How to calculate the required amount of wallpaper for a room. Calculation of wallpaper for a room - looking for the optimal solution to the problem. How to calculate the amount of wallpaper per room along its perimeter

Before covering the walls, you need to calculate the amount of wallpaper for the room. Wallpaper is one of the most popular materials for decorating an apartment. They are easy to use and give the walls a noble and neat look. appearance. However, for many, the main difficulty in using this material is calculating the required number of rolls. And this is not surprising, because there are a huge number of nuances that are important to know in order to calculate the wallpaper footage correctly.

Wallpaper calculation: step-by-step instructions

Before you go to the store for wallpaper, you need to find out exactly how many meters of this material you need to decorate your apartment. After all, if you buy fewer rolls than you need, then in order to re-glue the room you will have to find the same material, which is sometimes very difficult to do. A larger number of wallpapers leads to unjustified costs.

  1. First of all, you need to measure the length of two adjacent walls. The resulting size is multiplied by two.
  2. Next, you need to measure the height of the wall. This is necessary in order to find out how many sheets can be obtained from a roll.
  3. Now the length of the wallpaper in the roll is divided by the height of the wall. The resulting number of canvases is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. This is the size of the area that can be covered with one roll.
  4. To find out the number of rolls that you need to purchase, the perimeter of the room in centimeters is divided by the area that can be covered with one roll. The resulting figure is rounded up.

Thus, the formula for calculating the number of rolls looks like this: P (perimeter of the room) / (L (length of wallpaper) / C (height) * E (width of wallpaper)); R:L:S*E = number of rolls.

To find out the amount of wallpaper you need, you don’t have to do the calculations yourself. You can use online calculator. There is also a table that shows the standard wallpaper footage for standard apartments.

Quick calculation of wallpaper by room area

Calculating the area around the perimeter is a fairly common method, but there is another equally quick option. Most professional painters use it.

For calculations, we need to find out the area of ​​the room. To do this, add the width of the wall to the width of the adjacent wall, and then multiply the resulting amount by two. We found out the perimeter, which must be multiplied by the height of the walls. Thus, we found out the area of ​​the room.

When we know the area of ​​the room, we need to find out the area that can be covered with one roll of wallpaper. To do this, we multiply its width by its length. The resulting number is rounded down. To find out these parameters, just look at the packaging; the manufacturer must indicate there all the information about their product.

A quick calculation of wallpaper based on the area of ​​a room can be done in two ways.

Now the resulting areas can be divided into each other. That is, we divide the size of the room by the size of the wallpaper. The resulting number must be rounded up. This value will be the required number of rolls.

The formula for calculating wallpaper by area looks something like this: S rooms (A + B) (wall width) X 2 X C (wall height) : S wallpaper (K ​​(wallpaper width) X T (wallpaper length).

Each wallpaper material weighs differently, so it is impossible to determine the quantity by weight. necessary wallpaper. If you do not want to do the calculations yourself, you can turn to special tables and calculators.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers adjusted for the picture

The number of rolls that will be needed for one room directly depends on how the wallpaper is designed. This may seem strange, but due to the size and complexity of the pattern, a lot of wallpaper waste can be generated.

To count the number of rolls, you need to pay attention to the marks on the packaging

What types of wallpaper are there by type of combination:

  1. No pattern alignment required. This designation is an arrow pointing towards a circle. This option simplest. It is suitable for wallpaper with a small, unexpressed pattern or without it at all. The consumption of such wallpaper exactly corresponds to the formula.
  2. The arrows pointing one up and the other down indicate that the wallpaper sheets must be turned upside down one after another. This method also does not require additional material costs, however, you need to be extremely careful when gluing.
  3. A more complex option is when the drawing requires mandatory joining. This method is quite expensive, and usually requires removing a piece close to the size of one report from some strips of wallpaper. In this case, an icon with arrows located parallel to each other appears on the package.
  4. The option with a pattern offset is the most difficult to apply and requires the greatest amount of wallpaper. With this option, from each new canvas, you will have to cut off a strip of wallpaper equal to approximately half the report. This type of gluing is typical for wallpapers with large drawing, located diagonally. In this pictogram, the arrows look at each other, but are located at different levels.

It is very easy to make a mistake with the penultimate and last type of wallpaper. You may either count the quantities incorrectly or combine the pattern inaccurately, and then the room will look strange and sloppy.

When choosing such wallpaper, be prepared for the fact that you will have to purchase at least two more rolls. The advantage of wallpaper with a pattern is that it looks very eccentric and hides all the unevenness of the walls.

How much wallpaper do you need for a room with a non-standard layout?

When measuring the parameters of a room, it is necessary to mandatory take into account its layout. If you don't do this, you may end up running out of rolls of material.

Particular attention should be paid to niches, ledges and columns. They take away enough a large number of material. The area of ​​the niches is calculated separately and then summed up with the main dimensions.

In the room with non-standard layout special attention should be paid to niches, ledges and columns

If you plan to use built-in wardrobes in your interior, you don’t have to cover the places where they will be with wallpaper. However, in this case, you deprive yourself of the possibility of rearranging without updating the repair.

Also worth considering characteristics design of your room. If you decide to use several types of wallpaper in one room, then their footage must be calculated separately. For example, the area of ​​one wall is calculated separately, and the other three separately.

Calculation of materials for repairs is an important point in finishing an apartment. There are a huge number of special calculators and tables, but do not forget about the good old formulas that have helped builders more than once at the most needed moment.

Technology: how to calculate wallpaper for a room (video)

When planning your apartment design, remember that more types wallpaper is present in one room, the more difficult it will be to find out required amount rolls Of course, this fact is not a reason to abandon your ventures. If you are not sure that you can correctly calculate the amount of wallpaper, you can turn to professionals or consult with a good sales consultant at a hardware store.

The readiness to renovate a room and refresh the appearance of the walls begins with the selection of finishing materials. Most often, the walls of residential premises are updated. This is a material that people of different incomes are happy to use for repairs, and each of them is satisfied with the choice.

Difficulties are possible not in determining texture, quality, etc., but in calculating the material required for gluing. Therefore, every owner needs to know and be able to do it correctly, since a shortage of wallpaper threatens collapse, and its surplus is wasted savings.

There is no difficulty in the calculations, so we arm ourselves with a notepad, a pen and remember the school curriculum in geometry for grade 6, perhaps use an online calculator.

Formula for finding wall area: S walls = P rooms x H rooms, Where

  • S- area of ​​the rectangular wall surface;
  • P- perimeter;
  • H- height.

You need to approach room measurements with all responsibility, because the amount of money spent and the quality of repairs depend on them. Let's make the calculation:

    1. First, we take measurements (we convert the centimeters obtained during the measurement into meters). For example, if the length of the room is 560 centimeters, then we count 5.6 meters.

      • Length - 5.6 meters.
      • Width - 3.2 meters.
    1. Let's calculate the perimeter - it is equal to the sum of all sides.

      P = (a+b) x 2, where a and b are the sides.

      We find: (5.6+3.2)x2=17.9 meters. Perimeter P = 17.9 m.

  1. Determining the height. From the highest point of the wall, plumb down to the lowest point of the wall. It turns out 2.5 meters. H = 2.5 m.
  2. Using the formula indicated earlier, we calculate the area of ​​the walls: S walls = P rooms x H rooms S walls = 17.9 x 2.5 = 44.8 m 2 The area of ​​all walls for pasting is 44.8 m 2.
  3. From the resulting number it is necessary to subtract window and balcony blocks (if any) and doorways, since there is no need to glue wallpaper there.

We have one window in our room, the area of ​​which is calculated according to the same scheme. It is equal to 1.8 m2 (1.25m x 1.45m). Door surface - 1.36 m2 (0.70 m x 1.95 m). The total area of ​​surfaces not involved in gluing is 3.16 m2. The net area is calculated as follows: 44.8 – 3.16 = 41.6 m2.


If the room has custom size, a shape other than rectangular, calculations should be made separately for each wall, and then add up the results.

How to determine the number of rolls needed?

The surface area for wallpapering has been calculated; now you need to determine the number of rolls. To do this, you need to carefully study the labeling of the material. We will be interested in the size of the roll and the location of the pattern.

The pattern on the wallpaper can be positioned in such a way that it does not affect the gluing method, then no adjustment is required. But most often, shifting the pattern is necessary, and this factor must be taken into account when purchasing.

No offset

So let's consider how to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper without offset, knowing the area of ​​the room. Let's remember math lessons. We study the markings: width of the canvas - 53 centimeters = 0.53 m, length - 10 m. Area of ​​one roll - 0.53 x 10 = 5.3 m 2.

For our room, the quantity calculation will look like this:

Number of rolls = clean S walls: S one roll,

or 41.6 m 2: 5.3 m 2 = 7.8 or 8 rolls (since rounding is done up). It is better to buy one roll in reserve, in case the canvas gets damaged.

With offset

By doing repair work When gluing, you don’t always have to deal with a simple geometric pattern that does not require displacement and adjustment. Most often, knowledge of calculating materials with complex patterns is required. The material for gluing with a pattern offset is calculated according to the same principle.

In the fabric marking, the manufacturer indicates the distance in centimeters required to adjust the material (for example, 20 cm). The larger the picture, the higher the score. This means that to select a pattern, it is necessary to shift the canvas of each strip by 20 cm. Each roll will take up to 0.6 m of material (since 4 stripes with a room height of 2.5 m cannot be measured for offset wallpaper).

Thus, from one package we get 3 cuts of 2.5 m + 0.6 m each. The remainder of a 10-meter piece will be at least 1.9 m.

Number of rolls with pattern adjustment = (number of rolls without adjustment x number of cuts without adjustment in one roll): number of cuts with adjustment from one roll.

If for our room, the area of ​​the surface to be pasted is 41.6 m 2, an offset of 0.6 m is necessary from each roll, then instead of the 8 required to combine a complex pattern, 11 pieces will be required (8x4:3 = 10.6 or 11). Thus, if the wallpaper requires adjustment (in our case - 20 cm), then the amount that will be needed to renovate the room is 11 pieces.

To calculate wallpaper by area, you can use an online calculator.

We talked about how to customize finishing material according to a pattern, and we have collected information on how to properly and economically glue wallpaper with a pattern

Calculation based on the perimeter of the room and the number of stripes

There is another one method of calculating the amount of finishing coating: along the perimeter of the room and the number of stripes. The following data is required for calculations:

  • perimeter of the room;
  • his high;
  • wallpaper sizes.

Let's determine the number of cuts in 1 roll = length of one roll: length of one web (in our case it is 10 m: 2.5 m = 4 whole strips).

To determine the number of cuts for a room, we use known indicators- the width of the wallpaper and the perimeter of the room.

Number of cuts = room P: roll width (we enter the already known data for the sample - 17.9 m: 0.53 m = 33).

We calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper per room:

Number of rolls = number of cuts per room: number of cuts, that is, 33: 4 = 8.25.

Each room to be covered has windows and doors, so you can buy 8 pieces.

Calculation table

If all of the above calculation methods are complex, in the calculation finishing material The table will help. To use it, you need the key indicators discussed above: area (length multiplied by width) and height. The process of calculating wallpaper is labor-intensive: you need to take into account many nuances, which in the end may turn out to be decisive.

No matter how carefully they calculate the finishing material, the craftsmen advise purchasing another one additionally. This will be relevant in the case when, during repair work, a cut gets dirty or dented, and it will be impossible to fix it. In an apartment where children live, an additional roll may be useful for unplanned repairs.

Useful video

Attached to the article visual video with calculations of the number of rolls per room:

In contact with

Despite the fact that the range of materials for renovation and decoration of houses and apartments is replenished almost every year with one or another new product, wallpaper does not give up its “leadership position” and still remains, probably, the most popular way of decorating walls in residential premises. Moreover, the widest variety modern wallpaper, manufactured using the most advanced technologies, allows finishing in any interior style, reliably imitating wall cladding by many natural materials. And if we add here the relatively low cost and opportunity independent conduct finishing works, then the popularity of wallpaper has a completely logical explanation.

Homeowners who have decided in favor of such decoration will probably be faced with the question - how to calculate how much wallpaper is needed for a room? We will try to help them with this - a convenient online calculator is located below.

Those readers who have already done wallpapering and are therefore theoretically savvy should not have any problems using the program. Beginners may have unclear questions - some explanations on the use of the calculator and the basic principles of calculation are given below.

If joining and adjusting the pattern is not required, then the calculation will be simple:

How to find out the perimeter of a room?

The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides. Measure all the walls of the room and add up their lengths.
Let's calculate the perimeter of the living room measuring 5x6 m. Add up the length of all its walls - and we get 22 m.

How many panels are needed to cover a room?

To find out how many wallpaper strips are needed for a particular room, divide the perimeter by the width of the rolls.
The perimeter of our room is 22 m, and the width of the wallpaper is 1.06 m. Divide 22 by 1.06 and we get 20.75. We round the result up and get 21 panels.

How many panels will one roll be enough for?

To calculate the number of full panels in one roll, divide its length by the height of the ceiling.
The length of a wallpaper roll is usually 10 m. The height of our room is 2.75 m. Craftsmen recommend adding an additional margin of 10 cm to the ceiling height for ease of gluing. Thus, the height of our ceiling will be 2.85 m. If we divide the length (10 m) by this number (2.85 m), we will get 3 full strips from one roll.

How many rolls of wallpaper will you need?

To find out, you need to divide the number of all the panels in the room by the total number of panels that come from one roll.
In our case, the calculation will be as follows: 21 (the number of panels) divided by 3 (the panels from one roll) and we get 7 rolls of wallpaper with a width of 1.06 m and a length of 10 m.

If you are wallpapering with a large pattern

You will need to ensure that the stripes are carefully adjusted to ensure the pattern matches evenly. This is true for designs with large geometric patterns, images of plants and others. large forms. Here you need to take into account rapport - the distance through which the same pattern is repeated. You need to count how many repeats there are for one length of panel. The larger the repeat, the more rolls you will need to cover large rooms. The repeat size is indicated on the label. On the label you will find one of the following icons:

Joining the drawing


Free docking

Indicates that the wallpaper strips are being glued in a standard way, without observing the pattern matching rules. Such designs do not have a pronounced pattern and can be glued without adjustment.

Direct docking
(indicating report for PALETTE wallpaper is 64 cm)

With direct joining, the wallpaper strips are glued symmetrically next to each other. Such wallpaper is glued without a special shift to match the pattern.

Offset docking
(indicating report and offset for example 64/32)

This means that the wallpaper strips need to be glued offset. The first number indicates the size of the repeat, the second – the number (in cm) by which the repeat should be shifted.
64/32 means that the pattern is repeated every 64 cm, and the next strip is shifted vertically relative to the previous one by half the report (32 cm).

Have you finally decided to re-wallpaper your room? It’s time for old wallpaper to retire and you’re wondering how to calculate the quantity, how many rolls do you need? The answer is further...
The most common size of wallpaper is a 10 meter roll half a meter wide, 10 m x 0.53 m. It is enough to cover about 5 square meters walls and or ceiling. There are rolls of wallpaper 15*0.53 m, 10*1.06 and 25*1.06 m long.

Wallpaper calculation

  1. First measure the perimeter of your room. Do not forget to remove from the result the perimeter of the surface that is not subject to pasting; these are windows and doors, (6.5+4) x 2 = 21 m.
  1. And then, divide the resulting number by the width of the roll (usually 50 cm). The resulting figure shows the number of stripes, 21 / 0.53 = 40 stripes.
  1. Measure the height of your walls (remember to add a little extra for later trimming, say 5 cm) 2.50 + 0.05 = 2.55 m
  1. Then count the number of strips in the roll, 10/2.55 = 3
  1. Now divide the number of strips by the number of strips per roll to determine the number of rolls, 40/3=14 rolls

Special cases

If there are ledges or recesses in the door niches, then add 1-2 additional rolls of wallpaper.

If you use wallpaper with patterns, you need to add a margin to the height calculation to adjust the pattern: 2.50 + 0.05 (cutting off excess) + 0.30 (adjusting the pattern) = 2.95 m.

Ceiling calculation

Everything is the same with the ceiling. However Lately Wallpapering the ceiling does not look elegant. Today, many relief ceiling tiles have appeared that look more organic and aesthetically pleasing.

Don't forget to buy one or two additional rolls of wallpaper. Especially if the connections are in a checkerboard pattern, also for your mistakes, the displacement is higher and lower.
- Be sure to pay attention to the wallpaper series number. If the series are different, the difference in color and brightness will be noticeable after pasting.

How to save money?

If you made a mistake in the calculation, and it is no longer possible to purchase such wallpaper, then you can purchase similar ones. And decorate some of the walls with different wallpaper. In fact, this option looks very modern and non-standard. In this case, the species zones will change, that is, from different parts the room will have a different appearance, which will also have a pleasant effect on its perception.
The option of not pasting behind the sofa and closet is not for everybody.

Calculator to help you

If you are not sure about the calculations, you can also use a ready-made table to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper:

Use the following table to calculate wallpaper:

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 15m = 7.95m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06m /10.05m = 10.65 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06 / 25m = 26.50m2