Peonies. Secrets of lush flowering At what age does a peony bloom?

They are distinguished by a variety of shapes and types. Decorative plant with luxurious double and semi-double petals bright colors, lacy greenery. Varieties and hybrids of peony are found everywhere. It is important for every gardener that peonies delight with their buds every year. And this can be achieved if you properly care for the plant.

Peonies are valued because they bloom in early summer. Typically, spring flowering plants are not as luxurious and colorful as peonies. Therefore, fragrant bushes become a true decoration of the site. But in order for flowering to be long and lush, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the plant.

During periods of peony growth, there come times when there are few buds and they are unsightly. Plants bloom poorly due to improper care. The soil becomes depleted over time, which causes peonies to stop developing. You can feed the flower plantings mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to make three to four wells around the bushes, filling them with branches or inserting pipes into them. And through the holes add liquid minerals and...

Fungal diseases characteristic of the plant, and do not allow it to fully develop.

Often the roots of old bushes are exposed, which leads to a deterioration in flowering. Once you cover the plants with soil, the buds will begin to appear abundantly. Many inflorescences on a plant will not allow the peony to be decorative. Twenty flowers are enough for one bush. It's better to cut off the rest.

Peonies bloom poorly when the summer is dry or rainy. low temperatures. In such cases, it is difficult to correct the poor flowering of the plant. It remains to wait for a favorable period. Adult plants up to ten years old can remain in one place and bloom magnificently with proper care.

The peony will bloom every year if you care for it correctly:

  1. For ornamental bushes, soil moisture is important throughout the summer. Water two to three buckets per plant every two weeks during drought, monthly during wet seasons.
  2. Peonies need intensive nutrition with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. The plants are fed along with watering and loosening. Apply fertilizers in the fall and in early spring. From organic fertilizers Wood ash, diluted in a ratio of 1:6 to 1:12, is suitable for peonies.
  3. Before the onset of winter, when the stems die, they are mowed down, leaving renewal buds at the bottom of the shoots.

During flowering, the small side buds are removed, which favors the appearance of large peonies that will decorate the area for a long time.

Peonies need to be looked after not only during the growth of buds and the appearance of buds, but also after flowering:

  • Bushes are watered more actively at the beginning of summer and, when renewal buds form, in July until August 10. Spray with copper oxychloride before the buds appear to prevent fungal infections. The treatment is carried out with a solution prepared from ten liters of water and forty grams of copper oxychloride.
  • When cutting bouquets, do not forget to leave two on the stems. bottom sheets, and after the heads dry, the inflorescences are torn off. Cut and fallen leaves should not be left on the site; they can become a source of fungal infection.
  • In order for flower buds to form on time, it is necessary to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus in early spring and August. The bushes are also constantly watered and loosened, even after flowering in July. Moisturizing should be deep, not superficial. This is especially true for adult plants. Be sure to water abundantly two weeks before flowering and before wintering.
  • For successful wintering, ornamental bushes are pruned and covered with a layer of humus or peat. If reproduction and transplantation of peonies is planned, then the procedure is carried out in August, from the middle of the month.

By properly caring for peony bushes, you can achieve a decorative appearance of the plant and a longer flowering period.

More information can be found in the video:

Our favorites, decorating the garden with their lush flowers from June to August and giving a unique delicate aroma, are able to charm anyone. Peonies are incredibly popular and are happily grown in almost every garden.

Beginning flower growers who want to join the ranks of lovers of this miracle may have various questions regarding the agricultural technology of peonies. In particular, many are very interested in the question - at what time and for how long do peonies bloom? We will try to answer it as thoroughly as possible.

Varieties of peonies

First, let's look at what types of this flower are most common in our latitudes and how they differ. First of all, peonies differ in the features of their flower heads. They can be very large - 14-26 cm in diameter. They can also vary in shape - from single-row to densely double. And also have one or many apical flowers.

We touched on the topic of varieties for the reason that the timing of flowering of peonies largely depends not only on the weather conditions of the area and a particular year, but also on the affiliation of the plant to one or another.

There are varieties:

  • non-double - from 5 to 10 petals in one row, bloom for 6-10 days;
  • semi-double - light and moderately lush, stamens and staminodes alternate, forming a ring in the center, flowering lasts 12-14 days;
  • double - stamens and pistils look like petals, filling the middle of the bud, around which wide petals are located, bloom profusely for 15-18 days;
  • Japanese - the stamens are modified into a ribbon or petal shape, wrapped inward, due to which a cushion is formed, and the perianth has 5 or wider petals, blooms for 10-12 days;
  • anemone-shaped - the flower consists of five or wider petals, which are arranged in 2 rows, the center is filled with modified stamens, blooms for 10-12 days.

When do peonies bloom in Russia?

First of all, according to the timing of flowering, peonies come in three types:

This determines when peonies bloom. So, the early ones usually begin to bloom from the first days of June. The middle ones pick up the baton by June 15-20. And on late varieties buds appear only by the end of June, so their flowering can last until the middle or even the end of July.

Of course, the month when peonies bloom may shift slightly depending on the region of residence. In hotter climates, flowering will begin in May and end, accordingly, earlier. And vice versa - in middle lane or in northern regions, flowering may be delayed by a couple of weeks.

Why peonies don’t bloom, and what to do in this case

Cutting branches with flowers into a bouquet too often can also weaken the plant.

How does freezing of a peony affect flowering?

Experienced flower growers also give advice in case the peony does not grow due to freezing, but you have no idea what to do. As it turns out, frostbite of the buds and roots is a fairly common reason for the lack of flowering of peony bushes and their stunted growth. Therefore, grafted young plants (two or three years old) must be covered for the winter. Peat, fallen leaves, branches, coniferous spruce branches, etc. are used as mulch. Adult specimens do not need shelter from the cold.

Main mistakes when propagating peony

When growing a crop, novice flower growers often have to look for answers to many questions, including last place is “Why don’t peonies bloom after transplantation?”

In this case, there may be several reasons:

    The plant is still too young. There is no need to worry if flowers do not form on it in the first summer, since tormented by the question “What year after planting do peonies bloom?” will not bring this moment any closer. Experts say that you can count on full flowering only 2-3 years after planting the bush. The crop was planted at the wrong time. It is best, contrary to popular belief, to plant peonies not in the spring, but at the very end of summer or in the first half of autumn. The bush for planting was divided into too small parts. In this case, in the first year the plant will only strengthen and absorb nutrients from the old rhizome, but will not produce flowers. The plant for transplanting, on the contrary, was divided into too large seedlings and the peony has a discrepancy between a weak root system and a large number of buds, which, accordingly, depletes the crop. Too frequent division and replanting. The planted peony should be left in one place for at least 4-6 years, because until this time the plant is not yet strong enough to produce strong seedlings.

Why peonies don't bloom, natural reason

Hybrid peonies delight gardeners abundant flowering for 8-10 years. Then, most often, they begin to suffer from gray rot. Therefore, after this period, it is recommended to divide them and transplant them to a new place.

Why peonies don't bloom - main reasons

Why peonies don't bloom: main reasons There are several reasons that can affect the flowering of this plant.

    The first and most common problem is Incorrect planting depth. Peony does not like deep planting. Optimally, this is when the soil level is approximately 3-4 fingers above the root bud.

If planted deeper, the peony will bloom over time, but time will pass until it gets closer to the surface, growing a new root system. If you plant a peony section too small, the buds may freeze in winter and there will be nothing to bloom.

The depth and location of planting the peony are very important.

    The second reason could be Landing location. If a peony is planted in deep shade, it is unlikely to want to please its owners with abundant flowering. It is better to find him a ventilated place somewhere on a hill, in open sun or light openwork partial shade.
    Third reason. Peony bush growing in the garden A long time ago. Old bushes can reduce the intensity of flowering, so the peony needs to be dug up, the root examined, dead and unhealthy parts removed, divided into small sections that will have from 3 to 5 buds, and planted in a new place.
    Fourth reason. Too much Small divisions, which have a root with 1-2 buds, will grow for several years and bloom later. But if, for the best reasons, you planted a large section that has more than 5 buds, then it is better to dig it up and divide it into smaller ones so that the plant can develop normally.
    Fifth reason. Not worth it too much Replant frequently Peonies, they don't like it. To gain strength, the peony must grow stronger and grow over the course of five years. So, after replanting the peony, leave it alone.

It happens that a peony throws out a bud, but it does not have enough strength to open

Sometimes it happens that a peony throws out buds, but it does not have enough strength to open. This is a signal that the peony is starving. Feed it, fertilize the soil around it.

What else affects the flowering of peonies?

In addition to the above reasons, the flowering of peonies is greatly affected by Watering. Moreover, abundant, timely watering in the summer (in July-August of this year) will affect the abundance of flowering not next year, but the year after.

Peony doesn't really like it when Disturbed in the spring. Very early, even in the cold, when the snow has not melted everywhere, he begins to grow. The roots can be very easily injured at this time. Therefore, if you still want to replant your peony, do it in late summer or fall. If you buy the roots in the spring, then there is nothing to worry about, the peony is not a sissy. ABOUT spring planting you can read in the publication Spring replanting of peonies: if you can’t, but really want to.

Sometimes we buy peony roots in winter. Then it is better to put them directly in the packaging (if it is professional, with peat or moss) in the refrigerator, and as soon as the opportunity arises, the soil in the garden allows you to make a hole, immediately place the plant in place. If it is impossible to get into the garden (after all, it happens that spring is already in full swing, and the water in the garden is waist-deep from spills), then in this case it is better to plant the roots early in a container with soil and take them out onto the street or balcony.

Peonies and roses. Photo by the author

It is better to leave peonies to grow in a container until the end of summer or autumn. The container can be buried in the garden, then it will be easier to care for.

So don't despair if your peony doesn't want to bloom. Ask what is bothering him, fix the problem, and he will thank you for your attention with lush armfuls of luxurious flowers.

My peonies

There are more and more peonies in my garden, as well as roses. Some peonies were brought by my son from a business trip to Amsterdam, others were dropped off by friends. The main quantity was purchased in now traditional online stores.

I got some of the pieces quite inexpensively, but with one single bud. One day my friend and I found ourselves in the ancient cellars of our Kyiv botanical garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after N. N. Grishko. These cellars, built on steep slopes above the Dnieper, belonged to the monks. And now the garden employees there preserve the roots of plants that are afraid of frost. This is where the peony roots intended for sale were kept. There were divisions of different sizes, but I really wanted to seize the opportunity and gain more varieties that I decided to purchase small sections.

I had to be patient and wait a few years. Now they are starting to show their flowers. I'm looking forward to seeing who else will please me with their flowers; this anticipation has its own charm. After a few years, I seemed to have already forgotten about some peony, but he went ahead and reminded me of himself with his first flower.

And finally, a few photos of my peonies. Many bloomed last year for the first time.

Peony variety Festiva Maxima

Neon peony

First flower

March 25, 2015

Peonies are one of the most favorite decorative perennial plants. They are beautiful from the first warm spring days, when dark red shoots appear, and until late autumn, maintaining the excellent shape of the bush and dark green foliage.
THE FLOWERING OF THE PEONY BUSH lasts a little more than two
weeks, and in our zone it is usually the end of June - beginning of July. At this time, the most common varieties bloom, originating from the wild-growing milkweed peony. Two weeks earlier - from mid-June - varieties of medicinal peony and varieties of hybrid peonies bloom. The latter were obtained from crossing varieties of milky peony with medicinal peony.
Peony bushes are no more than 1.5 meters high with beautiful dissected dense leaves - leathery (in varieties of milky peony) and less leathery (varieties of hybrid peonies and medicinal ones).
Varieties differ in color and doubleness of flowers. Their flowers can be single - with five to ten petals and many stamens; semi-double - the number of petals is quite large, but there are also a lot of stamens; terry - due to the abundance of petals, the stamens are almost invisible or absent at all.
Which variety to choose to decorate your garden is a matter of taste for every amateur gardener. But it should be remembered that varieties with luxurious double flowers require support, because the stems droop under the weight of the flowers. There are more varieties with single and semi-double flowers among the so-called hybrid peonies. But, like varieties of peony, they are more often affected by diseases and require more careful care.
Peony varieties remain in stock for decades and less than others ornamental plants subject to fashion. This is caused by the longevity of the peony plant itself, the difficulty of breeding varieties (seedlings bloom in 5-7 years), and the relatively slow (vegetative only) propagation of the variety.
In our area, many varieties of foreign and milky-flowering peony have proven themselves well. domestic selection: Festiva Maxima, Duchess de Nemours, Omapia Olson, Shirley Temple, Chaika, Iceberg - terry, white; Varenka, Zorka, Gift for Flower Growers, Alexandre Dumas, Jubilee, Princess Margaret, Better Times - double, pink; Evening Moscow, Cruiser "Aurora", Arkady Gaidar, Pobeda, Lowelly Thomas, Kansas, Victor Hugo - terry, red; Torch, Eaglet - non-double, red.
There are no more than a dozen varieties of peony. The best terry varieties are Rubra Plena, Rosea Plena, Alba Plena.
From hybrid varieties for our zone we can recommend peonies with white flowers - Star Light, Ballerina; with pink - Laura Magnuson, Ludovike, Karina, Cytherea; with red - Orange Glory, RedCharm, Chocolate Soldier, Carol, Henry Boxtos.
In order for peonies to grow normally and bloom annually, you should choose a sunny or semi-shaded area. Shouldn't be near big trees, as well as buildings that provide deep shade. Planting pits prepared in advance. In order for planted plants to grow well, the buds must be buried no more than 2-5 cm into the soil. Deep planting sometimes leads to a complete absence of flowering. Humus mixed with 250 g of superphosphate and 500-600 g of bone meal is added to the bottom of a 60x60 cm hole; top part the holes are filled with humus without fertilizers - so as not to burn the rhizomes.
The first two years after planting, care consists of weeding, watering and adding 8-10 kg of humus mixed with 35 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium chloride or sulfate per bush. Starting from 3-4 years of age, peonies respond well to regular (3-4 per season) feeding. During the period of spring regrowth, 45-65 g of ammonium nitrate are added per 1 m2; at the time of budding - 45-65 g of ammonium nitrate, 35-50 g of superphosphate, 15-25 g of potassium sulfate; soon after the end of flowering, no later than the end of July - 35-50 g of superphosphate, 15-25 g of potassium sulfate. The last feeding is very important, since peonies at this time begin to develop next year's shoot with a flower.
Peonies need good watering if there is no rain for more than three weeks, especially in late summer (August).
If you plan to divide the peony bush to propagate the variety, then you need to remember that best timing for this - the beginning of September. The bush is trimmed, carefully dug up, and the rhizome is washed to find places for division. When dividing the rhizome, they try to cause as little wounds as possible. The separated part - the division - must have at least five buds. Of course, even one bud can give rise to a new plant, but, however, it blooms after 4-5 years. It is better to grow such a division without planting it on permanent place. old bush milky peony (7-10 or more years old) can be divided into 10-15 parts; into 3-4 parts, if it is a medicinal or hybrid peony variety.
The rare variety can be propagated without digging up the bush, but by cutting off up to 30% of the buds with a small piece of rhizome 2.5 cm long. Exit planting material three times more than when dividing the bush, but the plants themselves will bloom much later than when dividing. The cut buds (at the same time as dividing the bush - until mid-September) are planted in ridges at a distance of 10x15 cm and grown for 2-3 years, and then planted in a permanent place.
The main disease of peonies in our area is gray rot. The appearance of the disease can begin in the spring - the shoots wither and appear on the lower part of them. brown spots, covering the stem; The shoots, characteristically bending downwards, die. In summer, the disease manifests itself in the form of a coating of gray mold on buds and leaves. For varieties of milky peony, the disease is less dangerous; it only worsens the decorative appearance of the bush. But for small bushes of this variety and for officinalis and hybrid varieties of peony, a spring defeat can lead to the death of the bush. The main control measures are preventive: planting in ventilated areas; the distance between bushes is at least 0.8-1 m; from spring to the end of the growing season - spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or all preparations that replace it after 15-20 days; cut leaves very low in autumn (end of September); Burn peony leaves without using them in compost.
With proper (shallow) planting, good care(remember that after flowering the plants most need watering, fertilizing) and disease prevention, peony plants, having reached 4-5 years of age, should bloom regularly. Even in very small garden you can always find a place for peonies. They can be planted along paths; on the south side, at a sufficient distance in front of shrubs (spirea, jasmine, lilac, roses) and trees, enhancing the effect of simultaneous or earlier flowering. Peonies can be planted in a small or large group - single-colored or multi-colored (light on the edges, darker varieties in the center). Peonies also go well with irises, hollyhocks, delphiniums, lupines, lilies, phlox, and daylilies. We should not forget that all plantings must be at a distance of at least one meter from the peony bush. All bulbous plants also go well with peony bushes.
M. Vasilyeva, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences

Peonies proudly show off their lush, bright beauty With early spring until late autumn. In addition, their flowers exude a wonderful aroma. For this reason, the plant is very popular in many flower beds and gardens. What types of flowers do peonies have? How to cut them correctly for a bouquet? When do peonies bloom? Let's take a closer look at these and many other “blooming” questions.

Peony flowers: features and varieties

Distinctive features of lush peony heads:

    large size, possible diameter - from fourteen to twenty-six centimeters;

    varied shape (from single-row protozoa to densely double);

    single, apical (one flower on one stem) or a large central bud framed by small lateral ones (develop on one stem; the lateral ones begin to bloom when the central one begins to bloom).

The timing of peony flowering depends on the weather conditions of a particular year and may shift slightly in one direction or another. Average duration flowering - from eight to twenty-five days (in different varieties– different terms).

The color of peony heads ranges from white to deep burgundy. Depending on the shape of the flower there are different the following types peonies:

    Non-double. The flower has from five to ten petals, which are arranged in one or two rows. The stamens, filled with golden pollen, have fairly large anthers. The average flowering time is from six to ten days.

    Japanese. The modified stamens are ribbon- or petal-shaped. They are also called staminodes. Sometimes these stamens are wrapped inward, forming a kind of pillow. The perianth has five or more wide petals. Japanese peonies come in yellow, pink or red. Often the stamens differ in color from the petals. Almost all varieties bloom profusely within ten to twelve days.

    Anemoneaceae. The flower has five or more large, wide petals arranged in two rows. The stamens modified in the staminode fill the center of the bud, have a yellow tint or match the color of the petals.

    Semi-double. Light, lush, they have large petals and stamens transformed into staminodes. Staminodes alternate with normally developed stamens and form a ring in the center of the bud. The average flowering time is twelve to fourteen days.

    Terry. The stamens and pistils of many varieties are transformed into petals. They fill the entire middle of the bud, hiding the normal stamens and pistils. There are wide outer petals around the center. They bloom profusely for fifteen to eighteen days.

When do peonies bloom?

According to the timing of flowering, plants are

  • early (flowering begins before the fifth - tenth of June);
  • average (the beginning shifts to the fifteenth-twentieth of June);
  • late (the appearance of buds begins from the twentieth to thirtieth of June).

When the peonies have just been planted, expect lush flowering not worth it. Moreover, the buds that appear should not be allowed to bloom in the first two years of plant growth. Early flowering delays the formation and development of roots, weakens the bush. Therefore, the buds that appear must be removed. It is possible to form a definite opinion about the shape and color of the acquired variety only in the fourth or fifth year.

After the end of flowering of the plant, the formation and formation of renewal buds occurs. Their growth is ensured nutrients, produced by the leaves of flowering shoots. The size of the renewal buds depends on the number of healthy leaves on the plant during the flowering period. This means an abundance of flowers for at least the next two years.

By the end of October, a stem rudiment is formed in some renewal buds, while flower elements form in others (larger ones). Some buds remain dormant. There are many buds of different ages on the roots of the plant. Peony transplantation is carried out precisely during the formation of renewal buds.

Knots for memory

Peony heads require special treatment. Therefore, you should adhere to certain rules during the flowering period:

    For a bouquet, flowers need to be cut at the opening bud stage ( terry varieties it is necessary to give the opportunity to unfold the petals of the outer row);

    the best time for cutting is early morning;

    the cut must be made above the third or fourth leaf of the flower stem;

    In order for the central flower to reach its maximum size, the side buds must be removed;

    it is necessary to promptly remove flowers whose petals have begun to fall off (fallen petals cannot be left under the plant, as they can serve as a source of infectious diseases);