It develops with a sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity - what are the dangers of such a lifestyle? You read a lot and we appreciate it

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, their metabolism sharply decreases due to insufficient oxygen entering the body. This leads to many troubles: premature development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases... With physical inactivity, obesity occurs, and calcium is lost from the bones. For example, as a result of three weeks of forced immobility, a person loses as much minerals as in a year of his life. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, and the heart thereby loses its reliable helpers, which leads to various circulatory disorders in the human body and cardiovascular diseases.

At rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate throughout the body and is in the “depot”. Consequently, tissues and organs are less well supplied with oxygen - this elixir of life. And vice versa, during movement, blood from the “depot” actively enters the vessels, as a result of which metabolism increases and the human body is faster freed from toxins.

For example, in muscles at rest, only 25-50 capillaries function (per 1 mm 2 of tissue). In a working muscle, up to 3000 capillaries actively pass blood through themselves. The same pattern is observed in the lungs with alveoli.

Muscle inaction leads to poor circulation in all organs, but the heart and brain suffer most often. It is no coincidence that patients forced to remain on bed rest for a long time first of all begin to complain of colic in the heart and headache. Previously, when patients with myocardial infarction long time were not allowed to move, the mortality rate among them was much higher. Conversely, when they began to practice an early motor regimen, the percentage of recovery increased sharply.

A sedentary lifestyle also leads to premature aging of the human body: muscles atrophy, vitality sharply decreases, performance becomes impaired, early wrinkles appear, memory deteriorates, dark thoughts haunt you... Therefore, longevity is impossible without an active lifestyle.

But training the body for physical activity, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems and increases a person’s reserve capabilities. Thus, under the influence of physical exercise, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, their lumen becomes larger. First of all, this applies to the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. Systematic exercise and sports prevent the development of vascular spasms and thereby prevent angina pectoris, heart attack and other heart diseases.

To prevent blood stagnation in the body, it is necessary to “forcibly” redistribute it between the limbs and internal organs. What needs to be done for this? Force yourself to exercise regularly physical exercise. For example, when working sedentarily, get up more often (several times an hour), bend over, squat, etc., breathe deeply, and after work, walk at least part of the way home. At home, it is useful to lie down for ten minutes with your legs elevated.

It should not be forgotten that what older age person, the fewer functioning capillaries remain. However, in constantly working muscles they are preserved. In functioning muscles, blood vessels age much more slowly than in internal organs. For example, the blood vessels in the legs age the fastest due to poor blood flow resulting from defective vein valves. This leads to stagnation of blood, dilation of veins and chronic oxygen starvation of tissues with the formation of blood clots and trophic ulcers. Therefore, it is necessary to give the leg muscles a feasible load throughout your entire life, alternating it with periods of rational rest.

In a person who does not systematically engage in physical exercise, by the age of 40-50 years of life, the speed of blood flow noticeably slows down, muscle strength and depth of breathing decrease, and blood clotting increases. As a result, among such people the number of patients with angina pectoris and hypertension is sharply increasing.

At the same time, older people leading an active lifestyle and pensioners who continue to work hard do not experience a sharp deterioration in health.

Unfortunately, many older people play it safe too much, being afraid to go outside again, limit their movements, and avoid even strenuous exercise. As a result, their blood circulation sharply worsens, the respiratory excursion of the lungs decreases, the emptying of the alveoli increases, pneumosclerosis rapidly progresses, and pulmonary heart failure occurs.

Sedentary lifestyle modern man became one of the main causes of early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary disease heart and sudden death.

Numerous animal experiments indicate the same. For example, birds released from cramped cages, rising into the air, died from heart failure. Even nightingales raised in captivity died due to strong trills when released. This can happen to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain the functioning of all organs and systems throughout life, a person must first take care of proper breathing. It has been established that the pulmonary artery and its inner lining, with sufficient inhalation of oxygen, activate the functions of certain hormones. This, in particular, is the basis for treatment with oxygen, oxygen foam, as well as aromas of a number of flowers.

When there is insufficient oxygen supply to the human body as a result of shallow breathing, oxidative processes are disrupted with the formation of under-oxidized products with so-called free radicals. They themselves are capable of causing prolonged spasm of blood vessels, which is often the cause of mysterious pain in the various parts bodies.

Any weakening of breathing, no matter what it is caused by - improper breathing or low physical activity - reduces oxygen consumption by the body's tissues. As a result, the amount of protein-fat complexes - lipoproteins - increases in the blood, which are the main sources of the formation of atherosclerotic deposits in the capillaries. For this reason, lack of oxygen in the body accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in relatively young people. age.

It was noted that colds People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid physical labor are more likely to suffer. What's the matter? It turns out that their lung function is reduced.

The lungs, as is known, consist of tiny bubbles filled with air - alveoli, the walls of which are densely intertwined with blood capillaries in the form of a very thin network. When you inhale, the alveoli, filling with air, expand and stretch the capillary network. This creates conditions for better filling them with blood. Consequently, the deeper the inhalation, the more complete the blood supply to both the alveoli and the lungs in general.

U physically developed person the total area of ​​all alveoli can reach 100 m2. And if all of them are included in the act of breathing, then special cells - macrophages - freely move from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the alveoli. They protect the alveolar tissue from harmful and toxic impurities contained in the inhaled air, neutralize microbes and viruses and neutralize those released by them toxic substances- toxins.

The life of these cells, however, is short: they quickly die from inhaled dust, bacteria and other microorganisms. And the more polluted the air inhaled by a person is with dust, gases, tobacco smoke and other toxic combustion products, in particular exhaust gases from vehicles, the faster the macrophages that protect us die. Dead alveolar macrophages can be removed from the body only with good ventilation.

And if, with a sedentary lifestyle, a person breathes shallowly, then a significant part of the alveoli does not participate in the act of breathing. The movement of blood in them is sharply weakened, and these non-breathing areas of the lungs have almost no protective cells. The resulting ones are defenseless. zones are the place where an unimpeded virus or microbe enters, damages the lung tissue and causes disease.

This is why it is so important that the air you breathe is clean and oxygenated. It is better to inhale through the nose, where it is cleared of germs and dust, warmed and moisturized, and exhalation can also be done through the mouth.

Do not forget that the deeper the breath, the big square alveoli participate in gas exchange, the more protective cells - macrophages - enter them. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to regularly practice deep breathing in the fresh air.

In case of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, on the advice of a doctor, you need to exercise breathing exercises to prevent wrinkling of the alveoli and prevent their death. At the same time, we should not forget that lung tissue is capable of regeneration, and lost alveoli can be restored. This is facilitated by deep breathing through the nose, involving the diaphragm, which obese people who lead a sedentary lifestyle should not forget about.

A person can control his breathing, change its rhythm and depth. During breathing, nerve impulses emanating from both the lung tissue itself and the respiratory center affect the tone of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the process of inhalation causes excitation of cortical cells cerebral hemispheres, and exhalation is inhibition. If their duration is equal, these influences are automatically neutralized.

To give vigor, breathing should be deep, with accelerated exhalation, which will also contribute to increased performance. By the way, this principle is clearly visible in the example of chopping wood: swinging an ax - a deep breath, hitting a log - a short, energetic exhalation. This allows a person to perform similar work for quite a long time without rest.

But a short inhalation and an extended exhalation, on the contrary, relax the muscles, calm nervous system. This breathing is used to transition from wakefulness to a state of rest, rest and sleep.

The opening of the alveoli is also facilitated by an increase in intrathoracic pressure. This can be achieved by inflating, for example, a rubber toy or a ball bladder. You can also do it with effort, exhaling through your lips, extended forward and folded into a tube, pronouncing the letters “f” or “fu”.

A good breathing exercise is cheerful, playful laughter, which simultaneously massages many internal organs.

In a word, in order to neutralize the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health, you need to regularly, until very old age, engage in physical exercise in the fresh air, breathing exercises, harden yourself, and eat rationally. And for physical education and sports to bring tangible benefits, they must be practiced at least 6 hours a week.

But before you start training, be sure to see a doctor and consult with him, master the skills of self-control of your body, and keep a self-observation diary. And always and in everything follow the rules of personal and public hygiene, give up unhealthy habits.

Development modern technologies leads to the fact that a person spends most of his time in a sitting position - instead of walking, a car, heavy physical labor performed automated systems. And, unfortunately, few people attach due importance to this. But in vain, because a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the functioning of all vital functions of the human body. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

So, a sedentary lifestyle leads to such negative consequences:

  1. Excess body weight. The fact is that a person whose activity is related to sedentary work consumes more calories than he uses. Because of this, he gains an average of two to three kilograms per year.
  2. Increased blood glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes mellitus first and second types. This is especially true for those with a sweet tooth. After all, glucose that comes into the blood from consumed food is absorbed much faster and easier during active physical activity.
  3. Operation failure gastrointestinal tract– difficult acts of defecation. In order for you to defecate without difficulty, physical activity is a must. Without this, feces will stagnate in the rectum. The consequence of this manifestation may be the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones.

In addition, lack of proper activity leads to diseases of the joints, the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

How to dock negative manifestations sedentary lifestyle?

If you cannot eliminate the causes of a sedentary life, then you will have to deal with the consequences, or rather, prevent them. Below we will describe several ways that we recommend adopting as a daily habit.

Firstly, be sure to walk home from work or go for an evening walk, spend 60 to 90 minutes on it. In addition to the fact that this walk will improve blood circulation and relieve stress on your joints, you will also get rid of problems with insomnia.

Secondly, balance your diet according to your calorie needs. Avoid sweets. Replace them with dried fruits, no more than 50 grams per day, nuts, also up to 50 grams per day, as they are quite high in calories. Steam, boil and bake dishes; use sunflower oil to a minimum. Consume proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates (cereals, bran bread, etc.). This will protect you from gaining excess body weight, improve digestion, and significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, a disease that ranks third in mortality in the world.

Third, do exercises in the morning for ten to fifteen minutes. Agree, this does not take much time, but all the muscles are stretched, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Plus, you will experience an incredible surge of strength.

As you can see, a sedentary lifestyle leads to various negative consequences for the human body. But these consequences can be easily avoided by adopting a few of our recommendations.

If at the beginning of the last century the watermelon belly fell out beyond the waist at approximately 40 years of age, then at the beginning of this century it already clearly appears under a T-shirt at the age of 20-25 years. And all because someone eats too much... no, doesn’t eat - in our case, Milnov’s Rabbit is wrong: the belly grows ahead of time because someone sits too much.

And now we sit on any occasion and a lot: in front of the computer, just at office desk, behind the wheel, at the bar... if the list continues, we’ll get to the toilet. And in the most literal sense. Because not only the figure as a whole, but also wonderful male organ- the prostate cannot stand immobility. And if the prostate starts acting up, the toilet will become permanent place a habitat.

In general, a sedentary lifestyle presents a person with quite a lot of problems. People don't even know about some of them. And they all ruin your health. Something needs to be done about this. Well, let's figure it out.

If we consider damage by gender, then men get the most from sedentary work. Let's start with them.

Problem #1: Belly

The most pressing problem from sedentary work is the notorious belly. And this is primarily a man's pain. Don't be surprised, this is actually true. After all, male fat cannot be compared with female fat. It is only in appearance that it seems that bellies of different sexes are similar. In fact, in the stronger sex, fat chooses special places location - deep inside the body.

It is located mainly around the intestines in a small organ called the omentum, which one day begins to fatten. This is the so-called visceral fat. The most disgusting. Because it is almost impossible to get it out of the body. The result is a man with a pregnant belly.

I’ll tell you more: male fat, unlike female fat, has a very severe effect on health, it begins to weaken the heart, lungs and other organs and systems of the body. Shortness of breath, increased sweating, and heart pain begin.

Therefore, it is the man, and not the woman, as we generally believe, who should be the first to start taking care of his figure. While it's still there. That is, at the age of 18-20 you already need to create a weight loss program. If the belly has just appeared, consider that you are already late. The oil seal has already begun accumulating activity.

In general, as soon as you sit down at your desk and are tightly glued to the computer, immediately join the fight for a flat stomach. The most important thing in this matter is calories. As much food as you put into your stomach, you must use up the same amount. To make it easier to understand, I will give some numbers. After a serving of green peas (usually 100 grams), you will need to work at the computer, continuously tapping on the keyboard for 20 minutes. A boiled egg will have to be expelled from the body using the same keyboard method for approximately 50 minutes, a sandwich with cheese (and even without butter!) - more than 1 hour, a sandwich with ham - 1.5 hours, a portion of goulash with pasta - 3.5 hours. As you can see for yourself, it is simply unrealistic to use up all your calories while working on the keyboard. More effective ways are needed.

I do not recommend going down the path of reducing food and going on a diet. In order for physiology to be normal, you should eat 3000-3500 calories per day. The lower limit is 2000-2200. And you definitely need to eat them to avoid health problems. In the fight against belly fat, it is better to follow the path of spending calories. The first place in this matter is not Gym, not playing football or digging a ditch, but... healthy sex.

During one coitus, a man loses 3000 calories. Here is the solution to your fat problems. Well, if suddenly you can’t or don’t want to, then... in the first case, go to specialists and solve the problem, and in the second, pick up a shovel and dig a ditch in addition to the main work.

Problem #2: Prostate

The next problem from sedentary work is also typically male. The prostate is the second heart of a man, so you need to take care of it as tenderly and reverently as the first. And the prostate most of all does not like stagnation, which happens with a sedentary lifestyle. From stagnation to inflammation, you know, it’s just a stone’s throw away. And if now you can’t compete with your friends to see who has the tallest and longest flow, believe me, these are just flowers. And the berries will result in a decrease in potency. I don’t want to scare you, but someone could actually lose her.

What to do? I can, of course, name the most effective, optimal and also the most nice way prostatitis prevention. Another thing is how you manage to implement it at your workplace while sitting in the common room. Because the best cure for this male problem is sex. And your bosses are unlikely to like such “smoke breaks”, although in most cases they themselves like to do this at work, for example, with a secretary at their desk.

Therefore, I offer you another, more discreet way to prevent prostatitis. While sitting, you need to rhythmically retract the anus, trying to feel how the muscle at the base of the penis contracts, and the flow of energy rushes up the spine. This exercise should be performed 30 times every hour.

This type of gymnastics strengthens muscles pelvic floor and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. And this is very important for both the prostate and potency. In general, this exercise is useful to perform if you already have erectile dysfunction. It is unlikely to become the main therapeutic agent, but as an auxiliary it has a place to be.

Problem No. 3. Osteochondrosis

The following problems that arise from sedentary work apply equally to citizens of both sexes. Everyone knows about osteochondrosis, everyone has heard of it. This is very painful. Usually suffers Right side bodies because right hand lies on the mouse, holds a pen and performs other standard manipulations. I can’t say anything unexpected here. The problem with osteochondrosis can only be solved by a chiropractor. True, we also have problems with them.

According to statistics, out of 10 manual technicians, only 2 actually become professionals, and the remaining 8 are ordinary hacks. So you will have to tinker with the choice. Use word of mouth, find out who helped whom and how well they helped. But just don't trust female opinion. Our average lady, she’s like that: a boy will look at her with a soulful, inviting look, gently stroke her roundness, and even praise her for something along the way - and that’s all, the young lady is in awe.

And then she’ll call the whole neighborhood, saying, what a wonderful doctor she’s found. And the fact that after his “treatment” osteochondrosis tears her body even more with unbearable pain, she does not connect this with the doctor in any way, believing that this disease is too deep-rooted.

To this I can also add a small practical advice: while sitting at the table, do not freeze like a pillar of salt, change your body position more often, do at least primitive exercises every 15 minutes.

Problem No. 4. Backache and radiculitis

For osteochondrosis, I suggest smoothly descending further down the back to the level of the lower back. Shooting and radiculitis also quite often afflict citizens who sit at their desks all day. Unfortunately, these sores again more often torment men.

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Sometimes they help with muscle, joint and spinal pain folk remedies. For example, you can warm sore spot a heating pad, sand heated in a frying pan or regular salt (apply only in a linen bag), hot water in a bottle, warmed up in the sun by a stone...

In general, whatever is at hand. Then take some anti-inflammatory drug, drink raspberry tea and get a good night's sleep in a warm, dry bed. Before going to bed, it is advisable to wrap yourself warmly aching place any woolen item. After such procedures, the pain usually goes away.

If the lumbar pain does not go away after a couple of days, you can safely assume that it is radiculitis, and you need to begin serious treatment with your doctor.

And it is also necessary to take into account that the back can hurt for the most various reasons. Therefore, you should not immediately sin on the chair. It is better to go to the doctor and get thoroughly checked, because back pain can be due to kidney problems, old radiculitis, salt deposits, progressive prostatitis, and in women, by the way, pain can be due to inflammation of the appendages.

Problem #5: Constipation

A sedentary lifestyle can provoke one of the most unpleasant diseases - chronic constipation. And I don’t want to talk about it, because it’s not comme il faut, but it’s necessary. If this trouble has already happened, before going to the doctor, you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

First, start doing gymnastics. For example, in the morning, exercise your abs, not necessarily with a barbell or dumbbells, but in the most primitive way: raise and lower your legs several times. You can do this without even getting out of bed. Then raise and lower your body several times. Then do some squats and bends.

After such manipulations, peristalsis will eventually begin to work. Abdominal massage helps a lot, which should be done by stroking your hands clockwise.

Second helpful advice- laxative products. I advise you to try this recipe: rinse prunes, apricots, dried apricots and figs, pour boiling water over them and wait until they swell. Then eat 5-6 berries 2-3 times a day.

Ground wheat bran is very good for constipation. As it passes through the colon, this bulky, fiber-filled mass becomes more irritating reflex zones and causes an urge to stool.

Problem No. 6. Hemorrhoids

I don’t advise anyone to turn a blind eye to constipation, because it can cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids quite often occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, or if a person is forced to keep his body in one position for a long time.

Coping with this disease is quite difficult. For many, hemorrhoids gradually migrate to the chronic stage, in which the nodes can increase at any time. And then life turns into real torture - with constant pain, itching, burning, bleeding and other troubles.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine at what stage of development the disease is already at. Of course, it is somehow easier and more pleasant to be treated with pills, but they can only help so much initial stage. I can advise folk recipe, which is quite effective.

Direct the jet onto the hemorrhoids hot water from the shower. Repeat the procedure several times a day. It helps many, especially at the very beginning of the disease.

In later stages, when the hemorrhoidal node can no longer be removed on its own, only surgery will help. But this is another topic for discussion.

Problem #7: Yawning

Quite often, while sitting at the table, a yawn suddenly strikes. The mouth opens on its own, tears flow from the eyes. This happens not because the person did not get enough sleep or the gloomy weather is oppressive, but because he is in a sitting position for too long, the lungs cannot fully expand and the body lacks oxygen.

You can deal with this problem quite simply. You need to change your body position - lean back in the chair, straighten your chest as much as possible and take a few deep breaths to let more air into your body.

If you notice such a yawning feature, you should always have a thermos of coffee on hand, because it not only actively fights sleep, but also stimulates the respiratory center. However, this remedy is not suitable for everyone. People with cardiovascular diseases, tachycardia, high blood pressure You shouldn't get carried away with coffee.

And one last piece of advice for anyone who has to work long hours at a desk. Sorry, the advice is very banal, but you can’t do without it - you need to play sports. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to torture yourself with crazy loads.

An ordinary walk is enough. Just after work, walk at least part of the way home. It is very useful.

We all know the already hackneyed phrase “Movement is life.” A lot of books have been written, many educational films and programs have been made about the role and importance of movement, physical activity for a person.

But nevertheless, statistics show that more and more children and adults are susceptible to various diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Of course, technical progress is growing. For most people, with the widespread use of the Internet and all sorts of gadgets, they can get everything delivered to their home: order any product, communicate with family and friends, work without leaving home, etc.

This is all good if you use it in moderation, not forgetting about physical body, healing effects fresh air and staying in nature, as well as maintaining occupational and rest hygiene, etc.

What are the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle?

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the natural level of lymph and blood flow in the body decreases. This leads to their “stagnation” and an increase in the amount of “bad” cholesterol. The electrical activity of the muscles also decreases, their flabbiness is observed due to low tone, which in combination leads to an increased risk of heart disease and promotes “accumulation” excess weight. And even observes a decrease in the amount of insulin produced by the body!

You should also pay attention to the position of the person’s posture. Indeed, in most cases, a person not only leads a sedentary lifestyle, but sits a lot with a twisted spine. Which makes a sedentary lifestyle even more dangerous and harmful to humans.

As a result of this lifestyle, a disruption occurs in all life processes of the human body. First of all - in the process of metabolism. During normal functioning of the body, all substances introduced into the body in a timely manner must be processed and absorbed, and waste products must be eliminated. If this does not happen, then an excess amount accumulates in the body. harmful substances. This in turn leads to a clear deterioration in well-being:

  • the flexibility of the spine decreases;
  • feet and hands begin to freeze;
  • a person is increasingly in a lethargic and apathetic state;
  • often susceptible to illness;
  • has difficulty falling asleep and has difficulty getting up in the morning;
  • often appears tired and unrested.

Thus, scientists have come to the conclusion: in order to work productively and simply live normally, we need to constantly move and switch from a sedentary to an active lifestyle.

The problems of a sedentary lifestyle and its impact on the development of a person, and in particular a child, are competently and interestingly described in the short film by Valery Berchun “Immobility - a disease of civilization.”

General educational film “Immobility is a disease of civilization.”

An educational and interesting program from the Russian Union for the Health and Development of Children.

The film talks about how movement affects the life of both an adult and a child. Illustrated Negative influence sedentary lifestyle - “immobility” of modern man. And how does all this affect the harmonious and complex development of a person, especially a child.

We hope that this information will give you something to think about about your lifestyle, and that even some of you will put these tips into practice.

By changing your habits, formed due to ignorance and ignorance, you can radically improve your health without resorting to expensive drug treatment.

For those people who strive for harmonious and integrated development, for well-being, joy and happiness, it is necessary to reconsider their daily routine and make appropriate changes.

The rapid twenty-first century has led humanity to a paradox - people have begun to move less. Despite all the technological progress, development and accessibility of modern transport, a person is becoming more and more like a paralyzed wheelchair user. He no longer needs to walk, run and jump - everything is done automatically, without the participation of his muscles.

Even children, who have always been difficult to keep in place, turn into sedentary appendages of their computer gadgets - after several hours of sitting at a desk at school, they sit down again, only this time more comfortable armchair in front of computer. The courtyards of our houses, where a few years ago flocks of lean children ran and jumped, playing their noisy games, are empty - only pensioners play cards and young mothers pushing strollers with babies or herding toddlers in the sandbox.

Older children are practically not on the street - they stay at home. Online life, a surrogate for reality, has replaced the joy of movement, cyber space beckons with imitation vital activity, thousands of virtual friends have forced out real ones, with whom they have gone through thick and thin. Instead of real cycling along dusty paths, there are simulators of racing on exotic cars.

Technological progress has freed everyone, especially adults, from physical activity. And this is not at all the most in the best possible way affected people's health, as they practically stopped walking with their own feet. Apartment-elevator-car-office - this combination plus high-calorie food makes a person obese, imperceptibly but surely.

After work, the car, elevator, sofa, and TV again have a detrimental effect on the figure, finally making it look like a large reservoir for fatty foods.

You can see less and less people walking on the streets and in parks - healthy image life has almost completely been replaced by a surrogate for physical activity - virtual activity. Stooped backs, poor eyesight, obesity of varying severity, sluggishness, fatigue, insomnia - all these are the evil fruits of civilization. The percentage of these diseases among young people, teenagers and schoolchildren has sharply increased - but previously they mainly affected older people. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis), which later turns into osteochondrosis, is an inevitable result of sedentary time.

With a sedentary lifestyle, almost half of the blood in the human body is in the so-called “depot” - the liver, spleen, and skin. As a result, all tissues, muscles and organs do not receive enough oxygen - the main elixir of life. After all, when moving, the blood “depot” actively releases blood into the vessels, metabolism is positively accelerated, waste and toxins are removed from the body much faster.

Poor blood circulation due to physical inactivity leads to heart and brain suffering. It is not for nothing that bedridden patients complain of headaches and cardiac colic. After all, the lack of movement simply does not allow them to recover!

Every person who leads a sedentary lifestyle sharply decreases their usual metabolism due to insufficient supply of essential oxygen to the body. And chronic, habitual oxygen starvation leads to an early risk of atherosclerosis, strokes or heart attacks, and pulmonary diseases. Physical inactivity provokes obesity, bones lose calcium and become fragile, like those of old people. For example, after three weeks of bed rest due to illness, bones lose the same amount of minerals as in a whole year of life. Lack of movement reduces the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, causing the heart to lose its best helpers - circulatory disorders and various cardiovascular diseases - a natural result with an unimportant outlook is inevitable.

Another danger that many not only don’t think about, but don’t even suspect is muscle atrophy, decreased vitality, the appearance of early wrinkles, memory loss, the appearance of obsessive dark thoughts - this whole “bouquet” of little troubles that spoil the mood is the first signs of premature aging. Longevity without daily movement of all muscles is impossible!

Statistics show that even tumors appear more often in those who move little. But muscle training, regular exercise or just long walks, on the contrary, will have the most positive effect on all functions of the body, increasing the immunity and reserves of the human body. Even elderly people who engage in feasible physical labor have flexible and elastic blood vessels, as a result of which they are much less likely than their sedentary peers to suffer from angina, heart attack, and other heart diseases.

It should be remembered that the older a person is, the fewer working capillaries he has in his body. But, if it actively moves, then the capillaries in the working muscles do not deteriorate, still performing their function of supplying tissues with oxygen. Muscles that receive regular exercise age much more slowly. But in people who do sedentary work, the blood vessels in the legs suffer from immobility and quickly age. A defect in the venous valves occurs, leading to blockage and expansion of the leg veins, and a tendency to form blood clots due to blood stagnation. And that is why, in order to avoid troubles with your legs, you need to periodically exercise them - walk more often, use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk a couple of public transport stops.

Unfortunately, older people often play it safe, trying to “save” their tired muscles, try to go out less often, sit in front of the TV, and limit themselves to even age-appropriate workloads. And therefore their blood circulation deteriorates, and pulmonary failure occurs. As a result, this lifestyle can lead to early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary heart disease and even sudden death.

This is also proven by numerous experiments on laboratory animals. Birds that have lived for a long time in a cramped cage cannot fly and die because the heart cannot withstand the load. The same thing awaits a person - the terrible consequences of a sedentary lifestyle lead to a sad end. And to prevent this from happening, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

    Do morning exercises every day for at least 30 minutes;

    walk for at least 20 minutes every evening;

    go shopping only on foot (carrying heavy packages and bags strains muscles and loses excess weight);

    give up bad habits and unhealthy diet;

    periodically do some kind of work on the street (weed the garden or chop wood);

    run at least 10 minutes a day;

    if possible, buy an inexpensive exercise machine (an exercise bike or even a jump rope);

    sign up for any sports section (swimming pool, dancing, fitness or just aerobics for the elderly);

    eat as many vegetables, fruits and bee honey as possible, drink more water or other liquid such as juice, compotes or green tea, eat soups more often and drink mineral water.

There are so many different types of sports and simply active movement in the world that it won’t be difficult to choose exactly what you like best. After all, only by doing something that makes the muscles work, the mood improves, and the body becomes slimmer, a person lives truly harmoniously! But to put it simply, you just need to always be in good shape and lead a healthy lifestyle, then you won’t have to correct your own mistakes. And before experimenting with your health, you should always consult a doctor. And then, fully armed, a person will be able to live happily ever after, as planned by Mother Nature.