A disk from a student to a teacher with words of gratitude. Kind words to the teacher from parents and children: poetry and prose

A thank you letter is business letter, containing words of gratitude for any events or actions. You can read how it is written in. Very often, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher; it can be written by both parents, students, and the director of the educational institution.

If the letter is written on behalf of the management of an educational institution, for example, a school, then the text usually expresses gratitude for professionalism and literacy, or active participation in the life of the school. Writing samples thank you letter presented to their employees from the management of the organization.

Below we offer several options for formatting a letter of gratitude from student parents. Parents usually thank their children's teachers after finishing school or at the end of school year.

Try to write the letter in such a way that the teacher really feels your gratitude, use the wording below and add your own phrases to them.

Texts of a thank you letter to a teacher from parents

1. Sample text of a letter to the teacher from parents

Dear Ekaterina Viktorovna!

We sincerely thank you for teaching and raising our children. Yours pedagogical abilities and a sensitive attitude towards each student make the educational process successful. Children enjoy going to school, studying and learning new things. Your professionalism and individual approach each helped to reveal many talents and abilities in students.

We wish you health, success, optimism, conquering new heights in the educational process!


Parents Committee of 11B class of school No. 34

2. Another text of a thank you letter to the class teacher

Dear Natalya Sergeevna!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your patience and respect shown to our children during the school year. Thanks to your professional approach to teaching, children go to school with pleasure and look forward to each lesson. Your individual approach to each student was able to open up in them hidden talents and opportunities. With the help of your amazing teaching abilities, students grow into full-fledged and purposeful individuals aimed at acquiring new knowledge!

We wish you to always remain a competent specialist, a professional in your field! Be healthy and happy!

Parents of class 4 A of school No. 45

3. Another option for writing a thank you letter to a teacher

Dear Anna Nikolaevna!

The Parent Committee of class 3A of school No. 45 thanks you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your patience and affection. Thank you for helping our children find themselves in this life and developing their potential. Your sincere attitude towards each child allows them to feel more confident in acquiring new knowledge.

Thank you for your caring attitude towards educational process, for your professionalism and literacy.

We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful!

A low bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna!


Parents of class 3A of school No. 45.

Gratitude speech to teachers from parents in prose

Dear teachers!

Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. We parents want to say a lot of gratitude to the teachers of our children.

Here, at school, our kids grow, learn, mature, and experience life. At school, they acquire not only academic knowledge, but also find their adult friends. Of course, you are the teacher. You give them attention, love, your time and heartfelt love.

In our school, teachers created an atmosphere of mutual understanding and kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded constant attention and love.

We want to express our deep gratitude and deep appreciation to you for your professionalism, generosity, attentiveness and love, dedication to your profession and your students. Your participation and advice were always correct and appropriate. You raised them! Taught!

Our dear teachers!

We brought our frightened and confused children to you. The teachers led them along the paths of knowledge. The children learned letters and numbers. Learned to read, write, count. Further and further, along the road of knowledge and discoveries, you led our children. They learned mathematics and physics, music and art.

You, our dear ones, helped to understand the criteria of good and evil. The children learned from you about the masterpieces of Russian and world classical literature. You introduced them to prose and poetry, from the Iliad to modern literary works.

Together with our children, you watched many films, took the children to museums and theaters. Then they held discussions in which the children learned to think correctly, give the correct assessment, and express their reasoning and thoughts.

We sincerely express our deep gratitude and deep gratitude to you for your professionalism, kindness and love for your profession and your students. Thank you for your work, participation, advice and wisdom!

Our dear, respected teachers!

You are ours Dear friends, taught our children. You have become close and fused with them. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, abilities for science or difficulties that arise while overcoming the road of knowledge in study. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

For each individual, you had the time and desire to help if any problems arose. Regardless of time and costs, you came home and called if some serious problem suddenly arose.

If a child was ill for a long time, then you came to visit him, explain the material he had covered, so that there would be no lag in his studies, the child would not lose time and his classmates by remaining in the second year.

A low bow to you and great gratitude for your enormous invaluable work that you have invested in the upbringing and education of our children!

School years are the most amazing and fun times. They will forever remain in the memory of every person as the most carefree and happiest time. Saying goodbye to their home school, classmates, and teaching staff, graduates express words of sincere gratitude to those teachers who were with them throughout the long and responsible period of study. We offer several options for touching and sincere congratulations, which are heard at farewell ceremonies to school and student life from the lips of graduates and their parents.

Touching farewell at last call

May we soon face the bitterness of separation.

We know that you are always with us.

Warm you up in the cold with a piece of your soul.

We are grateful to you for your big heart,

For the generosity of the soul, for love, for patience.

To be with you for three years is such luck!

You can express your gratitude to the teacher in prose, formatting them in the form of a diploma. This original congratulations will definitely be appreciated.

Congratulations from the students

Proms happen not only at school, kindergarten, but also in higher educational institutions. It is also customary to say words of gratitude to teachers from students. We offer an option for expressing words of gratitude to your favorite teacher:

Your profession requires maximum dedication and commitment. You were demanding and responsive, strict and fair, friendly and reliable. We are grateful to fate that you have been with us for these long four years. Let your life be bright and interesting, we wish you good health and family well-being.

Parents' speech

The words of gratitude to the teachers from the parents deserve special attention. How can you beautifully and sincerely express gratitude to people who have protected children for several years and given them their love and care?

We offer words of gratitude to the teachers from the mothers and fathers of the heroes of the occasion:

Our dear class teacher! On behalf of all parents who respect you, we ask you to accept our sincere gratitude for your kind and sensitive heart, patience and care, aspirations and efforts, understanding and love. Thank you so much for our talented, well-mannered, happy children!

From grateful students to teachers

Words of gratitude to teachers from students are no different from congratulations from schoolchildren, so many students thank their mentors the same way they once said goodbye to their favorite school teachers. What might the text of such a congratulation include? We offer words of gratitude to teachers from students at graduation:

On behalf of all fifth-year students, we would like to thank you for your individual approach to each student and conscientious fulfillment of your professional duties. You have become a kind and faithful mentor for us. We are happy that it was under your leadership that we wrote our theses, which were successfully protected. Today we say goodbye to the walls of our native university, but you will forever remain in our memory.

Soulful elementary school

Our dear first teacher! You are wonderful and amazing person, an excellent specialist, an excellent teacher. It is only thanks to your attention and care that we have become so independent and talented. During our school life together, we managed to go on several unforgettable tourist trips with you. You have never refused us to hold holidays or creative evenings. We didn’t think about the fact that you had a family waiting for you at home, because you, our wonderful teacher, always tried to make school life memorable and unusual for us.

Today we are adults and independent graduates, but just a few years ago we came to you without knowing how to write or read. You patiently taught us the basics of the Russian language and mathematics, corrected our mistakes, and always patiently repeated the rules so that we would become literate people. What happened in our class: quarrels, insults, misunderstandings between girls and boys. You, our beloved teacher, found the right and the right words, skillfully and easily solved problems, never humiliated us in front of each other.

Fate smiled upon our class, because it was you, the best teacher, who became a dear and beloved person for us. We know that at any time, even after graduation, we can always come to you, and you will give us good advice and instructions.


First teacher - main man in the life of any student. The formation of the child’s personality traits depends on how seriously and respectfully he treats his students. In addition to teachers primary school, the boys express their gratitude to their class teacher. This is not a profession - a calling to be an educator of human souls. “Cool Mom” helps her children not only develop educational skills and abilities, she educates them to be real citizens of the country who know how to appreciate and love their historical homeland and respect the traditions of other peoples. From her attitude to his professional responsibilities A lot depends: the relationship between the kids in the class, value guidelines, interpersonal relationships, harmony in the “class family.” This is why children and parents love and appreciate real class teachers so much and prepare reverent words of gratitude for them. last call, prom.

School is a wonderful time when people don’t think about material problems or ways to solve them. The school season is coming to an end, and new opportunities and prospects open up for graduates. According to established traditions, all over the world we say words of sincere appreciation and gratitude to teachers who for a long time have helped schoolchildren and students comprehend the basics of various sciences. In addition to the beautiful bouquets that are customary to give to teachers when saying goodbye to the school, graduates and their parents prepare reverent speeches of gratitude to their beloved mentors.

Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

I thank fate for sending me such a wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life!

Thousands of words “Thank you!” there is not enough to express how grateful I am to you! I wish you all the best, let there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around!

We express our gratitude for our many years of cooperation! Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships based on mutual understanding, trust and respect! We hope for their further strengthening and development!

Thank you for your warmth and support, for being in difficult moments you are always there! I am glad to know that I have such a reliable and close person, whose help I can count on every time!

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose

I don't have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you for everything! A person like you deserves deep respect! I would like to wish that everything in life turns out with ease, and I will always be there!

Thank you for your conscientious attitude to work and professional performance of your duties! We really appreciate having such wonderful employees on our team!

When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder nearby, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your loyalty, dedication and sincerity!

My heart overflows with tenderness and gratitude when I think about you! You envelop me with your warmth, love and care! Thank you, my dear!

I am grateful to you for your help and support, for being there at the right time! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time!

I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and cheerful! With you I am never bored or sad! Thank you for bringing a sea of ​​positivity into my life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose

Thank you for the presented science and boundless patience! You are a teacher from God and you made the right choice in choosing your specialty. Thanks to your gift of teaching, we have gained an invaluable wealth of knowledge!

Words of gratitude for congratulations in prose

Thank you so much for such sincere and my sincere congratulations! It was incredibly nice to receive them. Attention is the most precious gift, and on your part it is especially valuable to me!

Words of gratitude to parents in prose

My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the efforts you put into my upbringing. You are the most kind-hearted, patient and forgiving people! I will never tire of thanking you all my life!

Words of gratitude to a colleague in prose

Thank you for everything you have done for me! This attitude is very valuable. Working with you is not just pleasant, but reliable and profitable!

Words of gratitude to friends in prose

I can't imagine myself without you! Surely my life would be empty and cheerless. Thanks to the fact that I have such friends next to me, I have support both in solving problems and at an hour when my soul requires a holiday!

Words of gratitude to the leader in prose

You are the most talented and fair leader. Thank you for your patience, decency and generous bonuses! For opening up prospects and leading the team to a successful and prosperous future!

Words of gratitude to a friend in prose

Thank you, my dear, for having me! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life’s difficulties, and all the holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration!

Words of gratitude to mom in prose

My dear, thank you for giving life, sparing no health and strength for my upbringing! Sometimes you forgot about yourself so that I could have everything I wanted. I love you and will always gratefully repay you in kind!

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Words of gratitude to the school from parents

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates are a sign of respect and appreciation for the talent of a teacher, whose work is not easy, but requires daily dedication and achievement. The teacher becomes a mentor for many children for more than one year. Students thank you for the knowledge, patience and care shared. Parents thank the teachers for putting so much effort into raising and educating their children.

How to say words of gratitude to the school and teachers?

There are several universal tips:

  • Try to do it in 3 minutes, maximum 5.
  • Try to avoid complex ornate phrases and terms. This may smack of dry formalism. Need to say more in simple language.
  • Avoid emphasizing any particular teacher in your speech, except class teacher. The more general the speech, the better. If necessary, after the official part, you can personally thank your favorite teacher.
  • Speak clearly, at an average pace, and you can give free rein to your emotions a little.
  • Don't make a sad face, even if you say rather sentimental things.
  • To bring a little warmth and personal sympathy for the teacher into your speech, why not dilute your words of gratitude with a genuine story about the teacher’s care for his students.
  • Avoid excessive gestures; a simple smile will suffice.
  • After the speech has been made, it will be very appropriate to present bouquets of flowers to teachers with a slight respectful bow.
  • Pre-memorized speech is preferable to reading text from a piece of paper. This gives the speech a touch of seriousness and responsibility.
  • You can give a speech either individually or in a pair/company of parents/students. In the case of a joint performance, you can completely stage a mini-scene.

The text of gratitude to the school from parents consists of a greeting and the main part - the actual words of gratitude themselves.

Remember the main thing: it doesn’t matter to whom your words are addressed - representatives of the school administration or teachers - sincerity is important. Words spoken from the heart will find a response in the hearts of teachers.

Examples of text “Words of Gratitude to Teachers from Parents”

“We would like to sincerely thank our dear teachers and express our deep gratitude for the daily 11-year long and responsible work of raising our children, teaching and caring for us! Your contribution is great: new knowledge along with nurturing friendship, respect and love in the hearts of students. Regardless of the weather, hardships or illness, you went to school with our children. You empathized with their failures. They rejoiced at the victories. Thanks to you, children will go through life civilized, literate and educated people. Thank you for your knowledge and friendly assistance. My deepest bow to you for your difficult work!”

Sample 2

“What does the word “teacher” mean for our children? Comrade and mentor! Someone who shares knowledge and life values ​​with children, passing them on from generation to generation. There are no words to fully thank you for your hard work. Not everyone is capable of this! You need to have many positive qualities and be a very strong-willed person to hold out in modern school for many years. And, moreover, be able to cope with the diverse characters of schoolchildren! This is the most amazing feat! Hurray for you!

Text of gratitude to the school principal from parents

“Thanks to your efforts, the educational process was organized. We sincerely thank you for your administrative efforts, the harmonious learning conditions you created and the professional staff of teachers. And we are also grateful for taking care of us and creating a comfortable, friendly and cozy atmosphere!”