Optimal fireplace sizes. Do-it-yourself fireplace - decorate the interior and heat the house. Which brand is better

Having your own fireplace is a dream for many, but its realization requires high-quality preparation and thorough implementation. Install a fireplace on our own It is not recommended for smaller rooms, as living in such a place can be quite dangerous. But if you wish to fulfill the hearth small size in a room with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters, then this can be done.

The most optimal material Brick masonry is considered to create fireplaces, but there is a simpler solution to this issue - electric fireplace, which can perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. However, for a suburban building this option will be more expensive and not practical.

First you need to calculate the area of ​​the fuel portal. For the most part, it is no more than 2 percent of the area of ​​the room in which the fireplace is installed. If the area is 15%, then the size of the portal will be approximately 0.3 “square”.

Next you need to calculate the size of the fireplace.

Elements of a brick fireplace:
A is the width of the portal; B - height of the portal; B is the depth of the firebox; 1 - chimney; 2 - mantel; 3 - portal; 4 - firebox; 5 - fireplace step; 6 - floor; 7 - under the fireplace;

Most better proportion height in relation to width is considered two to three. The fireplace will be approximately 0.7x04, depending on what parameters the room has and whether you want to get a fireplace square shape or create a more elongated shape.
Regarding the depth, it should not be very large or very small. With a room size of 15 square meters, the most optimal solution the depth will be 20-30 centimeters. More specific figures can only be obtained if you have information about the length and width of the room.
To prevent heat from leaving the building completely, the chimney should be made approximately ten times smaller in relation to the area of ​​the portal. Among other things, it is recommended to make the hole round.

Fireplace size chart

can build quality corner fireplace, which will work properly and look beautiful. But how can a beginner do all the work? on one's own? In this article I decided to touch upon important points problems that stove makers encounter when building corner fireplaces.

Assemble with your own hands brick fireplace, many consider it an almost impossible and impossible task. However, both an experienced professional and a beginner can cope with its laying. All that is needed for this is a well-designed order, quality materials. It is equally important to initially correctly determine the size of the fireplace. Thus, it will fit perfectly into the living room or any other room in the house.

If the house is brick, installing a stove in it is much easier than in wooden building. The house in which the fireplace is installed must be properly insulated. In particular, this applies to the walls and floors on which and near which the heating unit will be installed. It is equally important that the stove does not lie close to the walls; you need to leave free space between them.

A stove, the design of which was developed and approved by a professional stove maker, will never be located opposite windows and doorways. This significantly reduces the efficiency of heating and heating equipment due to the resulting drafts.

We calculate the combustion hole

The stove, the masonry of which will be done by hand, must have the most accurate and detailed calculations everyone structural element. To do this, first of all we define dimensions fireboxes

To determine this parameter, you need to know that the area of ​​the room must have a ratio to the combustion opening according to the proportion 1:50-1:70.

For example, if the room has an area of ​​30 square meters, and the ceiling height is from 3 to 3.5 meters, which means that the fuel compartment will have a size of 0.6 sq.m. For a space of 20 square meters, this parameter will be 0.4 or 52x77 centimeters. If the living room or bedroom has an area of ​​10 squares, the firebox will be equal to 0.2 squares or 36x45 centimeters.

It is equally important to take into account and correctly calculate such indicators as the height and depth of the fuel compartment. The depth of the fuel compartment will vary from one-half to two-thirds the height of the frame. If this aspect is not observed, certain difficulties and malfunctions may arise in the operation of this heating equipment. If the selected depth is insufficient, the room may periodically become filled with smoke. If the depth is greater than the maximum indicator, this will negatively affect such an indicator as heat transfer.

To calculate the dimensions of the chimney, it is necessary to take the dimensions of the combustion opening as a basis. The chimney system must have an area that is 10 times smaller than the firebox. There are certain standards for a brick chimney, which are 140 by 140 or 140 by 270 millimeters. For pipes made of of stainless steel, the hole diameter will average about 11 centimeters. In this case, the total height of the chimney system will be about five meters.

It is equally important to determine the dimensions of the entire oven. In this case, the size of the brick used for laying is taken as a basis (65x120x250 millimeters). Also, when calculating, you should add such a parameter as the thickness of the seams. From this we conclude that one row will have a height of about 70-80 millimeters. The rear partition of the fireplace can be assembled not from a whole brick, but from 1/2 brick: 125 millimeters. The sidewalls must consist of solid elements: 250 millimeters.

The order of the furnace plays a key role and is the key to successful construction work with your own hands. Having made a drawing, you can first take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the construction, and, if necessary, make all the appropriate adjustments.

The furnace, the drawing of which has already been completely completed, has a number of its own characteristic features. Each row and the number of bricks must be indicated, and it is important to remember that even halves and quarters of bricks are counted as one unit.

The laying of fireplaces, carried out by a beginner, should follow ready-made diagram. However, even in this case, material consumption may vary. When purchasing, take a brick and building mixtures with a small margin!

Home stoves can have different consumption of materials, which is directly related to their type and the way they are located in the interior. For example, for a corner fireplace measuring one meter per meter, it will take about 210 standard units and 120 fire bricks. For a wall fireplace measuring 650 by 1150 millimeters, you will need 260 units of red and 120 heat-resistant bricks.

If you are going to assemble a traditional English fireplace with your own hands, it will require many times more materials. About 350 red and 150 fireclay.

A fireplace, the dimensions of which are determined, will be guaranteed to meet your wishes, if you make sure that the calculations are correct. To do this, even experienced professionals initially lay several rows dry, that is, without masonry mortar.

Laying and preparing the foundation

If we talk about selected models, special attention must be paid to the Elba firebox. This insert is installed in a portal made by yourself or purchased in a store. The range of fireplaces is welded from high-quality thick-walled stainless steel. The pipe is made of cast iron, and facade part complemented by a large transparent tempered glass, which has the property of self-cleaning.

The compartment in which fuel combustion occurs is assembled from fireclay refractory bricks. This in turn increases parameters and indicators such as heat transfer and design efficiency. Due to high-quality materials, the service life of such fireboxes is quite long, and use is simple and comfortable. Depending on your wishes, you can choose a fireplace of certain dimensions, shape, with a corner or classic wall arrangement in the interior of the house.

This video looks at laying a simple brick fireplace with your own hands in five days:

Not every person knows that all types of fireplaces, represented by a huge number of models, according to some technical parameters have well-defined, established standard indicators. These parameters include the dimensions of the main node elements. When building a fireplace, you should adhere to these values, since deviations can lead to disruption of the functions of the device. Any fireplace must cope with the same tasks:

  • remove heat resulting from fuel combustion;
  • ensure removal of combustion products;
  • provide oxygen supply to the furnace.

Drawing of a wall fireplace

The history of fireplace construction is rich in experimental discoveries that accumulated in the form of experience that was passed on from the master to his student. Today, many professional stove makers do not even think about why the chosen standard project has fixed dimensions. His knowledge comes down to memorizing indicators for different types ovens. Meanwhile, there are quite good reasons for standardization. Let's study in more detail the dimensions of the fireplace, its main characteristics, which are an indicator of its proper operation.

Conditions for normal traction

Everyone has heard of the term cravings. Even without knowing the definition, you can intuitively imagine what it is. There are opinions that this is a pressure difference or temperature difference between the upper and lower points of the chimney.

However, this idea is not entirely correct, because with a small pressure difference, thrust can be increased due to other factors. Therefore, draft should be understood as the speed of movement of air masses through the cross section of the chimney. It may be increased, decreased or normal. The average speed should be 0.25 m/s.

It is impossible to measure the speed of movement of combustion products at home. Before lighting the fireplace, it is recommended to make sure that there is draft. To do this, you should observe the behavior of the flame of a burning piece of paper, and you can already estimate the magnitude of this thrust by the behavior.

Brick laying scheme

In order not to rely on chance, all factors influencing the amount of thrust are carefully studied. Among them are dynamic ( Atmosphere pressure, precipitation, wind, chimney damage) and statistical, depending on what dimensions of the fireplace were chosen during construction, what its width and height are.

Basic fixed sizes

Standardizing sizes does not mean that all fireplaces must be cloned from one. The fact is that among all the dimensions, those that affect its functionality are determined. These are the dimensions that must be observed. Among them stand out linear dimensions fireboxes, area smoke channel, the distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the fireplace window, the position of the smoke tooth relative to the fireplace hearth, the width of the channel in the area where the tooth overlaps.

The remaining sizes do not affect the work and play a decisive role in distinguishing models from each other. For example, the dimensions of the portal are selected depending on the size of the firebox opening and the space allocated for the fireplace.

Fixing dimensions does not mean setting their absolute value. The listed dimensions depend on the volume of the room that will have to be heated. But a mathematical relationship has been established between them, which cannot be violated. When creating a project, you can use one of the many ready-made tables, which indicate all the values ​​necessary for these conditions. This table is an everyday tool for any craftsman.

Dimensions of fireplace elements

Despite the fact that such tables can be found in any source, every master, even a beginner, should have an idea of ​​how to generate this data.

Calculation of parameters

The starting point for calculating the structure can be the volume of the room or its area. To determine the area of ​​the fireplace window, which is the front part of the firebox, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by 50. It is possible to carry out all the necessary measurements for the house without special devices. Knowing the area of ​​the combustion hole, you will have to solve a small math problem. The ratio of the width and height of the window is expressed as a fraction 2/3. Based on these conditions, the first specific dimensions are determined.

Theoretically, the speed of gas flow should not depend on the depth of the firebox. But practice shows absolutely opposite results.

  • Excessive depth leads to increased speed. This outcome is considered unfavorable, since the heat will not have time to be transferred into the room and, along with warm air will leave the room through the chimney.
  • The shallow depth of the firebox is the direct reason poor traction. The room will gradually begin to fill with combustion products.

The standard depth is tied to the height of the window. It is 2/3 of the latter value. The selected proportions have been tested over the years and are the truth, to which there is no need to select a theory.

Ready cast iron option

A complete calculation of the fireplace involves calculating the parameters for the chimney. But here the main indicators depend on the shape of the smoke channel. IN cross section the channel can be a circle, square or rectangle.

Convection currents rise up the chimney along a complex trajectory that looks like a spiral. As a result, air masses in a channel with a circular cross-section practically do not encounter obstacles. In the other two types of channels, microflows are formed in the corners, which, with their turbulence, prevent the movement of smoke. In such chimneys, it is advisable to talk about an effective channel, with an area much smaller than the area of ​​the smoke opening.

This theory is proof of the fact that with the same height of the chimney, the amount of draft depends on the cross-sectional shape of the channel. Average chimney parameters can be set and adhered to during construction. The length of the pipe will be affected by where it exits through the roof. What is important here is not compliance with proportions, but the distance from the pipe to the ridge. If it varies within 1.5 m, then the pipe is erected 0.5 m higher than the top point of the roof.

Table based on chimney dimensions

The next range of distances, limited to three meters, corresponds to the equality of the levels of the pipe and the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge exceeds 3 m, it is necessary to apply geometric constructions. Mentally draw a horizontal line through the highest point of the roof. From it, count an angle of 10° degrees and draw a beam. Our pipe should end at the intersection of the beam and the axis of the smoke channel.

We should not forget about the area of ​​the canal. It should be 10 times smaller than the area of ​​the fireplace window. If you make a channel with a larger area, this will not lead to an increase in traction, as it might seem at first glance. Too much big square promotes the breakthrough of cold air flows from the atmosphere into the room. This phenomenon is called.

What hasn't been taken into account yet

All the dimensions that were listed above are in a certain dependence on each other. We proposed taking the area of ​​the room as the starting point for the calculation, which is a completely reasonable decision. However, in some cases the problem has to be solved from the end. For example, if the house has a chimney, which in its functions meets the requirements for fireplaces. Then all calculations will have to start from the channel area.

There are certain indicators that are not related by a mathematical relationship, but are decisive for the normal operation of the fireplace.

  • The height of the fireplace window from the floor can be about 0.3-0.4 m (depending on the presence of a niche for storing firewood).
  • The podium for the portal protrudes from its borders in front by 0.5 m, and on the sides by 0.3 m.
  • The angle of the smoke tooth is 20° degrees.
  • The side walls of the firebox taper towards the chimney, forming an angle with the normal from 45° to 60° degrees.

Now you know everything about shaping the geometric dimensions of the fireplace. Is it more convenient to use this knowledge or ready-made tables to understand what the width of the fireplace and its height should be? Each master gives a personal answer to this question.

Pechnik (Moscow)

At the stage of planning construction in your home or country house heating installation Many people ask the question: How many bricks do you need for a fireplace? Exact amount of this material may differ significantly in each case.

First of all, it depends on the size and type of heating unit, as well as its shape and functional features. In this article you can find out how many bricks you need for a fireplace, how to make the most accurate and exact calculations, as well as which brand is best to choose.

Which brand is better?

Before calculating a brick fireplace, you need to accurately determine what brand of brick is recommended to be used. Properly selected materials ensure maximum productivity, functionality, durability and efficiency of the constructed structure.

Instructions for choosing a brick:

Criterias of choice

Detailed description

Red solid brick (clay)

In order to lay out the outer contour of the stove, we need solid red brick. It is well suited for areas with low heat.

It is categorically not suitable for assembling a hearth and combustion chamber, since it does not tolerate strong heat and temperature changes, as a result of which it begins to crumble and lose its strength.

Fireclay fireproof

  • If you already have a pre-prepared project of which you are confident (done by a professional), it will mandatory the amount of bricks used for the construction of such a structure must be indicated;
  • In order to find out how many bricks you need for a fireplace, you can use the following simple and proven diagram. The amount of brick laid in the first row must be multiplied by the number of vertical rows. In order to find out the numerical value and the number of units of material, it is necessary to subtract 1/3 from the resulting numerical value. Certainly, this option is far from one hundred percent, but the final numerical value is very close to the truth.

A good example: imagine that the length of the first continuous row of the fireplace is 24 bricks, and the total height of the structure is two meters and forty centimeters. From this numerical value it is necessary to subtract about thirty centimeters that will be covered finishing materials, as a result, we get a structure height of about two meters and ten centimeters. The height of one row is seven centimeters. At the next stage, it is necessary to divide the total height of the fireplace installation by seven centimeters (one row) and get thirty rows. Next, we need to subtract a third from thirty rows, as a result of which we often get twenty. In order to find outhow many bricks do you need for a fireplace?, we multiply 24 bricks of one row by the number of rows - 20. The final number is 480 bricks. A certain amount of materials will also be needed for stock and partial finishing - this is about sixty more units, which means the final quantity is 540 bricks.

Important: when using this calculation method, keep in mind that the final quantity is intended exclusively for the construction of the main part of the structure, and the chimney itself is calculated separately.

Calculation of bricks for a chimney

  1. One linear meter pipes are about 14-15 rows. Consequently, one row has a length of seven bricks, and the total according to this scheme is approximately ninety-eight bricks;
  2. If the total length of the chimney is about five meters, according to this scheme, the total amount of brick consumed is 490-500 units.

This calculation scheme, of course, is also not 100% accurate, but with its help you can profitably plan and calculate the budget spent on the construction of a heating unit of the required size.

For a more detailed and detailed visual acquaintance, we also recommend viewing the photos in this article.

The correctness of the calculations lies in the choice of size; the oven assembled with your own hands was made with the highest quality, distinguished by its high productivity, power, functionality and ease of use, you can take advantage of detailed instructions and a ready-made formula for the most accurate calculation of the bricks spent, and get a ready-made and accurately drawn up manual diagram using the services of a professional.

It is equally important to consider the type of materials used for each individual section of the heating installation, since some materials perform negatively in an environment with high temperatures and begin to collapse.

After reading this article and familiarizing yourself with the materials presented, you now know exactly how much brick you need for a fireplace and how to correctly implement your idea and pre-calculate the amount spent on construction.

Pechnik (Moscow)

Not many people know how important it is when choosing either a ready-made purchased model or when preparing an assembly diagram to indicate and pay attention to the dimensions and design parameters.

The efficiency of the device, its position and viewing angle in the interior directly depend on this aspect. Due to its location, a corner fireplace does not always look equally good and advantageous; it requires preliminary selection of the most suitable place and other parameters.

Knowing the dimensions of the corner fireplace, you can easily choose for it a unique, most harmonious and compatible common interior room design, calculate its capacity and purchase all materials and accessories.

Correct definition of parameters

A corner fireplace, the dimensions of which have already been calculated, can be made of any materials and have a certain lining of the hearth. Before making your choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following selection rules:

Criterias of choice

Detailed description

Decorative hearths

The dimensions of a corner fireplace largely depend on the type of hearth chosen for installation and the fuel used for its operation.

If you are looking exclusively decorative solution or a firebox that will serve as an additional source of heating for a house or apartment, we recommend paying attention to fireplaces that operate using bioethanol or electricity.

Effective foci

Installation instructions finished model always included in basic equipment. The most effective fireplaces that can become the main source of heating in rooms are gas and classic wood-burning structures.

If installation gas boiler possible both in private and in apartment building, then wood-burning fireboxes require a mandatory chimney, which is only possible in your own home.

It should be noted that the installation of such installations is more complex, costly and time-consuming.

Budget materials

The chosen finish, materials for making the hearth and portal also play a big role.

The most inexpensive and budget coatings are plasterboard, metal profiles, ceramic tile, decorative plaster.

Due to their low cost, the design of portals, hearths or such cladding provides less high efficiency and efficiency.

Expensive coatings

The price of materials and coatings that form and provide the furnace with additional heat capacity, efficiency, and heat transfer is quite high.

This category includes tiles, natural minerals, cast iron, and steel. Distinctive features materials are practicality, durability, fire resistance, easy maintenance and environmental friendliness.

Tip: a corner fireplace, the dimensions of which are selected individually, must be thought out to the smallest detail. Before you start assembling or purchasing, determine the optimal one for yourself price range, a list of installation and installation work that you will need to perform. This will greatly facilitate the work process and help determine the dimensions, type of fuel and other features of the fireplace.

Dimensions of decorative fireplace

Dimensions, corner fireplace for which is determined according to the area of ​​the room for decorative installations, can also be determined based on the following tips and recommendations:

  • The room selected for installation and installation of the structure must have suitable sizes. As a rule, the dimensions of the stove should not exceed one twenty-fifth of the living room;

Example: for a room of 25-30 square meters, the size of the heating corner installation should not exceed one square. Moreover, each of its sides, which is adjacent to the wall ceiling, is about 1.4-1.6 meters.

  • Since there is no real flame burning in the hearth of false fireplaces and the structure does not heat up, it is quite possible to make it not only an addition and decoration to the interior, but also add a certain functionality. To do this, equip the frame with various racks, table tops or shelves on which you can place books, accessories and other necessary items. useful little things;
  • If you want to install a purchased electric or bio firebox into a decorative portal, all calculations are made according to the existing installation dimensions. If the portal is purchased, you can find its installation dimensions in the instruction manual included with the purchase. For homemade frames, all measurements are taken by hand; in this case, choosing a hearth that is suitable in size is quite difficult and it is quite possible to make it only to order.

Photos of corner fireplaces in various interiors you can also view in this article.

How to calculate the dimensions of the combustion chamber

  • To calculate such a parameter as width, you will need to add up the width of the firebox itself and its side parts, as well as add up the frame consoles;
  • To calculate the height, add up the height of the firewood, fireplace shelves and other decorative elements;

Important: when performing calculations, pay attention not only to its length and width, but also to its depth. The dimensions of corner fireplaces are calculated according to the following scheme (example): with the width of each side panel being 250 millimeters and its height being 400, we additionally take into account such parameters as the height of the cornice, along with mantelpieces or countertops (an additional 300 millimeters). As a result, we get a width of 112.5 centimeters and a height of 132.8. Wherein side walls will be equal to 300 millimeters (if we take into account the depth of the combustion chamber). The length of the walls that are adjacent to the wall ceiling is taken into account as its width (it is necessary to divide this numerical value by 1.4), for this concrete example we get a numerical value of 0.8 meters.

Tip: in order to perform all the calculations as quickly and accurately as possible, you can make all the necessary calculations directly on the existing instructions with an image of the frame in several projected variations.

Metal corner fireplace: dimensions

The size of a corner fireplace made of metal is calculated based on a list of other criteria and rules:

  1. The overall dimensions of metal hearths are calculated based on the characteristics of the firebox, which can have either a completely separate floor-mounted or built-in arrangement;
  2. The size of the firebox depends on the type of fuel chosen - it can be either gas, wood, coal or purchased pellets;
  3. The height, width and depth of the model are selected based on the area of ​​the room selected for installation, as well as the power of the heating unit itself. Learn more about power and other technical features, the functionality of the model can be found in the included passport, manual or instructions;
  4. In order for the power and efficiency of the finished fireplace to be optimal, first of all, calculate the area of ​​the house or apartment you want to heat, then multiply the resulting numerical value by the height footage ceilings and divide by twenty.

Example: if the area of ​​your house is 70 square meters and the ceiling height is 2.7 meters, we get a value of 189 cubic meters. When we divide 189 by twenty, we get 9.45. This means that the power heating device to create high-quality and uniform heating it should be at least 9-10 Kilowatts.

Corner fireplaces, the dimensions of which are shown in the photo in this article, depending on their dimensions, are suitable for installation in rooms with different areas, design features.

Important: built-in corner fireplaces, the dimensions of which are no less important when choosing and installing, are calculated according to the scheme of decorative hearths and portals. An exception in this case would be fireboxes, which are installed in a frame made of brick (the parameters of the bricks themselves are taken into account).

Dimensions of brick structures

If you want to assemble a corner fireplace with your own hands, drawings and dimensions for it must be selected with additional precision. They will help you with this following rules and recommendations:

  1. In order for such a brick oven to have suitable dimensions and appropriate efficiency and functionality, it is necessary to make very careful calculations. To do this, it is important to note the ratio of the combustion chamber to the portal, the area of ​​the house and the room in which it will be located. It is equally important to select a brick of a certain size so that the installation corresponds to the stated dimensions and fits well into the specified angle;
  2. The calculation is made using the following formula: the area of ​​the room selected for installation is determined, the specified numerical value is divided by one hundred (the area of ​​the combustion hole is determined);

Advice: in order for the heat transfer of the corner heating unit to be as high as possible, the combustion chamber is made in the shape of a trapezoid or triangle, while its rear part gradually narrows.

  1. In order to determine the width of the combustion hole in the shape of a triangle, you need to determine its area, then take the square root from it and multiply by two units;
  2. A parameter such as depth is calculated as follows: for this, the width is divided by 1.4. The height of triangular figures often corresponds to its width (maybe a little more);

An example of calculating the diameter: in order to calculate the diameter of the chimney (on average 1:10-16), you need to use the following diagram. The dimensions of the fireplace are calculated and the area of ​​the room is determined. With a footage of 40 square meters, this value is divided by 100, and thus we get 0.4 square meters. The width of the firebox is found by extracting square root from the number 0.4, after which the action of multiplying it by two units is performed. It turns out 1.2 meters, given distance allows you to fit 4-5 bricks. The sides are 1.2/1.5=0.80 (3-4 units of brick, depending on the original size chosen).

Important: if you want to fold a firebox that has a trapezoidal shape, we recommend that you do not perform your own calculations, but use the help of a professional or a ready-made, proven order diagram. These recommendations also apply to combustion chambers that have convex or rounded outlines.

For massive corner structures with large dimensions and a total weight of more than 200 kilograms, it is recommended to build separate foundation. In this case, the following may be useful to you: additional tips, recommendations:

  • The main part of the foundation, poured concrete mixture should be 5-12 centimeters larger than the installation itself on both sides;
  • The fireplace foundation will be installed completely separately and not attached to the main one, to which the house itself is attached;
  • The additional foundation should be located at a distance of 10 or more centimeters from the main one. The space between the two elements must be filled with sand;
  • The foundation itself is completed at a distance of 15 centimeters before the start of the floor covering - this will allow for two more rows of bricks to be laid.

Important: for purposes fire safety the distance from the chimney pipe to various ceilings, walls and beams must be at least 20 centimeters. Additional insulation of all ceilings and elements (floor, walls) in contact with and adjacent to the fireplaces is also carried out. For these purposes, special construction foil is most often used.

The fireplace dimensions are corner, an example of the correct design of a smoke hole: one brick has an area of ​​0.03 square meters, this in turn is equal to the area of ​​the combustion hole from 0.3 to 0.45 squares. To ensure uninterrupted and efficient work traction mechanism, you need to select the appropriate height. On average, its range can be from 2 to 6 meters. If the indicator exceeds these values, it will be necessary to additionally provide for the installation and presence of elbows.