How to clean your hands of green nuts: getting rid of stubborn stains. How to wash your hands after eating walnuts, how to quickly clear the juice, how to wash your hands from a green young walnut

In childhood, many people had palms painted with walnut as a symbol of summer.

Peeling green nuts with gloves was no fun at all, and it wasn't like you had to carry gloves with you, right?

We haven’t thought about how to wash our hands of nuts.

Children have turned into adults and have become more careful, but green nuts are still peeled without gloves. Only now the question of how to wash your hands after eating nuts has become relevant.

There are many options, but most of them are based on a misconception about the nature of the coloring substance of the walnut, and therefore represent peculiar myths about how to clean your hands of nuts.

The “cunning” of nut juice is that the coloring substance does not appear immediately. When peeling nuts, your hands look slightly yellowed, and you can be fooled into thinking that this color can be easily removed by simply washing your hands. Literally after a couple of hours the color appears and turns brown.

Shell unripe walnuts contains the dye juglone, which is stable enough for modern cosmetic brands to create lines of hair dyes on its basis. Thanks to high concentration juglone, the juice from the nuts stains your hands such a persistent brown color.

How to extract walnut juice: myths and reality

Option 1. Lemon vs. walnut

The most typical advice, and, as they say, the least effective. Based on whitening effect citric acid.

Pros: availability of the product.

Cons: it will take a long time to rub. Citric acid may cause burns on very sensitive skin.

To clean walnut stains, a slice of lemon is enough. You need to rub it on your skin until it brightens. Lemon is believed to help cope with small jobs, such as removing a walnut stain or whitening lightly colored leather.

Option 2. Unripe green grapes

Cons: the option is only available to those who grow their own grapes.

The principle of action is the same as that of lemon and vinegar.

Option 3. How to wash walnuts using potatoes?

Some people advise peeling a lot of potatoes or grating the potatoes and immersing your hands in the resulting mass of mashed potatoes and starch. The advice is based on the belief that walnuts are stained with iodine, and iodine is known to be washed off with starch.

Pros: availability of the product.

Disadvantages: the ability of a walnut to color depends not on its iodine content, but on the amount of the coloring substance juglone. Juglone, even “disguised” as iodine, is poorly excreted by potatoes, so the effectiveness of such a remedy can be questioned.

Option 4. Industrial products

These include bleach, industrial soap used to clean hands in car dealerships, and bleaching powders.

Pros: high activity of substances.

Cons: skin damage.

The mechanism of action is more similar to the effect on the skin of abrasive substances that erase the top, colored layer of the skin, promoting more quick update skin cells. But at the same time, the chemical components greatly irritate the skin. Such means do not bring any benefit.

Option 5. How to wash a nut using peeling and steaming?

In this case, it is advised to steam the skin in a bath and apply peelings to remove the top layer of skin cells. After steaming, you can use bleaching cream or a slice of lemon. After finishing the procedure, it is better to lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

If you do it right away, use a solution of ammonia, but it has a very pungent smell and it’s better to do this procedure outside, but if you wash it with cotton wool soaked in sunflower oil, it will take longer - but not so unpleasant!

Think about how you feel about nuts. Surely among you there are many lovers of this product, enriched with vitamins and microelements, and simply an excellent delicacy. Walnut is considered one of the most popular plants, and the best-selling nut, and not only in our country. It is eaten after peeling, added to salads, soups, snacks, and used for serving. festive table. We should not forget that walnuts- a storehouse of useful substances. Many centuries ago, this plant was brought to Europe from Greece, where it took root well. By the way, exactly Greek origin gave the fruit its name. All those who have encountered the cultivation of walnuts have probably experienced first-hand how difficult it is to wash their hands after harvesting. We will talk about how to wash your hands from nuts as effectively as possible in the framework of this material.

Why are your hands dirty?

Have you ever wondered why your hands are still dirty after peeling nuts? So, before looking for the answer to the question of how to wash your hands of walnuts, you first need to understand the root cause of what is happening. Hands become dirty after contact with unripe fruits, especially during peeling. Getting rid of black spots is very problematic, so it is better to wear rubber gloves on your hands if possible.

The composition of walnuts is enriched with the content of the pigmented substance juglone - this is a natural dye that is difficult to wash off not only from clothes, but also from hands. The most interesting thing is that, once on the skin, the substance does not appear immediately - only after some time you notice dark spots on your skin. The juglone content in mature hearths is minimal, so they do not stain your hands.

Ways to wash your hands

So how can you wash your hands of walnuts? We want to give you a few valuable advice and recommendations to help cope with this problem. When collecting nuts in the forest, people often encounter stains on their hands. The first thing that comes to mind is to use modern chemicals and cleaning products, but in most cases they do not give any result - you cannot cope with this matter without heavy artillery. Don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts? Pay attention to simple and accessible folk methods.


Freshly squeezed lemon juice is an assistant to every housewife, not only in the kitchen, but also in removing difficult stubborn stains. You can use it to remove grease stains, ink stains and wash your hands after eating nuts. If you don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts, use lemon. Dissolve the juice of one lemon in warm water, pour the resulting mixture into a shallow basin and try to wipe your hands with it. In such a difficult task, arm yourself with a rough washcloth - rub your hands without sparing, because this is the only way you can get rid of stains.

You can do it a little differently if you don’t know how to wash your hands of nuts. Cut the lemon in half and lemon juice rub your palms, leaving them in this state for several minutes. After this, be sure to wash your hands with warm running water and be sure to moisturize them with a nourishing cream, preventing irritation and dryness.


Did you know that grapes are in no way inferior to citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content? That is why it can be used perfectly to remove stains on hands and clothes. For all those who have tried all the methods and don’t know how to wash their hands after nuts, we recommend paying attention to grapes.

Grape juice should be rubbed into the skin of your hands until the spots begin to disappear. You can take grapes in your palm and start crushing them - the effect will be noticeable within a few minutes.


How to wash your hands of nuts if you don’t have any exotic fruits on hand? Surely in every house there are potatoes, at least a couple of tubers. So, the potatoes should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater until the consistency of mush is obtained. Potato juice enriched with starch is another excellent remedy in the fight against dark spots on the hands.

The resulting pulp must be added to warm water. Use the resulting solution using a washcloth, trying to wipe off the stains. True, this method may not help everyone - you need to be prepared for this.

Sea salt

Sea salt is an excellent bath product. If you still don’t know how to wash nuts off your hands, pay attention to this option. To prepare a bath, a small amount sea ​​salt should be dissolved in hot water. Baths should be taken as needed, that is, until the stains are completely removed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Here’s another effective way when you don’t know how to wash your hands of green nuts. But this method only works in the case of newly formed stains. Hydrogen peroxide can certainly be found in every family medicine cabinet. A small amount of peroxide should be poured onto a cotton pad and rubbed into the areas that have come into contact with the nuts. If stains have already begun to appear on your hands, the shade of which is becoming more and more expressive, using a solution of hydrogen peroxide is already useless; this is no longer something that can be used to wash your hands of nuts. This is why it is so important to start cleansing your skin immediately.


How to wash your hands from a nut, especially brown stains? Using a cotton pad soaked in ammonia, gently massage the stains that have already formed until they are completely whitened. Important point: Carry out this process only outside, as otherwise you may feel dizzy and even get a headache.

Household chemicals

If speak about household chemicals, there are tools to help eliminate dark spots, but they tend to damage the skin. After using them, the skin on your hands becomes dry and cracking is possible. That is why they must be used with extreme caution. Such products that demonstrate effectiveness include: gasoline, kerosene, whiteness, bleaching agents.

Again, we repeat, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on the already injured skin of your hands, as this can lead to the formation of ulcers. After you treat your hands with one product or another, be sure to rinse them thoroughly under running water. running water, and then apply a rich nourishing cream.

To consolidate the effect, you can use ordinary laundry soap. To gently remove stains, you can use the following mask: before going to bed, generously smear your hands with cream, wrap them in cellophane and leave them in this position overnight. You can rest assured: in the morning the spots will become much lighter, and for some they will disappear completely.

How can you wash your hands of nuts? In rare cases, the use of bleaches is allowed, baking soda- these are quite effective, but aggressive products, so after using them it is necessary to moisturize and soften the irritated skin of the hands.

Let's sum it up

As part of this material, we talked about how to wash your hands from a nut, specifically a green nut, and looked at the simplest, most accessible and very effective methods. We tried to present to the attention of readers only those products for the implementation of which you can use household chemicals, products that are found in the home of every modern housewife. And, of course, finally we want to give useful advice: nuts should be collected and peeled while wearing household gloves - the active substance will certainly not leak through them. You can buy gloves at every hardware store - with their help you will protect your hands not only from stains, but also from irritation.

One of healthy products nuts given by nature are nuts that have beneficial substances and excellent taste. These fruits are to the taste of both adults and children, who derive special pleasure from picking them during the ripening period. Popular types of nuts found on grocery shelves and markets include: peanuts, cashews, coconut, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, pecans and Brazil nuts. However, the most favorite species, growing in most CIS countries, is the walnut, which is familiar to us from childhood. It is its green shell, covering the shell of young fruits, that can significantly stain hands and clothes, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience. It is very difficult to cope with such pollution, but using several effective methods, you can wash your hands and clothes from the corrosive juice without any problems.

Why do walnuts get your hands dirty?

Of all the types of nuts, walnuts are the ones that can turn your hands brown when trying to remove the green skin from barely ripened fruits. Fresh young walnuts are distinguished by a sweeter taste of the kernel, which has previously been freed from the protective brown film.

The green skin of walnuts can leave stubborn juice stains on your hands.

The thick green peel of the walnut has a large amount of juice containing the natural dye Juglone. It is this that causes the appearance of red and difficult to wash off stains that appear after some time on the skin of the hands and clothes. Such contaminants can last about a week if no attempts are made to remove them.

Such walnut stains are very difficult to wash off in the usual way.

Wanting to protect yourself from the effects of the juice nut peel, it is enough to use rubber gloves, which can provide the necessary protection, unlike fabric ones. The effect of juice on the skin becomes noticeable only after some time, which does not allow timely measures to be taken to remove it as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is advisable to sanitize your hands immediately after cleaning green nuts, regardless of whether they look clean or not.

Rubber gloves will save your hands from getting dirty

Despite the wide variety of detergents, not everyone can cope with walnut stains. The fact is that, being a natural dye that is part of most popular hair dyes, the substance juglone has enviable resistance to most brands soap solutions. In addition, many detergents are very aggressive towards the skin of the hands and can provide the required effect only if they are combined with mechanical action. Sand, pumice and scrub can be used as excipients.

Pumice will help remove stubborn dirt from your hands.

But even their use will not provide the required result after a single application. It is for this reason that it is advisable to use detergents in the most extreme cases. And timely prevention against the occurrence of stains from nut juice is a more acceptable option, eliminating the need for subsequent control of complex stains.

If you accidentally get dirty with nut juice, you don’t have to worry about your health. It does not cause any harm to the human body and, after some time, such pollution will disappear on its own.

Effective ways to quickly wash hands stained with green nut peels

If brown spots still appear on your hands after peeling young walnuts, several proven methods will help you get rid of them: folk remedies that do not harm the skin.

How to remove stains with lemon juice

  1. Take a fresh lemon and cut it in half.
  2. In places where the fruit is cut, thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas of your hands.
  3. After a few hours, take a shallow container, squeeze lemon juice into it, dilute it with warm water and put your hands in the resulting solution for a while.
  4. Before going to bed, apply nourishing cream to your hands.
  5. The next day it is recommended to repeat the described procedures.

This method will not get rid of stains in one go. However, after the first application, the spots will become noticeably lighter, and repeating the procedure will not leave a trace of them.

Lemon juice will help get rid of stains on your hands

Sour grape juice from unripe fruits

Grape juice can also effectively remove walnut juice stains.

  1. It is enough to rub your hands with individual grapes.
  2. Then make a bath of freshly squeezed juice diluted with warm water.
  3. After completing the treatment, wash your hands with laundry soap.

This method is comparable in effectiveness to using lemon juice.

Grape juice can also clean your hands from walnut stains

Unfortunately, washing such stains with juices does not always ensure their complete removal. In this case, you can apply one of the indicated juices to your hands, then wrap them in plastic, then put on mittens. After an hour, wash off the composition with water at room temperature.

An equally effective way to remove stains on your hands is to carry out general cleaning. Hand contact with detergents designed to clean a variety of surfaces will remove stains the same day. However, it is recommended to begin such cleaning immediately after completing the process of cleaning young nut fruits.

general cleaning will remove stains from hands within one day

Attention! Some household chemicals are very aggressive and can harm the skin of your hands.

How to Remove Sea Salt Stains

Hand baths with sea salt also have a good cleansing effect. However, it is advisable to repeat this procedure after 3-4 hours, until the contamination completely disappears. Moreover, between such water treatments It is necessary to apply nourishing cream to the skin of your hands.

A hand bath with sea salt will help get rid of brown spots

How to clean with ammonia

Using ammonia can also get rid of brown spots on your hands.

  1. Soak a cotton pad with alcohol.
  2. Rub stains off your hands using circular motions.

ammonia will help clean your hands from difficult stains

Attention! Given the specific smell of this substance, it is advisable to thoroughly ventilate the room after completing the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide as a way to cleanse your hands

Using peroxide, you can only get rid of fresh juice stains on your hands that have not yet darkened. Take cotton wool and, after soaking it with liquid, wipe off any walnut juice that gets on exposed skin.

Hydrogen peroxide will effectively cleanse your hands of walnut juice

The heavier artillery used when cleaning hands from heavy dirt is a variety of stain removers. However, their help should be resorted to only in extreme cases, due to the existing risk of harming the skin. Even using substances designed specifically for delicate fabrics can cause skin redness and irritation.

The softest and most gentle way to get rid of brown spots on your hands is to use a nourishing cream.

  1. Apply it overnight to dirty areas of your hands.
  2. Wrap your hands in cellophane and put on mittens.

Nourishing hand cream will reduce the color intensity of walnut stains

By morning the color of the spots will become much lighter.

After using one or another method, it is advisable to wash your hands with laundry soap, which allows you to achieve maximum effect due to a number of specific properties.

How to wash your hands of walnuts: video version

How to remove walnut juice stains from clothes and towels

Detergent "Vanish"

If a stain from walnut juice accidentally gets on clothes, it is easy to wash it off. In this case, you can use the “Vanish” stain remover, intended for both colored and snow-white fabrics.

Vanish stain remover will make your things clean

  1. Apply the product directly to the contaminated area of ​​fabric.
  2. Let it saturate the fabric.
  3. Lightly scrub the stain with a brush or cloth.
  4. Rinse off the substance with clean warm water.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also has a good effect.

  1. They should rub the stain.
  2. Then leave the item in this state for a while.
  3. And then wash in the usual way.

Lemon juice will help wash clothes

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

You can use a product prepared using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

  • 5 parts peroxide
  • 1 part ammonia
  • 5 parts water
  1. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated fabric.
  2. Leave it in this liquid for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in warm, clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help with washing nut stains

Boiling water

You can try to remove such fresh stains using regular boiling water.

  1. Take the affected clothing or towel and stretch it over a container of suitable size.
  2. Then pour boiling water over the stain in a thin stream until the stain completely disappears.

Boiling water will help remove fresh stains from walnut juice

If white fabric is dirty, you can use a variety of bleaches. However, you should not give preference to chlorine substances that can harm the structure of fabric fibers. Qualitative washing powder, used in combination with similar products, will also help get rid of walnut juice stains.

For colored fabrics, you can use store-bought stain removers, which must be used according to the instructions. However, as experience shows, such stains can be easily removed even with normal washing.

Regular washing will help get rid of walnut stains.

Using these simple remedies, you can clear stubborn brown stains from peeling walnuts on your hands without harming your skin. However, it is still advisable to carry out the nut cleaning procedure with gloves to prevent the possibility of such contamination. If juice gets on your clothes, it is enough to resort to regular machine washing, or use one of the methods proposed in this article.

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If children don’t even think about how to wash their hands from nuts, then for adults involved in harvest processing, this question sometimes arises very acutely. Working with gloves causes a lot of inconvenience, and if you refuse the device, you have to deal with very persistent stains on the surface of the skin that can last up to several days.

Of course, you can just wait it out, but sometimes you need to wash off the dirt very quickly, and you don’t want your hands to be covered with scratches or signs of irritation after the intervention. People who collect and harvest walnuts have long been using improvised means to solve the problem. True, it is not at all easy to achieve the desired effect with their help.

Important points in the fight against stubborn brown spots

In the fight against traces left by pieces of peel and webs of green nuts, it is important not to forget about the following points:

  1. The stains will not appear immediately, but the sooner you start processing, the higher the likelihood of obtaining the desired result. It is recommended to wash your hands immediately after handling products, even if they seem clean.
  2. Most of the products used are highly aggressive towards delicate skin, so it is better to prevent stains than to deal with them later. It is worth considering that fabric gloves will not protect you from walnut juice; you will have to use rubber ones.
  3. Chemicals will give the desired effect only in combination with mechanical options impact. For this purpose, you can use pumice, sand or scrub.
  4. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely wash your hands of stains in one go. Pigmented areas will come off only together with the keratinized layer of the epidermis.

The juice from the nut peels does not cause any harm to the body, so if possible, you should just wait a little. Cleansers should be used only in the most extreme cases.

The most effective means for removing characteristic marks

At home, you can use one of the following natural bleaches:

  • Lemon juice. Take a fresh lemon, cut it into two halves and use the slices to treat problem areas. A couple of hours after this, make a lemon bath for your hands, diluting the juice warm water. The stains will not disappear immediately, but will become noticeably lighter. In the evening, it is recommended to treat your hands with nourishing cream. The next day we repeat the manipulations, all traces should disappear.
  • Hand wash and general cleaning. If you methodically scrub away stains on clothes for several hours, treat surfaces in the house, and clean furniture with detergents, you can count on complete removal of brown formations. It is best to start procedures immediately after contact with walnut juice, without waiting for it to appear.
  • Juice of unripe grapes. It is as active as lemon juice. Hands are treated with individual grapes or placed in a whole bath of squeezed out mixture. Then the skin should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap.

Tip: If you can't remove stains with fruit juices, you might want to try a more intensive approach. Apply the product to the skin of your hands, then wrap them in plastic bags and put on mittens. Wash off the composition no later than an hour later.

  • Sea salt or sea water. If it is not possible to swim in the sea, you can make a bath based on sea salt. The procedure must be repeated every 3-4 hours until the desired result is obtained. In between baths, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Only works on very fresh stains from walnut juice. Apply the product to a cotton pad and gently wipe the product off the skin. After development Brown useless to use.
  • Ammonia.
  • This product is also good at getting rid of brown marks. We soak a cotton swab in alcohol and try to wash off the stains, first with soft blotting and then rubbing movements. The work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, otherwise you can provoke a headache. Stain removers.
  • The most extreme option. After all, even those preparations that are intended for treating delicate fabrics can provoke irritation. Laundry soap.

There is another way to treat stains. It is very mild, but not the most effective. At night, generously apply nourishing cream to your hands, wrap them in bags and put on mittens. By morning, the stains should fade noticeably.

If you are harvesting nuts, then after cleaning, blackening of your hands is inevitable. To quickly clean your hands, use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, citric or grape acid. Prepare a bath with the products and thoroughly rub your brushes with a brush. After each procedure, soften the skin with a nourishing cream.

Nut stains are difficult to remove, so people can walk around with disfigured palms and fingers for up to 2 weeks. In order to bring your hands back to normal as quickly as possible, you should know why the dermis turns black and how to wash your hands from nuts (walnuts).

Why do walnuts get your hands dirty?

It was noticed that hands turn black only after skin contact with an unripe fruit and especially with its green peel. This is due to the fact that the skin is enriched with a strong pigmenting substance - juglone, which is a powerful source of iodine. It is this that is beneficial for the body, which is why the rind of a young green nut is often used to prepare healing tinctures.

In a mature fruit, the concentration of these substances is much lower, and if the shell is dry, the nut practically does not stain your hands. But when harvesting, blackening of the limbs (as in the photo) cannot be avoided, so you need to have the ingredients necessary for cleaning on hand.

Note ! Yugnon does not pigment the dermis immediately, but gradually. This is characteristic feature substances. If after assembly you do not notice pronounced stains, still treat your hands, because after a day they may turn black.

Effective ways to quickly wash hands stained with green nut peels

To eliminate black walnut stains, both available household/cosmetic/food products are used: citric acid, sea salt, grapes, and medications: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Each ingredient has its own application characteristics and affects the skin differently. If you have injuries to your hands (scratches, cuts, cracks), use gentle methods, even if they require more effort and are less effective.

How to remove nut stains with lemon juice

Citric acid or lemon juice can safely remove the blackness that appears after peeling walnuts.

Thanks to sour properties lemon, the dermis brightens and returns to its proper form, but you need to treat your hands immediately after contact with nuts and carry out several procedures following diagram:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Place your hands in it.
  3. Hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash your brushes thoroughly with detergent, rubbing with a stiff brush.

If you don't have lemon on hand, use citric acid. Dilute it 1:4 with water and carry out the manipulations according to the principle described above.

Note ! If you have microcracks or injuries on your hands, do not wash your hands with lemon/acid. They act aggressively on the affected skin.

Sour grape juice from unripe fruits

You can wash dirty hands from nuts (walnuts) using late grapes. The acid present in the fruit works on the principle of citric acid and also effectively removes stains from nut greens.

  1. Squeeze the juice from unripe grapes.
  2. Keep your hands in it for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your brushes thoroughly with soap and remove stains with a stiff sponge.

Iodine stains will not resist acid, but as in the previous case, refuse to clean your hands with grapes if your hands are damaged.

How to remove stains from nuts with sea salt

Sea salt helps to effectively clean blackened hands from nuts (green), even if the hands have cracks or other damage.

Removing blackness is done by scrubbing and steaming, which requires:

  1. Prepare hot water.
  2. Add a handful of sea salt.
  3. Dip your hands into the solution and knead the salt melting in the water with your fingers.

When the water has cooled, brush your hands and wash thoroughly with soap. If the spots do not disappear in one go, repeat the procedure a day later.

Note ! If there are injuries on your hands, do not make the water very hot or let it cool a little to avoid pain. Do not apply a brush to the affected areas, so as not to injure the dermis even more..

Cleanse skin with hydrogen peroxide

If you need to quickly get your hands in order after harvesting, use hydrogen peroxide. It is used to remove stains on fabric and leather.

You can use it in 2 ways:

  1. Wet your hands generously with hydrogen, put on rubber gloves and rinse off the substance after 15 minutes.
  2. Dilute hydrogen in a 1:1 ratio with water, dip your hands in it and hold for 15–20 minutes.

After carrying out the procedures (in both cases), you must wash your hands with detergent and rub especially dirty areas. Usually 1 treatment is enough to get rid of walnut blackness.

Cleaning with ammonia

Ammonia cleanses your hands well after collecting and peeling walnuts. The drug is especially useful in combination with hydrogen, as it enhances the effectiveness of peroxide.

2 methods for cleaning hands from nut peels with ammonia:

  1. Pour ammonia (1:1 with water) into a plate and hold your hands in the solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Wet a cotton pad with undiluted ammonia and vigorously rub the blackened areas.

After this, wash off the preparation with liquid or bar soap (preferably laundry soap). Be sure to scrub with a brush.

Note ! No matter which cleaning recipe you choose, after the procedure, lubricate your brushes with a nourishing cream. It will restore regenerating properties and soften the skin.

You can quickly eliminate blackening from nuts on your hands using ammonia and hydrogen. The latter will be useful not only for cleaning brushes from stains, but also for disinfecting cracks (if any). But if you have affected skin, avoid treatment ammonia.

During the process of peeling walnuts, your hands get dirty very easily. And after a hard day at work, I don’t have the slightest desire to wash them. To keep your hands looking nice and clean, use rubber gloves. They will absorb the juice from the peel and protect your skin.

Larisa, May 2, 2018.