Palmistry of the life line on which hand to look correctly. Palmistry: what does the line of Life on the left and right hand mean

There is no person who does not know where the life line is. Someone has it short, someone long, there are palms with a dashed thread. But how this is interpreted and what is the meaning of the life line on the hand, let's take a closer look. Many people mistakenly believe that a short life thread characterizes a small segment of the life path, and a long line speaks of long-livers. In practice, everything looks very different.

The life path is the first thing that is formed in a child after birth. Already after 2 months, you can see a fold in the form of a life line, then the chains of fate and the heart appear.

The meaning of the life line in the palm of your hand can tell a lot, for example, about the vitality of a fortuneteller. This can include level, life goals, and also talk about such characteristics as energy, endurance and willpower.

How to interpret life's "road" correctly?

What does the line of life, which distantly "hugs" the thumb, around the mound of Venus mean?

Note. The line should be perfect and clearly visible on both palms.

A clear, correct line of life: what does it mean and how is it interpreted?

  1. The owners of such a hand are distinguished by their endurance, energy and vitality.
  2. The fortuneteller never stops at what has been accomplished, and any business "argues" and is completed with pleasure. They hardly feel fatigue, and any work gives them pleasure.
  3. The fortuneteller belongs to a healthy and active lifestyle, and sleep very quickly restores all strength and energy balance.

Life "road" is located close to the thumb

What does the life line on the hand, which is located close to the thumb, mean:

  • in most cases, this combination indicates passivity;
  • not vigor;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • deprivation of vital activity.

Hugging life line on the arm, what does it mean?

  1. The fortuneteller does not boast of active vital energy.
  2. The owners of such a hand need more rest.
  3. In this case, it is recommended to devote more time to health and exercise.
  4. Only through physical procedures, a fortuneteller can get stronger and gain health.

Large semicircle

If a semicircle departs from the thumb, it means a huge vital energy and potential of a person.

Life lines on the hand: meaning and interpretation in combination with other "roads"

You can often notice where the life thread starts with the mental line together. Novice palmists interpret the combination as a difference in excess of the mental characteristics of the owner of the hand. But this is far from the case.

In photo "a" you can clearly see how both threads leave from one point. What is the significance of such a combination on the hand of the life line?

  • The individual is distinguished by generosity, as the people say, he will give the "last shirt".
  • In difficult times you can rely on such a person, he will solve any problem as much as possible.
  • But all of the above qualities can only be attributed to friends or relatives.

Note. They can be called generous only in relation to close people. They will not help strangers, but they cannot be considered egoists either.

What does the life path of a generous person look like?

There is a type of very noble people, photo "b" shows such a palm. Seeing this combination, we can safely say that you can always count on compassion.

Life and mental chains go separately

The line of the mind goes separately from the line of life on the hand. The meaning of this combination suggests that the owner is a narcissistic egoist. For such people, material goods are much more important than spiritual ones. Such an individual is very greedy, and even denies himself practically everything.

The financial side of such people plays the most significant role. Very often, such individuals, due to their stinginess, even lose their friends. Such a line of life is in the palm of your hand, its meaning suggests that the fortuneteller likes to criticize others, but he himself does not perceive criticism.

This combination of lines also speaks of pedantry.

The video describes in detail how to find out details about the life line and its meaning in the palm of a person:

Often on the thread of life, we meet some deviations: interruptions, additional branches, weak and deep lines. Let's figure it out correctly, how to find out the life line by a person's hand with additional signs?

There are combinations with several small forks. Such people will have a very bright life path, but at the end of their path they will face certain difficulties.

It is this fork that indicates some absent-mindedness, a person goes to an unrealizable goal all his life, although at the beginning the goal seems quite feasible. A person will be pursued by a chain of failures, which will become a certain obstacle to this dream.

Such people are very emotional and addicted to bad habits. Most often, they cannot finish the work they have begun. Holders of the palm are proud and have a certain fame, but every year they have more and more ill-wishers who are just waiting for the fall.

In order to avoid troubles in life, palmists advise such individuals to control their emotional state. It is also recommended to take care of your old age from a young age.

In general, such a combination warns the client of a certain danger. Such a gap indicates a serious illness or death. Before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to make a deep analysis of the length of time lived, since a person is expected to have health difficulties. Surgery may be needed.

The reason is necessarily identified: family, work, life failures, everything that can cause a painful condition.

If the trait is restored after the break, then everything will be fine.

Let's take a look at how to recognize the life line after the rupture by the hand, which is disappearing and not clear. It's about a person who may not be able to cope with his illness. Most likely, he will die without being cured.

Palmists advise not to go too deep, since the lines on the hand are just a warning, but far from a sentence. They alert certain situations that can be corrected.

Often on the thread of life, you can find some signs, for example, a small island. Such a sign warns of a certain illness, it can be, both in the physical plane and in the psychological aspect.

Sometimes such a sign can speak of deep emotional suffering (unrequited love, death of loved ones, and other reasons).

When a similar sign is visible in the palm of your hand, this is a consequence of some kind of internal trauma that will leave its imprint.

Such a hand indicates that the fortuneteller has lost a loved one or experienced a love trauma (small line).

This combination can be attributed to a person who has divorced or lost a loved one, the loss is very deep for him. Such people were shocked and had deep psychological trauma.

At a certain interval, a person loses meaning in life, after which he returns to his mainstream.

The owners of such a hand feel very happy and it can be interpreted in different ways: financial achievement, loving peace of mind, long work will bring results.

In general, this combination means the implementation of all life plans.

What does the life line on the hand matter if there is a small parallel thread. This suggests that the person is under the protection of the Guardian Angel.

The forked line speaks of a person's duplicity; in general, the owner can say one thing, but his actions speak of another.

Sometimes this combination may indicate that the owner of the palm leads a double life. It is not recommended to do business with such people or create a family.

If the line bifurcates, for example, at the age of 40. This says that a person until 40 lived one life, after which he developed double standards.

If, while reading, you see a "chain" on the life line, then you have a person in front of you who quickly enters into trust without any problems. This is an emotional person, and life is filled with interesting acquaintances and events.

If a life partner has such a chain, and the other half is jealous, then the union may not be long. Such a person loves many fans, and in this case, the person may have multiple marriages or multiple partners.

What does the palm of a fortuneteller look like, who is worried about everything

Often on the hill of Venus, you can see many lines that are directed to the vital thread, these lines are called "lines of concern" by palmists.

Such people often tend to worry about everything and worry about what is happening around. If there are few such lines on hand, then each of them can speak of a certain segment on the path of life.

Note. There are people who do not have such signs, this suggests that this person is not particularly worried about something in life, he lives a measured, calm life.

If the mesh crosses the life line, then this indicates very serious troubles in life and can adversely affect human health.

On the video you can learn in detail about the signs that are the most dangerous and affect the fate of the fortuneteller:

The meaning of points on the life line and their role

Such dots or specks speak of a person's soreness and weakness of the body and health. Such people need to take special care of themselves and often visit doctors' offices.

Threads that indicate changes in life and destiny

Palmists believe that such lines as in the photo speak of numerous illnesses at the end of life or significant events.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The disease will be associated with a stupid act: a fight or some ridiculous accident.
  2. A spouse or spouse gets sick.
  3. For a certain period of time, the fortuneteller will do well.
  4. Frequent failures associated with the service, family troubles.
  5. Sufficiently happy marriage and mutual understanding.
  6. Frequent travel.

How to find out how long you will live along the line of life: simple dating

Determining the time period or identifying the date along the life line is quite difficult.

To do this, you can choose one of several ways:

  1. One of the simplest methods is to draw an imaginary vertical line, which is drawn in the middle of the middle finger. The crossing point of the life path corresponds to thirty-five years.

  1. Another method involves measuring the life "road". The total length is approximately 70 years of age. The mid-life line will be 35 years of age.

Note. Based on the length of the line, we can determine the approximate time of some periods in life.

There is another dating system, if you divide the thread of fate and life into a 7-Gothic segment.

Divide by 7-year cycle

Many people would like to know their destiny without turning to psychics and fortune tellers for help.

For this there is a very interesting science - palmistry, which came to us from our ancestors.

Thanks to her, you can find out information about a person's past and future, simply by examining the palm.

If earlier palmistry was available only to sorcerers and magicians, today it is not necessary to be a palmist in order to determine the level of longevity, it is enough to know which hand is used to look at the life line.

Line location

Looking at your palms, you can see a huge number of lines located in different directions. And they are all responsible for a certain event in the past and future of a person.

The streak of life in the palm of your hand has a special meaning. It determines the vitality of a person, indicates the duration of life, reveals human potential, therefore, requires special care when reading it.

Some people do not know which hand the lifeline of women and men is on. It surrounds the rim of the thumb - it originates at the wrist and extends up to the index finger.

To find out which hand palmists read for women and men, you can turn to connoisseurs of fortune-telling - they claim that there is a passive and active hand.

If a person is right-handed, then the right hand is considered active.

If he is more wielding his left hand, then it is she who is active, and fate is predicted by her.

Professional palmists are asked to show two hands at once.

Since they claim that the past is visible on the left hand, and the present and future on the right. The outlines on the left palm indicate what is destined, and on the right palm, they tell about changes in events.

Decoding the meaning

The appearance of the life strip indicates the level of vitality and the physical condition of a person. Ideally, it should not be very deep and wide.

It is good if it is long, straight, without sharp turns and has one color.

Depending on the appearance, there is the following interpretation:

Special details

Life events can be determined not only by width or length. Sometimes on the life line of the palm there are geometric shapes.

They also carry a certain meaning:

Many small lines can be observed around the life strip.

These are external factors and the environment of a person. By the combination of these lines, you can determine who is next to a person and how it affects his life.

Sometimes there are people who have a triple life line, palmistry claims that they tend to have psychic abilities.

This phenomenon is very rare.

And if you become an eyewitness of this, then you are very lucky.

Often there is a break on the life line.

This does not necessarily mean death or illness.

This can be a change in habits, a change in character, worldview and prejudice.

Depending on which line of life is on the hand, the decoding may be different.

Therefore, you need to carefully consider every detail.

Now that you know where the life line is on your hand, you can predict the future not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

But it is important to remember that talking to a person about his fate is possible only with his consent.

After all, even experienced palmists do not always speak correctly, and not a single line will give accurate information about the future.

Palmistry is a way to learn about favorable and negative events in fate. She will not predict the exact date of death, but will give possible answers to the questions: what does the line of Life on the hand mean and how to determine how long a person will live.

Life line location

Guessing by hand begins with the line of Life. It starts on the edge of the hand between the index and thumb, and runs through the palm around the Mount of Venus. These two elements are read together in palmistry. The tubercle means the potential laid down by fate. Band - the degree of its implementation. It ends at the base of the thumb or reaches the ring of the wrist. It can reach the middle of the palm and be interrupted.

The furrow is often located differently on the right and left arms. A long, curved, continuous strip on both palms is considered a favorable option.

The appearance of a sister line indicates the presence of a guardian angel.

The active hand shows the realization of opportunities in the future. By passive, you can determine the past, present and potential inherent in a person.

Characteristics of the line of Life

The beginning on the hill of Jupiter is celebrated among independent, sociable people. Close to the thumb - in the closed, lonely and distant.

  • The connection of the band with the head line indicates the influence of parents, such people will always come to the aid of relatives. Joint passage to the middle of the palm is met in a dependent person who separates from the family when he reaches maturity.
  • The length of the strand helps you know your energy level. A long-lasting line means liveliness, energy, an internal supply of energy. A short thread up to the middle of the palm is found in depressed, weak people. This strip is also read by most children, but the length increases as they get older.
  • Width is responsible for activity: the more spacious the furrow, the slower, more passive the owner. He has few events happening, he lives according to plan and avoids harsh actions. The thin thread, which is difficult to read on the hand, symbolizes an emotional approach to solving issues.
  • Depth means the degree of solidity in character. Frivolous people have a weak and superficial streak, they do not get things done. A deep thread that can be felt well is found in thoughtful people who are stable and know how to correctly prioritize.
  • The bend determines the attitude towards events, problems in life. The convex line widely bends around the mound of Venus, reaches the middle of the palm - this predicts the owner of optimism. A tendency to depression, a negative attitude can be determined by a branch close to the mound.

  • An even straight line betrays an indifferent, calculating personality, unable to understand others.
  • Breaks symbolize change. In this segment, a period of black stripes passes with a successful solution to the problem: healing from an illness, a new place of residence, a new job after being fired.
  • Several overlapping breaks along the entire length predict internal inconsistency. Dotted line - poor health, a tendency to chronic diseases.
  • With external cuts, the furrow shifts, continuing alongside: in such cases, a person renounces views, changes faith, worldview, and moves to another country. The dashed line on both hands predicts the owner of a fatal accident or prolonged illness.

Signs on the strip warn of adverse events:

There is no relationship between stripe length and years lived.

How to calculate life expectancy

The distance from the end of the line to the crease at the base of the thumb is important. It is calculated relative to the middle and ring fingers.

On both hands, parallel to the edge of the palm, 2 lines are drawn: the main one goes from the middle of the fold under the middle finger, the additional one is drawn in the same way from the fold of the ring finger. They end at the wrist ring.

If there is a distance between the line and the main axis, then it is measured in millimeters. Subtract the resulting number from 80 - this is the duration.

Touching the Life line with the main axis means 80 years. The intersection at 2 points is equal to 95 years.

A person will live 100 years when the strip reaches the additional axis. Intersection with it means life expectancy up to 115 years.

The numbers on the right and left hands are added, divided by 2. The value shows a more accurate duration of existence.

You can find out the time of a specific event in palmistry using the dating systems:

  1. 35-year-old method: Draw a vertical line from the center of the crease under the middle finger. The intersection of the line with the axis is 35 years old.
  2. The 70-year-old: The 70 mark is placed where the strip reaches the base of the thumb, but does not turn to the right. The strip is divided into equal parts for 10 years.
  3. 7-year method: the line is cut into 10 segments with an interval of 7 years.
  4. 3 sections: the thread continues to the ring of the wrist. The dot means 100. From the beginning, the whole line is divided into 3 parts of 33 years each.


Palmistry defines life expectancy as a relative value. It does not take into account diseases, bad habits, accidents, and these factors shorten the resulting number. It is better to turn to a professional palmist who will examine the lines in dynamics. Then you will be informed in advance about how many years you will live.

What are the lines on the hand? The science of palmistry claims that these are signs of fate, laid down at the birth of a person and renewed throughout his life. The phrase "guessing by hand" means nothing more than the ability to notice, investigate, correctly interpret both the main and secondary features in the palm of your hand.

Main line

It is generally accepted that the life line was always in the area of ​​special attention. Even those for whom the science of palmistry is something absolutely unattainable and mysterious have probably heard about it. Perhaps not every novice palmist realizes how many points must be taken into account in order to decode such an important sign. We will help you in this matter, show you what kind of serious information the life line actually carries; how to “read” it correctly; on which hand (left or right) to look so that everything will come together.

Let's start from the very beginning, that is, from the location of the line. An important streak originates between the index and thumb; bending around the second, "moves" to the base of the palm.

The space from the thumb to the specified line is called the hill of Venus. We will also mention about it, but a little later. It is considered a very good sign if the lifeline is a flat, deep cut without additional "bends", long and straight. But this, experts say, is very rare.

In most cases, “weakening” areas are noticeable on the strip, even breaks and disturbances, bifurcations at the end are possible, and its length is quite short. What does it mean? That a person is destined to die early? Not at all! Never make such hasty conclusions, because the topic is serious. Perhaps, at certain times, a person will not have enough vital energy, his health will deteriorate ... But this is fixable, if you pay attention, be examined, treated in time.

If there are controversial polls

Palmistry, as the art of decoding lines, the ability to read by hand, is not inclined to "vague" statements, unclear, fuzzy reasoning. It is fact-based and has a very solid theoretical foundation with clear definitions. If you are an amateur in this area, and you have controversial questions, it is better not to experiment with human destiny and seek help from a more experienced practitioner. Well, we will try to "put everything on the shelves for you" in the most accessible way.

Supposed situation: the lifeline on the right hand is slightly shorter than on the left. How to be? Which palm should you use to guess in order to get the correct information? Back to the basics of science. The main, active palm is the one you work with. That is, for a left-hander - the left, for a right-hander - right. An active palm is either something that has already been lived through, or the present, possibly a very near future, in a word, active. On the passive palm is what is destined for you from above for life.

Example: you have an active right hand. On it, the life line is shorter than on the second. Don't worry, your left hand is in charge of the future. On the main, the line may well germinate over time. A clear break in the line on both hands is considered a harbinger of death.

In other cases, a single interruption should be viewed as a huge change that entails a loss, loss of faith in one's own strength.

About signs

Let's talk in more detail about the signs that divination by the palm reveals to us. Having carefully studied the line of life and everything, even the smallest formations on it, here are the conclusions that can be drawn:

  • a deep point on the strip will tell about the deterioration of health;
  • a certain circle located in the same place can serve as a harbinger of a weakening of vision;
  • the crossing at the edge of the line of a cruciform symbolizes a poor existence in old age, but if the cross is on the very hill of Venus, it is to malaise;
  • the islets formed on the line will report the ailment, the degree of the disease depends on their size;
  • upward branches speak of the prosperity of energy, strength; down - about their waste, decline.

Secrets of Geometric Shapes

In the overwhelming majority of cases, fortune-telling, in which the life line is the main sign, comes down to just such a study. But one more thing can be added. Palmistry also reveals the secrets of geometric figures located directly on the strip itself, or near it. The talisman that helps to protect a person from all sorts of troubles is a square. If he breaks the line of life, this should be understood as the fact that the person will be able to successfully overcome the problems that have arisen.

But the triangle on the main line is a warning. A person should be wary of the tongue of flame, it is from it that he can suffer greatly. But! When a triangular figure is located near a strip, the interpretation changes radically, foreshadowing a considerable profit. Several lines located perpendicular to each other (forming the shape of a cell) can mean a closed institution in a person's life. Places of deprivation of liberty are not the only option; it can be either an army unit or an educational institution with barracks accommodation.

Mount of Venus

As promised at the beginning of the article, we will make a small description of the Mount of Venus.

Such an analysis will complement the overall picture of the study and help to give a more accurate forecast. It is believed that the amount of strength and vital energy depends on the size of the hill. Therefore, the larger it is, the better.

But he has another vocation: he is responsible for the passion, the tendency of a person to love inclinations. Restraint in matters of the heart is inherent in those whose hill of Venus is not very prominent.


It doesn't matter if you make a prediction for yourself or for another person, do not focus on negative points, especially if they arise from fortune telling in an active palm. Let us repeat: on the left palm (if the left hand is not working), fate has inflicted what will once be in your life. The right one is more responsible for real events. We have the right to correct life, we can do it.

Tune yourself or the person who has turned to you for an interpretation of the life line to exactly this alignment. Don't let the warning moments turn into scary ones. Their vocation is to prevent danger, and not to "break" the strength of the spirit and lead to a complete decline in mood. Be happy.

Hello! Are you wondering how to find out fate along the lines on your hand? This is what we are going to do now. Everyone knows that palmists (and gypsies), even with a glance at the palm, can tell a lot about you, your problems and your character.

What will the lines on the arms tell about?

Palmistry is the ancient esoteric science of predicting the future, telling about the present along the lines in the palm of your hand.

Lines by planets:

  1. Of life
  2. Hearts
  3. Fate
  4. Success
  5. Health
  6. Intuition
  7. Marriage
  8. Voluptuousness
  9. Ring of venus

Hills of planets:

  1. Venus
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Apollo
  5. Mercury
  6. Mars

The lines on the hands are called the map of life, by which you can find out your future. Science is complex, but there are general principles of decoding that are not difficult for a person who is little knowledgeable in palmistry.

Let's look at the heart line first. It must be studied from the outer part of the palm.

  1. The line ends under the index finger - which means you have a happy personal life.
  2. If its ending is under the middle finger, then you are an egoist in love, in a love relationship everything revolves around you.
  3. If its ending is between the middle and ring fingers, then you are an amorous person.
  4. When the line of the heart is short and straight, then you are devoid of romance.
  5. If the streak runs under your toes, then you are a jealous but extremely passionate person.
  6. Be careful in love, if the heart line crosses the line of life - you can easily break your heart.
  7. A heart line rising to the index finger indicates an affectionate personality.
  8. Parallel to the line of the mind - you are testing the senses with the mind.
  9. The winding line indicates a lot of frivolous hobbies.
  10. A broken line indicates that the person has gone through intense heartache.
  11. There are many small strokes on the line of the heart that cross it, which means that a person often looks to the side, with difficulty remaining faithful to his half.

If you see a cross near your middle or index finger, you can count on a successful marriage. Red dots on the line portend an unsuccessful marriage, as well as unsuccessful hobbies.

If the heart groove is deep, clear, brightly colored, then harmony in love awaits you.

Grooves extend from the line of the heart in all directions - this also predicts happiness in love, as well as a good fate. But if they are subtle, then this person is an egoist with a cold heart.

Mind line

It leaves the inner part of the palm, goes to the outer, lies under the line of the heart.

  • With a short line of mind, you do not focus on mental work, but on physical work.
  • If the strip goes across the palm, you think logically, ponder and analyze events.
  • A wavy or zigzag strip indicates that you are easily distracted and lose attention.
  • A line ending downward indicates excessive gullibility.
  • The line of the mind does not intersect with the strip of life - you are a seeker of new adventures and impressions.
  • Curls or breaks in the line of the mind indicate an emotional crisis.
  • Take a good look if there are strokes or crosses on the line of the mind. They indicate that decisions will be made in your life that will become life-changing.

Read from the space between the thumb and forefinger to the wrist.

  • A long and deep line of life throughout its entire segment indicates that you do not miss a single chance in life.
  • A short and weak strip - you are not an ambitious person.
  • A well-curved life line means you are a strong, strong-willed person. You cannot be broken.
  • A straight line confirms your discretion in dealing with new people.
  • An intermittent line indicates unexpected turns in life. And the circles and curls indicate the trauma suffered.
  • If there is more than one groove in the palm of your hand, or if it bifurcates, this person is full of strength and energy.

A sign of wealth, branches extending from the furrow of life up to the line of the heart and mind. They portend success in all matters. A double life line is a sign of wealth and happiness.

Read the line of fate from the wrist up.

  • The line of fate runs straight up - you will achieve success in your career.
  • A weakly pronounced line indicates that you are not happy with the job or profession you have chosen.
  • Streaks, ramifications on the line indicate a frequent change of work.
  • If the line of fate branches off at the base from the line of life, then you are the person who created yourself.
  • When the line of life and destiny intersect approximately in the middle, then you will have to sacrifice your interests for the good of others.
  • If the furrow of fate runs from the base of your thumb and crosses the line of your life, then you may be running a family business.

In the event that the drawing on one hand is very different from the drawing on the other, then you are an adventurer.

If the line of fate originates from the line of life, then in the early years a person will experience many difficulties. The line of happiness is the one that meets the line of life and seems to come out of it. Such a situation prepares a person for health, a happy life.

Deciphering Wealth Lines

Wealth line is a dash that connects two lines - Destiny and Head or mind and forms a triangle. It's good to have a closed triangle. It means that money will come and accumulate.

If it is interrupted, or is not completely connected with the lines of mind and destiny, then it is necessary to look for a "hole" where money is lost

And if the triangle is located on the hill of Apollo, then the money will come only thanks to your abilities.

The money triangle is visible in the photo.

Your Protector is a Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel's line runs close to the line of life. Not everyone has this kind of life protection. It can be short, or it can start at the beginning of the life line and end at the bottom of the palm.

The owner of this sign has a huge supply of internal strength, he will overcome all difficulties, he is lucky in everything:

  • in personal life
  • in money
  • career
  • almost always all desires come true
  • good luck always accompanies him.

He will get out alive from disasters, troubles will pass him, he does not know despondency. A person succeeds in everything, as if by itself. He does not need to look for a job, the job will find him. Let him not reach great heights or be very rich, but he will never be unhappy.

If the sign of the Guardian Angel is on the passive hand, then it was given at birth or passed on from the clan. If the trait is located on the other hand, then protection is given for a certain period of life. Having protection is a great gift from Heaven.

The most mysterious sign

The line of the Sun or Apollo is ideal, as in the photo you can not often find it.

Most often it is smaller.

In talented children, it appears in childhood, in adults - during life. Children with this trait will be successful from early childhood.

If the dash of wealth and success comes from the line of the heart, then recognition will come in adulthood. If the line is even, without islets and interruptions, then its owner is a real darling of fate.

A short line of success warns a person that the rise in a career can be very rapid, but the fall can be just as rapid. Do not despair, palmistry just warns you, be vigilant, prudent, you should not test your fate for strength.

How to find out how many children there will be by hand

Through the line of children located on the hill of Mercury, you can find out how many babies fate can give you, and how many to have in fact, parents decide.

Interestingly, the closer the line of children is to the edge of the palm, the earlier they will appear. If the lines are located at the very edge of the marriage line, then children will appear at a later age. If there are two similar lines from the line of marriage, then you can expect twins.

Happiness in marriage

Marital relations are of interest to everyone, without exception.

  • A distinct streak indicates a good relationship. By their number, you can find out about the number of marriages or hobbies.
  • Indistinct stripes indicate an insignificant romantic attachment.
  • Long, straight lines are a sign of a long married life.
  • Broken lines are a sign of a likely divorce or just parting.
  • Double dashes - communication with two partners.
  • If there is a fork at the beginning of the line, separation is possible at the beginning of married life, at the end of the line, then separation at the end of life.

The divorce line runs down from the base of the thumb. But it may indicate not a divorce, but the end of an intimate relationship, or it may be absent altogether if divorce is not threatened.

Guess for luck

Fortune telling by hand is a dangerous thing. If you want to tell fortunes, then entrust this matter to an experienced palmist, as the wrong interpretation of the drawing can harm your mood.

You can independently consider the hand of your future chosen one, decipher the lines of the hand and the corresponding conclusions:

  1. Girls need to choose a spouse with a strong one. With its owner, you will not know the need.
  2. Consider the line of the heart, it should not be interrupted, it should go up. If the line of the heart is straight, and even goes under the finger of Saturn, then you have an egoist with all the ensuing consequences.
  3. Please note, if the hill of Venus is heavily indented, then this person will change.
  4. If the heart line is too long, do not expect consistency from its owner.
  5. The hillock of Mercury also has as few jagged lines as possible.
  6. A jealous personality can be recognized by a strongly swollen phalanx of the thumb.
  7. You can recognize a cunning woman who is capable of deceiving by the line of the mind. If it branches strongly, then you have a cunning beast in front of you.

Dear friends, fortune telling is an exciting activity, try it, maybe it will help improve your life or warn you for something!