Which sea is better: the Azov or the Black Sea. Review: Holidays on the coast of the Black and Azov seas (Russia, Krasnodar region) - Which sea is better - Black or Azov

Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov... I studied the similarities and differences between them on vacation. Summer has begun not long ago, and I have already returned from vacation. Since I have been living on the Black Sea for many years, and more specifically, I went on vacation to the Azov Sea in the city of Yeisk.

I liked the city right away. He reminded me a little of Adler twenty years ago: you walk to the sea along a quiet street, picking cherries and mulberries as you go. Nobody swears. Beauty! Once upon a time, on our way to the sea, you could pinch off a fig, a medlar or a bunch of grapes. And here you can even meet a goat. 🙂

But that’s where the similarities end. For example, private houses in Adler are, although sometimes luxurious, just houses. In Yeisk, many houses cannot be called anything other than historical heritage. The city has preserved a large number of merchant houses XIX century: with porches, turrets, laid out kokoshniks and other similar things.

I don’t want to scare lovers of modern architecture: new microdistricts with multi-storey buildings Yeysk also has enough.

I cannot remain silent about two more things that shocked me in Yeisk. First, everyone sits in Yeisk minibuses. The driver takes exactly as many people on the minibus as he has seats. That is, you do not hang between heaven and earth as in Sochi minibuses, but calmly look at your favorite city through the window. The second is even more incredible. Remember from Mikhail Zadornov: “Now fill your chest more air..."? So - dial - they have no traffic jams! None. Never. At all.

And now, the promised 10 differences. Of course, I cannot judge the entire Black Sea or Azov coast. I judge the sea in two cities - Yeisk and Sochi.

Black Sea. Sea of ​​Azov

1. The beaches in Yeisk are golden-white. This color is given to them by sand and small pieces of shells, resulting from many years of destruction of shells by waves.

In Sochi, the beaches are mostly pebble and rocky, with sand inserts here and there. This sand is called silver, but, in my opinion, it is loudly said: ordinary gray sand.

2 . ☼ The water in the Black Sea on a fine day has a color from blue to cobalt blue. This is explained by sea ​​water absorbs blue and violet rays of the spectrum to a lesser extent than red and orange.

When the sea is shallow, then along with blue and violet, red and orange rays are also reflected. It turns out green color. Therefore, the Sea of ​​Azov is greenish. Abundantly developed phytoplankton also adds greenery to the Sea of ​​Azov.

3. ☼ However, the water in the Sea of ​​Azov is not entirely green. Rather greenish-yellow, and when there is wind, the color of coffee with milk. The color is determined by the agitation of bottom silts and sand particles. The Sea of ​​Azov is muddy. Its transparency ranges from 0.5 to 8 m.

☼ The Black Sea is much more transparent. For comparison, the maximum recorded transparency of the Black Sea was 77 m. Unfortunately, this was not here in Sochi, but near the Synod.

Sea in Yeysk

Sea in Sochi

4. ☼ The turbidity of the Azov Sea does not particularly upset anyone, since the mud responsible for this turbidity has a beneficial effect on the human body. On the Azov beaches there are many “dark” people, smeared from head to toe with healing mud.

☼ On the Black Sea coast there are “dark people” of a different kind: African students working part-time as Papuans.

5. ☼ The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea in the world. Its average depth is 8 meters. But I never managed to reach these 8 meters. You walk and walk, and the water is still up to your waist.

☼ The greatest depth of the Black Sea is 2212 m.

6. ☼ Due to its shallow depth, the Azov Sea warms up faster than the Black Sea.

☼ When I left, at the beginning of June, the water in the Black Sea was still cool, but in the Azov Sea it was just right.

7. ☼ Another advantage of shallow water is safety. Almost 90% of vacationers on the Azov Sea are parents or grandmothers with children.

☼ On the Black Sea, the contingent of vacationers is much wider. Everyone rests here, including the conductors and Olympstroy builders who “dropped in for a minute.”

8. ☼ If lambs start to appear on the Black Sea, you can’t escape them.

☼ Yeysk is located on a spit. There you can move from one side of the spit to the other, from beach to beach: the direction of the wind will change, the lambs will disappear.

9 . ☼ The water in the Sea of ​​Azov is almost not salty. I tried it myself. 🙂

☼ In the Black Sea, the water is saltier and smells of iodine.

10. I have not been to the Sea of ​​Azov in winter. But I must have point No. 10!

☼ The Sea of ​​Azov freezes in winter.

☼ The Black Sea never freezes.

Here you go. I told everything I saw. And you choose for yourself where to go: to Black Sea or Azovskoe.

A holiday on the sea coast is not just a change of scenery, but also a complete recovery, an even tan and normalization of a person’s mental sphere.

The sea is a natural panacea for most ailments, a good reason to combine a pleasant pastime with health benefits: strengthen immune system, throw off excess weight and even treat a number of chronic diseases.

Relaxation on sea ​​coasts has a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems and will contribute to the treatment of skin and ENT diseases.

The benefits of the sea are limitless. The main thing is to decide which sea is healthier, the Black Sea or the Sea of ​​Azov, and to determine the advantages of one or another type of sea.

This article provides an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of holidays on different seas, with an emphasis on their specialization and benefits for certain body systems, taking into account the advice and recommendations of medical specialists.

What are the benefits of sea water?

Each seaside resort has its own unique climate. Sea water has a healing effect on the human body.

The healing effect is enhanced by the complex effect on humans of sea water, sea air and solar radiation.

Sea water can heal not only separate systems, but also the body as a whole.

The beneficial properties of sea water are ensured by the content in it:

  1. Sodium chloride, which maintains the acid-base balance of the skin, heals minor wounds, improves blood flow to the deep layer of the skin. While in sea water, the skin is saturated with these elements and begins to renew itself at an accelerated pace.
  2. Calcium – allows the skin to become much denser, improves the bactericidal properties of the skin.
  3. Magnesium – normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a relaxing effect on the body, eliminates swelling, prevents allergic diseases
  4. Sulfur – has an antifungal effect. Swimming in such water supplies the skin with disinfecting elements.
  5. Zinc has properties that promote wound healing. Extremely useful for patients suffering from acne and acne.
  6. Copper is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to body tissues
  7. Iron ensures normal functioning of blood cells

In addition, sea water contains silicon, which helps strengthen the vascular wall and increase its elasticity.

How is the Black Sea useful?

The main advantages of holidays on the Black Sea coast include several features of this region.

Chemical and mineral composition of water. The composition is close to the mineral composition of human blood plasma, for this reason resorts on the Black Sea coast are well tolerated even by cardiac patients with pathologies of cardio-vascular system.

The deep waters of the Black Sea are famous for the richness of hydrogen sulfide deposits, which enrich the water and sea breeze with substances beneficial to the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

The southern coast of Crimea, the Black Sea part of Turkey, Bulgaria is an excellent place for vacationers with systemic rheumatological diseases, in particular rheumatoid arthritis and various arthrosis.

Other features of this region are:

  • the climate at the beginning of the season is as comfortable as possible, perfect for both adults and young children;
  • the presence of both sandy and rocky beaches;
  • location. All countries on the Black Sea coast are located close to many CIS countries.

Holidays on the Black Sea coast have two disadvantages

At the height of the season, the temperature of the Black Sea coast reaches high levels, which may be unacceptable for people suffering from arterial hypertension, thyroid pathologies, chronic heart and kidney failure.

Cost of apartments and meals. Although swimming in the sea is free, a person must pay a lot of money for housing and food at this resort, since during the season there is a huge influx of tourists who want to soak up the sunny coast.

The use of the Black Sea coast and the Black Sea microclimate makes it possible to heal the body of patients suffering from some serious pathologies in the functioning of the body.

On the Black Sea coast it is possible to carry out rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction and rehabilitation after cerebral strokes.

Additionally, Black Sea resorts can be recommended for patients with the following pathologies, if there are no corresponding contraindications:

  1. Pathologies musculoskeletal system, diseases of the joints, spine, during rehabilitation after fractures, rehabilitation in patients after joint replacement.
  2. Pulmonary diseases (lung pathology) - chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dust bronchitis, recovery after severe lung surgery
  3. Allergic pathologies - allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, dermatitis.
  4. ENT pathologies - sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  5. What the Black Sea is good for health is its enormous strengthening of the vascular wall. Patients with varicose veins “flutter” after a vacation on the Black Sea coast.

For high-quality restoration of the body after suffering acute or exacerbation of chronic processes, according to the advice of experts, it is recommended to resort to treatment at foreign Black Sea resorts.

It is recommended to visit Black Sea resorts during pregnancy. To improve oxygen delivery and trophism of the fetus, pregnant women are recommended to spend a lot of time on the clean coasts of salt-rich seas.

The environment in European resort countries is much cleaner, the level of care for vacationers is higher, and prices correspond to domestic ones.

How is the Azov Sea useful?

The Azov coast differs significantly from the Black Sea coast in its microclimatic conditions.

In addition, the water of the Sea of ​​Azov differs significantly in its composition from the waters of the Black Sea.

Resorts on the Azov coast are characterized by a whole range of advantages.

TO positive qualities The benefits of relaxation on the Azov coast include the rich composition of sea water and the abundance of salt in the water.

Additionally, the advantages of the Sea of ​​Azov are:

  • shallow water is the main advantage for vacationers with children; thanks to this fact, parents probably know which sea is healthier for a child, the Black Sea or the Sea of ​​Azov;
  • Mediterranean or similar climate;
  • rich content of iodine-containing algae in the water;
  • cost - the pricing policy on the Azov coast is more than acceptable;
  • The water temperature is ideal for swimming.

The negative aspects include:

  1. Jellyfish. These marine inhabitants do not leave people alone in the Sea of ​​Azov
  2. The structure of health and recreational components of recreation is absolutely undeveloped on the Azov coast
  3. Shallow water may be an advantage for children, but it does not suit many adult vacationers, in particular men.
  4. Ecology. Unfortunately, most Azov resorts cannot boast of air and environmental quality
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • for healthy skin and hair, due to salt and some elements of water, blood flow in the hair follicles and keratinocytes of the skin improves, the skin rejuvenates, and hair begins to grow rapidly;
  • to improve skin condition in dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and atopic dermatitis;
  • for diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body: gout, diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

According to reviews, the microelement composition of Azov sea water improves potency and promotes male fertility

Which sea should you prefer when organizing your vacation?

It is worth noting that it is impossible to choose the best resort.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of place to relax depends entirely on the purpose for which you plan to visit the resort - for the purpose of recovery or relaxation.

In addition, there are also other good options for relaxation and healing of the whole body:

  1. Dead Sea. It is famous for its salt content and the presence of healthy mud.
  2. Mediterranean Sea. It is famous for its incredible cleanliness and wonderful Mediterranean climate.
  3. Red sea. Known for its purity, picturesque seabed and unique water composition.
  4. Adriatic Sea. Clean, cool sea with rich flora and fauna.

By visiting a seaside resort at least once a year, you can incredibly improve your health and forget how often it is to get sick.

The most negative and “harmful” factor of a seaside holiday is the cost; otherwise, there are only advantages.

What is the difference between the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea? The differences between them are cardinal. It’s easier to say what the similarities between these bodies of water are. Perhaps only in one: Azov and Black Sea, connected by the Kerch Strait form a single Black Sea-Azov basin, which in turn is an internal basin Atlantic Ocean.

Geographical position

The Sea of ​​Azov had quite a few names, the most famous are Blue ocean And Russian Sea. The current name, Azov, comes from the city of Azov, located on the east coast. The reservoir is located in the northeastern part of the Black Sea region.

Due to the fact that only the small Kerch Peninsula separates it from the Black Sea, some scientists are inclined to consider the Sea of ​​Azov as a kind of Black Sea gulf, its area is 37600 km2. Largest dimensions the length and width are 343x231 km, respectively.

This sea is the shallowest in the world. On average, the depth fluctuates at the level 5-7 meters, maximum depths do not exceed 15 meters. This is due to the extremely small volume of water - about 256 km3. The sea has 16 bays and estuaries, among them the largest are Taganrog- in the eastern part and Sivash Bay - in the western part. Characteristic feature The Sea of ​​Azov has a fairly large number of coastal spits. There are no islands, only shallows. Only two countries are washed by the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov - Russia and Ukraine.

The maritime boundaries have not yet been determined. The sea is entirely located in the steppe zone, on flat terrain. Volcanic rocks on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov do not reach the surface, which is why the coast along almost its entire length is muddy or sandy. There are small outcrops of limestone on the coast of the Taman and Kerch Peninsulas. River flow is formed by two large rivers– Don and Kuban, as well as many small rivers.

The Black Sea is approximately larger than the Sea of ​​Azov 11 times, it is called Black because of the high content of hydrogen sulfide at a depth of more than 120 meters. Metal objects, falling to this depth become black. In the northern part of the sea is the Crimean Peninsula, and, being part of the Crimean Peninsula, the Kerch Peninsula. The water surface area is 422000 km2.

Length from west to east – 1130 km, from North to South - 600 km. This body of water is one of the deepest in the world's oceans. The average depth is 1270 m, the maximum reaches 2245 m, volume - 547000 km3. There are more than 40 bays in the sea. The largest bays are Tamansky, Sinopsky, Odessky, Karkinitsky and Kalanitsky. There is only one relatively large island in the sea - Zmeiny. The Black Sea washes the coasts of 6 states.

In the northwestern part - this is mainly the coast of Ukraine and Romania - the sea has gentle banks and sandy beaches . The shores are composed of sedimentary rocks. The western coast, which borders Bulgaria, along with gently sloping shores, also has rocky areas, due to the Balkan Mountains. The Turkish coast in the south is almost entirely rocky, as it is backed by the Pontic Mountains. The Caucasus Range is located on the southeastern and eastern coasts, which is why the shores here are also rocky. The river flow is formed by the Danube, Southern Bug and Dnieper. In addition, there are a large number of small rivers.

In the southwestern part, the sea is connected through the Bosphorus Strait to the Sea of ​​Marmara. This strait passes through Turkish territory.


Due to the small volume of the Sea of ​​Azov, the composition of its water largely depends on river flow. In essence, the water of the Azov Sea is Black Sea water mixed with the water of the flowing rivers. On average, salinity is low - in the central part it is about 13 ppm. In the Taganrog Bay, the water is absolutely fresh, since it is into this bay that the Don flows, in addition, the Taganrog Bay is located at a considerable distance from the Black Sea. As you approach the Kerch Strait, salinity increases, reaching 17 ppm.

The Black Sea is characterized by more high level salt content is 18 ppm on the surface and 22 ppm at a depth of more than 500 meters, but still, in comparison with other bodies of water in the world's oceans, the level of salt content in the Black Sea is low. The composition of the water is influenced by the Sea of ​​Marmara, but since the salinity of the Sea of ​​Marmara is higher, its waters are heavier and go deeper.

Fish stocks

The fishing value of the Azov Sea is incredibly high. Until the 50s of the 20th century, in terms of fish stocks it was the most productive body of water in the world. Azov sturgeon and sterlet were unique in taste, but the hydraulic construction that began in the 50s on the Don and Kuban had a detrimental effect on the reproduction of fish. The presence of dams has blocked access to spawning grounds, and poaching causes terrible damage to fish stocks.

However, the water world of the Azov Sea contains about 80 species of fish- These are both marine and freshwater fish. Today, annual production is about 30,000 tons.

The Black Sea is characterized by rather small fish stocks. For freshwater fish salty water unsuitable. As for marine fish, the situation is the opposite - marine fish do not tolerate the rather low salt content in Black Sea water. In addition, due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, at a depth of more than 100 meters there is no fauna at all. More than 180 species of fish have been recorded in the Black Sea, but no more than 30 of them are commercially available. Unlike the Azov Sea, mammals live in the Black Sea - 3 species of dolphins. In addition to fish, mussels and algae are also of commercial importance.

Ports and resort areas

The Sea of ​​Azov does not have convenient bays necessary for navigation, but its main disadvantage is shallow water. Azov ports are located in the cities of Berdyansk, Mariupol, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Yeysk, Temryuk. For the above reasons, large ocean-going ships cannot enter the ports of the Azov Sea - this determines the small cargo turnover of the ports and their poor development.

The popularity of the Azov Sea resorts is also low. The reasons are the opacity of the water and the monotony of the coastal landscape. Hence the poor development of resort infrastructure.

Due to the deep water, the ports of the Black Sea are characterized by large cargo turnover. The Black Sea coast of all countries has 43 ports. Most major ports– Novorossiysk, Odessa, Constanta, Varna, Trabzon, Batumi.

The mild climate, natural beauty and clear sea water make the Black Sea resorts very popular. The infrastructure of the resorts is relatively developed - this attracts a significant number of vacationers.

And its many resorts are unique in that there are two seas there. Today we will look at which coastline is best for relaxation.

The similarity of the 2 seas

First, it’s worth talking about the similarities. The first and only point is that both bodies of water are located in the Atlantic Ocean. This is where the similarities end.

Black Sea, Gelendzhik

Skala Kiseleva, Tuapse district

View from Kiseleva rock, Tuapse district

Beaches of the Azov Sea

Scythe Tuzla. Sea of ​​Azov.

And yet they are different


Let's start, perhaps, with the depth: the bottom in some places of the Black Sea lies under a layer of water more than two kilometers from the surface, while in the Azov Sea the maximum depth is no more than 14 meters, but it warms up faster. However, not everyone is destined to reach this depth, since the path along the bottom will stretch for many, many hundreds of meters, and the water will still be waist-deep.

Rocks and pebbles or mud and sand

By the way, about the bottom! On the Black Sea it consists of stones and pebbles, while on the Azov Sea it consists of sand and mud. But this mud is healing, many come here just to wallow in it, getting smeared from head to toe. The water in the Black Sea is healing - it is rich in iodine. The water of the Sea of ​​Azov, on the contrary, is slightly salted due to the fact that the already small water area is additionally desalinated by the beds of the Don and Kuban rivers.

Where to go?

There are also a lot of settlements where you can stay on both rivieras. And here the Black Sea boasts various resorts, ranging from the official summer capital of Russia - Sochi (with all the capital's disadvantages), to wild protected areas like Utrish. The golden, if I may say so, middle of the Black Sea coast will probably be Dzhubga - the place is quite dirty and not the best for a stop, the situation changes in better side if you go towards Sochi or Gelendzhik. Of course, in terms of calmness and cleanliness of the coast, such settlements are very far from Utrish and other fairly wild places.

The essence of the settlements of the Azov Sea is concentrated, as it seems to us, in Yeisk. This town does not have the frills of resort towns; you can calmly pick fruits from branches on the streets while you walk to the beach, and the locals are not spoiled by tourists and are usually friendly. And some of the houses in the city still saw the Tsar, retaining their original appearance - wrought-iron porches, turrets, gardens, shutters everywhere. The same can be said, but to a lesser extent, about the coastal villages of the Azov region: villages, like Dolzhanskaya, which are small and friendly. There is minimal (or no) tourist infrastructure, banana catamarans and photos with a monkey. Such famous taxis as “Slavik”, “Alexey”, “Uncle Borya” or “Semenych” ply through the villages, ready at any time of the day or night to take you to any part of the village for homemade wine and back for some 30-50 rubles True, you will also have to live either as a savage, or in summer kitchen some private house, because somehow all-inclusive hotels were not built here. However, in last years land on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov is being bought by people with Moscow vehicle license plates, and it is not yet known how this will turn out in a few years.


Several campsites on the Black Sea that are worth paying attention to:

Some results

Of course, the Black Sea is much more popular than the Azov Sea - on the one hand, this brings the development of tourism infrastructure and proposals for various types leisure activities other than swimming. On the other hand, the beaches are often overloaded, especially in small, popular villages. It is worth remembering that often in order to spend a holiday on the shore a little more calmly, you just need to step aside from the central beach.

Beaches of the Azov Sea

This article is subjective and does not reflect an evaluative point of view. Both coasts are interesting, and everyone will find something for themselves where they will enjoy it. Five-star hotels in Greater Sochi certainly cannot compare with a hammock in a village garden, just as “all-inclusive” cannot compete with a fire on which food from the local market is fried.

It's up to you, have a nice holiday!

The holiday season is beginning, it’s time to look for a place to relax)) In the summer, of course, you want to go to the sea. The Black and Azov seas are the closest seas to us in which you can swim. Which sea is better - the Black Sea or the Azov Sea? To answer this difficult question, I want to give you a short correspondence tour))
Let's start with the Black Sea. Its coastline is very diverse.

I will describe the places where I managed to visit.
1. Adler.
This photo shows a fragment of Adler beach. What can I say about this resort, based on my own many years of holiday experience here:
-Near the pier there is a place where sewer pipes spilling their contents into the sea. You should swim away from this place if you want to protect yourself from intestinal or rotavirus infections.
-Not the best good option for those who can't swim. The bottom drops sharply down and depth sets in. The waves hit your legs with stones when you enter the water.
-The beaches are narrow, cramped, lying on the rocks is not comfortable.

+ but the water is clear, beautiful turquoise color, there is no cloudy suspension of sand and blooming algae.
+ developed infrastructure, civilized recreation, proximity to Olympic venues,
+ picturesque nature,
+can be comfortably reached by train or plane.
+ if you are planning an excursion to Abkhazia, then Adler is the ideal place.

2. And this is a beach in Sochi (rarely deserted - in March). A large and very beautiful resort town.

There are a lot of entertainments and places worth visiting: the port, the Arboretum, the amusement park, the Olympic Village, river rafting, waterfalls, nightclubs. The abundance of impressions just makes your head spin!
+Excellent holiday in Sochi suitable for those those who love drive, active pastime, adventure, parties, i.e. for young people.
- Sochi - no the best place for families with small children (at least because of the crowded beaches, where towels and rugs lie close to each other).
- everything is expensive (housing, food, and entertainment).
- the sea is often stormy.

3. Anapa is not only a city of military glory with a long history, but also a wonderful children's resort. There are many children's health camps and entertainment for kids. We were delighted with the Nemo Dolphinarium. Fascinating and touching performances...

Amazing inhabitants of the aquarium:

What's good about Anapa:
+ there are pediatric doctors,
+ wide sandy beaches with a shallow bottom (a great place to learn to swim).
+ can be reached by train and plane.
The wild beaches of Anapa look something like this:

What I don’t like about Anapa:
- a lot of crowding of people,
- algae bloom in August, which makes it unpleasant to enter the sea.

4. Not far from Anapa there is the village of Sukko.

A classic resort village on the Black Sea coast with picturesque landscapes.

There are also a lot of people. Housing here is mainly in the private sector; on average, the walk to the sea is 20 minutes.

There are children's camps close to the sea. Large-scale events and performances for children are often held at the stadium.

There is a market, a cafe, a pharmacy.
I love sunsets at sea...

5. From here it’s a stone’s throw to the village of Bolshoi Utrish. You can walk there.

There is a diving center here.

Lighthouse-monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

6. And between the Black and Azov Seas is the village of Blagoveshchenskaya.

During the high season there are so many people on the beach.

Umbrellas are paid, sunbeds are paid. And if a shadow from a paid stationary umbrella accidentally falls on your rug, they will come up to you and ask you to move!

The accommodation here is incredibly far from the beach. And the fact that it’s right on the beach is incredibly expensive. To get to the beach, you will have to walk at least a kilometer with a child and bags in your arms (this is at least 40 minutes in the sun along the estuary).

There are many cafes and canteens to suit every budget and taste. We never got poisoned. But the service in stores is at the level of the Soviet Union ((((

7. Olginka is the birthplace of children's camps, departmental boarding houses and sanatoriums. Without further comments, make your own impression of her from the photo. Paid beach (100 rubles per person per day).

And this is a free beach:

Even the air in this place is considered especially healthy thanks to the pine forests.

Relaxing on the Black Sea is useful and interesting. I just don’t recommend buying food on the beach, so as not to get poisoned.

Holidays on the Azov Sea are calmer than on the Black Sea.

Even the largest resort on the Azov Sea in Krasnodar region- this is just a village (Golubitskaya).

There is a dolphinarium and a crocodile farm.

Between the village of Golubitskaya and the village of Peresyp there are many campsites - this is the most budget-friendly type of recreation. But it’s not even about money, people come here for enough expensive cars. There is probably a special romance in a holiday at sea in a tent...
The main attraction in the village of Kuchugury is the healing mud volcano.
The village of Ilyich is for those who love a quiet, secluded holiday. There are no discos, banana rides, scooters, tablet rides or other attractions. However, there are no canteens, cafes or doctors.

If you are going to go on an excursion to Crimea, take a ferry across the Kerch Strait - this is the place for you!

*I would also like to note that the water in the Black Sea is saltier, but also colder than in the Azov Sea.

*In any locality on the coast of both Black and Azov seas you can find any accommodation price category: from bases with plywood houses and on-site amenities to premium hotels with a swimming pool, animation and buffet.

Whatever you choose, relaxing at sea is always good!)))