Treatment using the Norbekov method. Norbekov's technique. It’s so healing that you can grow. Exercises for the chest and lower back

Not every person is happy with their height. There is an opinion that people grow until they are 20 years old, but Norbekov’s method for increasing height completely refutes this statement. Gives everyone the opportunity to grow taller, regardless of age and gender. The main thing is not to be lazy and do exercises regularly.

Biography of Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an academician, doctor of psychology and philosophy in medicine. Has membership in many Russian and foreign academies. He is also a writer, photographer, athlete, artist, traveler and owner of a black Creator of many educational and recreational techniques.

Mirzakarim Norbekov was born on November 17, 1957 in the village of Farhad (Uzbekistan). He grew up in a village family, where, in addition to him, there were six more children. His parents taught him to work from childhood. As a child, he worked tirelessly in the cotton field with other children.

Since childhood, Mirzakarim Norbekov read and drew a lot, preferring landscapes and national patterns. In 1975 he was drafted into the army. One day, when he was on duty, two colleagues approached him, with whom a fight then broke out. They failed to beat Norbekov. The next day they called five more friends for help. The brawl left Norbekov disabled. Similar situation he was not satisfied, and Mirzakarim began to improve himself in order to restore himself. He studied the basic laws of nature, the capabilities of his body and established the relationship between the state of mind and physiology.

In 1982, the author entered the Andijan Institute of Cotton Growing, from which he graduated with a diploma in agronomist. At the same time, he mastered karate, where he received a black belt, after which he began training others. Here the author develops not only the body, but also grows spiritually. Soon he creates his own healing method, which becomes popular first in Uzbekistan, and then in Russia.

In the 90s, M. S. Norbekov moved to Moscow. Brings its health complex closer to European standards. Actively conducts seminars and teaches in the capital and other regions of Russia.

In 1998, he opened the Institute of Human Self-Healing, where about a thousand people study daily. Each teaching course is supervised by Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, who himself never stops learning.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich created his own center, which is the only organization officially working on behalf of Nobekov.

Features of the growth technique

Against the backdrop of many techniques created by the author, Norbekov’s technique for increasing height stands out. These exercises are only part of a unique health complex. They allow practitioners to grow by 2-10 cm. The result comes after a week of regular practice.

The increase in height occurs due to increased elasticity of the intervertebral discs, and also due to an increase in cartilage tissue in the space between the vertebrae and as a result of irritation of the tubular bones.

After performing a set of exercises on a certain part of the spine, you need to restore breathing. To do this, raise your straight arms up - inhale one or two times, lower them - exhale (three or four). The movement is done five times.


Norbekov’s method for increasing height is contraindicated for people with serious mental illnesses who are registered. Exercises are prohibited for pregnant women and people with cancer. People with serious illnesses should not exercise of cardio-vascular system and those who have suffered a stroke, heart attack or have a heart defect. These exercises are not recommended for patients with hypertension.

Gymnastics for the upper shoulder area of ​​the back

Norbekov's method for increasing height consists of a series of exercises on certain parts of the human body. Start with a technique for the upper spine.

In the first exercise, the shoulders are directed forward, and the chin is brought closer to the chest, and then pulled towards the stomach. The back resembles a bow, and the shoulder joints remain motionless. Then they move on to bending backwards. The head is pulled to the back and pulled down, and the shoulders are directed towards each other. When moving forward, exhale, and when bending back, inhale. 15 approaches forward and backward. 6 seconds are given for the exercise.

The next stage is the raising and lowering of the shoulders. When performing the movement, the head is motionless and the spine is straight. When the shoulders are lowered, the arms are forced downward, and, conversely, when the shoulder joints are raised, the limbs are lifted upward.

To continue the exercises, the hands are placed at the seams. One shoulder is directed upward, and the other in the opposite direction. The head is a little shoulder going down. With each session, the head tilt should increase. Similar actions should be done in the other direction. Breathing is voluntary. 3-6 times in each direction.

The next exercise is circular rotational movements of the arms. The exercise begins to be done slowly, each time expanding the amplitude of movement. They breathe freely without effort. Perform 15 times in each direction.

The next movements according to the Norbekov system are tilts to the left and to the right. You need to stand up, hands at your sides. Bend to the right and try to touch the foot of your right leg with your right hand; similarly, bend to the left. This exercise makes it difficult to reach your feet, but it really increases the flexibility of your spine. Should be performed 10 times in each direction. When bending down, exhale; when lifting the body up, inhale.

Exercises for the chest and lower back

Norbekov’s method for increasing height in the thoracic and lumbar regions consists of two exercises, these are:

  • Bend forward. The movements are performed while sitting on a chair. Hands grab the seat of the chair, and pull your head towards your stomach. Exhale - bend forward, inhale - return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions of 6 seconds each. They also bend backwards, trying to reach the buttocks with the back of their head.
  • Rotation of the spine. The back and head are straight. The shoulders and head are simultaneously turned to the right until it stops, and then done oscillatory movements, trying to turn a few more centimeters. Do 5 repetitions on each turn. This is how you do exercises to the left. Breathing is voluntary, without delay. Allow 20 seconds to turn and a second to oscillate.

After this, exercises according to Norbekov are done on the lumbar and sacrum areas. Don't forget to do a breathing warm-up.

Norbekov’s gymnastics: exercises for the lumbosacral region

Continue the system of exercises to increase height while standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and resting on the kidney area. Elbows are pulled back and close to each other. First, the head is tilted to the side, and then the entire back (along an arc to the limit). Without unbending, they perform several oscillatory manipulations, where they should try to capture as much space as possible. Do 2 repetitions in one direction and the other, each should have 15 vibrations. Breathing is even. Knees straight.

The next exercise is performed on the floor. Place your hands on your knees and bend forward until your spine allows you to bend lower. Next you need to make an effort and try to capture a little more space. Ideally, you need to touch your knees with your nose, and then the mat.

Norbekov’s technique for the spine continues with bending backwards with arms extended upward. The fingers are clasped together. The exercise is done standing. The legs are positioned shoulder-width apart and the knees are straightened. Breathing is voluntary. Here the load goes on the entire spine.

The next exercise will be bending to the sides with your arms raised up. All actions are performed while standing. Legs and shoulders are placed at the same level. The exercise is performed as the previous one, but only on the right and left sides.

The complex continues to move with its arms raised up. On the count of seven, you need to turn to the right and stretch up, and do the same to the left.

The next exercise will be bending to one side and twisting to the other. The left elbow here rises up, and the right slides down. Make a circle with your elbows and twist into right side, bending while performing at the lower back. The gaze should be directed to the ceiling and go behind the back. The exercise is repeated 6 times. Manipulations develop flexibility of the spine.

The following movements are performed while sitting on the floor. Legs spread apart. Place your palms on your chest and try to reach your right knee with your right shoulder. The same is done with the left side. Then they bend towards the floor with both shoulders. During the exercises, the shoulder muscles rotate as much as possible. In the future, the same movements should be made so that the shoulder tries to reach the toes. In each direction - 10 times.

Additional load

Norbekov’s technique has proven its effectiveness more than once. The exercises should be performed in compliance with all the author’s recommendations; only in this case can the desired result be achieved.

In addition to the basic movements, the complex includes additional ones:

  • Outdoor games. They should be practiced twice a week for 1-2 hours.
  • Run. Four times a week and at least 3 km.
  • Jumping rope. Twice a day for 3 minutes.
  • Gymnastic stick over shoulders. Legs - wide shoulder muscles. Do 25-50 bends in each direction.
  • U-turns with a gymnastic stick over your shoulders. The exercise is done with maximum amplitude, 25-50 times to the left and right.
  • Bends with a gymnastic stick behind your shoulders while sitting. Number of repetitions 50 times.
  • U-turns with a gymnastic stick behind your shoulders from a sitting position. The recommended number of movements in one direction is 25-50 times.
  • Sitting on a low chair. Clasp your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. The right elbow should move toward the left knee, and the left toward the right. The number of repetitions is 25-50 times in each direction.

If fatigue does not occur when performing 50 repetitions, then you should do 2 sets of 50 times.

Before you start practicing according to Norbekov’s method to increase height, you should carefully study all the author’s recommendations. There are not many of them, and they look like this:

  • Give your body a load gradually and after 3-4 days of training, try to evaluate your capabilities.
  • While performing the complex, do not communicate with whiners and bores.
  • When performing exercises, do not talk or be distracted.
  • It is better to perform all movements to light meditative music.
  • You cannot do exercises purely mechanically; the goal that a person wants to achieve must be spinning in his head.
  • Do not start exercising with a heavy head, do not overexert yourself during exercises.
  • Do not doze off during classes; drowsiness is unacceptable here.
  • Absence from classes due to laziness and passivity are unjustified.
  • You cannot perform the complex in a state of fatigue and hunger.

In the first two weeks of training, salt should be removed from the diet. This is done so that the body compensates for its deficiency from salt deposits in the joints. During this period, you should give up meat, bread, milk and fermented milk products. Leave honey, nuts, vegetables and fruits, and cereals in your diet.

You should persistently move towards your goal, setting yourself a deadline by which your body should “grow up”.

The most important thing in performing a set of exercises to increase height is regularity. They should be performed at least once a day for one hour.

Hello, friends! Vadim Dmitriev is with you and I want to present to you today a method for increasing growth, which was created by Mirzakarim Norbekov. Many of you, I'm sure, know this man, but not everyone knows that he has a superb technique that can help you grow up.

Before we talk about the Norbekov method and the Norbekov exercises to increase height, let me first briefly introduce the author.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov – famous psychologist, academician, author of educational health system, which helped restore health and joy to many people. In 1998, the International Association of Independent Medical Experts recognized the Norbekov system as the most effective system of the year. At the same time, under the leadership of Academician Norbekov, the Institute of Human Self-Healing was created, where they taught according to the Norbekov system. Now courses on this system are held in more than 50 countries around the world and help millions of people improve their own health.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich himself was terminally ill as a child, but managed to overcome the disease and now shows the way to health to other people. “If something keeps you in this life, you are doomed to success,” Norbekov said when receiving one of his awards. He managed to become a multimillionaire, but decided to give up money for the sake of spiritual search. This is such an interesting person.

Now I want to introduce you to one of Mirzakarim Norbekov’s methods for the spine, which is great for those who want to become taller. Norbekov's growth technique is a set of physical exercises that helps increase height by increasing cartilage between the vertebrae of the spine, as well as by stimulating the growth of leg bones. Norbekov’s exercises for the spine have proven their effectiveness. They have been successfully tested by a huge number of patients of the Institute of Human Self-Healing - men and women, of different ages, weight, height. Here is what Academician Norbekov himself says about his methodology:

“After 7–8 days of training, all patients note an increase in height from two to ten or more centimeters. Of course, a person does not grow from exercise. A person simply acquires his natural shape and flexibility by restoring the elasticity of the intervertebral discs.”

On the Internet, Norbekov’s technique considered one of best practices increase in height. I suggest you pay attention to her now. Perhaps it will be the key to success that you are looking for.

  1. Don't get ahead of things. In the first 3-4 days, do not make final conclusions about yourself, your capabilities and this technique.
  2. Avoid the influence of whiners, bores and so on.
  3. Do not talk or be distracted while doing the exercises.
  4. During classes, listen to light meditative music. At the Norbekov Institute, meditative music is used during classes for deeper concentration and work with energies.
  5. It is unacceptable to carry out exercises mechanically, without meaning and purpose.
  6. Don't overexert yourself. A sign of malfunction is a feeling of heaviness in the head.
  7. Do not doze while doing the exercises; drowsiness is unacceptable.
  8. Any excuses for your laziness and passivity are unacceptable.
  9. You can't exercise when you're tired and hungry.
  10. In the first 10–15 days of performing the technique, it is necessary to exclude salt (this is necessary so that the body begins to intensively pull it out of the body’s salt mines in the joints and spine), meat, dairy and fermented milk products, and bread. It is allowed to eat all vegetables and fruits, honey, nuts, and cereals.
  11. Don’t delay the process of achieving results, set a specific deadline for yourself.

The main rule when performing Norbekov’s technique is regularity. At least once a day for 1 hour, normally – in the morning and evening for 45 minutes. You can download Norbekov’s method with all the exercises for free using the links below.

We could end here, but in addition I can recommend a film about Norbekov’s joint gymnastics. There are also quite a lot of exercises that will promote healthy joints and easier growth. If you start studying based on the film, it will only get better.

I hope that the technique will be useful to you. Don’t forget that M. Norbekov’s exercises not only help increase growth, they also heal the body. Get busy! Write about your results here. Good luck to everyone!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

Norbekov's technique– one of the most popular methods of increasing height. You can grow several centimeters if you follow all the recommendations and do exercises regularly.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is the author of an entire health system, which, according to the media, has helped and continues to help many people. He has repeatedly received awards and achieved significant success, but we are interested in what recommendations Norbekov gives to increase growth. M.S. Norbekov claims that people who practice his method are able to become several centimeters taller within the first week of classes. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here, since most of the exercises are aimed at straightening your posture.

Few people are able to boast of a perfectly straight back; the reason for this lies back in school. Which student will follow the rules to maintain posture!? Everyone sits at random, and after a few years the problems begin. And what can we say about adults, the intervertebral space decreases somewhat, the back does not become straighter, and so precious centimeters of growth are lost.

Let's get started, but first, let's agree: if you seriously want to become taller, you will have to work hard on yourself. Be prepared for months or even years of work, depending on your body’s capabilities and how many centimeters you want to grow. You will have to study even when you don’t want to do it at all, you will have to set yourself up for work and move on. But, believe me, the result is worth it!

This complex is aimed, as you already understand, at straightening your posture. And in the future, these exercises will help you grow, if your body is still capable of it. You need to exercise twice a day, for about 45 minutes. If time does not allow, try to devote at least one hour a day to exercise. The time spent is worth it. You can combine Norbekov’s technique with or other complexes. Print out these exercises so you can have them in front of you while you practice. Don't give up, even if two weeks have passed and your growth has not increased. This means that you should pay more attention to the technique of performing the exercises, or increase the time of training. Don't just do exercises without meaning. Feel how your body stretches and how your spine moves!

Let's summarize:— you need to exercise every day, preferably in the morning and evening; - tune in to the methodology in advance so that you can start studying without being sleepy or hungry, so that no one will distract you (including the computer); - do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements; - if you feel that your blood pressure is rising, your head is becoming heavy, you should stop exercising. It is possible that you are doing something wrong; - don’t give up on your goal.

What do you think about this? Who's height is what? Are you happy with it? And how much do you want to grow?
All the exercises described below are only part of the warm-up of the unique general health-improving technique of Mirzakarim Norbekov. Here’s what the author of the technique says: “After 7-8 days of training, all patients note an increase in height from two to ten or more centimeters. Of course, a person himself does not grow from exercise. A person simply acquires his natural shape and flexibility by restoring the elasticity of the intervertebral discs.”
But I am sure that these few centimeters will improve your mood and give you an incentive for further training using other techniques. Now it’s time to familiarize yourself with the set of exercises. Exercises for the upper shoulder girdle. Only participates top part spine.

1. Shoulders forward. Pull your chin towards your chest. Then we bend our shoulders and head 15 times forward, 15 times back. 6 seconds for each movement. With the chin we reach the chest; without stopping, we stretch in the direction of the stomach; the upper part of the spine should bend like a bow, and at this moment we pull our shoulders forward and towards each other, tensing. Don't raise your shoulders. Without stopping, we move on to backward bends. First, the head rests on the back, pull it down, and begin to pull the shoulders back towards each other. Breathing: while moving forward - exhale, back - inhale.

2. Raising and lowering the shoulders. The head is motionless, the spine is straight. Lowering our shoulders, we pull our arms down with effort. We do the same exercise, raising our shoulders up.

3. Circular movements of the arms 15 times. Imagine a steam locomotive. Let’s mentally turn our shoulders into wheels and begin the movements gradually, slowly, expanding the circle of movements. Breathe evenly, without effort.

4. Tilts left and right, hands at your sides. This exercise is performed standing. Try to reach your right foot with your right hand, and your left foot with your left. Of course, you won’t reach your foot, but you will achieve the desired effect - your spine will become more flexible. The essence of the exercise is that when the arms do not leave the body, the upper part of the spine bends. Tilts are performed 10 times in each direction. Exhale while bending, inhale when lifting. Exercises for the middle part of the spine.

Thoracic and lumbar regions.

1. Bend forward, as if trying to touch your stomach with your nose. The exercise is best done while sitting on a chair. We hold the seat with our hands and pull our head towards the stomach. Exhale while bending and inhale when raising your head. Straighten your back completely. 5-6 seconds for each movement, 10 movements in total. Then we bend back, as if trying to reach the buttocks with the back of our head.

2. Rotation of the spine. Back and head in one straight line. Turn your shoulders and head to the right all the way. When the shoulders have turned all the way, we make oscillatory movements, with a slight effort we try to grab the extra centimeters in each movement. 1-5 movements on one turn, then again. After this, we turn to the left and again do 15 movements twice. Do not hold your breath. 20 seconds per turn and 1 second per oscillatory movement.

Exercises for the lower spine. Lumbosacral region.

1. Performed while standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, fists on the kidney area, elbows behind as close as possible to each other. After the fists rest on the lower back, we begin to gradually lean back. First we tilt our head, then gradually our back. Imagine a scale. Your fists play the role of a central axis: your back and back are one bowl, your lower torso and legs are the second. We pull them towards each other in an arc. When you feel that it is impossible to bend further, begin the main exercise. Without straightening, we make oscillatory movements with the intention of grabbing extra centimeters - 2 times 15 movements. Do not hold your breath while turning, and do not bend your knees while bending. Now let's move on to more simple exercise.

2. Performed while sitting on the floor. Hands on knees, bending forward. We place our hands on the sides of our hips and begin to bend forward. When the spine won’t let you go any further, add force and grab a few more centimeters. The norm is to reach your knees with your nose, then try to touch the mat. Don't be alarmed if in the first days your nose stops at a great distance from your knees.

3. Bend backwards with arms raised. This movement is performed while standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Breathing is free. The load is designed for the entire spine. We raise our hands up. Lock your fingers and, without bending your knees, begin the movement. When the spine bends no further, we add force again.

4. Bend to the sides with raised arms. Performed while standing. Legs and shoulders on the same line, do as exercise 3, but to the right and left.

5. Feet shoulder width apart. Try to see the lateral surface of the foot from opposite side. Turn back - right, then left.

6. Now imagine that you are trying to look back and see your heels. For a better inspection, you can bend back a little. This is where we come to the beginning of the necessary movements. That is, when you turn back, start oscillating movements to see your right leg with outside and behind. Now try to see it by turning back from your left shoulder and without moving your legs. Goal: to increase the flexibility of movement of the spine around its axis. Attention - on the spine.

7. The exercise is performed while sitting on a mat. Legs spread apart. Maximum bends to the left, right leg, in the middle, while exhaling. Place your palms on your chest and try to reach your right knee with your right shoulder 10 times, then with your left shoulder - the left knee. Then forward, towards the floor - with both shoulders. The point of these movements is that during their execution the shoulders must be rotated as much as possible.

8. Now do the same exercise, just try to reach your toes with your shoulder.

1. Don't get ahead of things. In the first three to four days, do not make final conclusions about yourself, your capabilities and this technique.

2. Avoid being influenced by whiners.

3. Do not talk or be distracted during class.

4. It is unacceptable to perform classes mechanically, without meaning and purpose.

5. Don't overexert yourself. A sign of malfunction is a feeling of heaviness in the head.

6. Do not doze while doing work; drowsiness is unacceptable.

7. You can’t exercise when you’re tired and hungry.

8. Any excuses for your laziness and passivity are unacceptable.

The main prohibition is unlimited extension of the recovery time. A set of exercises to increase height by building up cartilage between the vertebrae of the spine and by irritating the tubular bones of the legs.

The complex is taken from the Carlos Home Page. According to the author of the site, these exercises were taken from a person who, systematically performing them, grew by 20 cm in 1.5 years! The only rule when performing it is regularity (at least once a day, normally - in the morning and evening, unless otherwise indicated).

Leg exercises.

1. Outdoor games (1-2 times a week for 2 hours, minimum 1 hour).

2. Various running (4 times a week, at least 3 km).

3. Jumping rope (4 times a week for 1-3 minutes). To avoid injury, it is advised to carefully increase the load. Exercises for the spine. The frequency of classes is 2 times a day, morning and evening every day. All exercises are performed with maximum amplitude and maximum speed.

4. Gymnastic stick behind the shoulders, feet wider than shoulder width (1.5 shoulder width). Side bends 25-50 times in each direction.

5. Starting position as in point 1. Maximum amplitude turns of the shoulder girdle (with a stick) 25-50 times in each direction.

6. Performed similarly to exercise 1, but sitting on a stool.

7. Performed similarly to exercise 2, but sitting on a stool.

8. Starting position: sitting on a low stool (0.5 the height of an ordinary stool). The hands are clasped behind the head, the elbows are spread along the shoulders. Touch your left knee with your right elbow and return to the starting position. Then touch your right knee with your left elbow. Perform 25-50 times in each direction.
Note: If after 50 repetitions there is average degree fatigue, then move on to 2 approaches. Additional recommendations. So, you have become familiar with two sets of exercises. They, of course, have the right to life. But... Nothing surprised you? These complexes do not include exercises on the horizontal bar.

Therefore, I will add a few more useful exercises.
1. Starting position: hanging on the bar, straight grip, hands together, legs should not reach the floor. Perform rotational movements, deviating from the vertical axis, clockwise, then counterclockwise. In this exercise, the hands and feet seem to remain in place, and the pelvis moves in a circle. Begin movements carefully. At first, the spine may crunch a little. Gradually increase the range of motion and speed of the exercise.

2. Quite a difficult exercise (especially for beginners and those with weak strength). Starting position: hanging on the bar upside down, legs straight. This exercise cannot be done without special equipment. I don't know if you can buy it somewhere, but with a little resourcefulness, you can do it yourself. I will only say that this device (it is said loudly) should be attached not to the foot, but to the bottom of the lower leg. And the exercise itself is performed similarly to the previous one, only upside down.

3. One more exercise. Swing your legs. Grab something reliable and strong with your left hand, and swing your right leg forward and backward with maximum amplitude and maximum acceleration so that you feel a rush of blood to your foot. Then change your leg and do it all over again. The supporting leg must be very stable.
Note. The crossbar must be high so that you need to jump to it.

Is it possible to heal vision without surgery? This issue is actively discussed among doctors and healers. Unique eye gymnastics according to Norbekov for restoring vision without surgery is based on a tandem of reflex action on certain points of the visual organs and a psychological attitude towards achieving results.

Norbekov’s method for restoring vision does not apply to traditional medicine, however, many patients have improved their vision thanks to regular performance of simple and accessible exercises. Let's consider the basic principles of the modern healer's technique.

An outstanding healer from the outskirts of Samarkand, Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov, was brought up in a large traditional Uzbek family. The boy loved painting and enjoyed doing it wall painting. While serving in the armed forces of the USSR, he received a severe injury, from which he recovered thanks to his own efforts and the right psychological attitude.

Since the beginning of the 90s, Norbekov, together with other devotees, among whom Larisa Fotina played a significant role, has begun to teach people the principles of self-healing, emphasizing the right lifestyle and spiritual self-improvement. In 1988, he became the head of the Moscow Institute of Human Self-Healing, and at the beginning of the 2000s his first printed publications were published.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich actively promotes his methodology, speaking on television and publishing articles in magazines. Since 2010, he has been president of the Center for Educational and Health Technologies, which has offices in many countries around the world.

The author of the method has many opponents who claim that the approach to healing is pseudoscientific, however, this does not harm Norbekov’s popularity. Thousands of people use the developed methods and get long-awaited results.

The technique echoes the research of the American researcher Bates, who developed a technique based on ancient Indian techniques and experience American Indians. The essence of the technique is to relax and rest the optic nerve using the absence of a light source.

Book “The Experience of a Fool or the Key to Insight”

The title of this work may seem harsh and overly critical, however, the author convincingly shows the danger of a frivolous attitude towards one’s own health. It is wiser to prevent the development of a disease than to eliminate its consequences later. Norbekov believes that human laziness and carelessness lead to many ailments that could simply not exist.

Note! To get a correct idea of ​​Norbekov’s technique, you need to familiarize yourself with his books.

The book has many critics and supporters. Critics cite the author's lack of medical education as an argument, while supporters claim the effectiveness of the technique. Norbekov’s method for restoring vision is a comprehensive approach to health, in which considerable attention is paid to physical exercise. Strengthening the will, fighting laziness is the key the right approach to the healing and prevention of various ailments. The author proposes to reconsider your attitude towards the usual and in many ways dangerous way of life.

The essence of the technique

Eye gymnastics according to Norbekov helps get rid of common ophthalmological problems - myopia and farsightedness. The human visual organs bear a huge load every day, getting tired from overexertion. The optic nerve, eye muscles and retina are affected. Constant load without rest leads to eye diseases.

Important! Norbekov’s simple and affordable eye exercise is an excellent preventive remedy for various ophthalmological problems.

Exercises help strengthen the eye muscle, improve blood circulation in the orbit, normalize (prevent glaucoma) and keep the lens in good shape. This is an excellent method for preventing cataracts and retinal detachment. However, it is not possible to cure irreversible eye pathologies using this method.

Norbekov’s method for restoring vision is divided into two parts: psychological and physiological. It is important to realize that without the right attitude towards self-healing, no exercises will help, and the attitude alone will not help without physical activity. Exactly the right combination Both approaches will guarantee success in gaining vigilance. You should not neglect studying the psychological part of the technique, since success in mastering physical exercises lies in it.

When performing exercises, it is unacceptable to give in to illness great importance. A person should perceive himself as healthy. This is the secret of psychological adjustment. If a person fights a disease, he is already losing. If a person is focused on strengthening and maintaining health, he is a winner.

The correct psychological attitude activates the subconscious, which regulates all physiological processes occurring in the body. If you instill in your subconscious your weak state, it will continue to support it. If you convince the subconscious of your health, it will keep the body in a state of tone.

For eye gymnastics according to Norbekov to be beneficial, you need to be in the right emotional state— optimistic. You need to feel that the world- This is a friendly, not aggressive environment. It is necessary to realize oneself as a part of the universe, and not as an object independent of natural processes. Posture is also important - a straight spine is the basis for the health of all organs of the body.

Correct posture creates an active muscle corset. It should not be surprising that the author also offers exercises for joints and muscles. At first glance, they do not belong to the visual organs. However, in fact, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can negatively affect visual acuity: constant pinching of nerves by muscles also affects vision.

First, the load is placed on the upper parts of the spine, then they move on to the lower parts. For execution strength exercises preliminary preparation not required: they can be mastered by a physically unprepared person. Important importance is attached to the correct breathing rhythm, the speed of exercises is selected according to individually. General principle:

  • inhale - muscle relaxation;
  • exhale - muscle tension.

The standard number of repetitions of one exercise is 10 times. The correct order of doing the exercises is very important: the arms are loaded first, then the legs. It is not recommended to swap exercises, since the technique is a solid structure and a single complex.

So, the basis of gymnastics:

  • correct posture;
  • correct worldview;
  • meditation, self-hypnosis;
  • trust in life;
  • doing exercises;
  • use of an ophthalmic chart.

The contact method of influencing reflex points should not be strong - a light touch is enough. A slightly painful sensation is acceptable, but not sharp pain. You should touch with your fingertips; rubbing is not allowed.

After charging for the eyes, you should activate special points on the face:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • near the wings of the nose;
  • interlabial fossa under the nose;
  • center of the chin;
  • both temples;
  • crown.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing the exercises; just 20 minutes a day is enough. As you can see, the path to health is not so difficult and energy-consuming.


Restoring vision using the Norbekov method has its contraindications. However, they apply to any treatment technique.

You cannot do:

  • pregnant women;
  • those suffering from epilepsy;
  • addicted to alcohol and drugs;
  • heart attack patients who have had a stroke;
  • mentally unstable patients.

The Norbekov method of improving vision does not deny the use of medications and medicinal complexes prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Gymnastics will help healing in any case.

Description of Norbekov gymnastics exercises

Ex. No. 1

Keep your head straight and relax your neck muscles. Raise your eyes up without moving your head and look at the highest point in space. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the feeling that you are “passing with your gaze” through the brow ridges and forehead.

Return your eyes to their original position - look ahead. Now lower your eyes down and feel that your gaze has passed through your throat: as if you were examining your own throat from the inside. Return your gaze to the starting point.

Ex. No. 2

Slowly turn your eyeballs, first towards one ear, then towards the other ear. In this case, there should be a feeling that you are looking through the ear or examining it from the inside. You cannot move your head or help with head movements - only your eyes work.

Ex. No. 3

The goal of the exercise is to draw geometric shapes with your eyes without moving your head. First, draw a diagonal line with your eyes: connect the lower right corner of the room with the upper left. Lower your eyes down and connect the lower left corner with the upper right corner with a line, lower your eyes down. You should get a schematic figure of a butterfly: two triangles with common point in the center. After completing the exercise, blink your eyes at a fast pace without tension.

Ex. No. 4

Draw an infinity sign (an inverted number 8) first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The head remains motionless. Then blink your eyes at a fast pace to relax.

Ex. No. 5

The purpose of this practice is to strengthen the oblique eye muscles. Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your own nose, then slowly move it into the distance. Looking in front of you, you need to try to see objects from the left and right sides with your peripheral vision - do not move your head and eyes. Do this 8 times in a row.

Ex. No. 6

Fix the ends index fingers left and right hand at the tip of the nose. Slowly spread your arms out to the sides, keeping both fingers in your attention. In this case it is involved peripheral vision. The right eye watches the movement of the finger of the right hand, the left eye watches the movement of the left hand. Do this 3 times.

Ex. No. 7

Imagine a watch dial in front of you and move your gaze from number to number, moving in a circle - first along the direction of the sun (to the right), then against the direction - to the left. Each time, increase the diameter of the imaginary dial. Then do the exercise, concentrating your gaze on the sky.

Norbekov's eye gymnastics of seven exercises is performed first with open eyes, then with closed eyelids, and finally - mentally.

Quick gymnastics

These exercises will help relax your eyes and relieve fatigue. Perform the following movements in sequence.

With eyes closed:

  • rotation of the eyeballs to the right and left - 10 times in each direction;
  • draw a triangle with your eyes, fixing your eyes in each corner for a few seconds;
  • imagine a rectangle in front of you and draw diagonals with your eyes - on one side and the other;
  • draw a circle with your eyes and fix your gaze on its center - repeat 10 times in each direction;
  • draw 10 infinity symbols to the right, and 10 signs to the left.

With open eyes:

  • point the light source at any object and examine it, then close your eyes with your hands - 10 times;
  • move your gaze from the tip of your nose into the distance and back - 10 times.

Exercising with a light source is important for strengthening the eye muscles. Alternating light and dark relieves stress and improves night vision.

Additional complex

Exercise with a stamp

Stick it on the window postage stamp just below eye level. Look through the window at a distant object, then look at the stamp. Repeat this for a while. The essence of the technique is to tense and relax the eye muscles, which helps strengthen them. To relieve tension, blink your eyes rapidly for a few seconds.


This exercise is based on an ancient method of eye treatment sunlight. Classes are held either at dawn or during sunset. It is forbidden to look at the bright disk of the sun at midday! The essence of the technique is to look at the sun without blinking until tears appear. First, the exercise is performed for a minute, after a week - two minutes, and so you need to increase the time of contemplation of the disk to ten minutes.

The second exercise is performed in the shade. Find a place under a tree and stand so that one half of your body is in the shade and the other is illuminated by the sun. Turn your head left and right so that both sides of your face are illuminated alternately. Execution time: 10 minutes.

Stand in a place illuminated by the sun, raise your head with closed eyelids towards the luminary. Then rotate your torso and head left and right, lifting your heels.

Stand in the sun's rays. Without lowering your eyelids, cover one eye with your palm and lower your head. Twist your torso, looking at the ground and blinking quickly with both eyes. Then repeat the same thing, but raising your head towards the luminary.

Bottom line

We live in a world of information capabilities, processing a huge amount of information every day. Most of the information is absorbed by the visual organs, which suffer from excessive load. Eye lenses and glasses are a characteristic sign of the times, which indicates the weakening of the visual function of a modern person.

Restore your vision with help simple exercises, helping the eyes cope with the enormous load is the path to healing and self-healing. It is this path that Norbekov’s gymnastics offers for the eyes. Skillful interweaving of oriental techniques with modern technologies, a positive inner attitude towards victory - this is the uniqueness of the Uzbek healer’s method.

To overcome an illness, you cannot consider yourself defeated, weak and unhappy. Internal spiritual renewal, eradication of the loser complex - side effects from applying the described method. A person becomes different, looks at the world differently, feels part of the common universe.

Many consider Norbekov’s technique borrowed from other authors and a reworking of ancient practices. However, what makes gymnastics unique is precisely the right combination of exercises, the developed technique “from simple to complex,” and a proven set of exercises.

A special feature of the approach is Sufi teaching, which is part of the methodology. This is precisely what gives opponents a reason to call Norbekov’s teaching sectarian—people’s worldview is changing.