How to prepare for moving: personal experience. Moving to a new apartment: signs, rituals, rules for transporting and unloading things

Anyone who has had to move to new apartment, the feeling of “prostration” that arises when looking at numerous things in closets, bedside tables and on shelves is well known. It’s not for nothing that moving is “equal to one fire” - some things are lost, some break and break on the road, and some simply disappear somewhere in an unknown way. There is no need to talk about the amount of effort and nerves expended.

Here are the main secrets of a proper move!

Preparing to move – what to do first?

The most common mistake people make when moving is to pack their things at the last minute. It would seem that “everything will be done in time!”, but - alas and ah - the result of getting ready in the last hours before the arrival of the car is always equally deplorable.

Therefore, it is better to start preparing in advance.

About a month before the planned move, the most important things to do are:

  • Terminate all contracts(note - with the landlord, with companies providing cable TV, telephone, Internet services, etc.) so that in the new apartment they do not demand money from you for services that continue to be provided in the old one under existing contracts.
  • Throw away everything you don't need, and everything that could interfere with the new owners.
  • Clearly define the moving date, enter into an agreement with the appropriate moving company and inform those who will help you move to a new home.
  • Sell ​​furniture(clothes, washing/sewing machine, other things) that you don’t want to take with you, but which still look quite decent. It’s better not to set high prices, so that later you don’t have to leave these things in the old apartment for free. It’s better to let them “fly away” at a modest price than for no one to buy them at all. And remember: if you haven’t used an item for more than six months, it means you don’t need it—feel free to get rid of it in any convenient way.

One week before moving:

  • We pack all the things that you will not need in the near future.
  • Throw away the excess.
  • We begin to sort out things, food and furniture in the kitchen.
  • We buy disposable plates/forks to easily remove all dishes from the kitchen.
  • We connect the Internet to the new apartment so that on the day of the move we don’t frantically call companies for this purpose, running between boxes with a useless router.
  • We clean carpets and wash curtains (save yourself the effort in a new place), and also rewash items that require it.
  • We do general cleaning in the new apartment so as not to waste time on it after moving.

The day before the move:

  • We send the children to grandma (friends).
  • Defrosting the refrigerator.
  • We deal with the keys to old and new housing (mailboxes, garages, gates, etc.).
  • We take meter readings (note – we take photographs).
  • We collect the remaining things.

7 secrets of preparing for a move that will make your life and the preparations easier

  • Revision. Moving is a great way to get rid of excess clutter. When you start sorting things to pack them for moving, immediately put a large box “to throw away” or “to give to neighbors.” Surely, you have things (clothes, tiles, lamps, toys, etc.) that you do not need in your new apartment. Give them to those in need and don’t carry extra junk into your new apartment. Toys can be donated to an orphanage, decent items can be sold on appropriate websites, and old blankets/rugs can be taken to a dog shelter.
  • Box with documents. We collect it especially carefully so that we can take it with us in the car on moving day. Place all the documents you have in folders, label them and put them in one box. Naturally, this should not be done the day before the move.
  • Box “1st necessity”. That's how we label it. In this necessary box, when you move, you can easily find a first aid kit, toothbrushes and toilet paper, a set of change of clothes for each family member, the most necessary products (sugar, salt, coffee/tea), towels, pet food and other important things.
  • Box with valuables. Here we put all our gold with diamonds, if any, and other valuable items that are expensive or have other value for you personally. You should also take this box with you (we don’t shove it into the general “pile” in the truck, but take it with us into the cabin).
  • Disassemble the furniture. Don’t rely on chance and don’t be too lazy to take it apart, so as not to cry over a torn sofa, a broken table and chips on a rare chest of drawers. Old furniture There is no point in disassembling chipboard and taking it with you - just give it to your neighbors or leave it near the trash heap (whoever needs it will take it himself).
  • Don't make any major purchases in the week before moving. Don't stock up on groceries either - it's excess weight and place in truck. It is better to replenish the bins in a new place.
  • Prepare food the day before moving day(you won’t have time to cook!) and pack it in a cooler bag. Nothing inspires you in a new place after moving like a delicious dinner.

Collecting and packing things for moving - boxes, bags, tape

It is almost impossible to collect the things that you have accumulated in your old apartment even in 1 year in 1 day.

Therefore, the ideal time to “start” is a week before the move. The most important thing when packing is packaging.

Therefore, we start with boxes and other items for a comfortable move:

  • Looking or buying carton boxes (preferably durable and with holes for easy carrying). Most often, boxes are given away for free in hypermarkets or local stores (ask store administrators). Assess the volume of your things and take boxes according to this volume. On average, it takes about 20-30 large boxes to pack items from a 2-room apartment in which a large family with pets lives. It is not recommended to take giant boxes - they are inconvenient to carry and difficult to lift, in addition, they often break under the weight of things.
  • Don't spare money on wide, high-quality tape! You will need it in large quantities, and not just to seal boxes. And preferably with a dispenser, then work will go many times faster.
  • Also, you can’t do without cardboard “spacers”(newspaper, wrapping paper), twine, regular stretch film and a pack of clear bags.
  • Special film with “pimples”, which everyone loves to click, we buy in large quantities.
  • Multi-colored markers and stickers will also help.
  • To pack furniture you will need thick fabric(old sheets, curtains, for example), as well as thick film (like for greenhouses).
  • For heavy items we select bags and suitcases(the boxes may not be able to support them), or we put the weights in small and strong boxes, and then carefully secure them with tape and twine.

General work plan:

  • We reinforce all boxes with good tape, paying special attention to the bottom of the container. You can also make handles from it if there are no holes on the boxes themselves (or you can make these holes yourself with a stationery knife).
  • We highlight separate room(or part of it) for packed items.
  • We buy a notebook for notes, where there will be all the information on accounts, movers, counters and the things themselves.

On a note:

If you wear suits, you'll be glad to know that there are cardboard "closets" for safely transporting expensive items directly on hangers.

How to move and not forget anything - lists of things, labeling boxes and much more

In order not to spend a painfully long time looking for clothespins or tights in all the boxes in a new apartment, which no one ever sorts right away (usually this takes from a week to a month, and for those who are especially lucky, up to a year), Use the rules of proper packing:

  • We mark the boxes with stickers and markers. For example, red for the kitchen, green for the bathroom, etc. Don't forget to duplicate each box in a notepad.
  • Be sure to put a number on the box(on each side of the box, so that later you don’t have to turn it around looking for the number!) and duplicate it in a notebook along with a list of things. If you are not shy about movers and are not afraid that “things will be stolen,” then the list of things can be glued to the box. In your notebook you should have all the boxes with all the lists of things. Numbering the boxes is also useful because in a new place it will be easier for you to check whether all things have been brought into the apartment.
  • Lifehack: so as not to look for clothespins and washing powder, pack them straight into the drum washing machine. Tea and sugar can be placed in a kettle, and a pack of coffee can be placed in a box with a Turkish coffee grinder. You can put bedding, bowls and pet food in a cat carrier. And so on, with other things.
  • When storing wires from equipment and gadgets, try not to confuse them. In a separate box - a scanner with wires, in another - a computer with its own wires, in separate packages there are phones and other gadgets - each with its own charger. If you are afraid of getting confused, immediately take a photo of the area where the wires connect to the equipment. This cheat sheet can make your life easier after moving.
  • Ship bed linen separately with towels and blankets and pillows.
  • Don't forget to have a separate box for tools. and small things necessary for repairs, you will need it almost immediately after moving.

Apartment moving – preparing furniture for transportation

Don’t rely on “strong” furniture and “caring” movers.

If your furniture is dear to you, then take care of its safety before moving.

  • Everything that comes apart is disassembled, packaged and labeled. For example, we disassemble the table into parts, packing each one in special thick paper or cardboard ( perfect option– bubble wrap), mark each part with the letter “C” (table). We put the accessories from the table into a separate bag, twist it and secure it to one of the parts. It’s ideal if you can secure all the parts together or put them in narrow boxes. Don't forget the instructions! If they are still there, put them in a bag with accessories to make it easier to assemble the furniture later. Furniture keys and other furniture tools quick assembly place in the “1st essential” box (described above).
  • We wrap sofas and armchairs thick fabric , cover with thick film on top and wrap with tape. We do the same with mattresses.
  • We wrap all handles on doors and drawers cling film or foam rubber so as not to scratch other things.
  • If you don’t take out the drawers from the chest of drawers (desk), then be sure to secure them so that they do not fall out when carrying. Also fix all the doors on the furniture - on the kitchen, etc.
  • All glass and mirrors in mandatory remove from furniture and pack separately. They are usually the first to break if owners leave them in closets.

If you are sending things to another city by container, then pay special attention to packing furniture and boxes!

Moving to a new apartment and pets – what do you need to remember?

Of course, the ideal option is to send pets and children to relatives during the move. First of all, it will be so easier for parents, secondly, this will protect children and young animals from accidental injuries.

But if this is not possible, then use the “memo” on moving with pets:

  • Don't swear at your pets. For them, moving in itself is stressful. Their attention to things and boxes is quite natural. Don't swear or shout. Don't forget that they won't feed themselves.
  • While collecting and running around with boxes, give the little animals something that can distract them– a separate box for cats (they love them), toys, bones for dogs.
  • Resolve all issues with the veterinarian in advance (a couple of weeks in advance), if any. Update the information on the chip (approx. phone number, address).
  • To transport fish: pour the water from the aquarium into a bucket with a ventilated lid (transplant the fish there too), and transfer the vegetation from it to another container, adding the same water. Place the soil in bags. The aquarium itself - rinse, dry, wrap in bubble wrap.
  • For transporting birds: We wrap the cage with cardboard, and on top with warm and dense material (birds are afraid of drafts).
  • Rodents can be transported in their own cages, but it is recommended to insulate them if it is too cold outside. In hot weather, on the contrary, choose a place for transportation that will not be too hot and stuffy (so that the animals do not suffocate).
  • Don't feed dogs and cats right in front of the road, be sure to walk the dogs, and remove the drinking bowls during transportation - or, if it’s hot, replace them with wet sponges.
  • For cats and small dogs, it is better to use hard carriers. Naturally, it is not recommended to transport them to new house in the cargo compartment of the car. The best option– transport pets on your lap.

And don’t forget to take a couple of days off to move and unload your things in the new place. Moving after work is an ordeal.

World of Travel thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

The experience of generations tells us about the existence of important rituals and signs. When changing place of residence, the influence of signs and beliefs can be especially striking. Moving to a new apartment is a global change, and change is not stable. Therefore, it is during this time period that you should direct your attention to the wisdom of the people - signs. Here are the most important signs and beliefs that it is advisable for all new residents to take into account.

Evaluation of a new place based on external factors:

  1. Need to study carefully environment and the location of the new house or apartment. Focus your attention on the bird community. If there is a birds nest on the roof or under the roof of a new house, then this is a clear sign of a happy and peaceful place. Birds will never breed their chicks in a place with a black aura or dark energy.
  2. If there are a lot of crows in the area and you see that they are not just visiting this place, but are constantly present, then this is very bad sign. Hearing the frequent cawing of crows in the yard can attract illness and decay into the house. Of course, there are no good or evil birds, but the crow is a mystical, special bird, and it does not always bring good luck.
  3. Another external beacon of a pleasant place is future neighbors. Well-being often has a wide radius of influence. Those living nearby should radiate calm and positivity. If there are many asocial families and people among the neighbors, then most likely this territory does not have a bright background of energy.

Internal characteristics of the premises - who and what lives in the house?

White spider

If you walked into a new apartment and saw on the ceiling or walls white spider, then don’t rush to deal with it. According to old folk signs, this albino brings happiness and the possibility of a pleasant event to the house. If it was in the intended bedroom, then this promises long-term harmony in the relationship between the spouses.


These insects signify with their presence a happy place and good energy. Of course, they cause trouble for people by their appearance in the apartment, but ants live only in bright places.


But if a beetle, especially a large one, is crawling or flying in the house, this is a sure sign of future misfortune and loss. This is a sad sign, so if you see such a sign before purchasing an apartment or house, it is better to think twice about it. If this house has already been purchased, then under no circumstances should you kill the beetle. Catch the bad messenger and release him. Let the beetle pick up and take away its sadness.

Black mold

Black mold does not always occur only from dampness in the room. Often it symbolizes the presence of unkind and oppressive energy in the home. You should postpone moving to a new apartment, clean everything thoroughly and perform some of the rituals described below in this article.

Dear drummer

If at the old place of residence there was always order and cleanliness, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked or rustled, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then you should definitely take this well-mannered brownie with you.

Our ancestors greatly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who protected the home from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

Before moving, your little neighbor needs to be lured with milk and a bright box of any shape. Place the open box next to the milk that was poured into the saucer for the brownie. It is advisable to put a teaspoon in the box, not a new one, but one that has been used in the family for some time. Leave it all overnight, and in the morning you can transport your guardian. In a new apartment, you need to open the box, leave it in this position for an hour, and you yourself need to leave, so as not to interfere with the brownie calmly going out and finding a place to his liking.

The cat is the brownie's assistant. If you have a cat, be sure to let her into the house first when moving. She will help the brownie find his comfortable corner. Our ancestors did not enter the new home first. According to popular belief, only the cat had such a privilege.

Login and create your life

A folk sign says that to attract wealth and good work, you need to attach the smallest coin over the door of a new house, and for big and small luck you need to hang a horseshoe over the door. However, there is one nuance here - a horseshoe cannot be bought or accepted as a gift. You can only find it. Only in this case will it be filled with your luck and will radiate it constantly.

It is better to enter a new place of residence in order of seniority. Order and respect - harmony in the head, in thoughts, which means order in the entire environment.

It’s better not to enter your home empty-handed for the first time. You can bring it with you flowering plant. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Our grandparents were sure that the threshold in the house was an important place associated with the energy of our ancestors. Means, great solution When moving, you will thoroughly wash this important place in the apartment. Try not to trip on the threshold when entering your new home. A folk sign tells us clearly - this bad sign. You can put a piece of mesh under the threshold or under the threshold covering. It can be any mesh, but only made of threads. It is believed that it is dark and evil person someone who thinks or plans evil will never be able to carry it out in your home. Having crossed the threshold with the net, he will instantly lose his strength, and his thoughts will begin to get confused. You may even see this effect later, noticing that your guest has no strength at all, and his words are often meaningless and overly frank.

Sprinkle corners in a new house coarse salt- an old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers to create amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and unclean.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading prayer. This must be done calmly, without fuss. Go into an apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of the prayer. It is advisable to leave the icon in this place forever. Then cross all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

We take only happiness with us

There are things that, according to popular customs, should not be kept in an apartment:

  1. Reeds.
  2. Bird feathers.
  3. Remnants.
  4. Dry leaves or flowers.
  5. Old clothes, and especially clothes of dead people.
  6. Dishes with cracks and chips.
  7. Photos with defects and creases.
  8. Old broom.
  9. Horns and stuffed animals.

It is not recommended to keep these things in the house, and taking them with you to a new home is doubly wrong. Such care and attachment to these things only enhances their negative effect on others. Moving to a new place is an excellent reason to leave everything unnecessary and harmful outside the new life.

Who lives in the house and how?

No need to disturb the atmosphere of the new place obscene language or a scandal, especially on the first day of moving. You need to start with a positive, because a good and correct foundation promises great success in the future.

It is better to bring a piece of sugar, a handful of beans or peas with you. According to traditions, sugar symbolizes pleasure, and legumes symbolize financial well-being, so let them lie on the windowsill for a day.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red thread. This plant has magical power and is capable of expelling dark spirits and entities. You can even light a sprig of mugwort and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

And when the basic things fall into place, it will be useful to prepare a festive lunch or dinner. It would be correct to serve pies that were already prepared in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with new energy and set the vibrations in a positive mood.

Don't say goodbye to your old house negatively, don't talk about it bad words, do not remember grief and pain - ingratitude is always punishable. Even if life in your old place was not very sweet, you need to appreciate the good and thank you for the lessons and obstacles that tempered and strengthened you.

Weather forecast for future life

Try to move to a new house or apartment in good weather. Folk omens note the connection between weather and later life in a new place:

  • The sun promises joy and success.
  • Rainbow - good health or miraculous healing in a new place.
  • Light rain - financial success.
  • Heavy rain - life in a new house will make you shed tears quite often.
  • Lightning - a bright and emotional personal life.
  • Thunder and lightning are regular and very large scandals and disagreements in a new place.

When moving, it is not necessary to follow absolutely all the recommendations and take everything into account folk signs. Sometimes it is enough to listen carefully to your inner world and determine for yourself closer options for rituals or necessary actions.

Folk signs and traditions, formed over centuries of observation, help to achieve well-being and health. Ignoring ancient rituals or listening to the intuition of the people is an individual choice for everyone. But why not think about them, what if they provide a real opportunity to protect yourself, your family, and give a start to your successful future in a new apartment, and maybe even your life.

If you are about to move to a new apartment or house very soon, then our article can be very useful. Read about the signs and rituals of moving, and how to organize unpacking things in your new home.

Would you say that when moving to a new apartment, all you need is common sense and a clear plan, a list of actions and a list of things that need to be packed? In fact, moving is quite serious. life experience, and it’s better to find out some of the nuances in advance in order to do everything correctly and settle down as well as possible in the new place.

You may ask, will this be useful to you if you are moving to a rented apartment? Of course! After all, you will live there for some time, perhaps even a very long time. We also recommend reading our tips on how to improve a rented apartment and make it more comfortable.

Some rituals when moving to a new apartment

As we have already found out, moving from one place to another is not an easy, responsible matter. Don’t forget anything, carefully pack everything, transport it safely and, finally, place it in its place - this is just a dry summary of the sequence of actions, and how many labor-intensive processes are behind these words... And yet, most people still find time for one more action, we usually call these rituals.

At the same time, some rituals when moving to a new apartment are not without meaning, while others cause bewilderment and slight shock - there is no clear answer on how to approach this. Out of pure curiosity, you can walk through several of them, at least to smile, and maybe become interested.

Moving to a new apartment conventionally includes three stages:

actions at the old place (collecting things, loading);
actions in a new place (unloading, arranging things).
In this chronological order, we will consider some rituals when moving.

One of the interesting rituals is advice from the teachings of Feng Shui, which everyone has been listening to recently more people. You are invited to bake a loaf, pie, cake or something like that from the dough according to the recipe of your choice. The only condition is that the shape of your baked goods should resemble a house. It is recommended to eat it immediately before moving, thereby you carry with you the very essence of the house where you lived.

Another moving ritual is more mystical. In a vessel, preferably made of glass or ceramics, you carry salt around the old house, mentally imagining how it absorbs all the energy of your life in this house, all emotions, negative and positive. Let the salt stand in a dark place for a while, imagining during this how your an old house from everything that happened. At sunset in a deserted place, you should bury this salt and leave without looking back. After this, you need to wash your hands.

As for rituals in a new place, the most favorite of them is housewarming. It is useful and pleasant in all respects - a housewarming party will help you get to know your future neighbors and psychologically adapt to a new place. It is not surprising that this ritual not only caught on, but also became mandatory.

It is also recommended that upon arrival at your new place of residence, you announce your presence by taking several consecutive steps. You need to open the windows in all rooms, turn on the lights in each of them, and drain a certain amount of water. This ritual is useful because at the same time you will check the serviceability of all instruments and devices.

The list of rituals that have one thing in common can be continued ad infinitum general property- all of them are designed to attract prosperity to your new home and preserve as much as possible the good things that were in your old home. You just need to remember that better than rituals only you can do this yourself.

Moving to a new apartment: interesting signs

An important sign when moving, especially if you are moving into an apartment after the old owners, is to get rid of the accumulated negative energy. To do this, it is very important to do a general cleaning immediately after moving, thoroughly washing the floors and wiping off dust in all places.

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house you can hang a horseshoe above the front door. This sign is associated with happiness and prosperity reigning in the new apartment or house.

But in the old days, bunches of St. John's wort were hung in houses to protect against evil forces and evil spirits - this is the so-called amulet.

The sign that when moving you should let the cat into the house first will help your new home become hospitable. That's why they say that the cat should come in on its own, you just need to put it at the door. In general, there are a lot of signs and even superstitions associated with a cat. Some take a closer look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she has chosen. For example, a bed is placed in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time. But this is not always correct, because the bed is located according to the principles of Feng Shui for the bedroom and according to other signs. Well, what should you do if your cat falls asleep in the kitchen or bathroom? Of course you won't sleep there!

How to take your brownie from your old to your new apartment

It’s unlikely that many people today pay attention to this point, but in the old days they didn’t squeeze him into a new home without a brownie at all - they had to lure him with them by any means.

In general, a brownie is your friend and buddy who not only protects the house from troubles, but also takes care of the household. And when you are friends with him, you probably noticed that you are living well. Therefore, when moving, it is important to take your friend, the brownie, to your new apartment. The easiest way to do this is after collecting things, put it in front door box in which soft items will be folded, and then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Your brownie will definitely climb into this box and go with you. And some other beliefs convince us that to move with your brownie, it is enough to take along old apartment broom.

One way or another, after arrival you need to let the brownie in. Place the same box at the entrance and open it. Then pour milk into a saucer and place it on the floor. The brownie will certainly go to eat from your caring hands, especially since he could get hungry on the road.

What things to unpack first when moving?

So, the car with all the goods you have acquired drove into the yard of your new home. But it’s too early to relax. You will have to unload and arrange things, and this will determine how successful the move to your new apartment will be. We hope that you have prudently numbered your boxes of things, and the most prudent ones have also written a list of all things on the box for convenience. Then The final stage moving will not raise any questions and will not take much time. All you have to do is decide which items to unpack first.

First of all, you need to unload from the car all items that will interfere with the removal of furniture. These could be fragile chandeliers, TV, houseplants and so on - all this can be temporarily placed on the ground or on a bench near the house. Now you can remove and deliver the furniture to your home. As furniture is brought in, it should be immediately unpacked and inspected for damage in transit. This will be easy if you have the inspection report drawn up at the time of preparation. It is recommended to assemble the furniture, if required, and arrange it with the help of movers immediately to where it will be located in the future. It is better to plan this in advance and include it in your moving plan. If you did without a plan, just keep this information in your head and monitor each arrival of movers with furniture, giving them instructions for arranging items.

If necessary, you can wipe it with a damp cloth. outer surface furniture and wipe shelves in closets.

After the initial arrangement of furniture and unpacking things from boxes, it’s time to get rid of the now unnecessary packaging in the form of countless boxes and heaps packaging material. As soon as the maximum space has been freed up, it would be a good idea to wipe the floors. However, this must be done after installing curtain rods, installing blinds or hanging curtains on the windows.

The question of what things to unpack first has already lost its relevance, and it is the turn of those things that are lonely awaiting their fate on the street. Bring in the TV, plants, vacuum cleaner, bedside tables, ottomans, chairs, in general, everything that is left. When the last thing is included, and the entire list of things is ticked off on your act, all that remains is to look at everything again with the owner’s eye and sign the act of completing the work with peace of mind in order to let the movers go and remain in the circle of your family.

The more organized you are in arranging furniture and putting things away, not forgetting to remove waste in the form of packaging material, the faster you can drink tea in your new home environment after moving to a new apartment and congratulate yourself on its successful completion.

If we ignore the hassle, the eternal lack of time and movers stuck in traffic jams, moving is just the movement of things from one point in space to another. In a way, drinking beer with friends is the closest analogy to moving: you simply move it from your mug to your stomach. Let this thought calm you down when it turns out that you left the TV in your old apartment.

Two months before moving

Time is the main enemy. Due to its lack, something can be forgotten, lost, broken. Therefore, you need to prepare for migration to a new place in advance.

█ Buy a large folder and a notebook for notes (maybe with a unicorn on the cover). You will write down all the information about the move in a notebook, and in a folder you will store business cards, checks and other documents related to the move, as well as telephone numbers and names of workers, drivers, realtors, tenants and buyers of old things. Even if the contacts of a painter or electrician now seem superfluous, let them also be in the notebook. What if everything is not so perfect in the new place?

█ Get 20 cardboard boxes. When folded, they will not take up much space, but this amount should be enough for the entire move. Boxes suitable for carrying and storing things are found in the following places:
grocery stores- this is the most a budget option, you just need to come up from the back door and ask to sell you the extra packaging;
IKEA furniture stores- strong cardboard boxes here cost 40–50 rubles apiece;
moving companies- found there special people, ready to take on all the difficulties of moving for a certain amount. As a rule, quite a big one. But you will find boxes of all possible shapes and color sizes.

█ There should be plenty of bags, newspapers, packaging film with bubbles and colorful stickers, especially since they can be useful after the move. Also buy two or three markers so you can write on different surfaces.

█ Don’t skimp on tape! It can be used to secure everything under the sun (our experts, who have been glued to chairs and walls at parties more than once, will confirm this). And stock up on a dispenser for adhesive tape - it will make packaging go much faster.

A month before moving

Moment of truth: you want to take everything with you. However, there suddenly turns out to be an indecent amount of things, as if they had been saving them not for 30 years, but for ninety years, and even borrowed from neighbors.

█ Use the rule that we have already written about: if the item has not been used more than a year, most likely, it is not needed. Take a photo of the item and place an advertisement on the website for sale or gift on a pick-up basis.

█ It is better to disassemble furniture for transportation. It turns out that old chipboard cabinets are unlikely to survive this procedure and it will definitely not be possible to assemble them in a new place: the screws will not want to fit tightly into the holes. It would be better to offer this junk to your neighbors - let them take it to their dacha or feed it to the beavers.

█ Collect documents in one folder and put it in the same folder where you put checks, business cards, etc. If you still have instructions from home electronics, this is a chance to throw them away, they are still available on the Internet.

█ Start packing your things. Remember that heavily loaded boxes have a habit of losing their bottom at the most unexpected moment, so it’s a good idea to add bulky but light blankets or pillows to heavy books, for example.

Two weeks before moving

█ It is tempting to invite friends to help. This, of course, is great, but the move risks turning into a fun drinking session with a random ending, and you will have to blame yourself for a broken iron. We recommend using the services of professional carriers (available on the Internet). And in general, after you have said goodbye to student life, inviting friends for repairs, moving and meeting at the airport is a shame.

█ You will have to enter into an agreement with the moving company, according to which it bears full financial liability for items damaged during transportation.

█ On the websites of some carrier companies there are convenient calculators for calculating all services, including packaging, delivery and rental of transport. But the final cost will still need to be clarified: non-obvious factors may arise, such as “lifting a piano to the 15th floor without an elevator.”

█ If you already had experience communicating with the carrier company, you should have kept the telephone number of the team leader. Call him and try to agree to do the work bypassing the cash register. In this case, the money will go directly into the pockets of the movers and the price will be approximately 50% lower, but you will not enter into a formal contract.

█ Prepare stickers for all areas of the home: kitchen, bedroom, operating room. Each one will require stickers of a different color, on which you will write down the contents of the boxes.

A week before moving

█ Critically inspect the refrigerator - it should have a set of products for a quick snack. No lamb carcasses to cook dinner for seven people! Now you will do all this only in a new place. Make sure to start loading the machine with those boxes whose contents may be needed more quickly. When unloading, they will be taken out last, which means that in the slender box towers in the new apartment they will be on top.

█ Don’t rush to say goodbye to your assistants after the move. At the end of the work, together with the foreman, inspect all the furniture for damage. And only after that sign the acceptance certificate for the completed work.

Have you ever moved? It is known that even changing a rented apartment is quite noticeable stress for a person. This is quite costly nerve cells both in terms of time, not to mention the additional financial costs. After such changes, it takes some time to recover, adapt, and get used to the new place. What can we say about a more serious event in life - a change permanent place residence!

In this article we will not consider the reasons that prompted you to take such a drastic step - this is a personal matter. We will talk about how you can endure such stress as painlessly as possible and adapt most effectively to a new reality for you.

So, what should you consider and how to prepare for a change of permanent residence?

  1. Relieving the fear of the unknown
    This is one of the most powerful fears a human being experiences. Imagine that you know nothing about what is ahead of you when planning this or that business. Where can you get confidence in the process of implementing your idea? To gain confidence and take control of fear, you need to clearly imagine what you will do first of all when you find yourself in new conditions. Think about where you will live and what you will do. How will you position yourself when making new contacts? Support yourself, tune in to the idea that your resources are enough to cope with all the difficulties. In this case, the attitudes “My world takes care of me”, “Everything is working out in the most favorable way for me”, “I am confident in myself and in my abilities” are suitable. Instead of giving yourself over to the will of fear, clearly and confidently repeat these self-tuning formulas out loud or mentally. Scroll through pictures of yourself in the future that inspire you. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. In any case, a very interesting life experience awaits you, and your future depends on the attitude with which you approach it. Remember that at the quantum level you and the universe are inextricably linked, so what you order is what you get
  2. We are building bridges.
    Experienced people suggest that it is very important to enlist the support of those who live in the country, city, or area where you are planning to move. They know those characteristics, which are not written about in guidebooks and dictionaries, and are not mentioned in embassies and consulates. Make sure that your move does not fall into complete emptiness - prepare the ground in advance. Even if you don’t have any acquaintances, much less relatives, in your new place, you have the opportunity to find on social networks, forums, and chats those who will provide the necessary information and agree to help on the spot. Act, prepare, search and you will definitely be lucky!
  3. Let's educate ourselves.
    When planning a move, a very important help in the upcoming cultural adaptation will be a preliminary familiarization with the history, geography, and culture of the country you have chosen. (It is assumed that you have already learned the language or are actively mastering it at least at the initial level). Read what the search engine offers you, chat with real people, watch available videos posted on torrents and on the pages of local residents. In addition, such activities will involve you and help fill those places in your soul and consciousness that are usually occupied by all sorts of fears, concerns, negative thoughts and experiences. Imagine that you are a citizen of the world for whom moving to another country is an integral part of way of life. Act like a strategist and you will be able to discover many joyful moments in the very planning of such a serious turn in life as a change of permanent residence.
  4. We are training.
    Dosed daily physical exercise will help your brain cope with excess stress caused by preparing to move to unfamiliar places. Master yoga exercises, go for a walk every day fresh air, go to the gym, ride a bike or roller skate. Even if you have never done this, at least try it! The thing is that stress is deposited in our body in the form of blocks and clamps, which you will have to get rid of in a new place and be treated. And who knows how your body will react when you reach your critical level? And in the new place there is no family doctor, favorite massage therapist, familiar therapist... Take responsibility for your well-being now!
  5. Freeing ourselves from debts and attachments.
    By the time of your final departure, make sure that there is no one left behind you who could remember you with a bad word. Make peace with the person you had a quarrel with, especially if it is one of your relatives. Pay your debts to those who expect them from you. Visit those you haven't seen for a long time. Forgive those you hold a grudge against. Give away all unnecessary things, give away anything that will be an extra burden along the way. Throw away or burn anything that brings back sad or difficult memories. In a word, make your long journey easier and leave behind an impeccable “personal history.” And may your path be easy!
  6. Getting rid of bad habits.
    Of course, you are an adult and you yourself know perfectly well what harms you. And if you don’t know, then you guess. When we talk about habits, we don’t only mean such common ones as smoking tobacco or drinking beer in the evenings with friends. Carefully evaluate how you eat, how you dress, what you do in the evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you prefer to watch or listen to. Patterns of behavior that have been fixed over the years can play a cruel joke on you when you break away from your roots and take root in an environment that is alien to you. It's time to rid your consciousness of patterns of behavior that will not bring you any advantages where no one knows you. Also think about the fact that satisfying your habits in a foreign land can cost you too much, both literally and figuratively.
  7. Strengthening self-esteem.
    Since in the places where you are planning to go for permanent residence, no one has heard of you, you should hardly expect the level of respect and goodwill that you are accustomed to in your homeland. Out of habit, people feel like they are being rejected, they don’t want to take them into account, they are being mistaken for the wrong people, and in general - “we’ve come in large numbers here...”. So that such an attitude among strangers did not traumatize you, you should tune in to the inner value that every self-respecting person possesses. Make a list of your merits, victories and accomplishments. Remember those qualities of yourself that you respect and value. Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different; you don’t need to take someone’s coldness and indifference to heart. Show sincere interest in those around you and they will soon respond in kind. Remember: what's inside is what's outside!
  8. We take care of family and friends.
    It’s one thing if you take such a responsible step as changing your permanent residence permit alone. It’s completely different if the lives and destinies of loved ones are connected with you. Husband/wife, child, relative... correct option substitute it yourself. Then the responsibility doubles, especially if you are the initiator of such important event like moving to another country. In this case, you need to act as a home exhorter, inspirer, psychologist and commander all rolled into one. Ideally, your decision is supported by all your family and friends - you happy man! If there is confusion and vacillation in your ranks, you will have to give each of those who depend on you special attention. In this case, it is good to be aware of what arguments are suitable for a child and what exactly to say to an adult. Please note that it is important for you to be in a state of maximum confidence in the success of your enterprise, to feel in yourself a reliable support for those who are filled with doubts and only say that “we are well fed here too” and “it’s good where we are not " Remember: you need like-mindedness and community in such a difficult event as changing permanent residence as part of a family.
  9. We develop inner strength and awareness.
    Between by decision When moving and directly leaving for the area of ​​your choice, you must clearly remember why you started it all. If you have a "for", you can bear any "how". Take these words of Nietzsche as your daily motto. In principle, a person is very adaptive and adapts to any conditions - this has been tested by time and hundreds of generations. You can survive in a concentration camp, escape in the ocean or taiga, if you have the will to live and an immutable sense of why you are doing this. If you are aware, then no one's words of doubt, excuses and the horror-filled eyes of those who care about you will be able to stop you. In any case, you always have more than one way out of the current situation, just be firm and adamant.
  10. We are in no hurry to burn the bridge s.
    No matter how far fate has thrown you, no matter how deep the despair that pushes you on a long journey, always leave yourself a thread along which you can return back. Know that you cannot anticipate everything! Life changes, situations change. If yesterday you were defeated, then tomorrow you will be on top again. Reserve the right to choose the best in your life. Even if the choice to change permanent residence now seems final and irrevocable to you, in the future you may make a different decision. Therefore, take measures to ensure that you have somewhere and someone to return to. Let your friends wait for you, not your enemies. I hope you understand what I mean.
Alexander Valerievich Yachmenev, psychologist-existential consultant.