Description of the Leonardo da Vinci rose variety. Rose Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci) Floribunda red Leonardo da Vinci

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci was bred in the French nursery Meilhan in 1993. This name is given to hybrids obtained by crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses.

Red Leonardo da Vinci is one of them, which was released a little later than the representative Pink colour. All the characteristics given by the breeders describe these beautiful flowers as one of best hybrids, inheriting the most outstanding qualities of both types.

Description of the rose variety Leonardo da Vinci

Because this is one of the most bright varieties hybrid representatives, the rose by Leonardo da Vinci has a simply magnificent description, and it fully corresponds to how it looks in reality. Leonardo varieties can be either deep pink or red.

The bush is straight, growing upward, very dense, medium height, which can range from 70 to 110 cm. All flowers large sizes, double, with a large number of large, closely spaced petals. Their size is up to 10 cm, but against the background of the average size of the shrub they sometimes seem simply huge. The flowering is racemose, abundant, continuous, from five to six flowers can be counted in one brush.

Rose Leonardo is light-loving, but it is not afraid of rain: it can withstand even downpours without losing the pristine freshness of its buds. Frost-resistant, in some areas it blooms before frost. The color of the petals is durable, not subject to fading in the sun, and as for pests and diseases - with proper care and timely preventive measures this disaster is quite possible to avoid.

Despite the modest width of the bush (a little more than half a meter), most often it is a tall and strong crop, with powerful and flexible shoots that can freely hold large and heavy flowers. However, among these unique hybrids, there are also more squat specimens, the height of which is no more than 50 cm. They are successfully grown not only in the garden or as miniature roses, but also at home. Its aroma is persistent, but unobtrusive, floral, very subtle, pleasant.

It is also worth noting that Leonardo da Vinci adopted her amazing beauty from hybrid tea representatives, and her resistance to cold, disease and unpretentiousness was passed on to her from polyanthus roses.

Leonardo da Vinci's rose planting technology

Leonardo prefers roses good level natural lighting and warm, dry places for growth, without drafts and dampness. Exactly right choice plot plays a huge role in how the crop behaves after planting, already in the process of growing it. As a rule, strong winds are observed in the north or northeast, so shrubs cannot be planted there.

Of course, lowlands and wetlands should be completely excluded, since humid environment is favorable conditions for the development of dangerous fungal infections. The groundwater level in the area should be at least a meter deep.

Soil with content required quantity nutrients It's easy to prepare. First, dig holes for planting, remove the soil from them and mix it with peat, rotted compost and sand: 2 parts sand, 1 part peat and the same amount of humus. Next, a little superphosphates and bone meal are added to the composition. This will help the young seedlings take root well and grow vigorously.

For dense and heavy clay soils they are additionally drained, deepening the planting holes by 15-20 cm. The bottom is lined with a drainage layer (this can be expanded clay or small red brick).

After the preparatory activities, planting begins:

  • Dead roots are cut off from seedlings and living ones are trimmed a little;
  • when pruning, leave two or three leaves;
  • the material is kept in cool water for a little more than half an hour (about 40 minutes) - the roots absorb moisture and will grow better in open ground;
  • hole depth - about 60 cm, taking into account the length of the root, width - 50 cm;
  • The bush is placed vertically, sprinkled with a little earth;
  • root collar depth is 3 cm.

After planting, the earth around is compacted, watered abundantly and mulched with wood ash. After planting, it is better to shade young seedlings for the first time so that they do not get burns of the foliage. When planting in groups, it is important to take into account the distance between the bushes - it should be at least 60 cm from each other, taking into account the width to which this floribunda rose usually grows.

Rules for growing roses

Rose Red Leonardo da Vinci, like other representatives of these hybrids, is not particularly demanding in care, but it requires a set of simple agrotechnical measures for full growth and development.

It should be watered regularly, pruned and fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Fulfilling these three conditions means getting a luxurious beauty on your site that will always delight you with a large number of large flowers.

How to care for a Leonardo da Vinci rose

So, Leonardo da Vinci are roses, the care of which is mandatory, otherwise the owner risks being left alone with wild, overgrown bushes. In advanced cases, it will be very difficult to thin out the middle, so it is important to know how to prune correctly so as not to encounter such embarrassment.

Shelter for the winter is also important, despite the fact that the variety is frost-resistant. In harsh winter conditions with minimal snowfall, the lack of shelter can be disastrous even for those varieties that have the ability to withstand cold weather with dignity.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

When watering, the main thing is to maintain the soil in a state of moderate moisture. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but it is also unacceptable to overdo it with water, remembering the danger of the development of fungi, which can cause rotting of the root system. The optimal watering schedule is 2 times a week, in hot weather you can increase it up to three times, with regular spraying of the upper part of the bush. The water used is settled, preferably heated by the sun, not cold. As soon as the top layer of soil begins to dry out, this is a sign that the time has come for water procedures.

The use of fertilizers ensures the appearance of larger and brighter buds, as well as fast growth plants. It is recommended to use balanced complex compounds, which can always be purchased in specialized stores. In the spring, the rose is fed with nitrogen; in the summer, phosphates and potassium are added. It would be ideal to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones: for example, during the period of bud formation, it would not hurt to feed the bush with cow manure. All fertilizers are applied only in the third year of the bush’s life, since by this time it root system finally formed, and he will be able to absorb more complex useful components. With the onset of autumn, all feeding must be stopped.

Disease Prevention

As already noted, a favorable environment for the development of fungal spores is humidity and plenty of rain, so even the most resistant varieties of roses can get sick from time to time. In order to take timely measures, it is important to know what are the signs of the main fungal diseases that can occur in the rose family.

First of all, it is powdery mildew. The fungus settles on foliage, buds and branches, covering the plant with a characteristic white coating. If the shrub is not treated, its photosynthesis process is disrupted, and after a while it may die. In this case, all diseased elements (from foliage to branches) are cut and burned and treated with effective fungicides.

Sometimes, with minor lesions, it helps a lot folk remedy in the form of the good old solution laundry soap with the addition of copper. However, he himself copper sulfate or other chemically active agents are used much more often and have a more strong impact.

Black spotting is also unpleasant fungal disease, affecting foliage. Black-brown spots appear on it, which then turn yellow, and the leaf gradually falls off. Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture will help.

There are a lot of fungicides, and any of them is recommended to be used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes - especially in wet weather and rainy summers. As a natural remedy to prevent the development of fungi, you should plant common garlic near rose bushes. This is wonderful disinfectant, preventing the proliferation of spores.

Pest protection

Not a single variety of rose is immune from the attack of harmful bugs. For example, spider mites tend to become more active during dry and hot weather. Main sign his appearance - a cobweb on different parts plants. An effective remedy control - any insecticide applied by spraying. Treatment is carried out three times, with a break of a week.

The rose aphid sucks all the juices out of plants and settles in colonies, literally eating the bush from head to toe. It is destroyed by such popular means as Actellik, Aktara or Fufanon. Before treating the rose, wash off all insects with water.

Of course, the best measure of protection against pests is, as always, prevention. If you plant marigolds, lavender or calendula next to a rose, these flowers will repel insects. The insecticides already mentioned can also be used in the summer as a safety net - especially during periods of increased activity of certain insects.

Bush pruning

Pruning of standard and other types of roses is carried out not only in sanitary, but also in for cosmetic purposes, to maintain good looks appearance home culture. In spring, medium (moderate) pruning is used, no more than five to six buds. This will promote the growth of new branches and more abundant flowering. In summer, it is important to promptly remove faded buds and promptly thin out the bush if it grows too much. In the fall, weak, dead and very thin shoots that definitely will not survive the winter are cut off, and before covering the rose, the remaining foliage is removed from it.

When radically cleaning an overgrown shrub, the gardener should be prepared for the fact that it will bloom no earlier than the end of summer. With total pruning, the shape of the flowers and the bush itself often changes, however, such an event should not be neglected if the need arises.

Sheltering roses for the winter

The bush shelter is constructed before the onset of winter, when stable night frosts reach minus seven degrees. Bark is used as natural insulation. coniferous trees and their branches, covering the ground with them and placing shoots of roses on them. Ordinary sawdust is also a good option. Top on frame structure stretch spunbond or dense polyethylene, rolled into several layers.

Propagation of the Leonardo da Vinci variety

There are many types of plant propagation, but the Leonardo da Vinci rose variety is best propagated by cuttings. This method is the simplest and most accessible of all, and it is successfully used by most experienced gardeners. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • take branches whose thickness is at least five millimeters;
  • cut into pieces of eight to ten centimeters each;
  • carefully look at the presence of buds: there should be at least two or three on each cutting;
  • examine the material for diseases;
  • prepare planting holes from 12 to 14 cm in depth;
  • shoots are planted;
  • build a greenhouse over them in the form of a frame covered with polyethylene;
  • water in a timely manner, loosen the soil and ventilate the greenhouse. If everything was done correctly, a strong root system will soon form and you will get new, beautiful and healthy flowers.

Using the Leonardo da Vinci variety of roses in landscape design and indoor conditions

Since the maximum width of such a shrub is no more than 60 cm, the distance between plantings is allowed to be small. The advantage of the Leonardo rose is that it is very compact, and if desired, it can be grown in any way: on a trunk, in a flower bed, when decorating borders and large flower beds. If on large areas this rose, the English one, will be planted in abundance park rose in comparison with her, few will benefit, since in beauty they are in no way inferior to each other.

One of best options planting a beauty - using it as a bright background for shorter annuals and perennial plants. At the same time, it is important to take into account the same requirements different plants to the soil so that they do not suppress one another during the growth process, and there is no “food conflict” between them. When planting, overcrowding and thickening are not recommended, which often become the cause of fungal diseases of plants.

It is quite possible to grow Leonardo da Vinci's rose at home. If you care for it properly, it will take root well, but the bush at home will be much smaller. As in open ground, the flower needs a sufficient level of illumination, so it is also possible to place the pot on south-facing windows. The room should be well ventilated and the pots should be drained to prevent liquid stagnation inside the container. The soil is regularly loosened and watered, with periodic application of fertilizers (during the growing season - weekly, especially during the period of intensive budding and flowering).

Periodically you will have to replant the plant, sometimes cutting off the branches if the shape of the bush requires it. In winter, you should not keep the pot dangerously close to radiators and other heating devices. When the light level is reduced in autumn and winter, additional illumination using a phytolamp is used.

At regular care The Leonardo da Vinci rose will grow well both in open ground and at home, and its unpretentiousness allows it to be entrusted to novice rose gardening lovers.

Rose Leonardo da Vinchi:

The floribunda species "Leonardo da Vinci" got its name for a reason. The flower combines historical beauty and modern chic. With his presence he is able to decorate any personal plot, and thanks to its ease of care, it has become a favorite among many gardeners. Let's take a closer look at the features of growing and caring for Leonardo da Vinci flowers.


The variety appeared back in 1993 and quickly gained popularity among flower growers from all over the world. Bushes of this species are straight, densely growing, reaching an average height of 70-110 cm. The leaves are dark green, abundant, and leathery in texture. The flower buds are thick, double, deep pink, up to 10 cm in diameter.

One brush can have 5-6 flowers. The aroma of flowers is light and persistent. "Leonardo da Vinci" blooms for quite a long time, until the first frost. The plant loves light and is not afraid of heavy rains and drought.

Did you know? The world's oldest rose is about 1,000 years old and climbs the wall of the cathedral in the German city of Hildesheim.

Also to positive characteristics floribundas can be classified as:

  • persistent color of petals;
  • ease of care;
  • high resistance to major flower diseases and pests;
  • frost resistance.

Features of cultivation

Rose "Leonardo da Vinci" can be grown both in open ground and at home. Bare-root roses are planted in March-April or August-November.

For ground planting, it is important to choose the right place and prepare the soil. To do this, the soil from the holes is mixed with sand and humus (proportion 1:2:1) and added with. Thanks to this connection, seedlings take root much faster and buds bloom earlier.

If the area chosen for planting has heavy, dense soil, drainage is provided in it. It helps remove excess moisture and also improves oxygen supply. The hole is made 20 cm deeper and a layer of expanded clay is poured onto its bottom.

  1. Seedlings are trimmed (dead roots are removed, living roots are shortened by 2-3 cm, stems are cut to a length of 20 cm, leaving 3-4 leaves).
  2. Seedlings are immersed in water for half an hour before planting.
  3. They dig a hole up to 50 cm in diameter and 10 cm deep than the root system.
  4. 12-15 liters of water are poured into the prepared hole.
  5. The rose is lowered into the hole, covered with earth and compacted well (you need to watch the root node, which must be above the surface).

Video: features of planting roses

Important! If the planting site is chosen to be bright and in direct sunlight, then for the first 2-3 weeks the young plants need to create a reflective screen that will scatter light and create shadow.

"Leonardo da Vinci" is excellent for breeding at home.

In order to get a good result, you should adhere to the following planting rules:

  • choose a bright place on a south-facing window sill or on a terrace with good air circulation;
  • take into account the fact that roses need constant watering, and overwatering is harmful;
  • ensure proper drainage;
  • constantly loosen the soil around the seedling;
  • regularly feed the plant once a week;
  • Periodically remove dried flowers and leaves.

IN winter period After active flowering has completed, it is enough to move the domestic rose away from the radiators. To provide the plant sunlight In winter, special phytolamps are used. If you follow these recommendations, the rose will survive the winter without any problems and quickly come to life in the spring.


Caring for a floribunda is not difficult, however, we will mention how to water and fertilize the plant, how to properly prune the bush and form a crown, and also how to prepare the rose for wintering. When watering, you need to adhere to the fact that the soil should always be moist. As soon as the soil dries out, this is a direct signal to water.

Important! You cannot water the plant during the day in the heat. When watering, pour water under the bush, avoiding getting on the leaves and flowers.

If a rose is periodically fed with fertilizers, it will bloom faster, produce more buds and have a richer color and aroma. Ready-made mixtures for roses with a high content of potassium, saltpeter and urea are best suited for this purpose.
Preference should also be given to humus. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to alternate with organic matter. Fertilizing should be done once a week before watering.

In order to form beautiful crown, it needs to be trimmed. This can be done in the spring, during the period of active growth. Pruning is carried out moderately, leaving up to 6 buds, which are enough for the appearance of new shoots. With moderate pruning, the rose grows faster and blooms longer.

Despite the fact that "Leonardo da Vinci" is enough frost-resistant variety, it is better to prepare it for wintering, especially young cuttings.

Plants are insulated in mid-autumn, when their activity decreases. All leaves are removed from the roses, and the shoots are cut to 35 cm.

The soil around the seedlings is generously sprinkled with tree bark, sawdust or dry peat. The flowers are covered from above plastic film. Thus, by spring the plant will fully retain all its qualities.


This floribunda variety is considered one of the most resistant to external pests. However, harmful bugs can also appear on its leaves, so it is very important to periodically inspect the plant for foreign fauna.

Among the main diseases and pests are the following:

The category of problem-free and profusely blooming roses, very popular among domestic flower growers, deservedly includes the varieties “Leonardo da Vinci” and “Leonardo da Vinci red”, the description of which will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated connoisseurs of this decorative culture.

Description of the variety "Leonardo da Vinci"

Floribunda "Leonardo da Vinci" from Meilland, was bred back in 1993, but to this day is incredibly popular among amateur gardeners in different countries. This outstanding and highly sought-after variety is characterized by deep pink, densely double flowers that stand out very well against the backdrop of abundant and leathery bright green leaves.

Rose bushes are erect, very compact. Flowering is abundant and very long lasting. The plant is not afraid of rain, and the flowers do not lose their bright and rich color even under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Description of the variety "Leonardo da Vinci red"

The French floribunda from Meilland called “Red Leonardo da Vinci” was obtained as a result of breeding work in 2003. This variety compares favorably with other varieties of this group with its very attractive, dark red, rosette-shaped, medium-sized, densely double flowers collected in small clusters. Rose "Leonardo da Vinci red" has increased endurance, as well as.

abundant flowering Characteristic feature

is increased resistance of flowers to precipitation and moderate aroma. The varietal advantage also includes the formation of strong bushes no more than a meter high with a large number of shoots, which are crowned with several lush inflorescences.

Roses by Leonardo da Vinci: description (video)

Photo gallery All varieties of floribunda roses were obtained as a result of crossing hybrid tea and polyanthus varieties, therefore need the following care measures different stages

  • growth and development: when landing on grafting of pink seedlings must be deepened by about 3-4 cm, which will allow you to get the most decorative and healthy, abundant flowering plant;
  • It is recommended to mulch planting rose seedlings sawdust or shavings, which will preserve moisture, reduce the need for weeding and improve the quality of the soil;
  • the area for growing roses must be protected from northern and gusty winds, as well as shallow groundwater;
  • In order to regularly rejuvenate rose bushes, it is necessary to systematically prune the plant in autumn and spring period s;

  • formative pruning should be done in early spring and can be either medium or strong, depending on the age and condition of the bush;
  • when growing abundantly flowering varieties of floribunda, it is necessary to remove dry, thin and damaged shoots throughout the growing season, which can significantly thicken the plantings of the ornamental crop;
  • To obtain lush and bright flowering for as long as possible, when feeding the rose, you should alternate the application of organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • as highly effective organic matter, it is recommended to use humus and compost;
  • the best mineral fertilizers can be considered compositions with a high content of potassium, urea and nitrate.

Despite sufficient winter hardiness, it is recommended to cover floribunda varieties for the winter. It is first necessary to remove absolutely all foliage and inflorescences from rose bushes, and also trim the shoots to a height of 35 cm. It is advisable to use dry foliage and spruce branches as cover, over which non-woven garden material can be stretched.

Good results are also shown by the use of air-dry shelter, which allows you to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions until spring.

Use in garden decoration

Floribunda can be planted at a small distance from each other, which is due to the compactness of the bushes. In group plantings, roses of these varieties look much better and more impressive than when grown in solitaires. It looks very good to decorate borders and large flower beds with rose bushes, where the varieties “Red Leonardo da Vinci” and “Leonardoda Vinci” deservedly occupy leading positions. Bright and showy varieties of floribunda also look good as a bright background for flowering, low-growing annuals and perennials.

Planting ornamental companion plants for roses is possible in any element of garden design, but in this case it is very important to take into account the requirements of such crops for soil, moisture and light. Not recommended for use joint plantings with roses of the varieties “Red Leonardo da Vinci” and “Leonardoda Vinci” plants with a shortened decorative period, as well as late dates flowering large-flowered peonies, dahlias, asters or tuberous varieties of begonias.

It is very important to maintain distances and avoid crowding and thickening of plantings, which often causes plants to be damaged by pathogenic microflora.

Reviews from flower growers

Reviews of the Leonardo da Vinci and Leonardo da Vinci red varieties are most often positive. The varieties were highly appreciated thanks to good combination unpretentiousness, high decorativeness, as well as abundant and long-lasting flowering. Most often, these varieties are used by gardeners as a background for plants with bluish foliage.

According to landscape designers and experienced rose growers, worthy companion plants for the varieties “Red Leonardo da Vinci” and “Leonardoda Vinci” will be blue varieties host and highly decorative cereal crops, such as blue sisleria, ever-living sheep and varietal elymus.

This name describes a plant bred by crossing two varieties of roses - hybrid tea and polyantha. Floribunda roses include many varieties of spray roses, the most popular of which is the Leonardo da Vinci variety.

Rosa da vinci is a fairly large plant - the height of the bush, the stems of which are covered with bright glossy and dense foliage, is about a meter, or even slightly higher. The rose blooms almost continuously, with buds about 10 centimeters in diameter, thick double pink shade. Each such flower produces about 80 petals that have a light aroma. During the main flowering period, from 4 to 6 bright buds can develop simultaneously on each peduncle.

Floribunda roses - profusely blooming

The peculiarity of this variety can be considered practically continuous flowering, large inflorescences, which, depending on the variety, can be either single or collected in groups. Inflorescence shape, color shades and the buds themselves are very similar to varieties of hybrid tea roses. And Floribunda adopted its immunity to diseases, frost resistance and ease of care from polyantha roses.

What gives such rose bushes a special beauty is their inflorescences, which can have a wide variety of colors. different shapes and sizes. A huge number of varieties have been described, with regular, double or densely double, cupped or flat buds. Most of them have a pleasant, non-intrusive aroma.

There are also significant differences in the size of the bush. Some are quite small, even squat - no more than half a meter tall; others grow up to a meter or even more in height.

Planting and care activities

Leonardo da Vinci roses love good lighting, warmth and free movement of air, but not cold air, so before planting them you should choose the right site. When choosing a location, it is highly advisable to provide protection for the bush from cold winds, especially from the northern and northeastern directions. The flower doesn't like this. Also, you should not plant the Leonardo da Vinci bush in lowlands, where there is a possibility of accumulation and stagnation of water, in areas with closely lying groundwater. Otherwise, the plant is unpretentious.

Planting a bush

First of all, it is worth preparing nutritious soil. To do this, the soil removed from the planting holes is mixed with sand, peat and humus in proportions of 2/1/1, after which superphosphates and a little bone meal are added. Such soil will allow the seedling to take root well and grow quickly.

If the soil is very dense - heavy loam, you need to make additional drainage so that excess moisture is better removed and the soil breathes well. To do this, the planting hole is made 15–20 centimeters deeper and a layer of expanded clay or crushed red brick is placed on its bottom.

  • Seedlings are prepared by removing dead root shoots and lightly pruning living ones. The stems of the seedlings also need to be trimmed, leaving no more than 20 centimeters, but be sure to leave at least 2-3 leaves;
  • Before planting, the seedlings are placed in cold water and hold out a little. 30 - 40 minutes is enough, after which they are ready for planting;
  • Prepare a hole for planting the bush, taking into account the size of the root system. For the Floribunda variety - Leonardo da Vinci, it is advisable to make it at least 50 centimeters in diameter, and the depth should be slightly greater than the length of the root of the seedling, at least 10 centimeters.

After such preparation, 10–15 liters of water are poured into the planting hole and when the soil is shaken, you can begin planting the plant.

The seedling is carefully placed in place in a vertical position and sprinkled with prepared soil, carefully tamping it down. At the same time, it is extremely important that the root node does not end up underground. It should be slightly above ground level, otherwise the bush will not take root.

Immediately after planting, you need to form an earthen roller around the bush that retains irrigation water and, if you choose a place that is completely open to the sun’s rays, organize a screen that scatters them. Floribunda roses of all varieties, including Leonardo da Vinci, are very light-loving, but in the first weeks after planting the seedlings they need moderate lighting, otherwise burns of young shoots may occur.

If you purchased seedlings in a container, you can plant them directly in them. Over time, their body will resolve and the plant will continue to grow in open ground, but experience says that it is still better to free the roots from its boundaries. The root system develops quite quickly and, to put it mildly, does not welcome restrictions.

Another important point– Floribundas, leonardo da vinci varieties, are quite large plants, so this point should be taken into account when planting in groups. The distance between the bushes should allow them to develop freely without interfering with each other.


In order for the plant to grow normally and show all its aesthetic appeal, it requires some care, which, however, is quite simple:

  • Regular watering;
  • Timely crown care - pruning;
  • Fertilizing with organic matter and minerals.

Such measures will be quite sufficient.


Watering a bush involves regularly keeping the soil moist - the top layer of soil has dried out; it needs to be watered, but not flooded.

Cleaning and shaping the crown

Pruning the crown is carried out during the active growing season of the plant and is not only a sanitary measure, but also shapes the shape of the crown of the bush. As a rule, Floribunda bushes and Leonardo da Vinci varieties are pruned moderately - by 5 - 6 eyes. This is quite enough for the emergence of new shoots and the activation of the development of old ones. In addition, moderate pruning promotes more abundant and long-lasting flowering of the da Vinci rose bush.

If you decide to radically clean an overgrown bush, do not be surprised if it only gives color by the end of summer, or even in the fall. In addition, severe pruning can even lead to a change in the varietal personality of the plant.

Feeding and fertilizer

Although hybrid roses Floribundas can grow quite poor soil, they are very sensitive to nutritional supplements. In this case, they grow faster and produce more abundant and vibrant color.

Complex preparations are best suited ready-made mixtures for floriculture, but you can prepare the fertilizer yourself.

Leonardo da Vinci bushes love humus, compost, and especially mineral compounds, such as urea, saltpeter and potassium fertilizers.

Feeding will bring the best results if it is regular, alternating organic matter and minerals throughout the season.

Floribunda Reproduction

These roses can be propagated by anyone vegetative way, but most often they are bred by cuttings. In this case, the results are most reliable.

Suitable for cuttings are young branches that have already reached a thickness of 5–6 millimeters and are a little woody. They are cut about 10 centimeters long so that there are several buds on them, and the top one should be only slightly lower than the upper edge of the cutting. The cuttings need to be cut in a special way - at the top at a right angle, and at the bottom at an angle of 45°.

Prepared cuttings are examined for diseases, dry buds and those selected for planting are soaked in a phytohormonal solution. It will prevent them from fungus and other pests.

The cuttings are planted on the ground, in grooves about 15 cm deep and at the same distance from each other, after which a kind of greenhouse is built over them. To do this, you can make a frame from boards, reinforcement or thick wire and stretch transparent polyethylene on top. Another option is to build a border around the perimeter of the bed and put glass or plexiglass on it.

For the entire period of growth of seedling cuttings, they need to be watered regularly, loosen the soil and ventilate, but only in warm time days, and when the first buds sprout, they need to be carefully cut off. Only with such care will the cuttings produce a healthy, branched root system - the key to the health and beauty of the future rose bush.

Wintering of seedlings

As already mentioned, Florinbunda bushes of the Leonardo da Vinci variety are quite frost-resistant plants, but this applies to adult plants, but young plants do not tolerate frost. Therefore, before the onset of winter, the planted cuttings need to be insulated.

This is done in late autumn, when the activity of the seedlings decreases and they are preparing for frost. Such young animals need to be covered with special insulation or improvised materials. Dry peat, ground pine bark and even sawdust will do. You need to cover the soil on which the seedlings grow with a small layer, and then stretch a couple of layers of polyethylene on top.

For two years, seedlings must be kept in greenhouse conditions and only in the third year will they become so strong that they can be planted in a permanent place of growth.

Growing the Florinbnda bush at home

Floribunda roses can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home. Even such large varieties as Leonardo da Vinci, with proper care, get along well in an apartment or residential building. True, in such conditions the size of the bush is much smaller than on the street, but this does not reduce its attractiveness.

To successfully breed Floribunda at home, you should take into account a number of their features:

  • These varieties of roses love a lot of light and Fresh air, so it is better to place them next to windows facing south. IN summer time, it is advisable to take the flowerpot out onto the balcony or terrace, and in winter ensure good ventilation of the room;
  • Roses love moisture and require regular watering, but do not like overwatering. In view of this, the flowerpots in which the plant is contained must be with good drainage, and the soil in them must breathe - it must be loosened regularly;
  • In a flowerpot, soil nutrients quickly run out, so the rose needs to be fed regularly. It is advisable to do this at least once a week, especially during the period of active flowering;
  • As the bush grows, it becomes cramped in the old flowerpot and the plant needs to be transplanted into a more spacious one. This rule is critically important because the rose root system does not tolerate crowding;
  • Frorinbunda does not like cold drafts and watering with cold water;
  • During the entire period, you need to remove dead leaves and flowers, as well as sections of the crown.

Just like when growing outdoors, indoor rose During the winter it reduces activity, its processes freeze and the plant requires rest. When the period of active growing and flowering ends, they stop feeding the rose and greatly reduce watering. Winter temperature contents, ideally it should also be slightly lower than normal room temperature, but it will be sufficient to simply place the bush away from heating devices. At the same time, the lighting of the plant should remain significant and, if there is not enough natural light, the bush can be illuminated with phytolamps of the solar radiation spectrum.

In such conditions, home rose will easily overwinter and quickly come to life in early spring.

Leonardo da Vinci's rose was able to combine historical beauty and modern requirements for flowers. The flower has a beautiful bright pink color and at the same time a magnificent ball-shaped shape. Roses cover the bush abundantly, so they are a real decoration of any garden or plot.


Rosa Leonardo da Vinci belongs to the Floribunda group. The variety was obtained by crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. The Floribunda group includes spray roses the most different varieties, but the most popular is still da Vinci. The variety was created in 1994 by Alain Meyland and given the name in honor of the artist.

The flower blooms with double flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm and a bright color. Flowers can be either single or grow in racemes of 3-4 pieces. One flower has about 80 petals. Roses have a light fruity aroma. Gardeners also love the bright red flower variety. Rose red Leonardo da Vinci has about 100 red petals.

The bush itself is strong and reaches 70-100 cm in height, and the red rose can grow even larger. The foliage is dark green and the shoots are erect. In addition, the variety has strong resistance to various diseases.

Features of the variety

The main feature of the variety is that it blooms continuously and always with large inflorescences. The very shape of the inflorescences is compared to tea varieties of roses. Bushes can boast of their beauty thanks to these inflorescences, because they can have different shapes and sizes. There are many varieties that have double, cupped or flat buds. Another feature is that the aroma of roses is completely unobtrusive and pleasant.

Planting and care

For roses, it is best to choose a place in the sun, but you can plant them in partial shade. The main thing is to have protection from strong winds and constant drafts. And also on the site should not stagnate melt water, because the roots of the plant can quickly rot. Planting is best done in late April or early May, but flowers can be planted in the fall - from mid-September to mid-October.

Planting technology

First you need to prepare the soil. It must be nutritious, so the soil from the holes must be mixed with peat, sand and humus in the following proportions - 1/2/1. Then you should add superphosphates and a small amount of bone meal. Thanks to this nutrient soil, the roses will take root well and begin to grow quickly.

In dense and heavy soil, additional drainage is done to remove excess moisture. The hole for planting needs to be made deeper, and expanded clay or crushed red brick should be placed on the bottom. Then planting is done as follows:

After preparation, the hole should be filled with water, about 15 liters, and when the soil has already been shaken, the seedlings can be planted.

During landing The seedling must be held vertically and carefully covered with prepared soil, compacting it slightly. Care should be taken to ensure that the root node does not go underground. It must be left slightly above the ground, otherwise the bush will not be able to take root.

After planting the flower, you need to make a cushion of soil around the bush, which will allow you to retain water during watering. Floribunda roses are light-loving plants, but in the first weeks after planting the lighting should be moderate, otherwise the young shoots may get burned. And it should also be noted that roses have large bushes, so if they are planted in groups, then the distance between the bushes should be decent so that they develop freely.

Rules of care

So that the bushes develop well and can show all their beauty, you need to give them due attention and care, which includes:

  • watering;
  • crown care;
  • fertilizing the soil.

You need to water the soil regularly and it must be kept moist; if the top layer dries out, then the bush is watered, but the plant must not be flooded.

It is necessary to trim the crown of the bush during the period of active growth; this is not only considered a sanitary measure, but will also help shape the shape of the bush. The bushes need to be cut moderately, by about 5-6 buds, this is enough for the formation of new shoots and the formation of a bush. Moderate pruning also prolongs the flowering of the rose.

With the help of fertilizing, the plant grows faster, and the flowers acquire a bright and rich color. Complex preparations are suitable for feeding, but you can do it yourself. Rose is partial to humus and compost, and also prefers mineral compounds, for example, urea, potassium and saltpeter.

It is best to do fertilizing several times during the spring-summer period and with different fertilizers:

  • twice nitrogen fertilizers, and in early spring add mullein solution to the soil;
  • 2 times during budding and then once during flowering;
  • At the beginning of autumn, fertilize with potassium sulfate once.


Roses of this variety are capable of propagation by any vegetative method, but cuttings are usually used because in this case the result will be more reliable.

Young branches are needed for cuttings, reaching 5-6 mm in thickness. For propagation, branches are needed that are at least 10 cm in length and that they have several buds. It should be remembered that cuttings need to be trimmed correctly. From above this must be done at a right angle, but from below at an angle of 45 degrees. The twigs should be thoroughly examined and then soaked in a phytohormonal solution.

The cuttings need to be planted in holes to a depth of 15 cm at the same distance from each other and create something like a greenhouse effect. To do this, you need to think through the frame in advance and prepare the polyethylene.

During growth, the cuttings must be watered regularly and the soil loosened. And also in warm times, ventilate the mini-greenhouse, and when the first buds appear, it is best to cut them off. Only with such care are young shoots able to produce a strong and healthy root system.

Disease and pest control

The flower has excellent resistance to almost all known diseases. But if unfavorable conditions arise, still fungus may appear, therefore, for prevention purposes in the spring, it is best to treat the plant with copper sulfate.

But, besides this, diseases can take advantage of the moment and overtake the plant, if the area around it is heavily contaminated with weeds, and the roots do not receive enough air. Therefore, the flower must be watered correctly and in a timely manner, and the soil must be loosened and weeds removed.

If the rose is not covered correctly for the winter, then she may get an infectious burn. In the shelter there may be high humidity or insufficient ventilation and then the rose will be affected by fungus. At this time, the shoots begin to die. If, after removing the cover, red spots appear on the shoots, it is best to cut them off. The wounds need to be lubricated with garden varnish and when sunny days come, the disease will completely recede.

If the flower does not have enough nutrients, then this can lead to chlorosis. This can be seen in the leaves; they begin to acquire yellow and wither. At the first signs of disease, you need to feed and acidify the soil.

How to protect yourself from pests?

The main pest of roses is aphids and spider mite . Aphids may appear on shoots or leaf bases. The leaves begin to take on a different appearance, become deformed and gradually dry out. If a small cobweb appears on the leaves, it means that a mite has settled there. To destroy the main pests, drugs such as Commander, Alatar, Iskra and Actellik are used. Before processing, it is best to spray the bush with water from a hose.

But the rose can also be attacked by other pests:

To combat the above pests, different drugs are used, but Aktara is used for any pests.


Rose da Vinci will decorate any area, looks beautiful and noble. The variety was highly praised for its unpretentiousness and the highest decorative properties. But, besides this, the rose blooms profusely and for a long time, and is resistant to many diseases. proper care. This is why it attracts the attention of many gardeners.