Purifying well water yourself - a visual aid. Purifying water from a well: a review of the best and most effective methods Mucus on the pump and hose in the well

The result of use dirty water from a well can result in either simple poisoning or an infectious disease. Such water also harms water intake equipment. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to regularly inspect the well and purify the water. When water is purified, unwanted impurities are removed. These substances that pollute water and harm human health vary according to chemical composition. Methods for removing them and filtering water depend, accordingly, on the impurities included in the composition, characteristic of a given area.


Signs and causes of well water contamination

Unfortunately, external inspection, taste testing or presence is not always unpleasant odor helps detect harmful impurities. Many types of contaminants may look the same, which can also be confusing. For accurate and effective water analysis, it is necessary to check its composition in laboratory conditions.

Before conducting such an analysis, it is recommended to study possible reasons penetration of pollutants or objects into the well. During this process, damage to the structure of the well may be discovered. You can also detect problems that arise during operation that lead to contamination. All this can be eliminated at this stage.

Important! After preliminary measures are taken to eliminate the causes of pollution, their concentration will noticeably decrease. But this is still not enough to obtain water suitable for human consumption. Need additional processing using filters.

These reasons include:

  • penetration of external objects such as sand, pebbles, grass, leaves. A tight lid will reliably protect the well from the wind and, as a result, from the ingress of organic matter, dust and small particles;

  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which promotes the development of algae, which makes the water look green. In addition, algae gives the water an unpleasant taste and makes it dangerous to drink. This is another reason to cap your well;

  • stagnation of water as a result of the fact that the well has not been used for a long time. As a result, all kinds of microorganisms are born in the water, which, dying, begin to rot there. This gives rise to a characteristic smell. Therefore, if the well has not been used for a long time, it is recommended to clean and disinfect it;
  • breach of well tightness. This can happen over time regardless of what it is made of. Well rings can “walk” due to processes occurring in the soil. This leads to the appearance of cracks. As a result, bacteria and soil get inside. Often this cannot be prevented, so water should be produced from time to time;

  • a high concentration of salts or iron in the rocks that make up the aquifer.

Harmful impurities can penetrate into the soil from nearby reservoirs into which industrial wastewater is discharged. The well itself may be located at a relative distance from the site negative impact on environment, but contaminated water will flow into it through the soil. If such a factor is detected, it is necessary to select a filter that can cope with this harmful impurity.

Well water analysis

To detect negative changes in the composition of water, its sanitary and epidemiological analysis is carried out in laboratory conditions.

The correctness of the results when collecting a sample for such an analysis depends on compliance with the following rules:

  • you should use plastic or glass containers, the volume of which should not exceed 1.5 liters;
  • bottles that contained soda are not suitable for these purposes;
  • if the sample is taken from a tap plumbing equipment when supplying water from a well to the house, you must drain the water for 15 minutes before taking it;
  • Dishwashing detergents must not be used for containers prepared for this purpose;
  • It is necessary to draw water slowly so as not to provoke undesirable reactions of substances with oxygen;
  • a container filled to the top with water must be securely sealed and wrapped in dark packaging;
  • If the sample cannot be sent for analysis within three hours, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for another 2 days, but not frozen.

Once the results of the analysis are in hand, conclusions can be drawn about the preferred well cleaning methods and water filters.

Filters for water purification

The various modifications of filters available on the market differ in their water purification capabilities. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a filter is not its appearance, but its ability to purify water in a particular case.

According to the method underlying the operation of the device, filters are divided into the following types:

  • removing contaminants mechanically. Used to clean water from sand, soil particles and clay;
  • destroying bacteria. Effectively fight microorganisms;
  • eliminating unpleasant taste and odor.
  • softening well water. Their action is based on ion exchange. They are good at removing salts from water that form deposits on household appliances and dishes;
  • directed against excess iron in water. The action is based on the oxidation reactions taking place in them.

To the most effective filters These include those that can cope with all possible contaminants in water, while restoring its clear color, eliminating odor and bringing it into compliance with sanitation requirements.

When choosing a filter, it is also wise to consider how often you will need to use it. If the device is purchased to purify water from a dacha well, provided that the dacha is visited no more than twice a month, then an inexpensive filter jug ​​will be sufficient.

For very dirty water, you should prefer a flow-type filter. It performs deep cleaning, which effectively removes all kinds of microorganisms, fragments of fertilizers, and impurities. organic matter and bad odors.

Prices for water purification filters

water purification filters

Video - Filter for purifying water from a well

If, based on the results of tests obtained from the laboratory, it turns out that well water cannot be consumed, then a number of actions will need to be taken to eliminate contaminants from the well. Firstly, it will be necessary to clean it mechanically and disinfect it from the inside. Secondly, the water must be subjected to stage-by-stage disinfection.

Treatment of well walls with chlorine

  1. Upon completion of cleaning the well mechanical method A pre-prepared disinfection solution is distributed onto the walls and roof.

  2. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve bleach (20 mg) in a liter of water, then close the container in which the composition was prepared with a lid to prevent chlorine from evaporating. After some time, the mixture is poured into a separate container, and the sediment is disposed of.

  3. The surfaces of the well are treated with the prepared solution using a spray bottle or brush. It is recommended to do this three times at intervals of two hours.

  4. To disinfect water, a chlorine solution is used: 150 g of lime per cubic meter of water. The mixture is added directly to the well. You can use a long stick for mixing.

  5. To achieve a homogeneous mixture of water and chlorine, you can use a bucket. To do this, after adding chlorine to the well, you will need to scoop up water with a bucket and vigorously drain it back. This action must be repeated for 10 minutes. While the well is being disinfected, water cannot be taken from it for consumption. Even boiling will not make the water usable in this case.
  6. Then the well must be tightly covered with a lid so that the chlorine does not evaporate, and left for six hours to settle the water. After which the specific smell of chlorine will disappear. Then prepare a new solution of chlorine (4 times less lime for the same amount of water) and dilute it with well water. This time it is enough to wait 4 hours.

Attention! After disinfecting water using this method, it should not be consumed until the chlorine odor is completely eliminated. And then for another 7 days the water will need to be boiled before cooking or drinking.

Care must be taken when working with chlorine solution. The reagent vapors are poisonous, so you should protect your respiratory system with a respirator. Contact of the mixture with the skin can cause a chemical burn, to prevent which rubber protective clothing is used when working with chlorine. You can use welding goggles to protect your eyes.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning a well

Table. DIY well cleaning steps.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Pumping out water using a pump.

Cleaning the walls of the well. This is done mechanically using a scraper, metal brush or sponge.

Disinfection of walls. This is done using a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorine.

Bottom cleaning, sludge removal.

Waterproofing seams and sealing cracks.

Installation . In this case, an aspen board pressed down with river pebbles is used.

River pebbles are lowered to press down the wooden shield.

Safety when cleaning a well

This type of work belongs to the category associated with risk, therefore it must be carried out taking into account necessary measures to ensure safety.

Video - System and filters for purifying water from a well in the country from iron

The solution (in this case, potassium permanganate) is poured into the well

After a certain time, twigs and leaves fall into every well, even one made according to all the rules, frogs and mice penetrate, insects multiply, and completely foreign objects fall. Over time, they decompose and settle to the bottom in the form of silt. Mosquitoes breed in the well and various bacteria, microorganisms. Smudges of mucus appear on the walls of the well.

During operation, a significant amount of bottom sediments, alluvial soil and silt inevitably accumulates at the bottom of the well. For different areas and different structures of the surrounding soil, the timing of cleaning a well differs significantly. On average, each well should be cleaned every five years. Cleaning is good preventative measure, improving the quality of water in the well and extending its service life. Beginning summer residents do not attach importance to the fact that pathogenic microbes develop much more actively in water than in the air. A well that has not been cleaned for a long time, of course, is not as noticeable to others as unweeded beds or a rickety fence. However, we live in country house or at the dacha for your family, not for your neighbors.
Well cleaning ensures you have a safe source for your vacation home.

By what signs can you determine that it is time to clean the well:

The appearance of an unusual unpleasant foreign odor of water in the well (the smell of hydrogen sulfide). Even if it disappears after a while. The odor may occur due to too little water flow from the well. To ensure that the water in the well does not have a musty smell and does not stagnate, it should be completely pumped out periodically;
- for a long time the water in the well after the spring flood (with a good clay castle) remains cloudy;
- reducing the water column in the well (raising the bottom) due to quicksand sand. In this case, the well should be cleaned especially carefully so that the reinforced concrete rings do not move relative to each other;
- if an animal gets into the well, then not only cleaning is necessary, but also complete sanitization, and disinfection of the well. Even the walls of the well need to be cleaned;
- a large number of “missed” objects at the bottom of the well (buckets, mugs, chains, locks and other metal).

From bottom sediments and alluvial silt country well Each owner can clean it themselves. Moreover, without even going down into it!

And it will help in this matter, which is widespread in suburban areas electric pump"Baby". It should be slightly modified:

Provide the pump with an additional filter. Select a piece of about 15 cm in diameter that is suitable in diameter. Cover one end of this pipe with a protective mesh that is finer than the factory one. We put the second end tightly onto the inlet pipe of the pump and secure it firmly. This is necessary to ensure that the pump does not become clogged with bottom sediments and fail.
- fasten the pump body itself quite firmly to a long, dry (it is lighter) wooden pole. Alternatively, you can do this: attach it to the end of the pole metal plate with a hole through which to connect the pole with a bolt and nut to the standard hole of the pump for attaching the lifting and lowering cord. A strong rope should be tied in the area of ​​the receiving neck. You can use the same standard cord; we won’t need it during the work. The pole and rope allow you not only to adjust the depth of the “Baby’s” immersion, but also to change the direction and angle of the pump in relation to the bottom of the well.

Procedure for cleaning a well

1. Pump out water from the well to such a level that you can see its bottom. But the level must be sufficient so that the pump body is completely submerged in water. Otherwise, the “Baby” will quickly overheat and burn out.
2. Starting from the walls to the center of the well, we suck out the bottom silt and alluvial soil. The pump is located at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees relative to the bottom of the well.
3. We collect all the water (especially clean water) and slurry from the well into barrels or divert it so far away that it does not fall into the well again. Pay attention to the color of the bottom silt. If it is deep black in color, this is evidence of the presence of sulfur bacteria (the source of the hydrogen sulfide smell) in the well. It is advisable to thoroughly clean the walls of such a well. This is done using a mop, or even more conveniently, a vacuum cleaner brush mounted on a long wooden pole.
4. We constantly monitor (by sound) the operation of the pump. A change in the nature of the sound is possible in two cases: either the receiving pipe rests on the pebble bottom, or the fine mesh is completely clogged with bottom sediments. If necessary, we eliminate the cause of the “heavy” operation of the pump. Periodically monitor the heating temperature of the pump housing.
5. If there is too little water in the well and “Baby” begins to appear on its surface, add water to the well from clean barrels.

As you can see, such independent preventive cleaning of a well is not difficult, complicated or dangerous.

In conclusion, it should be noted: it is unlikely that a self-respecting owner will consider his country house ready for the next season if there is an unkempt well on the site. Spend half a day of your time, and then you will have crystal clear well water on your property for the whole summer.

After successfully using a well for many years, owners may experience an unpleasant taste or turbidity in the well water. Why did this happen, and what to do?

First of all, you need to correctly determine the causes of pollution and choose the most effective and budget-friendly methods for cleaning the well and the water in it.

To understand the factors affecting water quality, you first need to inspect the well itself. It is possible that the well rings were depressurized at the connection points, so soil particles and melt water gained access to the inside of the well shaft.

Photo: muddy water in the well

If the site is in country village was purchased with an existing well, the reason may be its improper construction or operation.

For example, if a well is built on floating soil, then sand dissolved by water can penetrate into the well shaft under pressure and cloud the water.

Most often, contamination occurs for the following reasons:

  • limescale layers and other particles accumulate on the walls, which during the accumulation process can block the flow of fresh water;
  • technical factors such as cracks or displacement of concrete rings can allow surface water to enter and increase levels of bacteria, suspended solids, salts and other contaminants in well water;
  • if a bird or animal gets into the well shaft, the water may not only become contaminated, but also become completely unsuitable for use without disinfection measures;
  • infrequent use of the contents of the well can lead to stagnation, rancidity and turbidity of the water;
  • meltwater can also penetrate due to destruction clay castle or lack thereof;
  • Another reason for siltation of water can be an incorrectly located pump, which during operation lifts dirt from the bottom, worsening the performance of the produced water.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step purification of water from a well at your dacha

Photo: testing water in the laboratory

If the water not only becomes cloudy, but also acquires an uncharacteristic taste or smell, it must be taken to the laboratory for testing.

Iron compounds, small particles of clay, soil, sand, hydrogen sulfide, isotopes of heavy metals, nitrates, as well as various colonies of bacteria - this is an incomplete list of what specialists can detect.

Main cleaning steps:

  • To purify the water in a well, you need to tidy up the walls and bottom of the well itself. Therefore, at the first stage it is necessary to pump out all the water;

Photo: it is necessary to pump out all the water
  • Next, it is necessary to inspect all surfaces and determine the level of contamination;
  • at the next stage, the walls are mechanically cleaned of plaque, silt and dirt using a sponge or scraper;

Photo: mechanical cleaning of walls from plaque
  • bottom layer crushed stone is washed or removed to be replaced with fresh;

Photo: the bottom layer of crushed stone is washed or removed
  • At the final stage, the necessary filter is installed.

Most often, well owners have to carry out the procedure. At a high concentration of more than 1 mg/l, not only a characteristic taste is felt in the mouth, but also traces remain on the laundry during washing.

You can also see brown spots on the walls of the well. To eliminate these phenomena, iron is removed from well water in several ways using non-reagent and reagent filters.

Cleaning water from a well from clay is possible using a mechanical cleaning filter. Yes, mesh plastic filter may accumulate small dissolved clay particles at the bottom of the container.

They also use replaceable cartridge filters and the most productive ones today are: pressure filters. By using it you can rid your water of organic additives.

Moreover, the carbon from coconut peels used in filter cartridges is more effective than from birch. Magnesium and calcium are removed with ion exchange resin.

The principle of its action is that it retains the salts of compounds on the surface. Ultraviolet light will help get rid of microorganisms. The water is treated for several hours with a special lamp.

This is very convenient, because you do not need to use various dangerous reagents. Simply turn on the lamp and colonies of vegetative bacteria; the spore forms of microorganisms will die.

How to disinfect

If laboratory research indicate that without additional measures If water cannot be used for disinfection, a number of special measures should be taken.

First, you will need to clean and disinfect the well, and then disinfect the water several times.

After performing a mechanical cleaning of the well, a special disinfectant composition is applied to its walls and lid. The bleach solution is applied using a brush or sprayer.

Prepare it in a clean container with a lid, pouring 20 mg of lime with one liter of water. A lid is necessary to avoid chlorine evaporation. When the composition has settled, pour the solution into another container, removing the sediment. The solution is applied to the surface up to three times with an interval of several hours.

Important! The water that has returned to the treated well is also disinfected. For this, a special composition is prepared - 100-150 g of bleach is dissolved in 1 m3.

This composition must be poured into well water, and then thoroughly mixed with a long pole. Another method for evenly distributing the composition in water is to use a bucket.

After pouring the composition into water, it is scooped up with a bucket and abruptly poured back. And so several times within 10 minutes.

Afterwards, the well is closed from above for six hours so that the water in it settles and the chlorine does not evaporate. If after a while the characteristic smell of chlorine has disappeared, you need to make a fresh solution of bleach (1/4 of the original dose) and pour it into the water again for 4 hours.

Important! During well treatment activities, water cannot be consumed - neither raw nor boiled. This is dangerous to your health.

  • to avoid inhaling toxic chlorine fumes, use a respirator (a gas mask is possible);
  • rubber boots, gloves and uniform will protect the skin from the solution getting on the skin and causing chemical burns;
  • eyes can be protected with welding goggles.

Filters for purifying water from a well

There are quite a lot of types of filters. Differing in modifications, appearance and properties, they are all designed to make water suitable for drinking.

The main thing is to choose among the great variety the one that will solve the problem of a particular well. A narrow-profile filter is cheaper than a complex filter.

Therefore, having the results of analyzes of water samples from a well and choosing a specific filter, you can save a little.

Water filters are usually distinguished according to the method of water purification. The following types exist:

  • mechanical cleaning. Thanks to their work, soil, particles of clay, sand and rust are eliminated;

Photo: mechanical cleaning
  • conducting antibacterial cleaning;
  • absorb odors and various impurities. With their help, you can remove foreign tastes and aromas from water;
  • Another group of devices can make water softer due to ion exchange technology. Such filters clean the liquid from salts that settle on the walls of the kettle during boiling;
  • there are filters that specifically remove iron from water due to oxidative reactions;
  • The most expensive and effective filters are complex ones. They can eliminate all the shortcomings of well water - from color and transparency to compliance with sanitary standards.

It is not easy to choose from the proposed devices, even if you have the results of a water analysis and know the type of filter required. The choice is influenced not only by cost and prestige of the manufacturer, but also by other factors.

For example, is it worth installing an expensive permanent filter in a well at your dacha if you visit it once or twice a month?

If you have to drink water from a well and there is no other source on the site, you can take care of filtering it in another way. You can use a filter jug ​​to clean it.

Photo: filter jug

The capacity of such a device will allow you not only to prepare drinking water for your family, but also to cook food with it. Such a filter is very convenient, but if there are nitrates or harmful bacteria in the water, it will not be able to effectively cope with its purpose.

If the water is heavily polluted, it is better to choose another cleaning method. To begin with, you can use a flow filter. It is capable of purifying water from various types of bacteria, residues organic fertilizers, unpleasant odors.

This filter is also capable of removing sand and other small particles. It will improve the quality of the liquid, making it transparent, tasty and soft.

However flow filter you need to ensure the pressure of the submersible pump is more than one and a half atmospheres.

And finally, you can install a special water purification system that can make it of ideal quality, meeting all sanitary and environmental standards.

Water purification system

A systematic approach to obtaining clean water is more reliable than using individual filters. It is especially important to install such a system in houses that receive drinking water exclusively from a well.

For example, the system will help purify water from a number of known salts, metals, impurities, odors, and colors reverse osmosis. It cleans water very efficiently, in fact 100%. This water is safe to use for drinking and food.

In this system, the liquid undergoes a multi-stage filtration process, becoming crystal clear and tasty.

If the filters do not have a built-in pump, then you need to ensure that submersible pump gave pressure up to three atmospheres, otherwise the system would not be able to work efficiently.

Filtration stages of cleaning systems:

  • the first stage provides mechanical cleaning using mesh filters that retain particles not dissolved in water (silt, clay, rust);
  • the second stage purifies through the oxidation process. Iron, manganese and other impurities dissolved in water are oxidized and removed;
  • the third stage provides clarification of the liquid due to the sedimentation of impurities on the filter under the influence of catalysts;
  • At the final stage, deep cleaning occurs with filters containing carbon. Here the water is completely free of odor, turbidity and unpleasant tastes. It is clean and suitable for use.

Photo: pure water is the key to human beauty and longevity

Clean water is the key to human beauty and longevity. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the quality of water obtained from your own well in a country house or in a rural house.

There is nothing easier than purifying water with modern filters. Tasty and healthy water is clean water.

Video: cleaning a well (pump baby + drainer)

Very nice to drink and use clean natural water from a well or borehole located on suburban area. But sometimes the taste of water deteriorates, it becomes cloudy, dirty, and the water appears bad smell. And clear water requires checking its quality from time to time.

How often should you check water quality?

Despite the external good view water, it may contain various impurities and substances that have a negative effect on human health. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically, at least once a year, check the quality of drinking water. It’s even better to carry out this procedure once every six months, as this will allow you to evaluate seasonal change quality of water in the well. Water quality testing is usually carried out in specialized laboratories.

When checking the quality of water, it is necessary to focus on the permissible concentrations of substances and impurities in drinking water approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and given in the Sanitary Norms and Rules.

These standards cover the following characteristics of drinking water:

  • turbidity;
  • color;
  • alkalinity;
  • rigidity;
  • metal content;
  • content of chlorides and other impurities.

Main signs and causes of deterioration in water quality

The main signs of deteriorating water quality in a well, which can be determined visually, include:

  • the appearance of turbidity in the water;
  • change in water color. In this case, the black color indicates the presence of decomposition products of organic substances in the water, green color signals the proliferation of algae in the water when it enters the well sunlight, A yellow speaks of a high iron content in water;
  • unpleasant taste and smell;
  • the presence of clay deposits on the walls of the well;
  • decrease in water level.

The reasons causing deterioration in the quality of water in a well are:

  • formation of a lime layer. This layer reduces the amount of water entering the well;
  • the appearance of gaps between concrete rings well. Through these cracks, melt water can penetrate into the well and
  • various harmful substances;
  • rare use of the well. This leads to stagnation and rotting water;
  • incorrect installation of the pump, which leads to silting of water;
  • destruction of the clay castle, which leads to falling into the well melt water;
  • foreign objects getting into the water. For example, small rodents getting into a well.

Methods for cleaning a well

Based on the results of studies of the water quality in the well, the well is cleaned, which includes the following steps:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • biological treatment.

After completing these stages of well cleaning, it is recommended to install comprehensive water filtration.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of a well involves cleaning the entire structure of the well from dirt and mucus. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning once every two years for wells used year-round, and once a year for wells that are used irregularly (for example, only during the summer season).

When conducting mechanical cleaning The following tools and equipment are used:

  • winch;
  • a device for lowering a person into a well;
  • ladder;
  • pump;
  • bucket;
  • cement mortar;
  • trowel, metal brush.

Stages of water purification

Carrying out mechanical and biological treatment of a well and using a bottom filter does not always guarantee that the water from the well is completely suitable for consumption. Therefore, depending on the composition of the water, it is necessary to use additional water filtration. In this case, you can use both filtration from individual undesirable substances contained in water, and a complex filtration system that has several stages of water purification.

For example, to remove excess iron from water, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system and human liver, reagent and non-reagent filters are used. To protect against excess magnesium and calcium in water, which causes salt deposition in the body, filters with ion exchange resin are used. Water is purified from organic substances using filters filled with coconut shell charcoal, which is 4 times more effective than charcoal.

Using an integrated filtration approach, the water undergoes multi-stage purification, which makes it crystal clear.

In this case, the water goes through the following stages of purification.

Currently, the idea of ​​a dacha or country cottage inseparable from the concept of a well, since, having become the owner land plot, any person will one day think about organizing a water supply and begin to look for suitable ways to solve the problem that has arisen. Around the same time, another similar task arises - purifying water from a well. This article is intended to help you work through this issue in as much detail as possible.

From this article you will learn:

    When is it necessary to purify water in a well?

    How to purify water in a well

    How to purify water in a well with your own hands

    What type of filter is installed in a well to purify water?

    How to choose it

What and why is it necessary to purify water from a well?

Water obtained from central water supply, often quite tough from the point of view chemical properties. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to pay attention to the problem of “Water and its softening” on an industrial scale. In addition, the water supply system itself is mostly settlements worn out. There are a lot of iron deposits and areas with obvious corrosion. In short, there are plenty of problems. But it should be noted that in this case, water purification using a powerful system will come to the rescue.

Everyone understands perfectly well that purifying water from a well in a country house is possible using a filter. The fact that water is extracted from underground does not a priori mean its crystal purity. This is where the water can be more contaminated than in the tap. Therefore, experts unanimously say that for living outside the city it is better to equip a well, and not just a well.

The table below provides a list of impurities that water from different sources:

A significant problem with wells is that the water supplied to them may change its original composition. The reasons may be different. Water can become “spoilt” when soil shifts and pesticides enter water sources. At the same time, a conventional filtration pad is not able to cope with their elimination.

In order to eliminate the very possibility of absorbing negative impurities from surface layers, it is necessary that water be extracted from a considerable depth. However, this will no longer be a well project. Among other things, even the simplest well has a tendency to silt, which leads to the water deteriorating. It is recommended to take these features into account when choosing the source from which water will be collected. summer cottages. Let us note that in harsh realities this choice will also be based on the financial capabilities of the owners.

A well is not a decoration for country estates, but a full-fledged way to ensure that there is always water in the house. Let us remind you that in our country there are many rural settlements where well water is still considered the best. At the same time, one cannot fail to take into account three indicators by which one can determine how the water has changed:

    Cloudiness– may indicate the need to soften the water or the appearance of unwanted impurities. Most likely, the joints of the well circles have become thinner. Cleaning with a filter will not help here. It is necessary to produce major renovation foundations and seal the seams more tightly. It is worth first draining the entire well so that the water is drained.

    Color change- this phenomenon signals contamination inside the well, as well as in the aquifers. Remember that different impurities give various shades. For example, organic matter is black, algae is green. The solution to this problem is seen in the design of a canopy over the well - this will eliminate direct sunlight. In addition, the walls should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. It happens that the manifestation of color is based on the appearance of salts, and this is where purifying water from a well using a filter comes in handy. Cleaning the walls will no longer bring the desired result, since the water initially comes in contaminated.

    Change in taste and the appearance of odor. Everyone knows that ordinary water has no taste or smell. Moreover, if you take into account that water easily dissolves some impurities, you can understand why, for example, the water became sweetish. This means that the water contains nitrogen. Cleaning here can also be done using a filter or a filter system. Don't forget to check the condition of the roof located above the well.

Let us remember that well water is a surface liquid. That is why it has some features. Such water absorbs the remains of nitrogen-based fertilizers, nitrates, soil organic matter, numerous bacteria, and impurities characteristic of a particular area.

The hardness of such water is in the vast majority of cases lower than that of well water, but often this value still exceeds the established standards. The characteristics of saturation with iron-organic substances and iron bacteria are also overestimated. It is these points that explain the level of requirements placed on the direct quality of the filters with which water is purified.

It is noteworthy that well water may contain residues of organic fertilizers, humus, and animal and bird droppings. It is possible that additional cleaning can prevent infection of the body with helminth eggs.

What kind of filter is installed to purify water from a well?

Water and its mechanical purification:

    If necessary, bottom filters are installed in wells to retain mechanical impurities and sand.

    Then the pump structure is installed.

    Carefully place the water treatment system for the entire house.

    The final stage is the installation of a drinking system for domestic use. It will provide end consumers with suitable water for drinking and daily cooking.

Qualified specialists in installing well systems in mandatory will take into account the characteristics of a particular soil and issue a conclusion whether there is a real need for a bottom well filter.

    Loose clay soil gives the water a cloudy appearance - a filter is necessary.

    Dense clay bottom and water seeping through aquifer channels - here the installation of a filter can cause harm by clogging the channel. The water in such a tank is clean without a filter.

    In cases where the walls and bottom of the well initially contain a large amount of sand, it is simply necessary to install a filter. Otherwise, the sand will not allow you to use water, as it will clog the filter screens and the pumps will not function.

In general, water purification can be performed using several methods. The most commonly used is the following:

    placed in the basement of the house pump equipment;

    deepen the pipe from the pump to the well to a depth of 1.5–1.8 m;

    in this case, the pipe entrance area is lined special compounds made of cement with waterproofing properties;

    The final stage is recessing the pipe hole to the required depth.

To eliminate the possibility of water freezing during frost periods, external thermal insulation is used, while the pipe is also additionally equipped with a heat insulator surface type. Note that sufficient deepening of the pipe intake socket will allow water to be delivered to the consumer even with slight freezing surface water in the well.

Water intake system for the house

It should be understood that the water intake system into the house is quite complex design. That is why it is necessary to seek advice from specialists at the stage of choosing water supply options.

Next, a water treatment system must be installed in the tap to remove impurities from the water. Please note that when designing and selecting equipment, the company consultant should be based on such aspects as:

    initial water quality;

    calculation of operating and peak performance;

    clarification of individual customer wishes.

In some cases ideal option the use of multicomponent loadings with the introduction of one column becomes possible. If water quality indicators are low, other equipment is selected, and the consumer is explained what a water purification system from a well is.

Often it is necessary to additionally disinfect the water. This is where a UV lamp comes to the rescue. Its use is justified and desirable.

The “narrow” version of the water treatment system consists of four components:

    filter for coarse water purification from a well;

    final cleaning with filters on the cartridge;

    Ultraviolet lamp;

    household level system.

In addition to those listed, the expanded design adds an aeration complex and an AquaChief column with Ecotar multi-component loading. Purification in this way makes the water suitable for drinking.

In some cases, a column with activated carbon is introduced for additional purification and clarification of water.

The final level of the water treatment system is considered to be household drinking filtration systems.

Do-it-yourself water purification in a well

So, water purification requires the following procedure:

    Preliminary inspection of the well and finding the causes of water pollution.

    Collecting fluid for analysis and carrying it out.

    Elimination of visible defects and cleaning of the well.

    Installation of bottom filters.

    Disinfection and chlorination based on analysis data.

    Selection and installation of a filtration complex.

Note that all manipulations can be reproduced independently (except for analysis). The most important thing is to understand what technological nuances has cleaning in every way.

Mechanical cleaning method

The well and its purification are the first stage of bringing water back to normal, since the mucus on its walls is a source of bacteria.

Cleaning should be done once every two years for frequent use and once a year for occasional use.

For this procedure, prepare following materials and tools:

  • Master OK;

    metal brush;

    mortar of cement and sand;

  • safety belt;


  • holding straps;

    water pump;

    design for blocking and lowering.

Mechanical cleaning involves cleaning the entire surface of the well. The proposed procedure is as follows:

    At the same time, the walls are cleaned after gradually pumping out the liquid.

    Surfaces are cleaned with a metal brush.

    Organic residues and debris from the bottom are then removed.

    The presence of cracks will require sealing them with cement.

    To prevent the rings from moving, strengthen the integrity of the structure with steel brackets.

    Wash the bottom filter or install a new one.

Biological water purification

Biological treatment involves installing a filter layer at the bottom of the well. For such a filter, it is fashionable to use shungite, silicon gravel or natural sorbents.

Note that a substance of volcanic origin - zeolite, will provide a high degree of filtration.

To fill the shungite layer you need:

    Place a layer of highly permeable geotextile on the bottom. In the future, it will greatly simplify cleaning the bottom filter.

    Fill in the fine shungite first, and the coarse shungite on top.

    After waiting for the dust particles to shrink, go down into the well in a respirator and carefully distribute the shungite.

    In order to remove excess dust, you can pre-rinse the shungite.

After 3–4 weeks, the water quality will noticeably improve. Shungite thoroughly neutralizes sulfur bacteria, reduces iron content and has a positive influence for the formation of beneficial microflora. Purification of well water is necessary, especially in conditions of deteriorating general environmental conditions.

Chemical cleaning

When found bad taste and smell, it is necessary to disinfect the well. A solution of potassium permanganate or preparations with chlorine can be used as a means to purify water in a well.

It is necessary to adhere to a special sequence of actions.

    Preparation of working solution:

    300 grams of bleach are diluted in a small amount of water to a pasty state;

    the mixture is poured into a ten-liter bucket of water;

    mix thoroughly and let stand for 3–4 hours;

    pour into an airtight container and put in a dark place.

Treating the walls with a brush or sprayer.

Preparation of a more concentrated solution and settling.

Filling the well with water.

Moving the chlorine solution into the well and sequentially mixing with a pole.

Closing the well for a day.

Repeat the procedure based on the degree of contamination.

Then you need to pump out all the water from the well and repeat filling/pumping until the smell of chlorine disappears.

Do not forget that during disinfection the operation of the well is prohibited! Water purification in this way must be carried out in compliance with all prescribed measures.

A more gentle method of disinfection is the use of potassium permanganate. The following sequence works here:

    a teaspoon of powder is dissolved in a bucket of water.

    The solution is poured into the well.

    Leave it for a day.

    Pump out and add water several times.

    Fill clean water and lower a nylon bag with silicon crumbs to the bottom.

    The solution can also be applied to the walls.

After all manipulations, it is recommended to re-test the water. If the situation does not improve, chlorine cartridges should be used. These are cylindrical containers with calcium hypochlorite. While underwater, the cartridge continuously releases chlorine. It needs to be recharged every month. The installation of such products should be carried out by professionals who can accurately calculate the safe threshold for chlorine content in water.

Selecting filters and complete purification systems for well water

In order not to overpay for the purchase of complex filters, you need to clearly understand what impurities need to be removed from the water. This happens by taking an analysis.

Highly specialized filters are much cheaper in cost than complex filters and can perform specific goals. They can be divided into several categories:

    To neutralize odors and tastes.

    Rough cleaning to remove rust, sand, soil and clay.

    With antibacterial effect.

    To reduce the salt content in water.

    To reduce iron levels.

    Filter jugs.

Note that fine cleaning with the help of filters it can retain the smallest particles no larger than 5 microns in size. Basically, their installation completes the cleaning using the rough method. This creates a two-stage system.

Complex filters are a more expensive option and can simultaneously eliminate different kinds pollution. They bring the quality of the liquid to the required sanitary standards.

In the case where a well is the only source of water, then the best option– purification of water from a well.

Such systems use reverse osmosis technology - that is, water is gradually forced through a special membrane under pressure. The multi-stage filtration process that occurs is as follows:

    Mesh filters trap small particles.

    Iron is sifted out. In this case, manganese and iron are converted into insoluble hydroxides and are subject to purification. The taste gradually goes away and the water becomes clear.

    When passing through the ion exchange resin, calcium and magnesium are eliminated - the water is softened.

Water purification plays a significant role in maintaining Everyday life person at the proper level.

Now you know how you can purify water yourself. However, it is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it all out.

Biokit offers wide choose reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification to systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!