Summary of a lesson on sound automation in syllables, words and phrasal speech. Summary of an individual-subgroup speech therapy lesson on sound automation "Forest Games"

Child's full name: Misha F.

Child's age: 5 years 10 months

Speech therapy conclusion: phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, mild degree of pseudobulbar dysarthria

Topic: sound automation [sh]


Correctional and educational:

To consolidate ideas about the correct articulation of the sound [w];
- Introduce the child to the letter denoting the sound [w];
- Expansion and activation of the dictionary

Correctional and developmental:

Develop mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
- Strengthen the conditioned reflex connection between the acoustic and articulatory image of the sound [w];
- To consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in its pure form, in syllables like SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI, in words and in sentences with practiced words.
- Formation of phonemic analysis based on sounds, syllables and words;
- Development of oral exhalation;
- Formation of phonemic hearing for the sound [w] using the material of words;
- Development of the ability to compose a sentence according to the scheme (noun + verb + object in the accusative case);
- development of kinesthetic sensations.
- Development of verbal and logical thinking when answering questions

Correctional and educational:

Consolidating the skill of self-control of speech;
- Consolidating the skill of following an adult’s instructions.

Equipment: mirror, sound articulation profile [w], rough appliqué of a letter, syllabic paths, pictures of balls, a scallop, a horse, a car and dolls, a wizard; bottle with foam balls and cocktail straw.

Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics “Porridge Machine”.

Progress of the lesson

Lesson stages

Activities of the speech therapist and child during the lesson

1. Org. moment

L: Hello, Misha! What's your mood?

R: Hello! Good mood!

L: Today in class you and I will work on the sound [w].

The wizard has prepared tasks for us, and we will carry them out. Ready to study?

R: Yes, ready!

2. Development of gross motor skills

First, we need to relax the muscles of the body.

“Inhale and exhale, close your eyes.

Imagine the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, the rustle of grass.”

The child relaxes his body muscles while completing tasks. Relaxation.

3. Development of fine motor skills

L: We need to stretch our fingers some more.

“Masha cooked porridge,

Masha fed everyone porridge.

Masha put porridge

Cat - in a cup,

The mouse goes into a bowl.

And the chickens - in a ladle.

Took up all the dishes

I gave away everything down to the crumbs.”

(Use the index finger of your right hand to “stir” the porridge in your left palm.

We bend one finger on both hands for each name of the dish. Unclench your fingers. Blow imaginary crumbs off your palm.)

4. Mimic gymnastics

L: Imagine, you saw the Wizard. What will you do?

R: I'll be surprised!

The child shows surprise.

L: And the Wizard gave you the balls. What mood will you be in?

R: The mood is joyful. I will smile and say “Thank you!” Shows a smile.

5. Articulation gymnastics

L: We haven’t stretched our tongue yet. Let's do gymnastics for him!

"The tongue is wide"

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue” (five-five-five)

Swallow your saliva.

Let's make a "Cup". Let's lick the "Delicious jam"

Now let’s be magicians and do a “Focus” (blow cotton wool off the tip of your nose)

The child performs articulation exercises 2-3 times each under the supervision of a speech therapist

L: Misha, do you like to go to the fireworks?

R: Yes, I love it!

L: You and I can make the “Salute” ourselves!

Take a bottle to left hand, and put the tube in your mouth and hold it right hand. Take a breath and blow slowly and calmly into the tube, without puffing out your cheeks. You will get a real Fireworks!

(the exercise is performed 3 times so as not to provoke dizziness in the child)

A child performs the “Salute” exercise under the close supervision of a speech therapist

7. Automation of sound in isolated form

L: Please show me how you and I learned to beautifully pronounce the sound [w].

Child follows instructions

8. Analysis of sound articulation

L: Tell me about the sound [sh].

The child looks in the mirror at his articulation of sound and the articulation of the speech therapist. The articulation of the sound [w] is analyzed.

L: Tell me, when you pronounce the sound [sh], are your lips open or closed?

R: When I pronounce the sound [sh], my lips are open and in the shape of a horn;

L: Are your teeth closed or open?

R: Teeth closed.

L: Is the wide tip of the tongue raised up or down?

R: The wide tip of the tongue is raised up.

L: When we pronounce the sound [sh]. language is in the form...

R: The tongue is in the shape of a cup.

L: The sound [w] is indicated by the letter...

9. Sound characteristics

L: Tell me, is the sound [sh] a consonant or a vowel? Why?

R: The sound [w] is consonant, because the air stream encounters an obstacle when exiting.

L: Is the sound [sh] hard or soft?

R: The sound [w] is hard, because the back of the tongue is at the bottom of the oral cavity.

L: Is the sound [sh] voiced or unvoiced? Why?

L: What color is the sound [w], blue or green? Why?

R: The sound [w] is indicated in blue because it is hard.

L: Well done! You did a very good job on this task.

10. Connection of sound with letter

L: In writing, the sound [w] is indicated by the letter Sh. Misha, look what the letter Sh looks like?

R: The letter looks like a comb.

L: Do you know what a scallop is?

A picture of a scallop is shown.

R: Comb your hair.

L: Well done! A horse’s mane is also called a comb (show picture).

Let's touch the letter Sh. What is it like? Smooth or rough?

The child is touching - rough

11. Development of phonemic hearing and perception

L: Misha, the Wizard has prepared a game for us. It's called "Listening Closely."

I will pronounce syllables with the sound [sh]. If you hear it, raise your hand. Be careful.

The child raises his hand when he hears syllables, words with the sound [w].

L: Sho, would, ke, Sha.

Now listen to the words, if you hear a word with the sound [sh], raise your hand. Cat, weight, fur coat, newspaper, hat.

L: Sentence: “The cat has three kittens.”

How many words with the sound [w] did you hear in the sentence?

R: There is 1 word in the sentence with the sound [w]: Cats

L: Well done, Misha!

12. Fixing sound in syllables

L: Let's look at the syllable path and pronounce the syllables: SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI.

The child pronounces the syllables: SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI

13. Consolidating sounds in words.

(Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh] in words with open syllables)

L: Misha, look, we have the next task. Game "Who will go by car?"

Let's help the dolls get into the car. But only those dolls whose names end with the syllable SHA can travel in it.

The child “puts” the dolls into the car, calling names:

Masha, Dasha, Pasha, Sasha.

14. Fixing the sound in a sentence

Listen to the sentence and repeat:

The wizard gave Sasha the balls.

(The speech therapist monitors the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in words).

The child repeats the sentence.

15. Fixing sound in text

L: Misha, the Wizard has prepared pictures for you so that you can find out how he lives.

Look at the picture and the sentence diagram. Make up a story.

The child is given 3 pictures depicting the life of a wizard and sentence diagrams (______ _____ ______.)

The wizard eats porridge. The wizard buys toys. The wizard gives the balls.

16. Homework

L: At home you will need to remember the articulation of the sound [w], its characteristics. Repeat the syllables: sha, sho, shu, shy. Draw a picture for the sentence “The wizard gave the balls.” All clear?

R: Yes. I already figured out how to draw a picture!

To download material or!


Correctional educational

  • consolidation of knowledge about the articulatory features of the sound [sh];
  • consolidation of the concept of “consonant sound”;
  • developing skills in sound analysis and synthesis of two-syllable words like “ka-sha”;

Correctional and developmental

  • exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds in isolation, in syllables, in words and in sentences;
  • development of articulatory motor skills by performing articulatory gymnastics;
  • development phonemic awareness and phonemic hearing;
  • development of speech-auditory attention, thinking, memory, fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and educational

  • nurturing the desire to speak beautifully and correctly.
  • activation of the dictionary: consonant, voiceless, hard, symbol.

Preliminary work:

  • work on the development of the prosodic side of speech;
  • articulation exercises;
  • sound production [w];
  • games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing;
  • training in the analysis of straight syllables like - sha.

Equipment: soft toy - "hare", symbols of sounds, pencil, chips, object pictures for a given sound, didactic game "Speech therapy lotto", didactic table with sand and fillers (plastic cubes with letters, model of a pan, spoon), photographs depicting events in group.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

Speech therapist. Look, a little cowardly bunny came to visit us from the forest today.

From under the tree early in the morning
Runs out into the clearing
Long-eared little naughty boy
Little white bunny, coward.
He avoids animals.
The bunny is always afraid of everyone.

II. Communicating the purpose of the lesson (psycho-gymnastics).

When the bunny galloped towards us through the forest, he listened, and the forest made noise:

sh-sh-sh - (the bunny became wary),

sh-sh-sh - (the coward got scared),

but then the branches quietly “whispered” sh-sh-sh - and the cowardly bunny calmed down.

What sounds did you hear in the noise of the forest?

Child. The sound is sh-sh-sh.

Speech therapist. Today the bunny will help you pronounce this sound.

Sh. Articulation gymnastics.

To pronounce this sound correctly and beautifully, let’s do some gymnastics for the tongue, and the bunny will watch us.

"Proboscis Frog"

Your lips directly to your ears
I'll stretch like a frog
And now I'm a baby elephant
I have a proboscis.


Place your tongue with a spatula
And keep him counted
One two three four five.
The tongue needs to be relaxed.


Put your tongue wide
And raise the edges.
It turned out to be a cup,
Round cup.

"Delicious jam"


IV. Onomatopoeia.

Let's blow warm air in the palm of your hand, let's warm them.

We say sh-sh-sh in one breath.

V. Articulation and characteristics of sound [w].

In what position are the lips when we pronounce the sound [w]? (lips are rounded and pushed forward).

Where is the tongue? (The wide tongue is raised up, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth).

Does the air meet an obstacle? (Yes)

So, what is the sound [sh]? Consonant or vowel? (consonant)

Let’s check: does the “bell” in the neck ring or not? (No)

So, what is the sound [sh]? (deaf)

He is still always hard.

What symbol will we use to denote the sound [w]? (blue square without a bell).

VI. Exercise to develop phonemic hearing.

Let's play the game "Listen carefully, perform diligently"

"If you hear the sound [w] - raise the symbol"

ta, sha, ak, shu, ama, os, ush, oshka.

VII. Automation of sound in syllables.

a) repeat the syllable - ash as many times as I clap my hands;

b) repeat the syllable - asha as many times as I tap the pencil on the table;

c) repeat the syllable - ashma as many times as I place chips;

VIII. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound [w] in words.

The little bunny brought pictures with him. Let's look at them and name them.

The child pronounces words based on pictures whose names contain the sound [w]

(hat, fur coat, tire, car, grandmother, grandfather, pillow, mice, reeds)

Physical education minute.

The bunny is tired of sitting, he wants to play with you.
Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears:
Like this, like this.
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm up our paws:
Like this, like this.
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump:
Like this, like this.

X. Sound analysis and the synthesis of the word "porridge".

The little bunny came from the forest, brought you pictures, played with you, got tired, let's treat him with something.

Didactic game "Let's treat the bunny to lunch"

A model of a pan without a bottom is prepared in the sandbox. The speech therapist suggests that the child use a spoon to stir what is being cooked in this pan. You need to mix thoroughly to make the food tasty. As a result of stirring, cubes with letters appear, buried in the sand. The child uses the cubes to form the word “porridge”.

Name the 1st sound, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

What word did you get? (porridge)

How many sounds are there in this word? (4)

Lay out the diagram of this word using symbols.

XI. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound [w] in pure tongues.

The little bunny is full, happy and ready to play again, he asks you to repeat after him:

  • Sha-sha-sha - oh, how good the porridge is!
  • Shu-shu-shu - I'll chop the carrots into porridge.
  • Shi-shi-shi - eat your porridge, kids.

XII. Automation of the sound [sh] in sentences.

Did you like playing with the bunny? He will soon go back to his forest. Tell him a little about our group from the photographs we have. He will tell you everything in the forest and then other animals will also want to come and visit us.

The child makes sentences using photographs.

We play a lot in our group w ek.

We are building a gar and for ma w in.

Mi w a and yes w and they play w A w ki.

In class we w I eat letters.

XIII. Summing up the lesson.

What sound did we pronounce more often than others today? ([w]).

Articulation, sound characteristics.

Who was our guest today? ("Little Bunny")

XIV. Assessment of the child's work.


Cognitive and speech development

Social and personal development


Target: teach how to correctly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.



Strengthen the correct articulation when pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Learn to clearly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Practice using nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Practice forming related words.

Practice forming possessive adjectives.

Improve the skills of analysis and synthesis of words.

Correctional and developmental:

Continue to develop memory, thinking, attention.

Foster a sense of pride in the beauty and sound of the native language.

Equipment: toys: teddy bear and snake; PC with articulation gymnastics and game material; thematic cards; mirror, handkerchief.



Summary of individual speech therapy session"Automation of the sound [sh] in syllables, words and sentences."


Cognitive and speech development

Social and personal development

Leading educational area:


Target: teach how to correctly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.



Strengthen the correct articulation when pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Learn to clearly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Practice using nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Practice forming related words.

Practice forming possessive adjectives.

Improve the skills of analysis and synthesis of words.

Correctional and developmental:

Continue to develop memory, thinking, attention.

Correctional and educational:

Foster a sense of pride in the beauty and sound of the native language.

Equipment: toys: teddy bear and snake; PC with articulation gymnastics and game material; thematic cards; mirror, handkerchief.

1. Progress of the lesson.

2.Articulation gymnastics (images on PC).

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Pronunciation of the sound [Ш] in syllables.

5. Automation of the sound [Ш] in words.

Game "Memorize and repeat"

Game "Rhymes" (pure sayings)

Game “Name it kindly”

Game "New words"

6. Physical minute.

Sound Automation[Ш] in sentences.

Game "Correct the Sentence" (PC image).

7. Dividing words into syllables.

8. Sound analysis of words.

9. Summary of the lesson. Game "Labyrinth" (picture on PC)

I. Progress of the lesson.

Today I will tell you a story. In a magical forest, in the thicket under a pine tree, the bear cub Mishutka lived in his den. One morning he woke up from a strange sound Sh-Sh-Sh... The bear cub wondered who was making that noise. He looked out the window and saw autumn leaves falling on the roof of his house and rustling. Mishutka decided to return to his house. As soon as he lay down in bed, he heard another sound, drip-drip-drip... Has it really started to rain, Mishutka thought, jumped out of bed and looked out the window. The sun was still shining outside, and drops were falling from the roof. Mishutka left the house and looked at the roof. On the roof he saw a small snake. She was lying on autumn leaves and cried. At first Mishutka was afraid of the snake. But she cried so bitterly that the bear cub felt sorry for her. Mishutka asked the snake: “Why are you crying?” The snake replied: “No one is friends with me!” Everyone is afraid of me." The little bear was very, very sorry for the snake, and he offered to be her friend. "What is your name?" - Mishutka asked the snake. “Shusha,” answered the snake. “And I’m Mishutka,” said the little bear. “Why do you hiss all the time?” - asked Mishutka. “This is my favorite sound,” Shusha answered. “Can you hiss?” - asked Shusha. “No,” answered Mishutka. Then Shusha suggested: “Let me teach you to hiss!” “Come on,” Mishutka was delighted and tried to hiss. But he didn’t succeed, only: “Sssssssss” Shusha laughed. “Repeat after me, Mishutka,” said the snake.

II.Articulation gymnastics.

Rustle, rustle, rustle of tires...

Sh! So that the sound comes out beautiful,

Wider tongue and higher!

Let's make it from a tongue

Cup, raising the sides.

This cup on the sides

We will press it to the upper teeth.

Now you can over the cup

Blow beautifully, carefully.

For the breeze to flow

So that Sh rustles like silk!

Sh-sh-sh... Hissing, noise, whispering,

Rustle, rustle, rustle of tires...

Lip exercises.


Smile like that. So that the upper and lower teeth are visible, and hold this position for 5-7 seconds.

The frogs will like it

Pull your lips straight towards your ears.

I'll pull it and stop

And I won’t get tired at all.


Extend your lips with a tube and pronounce the sound U for a long time without using your voice.

I imitate an elephant.

I pull my lips with my proboscis.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

Exercises for the tongue.

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue”

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Slap it with your lips and say five-five-five ... Stand and hold your wide tongue in a calm position.


Open your mouth. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Place the “spatula” in your mouth, trying not to strain your tongue.

Place your tongue with a spatula

And keep count of him:

One two three four five!

The tongue needs to be relaxed!


Open your mouth. Raise a wide, relaxed tongue to the upper lip. Bend the middle part of the tongue, bending the side edges up.

Put your tongue wide

And raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup,

Round cup.

"Delicious jam"

Smile, open your mouth. Lick with a cup-shaped tongue upper lip top down. The lower lip should not be tight around the teeth (you can pull it down with your hand).


Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, stretching the hypoglossal ligament. Click your tongue slowly and forcefully. The lower jaw should be motionless (you can hold it with your hand)!

Let's go, let's go on horseback

The path is smooth.

A neighbor was waiting for us to visit

Eat sweet pudding.

We arrived at lunchtime

And the neighbor is not at home.


Smile (teeth visible), open your mouth slightly. Suck the wide flat of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth.

I stand on a thin leg.

I stand on a smooth leg.

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.


Open your mouth slightly. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lowering your tongue, open and close your mouth, stretching the hypoglossal ligament. Lips should be in a smile!

I play the harmonica

I open my mouth wider,

I'll press my tongue to the palate,

I'll move my jaw lower.

III.Exercises for developing an air stream.


Multi-colored paper butterflies are tied to a stick. The adult holds the wand so that the butterflies are at the level of the child's face. An adult invites the child to blow on a butterfly, a certain color so that she can fly.

Butterfly - box,

Fly to a cloud

There are your children -

On a birch branch!

“Magic pipe” (blow into a wooden pipe).

“Look how great we are doing,” exclaimed Shusha. Mishutka laughed and then asked: “What else can you do, Shusha?” “I can sing syllables. Let’s sing together.” “Come on, you start, and I’ll repeat after you,” said the little bear.

(the speech therapist invites the child to also join Shusha and Mishutka in pronouncing the syllables)

IV.Syllable rows:

A) pronouncing forward and backward syllables.

Sha-sha-sha Ash-ash-ash

Sho - sho - sho Osh - osh - osh

Shu - shu - shu Ush - ush - ush

Shi - shi - shi Ish - ish - ish

Sha - sha - sho Ash -osh - ash

Shi - shu - shu Ush - ash - ush

Sho-shi-sho Osh-ish-osh

Shu - sha - sha Ash - ish - ish

B) with a change in rhythmic pattern (straight and back)

Sha-sha – sha-sha-sha

Sho-sho - sho-sho-sho

Shu-shu - shu-shu-shu

Shi-shi - shi-shi-shi

B) with a change in stress

Sha-sha-sha Sho-sho-sho

Sha-sha-sha Sho-sho-sho

Sha-sha-sha Sho-sho-sho

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

“Mishutka, you sing very well, now repeat the words after me,” Shusha suggested.

V. Pronouncing words with the sound Ш at the beginning of the word (images of pictures on the PC).

Hat, mine, puck, shampoo, jackal, naughty, chess, balls, scarf.

“How tired I am!” said Mishutka, and fell on a heap of dry leaves. “Bear, get up, now we’ll do some exercises, and your fatigue will go away,” exclaimed the snake Shusha and began to lift the little bear.

Game "Memorize and repeat"



Game "Rhymes"

“Mishutka, listen and repeat the beginning of the sentence, and complete it at the end.”

Shi-shi-shi - here they are playing.....(kids)

Ush-ush-ush – I’ll take a hot…..(shower)

Ash-ash-ash is blue.....(pencil)

Shock-shock-shock - woke us up.....(cockerel)

Game “Name it kindly”

Horse -

Cow -

Cat -

Rooster -

Game “New Words” Replace the first sound in the words with the sound Ш.

Steam -

Slipper –

Lips -

Stomp –

Soap -

Disputes –

VI. Physical education minute.

The leaves rustle on the tree

The leaves rustle on the tree, (Hands are up, stretched)

rustling autumn bushes, (Hands dropped, sat down)

The reeds rustle, (Stand up, body tilts left - right)

And the rain rustles (steps in place)

And you sit down and don’t rustle, (Sit down)

And say everything beautifully.

“Shusha, I have never had so much fun! “Let’s play some more,” the little bear asked. " With joy! Mishutka, I will pronounce the words, and you must remember them and repeat them several times, changing the order of the words."

VII. Automation of the sound [Ш] in sentences.

Game “Make a sentence using pictures”

Pictures: Pasha – shorts, horse, car.


Pasha puts on shorts.

Pasha plays with a car.

Pasha is riding a horse.

Game “Correct the Sentence” (picture on PC) Instructions: Grandfather AU mixed up the words in the sentences so that no one would guess what he wanted to say. Listen to the suggestions. Find and correct errors.

A letter is written to grandfather.

Our mouse caught the cat.

My grandmother bought a spool of thread.

The pebble found Pasha.

A coat hanger is hung on the fur coat.

Reeds sit in a frog.

The lilies of the valley found Natasha.

They put a bag inside the potatoes.

IX. Game “Find the Word” Find words in which the sound Ш is at the beginning (in the middle, at the end) Find a suitable diagram for each word.

Pencil, bag, hat.

“Shusha, you know so much interesting games! It's very interesting to play with you. Let's play some more! " - said Mishutka. “I also want to play some more, but it’s late, I have to go home,” Shusha answered. And, however, while playing, the bear cub did not notice that evening had come and it was time to go home. The little bear was upset. He looked at the snake and did not recognize it. She became so beautiful and not scary at all. “Let me take you home,” Mishutka suggested to Shusha. Quietly humming the sound Sh, they walked along the path.

X. Game “Labyrinth” Run your finger along the path, pronouncing clearly sound Sh-sh-sh(Picture on PC)

What sound did we learn to pronounce today?


Correctional and educational:

Z strengthen articulation and isolated pronunciation of the sound Ш, continue to teach how to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in syllables and words, learn to determine the presence of sound in words, practice the formation of Im.P. plural nouns.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop articulatory and fine motor skills; phonemic awareness; force of oral exhalation; visual attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate cognitive interest in speech therapy sessions and a positive emotional attitude towards the session.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational point: Rule of speech:

Every day, always, everywhere,

In class, in play

We speak loudly, clearly

And we are never in a hurry!

2. Report the topic of the lesson. " Today you and I will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound Ш.”

3. Articulatory finger play training(exercises for the sound Ш)

Fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a mouse. She woke up in her house, opened the window and went out onto the porch, basked in the sun (“Spatula”) and the mouse went home to drink tea from a cup (“Cup”). I drank one cup of tea, another, a third. She remembered that she had jam and a bagel (“Tasty jam”, “Bagel”). Then the mouse saw the fluff and decided to play with it a little (“Focus”).

4. Development of phonemic hearing.

Suddenly she wanted to play with balloon. If you hold it poorly, then air begins to come out of it: shhhhh. Listen carefully and clench your fists tightly when the ball begins to descend: S, F, W, X, W, F, CH, W, SHA, SA, SHU, ZHI, SHI, HAT, TOAD, FUR FUR, BOOTS, CAR

(The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words, and the child identifies the sound Ш, syllables with the sound Ш, words with the sound Ш).

5. Articulation analysis

  • Lips are rounded and slightly extended forward
  • Teeth are close together but not touching
  • The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli, but not pressed against them.
  • The middle part of the tongue bends downwards.
  • The lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars.

A wide, warm air stream passes evenly across the middle of the tongue

Onomatopoeia game: « The snake hisses”: inhale through the nose, exhale: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh

6. Finishing the last sound

And then she wanted to play hide and seek. The mouse hid in its house and quietly rustled: sh - sh - sh. Why is she rustling so much? She's the one looking at her pictures. Let's look and rustle with the mouse: we..., du..., kama..., small....

(The speech therapist shows and names the picture to the child, and he finishes the last sound.)

7. Automation in syllables.

The mouse sat down at the piano and sang rustling songs. Listen to them and sing along with the mouse: sha - shu - sha, shi - sho - shi, she - sha - shu, sha - shi - sho.

(The child “plays” the “piano” with his fingers and pronounces syllable chains.)

And then she went to gnaw nuts: asha yshi eshe ushu ash osh ish ush

(The child pronounces the syllables by connecting the fingers on both hands)

8. Automation in words.

A) The mouse went for a walk, but could not find the path. Help her. You need to select only those pictures whose names contain the sound Ш, and lay them out from the pictures


b) the mouse decided to go to the store on the way. The mouse saw many different objects.

(Pictures are laid out in front of the child: a fur coat, a car, a wardrobe, a pillow, etc.).

The game “One - Many” is played:

fur coat - fur coats, car - wardrobe - hat - pillow -

Well, now it’s time for the mouse to go home.

d) The mouse came home and began to write poetry. And to make it easier for the mouse, tell it the last words.

Wears a bright comb, Mouse washes himself in the shower,

our cheerful... washes his tail, washes...

Here the little girl is running. The tires rustle quietly -

Gray... It's coming to us....

9. Summary of the lesson. It's time for us to say goodbye to the mouse. You helped her very well today! What sound helped you in class?

Natalya Akhtyamova
Abstract individual lessons“Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables and words”

Target: automate the sound [ш] in syllables and words.



Continue to teach correctly, pronounce sound [w] in syllables and words.

Strengthen articulation and isolated pronunciation sound [w].

Continue to form a long, directed air stream.

Learn to determine presence sound in words.

Strengthen the ability to find a place sound in a word.

Practice forming the plural of nouns.

Activate dictionary child with adjectives (prickly, round, tall, fluffy, vocal, fragrant, colorful, green).


Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, fine motor skills.


Cultivate interest in activities through games.

Develop self-control skills.

Cultivating curiosity and creative imagination.

Preliminary work:

Unlearning articulation exercises For sound [w].

Learning finger gymnastics "Mouse with soap, paws with soap".

Work on general speech skills.


Map "Journey of a Little Mouse"; cards for articulation gymnastics; stencil images of leaves with pictures drawn on them; picture "Goose in the Reeds" (overlaid images); basket; subject pictures for exercise "Apple orchard"; pencil; pictures of a happy and sad mouse.

Progress of the lesson.

The speech therapist invites the child to look at the picture.

Look in the clearing there is a house. Who do you think lives in it? (child's answer). You will find out when you solve the riddle.

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole.

Gray baby

Who is this? (mouse)

That's right, it's a mouse. Her name is Shusha.

Let's remember what the lips and tongue do when we pronounce this sound. Which one comes out air: warm or cold?

Speech therapist: Shusha decided to go on a little trip and invites us with her. She drew up a map that will not only show the way, but will also help not to confuse or forget anything.

Look, everything is drawn here on the map.

What do you see at the very beginning?


Early in the morning Shusha woke up and washed her face.

And we will wash ourselves together with her.

Finger gymnastics.

The mouse washed its paw with soap

(One hand "wash" another)

Each finger in order.

(touch each finger with your index finger)

So I lathered the Big one,


Then rinse with water.

I didn’t forget the Pointer,

Wash off both dirt and paint.

The average lathered diligently

It was probably the dirtiest.

The nameless one rubbed it with paste -

The skin immediately turned red.

And Littlefinger quickly washed:

He was very afraid of soap!

(quickly and carefully "soap" little fingers)

(Karelskaya E.)

And she started doing exercises. And we will do exercises together with her. Because we will need a lot of strength to travel.

Articulation exercises: "Spatula", "Bagel", "Cup"

Exercise "Shovel".

The tongue is wide and smooth.

It turns out to be a spatula.

Exercise "Bagel".

I'll put my lips together like a bagel,

I'll show everyone my teeth.

Exercise "Cup".

Our tongue has grown wiser.

He managed to make a cup.

You can pour tea there.

And drink it with sweets.

Exercise "Focus".

I blow, I blow, I blow

And I get it on the nose.

Speech therapist: Look, the breeze blew, the tree branches swayed, the leaves rustled. Come on, we’ll show you how the leaves rustle (for a long time

pronounces sound [sh]). Shhhhhhhhh.

Shusha did her exercises and suddenly she wanted to play with a balloon. If you don't hold it well, it starts to come out. air: sh-sh-sh. Listen carefully and clench your fists tightly when the ball starts to go down:

S, F, W, X, Sh, F, Ch, Sh.



Speech therapist: Shusha played with a ball and went for a walk.

Look what's painted near the house? (There is an image of leaves on the map.)

Shusha ran along the path of dry leaves: sh-sh-sh. Let's follow her and rustle like leaves. I'll start word, and you and the mouse rustle louder so that it finish: we... du... kama... small... karanda...

(I show and name a piece of paper with a picture drawn on it, and the child finishes the last sound.)

Yes, to the pond. There are reeds here. Shusha loves to listen to them rustle. Listen to the reeds and rustle like them (the child shakes his arms raised above his head and says syllable chains):

sha-shu-sha; shi-sho-shi;

she-sha-shu; sha-shi-sho.

Who's hiding in the reeds here? This is a goose. The goose got scared and flapped its wings. Show how he does it (the child says syllables, imitating the flapping of wings with your hands):

ash-ash; osh-osh;

yush-ysh; ush-ush.

Speech therapist: The Mouse walked and walked along the path and came to the river, but there were several boards missing on the bridge. We need to put him to rest. On the left we put those pictures in the title of which sound"SH" occurs first words, in the center - if sound occurs in the middle, and on the right are those pictures whose titles sound"SH" at the end words. To everyone word We will select a sign. What kind of rosehip? (barbed)

What ball? (round)

What kind of wardrobe? (high)

What cat? (fluffy)

What kind of lily of the valley? (fragrant)

What pencil? (color)

What frog? (green)

Who did we meet on the way? Black cat. He wants to catch a mouse.

Dynamic pause.

Here comes the black cat

Hidden, waiting for the mouse.

The mouse will go around the hole

And it won't get to the cat.

Speech therapist: The mouse ran away from the cat and ran further along the path. The mouse led us to Apple orchard. Shusha began to collect apples in a basket, but only those on back side of which, a picture is drawn with sound [sh]. (In front of the child Pictures: fur coat, egg, car, plate, duck, boots, wardrobe, pillow, bed, chestnut, pencil, frog, window). Let's help the Mouse. Together we collected a lot of apples.

Now let's play a game "One is many". (We play with words, which were placed in the basket).

Speech therapist: How can we return home? The map will help us. Here is a familiar path. And then let's go along shortcut. On the map it is indicated by a barely noticeable line. Take a pencil and draw lines so that our path is clearly visible. (The child draws a pencil along the dotted lines).

Here is Shushi's house. It's time for us to say goodbye to the mouse. You helped her very well today!

What are we today learned to pronounce the sound?

Our walk has come to an end. And if you were interested, take a cheerful mouse with you, and if not, then take a sad one.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Automation of sound [R] in syllables, words and sentences” Goals: - consolidate correct pronunciation the sound “R” in syllables, words, sentences; - develop phonemic hearing, articulatory motor skills.

Summary of the group lesson “Automation of sound [S] in syllables, words” Topic: “Automation of sound [s] in syllables, words” Objectives: Educational: -to clarify the correct articulation and pronunciation of isolated words.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in syllables and words. Our guest is Luntik" Goal: correctly and clearly pronounce the sound [L] in syllables and words. Tasks: Correctional and educational: - automate the sound [L] in syllables.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences” Objectives: 1. Correctional and educational: to practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [l], according to acoustic and articulatory features in syllables.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [S] in syllables, words” Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [S] in syllables, words” Teacher-speech therapist Vishnyakova O. A. Goal: automate.

Goal: automate the sound [r] in syllables and words. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [p].

Lesson 2 Automation of the sound [ts] in reverse syllables, in syllables (intervocalic position, in direct open syllables. Goal: automate.

Summary of individual lesson “Automation of sound [ts] in syllables” Summary of the individual lesson “Automation of the sound [ts] in syllables” Elena Solovyova Lesson 2 Automation of the sound [ts] in reverse syllables.

Summary of speech therapy individual lesson for children 5–6 years old “Automation of the sound [w] in syllables and words” Topic: “Space” Goal: Formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables and words. Objectives: Correctional and educational: to form ideas.

Lesson summary “Automation of sound [zh] in syllables, words and phrases” Topic: automation of the sound [zh] in syllables, words and phrases. Objectives: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [zh] in syllables and words.

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