Corporate culture as a system. Fundamental principles of corporate culture formation. Where to celebrate New Year's corporate party

Corporate culture exists in the organization, no matter how often employees and management of the company remember or think about it. The main components of the corporate culture (value system, attitudes and beliefs of employees, rules and forms of relationships between people) are formed gradually, as the company develops by fixing the most established rules and norms of behavior and communication of people in the organization. Corporate culture is not “right” or “wrong”. It can either be consistent with the strategic goals of the organization and contribute to their achievement, or, on the contrary, become an obstacle to the implementation of the strategy and effective work personnel. Corporate culture- a set of behavior patterns that are acquired by the organization in the process of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, which have shown their effectiveness and are shared by the majority of members of the organization. The components of corporate culture are:

    adopted leadership system;

    conflict resolution styles;

    functioning communication system;

    the position of the individual in the organization;

    accepted symbols: slogans, organizational taboos, rituals.

Corporate culture is a system of principles, customs and values ​​that allows everyone in the company to move in the same direction as a whole.

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment.

J. Evans and B. Bergman give the following definition of corporate culture: “This concept includes single system values, norms and rules of activity, transferred to employees who must comply with it. This includes:

Temporary concepts (company's orientation to the short or long term);

Flexibility of the working environment (requirements for appearance, the ability to deviate from the rules, formality in relations with subordinates, etc.);

Use of a centralized / decentralized management structure (what influence do middle-level managers have on decisions made);

The level of informal contacts (whether employees communicate freely with each other);

Use to nominate candidates from your own organization (do employees of the firm take advantage of

when filling open vacancies).

    History of corporate culture development

The concept of corporate culture (Corporate Culture) was developed in the United States in the 80s of the XX century. This was due to the need of large and medium-sized businesses, which needed new approaches to management in order to increase labor efficiency.

    Functions of corporate culture

The functions are:

1) reproduction of the best elements of the accumulated culture, production of new values ​​and their accumulation;

2) evaluative-normative function (based on a comparison of the real behavior of a person, group, corporation with existing regulations cultural behavior and ideals, one can speak of positive and negative actions, humane and inhumane, progressive and conservative);

3) regulatory and regulatory functions, i.e. the use of corporate culture as an indicator and regulator of employee behavior;

4) cognitive function (cognition and assimilation of corporate culture, carried out at the stage of adaptation of the employee, contributes to his inclusion in collective activities, determines his success);

5) sense-forming function (influence on the employee's worldview, the transformation of corporate values ​​into personal values, or entry into a state of conflict;

6) communication function (through the values ​​adopted in the corporation, norms of behavior and other elements of culture, mutual understanding of employees and their interaction is ensured;

7) the function of public memory, preservation and accumulation of the corporation's experience;

8) recreational function (restoration of spiritual forces in the process of perceiving the elements of the cultural activities of the corporation is possible only in the case of a high moral potential of the corporate culture.

4. The relationship between the concepts of "corporate culture" and "organizational culture"

The relationship between the concepts of "organizational culture" and "corporate culture".

The concept of organizational culture is one of the basic concepts in management. However, only in recent years has organizational (corporate) culture been recognized as the main indicator necessary for the correct understanding and management of organizational behavior.

Organizational culture - new area knowledge, which is part of a series of management sciences. It also stood out from a relatively new field of knowledge - organizational behavior, which studies general approaches, principles, laws and patterns in the following areas: personality in an organization; group behavior in the organization; behavior of the leader in the organization; adaptation of the organization to the internal and external environment, increasing organizational efficiency in the organization's activities.

The formulation of the problem of corporate culture and its systematic study began in 1982, when American researchers Terence Deal and Allan Kennedy created the concept of corporate culture as the most important factor influencing organizational behavior and corporate development.

five . Components of corporate culture

The main components of the corporate culture (value system, attitudes and beliefs of employees, rules and forms of relationships between people) are formed gradually, as the company develops by fixing the most established rules and norms of behavior and communication of people in the organization.

6. Types of corporate culture

Types of corporate cultures

"Culture of power" - in this culture of the organization, a leader plays a special role, his personal qualities and abilities. As a source of power, a prominent place belongs to the resources at the disposal of a leader.

"Role culture" - is characterized by a strict functional distribution of roles and specialization of sites. This type of organization operates on the basis of a system of rules, procedures and standards of activity, the observance of which should guarantee its effectiveness.

"Culture of the task" - this species culture is oriented, first of all, to solving problems, to implementing projects. The effectiveness of organizations with such a culture is largely determined by the high professionalism of employees and the cooperative group effect.

"Culture of personality" - an organization with this type of culture brings people together not to solve some problems, but so that they can achieve their own goals.

7.Methods of corporate culture formation

Building a corporate culture is a long and complex process. The main (first) steps of this process should be: defining the mission of the organization; definition of core core values. And already based on the basic values, the standards of behavior of the members of the organization, traditions and symbols are formulated. Thus, the formation of corporate culture is divided into the following four stages.

1 definition of the mission of the organization, basic values;

2 formulating standards of conduct for members of the organization;

3 formation of traditions of the organization;

4 development of symbols.

communication public corporate culture

Corporate culture of the organization

Many of the “nodal” issues related to corporate culture are not new in themselves. This is evidenced by the flow of publications, only a certain part of which has a purely scientific aspect. In addition, there are case studies practical guides to analyze the approach to corporate culture, to report on "cultural change" projects and to present more or less understandable patterns of behavior. Over the past 15-20 years, a “motley mix” of previously quite disparate ideas, theories and models has been brought together “under the roof” of one, quite capacious and universal concept of “corporate culture”.

At the turn of the 80-90s of the twentieth century, the phenomenon of corporate culture was in the center of attention of a large circle of researchers. In the early 80s, well-known best-selling books were published: "Theory Z" by Japanese teacher Ouchi in the USA and "In search of effective management(Peters and Waterman). among others, there were also theses that corporate culture is an important factor the economic efficiency of the company, as well as its adaptation to the external environment.

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values ​​inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality, as well as the perception of oneself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment.

Consequently, corporate culture is a set of opinions shared by members of the organization, standards of behavior, moods, symbols, traditions and ways of doing business that determine the individuality of the company, as well as interacting with each other. Corporate culture is manifested in the philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, norms of behavior. It regulates human behavior and makes it possible to predict his reactions in critical situations. For an organization to operate effectively, it is necessary to have a strong corporate culture, which is characterized by the fact that its core values ​​are clearly defined, actively supported and widely disseminated; the more members of an organization share them, recognize their importance, and are committed to them, the stronger the culture, and hence the more profound impact it has on the organization.

Value is what a person or a team gives significance, priority over the multitude. Corporate value is a value that is postulated and recognized by the employees of the company as a team.

When considering the issues of corporate culture, researchers inevitably need a certain “unifying” theoretical scheme that would fit the main approaches to studying the phenomenon of corporate culture. Four types of corporate culture are interesting in this regard.

1. Clan culture. Organizations are like extended families where people have a lot in common. Leaders or heads of organizations are perceived as educators and perhaps even as parents. The organization is held together by loyalty and tradition. The commitment of the organization is high. It emphasizes the long-term benefits of personal development, emphasizes a high degree of team cohesion and moral climate.

Success is defined in terms of good feelings towards consumers and care for people. The organization encourages team work, people's participation in business and harmony.

In a clan culture, there are two types of leaders: an accomplice, focused on people and processes, and a mentor, caring and showing participation.

2. Adhocracy culture. A dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative place to work. People are willing to turn their own necks and take risks. Leaders are seen as innovators and risk takers. The binding essence of the organization is a commitment to experimentation and innovation. In the long term, the organization focuses on growth and acquiring new resources. Success means producing – delivering unique and new products and/or services. It is important to be a market leader in products or services. The organization encourages individual initiative and freedom.

In an adhocracy culture, a leader is an innovator - talented and creative. A person who can anticipate change. At the base of his or her influence lies the foresight of a better future and feeding on the hopes of others. Innovation and adaptability are actively encouraged. Or a visionary - focused on the future, concerned with where the organization is going, emphasizing opportunities and evaluating probabilities. The hallmark of this leadership style is strategic direction and continuous improvement of current performance.

3. Hierarchical culture. A very formalized and structured place to work. What people do is governed by procedures. Leaders pride themselves on being rational facilitators and organizers. Maintaining the smooth running of the organization's operations is critical. The organization is held together by formal rules and official policies. The organization's long-term concern is to ensure the stability and smooth running performance of cost-effective operations.

Leadership roles in a hierarchical culture:

The instructor is a technical, well-informed expert. A person who keeps track of details and knows the business. At the core of his or her influence is information management. Documentation and information management are actively encouraged.

The coordinator is trustworthy and reliable. A person who maintains structure and work flow. His or her influence is based on situational engineering, schedule management, assignment allocation, resource allocation, etc. Stability and control are strongly encouraged.

4. Market culture. A results-oriented organization whose main concern is to get things done. People are purposeful and compete with each other. Leaders are tough leaders and tough competitors. They are unwavering and demanding. The organization is held together by an emphasis on winning. Reputation and success are a common concern. The focus of the perspective is set on competitive actions, the achievement of set goals and the achievement of measurable goals. Success is defined in terms of market penetration and market share. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important. The style of the organization is a rigidly drawn line on competitiveness.

In a market culture, a leader is a fighter - aggressive and determined. A person who actively pursues the solution of problems and the achievement of goals, receiving a boost of energy in competitive situations. Achieving victory is the dominant goal, the focus is on external competitors and market position. A type of director is also possible, focused on solving problems and making decisions. This is a person who achieves results with hard work. At the basis of his influence lies a persistent and reasonable argument in favor of bringing the matter to the end. Productivity is actively encouraged.

The value of corporate culture for the development of any organization is determined by a number of circumstances.

Firstly, it gives employees an organizational identity, determines the intra-group view of the company, being an important source of stability and continuity in the organization. This gives employees a sense of the reliability of the organization itself and their position in it, and contributes to the formation of a sense of social security.

Second, knowing the basics organizational culture of his company helps new employees to correctly interpret the events taking place in the organization, defining in them all the most important and significant.

Thirdly, the intra-organizational culture, more than anything else, stimulates self-awareness and high responsibility of the employee who performs the tasks assigned to him. By recognizing and rewarding such people, the corporate culture identifies them as role models (role models).

All existing organizations are unique. Each has its own history, organizational structure, types of communications, systems and procedures for setting goals, internal organizational rituals and myths, which together form a unique corporate culture. Most organizational cultures have historically been rather implicit in nature, but more recently the trend has been to recognize their influence and role.

Based on this, it should be noted that all four types of cultures involve various styles behavior and standards of human values. Every culture has various methods decision-making, staff motivation to work, management style and a set of basic values ​​about work and human nature. At the same time, each type of organization has a certain type of culture that allows employees to quickly adapt and form a high responsibility for their work.

A significant part of the corporate culture is the corporate philosophy.

Corporate philosophy is a system of non-material (primarily spiritual) values ​​that predetermines the unity of corporate opinion and behavior.

As a rule, intangible corporate values ​​are formalized in the form of texts (the text of the corporate mission, the text of the credo of the company's employees, the text of the code of conduct for employees), but still the main sphere of their existence is the collective consciousness of the company. If the values ​​of corporate philosophy are declared, but not observed, then the most severe form of the crisis of corporate culture arises - the syndrome of double standards.

By virtue of social inequality, existing both in society and in any organization, values ​​among people are distributed unevenly. It is on the unequal distribution of values ​​that relations of power and subordination are built, all types of economic relations, friendship, partnership, etc. Distribution of values ​​in social group For example, among company employees, sociologists call the value image of a given group or organization. As for the individual employee, within the organization, within the framework of a common value image, each of them occupies an individual value position. Value images and positions change in the process of interpersonal interaction and exchange of values.

Taking into account the list of corporate values, there are three main forms of existence of corporate values:

1. Ideals.

Definition of corporate ideals

Ideals are generalized ideas of excellence developed by the management and shared by them with the staff in various manifestations and areas of the organization's activities.

  • 2. The embodiment of these ideals in the rules of conduct for employees within the organization.
  • 3. Internal motivational structures of the personality of the employees of the organization, encouraging them to embody corporate value ideals in their behavior and activities.

There are the following key elements of corporate philosophy (carriers of intangible corporate values):

The corporate credo is the value of the team formulated in the form of an ultra-short verbal formula, reflecting its main ideological principle. Mission is a short expression of the function that the organization or the projects carried out by the organization are called upon to perform in society. The corporate vision is a vision of a positive and achievable future in which the company has achieved realistic results.

Under corporate ethics, we will understand the set of moral norms that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in an organization.

The norms of corporate ethics are the values ​​and rules of a moral nature that employees of a particular organization must adhere to in their daily activities; contain the rights and obligations of the company's employees, as well as information about liability for non-fulfillment of duties or excess of rights.

Ideally, most of the ethical standards should be adopted at the general meeting of the employees of the team, so that these standards are perceived by the employees as their own. The norms adopted at the general meeting of the collective, as a rule, do not have the status of official legal acts. For their violation, legal sanctions and disciplinary measures are usually not applied. The means of protecting such a norm from violation should be the group opinion of employees - the opinion of the team. Such norms can be called norms of internal responsibility.

There are norms for the violation of which various legal sanctions and disciplinary measures are provided. These are the norms of professional conduct established by existing legislation. Such norms can be called norms of external responsibility.

In the organization, the settlement of ethical issues is carried out by formal and informal methods. Formal regulators of corporate ethics are divided into documentary and organizational. Documentary regulators include codes, rules and instructions. code of ethics(employee code of conduct) - a textually expressed set of ethical rules and norms adopted in a given organization.

One of the most important areas of internal public relations is the formation of an effective corporate history. A corporate story is a narrative and popular statement of facts about an organization that contains examples of the positive experience of prominent personalities associated with it.

Corporate identification is a system of elements that provides recognition of the company.

This system consists of three levels - the level of the simplest elements, the level of combined elements and the level of superidentification elements.

The first level of corporate identification consists of basic, elementary, simplest elements of identification: non-verbal - colors (a palette of corporate colors), shape (brand image, font, volumetric solutions), sound, behavior (recognizable gesture), and verbal - simple (name, motto ) and complex (mission, code).

The second level of corporate identification consists of elements that are a combination of the previous, simplest identification elements. For example, a logo is a corporate font + corporate color(s) plus a name (company, product).

The second level of corporate identification consists of elements of the previous groups that have formed stable stylistic combinations and have their own established context of recognition. For example, a brand is a trademark plus all associated target audience associations.

In this article you will read

  • What is corporate culture
  • Rules for the formation of corporate culture
  • When it is required to formalize the corporate culture of the company
  • How to convey company values ​​to subordinates
  • Why esprit de corps is dying

Many businessmen faced a situation when, acquiring profitable business, they invested heavily in the company and planned to get a stable income, but almost all employees decided to quit and left the company. It would seem that they are provided with a motivation package and a good salary, but their decision does not change. For all their paradoxical nature, such situations are quite real - which will be confirmed by the experience of Euroset. The company acquired a network of communication salons "USSR" - and everything seemed perfect. After all, before the network worked smoothly, there should not have been any problems. However, in practice, everything was completely different - employees were informed about the prospect of working in one of the leaders in the European market, they were promised stable salaries, career and current motivational programs. But still faced with serious distrust on the part of employees. As a result, out of 250 employees, about 230 left in 2 weeks.

To avoid a serious shortage of employees, the management of Euroset had to urgently transfer more than 200 people to Voronezh to work in the branch of the network. It took about 3 months for the situation to stabilize. Cause similar situation- in sharp changes in corporate culture.

What is corporate culture

Corporate culture for domestic business is considered a relatively young term. What is the corporate culture of an organization? It involves a set of basic provisions in the work of the company, depending on the development strategy and mission of the company, with a set of social norms and values ​​that are shared by the majority of employees. Corporate culture consists of:

  • an approved leadership system;
  • communication systems;
  • conflict resolution styles;
  • current symbols - prohibitions and restrictions in the organization, adopted slogans, rituals;
  • position of each person in the company.

When it is required to formalize the corporate culture of the company

If the formation of corporate culture was initially built on an informal principle (from the category of “do as I do”), then over time, with the expansion of the company, it will erode. New employees appear, so the manager can no longer influence everyone by personal example. Instead of a personal example of the director, various unwritten rules, stories, corporate traditions and anecdotes appear. During this period, it is necessary to formalize the corporate culture.

Practitioner tells

Alexander Reznik,

With the development of the company, it becomes necessary to structure all corporate processes, including personnel management. Top managers and HR specialists should help the CEO in this matter. The leader is required to form such a management team, with inspiration for work and setting strategic goals.

A growing company needs to increase the distance between superiors and employees. Of course, long-term employees are the most difficult to succumb to such changes - one colleague becomes the boss, the other remains a subordinate. There may be dissatisfaction among old employees, but new employees quickly accept established rules games with a given distance. And the old, established culture is being destroyed. There are old and new teams in the team - the CEO must choose which of the groups to work with, or else take the necessary measures to unite them. To unite the team will allow only a single goal. The CEO will have to create this goal and convey it to his employees.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

The strongest value system is considered to be based on leadership. After all, such a system combines credibility, visibility and administrative support. The key aspect in the formation of a positive socio-psychological atmosphere is the leadership role. But will such a system be able to transform and develop in the future in the context of the industry's rapid growth? Hardly. In our practice, there was a situation when many employees began to leave the organization with an excellent corporate culture. The frequent change of foreign partners simply did not suit them - each of them quickly destroyed a lot, but simply did not have time to create new ones.

What measures should be abandoned in the formation of corporate culture

  1. Administrative controls. With the introduction of a system of fines, control over the employee and other intimidating measures. As a result, business is built on certain conditioned reflexes, the main place is given to the cult of power. With all the minimal bureaucracy, this approach involves many factors of emotionality and subjectivity in decision-making. Usually there is a problem of insufficient training of middle managers, with high staff turnover and arbitrary appointment of managers. In the work of such companies, statements about informal values ​​\u200b\u200band collectivism are often heard. In fact, the values ​​in the company are characterized by subjectivism, each time being interpreted in the most convenient way. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful. Interestingly, the weakening of the center leads to destructive consequences for the company - the normal operation of the system is disrupted. The search for a new center of power does not bring results. There is a stagnation or destruction of the company, or there are serious consequences in the recovery from the crisis.
  2. Appointment of employees who are responsible for the creation and integration of corporate culture. Often entire departments are formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term "corporate culture" with the development of its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, the measures of employees are limited to the creation of a pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team. After some time, you just have to completely reduce or restructure this business, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a corporate culture is abandoned for a long time.
  3. Involvement of external specialists who will decide internal problems companies. Realizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but without understanding how to compensate for them, the CEO begins to attract external consultants. But even a great ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture. After all, it will build its principles on its own ideas, which can radically differ from the opinion of the CEO. Correcting mistakes made in the formation of a mission or ideology turns out to be a rather lengthy and difficult process with a not always predictable result.

CEO speaking

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Changes in the formation of corporate culture is a rather delicate task for which an HR specialist is needed. You can't just appoint a person responsible for the formation of corporate culture, it's just that the boss and the thought leader cannot be the same concept. The leading role should be placed on the shoulders of a top manager who will be able to "charge" his subordinates. This task is not just an administrator. He must be an integrator in relationships and an entrepreneur in spirit. This role is assumed by the owner at the stage of formation of the company. In the future, this can be done by the CEO, who shares the values ​​of the business owner.

As a general director, I consider it necessary to assess the microclimate in the team. If the company has 100-200 employees, they all remain in sight - the peculiarities of people's communication, their conflicts, who they listen to will be noticeable. To use formalized tools with personnel, the company needs to reach a certain level. Our company has at least 100 employees. Although this number is individual, it depends on the business. In my opinion, in some companies a clear definition of everything is already required with 20 employees in the state. The main condition is to keep the spirit of entrepreneurship in the company.

Summing up, I can talk about the development of the company's corporate culture at each stage according to its own laws. With a larger company, there should be more formalized and structured work with it.

Formation of the corporate culture of the organization in steps

The role of the CEO in shaping the corporate culture

Corporate culture of the organization should initially come from the first persons of the company. The general director and founders of the company should act as the ideologist and bearer of the corporate culture. In my opinion, this way of forming a corporate culture and maintaining a corporate spirit is the most effective and natural.

CEO speaking

Alexey Komarov, General Director of RusHunt, Moscow

the first face of many successful companies not only plays a leading role, but also becomes a real "corporate myth" - just remember the Michelin and Ikea corporations. Each employee of these companies knows the founder's biography, his success story, etc. When communicating with newcomers, aphorisms from the founder are often quoted, with consideration of episodes from his life and the path to success. Such a halo must be preserved. After all, the image of the founder and owner becomes the main motivating element.

Fundamental principles of corporate culture formation

Freedom. Every person has dreams of freedom and the search for truth. However, with a greater level of knowledge, the more people will depend on them. When you get more freedom, its degree in life only decreases. This paradox became the basis of the first principle of creating a corporate culture. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithful he will be to the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring together a community of people. Their personal freedom is limited by the common values ​​and goals of the company. However, this restriction should not cross the line, overcoming which a feeling of lack of freedom appears. Such a barely perceptible border is considered injustice.

The corporate culture is based not only on justice and freedom, but also on other universal spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a person in society.

Polar principles of corporate culture formation

In the work of Douglas McGregor, 2 main principles are noted on which management theory is based:

  1. All people, by definition, are inherently thieving, lazy and non-executive. Therefore, they require absolute control. The formation of corporate culture in this case is carried out according to the principles of carrots and sticks.
  2. Man is a rational being. For embodiment best qualities a person needs to provide the proper conditions conducive to this.

These two principles set the extreme poles, and the truth is always hidden in the middle.

Practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova,

The corporate culture of our company is based on the principle of "professionalism in everything". This rule and became the credo of the company, uniting all employees. In the work of the company, an important component of the corporate culture is the attitude towards employees. Investments in development of the personnel are provided. Perhaps our company will be the first to propose the introduction of options for each employee.

For the successful operation of the company, it is important that corporate values ​​are fully accepted by the entire team. There were situations when it was decided to part with employees only because of non-compliance with the norms of the company's corporate culture.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director of CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

Corporate culture can be based on the principle of individualism - taking into account the individual characteristics of the company's employees. Modern business is at the heyday of individualism, so the CEO needs to understand human psychology. Only individuals can form a true team, so it is important to respect and appreciate your employees. At the same time, if possible, it is better to get rid of negligent employees who do not deserve respect. In a dynamic modern business there is practically no time for re-education. Employees need to be motivated. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that patriotism to the company instills famous brand, but it turns out to be wrong. The general corporate spirit will be formed and strengthened by understanding results achieved by the whole team.

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

When working on corporate culture, the formation of a proper microclimate is of great importance. People must have a desire to work in the organization, a sense of pride in their work and a sense of comfort. Job satisfaction is manifested by loyalty to the company, despite another place of work, and pleasure in going to work and completing tasks.

As long as the microclimate in the team is an important factor for a person, he will remain in the company. When priority is given to other factors (including social status or salary), a search for other offers is noted. In the corporate culture, mutual understanding between employees is of great importance. It is difficult to count on success in conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement.

How the type of company affects the corporate culture of the organization

When forming corporate values, it is necessary to take into account the type of activity of companies. In particular, in the service market, the attitude towards people is of fundamental importance. Including sincere love for customers is important. Only in this case, the client can really fall in love with the company in order to regularly apply for its services. Companies in the service market should have an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To maintain this state of affairs, postulates are needed that will fix the company's values. When hiring new employees, you need to make sure that they share similar values.

Employees of manufacturing organizations are most important stability. The reason for this priority is that in production, personnel are oriented, first of all, to processes. And stability becomes the main success factor.

Companies in a market segment with significant competition will benefit from merging in the face of an external threat. In particular, it is possible to unite employees against a competitor, becoming a real well-coordinated team in the name of a common goal.

How to make corporate culture work for a company

For corporate culture to work, it is necessary to change its main principles. This condition essential for large organizations. Transformations appear as a result of constant contact between managers and employees, due to informal conditions of communication. If you feel consistent, fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, you can count on the success of such changes. There is really painstaking work ahead, but the result fully justifies such measures.

Examples of corporate culture in Japan, USA and Russia

Japan and United States of America:

  1. Corporate onboarding for newbies to help them understand the workflow.
  2. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, media pages.
  3. The company's management regularly organizes speeches, during which they consider in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through the performance of the best employees, highlighting the goals in front of the team, singing the anthem, etc.


  1. Celebration of federal celebrations - in the company's office or restaurant.
  2. Singing the corporate anthem.
  3. Carrying out sports events.
  4. Joint trips.
  5. Videos dedicated to the hobbies of employees.
  6. Joint leisure activities - including bowling, hunting, curling, etc.
  7. Special traditions in the company - for example, the organization of skits in honor of the organization's birthday.

Based on the materials of the book: Samoukina N. Effective staff motivation with minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina

Practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of Human Resources Department, Arpikom, Moscow

Training can be one of the effective means of creating corporate culture. The main requirement is that the employee who has received this knowledge can use it in practice. As I have already noted, the corporate culture in our company is based on professionalism. To implement this principle, about a year ago we launched the General Manager Training program. The program is carried out by the general manager, the goal is to train employees to be proud of their profession. As a tool for this, we use information sheets, a corporate newspaper, holding corporate events, etc.

CEO speaking

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

The most effective (although not always simple) way to form new rules in a company is to invite new employees. Since all new employees usually follow the established requirements. In my own practice, I have seen many similar examples - an employee who was not satisfied with certain procedures leaves the company, and a new employee is hired instead who is ready to follow these standards. The reason is that he is not forced to resist the new corporate culture, but immediately becomes one of the building blocks in the organization. It is necessary to initially hire employees who fit into the provisions of the current corporate culture.

When spreading corporate culture to remote divisions, it will be necessary to take into account 3 factors:

  1. Public basic values ​​and ideology.
  2. Key branch employees need to visit the head office regularly to absorb its energy. After all, they are entrusted with the role of agents of the introduction of a common corporate culture in the work of the branch.
  3. Corporate principles should be formalized (described in the documentation). Otherwise, the transfer of corporate culture norms to branches will be distorted. In addition, this formalized documentation is necessary to familiarize new employees with the rules of conduct and the characteristics of the company's corporate culture.

The role of corporate culture in the company

  1. You should regularly inform your staff about corporate values, rules, etc. Speeches by key employees, stands or corporate media are suitable for this.
  2. If the process of erosion of the corporate culture in the company begins or there are several strong groups with different rules, you need to decide which of the groups will be more comfortable to work with.
  3. Control of the informal corporate culture is required - consider informal leaders who should become your assistants to promote initiatives in the organization.
  4. It is not necessary to resort only to administrative levers to manage corporate culture. After all, any order or order should be accompanied by explanatory communication with your employees.
  5. There is no need to appoint those responsible for corporate culture - a top manager should deal with this issue by vocation.
  6. Nothing can strengthen the team better than joint corporate events. Therefore, do not forget about organizing joint sports competitions, holidays, skits, various trips, etc.
  7. You need to be a fair leader. There must be predictable, objective decisions about sanctions against employees.
  8. Corporate learning should be used to convey the values ​​and goals of the organization to its employees.

Corporate culture, as noted in the previous section, is an important element of the internal environment of the organization. Corporate culture is a significant factor in both the social and economic life of an enterprise, on which the success of its activities largely depends.

In the course of studying corporate culture, the following are considered: questions:

1. Psychological essence of corporate culture;

2. Three levels of corporate culture;

3. Elements of corporate culture and their psychological aspects;

4. Adaptation of corporate cultures;

5. "Cultural gap" and its psychological basis.

Corporate culture is a set of basic values ​​and beliefs, tacit agreements and norms that dominate the organization and unite the team.

Psychological entity corporate culture is public opinion collective, the connection by employees of personal interests with the goals of the organization.

The high socio-economic importance of the internal (corporate) culture of the organization was understood by the classics of scientific management (A. Fayol, L. Gilbreth, M. Follett, etc.) at the beginning of the emergence of management theory, that is, a hundred years ago.

Thus, the founder of European management, Henri Fayol, among the main 14 principles of his "administrative management" noted "corporate spirit". By this he meant "the harmony of the staff and its cohesion."

Corporate culture without being direct economic factor, however, actively influences the production activities of the organization. This has been repeatedly confirmed by special studies in different countries.

For example, the Americans J. Collins and J. Porras compared 18 successful global companies and 18 large outsider firms. As a result, the main difference was established - the leading companies had a high corporate culture. In them, each employee was proud of his company, clearly aware of his interest in the affairs of the company.

Corporate culture is a kind of system of common values ​​and traditions of the team. Awareness and acceptance of values, inclusion in traditions allows new employees of the company to correctly navigate in the sense and goals of their professional activity better understand their role and place in the common cause.

Management psychology distinguishes three levels of corporate culture , and each subsequent one is less and less obvious.

First level- this visible objects and artifacts (elements) of culture: the location and design of offices, the style of clothing and the rules of behavior of employees, external elements.

Location and office decoration should be comfortable and cozy, create a working atmosphere. Modern office design allows you to achieve harmony between the environment and the content of the activity.

Serious companies require their employees to comply with business clothing style. This is especially true for those who work with clients and partners. Even higher demands are placed on business ethics And style of behavior.

One of the main requirements for employees is an attentive attitude towards customers. If an outsider turned to any employee of the company, he should not “brush” him off, but penetrate and take him to the specialist who will solve his problem. In Belarus, this requirement was expressed by the introduction of public institutions principle of "one window".

External elements corporate culture, due to their specificity, will be discussed a little lower in the same section.

Second level corporate culture are officially fixed general values ​​and principles purposefully implemented in the team. They are manifested in the mission, moral code, charter and other documents of the organization. This is discussed in detail in Sections 4.4 and 7.1.

Third level corporate culture is traditions and unwritten rules of conduct in a collective. They reflect values ​​and principles that are so ingrained that employees no longer notice them. However, traditions on a subconscious level guide the motivation and behavior of employees.

In fact, the third level means the internal (psychological) attitude of employees to their work and enterprise.

In the psychological and managerial literature, there are two positions of a person's attitude to work: interest and rejection. These positions are diametrically opposed.

Position of Interest comes from what people want to have interesting work and work creatively, with dedication. Through work, people seek their own fulfillment and social recognition. In companies with a "position of interest" employees have a high degree of freedom. Their responsibility rests on personal motivation, and not on the control of superiors.

Position of rejection proceeds from the fact that people do not want to work, that they have an innate dislike for work. They are forced to do work by the need to earn money for a living. In firms with such a position, managers strictly control the actions of employees, limit the degree of their professional freedom.

The position (interest or rejection) is most often formed under the influence of the main shareholders or the company's management.

In corporate culture, the second and third levels are considered the most significant. However, one should not underestimate the first level, that is, tangible attributes (external elements).

External elements corporate culture are:
mottos, symbols, legends, heroes, ceremonies. Psychological
they consist in influencing the inner world of workers through bright, concise and understandable images.

Motto(slogan, slogan) is a figurative phrase in which the main value of the organization is briefly and clearly expressed.

The motto in an intelligible and catchy form expresses the main idea of ​​the company's corporate culture. The idea must be expressed clearly and figuratively, in which case it "sinks" into the minds of people. At the same time, it should express the real value of the company.

For example, the staff of a trading company Sequins International 80% consists of visitors from Latin America. Many of them do not have American citizenship, but only a residence permit. They do not feel very confident at work, but they try hard. The company's motto is designed to orient them correctly: "Do not please the boss - please the customers."

Symbol is an object that has a special meaning for the company.

The symbol can be an image trademark or company logo. The symbol as an element of corporate culture conveys to the staff a certain important value of the company. Moreover, this is done in a visual and understandable form, so it is easy to perceive and remember.

Yes, in a machine building Andover a difficult economic situation. This was due to the fear of designers and technologists to put forward new ideas, because. before that there were mistakes with serious consequences. As a result, the innovative activity of the company has sharply decreased, competitiveness has fallen. The new general manager decided to overcome the psychological fear of mistakes, to direct the designers to search for new ideas. He found a defective expensive item, instructed to attach it to a beautiful stand and called it "For the biggest mistake of the year." The prize symbolized the right of everyone to search, and at the same time a possible miscalculation.

Tradition is a story about a past bright event, which became legendary and known to the whole team.

The story indirectly expresses the important value of the company. The unusual form only enhances and more fully conveys the meaning of a particular basic value.

For example, in a trading company Nordstrom there is the following legend-case. The buyer applied to one of the company's stores with a return low-quality goods- car tires. The general manager of the company, who happened to be in the store at that moment, intervened, spoke with the buyer, and instructed to return the money for the tire. The whole piquancy of the situation was that this company had never traded in tires. The buyer has the wrong store to return. But the general manager preferred to incur a small expense, but to affirm the principle: "The buyer is always fallen."

Hero- an employee who has committed a bright professional act.

The hero and his deed are an example of a responsible attitude to work for the staff, an example of a creative way out of an important situation.

For example, in the Pharmacological Center Centennial a difficult economic situation arose. The reason was the distrust of doctors and patients in the new medicines of the Center, because. they were developed under increased secrecy. The new general manager of the Center proclaimed the policy of " open doors". To express it vividly, he ordered to remove the door from the reception room to his office and hang it on wires from the ceiling in the lobby of the Center's central office. Without a door, he worked for a whole year, asserting the openness of the company.

Ceremony- a bright traditional mass event.

Almost the entire staff is involved in the preparation and participation in the ceremony. The event is designed to unite the team, show employees to each other in an unusual (informal, even humorous) way, demonstrate care for the staff and other corporate values.

For example, the "freshman line" at BNTU. The ceremony is held as a solemn initiation into the first-year students of yesterday's entrants. Distinguished guests are present - former graduates. The history of the university is briefly shown in art form. Speakers rector, guests, professors. The freshmen vow to persevere in the secrets of science. They are given a symbolic key to the university and a student card.

Corporate culture is essential element internal environment, but it actively interacts with the external environment.

If you want to high quality customer service culture must maintain a certain level of service. If new technologies are needed, then this should be reflected in corporate values. This flexibility of corporate culture is called adaptation.

Corporate culture adaptation is the adjustment of the company's values ​​adequately to the changes external environment.

Harvard University conducted a study of 207 companies on the relationship of their corporate culture with the external environment. It was found that a high corporate culture does not guarantee business success. It must have the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

According to the ability to adapt the company's values ​​to business conditions, corporate cultures are divided into two types: adaptive and conservative.

Adaptive corporate cultures- these are those that reflect in their values ​​the important external conditions of the business, and adequately respond to their changes. Such cultures are attentive to the internal processes in the company, they support innovative activities in the team.

Conservative corporate cultures- these are those who do not revise their values ​​for the sake of external circumstances. Such cultures are also called maladaptive.

Conservative adaptive cultures have not only disadvantages, but also their advantages. If they are based on universal human values, then there is no need to change them often. Stability in this case demonstrates the strength of the company.

A comparison of crops is presented in Table 7.5.

A certain backlog of corporate culture and the external environment is inevitable. Usually the culture reflects what has been achieved by the company in the past, and only part of it is focused on new achievements. In addition, there are values ​​proclaimed (desired) and achieved (real). There is a certain distance between them, which is called the cultural gap.

Table 7.5 - Comparisons of corporate cultures

cultural divide is the gap between the stated and achieved values ​​of the organization. The gap phenomenon often occurs during major changes in companies, including mergers, acquisitions, and sales. The cultural gap is one of the important reasons for unsuccessful associations.

Thus, practice shows that up to 90% of mergers of companies do not achieve the planned indicators both in the economy and in corporate culture. Almost half of the acquired companies are sold within the next five years.

The integration of production structures, technologies, finances occurs, as a rule, relatively painlessly. Problems arise when trying to combine unwritten norms and values, that is, elements of corporate culture. But it is their combination that largely determines the economic success of the new organization. This problem is especially acute in multinational companies (MNCs) and international associations.

However, the phenomenon of cultural divide does not only occur during mergers or other transformations of companies. The problem may occur without any visible structural or other changes. The “erosion” of corporate culture can occur slowly and imperceptibly, under the influence of a deterioration in the psychological climate in the team. Dissatisfaction appears in the minds and hearts of employees, disappointment with the company accumulates. Such a cultural divide can lead a company to serious economic problems.

so, the psychological essence of corporate culture lies in the public opinion of the team, the connection by employees of personal interests with the goals of the organization. Corporate culture manifests itself at three levels: the first - visible objects; the second is officially declared values ​​and principles; the third is unwritten norms and rules.

External elements of corporate culture are: mottos, symbols, legends, heroes, ceremonies. The psychological aspects of external elements lie in their impact on the inner world of workers through vivid, concise and understandable images.

The ability of corporate culture to adjust values ​​with changes in the external environment is called adaptation. There are adaptive and conservative corporate cultures.

The discrepancy between the stated and achieved values ​​of the organization has been called the "cultural gap". The emergence of a significant cultural gap is a threat to the well-being of the organization.

Similar information.

The corporate culture of the organization depends on the main goals. The system consists of a whole complex of rules of conduct, rituals, symbols, traditions, values ​​shared and supported by all members of the team. Being intangible asset, the integrity of the system affects the success of the company.

From this article you will learn:

  • How is the corporate culture of the company formed;
  • What is the basis for the development of the corporate culture of the organization;
  • What is the impact of corporate culture on the organization.

How is the corporate culture of the company formed?

The corporate culture of the company is formed under the influence of key factors and develops throughout the entire period of the organization. Fundamental standards, values, beliefs, ethnic norms, expectations and beliefs are supported by employees and help set the right guidelines.

The method of uniting the entire team, the coordination of the management level and individual structural divisions makes it possible to make the work more coordinated. This invariably affects the success of the entire enterprise as a whole, predetermines the economic stability and competitiveness of the organization.

The following factors influence the correct formation of the corporate culture of the organization:

  • business area, individual features of technologies;
  • the personality of the leader;
  • norms and requirements of the external environment;
  • company development stages.

Why corporate culture needs an enterprise code

A corporate culture cannot be formed without creating an enterprise code. The document develops priority areas for development, designates the main mission, strategic prospects. A mandatory step is to maintain the traditions formed throughout the entire period of the organization's work, the designation of symbols. General principles corporate conduct also refers to the internal code that all team members follow.

Corporate culture and interpersonal relationships

What is the basis for the development of the corporate culture of the organization

The formation of a corporate culture in an organization is based on the creation and maintenance of basic norms and values ​​in the structure, management system, personnel policy. In the course of the company's activities, the external and internal environment makes it necessary to solve a number of tasks that most directly affect the creation of certain rules.