The social worker is always helpful. In connection with retirement. Thanks to social workers for their hard work

We sincerely thank the social service

Happy social worker's day!

I am grateful from the bottom of my heart!

Feedback on the work of a social worker

Thanks social workers for their hard work!

Gratitude to the social worker and the management of social protection

We sincerely thank the social worker

Gratitude to the social service for the care

Deep gratitude to the social worker

Thank you social worker

Words of gratitude from veterans of social service

A pensioner from the village of Lipovka, Elena Viktorovna, is writing to you, I need to tell you how important a social worker is in the lives of older people. It so happened that in my old age I was left alone. I moved to Lipovka in March 2009, and immediately registered for social services, now my social worker Akimova Alevtina Vasilievna.

Over the years, she has acquired a "bouquet" of diseases and the most terrible - lonely old age, for which there is no cure. And when a social worker comes in the morning, he releases half of the sores! In any weather, in rain and snow, creaky frost comes to me, brings food and medicine, which is the main thing for us, she is a very sincere person, she will find the right words, cheer up, calm down, prompt, as she says: socio-psychological patronage!

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for her work! I sincerely wish all social workers health and success in their work!

Thank you for organizing a social service, with respect to you E.V. Ekimenko

My calling is social work

This is probably fate. Increasingly, I ask this question - age is a significant thing. I could just work in my specialty (I am a merchandiser by profession).

But a sharp turn changed everything in my life ... .. I belong to them, to those who need me, to those without whom I myself do not understand life. They occupy the first two places in my life - my children, grandchildren and my work, work - without which I probably would have lost myself, like many of my wards with whom fate brought me together.

I go to bed, sum up what has been done, what I did not have time to do.

In the morning, plunging into a working rhythm, I fail to the end. I rejoice at successes, I perceive failures with bitterness. Here's an example: the day went wrong, I couldn't finish what I had planned for the day. “But there is a plus,” I make a mental conclusion. This woman - she is unhappy, with the departure of her husband, she has lost faith in the future. Stooped shoulders, an extinct look about a smile and there can be no question. For her, time has stopped, repeating the same thing: "It's all over." And on you, blossomed like rosemary in the Trans-Baikal spring, beautifully styled hair and in my filled head as a sentence of the word: “I’m tired of living - even my hands on myself” - and then look - she sings, glows like an incandescent lamp and a blush on her cheeks. And I have light at heart.

Years ... Years - they rush. And do not keep up with them, no matter how hard you try, it’s good that the memory is smart, it doesn’t rush, it gives time to remember.

Then back in 1990, I accepted the administration's offer to work as a social worker. Then I did not imagine that I would face huge difficulties. Elderly people different ages, each of them is an individual, with his own character, with his own ambitions, with great life experience.

It is in your eyes, in your soul that he seeks understanding, it is impossible to turn back here, you need to patiently and with responsibility and understanding approach each problem and resolve it, choose the right words so as not to offend, not to put out the still smoldering spark in their hearts worn out by life. And I don’t offend anyone, and I never forget those who, during my work in the department, went to another world, and those who, by the will of fate, found their last refuge within the walls of the boarding house.

Once I read poetry, I don't know who wrote it, but they sunk into my soul. .

Youth faded over the years, And snowflakes glisten over the temples.

They used to call me mom and dad, And now, in their own way, they are old people.

It turned out like this, she is alone There is no one to turn to in trouble On her lips a smile is not visible Rarely someone will knock on her door Children scattered who go where Grandchildren only send postcards And an old woman sits at the window Waiting for the Sister of Mercy I will come in, eyes will light up.

A smile will light up on her face And even two hours will not be enough To talk about everything She has years on her hands And cobweb wrinkles under her eyes And I am proud of my work.

I'm helping someone's mom.

I know this for sure without a doubt. I know that tomorrow that spark will light up in more than one heart, that thirst for a full life, which pleases me for many years, which helps me to live rejoicing, feeling needed.

Now I understand - even then I was not mistaken - this is my job, my vocation.

Social worker of the department of the village of Vladimirovka Podshivalova L.V.

Low bow to you, social workers!

It’s hard now in our country to live a man who has gone on a “deserved rest”. And here, from all sides, various ailments and infirmities approach.

When I was younger, in strength, and in good health, I spun like a squirrel in a wheel: there was a lot of work at the workplace and at home - in the family, and they did not deprive me of public assignments. Everyone always needed it, and this demand gave strength and vigor. But then another time came, frankly, bitter, my legs ached, my heart began to play pranks. And so much needed support for a weakened pensioner.

I am served by the department's social worker social service at home with Vladimirovka Melnikova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, she wholeheartedly relates to the work entrusted to her, sensitive, sympathetic, respectful. First of all, older people need attention and help, for example, in the preparation of apartment documents, in the acquisition and delivery of necessary products.

An elderly person, I know this from my own experience, is very happy when they listen to him carefully, help him read any document or instructions for a remedy, and kindly advise something. Social workers are well aware of this and therefore spare no time to talk with weakened old people, discuss together with them how best to act in one or another life situation.

I am very grateful to the team of social workers with.

Vladimirovka, for the fact that they invigorate, fill our gray life with colors.

Our possibilities and forces have decreased, but life goes on!

Low bow to you, social workers, for your sensitivity, attention and care.

Sincerely, Khramova Alexandra Grigorievna.

Social work is a calling

Who is a social worker? This is a specialist who provides assistance in everyday life, as well as moral and legal support to vulnerable segments of the population. Sounds very dry, and uninteresting.

But behind the simple phrase "social worker" is hidden whole life. A social worker is a person with a good soul and heart.

Being a social worker means being able to love, sympathize, empathize. To be not only an executive worker, but also an assistant in household chores, a psychologist, a grateful listener, and just a close, dear person for people of advanced age, and for young people whose physical capabilities are limited. These people work according to their vocation, otherwise you will not survive.

The main task of a social worker is to provide social assistance needy categories of citizens.

Almost daily, every social worker passes through himself the problems of his wards, whether it be disability, low income, or any other life situation.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate all of you on your professional holiday - Social Worker's Day! You have dedicated yourself to something very important and the right thing- working with people who need help and support. I express my sincere gratitude to you for your noble work, for compassion, mercy, tolerance and spiritual kindness. I wish you good health, family well-being, professional growth, prosperity and great personal happiness.

We have a tough job.

But our soul is open For those who need care, For those who need protection.

Questions and problems - without counting, And we love our work.

Our work is not loud, but people need us.

Specialist in social work department of social services Hvorostyansky Sosnina E.F.

To the day of social workers.

People say: “It’s not scary when a person is lonely; much more terrible when he is alone among people. wise saying has a deep meaning. Indeed, there are still people in our time who feel useless, cut off from society and therefore deeply unhappy.

When I lost my closest, dearest, beloved people a few years ago, I felt a similar feeling. But my dear former colleagues did not allow me to fall into melancholy and panic.

Their attention, gifts for the holidays, birthday greetings with the most touching, sincere and benevolent wishes, the care and attention of my children - all this gave me confidence that I was not forgotten, respected and not left to the mercy of fate.

And when I felt that I needed outside help, social workers came to me. At first, for a year I was under the tutelage of a young, charming woman Olya Kokalevskaya; after Olya left the district, the no less charming Irina Lukyanova temporarily took care of me. And now, for a year and a half, I have been receiving social services from the social worker Elena Alexandrovna Savelieva. To all these lovely women I constantly feel a deep gratitude, appreciation for their sensitivity, attention, understanding, care, help and compassion.

I would especially like to thank Elena Savelieva, who has 29 years of experience in the social service. This wise, experienced, kind and tactful woman, in any weather, hurries to help us, the elderly and sick people.

Will tell you how to be in this or that difficult situation, how not to despair and not panic; patiently listens to claims from us, sometimes capricious, due to poor health of people; and if the claims are justified, he will definitely try to correct the situation and settle everything.

Provide fresh food, medicines, industrial goods, household items, provide the necessary physical assistance, pay utilities, to inform us about current events in the area, to talk about the criteria for a healthy lifestyle, about the commandments of a centenarian, the secrets of longevity and much more - these are the primary duties of our Elena, and of all social workers.

Plus, Elena can give culinary advice, tell you what products are on sale and what you can save on. And what we

representatives of the older generation, we look to the future with optimism - this is the merit of people like Elena Alexandrovna Savelyeva.

With all my heart I congratulate Elena Aleksandrovna and in her person, all social workers on the holiday and wish everyone good health, well-being, success and good luck in everything, and further prosperity.

Veteran of labor, veteran of social service Borisova Klavdiya Andreevna

A good team is a force capable of many accomplishments.

I have been working as a social worker in the department of social services for the population Khvorostyansky since 2017, but despite such a short period, I managed to fall in love with my work, it is very pleasant for me to work in a large and friendly team. I especially want to note how warmly and kindly I was received into it.

For any person, and for me in particular, the first impression is always very important. My acquaintance with the team began in the personnel department. HR Specialist Sevryukova Svetlana Georgievna is not only a qualified specialist with high level competence, but also good man and a pleasant conversationalist. She listened to me carefully, checked the documents required for employment, explained my rights and obligations in the field of labor legislation in a very intelligible and knowledgeable manner, told about the organization, introduced official duties, helped arrange Required documents and write a statement.

I was very pleased to communicate with her. From this communication, the first positive impression about the team and the organization as a whole was formed, and I was not mistaken. Really kind, friendly and benevolent people work here. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire staff of the ANO "PSC of the South-Western District", in particular to the head of the department Romaeva Lyudmila Antonovna, the specialist in personnel Sevryukova Svetlana Georgievna, the specialist in social work Tishina Natalya Andreevna and social workers from. Novotulka.

Thank you for understanding and support! And on the eve of the professional holiday of the Day of the Social Worker, I always want to wish Have a good mood well-being, prosperity, success in work and personal life!

Social worker with Novotulka Prelikova E.L.

social worker

All social workers work -

A series of restless days.

About old people care -

This is the purpose of their bright work.

Their work is akin to the work of a saint

And in the noisy city and in the wilderness:

Always carry another home

Warmth and light of your soul!

Our whole life is brightened up by their hands,

And they are waiting for their arrival like the sun!

There is a social worker in your house

Always order and comfort.

Come as God with love:

And bring a load of food,

And ask you about health

Offer all kinds of care.

Cleans all dishes quickly

And wash the windows, and the floor -

Simple little miracle

He came to make the weak!

In winter - snow, and in summer - beds,

There is no rest for his hands.

Keep both the house and the garden in order

Always help old people.

His work is everything

Take care of everything!

After all, old people ... they are like children -

Any of them fulfill a whim!

They don't have much resentment.

They are autumn flowers

That they reach for the sun and for the light,

Honor the world of love and kindness.

He is in their house - both a doctor and a carpenter,

He is their trouble-free nurse,

Our all-powerful social worker,

Guardian of the life of the elderly.

And, as if celebrating your work,

Among old people, as among children,

Hard day ends with tea

With a review of the latest news.

Ermohin Nikolai Andreevich

Privolzhsky district, Ekaterinovka village

February 23 is a holiday of our army and they call it our "defender". But there is another army-defender - these are all employees of the social service department at home, they took on hard work: to help sick and old people. In the morning, in any weather (in the snow, and in the rain, and in hard frost, and in the heat) they go to the store, to the pharmacy, and then deliver this help to different addresses: somewhere on the 2nd floor, somewhere on the 4th, and somewhere on the 12th.

For more than ten years, she has been providing me with everything necessary for life - Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna. She pays utility bills, which are not always clear to me. Brings groceries twice a week. But she is not limited to this, she can buy something else from clothes. A year ago I complained to her about severe pain due to rheumatism and complained that now there are no boots without synthetics, made of pure wool. On the same day, Tatyana Yuryevna found and bought me real six-foot boots, which were brought to our market from Chuvashia. I was just happy, and she was more happy than me. Now, every time I wear these boots, kind word I remember Tatyana Yuryevna and think with great gratitude about what kind heart one must have in order to remember all the requests of all her wards. I believe that with constant care she gave us another ten years of life. This is a priceless gift.

Tatyana Yuryevna helps two more of my nephews, unfortunately, also people with diseases, and she constantly keeps in touch with medical institutions. For two years he provides vouchers to our local sanatorium. They also treat Tatyana Yurievna with great respect and gratitude. She has done a lot of good for them over the years.

Characteristically, other social workers who replaced Tatyana Yurievna were also attentive to our requests and concerns.

Many thanks and low bow for caring for old people, it’s good that there is such a social service department at home where you can turn for help at any time and such needed help will be provided, without the help of social workers it would be difficult and hard for us to live.

Abakumova Zinaida Mikhailovna 90 years old

Congratulations to the social worker in prose

AT social sphere It has always been hard work! The ability to understand each person who applies, the ability to patiently listen, help, support - these are the indispensable qualities of a social worker!
I sincerely wish you to always remain the same: kind, attentive, sensitive! Let the attention that you give to people every day turn into personal happiness, respect and well-being for you! May all your dreams and hopes come true!

Official congratulations on Social Worker's Day

June 8 is the professional holiday of social workers. The job of a social worker is difficult. Helping people is a noble cause, but very difficult. You need to have a lot of patience, self-control and good health.
Dear social workers!
Let only words of gratitude sound in your address! We wish you respect in all respects, love and great human happiness!

Congratulations on the day of the social worker

Dear friends. Dear social workers. Thanks a lot for your noble work, for kindness and attention, readiness to help, share the joy and sorrow of many thousands. I believe that your work will continue to be distinguished by high professionalism, sensitivity and compassion.

Poem congratulations to a social worker

social worker,
We want more rewards!
Hard and noble work
And many of you are looking forward to it!
A pensioner is waiting for help from you,
Even if you are not a millionaire!
Bring people good
Giving warmth!
And let the goodness not run out
And the spark of happiness will not fade away
And it flares up stronger
We wish you wonderful days!

congratulations social worker day

Accept congratulations from us
Happy social worker's day!
Bring healing to souls
With your heartfelt concern.
Yes, it's not easy, having thrown the chores,
Pay attention to many.
I wish you that someone
I also had compassion for you!

A simple congratulation to a social worker in verse

Every day you rush to help people,
Social Worker!
You will buy groceries, you will clean the house,
And with a kind word you will certainly support -
All those who are waiting for you with hope,
Be happy, infinitely better!

Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna and all your team!

I would like to thank my social worker Svetlana Kosareva for her hard work and integrity.

Kormilchik G.A.



I express my gratitude to the social work specialist Galina Vshivtseva for her sensitive attention to us pensioners, that she will never refuse to help, she will explain everything, advise, support with a kind word. Good health to her, and more specialists like our Galina Aleksandrovna.

Kuntysh Tamara Ivanovna



Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna!

I kindly ask you to express gratitude to the social work specialist Galina Aleksandrovna Vshivtseva for her kind attitude towards people. I have contacted her many times for help, she always listens attentively and tells everything. I beg you to reward her for her excellent work.

Hammershmidt Nina Pavlovna


I, Kabatsura N.S. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my social worker Krushatina N.F. per Good work and good attitude.

Kabatsura N.S.



I am very pleased with the work of my social worker Krushatina N.F...

So fate was distributed that I had five sons born and raised. As they say, God did not give a daughter, but Natasha replaced her for me. With all the troubles, sorrows, I share with her. She always reassures with a kind word. And it seems to me that there are no unsolvable problems for her. To take just such an example, in order to receive benefits for the “Children of War”, she used up mountains of paper, sent requests to all authorities. Many times she called from her phone to registry offices, military registration and enlistment offices, village councils. And achieved. I am now receiving this benefit.

He will come running in the morning, inquire about his health, measure his pressure. They will bring preferential medicines from Aginsky, and you have to stand in line at the hospital. Even such a trifle would seem - the seeds for planting will bring them. Find what I need.

He will bring bags from the store, pay for water, el. energy. And this is such a help! And I am grateful to Natasha for her help, attention, sympathy.

Sincerely, Busygina G.G.



Director Zakharova E.V. From Sutskel V.N.

I want to express my thoughts about the worker who has served me for many years.

Natalya Fedorovna is an attentive, sensitive, sympathetic person. She conscientiously fulfills her duties, assignments, conducts all the planned activities with me, works with me whenever possible.

Thanks for all. In Sutzkel.



Good afternoon, Evgenia Vladimirovna!

The children and grandchildren Zhevranchuk Lyubov Nikitichna and Sutskel Valentina Nikolaevna are writing to you. We live in different cities Krasnoyarsk Territory, and we do not have the opportunity to visit our mothers every day. We want to tell you about the social worker of the village of Oryo, Sayansky district, Natalya Krushatina.

Our mothers are always happy to see her and look forward to her arrival. With her arrival, it always becomes easier on the soul, she brings "light into their windows." We are also very grateful to Natalia for her care and participation in the lives of our mothers. We wish her and her family peace and goodness, good health. She is a worthy social worker, if only there were more such specialists.

Sincerely, children and grandchildren!



Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna!

I want to express my gratitude to Soboleva Tatyana Grigoryevna. For her sensitive attention to us pensioners, for kindness, for support. At any moment he will come to the rescue, prompt, help. She is very attentive and sensitive. I would like to wish her good health and all the best to our Tanechka, as we call her.

Thank you very much for being such a conscientious social worker.

Vershinina Galiya Galyamovna

May 17, 2016


Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna!

Let me congratulate you on the holiday, wish you good health, family well-being, all earthly blessings! And also I congratulate the whole team, especially Galina Valerievna!

I want to separately congratulate my wonderful assistant Ekaterina Vasilievna Shcherbakova! Wish her good health and family happiness. I don't know how I would live after so many surgeries without her. Regardless of the schedule of her work, at any time of the day she comes to the rescue at the first call. Never give up on anything. Thank you Katya for your kind heart, for your patience with people like me. May good luck always accompany you.

Thank you for your organization, you help us to live. Huge happiness to all of you!

I congratulate Mishenka Petrovsky, my countryman, for his kindness and attention. Health and prosperity to him.


Valentina Sergeevna Lutchenko


Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna!

Pesotsky A.F. works as a social worker in the village of Charga. I would like to thank him for his work. It serves the elderly. The work of a social worker is in full view of the population, every person in the village knows how A.F. Pesotsky works ... I would like to pay tribute to his assistant G.A. Leshchenko. This person helps the elderly on a voluntary basis. Old people are overjoyed at the service of these wonderful people.

Please somehow they need to be noted, encouraged on the eve of the holiday of a social worker.

Member of the Tinsky Village Council

S.N. Derznovenko



Dear Evgenia Vladimirovna!

I express my gratitude to the social worker of the social service department No. 1 Petukhova Olga Stepanovna for many years of conscientious work, sensitive attitude towards the elderly, attention and care.

Perevozchikova L.F.



I am 68 years old, I do not believe in goodness, because I live a long time, and sometimes life did not caress, it beat me more often. Everything changed after meeting you. Once in a difficult situation, I did not believe that someone could help me. There are still people with a kind soul and a sensitive heart.

I want to thank my social worker Trotskaya Elena Valerievna. Who for 10 years went, helped with everything she could, both with deeds and support, at times even with those that were not part of her duties.

Special thanks to Shinkevich Svetlana Viktorovna, a young, interesting, intelligent, sensitive woman who treated our problems as if they were her own. Explained, helped, treated with understanding.

I leave you with a good feeling. Thank you for everything.

Pinegina N.E.




Zakharova Evgenia Vladimirovna

I want to thank with all my heart the social worker working in the village of Uner, Zhulina Natalya Vladimirovna, for her sensitive attentive attitude towards me, and in particular towards her work. I also want to say that she loves her work, that's why she is so kind to all her wards. Natasha does not leave any of my requests unfulfilled, so that I do not ask her, at any time of the day, on weekdays and holidays, she will come running and help. It happened that at night I felt bad, I called her and she already called the doctor and ran herself. In the autumn he helps me with preparations, in the summer he weeds the beds. Very attentive and responsive.

Natasha is a good conversationalist. Always listens and gives advice. More such social workers.

Say "Thank you for your concern!"

The work of a social worker is not easy, and only sincere approach and respect for the elderly makes their work indispensable. And, of course, such work causes the most positive reviews from the clients side.

Both social workers and the administration of the Center regularly receive words of gratitude from clients in the form greeting cards, letters of thanks, phone calls for hard and much-needed work.

Now, thanks to the Internet, and in particular the Center's website, all wishes and thanks will be published under the heading "Thank you for your care" constantly as thanks are received.


Thanks to Lytaeva Pavlina Nikolaevna

“From the bottom of my heart I congratulate all employees on the Day of the social worker! With all my heart I wish you all the brightest, the best, the kindest. May God give you patience and health in your hard work.

Sincerely, Lytaeva Pavlina Nikolaevna.

Thanks to Bagrinovskaya Ada Vasilievna

“I would like to thank O.M. Ushakova for her care, kindness and attention!

In addition, Olga Mikhailovna is very punctual, conscientious and responsive. And this is far from the frequently encountered human qualities. How wonderful it is that we have such young people!

I wish your organization prosperity, and your employees, especially Olga Mikhailovna, peace, health, spring, good luck!

Sincerely, labor veteran A.V. Bagrinovskaya"



Vikulova Antonina Sergeevna congratulated the head of the department of social services at home No. 2 Lyudmila Alekseevna Seregina, the social worker Svetlana Dmitrievna Makeeva and the entire staff of the Center on their professional holiday - the Day of the Social Worker:

Dear friends!
You have chosen the most merciful profession
Be proud of your profession
It is given to you by God.
Thank you for your kindness, attention, care
From older people
We can't do without you.
We are grateful to you for
That you can warm your soul
After all, it is not easy for the older generation
More and more we get sick.
Nature so ordered
That no one can escape old age,
But at this time you come to the rescue
And with you "grace".
We are always waiting for you as family
Come into our house with a sunny smile.
And immediately it will become easier and warmer in our hearts
That none of us are alone.
Warmth and kindness you do not hold
And at our age - this is the main thing for us.
So your heart is able to empathize
Accept a low bow to you from us.
In conclusion, I want to say:
Like a sunny day
Like a wonderful fairy tale
Let your life
It will always be wonderful.

Thanks to Byrgazova Claudia Sergeevna

“Please accept my gratitude for such workers as Bannaya Svetlana Gennadievna. Svetlana Gennadievna is a very honest and decent person, energetic, polite. I really want her to be celebrated on the eve of May 9, let her be pleased. The work of social workers is difficult, with people it is difficult, and with the elderly it is 10 times more difficult. Sincerely, Byrgazova K.S., labor veteran, home front worker.”

Thanks to Zhanna Vasilievna Chugunova

Chugunova Zhanna Vasilievna - labor veteran, disabled person congratulates the team on Victory Day: “Great day - Great Victory - May 9! And even though this holiday is with tears in our eyes, these bright tears, tears of gratitude, to those who survived that terrible war on the battlefield. Courage is never forgotten! A year later - remember and be proud! Hearty congratulations on the Victory Day to all your team!”



Gratitude from Harina Nadezhda Ivanovna

Harina Nadezhda Ivanovna, labor veteran

Thanks to Belorybkina Galina Alekseevna

Galina Alekseevna, labor veteran, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, thanks social worker Elena Lvovna Shabaldina for her conscientious attitude to work:
“Elena Lvovna is a hardworking, obligatory person. Knows how to listen, which is very important for single people.

Thanks to Vikulova Antonina Sergeevna

Vikulova Antonina Sergeevna congratulated the head of the department Lyudmila Alekseevna Seregina, social worker Svetlana Dmitrievna Makeeva and the entire staff of the Center on International Women's Day on March 8:

The month of March and the eighth day,
The smell of spring in the air.
We will celebrate spring
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day March 8th
And the coming of spring!

Wish you:
Better health, easier work,
The sun is warmer, the mood is more cheerful,
More optimism, longer life
I sincerely wish you all earthly blessings.

We are glad that you do not age forever
Kind, considerate, cordial,
Your work is always honorable.
Thank you for the good deeds

In the house you are skillful housewives
And your hands are golden.
Boil, fry, cook, bake
They create comfort in the house.

How do you guys manage to do everything?
Sometimes men are so surprised by you.
Happy holiday table in the house
Can you be called the weaker sex?

And how much work in the country, in the garden?
It's mind-boggling
Digging, planting, loosening, watering,
And in the fall you harvest a rich harvest.

How many worries and troubles on your shoulders
About children, about grandchildren and about husbands.
About you it is necessary to compose songs and epics
In every family you are irreplaceable.

And today, on the 8th of March, you are charming, elegant and gentle.
Released from all work.
With enthusiasm, all the services of a man perform
Talent, skills and care for you show.

Gallant, very loving men
Went shopping for gifts
For you, dear mothers, wives, daughters,
They are dedicated to Women's Day.

The men did not have to be bored
Got to clean up the house
For beloved women, they managed everything,
They didn't sit on their hands.

And then they put on caps, aprons, and then,
We started cooking different dishes.
To on the festive table
It was delicious, healthy food.

How many warm words have been said about women,
Presented gifts and flowers
Songs, dances, jokes, laughter
Everyone was happy today.

The woman is sacred!
Your main purpose is
continuation of the human race.
Warmth, kindness, light comes from you.
And most importantly, love
on which the family is built.
Be healthy and happy!

Valentina Ivanovna Gulevich expressed her gratitude to the staff of the emergency social service department A.V. Zarubina and driver V.V. Leontiev for kindness, sensitivity, attention, respect for the elderly: “I used the services of a social taxi. The taxi came according to the submitted application, exactly on time, which is important for the elderly. Thank you".
Paid social service for transport services "Social Taxi" is intended for the following categories of citizens:
 Disabled people of the first, second group, who have restrictions in movement;
 citizens who have reached the age of 80 years and older;
 participants of the Great Patriotic War.
The service is provided on working days from 8.30 to 17.00.



Thanks to Bormotova Evelina Petrovna

Evelina Petrovna Bormotova, a labor veteran, in a letter to the Center, thanks all the employees and social worker Aksenova Oksana Viktorovna:

“I want to thank you for your help, which is so necessary to us, the elderly, and so important to us. It prolongs our life. I would like to give an example of such assistance. It's been two months since I got an assistant - Oksana Viktorovna Aksenova. Trust me, it has made my life a lot easier. I want to thank her for her excellent work, cordial attitude, delicacy in communication, commitment. Always benevolent, tactful and cordial. And after cleaning the apartment just shines. None of my requests go unfulfilled. Once again, thank you for your work. Sincerely, Evelina Petrovna.

Thanks to Romanovskaya Lyubov Georgievna

Lyubov Georgievna, daughter of 98-year-old Spadlova Adolfina Ippolitovna, a client of the Department of Social and Medical Services, expressed her gratitude to the social worker Moshkina Marina Alexandrovna:

“I thank the social sister Marina Alexandrovna for taking care of my mother, patience, and professionalism. Thank her very much.”

More than one thousand people from the Central District of the city of Kemerovo use the Center's home care services annually. Relationships between employees and customers are built on the principle of respect and goodwill. The employees of the Center demonstrate respect and benevolent attitude towards the beliefs of their clients, their values. They respect culture, goals, needs, preferences, relationships and connections with other people. All emerging issues of social services are resolved through joint efforts through the creation and observance of equal guaranteed opportunities to use the potential of state and public social services, organizations and associations. No one old man does not go unheard. Clients, feeling care and sincere attention, do not remain in debt, express their gratitude both verbally and in print.

It should be noted that the administration of the Center for Social Services and higher organizations often receive words of gratitude in which clients express their gratitude and note the high quality of service and the professionalism of social workers.

The management of the Social Services Center values ​​the opinion of its clients and is constantly working to improve professional level employees, the development and implementation of new types and forms of service, highly appreciates its staff, which allows us to achieve good work results and High Quality service.

For a long time, Svetlana Ivanovna Zazulina has been using the services of the Center. The grateful client repeatedly expressed her gratitude to the head of the department Galina Grigoryevna Khlynovskaya and the social workers of the Center, noting the decency and impartiality of performing professional duties.

From childhood, Svetlana Ivanovna was fond of poetry. She wrote her first poems in school years.

Svetlana Ivanovna Zazulina worked as a doctor. Most of the poems are devoted to the years of medical service: congratulations of colleagues - doctors on holidays and anniversaries, coverage of significant events in the life of the team.

We are pleased to present to the attention of site visitors Svetlana Ivanovna's poems addressed to Russian women - mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends, filled with a special emotional coloring, deep life meaning:

Avicenna's heirs

Unusual profession

Fate gave us.

Passing student sessions,

We are always at our post.

We open the eyes of children

Issuing tickets to heaven

Although the salary is not favored,

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

Let our difficult ones be on duty

Do not close your tired eyes

The baby's smile is wonderful -

A gift from God for us.

Though the economy inspires

That our labor is now a commodity,

Turn a doctor into a barber

Would not like to be small and old.

And the wisest Hippocrates

The economy is not happy.

Let's believe holy

The Hippocratic Oath.

To the doctor in front of him

Saw the patient

Not fat or thin

Client wallet.

If you don't have a soul

Do not rush to the Aesculapius.

Compassion is valuable

Avicenna teaches.



Thanks to Talanova Zoya Anatolyevna

The client of the department of social services at home No. 7 Talanova Zoya Anatolyevna expresses her deep gratitude and appreciation to her social worker Kobyzova Tamara Aleksandrovna.

“Tamara Alexandrovna is a kind, attentive and sensitive person. Her arrival is always a joy to me. After the operation, Tamara Alexandrovna literally came out and put me on my feet.I wish Tamara Alexandrovna health, well-being, and long life!”

The client of the department of social services at home No. 3 Kasyanova Alexandra Nikolaevna expresses her deep gratitude to the head of the department of social services at home No. 3 Elfimova Irina Konstantinovna and her social worker Andreeva Lyubov Yuryevna.“I am infinitely grateful for the sensitive and attentive attitude towards me and my problems. I wish you, Irina Konstantinovna, and you Lyubov Yurievna, health, prosperity, and success in your hard work!

Thanks to Chemodanova Alina Nikolaevna

Alina Nikolaevna Chemodanova, a client of the social service department at home No. 5, expresses her deep gratitude to her social worker Nadezhda Ivanovna Doroshenko.

“Nadezhda Ivanovna is a very wonderful person, it is a pleasure to communicate with her. He performs his work carefully and conscientiously. She has the ability to calm down, cheer up, and life is already
doesn't seem so hard! Thank you, Nadezhda Ivanovna!”

Gratitude to Berezina Silvia Vasilievna

The client of the department of social and medical care at home, Berezina Silvia Vasilievna, expresses her gratitude to the director of the Center A.V. Ivanova, head of the department S.S. Kornatovskaya. Dear Anna Vasilievna and Svetlana Sergeevna!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday "Social Worker's Day!" I wish you good health and success in your much-needed work. I also want to express my gratitude to the social workers: Moshkina Marina Aleksandrovna, Troyan Elena Viktorovna, Kolesnikova Elena Anatolyevna, Yarkova Irina Aleksandrovna! For their tolerance, honesty, kindness! Thank you very much! Happy holiday!

Thanks to Ryashchenko Sofia Ivanovna

The client of the department of social services at home No. 7 Ryashchenko Sofya Ivanovna expresses her gratitude to the social worker Pingina Zinaida Innokentievna and the head of the department of social services at home No. 7 Khlynovskaya Galina Grigorievna.“It's good that there is a service that helps make life easier for the elderly! Zinaida Innokentyevna and Galina Grigorievna are kind and attentive workers. Thank you very much, because we, the elderly, attention is very important.

Gratitude of Georgy Artemyevich Bychkov

“I express my gratitude for the provided vegetable set. I would like to note the well-coordinated work of the employees of the urgent social services department, who delivered a vegetable set to the house. Thanks for taking care of me." Bychkov Georgy Artemyevich, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, invalid of the second group.

Thanks to Kasyanova Alexandra Nikolaevna

“I sincerely thank the head of the department of social services at home No. 3 Elfimova Irina Konstantinovna and the social worker Redkina Yulia Ivanovna for their care and sensitive attitude towards the elderly.” Kasyanova Alexandra Nikolaevna, labor veteran, home front worker.

Thanks to Ryabikova Valentina Anatolyevna

The Center received a letter of thanks from labor veteran Valentina Anatolyevna Ryabikova: “From the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart I express my gratitude for the support and financial assistance, which helped me survive in a difficult life situation that took place in connection with the theft of a bag with money and documents.
I wish all workers of the social service health, success in this difficult noble work, prosperity and happiness in their personal lives.”

Thanks to Makarova Valentina Petrovna

At the initiative of the Governor of the Kemerovo region A.G. Tuleev in Kuzbass, a social support program has been operating for many years. Within the framework of this program, in the fall, needy citizens are provided with vegetable sets. A vegetable set weighing 85 kilograms, consisting of 50 kg of potatoes, 5 kg of onions, 10 kg of carrots, 10 kg of cabbage in October 2013 was received by 12,000 residents of Kuzbass. As a result of the action, a letter was received from Valentina Petrovna Makarova: “I want to say a huge thank you to Aman Gumirovich for the vegetable set provided. Thanks to the director of the Center A.V. Ivanova, head of the department G.G. Khlynovskaya and my social worker M.V. Pikhtareva for their noble work!”



Thanks to Yablokov Gennady Nikolaevich

Gennady Nikolayevich Yablokov, a client of the home social service department No. 3, expressed warm words of gratitude to his social worker Anastasia Anatolyevna Basenko, who has been a faithful assistant for five years now.

“In May, as a result of an unsuccessful fall, he received a severe injury - a fracture of the femoral neck. For some time he lay in the hospital, then at home he underwent a rehabilitation course. And all this time, all six months, my guardian angel, Anastasia Anatolyevna, was with me. Thanks to her care, kindness and golden hands, I literally got on my feet!

I wish Anastasia Anatolyevna health, well-being, success in all matters and long life!”

Thanks to Ivanova Raisa Osipovna

Raisa Osipovna Ivanova, a client of the department of social and medical care at home, expressed her sincere gratitude to two of her dearest people today: nurse Kolesnikova Elena Anatolyevna and social worker Ilina Natalya Yurievna!

“Elena Anatolyevna is a nurse from God. Warm gentle hands, sensitivity, attentiveness and compassion - all these qualities are intertwined in this fragile girl. Constantly accompanies me to the reception in the clinic for various specialists, and if it happens that, for health reasons, I have to lie down in a hospital for some time, Elena Anatolyevna visits me almost every day. She is like a ray of light in a dark window!

Natalya Yurievna is for me indispensable assistant in household chores. She always knows exactly what I need. Thanks to the conscientiousness of Natalya Yurievna, everything in my apartment shines and sparkles. Elena Anatolyevna and Natalya Yurievna are professionals with a capital letter! Huge thanks to them!”

Gratitude to Kozlobaeva Lidia Sergeevna

“I, Kozlobaeva Lidia Sergeevna, have been a member of the Center for Social Services not so long ago, since September 2011. I have always felt like an active and independent person. However, old age crept up imperceptibly, the forces were no longer the same. I began to feel sluggish and apathetic. I had to use the services of a social worker. I want to express my deep gratitude to two social workers at once: Tatyana Viktorovna Mashinina and Elena Yuryevna Khorosheva!

Tatyana Viktorovna is my permanent assistant, but unfortunately, in this moment she is on sick leave. During the sick leave, Elena Yuryevna serves me. I am very grateful that there are such wonderful and extremely friendly people next to me!”

Thanks to Zimina Rimma Arkadievna

“Thank you that there is such social protection for us, old, lonely and helpless. It was with these words that the appeal to the director of the Center Ivanova Anna Vasilyevna began from the client of the department of social services at home No. 7 Zimina Rimma Arkadyevna.

I want to express my gratitude to the head of the department Khlynovskaya Galina Grigorievna and social worker Kazakova Lidia Anatolyevna.

I am very pleased that the head of the department shows sensitivity and attention to my problems, does even more than he should. The apartment I live in has been in need of renovation for a long time. I turned to Galina Grigoryevna for help on this "sore" issue. She immediately responded to my request and found me experienced craftsman apartment renovation. Dmitry, that was the name of the master, did everything professionally: he whitewashed the ceilings and covered the walls with wallpaper. Lidia Anatolyevna, my social worker immediately washed everything and put the apartment in order after construction works. Thanks to your care, my apartment became clean and bright. And the soul is so warm and calm, from what you know, there are people in the world who are not indifferent to the problems of lonely elderly people. And in conclusion, I would like to recall the lines from one very famous song: “Why, why, why do I feel good? From the fact that you are Galina Grigorievna and Lydia Anatolyevna, they just smiled at me!

Thanks to the daycare team

Old age is not far off for everyone
How they treat her, you know yourself ...
But we have hearty people,
And here we are talking about them:
Here we are all called by name.
Meeting with affection, they probably know
How this caress is needed by the elderly,
How restlessly we sleep without it.
And even though we come here only during the day,
At home then we live with this caress.
We look forward to the morning again
JOY awaits us - this is the basis in life.
We were taught to do exercises here,
We boldly drove away our fears here!
They returned our faith in our strength here,
We turned life into a new direction!
Your worries about us, wards,
A heavy burden fell on your shoulders.
Old age sometimes spoils our nature,
It's a pity, but there is no medicine for old age.
God commanded us to love our neighbors,
But he did not tell me how to love himself.
And without Love, old age will be infirmity.
And it will awaken irritation in people.
Your support, the GIFT of a big HEART -
We really need it, honestly!
It's a pity we'll have to part soon
Only we will be waiting for meetings with you again.
Together with you, we have now become a BROTHERHOOD.
And with the heart - giving it to the heart
To other people - this is a HOLY work!

Throughout the cycle, an interesting and varied cultural and entertainment program was held with us.
The cooks of the Center also pleased us very much, they fed us very tasty, at home.
Impressions are wonderful!
Stay healthy, God bless and love!

Day care clients

Thanks to Guseva Nina Petrovna

"I, Guseva Nina Petrovna, have been a member of the Center for social services since January 2012. I want to express my deep gratitude to the leadership of the Center for the existence of such a service. After all, thanks to social protection, we are old and lonely people do not feel forgotten and abandoned. We know that kind and caring helpers will come to us in any weather. This is exactly what my social worker of the department of social services at home No. 3 Sheveleva Elena Vladimirovna is like. I am eternally grateful for her tact, attentiveness and responsiveness.

Elena Vladimirovna brings joy to my house!"

Thanks to Yunusova Nageliya Shaikherlovna

Nagelia Shaikherlovna Yunusova, a client of the social service department at home No. 6, expressed her gratitude to her social worker Aleshina Olga Alekseevna.

“In May, I was hospitalized for knee arthroplasty. Operated in Leninsk-Kuznetsk. Olga Alekseevna took upon herself all the troubles in preparing for hospitalization. She helped to collect the necessary documents, accompanied me to the test. I am very glad that next to me there is such a wonderful and sincere person as Olga Alekseevna.
Thank her very much!”

Thanks to Anatoly Fedorovich Samorukov

“I, Samorukov Anatoly Fedorovich, a client of the social service department at home No. 2, a disabled person of the 2nd group, a veteran of labor, a home front worker, I want to express my gratitude to my social worker Razokova Irina Aleksandrovna. This is not only an honest and conscientious employee, she helped me a lot to solve one sore problem. I was very afraid of the attack heating season, because pipes in all rooms were in an unusable condition. Irina Alexandrovna, on her own initiative, went to the management of the REU and made sure that pipes were replaced in all rooms. I am eternally grateful to her for everything!”

Gratitude to Litvinova Maria Kuzminichna

“I, Litvinova Maria Kuzminichna, a veteran of labor, a disabled person of group III, want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the head of the department of social services at home No. 7 Khlynovskaya Galina Grigoryevna, and social worker Kazakova Lidia Anatolyevna.

From April 2012 I use this branch. Lidia Anatolyevna is very caring, she does housework conscientiously and accurately. I needed help cleaning my husband's grave. It became difficult to keep track of appearance burial. So, Galina Grigorievna and Lydia Anatolyevna helped me with this. They removed all the dried grass, washed the fence and the monument.

Huge thanks to them!”

Thanks to Maria Sergeevna Korolevykh, Anatoly Kirillovich and Lidia Ivanovna Gulnyashkina

Maria Sergeevna, Anatoly Kirillovich and Gulnyashkina Lidia Ivanovna, clients of the social service department at home No. 6 Koroleva, Maria Sergeevna, express their gratitude to the social worker Belenkova Galina Fedorovna. Galina Fedorovna is a conscientious, decent woman. We always look forward to her arrival with great joy. Thank you very much for your attentive and sensitive attitude towards us, pensioners! We wish Galina Fedorovna health, happiness and labor success.

Thanks to Nina Timofeevna Batogova

The client of the department of social services at home No. 1 Batogova Nina Timofeevna expresses her gratitude to her social worker Mitus N.S.

“Natalya Sergeevna is an attentive, kind, benevolent, conscientious, responsible girl. Timely delivers food, medicines, as well as moral support and is always interested in my health. The work of a social worker requires great physical and mental strength, great patience and mercy. I thank Natalya Sergeevna for a very difficult and necessary labor. I wish success in work, health to the Director of the Center and all the staff."