Happy new Ramadan greeting cards. Postcard (playcast) “Holy month - Ramadan!!!!! Congratulations to all Muslims on the beginning of fasting

On the evening of May 15, 2018, the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims begins and strict fast Uraza, which lasts the whole month until the holiday of Uraza Bayram (June 15, 2018).

For Muslims, the beginning, like every new day of Ramadan, is a spiritual holiday, a chance to become better and purer before the Almighty. On the day of the beginning of Ramadan, it is customary to congratulate each other on this wonderful date, send warm words of wishes and beautiful pictures.

The editors of the site congratulate all Muslims of Russia on the holy month Ramadan and wishes so that happiness accompanies you.

May your prayers be accepted this month. Don't forget to pray (pray a lot). May you have a holy month Ramadan with your loved ones in health and peace. May this month be happy for all humanity! And in the future may it bring you strengthening of faith and spirit. Let your soul and body be cleansed of everything unnecessary. With the beginning Ramadan.

The holy fast has come
No releases
Let's put all worries aside
The soul keeps a vow
Let's repent of what we did
Allah will forgive us all
All people have become better
Cleanses, enlightens
Quran and Lent
They will give us paradise
Ramadan will protect you from sin.

While the light was in the sky
It is necessary to refuse
Prohibition of water and bread
Yes, a woman's delight...
Ramadan is the basis of Faith
And Allah is the teacher of everyone
In pleasures without measure -
Very few relevant topics...
My Koran, every page
... and with every line of it
Teaches you to become smarter
You can take everything from the sura!

Congratulations to everyone on the holy month Ramadan- this month is a special time for believers, a time of cleansing from everything bad and testing the fortitude of the spirit.
May the Almighty protect you and your loved ones, and also hear all our prayers addressed to him! I wish you trust, prosperity in your family, strong faith and only good deeds!

Congratulations on the advance Ramadan A. Let there be strong faith in life, pure love and lasting happiness. We wish to preserve everything that you value and value. Have a nice day, good people on life path and respect from others.

Holy month came up
And I congratulate everyone.
He wandered for a long time and walked for a long time,
But still he landed.
And we must meet him,
With pure, tender love.
And these days are very important.
They are like inspiration.

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is ending and are you preparing to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, also called the Day of Breaking the Fast? It has been celebrated since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In 2019, its celebration begins on June 5. And, according to tradition, believers accept congratulations at this time on the end of Ramadan.

On this day, Muslims put on festive clothes and perform a festive prayer, greeting each other: “May Allah send His mercy to both you and us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!” People congratulate each other on the holiday: “Eid Mubarak!”, which means “Blessed holiday!”

Congratulations on the end of Ramadan

Don't forget to congratulate your friends on the end of Uraza. For a whole month, from dawn to sunset, Muslims were not allowed to eat or even drink water. It was also forbidden to drink alcohol, because the prophet said: “Any intoxicating drink is forbidden, and that which intoxicates large quantities, is prohibited even in small things.” But the main thing in these days was spiritual improvement: abstaining from sins, doing good deeds.

What kind of congratulations can there be on the end of the Ramadan fast? These can be words in poetry and prose.

Dear Muslims!
We cordially congratulate you on the end of the Holy month of Ramadan and on the upcoming holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr)!
May Allah accept your fasting, prayers and good deeds!

أعزائي المسلمين
أنا أهنئكم بحرارة على نهاية شهر رمضان المبارك وعطلة عيد الفطر
تقبل الله الصيام والصلوات

Muslims celebrate
Holiday of Uraza Bayram.
He ends his strict fast,
Long month of Ramadan!

On this holiday we wish:
Let your thoughts be pure
And desires and plans
They will be clear and simple.

The end of fasting is a long-awaited holiday,
For all Muslims it is joyful, desirable,
In every home the table is generously set
And guests are treated cordially.

We hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
Let all your plans come true,
May everything in your life be excellent!

Eid Mubarak! The prayer is over.
Eid Mubarka! The sun pleases the eye.
Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr,
I wish you happiness and health!

I'm waiting for everyone to visit my house for a feast,
I will be glad and welcoming to everyone today.
We will sing the best songs with the guests,
Let my home be filled with laughter!

We send you this congratulations,
Let your prayers protect you.
You will perform ablution
Wear a festive outfit.
May Eid al-Fitr grant
The soul feels comfort, light and warmth.
Let the breaking of the fast be generous,
May you always be lucky in life.
Strive with your soul for piety,
Let the holiday be good news!

How to congratulate on the end of Uraza

Your family and friends will be pleased to receive your congratulations on the end of Ramadan. For believers, this is a time of spiritual purification and improvement.

Translated from Arabic, the word “Ramadan” means “hot”, “blazing”, “sultry”. After all, in countries Arabian Peninsula, where Islam began, is one of the hottest summer months.

In your congratulations on the end of Uraza, you can recall that the test of hunger and thirst during this period helps free people from the dominance of base - animal - needs and allows them to indulge in reflection on spiritual values. Believers believe that during this period both rewards for good deeds and punishments for bad ones increase many times over.

What is the best way to congratulate you on the end of Ramadan fasting? Our website presents options for congratulations, from which you will surely be able to find the one that suits you.

Let me sincerely congratulate you on the end of the month of Ramadan, the holiday of Eid al-Adha. May Allah accept your prayers on this blessed day. Let me wish you patience, perseverance and well-deserved happiness!

اسمحوا لي بصدق أن أتمنى لكم نهاية سعيدة لشهر رمضان المبارك، عطلة عيد الفطر. السماح لهذا اليوم المبارك أن يتقبل الله صلواتكم. واسمحوا لي أن أتمنى لكم الصبر والمثابرة والسعادة

Islam celebrates the great holiday
And the end of Ramadan fasting.
Everyone welcomes you with open joy
The great holiday of Uraza Bayram!

Allah, send mercy to everyone in spirit
And earthly blessings to sing your glory.
Let's congratulate each other from the bottom of our hearts now,
Keeping the words of the Koran within yourself!

Today we will enjoy life,
Having tasted delicious dishes and sweet dishes.
We will help everyone to join the miracle,
So that everyone can see the light of burning eyes!

Finished the test
Holy Ramadan,
Eid al Adha!

May he bring joy
And fun in the house,
So that goodness forever
Settled in it.

Let the house be a cup,
Full to the brim
Everyone will be happy
Cheerful and healthy!

I wish you cleanliness
In souls and hearts,
May you be on the road of life
Allah protects!

Uraza Bayram is a blessed day of breaking the fast,
This is a holiday of joy, fun,
You endured Lent with dignity,
Now luck awaits everyone.

Please accept my sincere congratulations!
We wish you a great mood,
Prosperity, peace, prosperity
And all the best.

According to the Koran, Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam on which faith in Allah is based. It is believed that after the end of this period, people are renewed and receive the blessing of Allah if they perform all the prayers prescribed by Islam.

Therefore, congratulations on the end of Ramadan sound especially solemn. Don't forget to send warm words and heartfelt wishes to everyone you care about. And we will tell you how to congratulate you on the end of Uraza.

This is the day - Uraza Bayram! Blessed holiday! On this blessed day, let your eyes shine with happiness, your soul sing, and your home be full of guests, fun and joy.

هذا هو اليوم — عيد الفطر! عطلة مباركة! ليكن هذا اليوم المبارك: عيون مشرقة مع السعادة، الروحي تغني، ومنزل مليء من الضيوف، والمرح والفرح

Eid Mubarak! May this bright holiday bring you peace, blessings and love. Let only joy live in your heart from now on and never leave it. Let only luck be your companion on all the roads of fate. And may you have so much happiness that you can give it to everyone.

Today is a wonderful holiday for Muslims -
Bright, pure holiday of Uraza Bayram.
All the trials are already over,
Many achievements and victories await you ahead.

Please accept our sincere congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
We wish you all the best, peace, happiness,
Let all bad weather pass by!

Do not regret anything for God:
No work, no time, no sacrifice,
God bless those people
That they are always pure and faithful.
Sincerely wish health to your loved ones,
Did something - don't ask in return,
You aim high, but you'll end up low,
Only the righteous will rise from his knees.

Faithful, everything is in your hands,
On this holiday, do not spare goodness for the poor,
All-seeing Allah sees everything,
Will take away troubles from the faithful.
Happiness, brothers, may the Almighty grant you!
Let Uraza Bayram come!
May Allah grant you health and prosperity
Labor calloused hands!

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Photo gallery: How and when Ramadan 2018 will take place: calendar, schedule in Moscow, congratulations on the end

The holy fast of Ramadan is observed by all Muslims, including those representatives of Islam who live in Russia. Throughout the entire fasting period (a whole month), they are in daytime refuse food, drink, intimacy and smoking. To congratulate Muslim friends on such a great fast and its end, we have selected for readers various pictures and postcards with prose, poetry, and inscriptions. But in order to wish your friends happiness and health in time, you need to know when Ramadan 2018 will have a beginning and an end. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the schedule of prayers that are held for Ramadan in 2018 in Moscow and other cities. A detailed calendar and descriptions of the post will be useful to all representatives of the Islamic religion and their friends.

The holy fast of Ramadan in 2018: what date does it start and when does it end?

Carrying out the holy fast of Ramadan is aimed at complete deliverance from sinful thoughts, deeds and complete cleansing souls and bodies. That is why throughout the day all Muslims devote themselves to good deeds and performing prayers. Each representative of the Islamic religion should know what date Ramadan begins and ends in 2018. Below we have provided the most accurate information on the dates of the beginning and end of the holy fast.

Beginning and end of the holy fast of Ramadan in 2018: exact dates for fasting

In 2018 it will begin on May 15 in the evening. Therefore, already in the early morning of the 16th, Muslims must fully comply with the instructions for this fast. Only minors and the elderly, the sick, for whom such cleansing can lead to serious health problems, may not observe the rules of fasting. It is also permissible for pregnant and lactating women to completely or partially fail to observe the sacred fast if they believe that such actions will negatively affect the child. Muslims should continue fasting until the evening of June 14th. And already on June 15, after dawn, they can begin to break the fast and celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

How Ramadan 2018 will take place: a detailed calendar for Russia

To observe all the traditions of Ramadan, you must not only remember the rules of fasting, but also the calendar of this month. Depending on the time of day there are various prayers. They must be repeated daily. To learn more about which calendar for Ramadan you need to follow in 2018, our hint schedule will help you.

How the holy fast of Ramadan will be held in Russia in 2018 - detailed calendar

According to the rules of the holy month of Ramadan, each day must begin with intention. In it, a Muslim must describe his readiness to observe regulations during the day, perform prayers and perform good deeds. In the following calendar you can find out about the prayer times for each day of Ramadan.

The holy fast of Ramadan in Moscow - start and end schedule for 2018

The same rules for holding the holy fast are observed by Muslims all over the world. That is why representatives of the Islamic religion living in Moscow must follow the general instructions. This will help them strictly follow the rules of fasting and cleanse themselves spiritually and physically. Our video tip will help you find out what schedule you should follow for Ramadan 2018 in Moscow.

Schedule of the holy month of Ramadan for Moscow for 2018

When fasting during Ramadan, you need to remember that the last 10 days are especially important to follow the instructions. At this time, it is advisable to perform the Itikaf ritual. On the 27th day of Ramadan, the Quran is read and repentance for sins occurs.

Muslim fasting Ramadan - congratulations on the end in pictures and postcards

At the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims hold a festive breaking of fast. You can congratulate familiar representatives of the Islamic religion different ways. They will certainly enjoy personal congratulations. But if it is not possible to meet with friends, we recommend using postcards with different wishes. For readers, we have selected a lot of beautiful congratulations on the end of Ramadan in pictures with inscriptions, poetry and prose.

A selection of congratulations on the end of the Muslim fast of Ramadan in pictures with inscriptions

In the pictures we have selected, readers will be able to find many original congratulations with the end of the holy fast of Ramadan. They can be sent unchanged or supplemented with personal congratulations. You can send the proposed postcards with inscriptions as in in social networks, and in MMS or instant messengers. They can be supplemented with themed stickers with the image of a month or a lamb.

Congratulations on the end of holy Ramadan in postcards with poetry and prose

You can congratulate Muslim friends on the end of the holy fast not only with simple pictures with inscriptions. We have selected animated postcards accompanied by melodic music. They are also supplemented with original poetry and prose with sincere congratulations for all representatives of the Islamic religion.

To congratulate all Muslim friends, we have selected the most beautiful congratulations Happy holy month of Ramadan. Among them you can find original pictures with inscriptions, animated postcards with poetry and prose. But before sending congratulations on the end of the fast to representatives of the Islamic religion, we recommend that you find out more about when Ramadan 2018 will begin and end. Our readers can also find out a detailed schedule of prayers for the entire month, a calendar of celebrations of the end of fasting in Moscow. Interesting information will be useful for both Muslims and representatives of other religions in Russia.

The holy month, which Muslims around the world wait for all year, in 2018 will take place from mid-May to June. For 30 days, believers will not drink or eat during the daytime. The exceptions will be children, the mentally ill, pregnant women, and unhealthy people. When Ramadan 2018 ends, all followers of Islam will celebrate Eid al-Fitr, which lasts 3 days. Congratulations on the end of Ramadan will be heard festive table in all families, and pictures with poems can be sent over the Internet. What date does Ramadan begin, how to eat properly, the schedule of suhoors and iftars for Moscow and Kazan according to the calendar can be found in our article.

Holy Ramadan in 2018 - what date does it start and when does it end in Russia?

According to statistics, about sixteen million followers of Islam live in all regions of Russia, which is about 12% of the country’s total population. The meaning of a Muslim's life is to rise to Allah, so fasting occupies a very important place in Islam. It is very important for Muslims to know what date the holy Ramadan in Russia begins and ends. Control of desires - fundamental principle fasting, so that desires do not take over a person. During the entire Ramadan - 30 days - you cannot eat, drink water, or engage in marital relations during the daytime.

The beginning and end of Ramadan in Russia in 2018

Before sunrise you can have breakfast (suhoor), dinner - only after sunset (iftar). As a rule, the meal begins with dates and water, then moves on to heavier food. Fasting gives a feeling of hunger, which poor people suffer from, so the fasting person understands the feelings of the poor and helps them more. The deeper essence of fasting is to free a person from vicious passions, which in the future will lead him to religious integrity of actions throughout his life. Holy Ramadan in 2018 in Russia begins at sunset on May 16 and ends on June 16, when the sun rises.

Ramadan month calendar with fasting schedule 2018

This year, the month of Ramadan falls in May and June, so fasting during the hotter months can lead to dehydration. Caffeine, tea, alcohol, and sweet drinks should be excluded from the diet. At night, you can drink water with added salt. The most active people need plenty of fluids. The best way to quench your thirst is green and herbal teas and water. In order not to harm your health, during Ramadan it is advisable to eat food strictly according to the calendar with the fasting schedule for 2018 at the same time. For Suhoor, smoked, very salty, sweet, fried, spicy foods should be excluded. Before dawn, it is advisable to eat porridge, boiled vegetables, and dairy products. Fruits are undesirable as they contain acids that cause thirst. It is advisable to start Iftar with dates. They will not only satiate the body, but also save it from overeating. The month of Ramadan calendar with fasting schedule for 2018 is given below.

Ramadan Fasting Schedule 2018

Beginning and end of Ramadan 2018 - schedule for Moscow

The month of Ramadan implies self-control, so you should restrain your desires during breaking the fast. According to the prophetic rule, 1/3 of the stomach is filled with food, 1/3 with water, 1/3 with air. Also, during iftar, you should not drink a lot of water right away, as this will be a shock to the body. It is recommended to drink a glass of water for several hours. You cannot delay your meal time. Iftar should not be very filling, since you need to give the body the opportunity to get hungry for Suhoor. You should pray 5 times a day. During Ramadan, everyone who can should sacrifice a small amount of money every day. The reward will be multiplied many times over. You should adhere to the schedule for the beginning and end of Ramadan for Moscow and eat food without delay at a strictly defined time. Ramadan is considered the month of sincere connection with the Quran. According to legend, it was in Ramadan that Allah sent the first lines to the Prophet Muhammad scripture. Many people make the mistake of trying to read the Quran as quickly as possible, because it is very important to understand the meaning of what they read. The beginning and end of Ramadan 2018 - the schedule for Moscow can be found below.

Fasting calendar during Ramadan in Moscow in 2018

Pictures and congratulations in verse and prose on the end of Ramadan

The month of mercy and generosity, the month of fasting, which all Muslims wait for the whole year, ends with the holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Adha. The celebration is one of the most important in Islam. Eid al-Fitr begins at dawn. The souls of believers rejoice that they performed this ritual and observed traditions. In those regions of Russia where the titular population professes Islam - in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, the North Caucasus - Religious holidays are weekends. In honor of the end of Ramadan, people clean houses and streets, set tables, visit each other, accept congratulations and send pictures with poetry and prose. The celebration of the end of Ramadan lasts for 3 days. These days the main food is sweets. Followers of Islam are required to do good deeds and take care of others. Pictures and congratulations in verse and prose on the end of Ramadan can be downloaded below.

Pictures and cards with inscriptions in poetry and prose in honor of the end of Ramadan

All Muslims are interested in the question of when is Ramadan 2018. The long-awaited fast, which is designed to pacify desires, cleanse the soul of sins and draw closer to Allah, will take place according to the sunrise and sunset schedule according to the calendar for the corresponding subject of the Federation. Every year Ramadan begins and ends on different numbers. We reviewed the calendar for Moscow and Kazan and provided tips for organizing proper nutrition from Muslims. We hope that fasting will allow you to feel the joy of unity with believers and bring spiritual peace. Congratulations on the end of Ramadan will soon be solemnly heard in all Muslim families, and pictures and postcards will begin to be sent over the Internet.