Activity planning is a skill for your effectiveness

Benjamin Franklin was the son of a soap maker, but thanks to self-organization and discipline he succeeded in many areas: politics, diplomacy, science, journalism. He is one of the founding fathers of the United States of America - he participated in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the country's constitution.

Franklin's portrait appears on the $100 bill, even though he was never president of the United States. He is credited with the authorship of such catch phrases, as in “Time is money” and “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

  • "Frogs" Everyone has boring tasks that are constantly put off until later. These unpleasant things accumulate and put psychological pressure on you. But if you start every morning with “eating a frog,” that is, first of all, perform some uninteresting task, and then move on to the rest, then gradually things will come into order.
  • "Anchors." These are material bindings (music, color, movement) associated with a certain emotional state. “Anchors” are necessary in order to tune in to solving a particular problem. For example, you can train yourself to work with mail while listening to classical music, and whenever you are too lazy to unload the inbox, you will only need to turn on Mozart or Beethoven to catch the desired psychological wave.
  • "Elephant steak." The larger the task (write a dissertation, learn foreign language and so on) and the tighter the deadline, the more difficult it is to start implementing it. It’s the scale that frightens us: it’s not clear where to start, whether we have enough strength. Such tasks are called “elephants”. The only way“eat an elephant” - cook “steaks” from it, that is, break a big task into several small ones.

It is noteworthy that Gleb Arkhangelsky great attention devotes not only to the rationalization of work processes, but also to relaxation (the full title of his bestseller is “Time Drive: How to Manage Your Life and Work”). He is convinced that without have a nice rest, which includes healthy sleep And physical activity, it is impossible to be productive.


Plan your every day. Todoist, Wunderlist, TickTick and other similar programs and services will help you with this. Break complex large-scale tasks into simple small ones. In the morning, do the most unpleasant work so that in the remaining time you can do only what you like. Develop triggers that will help you cope with laziness, and remember to include rest in your schedule.

Francesco Cirillo method

You may not be familiar with the name Francesco Cirillo, but you've probably heard of Pomodoro. Cirillo is the creator of this famous time management technique. At one time, Francesco had problems with his studies: the young man could not concentrate and was distracted all the time. A simple kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato came to the rescue.


At the beginning of the day, make a list of tasks and complete them, measuring time “tomatoes”. If you get distracted within 25 minutes, put a ’ symbol next to the task. If the time has expired, but the task has not yet been completed, put a + and dedicate the next “pomodoro” to it. During a five-minute break, completely switch from work to rest: walk, listen to music, drink coffee.

So, here are five basic time management systems with which you can organize your day. You can study them in more detail and become an apologist for one of the methods, or you can develop your own by combining various methods and techniques.

GTD - an alternative to time management

David Allen, creator of the GTD technique, is one of the most famous theorists of personal effectiveness. His book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, was named Time magazine's best business book of the decade.

The term Getting Things Done is well-known, and many people mistakenly equate it with time management. But even Allen himself calls GTD “a technique for increasing personal effectiveness».

Here's how an expert on the subject explained the difference between time management and GTD.

This is not time management. It is impossible to manage time. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. It's not the amount of time that matters, but what you fill it with. You need to be able to process large flows of incoming information, determine what actions are needed to achieve goals, and, of course, act. That's exactly what GTD is about. This is a certain way of thinking and living. GTD is also about the state of flow and reducing psychological stress.

Vyacheslav Sukhomlinov

Are you ready to argue? Welcome to the comments. What do you think is more important in GTD - time management or personal efficiency? Also tell us what techniques help you organize your day.

I am sure that each of you has noticed many times: you seem to be working like hell all day, incredibly busy with something, but at the end of the day, thinking about what you managed to do today, you realize with great surprise that there is no significant result.

How does the average Russian spend his day? Woke up, ate (if you already have something to eat). I went to work thinking: “Today is an important day. Everything needs to be done today! I arrived, sat down at my desk and looked at the monitor: So, sir, where better to start...?. I should check my email... and get into contact for a minute along the way... Two hours passed. I remembered that I had to work. I had just started working when suddenly the men called me to have a smoke, I went with them, and half an hour passed unnoticed by the conversation. And here it’s almost lunch, there’s no point in stressing, because after lunch there’s plenty of time, you’ll have time to do everything. After lunch, the boss suddenly sent me to a meeting with partners. You arrive at the office in the evening, you realize that you haven’t had time to do a damn thing, you stay late at work to finish everything. Suddenly you remember that today is someone's birthday loved one, you call him, congratulate him, and say that you won’t come, because... a lot of work. You come home from work, in no mood, tired as a dog, you take a couple of bottles of beer to improve your mood. There is no desire to play with children, and with my wife (husband) it’s not the best right now either. best moment spend time. He turned on the TV and soon passed out in his chair without even finishing his beer. And so day after day...

I hope you are making the most of your day. Nevertheless, a lot of people live their every day like this. Naturally, what I gave as an example is a tiny part of what actually happens to people. There are a bunch of others side effects. And all due to the fact that a person lives for today and spends it as circumstances arise. Hence productivity, both at work and at home, is close to zero. Fortunately, there is a way out. Daily planning of your day will help you increase your productivity.

Daily planning of your time is an integral part of any successful person. After all, when a person always knows what he wants and what needs to be done at a certain point in time, he manages to do much more than someone who spends his day “as it happens.”

I will give ten basic rules, following which you can create your own working day routine as efficiently as possible. Of course, this is not a panacea, and everyone can edit their diary in accordance with their strengths, amount of work, speed of task completion, sleep patterns, rest, etc.


1. Try to stick to the 70/30 principle.
It is impractical to plan absolutely all your time, because... in this case, your actions will completely diverge from your schedule. And completely “imprisoning” your time in a diary will lead to the fact that you will be within too strict limits and constantly feel like some kind of robot whose whole life is planned out minute by minute.

The optimal solution is planning 70% of your own time. Agree, some events are difficult to predict, and almost every day there is a certain “surprise effect,” so you should always leave some time free. Or, as an option, make a certain reserve in each time period.

2. Make a plan for the next day tonight.
Plan the next day at the end today This is commendable, but in order not to forget anything, be sure to write down everything you do. Separate tasks according to importance by dividing notebook into two columns. In the first, write down what needs to be done immediately. In the second - which is less important and in case of force majeure can be postponed to another day.

Cross out the tasks and things that you have completed, one by one. This will serve as an additional incentive for you and add new strength to solve the remaining tasks. The fewer tasks you have left, the more confidence you will have that you can handle them.

At the end of each day, at the very bottom, you can add an inscription like: "Hooray! I did it”, “I’m great! But this is just the beginning!”, “I managed to do everything! I am cool! But there is still a lot to do!”. This inscription will also stimulate you from the very morning to achieve your goals and at the same time not relax.

3. Try to complete most of your plans before lunch.
When you realize in the middle of the day that the most important thing for the day is done and already behind you, it is much easier to complete the remaining tasks. Use your lunch break to take care of your personal matters (call relatives, answer missed calls, discuss loan issues with the bank, pay bills, etc.). Leave the minimum for the evening (negotiations with the developer, going to the salon, buying groceries, working out at the gym).

4. Include minutes of rest into every working hour.
Mandatory rule for everyone. The more often you rest, the more productive your activities will be. Everyone chooses the most convenient scheme for themselves, but two schemes work especially well: 50 minutes work / 10 minutes rest or 45 minutes work / 15 minutes rest.

While relaxing, it is not at all necessary to smoke bamboo and spit at the ceiling while lying on the sofa. After all, this time can be spent usefully. Do a warm-up: do push-ups, pull-ups, stand on your head (if space allows), do exercises for your neck and eyes. Bring workplace tidy up, clean your home or office, read a book, take a walk fresh air, make scheduled calls, help colleagues with something (family, if you work from home), etc.

5. Try to create realistic planning.
Don't overwhelm yourself with so much work that you can't handle. Don’t go to the extreme of over-planning (like you can handle any mountain) and plan only the volume of tasks that you can realistically handle.

Please do not confuse planning with goals. Your goals may be super-grandiose; in principle, they should be so. But in order to achieve these goals in the shortest possible time, there must be realistic, competent planning of the tasks. This absolutely does not mean that you have to work your ass off every day to achieve your goal as quickly as possible. It is better to do one thing in small portions consistently every day than to do the same thing from beginning to end of the day chaotically and hastily. Then you won’t be exhausted, and achieving your goals will proceed smoothly.

In addition, at the end of each day, add a column “The plan is completed by ____%” and enter there the percentage of your completed tasks for today. This will serve as additional stimulation for you, and will also give you the opportunity to compare results and make appropriate adjustments in the future when planning your time.

Try every day to exceed the plan, at least not by much. Those. try to additionally cover those tasks that were not indicated in the plan. Naturally, their solution should be undertaken only after all planned tasks have already been completed. Agree, it’s nice to observe your super-productivity, looking at the numbers 105%, 110%, 115% at the end of each working day.

6. Complete large tasks in small parts.
This tactic is also called the “salami slicing” tactic. Einstein also noted that most people enjoy chopping wood because the action immediately follows the result. Divide your goals and projects into small portions and perform them for a sufficiently long time, devoting approximately two hours to this work every day. Upon achieving the first intermediate goal, certain results will emerge that will stimulate the completion of the remaining tasks.

For example, I’ll take the creation of a product: You can stupidly enter the line “Create a video course” into your diary every day and work on this course. But in this case there is several big disadvantages:

  • you cannot predict in advance the deadline for completing your course
  • every day you don’t know where exactly you should continue working on the course
  • you don't feel satisfied with your work until you've completed your course completely

If you divide the creation of the course into many small portions and close them gradually, then all of the listed disadvantages can be easily avoided.

Those tasks, the performance of which causes you, to put it mildly, dissatisfaction, or in which you are incompetent, feel free to delegate to other specialists, who do such tasks for fun. You will save a lot of time, and the planned work will be done more professionally.

7. Be silent for a while.
It often happens that the TV is next room, a radio that works for days on end, someone’s voices, people passing by you, a building under construction on the next street eventually become so annoying that it is simply impossible to properly concentrate on doing important things. Instead of solving specific problems, your head is filled with tights for 574 rubles, which your employee bought today, or Justin Bieber’s latest super-mega hit, currently playing on the radio.

To perform extremely important tasks, it is necessary to be able to work calmly, without any outside interference. It is in this case that you can, with maximum concentration, achieve the highest productivity and effectiveness.

8. Put items back as soon as you are finished using them.
This will save you a lot of time in the future and will also help you avoid clutter. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you want to know about your future partner, look at his desk. What order is on his table is the same order in his affairs.”

I advise you to completely throw out all your old and unnecessary things, get rid of unnecessary junk so that only the essentials for work are on the table.

Keep things in clearly defined places. For example, put all documents in a separate folder or box, also keep receipts pinned in a certain place, pens and pencils in the most convenient place for use. Fortunately, now you can easily purchase special sets, boxes, cases to solve this problem.

Do this and feel the incredible effect!

9. Get rid of things you don't need.
All the stocks of old things left in case “what if they come in handy” will bring you nothing but extra dust and clutter. In addition, it is considered that the things we sent “for scrap” on the mezzanine, in suitcases, under the sofa, in the closet, on kitchen set, carry negative energy.

This, as you understand, applies not only to the desktop, but also to the work and home space in general. Therefore, ruthlessly get rid of those “very necessary things that you hate to throw away.” Collect all the goods in a truck, take them to a landfill and burn them. If it’s really a pity, then put everything next to the entrance, those in need will quickly take it apart. Clothes and shoes can be distributed to orphanages and nursing homes. They will only be grateful to you.

10. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
If you are not yet very familiar with sports, gymnastics, water procedures, proper nutrition etc., then I advise you to add some of this to your daily routine. I give you a 100% guarantee that you will be very pleased with the results. The main thing is that you do not hesitate and strictly follow your sports schedule. You won’t even notice how quickly your health and general physical condition will improve. You can also easily get rid of bad habits if you set a goal and build good habits in place of bad habits.

It should be remembered that best sleep- this is sleep until midnight, because during this period your body rests and gains strength the best way. In other words, go to bed today, not tomorrow.

Get enough sleep, exercise, eat right. Your body will thank you with good health, high level positive energy and readiness for productive activities.

At the end I will give an example of my routine so that you have something to compare with. I can't say it's a perfect all-rounder. schedule for everyone, but personally I am completely satisfied with it. Compared to my very first routine, there have been adjustments to it more than once and at the moment it looks like this...


06:00-07:00 Getting up, exercising, showering, morning jogging, morning procedures, shower
07:00-07:30 Breakfast
07:30-08:30 Rest, checking email, other things
08:30-09:00 I'm going to the office
09:00-12:00 Workflow (the most important tasks for today are entered)
12:00-12:30 Dinner
12:30-13:00 Rest, other matters
13:00-14:00 Reading literature
14:00-18:00 Workflow (minor tasks for today are included)
18:00-18:30 Dinner
18:30-19:00 Exceeding the plan, planning next day
19:00-19:30 Driving home
19:30-22:00 Housework, gym, leisure, walk, entertainment, meeting with friends
22:00-22:30 Summing up, final adjustments to the routine for the next day, getting ready for bed
22:30-06:00 Dream

A few notes on the plan:

  • The routine designed for weekdays (working days) and does not apply to weekends. On the weekend there should be a plan, but tailored specifically for rest (everything remains the same, roughly speaking, only the Work process changes to Rest), in extreme cases, some work moments are transferred to the weekend (if something was not done in time or something mortally important).
  • Each time period is taken with some margin. Deviating from your routine by 30 minutes is normal.
  • Everyone's morning can start at a different time. I just switched to more early time to get more done and it gave positive results.
  • The time it takes to leave home for work and back can also be different for everyone. I chose the optimal time for myself - when traffic jams in the city were already clearing up.
  • I consider daily reading of literature mandatory rule for all. If time does not allow you to read at work, read at lunch, on the bus, after work, before bed.
  • It happens that due to additional work you have to go to bed much later. In any case, try to wake up according to your schedule, otherwise your daily routine will constantly shift, and this is not good.
  • On weekends, you can wake up later and go to bed later, but also stick to a schedule, waking up and going to bed at the same time (for example, an hour or two later than on weekdays).

To plan your time, you can use an organizer, a notepad, a regular sheet of paper, a notebook, various special programs and applications. Personally, I use Google Calendar, which is very easy to use. In addition to the fact that it has a number of useful functions, it synchronizes with mobile devices, which means it is always at hand, wherever you are. In general, Google is making huge strides in the field of application synchronization. This greatly simplifies the work when all kinds of assistants are at hand in one account, which are also synchronized with each other. I can no longer imagine working at the computer and on the phone without Google Chrome, Calendar, YouTube, Drive, Translator, Google+, Maps, Analitics, Picasa and many other useful services. I also recommend using the super planner Wunderlist

That's all I wanted to tell you about today. If you don’t already keep a diary and don’t set goals for yourself, start doing it immediately and continue to do it constantly! I hope the above 10 golden rules will help you in planning your time and you will begin to get a lot more done.

“A good plan is much better today good plan Tomorrow"

Time only improves us...

Properly planned work or other type of activity is the key to successful completion of the task and represents a tool for self-organization. So that you can learn how to independently plan your time and activities, we provide several specific steps to help you. However, first, you need to understand the terminology and understand why it is so important to plan your time and work correctly. Surely you know that successful people are fluent in planning tools.

Planning activities is one of the secrets of a successful person.

Below are the reasons why planning is important tool in the matter of self-organization and self-improvement.

Activity planning is a map of your day.
If you learn to plan your time and activities in the evening, when the new day comes, you will gain at least an hour of activity time. In the evening, you are able to plan not only the time of waking up and getting up, but also create a work plan for every hour of the next day. Typically, a person who has not drawn up a plan of action for the day spends one to five minutes trying to determine the field of activity. But during this period it is impossible to correctly determine priority tasks and secondary, it is impossible to take into account everything that needs your attention. Having decided to draw up an effective action plan, a person who is not accustomed to this will spend at least an hour of working time. Realizing that time will be wasted, a person, as a rule, decides not to make any plan, but to act on a whim: “I do what I remember”. But this approach is completely ineffective. Having started one task, a person suddenly remembers another, even more important task, turns his attention to her. In the process, he becomes distracted as his thoughts switch from one thing to another. As a result, neither one nor the second task was completed. Most often, a person is in a hurry to complete urgent tasks. But urgent does not mean truly important and significant for the person himself. It is unlikely that an urgent matter will have any impact positive influence for the person's subsequent life.

One minute of time spent planning your activities saves ten minutes spent on completing the task. Thus, by learning to plan your activities, you can get 200 percent return on your invested energy.

Someone who is used to planning work for tomorrow does not need more than twelve minutes to schedule all the necessary tasks, distributing them in priority order. Spending twelve minutes the day before will save you two hours of productivity, which will certainly improve your productivity levels. If you multiply this time by the number of days in a calendar month, it turns out that you can save up to five working days per month. Great, isn't it!

Planning activities teaches you to correctly determine priorities.
The ability to correctly identify priority areas of activity helps to identify the most important, promising and significant places. It often happens that a person spends time on what he likes, on what gives him pleasure. However, priority must be given to what needs to be accomplished. The reluctance to concentrate and give preference to the main thing leads to the fact that a person fails to achieve his goal.

Planning activities programs the human mind.
You have probably encountered a situation more than once when, depending on how clearly your desire is formulated, it comes true with more or less ease. Planning is a unique process that helps a person realize what he really strives for and, ultimately, brings these aspirations to life.

Sometimes a person just thinks that he needs to do something. But in reality, he can easily do without it. Such things, which are of far-fetched importance, have a low priority and, over time, completely disappear from the list of mandatory tasks.

Let's look at specific planning methods.

Set aside time each evening to create a plan that lists, in order of importance, all the things you need to do. When a new day begins, begin completing the task listed under point 1. Do not move on to the next task until you complete the first. Follow the order in which you complete all the tasks you have written down. Don't move on to the next one without completing the previous one. You can stop and unfinish only if circumstances intervene that you cannot change. But even in this case, make every effort to complete what you started as soon as possible. Having completed one task, proceed to solve the next one.

Methods and methods of planning.

  1. Planning for Beginners
    In order to learn how to plan your work, initial stage you only need a pen and a piece of paper. Write down all the tasks and plans that you need to complete tomorrow. Things should be distributed according to the degree of importance of their completion. As you complete each item, cross it off the list. There is nothing complicated in this method, but once you try to carry out your actions in accordance with the plan, you will be surprised at how effective this method is. This method allows you to plan the development of events for one upcoming day. Over time, you will realize that you can plan your life for much more long term.
  2. Improving planning conditions
    In order to improve the conditions in which you plan upcoming activities, you will need to purchase: a planner, diary and planning calendar. Let's look at it in more detail.

Diary– a special notebook in which your meetings and necessary tasks for each upcoming day are recorded. You can also use a diary to record the most important points of the upcoming day, week or month. A diary allows you to write down important thoughts that come to your mind. You should treat your diary as a place where the most important and significant information regarding the events of the upcoming day is concentrated. You should set aside time every evening to write down upcoming events and tasks that you will do the next day. One rule applies here: “ Don't start a new day without completing your planning." Thanks to this rule, you will eventually understand that you have the power to plan not only the events of the coming day, but also to monitor your health, improve your well-being, and improve your quality of life. When you don't plan for the day ahead, least loss will be one hour of lost time, the greatest - the whole day. Without defining priorities, a person begins to perform secondary tasks. As a result, he comes to the end of the day with the thought that the whole day has been spent on who knows what, but there is no result.

Conclusions related to the need to use a diary:

  1. Bring order into your life. Compose detailed plan upcoming tasks and events that need to be completed the next day.
  2. Analyze what you recorded. Rank things according to importance. Before you start doing things, you need to have clear priorities.
  3. Train yourself to spend energy only on doing important and meaningful things that will lead you to the desired result. By being able to develop the habit of making a plan for the upcoming day, you can significantly increase your productivity.

Diary- a written (electronic) medium containing those wise and significant thoughts that you have ever encountered in your life. A wise idea can come from almost anyone. A priceless thought can come to you at any moment. In order not to lose or forget her, you need a diary. Don't let a good idea get away from you. A great thought can radically change a person's life. A diary is a thing that should always be near a person.

Planning calendar. Using a planning calendar (planner) allows you to make plans for a period longer than one day. When you realize that planning for one day is effective, it means that you can plan things for a longer period of time - a week. A similar rule applies: “ Don't start the next week until you've completed your planning.».

Having mastered planning the week, move on to the next stage - start planning your actions for the month in advance. And here the rule also applies: “ Don't start the next month's activities until you have planned for it.».

After this, you will be able to formulate goals for the upcoming day in accordance with those you have set for a longer period: three months, six months and a year. You may be thinking now that planning activities takes time and causes some stress. But by learning to plan your life, you can achieve a much more serious and significant result than if you do not master this science. Every action you take will be more meaningful and effective compared to unplanned work. Yes, you must approach planning with a sense of responsibility and discipline. But by learning to plan, you will become the master of time. Planning itself helps to more clearly and clearly formulate upcoming tasks, which helps to more quickly realize the goal. The ability to constantly plan your time makes it possible to determine the type of activity that has more significant priorities. This also leads to increased efficiency of the work done.

How to plan your day correctly to get everything done? What rules should you follow to avoid stress and feelings of dissatisfaction? In this article, you will learn what you need to do to increase your productivity and efficiency.

If you are often late, create blockages at work, forget about important events and are nervous that you don’t have time to do a lot of things, then this article is for you. Where to start to learn how to properly plan your time?

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Having carefully reviewed it, we decided to offer it to your attention...

  1. Keep a diary. Don’t start your day until you write down your plans for the next day in the morning, or even better, in the evening. Making a to-do list is a necessary activity in order to understand what needs to be done and get everything done.
  2. Set reminders for meetings and events on your mobile phone.
  3. If you work on a computer, create a separate document with a to-do list.

How to make a to-do list correctly?

  • A to-do list needs to be written every day, preferably in the evening.
  • Write no more than 7 priority things on your list. It’s not worth it anymore, because it’s impossible to do more in one day.
  • Write down all points in detail. For example: go to a store and buy everything you need according to the list. Write down the list of items you need on a separate piece of paper. Then going to the store will take you much less time.
  • You should put in your to-do list the approximate time it will take you to complete this or that action.
  • The to-do list should always be visible. If you are a young mother who is constantly tugged at by children and the list gets lost, then write several copies.
  • Write a to-do list for the week ahead, this will help you understand which things are especially urgent and which can wait.

Basic rules on how to plan your day to get everything done

  1. In order to properly plan your day and manage everything, it is very important to train yourself to wake up early. It doesn't matter whether you need to go to work or not. Organize a normal sleep schedule. To feel energetic, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. Therefore, think about what time you need to go to bed so that you can get up early and still get enough sleep.
  2. It is very important to listen to your biological clock . You know better at what time you feel full of strength and energy to quickly get a lot of things done. If you feel energized in the evening, plan your day so that you have important things to do in the evening. The rest of the time, do less important things, set aside time for rest, self-development, meeting with friends, etc.
  3. It is very important to prioritize when planning your day. . First you need to do those things that are the most significant in their priority, and only then proceed to the secondary ones. Never put off important things until later. Otherwise, you will think about them all day and be distracted by your thoughts.
  4. Don't waste a lot of energy and time on things that will bring you little results. . The time spent and the final result must be commensurate.
  5. When planning your time, you must think about everything possible options to make your life easier . For example, if cleaning your house takes a lot of time, consider hiring a housekeeper. Or throw away long-needed things, put everything in boxes, and organize it. Then cleaning will take less time.
  6. When doing things, analyze what factors most often distract you and take up your time . Perhaps you are often distracted by social media, talking on the phone, thoughts about other things. Very often they play a role psychological factors, for example, fear of not being able to complete the work on time, fear of taking on difficult task, laziness.

What to avoid to keep up with everything

  1. Don't waste time watching TV. You can watch any news or film on the Internet without advertising. This will save you time.
  2. Limit your time on social networks, forums and games . It's a waste of time.
  3. Try to get rid of bad habits . Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on smoking breaks? This not only takes away your time, but also your health. Bad habits are not compatible with success.
  4. Learn to overcome laziness, lack of composure and unpunctuality. Set reminders on your phone and an alarm in advance so you don't be late. Set a time limit for completing all tasks.

David Allen advises organizing your workspace correctly and providing you with all the necessary stationery. Also, keep a file cabinet, create a corresponding folder for each case. Allen also recommends writing 4 to-do lists:

  • Make a list of things that need to be done in the near future.
  • Add projects that require an integrated approach to a separate list.
  • Separately, make a list of projects that, for one reason or another, cannot yet be completed.
  • The "someday" list.

To complete work tasks faster, you need to complete similar tasks in a row. The brain gets used to a certain type of work and copes faster each time.

If you have a very difficult task or project, you need to divide it into stages. Then the task becomes more understandable and feasible to complete. Use the principle of “small steps”.

Learn to say “no”, don’t do work for others, don’t become a tool to achieve other people’s goals.

All successful businessmen, plan the most important things in the first half of the day. You can’t put off until later what is your priority. As they say: “You’ve done the job, walk boldly.”

It is very easy to learn how to complete all tasks on time. Most people create their own problems and obstacles in their lives. You just need to put in a little effort and just start planning your life. You must understand that a tired and unhealthy person cannot work productively and live his life fully.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  1. Get enough sleep .
  2. Eat properly. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  3. Exercising improves immunity , give a boost of energy and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. Memory and concentration improve, and neuronal cells renew faster.
  4. Stick to your to-do list . Write it for every day, for a week and for a year.
  5. Don't be distracted by unnecessary things , useless communication. Don't do the work for others.
  6. When planning your day, do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle. . Adequately evaluate your time and energy.
  7. Keep your home and work place tidy . Every thing should have its place, and every task should have its time. When you stay organized, you spend much less time getting things done. Let order and systematization of things become your habit.
  8. Optimize your work . Try to simplify any task as much as possible and reduce the time it takes to complete it.
  9. Use it modern technology . Even at home, a multicooker, microwave, or electric meat grinder will save you a lot of time on cooking.
  10. Always reward yourself for any success . If you dealt with it on time important matter, allow yourself to rest for 15 minutes and eat something sweet or look into your classmates for 10 minutes.
  11. Don't strive for the ideal, it doesn't exist. If you obsess over doing everything better, you'll end up stalling and driving yourself into hysterics.
  12. Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. Whatever you planned to do today, do it!
  13. Never be afraid to ask for help or distribute certain tasks among employees.

In addition to making a to-do list, there are some other effective planning techniques that are widely used in time management. It is a time management technique that includes rules and principles that help a person to properly organize his time and achieve maximum efficiency in any matter.

Basic planning techniques

  1. Pareto's rule or the “80 to 20” principle. Only 20% of your thoughts, conversations and actions lead to 80% of your results. And 80% of other actions lead to 20% results. Therefore, do not try to do everything at once, but do initially those things that will bring you maximum results.
  2. Timing method is that you need to write down all your time, what and where you spend it. Analyzing these records will show you what activities you should stop doing, what distracts you, and what processes you need to speed up.
  3. ABC planning is that you need to distribute things by letter by degree of importance. Category A cases are the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B – important matters, which make up 20% of all matters and bring 20% ​​of the results. Category C are matters of the least importance, they make up 65% and give a result of 15%.

If you want to learn how to properly plan your day and be the master of your life, you need a little bit. Just have the desire to learn it, put in some effort and start working on yourself. You just have to get into the habit of planning your life, writing a to-do list for every day, developing responsibility, perseverance, and punctuality. Learning to plan properly is one of the ways of self-improvement that can radically change your life for the better. You will learn to set priorities, identify core values, set goals and achieve them within a clearly defined time frame.

Good habits are common successful people. One of the most useful is effective time planning. Every person knows the situation when the day is spent in hard work, and the result does not live up to expectations. Moreover, even more workload and stress arises.

Proper planning will easily solve this problem. Not only will you be able to cope with all your planned goals and tasks, but you will also retain a supply of energy and strength.

70/30 principle

Experts have long proven that planning your day every minute will not lead to the expected results. It is impossible to calculate everything down to the minute. Life has its own schedule, in which there is always room for surprises and unforeseen circumstances.

In addition, it is worth noting that if a person still tries to control his day in seconds, he will gradually begin to turn into a robot, where there is no place for proper rest and ordinary joys.

What is the best way out? There is a technique that involves planning 70% of the time. It is worth remembering that the “surprise effect” is present in our lives every day, so keep the remaining 30% in reserve.

Think about tomorrow

If you incorporate this habit into your daily life, your business will noticeably improve. Train yourself every evening to think about matters that have to be resolved tomorrow. At the same time, experts advise visualizing your plans. Keep a diary where you can write down what you want to implement.

Divide your notebook into several columns. Mark priority tasks on the left side, and less important things that are not very urgent on the right side. In exceptional circumstances they can be postponed, but try not to procrastinate.

Have you dealt with something? Don't forget to cross it off your list. This is necessary in order for progress to be felt. It will replenish your strength and inspire you to further exploits. A constantly decreasing list of tasks also serves as confirmation that you are successfully completing your plan.

Psychologists give interesting advice. At the end of each day, write down encouraging phrases in your journal that motivate you to take action. They will not only stimulate you the next day, but will also allow you not to relax ahead of time.

Most of it occurs in the morning

Important tip: try to get most of your work done before lunch. Why does this work? Once you see that all important and planned tasks have been successfully completed, you will feel incredible lightness.

Make the most of your lunch break. At these moments, it is best to make calls to loved ones, answer missed calls or pay public utilities. The bare minimum remains for the evening, especially those things that bring pleasure and relaxation.

Rest while working

The rules for planning working time imply not only actions, but also rest, which is prerequisite. Each person has their own needs for the availability and duration of free time. However, time management experts say that this method has proven itself best: you work for 50 minutes, while setting aside 10 for rest. At first, you can devote 45 minutes to business, taking a break for 15.

How to use your vacation time more effectively? The best option there will be not short-term sleep or social networks, but physical exercise. If your work involves a computer, warming up your eyes and neck is a must. A light snack, cleaning the workplace, self-development, or making necessary phone calls will also be useful activities.

Real plans

In pursuit of achieving everyday goals, you should not go to extremes. Do not take on impossible amounts of work. In this case, you will still not have time to do everything that is planned, thereby you will feel dissatisfied at the end of the day. Calculate your strengths and make a rational list.

It's worth noting here important point. Don't confuse plans with goals, which can and should be difficult to achieve. Planning your working time is necessary in order to achieve them in the shortest and planned time.

You should not work from morning until late at night. It’s better to break your goals into several blocks, solving them systematically and steadily. This productive option is more effective than chaotic actions. Moreover, it will help maintain energy at the end of the day.

An excellent addition would be a column in the list indicating how many percent the plan has been completed. It will clearly show your growth or, conversely, decline, and will adjust further actions. Try not only to fulfill your daily plan, but also to exceed it by at least a small percentage. As a result, you will cope not only with the tasks recorded in your diary, but also with additional tasks. You will be pleased to notice your productivity in the form of 150%, 170%, etc.

Necessary silence

Many people do not even notice that they are working in inappropriate conditions. The noise of the TV or radio, the voices of relatives and colleagues interfere with concentration, thereby reducing productivity. As a result, you are full of fresh gossip and unnecessary information.

Important and urgent matters require extreme concentration. Therefore, silence should become your faithful companion. This is the only way you can achieve the best result.

The importance of order

Successful people are famous for order both in their thoughts and in their work place. It's difficult to work at a desk where you can't find anything because of the confusion and clutter of documents. Spend a few minutes every day cleaning. Order will make you more organized and save a lot of time.

We recommend throwing away outdated, useless things that will not bring any benefit. This will help free up your desktop. Remember that every thing should have its place. Stationery stores produce sets and storage cases in huge quantities. Once you put things in order, things will immediately improve.

Get rid of unnecessary things

There are some things that are difficult to get rid of. We convince ourselves that someday they will be useful, but that moment never comes. Moreover, it has long been proven that old things and household items are full of negative energy, even if they are put away in a back closet or on the mezzanine.

Pay attention not only to your desk, but also to the space in your home or office in general. Gather your strength and throw away all the useless things that are stored on better times. Clothes can be donated to orphanages or other people in need. As a result, you will feel lightness, which will serve as an impetus for further development and implementation of your plans.


Any sport, be it rhythmic gymnastics or swimming, must be included in your daily schedule. Even ordinary exercise will improve your tone, and you will be surprised at the results if you exercise regularly.

Who is Dan Kennedy and why should you listen to him? It can rightly be called successful person, who proved by his example the importance of time. Now he is a multimillionaire and the author of books that reveal the secrets of his wealth and status. The main tips are:

1. Attention to the phone. Undoubtedly, Cell phones and other gadgets are useful in Everyday life. But it is worth considering that they act not only as assistants, but also hidden enemies. If you are busy with important work, train yourself to ignore calls. Is your interlocutor persistent? If the reason for the conversation is not urgent, call back during your lunch break or after work.

2.Limit business meetings. Some people believe that continuous business meetings will lead to success. This is not entirely true. Millionaires are trying their best to limit them. Try to do the following:

  • Reduce the number of negotiations and meetings to the bare minimum.
  • Remember that many negotiations can be conducted not only in person, but also remotely. In this case, help will be provided by telephone, Skype and other online applications.
  • Be straight to the point and set a limited amount of time for the meeting. Formal conversations about the weather will steal precious minutes.
  • Actively use delegation of authority if possible.

3. Punctuality. This trait disciplines you and makes you more authoritative in the eyes of other people. Require your subordinates to arrive at work on time. Don't forget to lead by example.

4.Love of lists. Dan Kennedy confirms that journaling and making lists is essential. Every day we are faced with a huge flow of tasks, so our memory may miss something.

5. The need for catalogs. You should train yourself to keep important reports or letters in chronological order, be it a folder on your computer or a printed version. If necessary, you can always find the necessary documents.