very skillful - it means it's tasteless


Stretch your furs, accordion, hey, play, play

Sing ditties. Grandma hedgehog, sing, don't talk!

Grandma Yaga: Stand at attention!

1.2 grandmas: Earth, goodbye!

3,4 Grandmothers: Good luck!

(fly away)

Vania: Earth, goodbye. Good luck!

(Polkan steals a ship, Vanya catches him)

Vania: Stop where you are, my ship!

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vanya: I know the sacred words. You can't fly without them.

Polkan: What other words?

Vania: Earth, goodbye............

Polkan: Goodbye, fool!

(Vanya is tied up and thrown into the river. Polkan throws it onship cloth or pulls it off stage)

Polkan: That's luck ! (leaves)

(swamp, fish wake up Vodyany, he saves Vanya, makesartificial respiration)

Vania: brrrrr, uh, and wet I Which!

Water: good thing he's alive!

Scene 3

(again the scenery of the palace, Fun behind the curtain, Polkan on stage andTsar)

Polkan: I built a flying ship. Now the fun is mine!

Tsar: And the ship is mine! What should I say?

Polkan: Earth, goodbye!

(the king boards the ship)

Tsar: Earth, goodbye!

[the ship ascends the stairs]

Polkan:(laughs at the King)

Tsar: Shelf_____ n, Shelf_____ n, Polkasha! Get me out of here

Polkan: I give you a ladder, and you give me a crown. King: Dates, what!

Polkan: Hv as you want! King: I agree, I agree.

(Polkan helps the Tsar get off the ship)

Polkan: Open up, Zabava, I am now the king. A bargain is a bargain.

(Fun behind the curtain, Vanya appears)

Vania: Fun!

Fun: You're late, Vanechka - Polkan built the flying ship.

Vania: Not Polkan. And I, I built a ship!

(Polkan eavesdrops)

(Polkan breaks into the little room, Zabava and Vanya escape, chase, I can run through the hall, through the opposite door, the ship is at this time removed from the stairs and it stands on the stage

Vanya and Zabava get on the ship)

Vania: Good luck!

(they fly away across the stage to the backstage,all characters come out from different sides to the finalsong)


Ah, in the fairy tale goodness triumphed again, Even though evil was insidious and cunning. Oh, if only it were always like this, Such a life would come then!