Overall dimensions of the split system. The size of the air conditioner is the indoor unit of a wall-mounted split system. Examples of finished sizes

The indoor unit of the air conditioner is part of the split system located indoors. With its help, the air in the room is heated or cooled, which helps create the most comfortable temperature conditions for people. This module has many varieties and can be installed in any convenient location. Installation work is quite simple, so even a person without experience can easily cope with this task.

General information

Before you choose optimal view and the dimensions of the internal unit of the split system, it is necessary to study its structure and operating principle in detail. This information will help you choose the most effective option, which fits perfectly into the interior of the room and takes up a minimum of free space.

Is it worth disassembling the indoor unit to service the air conditioner?

Indoor unit design

The indoor air conditioner module is technically classified as complex structures. It includes a large number of main elements and several additional details. At correct assembly this makes it possible to obtain an effective device that will maintain the specified temperature conditions in the room.

Structural elements that make up the internal module of the split system:

Disassembling the indoor unit of the air conditioner for cleaning

Operating principle and additional functions

The split system unit does not differ in the complexity of its operation. It can be easily understood not only by a highly qualified specialist, but also by a person who is considering it for the first time. The operation of the device is possible thanks to the refrigerant. It is a liquid gas (freon) that helps cool hot air to the desired temperature.

The device operates according to the following principle:

In addition, the components of an air conditioner, the main module of which is located indoors, may contain several auxiliary electronic devices, making it easier to manage and adding new features. Among them the following stand out:

  • a self-diagnosis sensor that allows you to detect some malfunctions and warn the device owner about them;
  • function of controlling the device from a smartphone;
  • devices supporting automatic operation device in a given mode;
  • liquid crystal display, which displays all information about the operation of the unit.

Installation of the indoor unit Daikin air conditioner FTXB25C/RXB25C

Types of modules

Air conditioner manufacturers produce a large number of different variations of indoor modules. This helps consumers choose the most convenient option, which is ideal for a specific room.

All modules differ from each other not only in the installation method, size, but also in the presence or absence of certain characteristics. This helps to choose the optimal dimensions of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, as well as the mounting method.

Wall option

This type of split system module is considered the most common. It gained its popularity due to a large number of advantages compared to other designs. The wall block is installed indoors and serves as a fence warm air, as well as chilled transmission. An external module, which is located outside, is connected to it using wires and special tubes.

The wall design has only one significant drawback - complexity installation work. Their implementation requires not only special equipment, but also highly qualified workers. However, this negative side wall block compensated by a sufficient number of advantages. Among them the following stand out:

  • compact dimensions, which allows you to install modules even in the smallest rooms;
  • low noise level emitted during operation;
  • a large number of various functions, which are typical for almost all device models;
  • the ability to rationally fit the block into the interior of the room.

Cassette type

Home distinctive feature This type of split system modules is the ability to attach the unit to the ceiling and hide it in suspended structure. This helps not only to save everything free space premises, but also ideally fit the device into the interior.

Internal modules cassette type are considered the most effective. They evenly distribute air flow throughout the room and help create comfortable temperature conditions as quickly as possible.

Other advantages of this design are:

  • the ability to control using a special wall or remote control;
  • inconspicuousness in the room (visitors will only see decorative panel built-in indoor unit);
  • correct distribution of warm air flows;
  • high power, which makes it possible to cool air in large rooms.

Thanks to the last advantage, cassette devices are used to maintain the desired temperature in large offices, restaurants, shops and trading floors. These devices are perfect for rooms separated by partitions, where it is not possible to install other types of units.

Despite the large number positive points, cassette modules also have disadvantages. They must be taken into account before purchasing a device and starting to use it. Otherwise, you may encounter various difficulties that will complicate the installation and operation of the air conditioner. The disadvantages are considered:

  • the need to install a suspended ceiling;
  • the difficulty of installing a hidden unit in a pre-installed suspended structure.

Floor-ceiling design

This is another fairly common version of the device. The indoor module can be installed horizontally (on the ceiling) or vertically (on the wall near the floor). This design is used in all cases where there is no suspended ceiling in the room, and the power wall air conditioner not enough.

The floor-ceiling module of the split system has a number of positive characteristics, thanks to which it is very popular among owners of large retail premises and offices. The main advantages are:

  • high performance indicators;
  • the ability to cool air in rooms of complex configuration (elongated, round, shaped);
  • uniform distribution of air flows over the entire area;
  • no direct contact of cold flow on people.

The floor-ceiling design also has several disadvantages. Because of them, not every owner of the premises will choose this device. Among the most significant are the following:

  • high cost of the module;
  • high cost of installation work;
  • large size air conditioner.

Disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner.

Duct products

They are intended only for complex air conditioning of offices, apartments and entire buildings. All internal units are completely hidden in the attic or behind suspended ceiling. Only visible ventilation grille and anemostats (devices used to regulate air flow and pressure in complex system).

Channel type design requires equipment additional system air ducts Typically, these elements are made from flexible materials and hide behind the ceiling. Using special tubes, they are connected to an external module, which is located outside.

The main advantages of channel devices:

  • lack of visibility of the internal module and most structural parts;
  • transferability fresh air through the air duct system into the room;
  • the ability to reduce the temperature in several rooms at once.

Duct air conditioners are very difficult to install, so this process can take a long time. In addition, the cost of installation work is quite high. Other disadvantages include uneven cooling different rooms buildings, difficulty maintaining set temperature, as well as the need for space to accommodate all elements and the module.

What to do if the air conditioner is dripping? First of all, you need to get to the drainage.

Column apparatus

Air conditioners of this type are used to maintain temperature in rooms where a fairly powerful flow of cold air is needed (museums, theaters, restaurants). Their internal unit is the size of a refrigerator and is installed in a place inaccessible to people. The module curtains can move in different planes, which allows you to precisely adjust the direction of air flow.

​The main advantage of this device model is its large cooling capacity. Besides, installed equipment is in separate room and does not disturb the decoration of the ceilings and walls of the room.

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • heavy weight of the indoor unit;
  • significant dimensions compared to other models;
  • a strong flow of cold air created near the module.

Mobile equipment

This option is used only in cases where it is not possible to install any other type of air conditioner. The mobile device is a block that contains all the structural components. It should be located in a room where the desired air temperature will be maintained. The advantages of such a device are ease of installation and the possibility of frequent transportation or movement from one room to another.

Disadvantages of mobile installations:

  • heavy weight;
  • low productivity;
  • high price;
  • inconvenience due to condensate drainage;
  • the need to remove the air duct outside the room;
  • high noise level.

Euro Air Conditioner - What types of air conditioners are there?

The indoor air conditioner module is the most important element design that allows you to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the room. At making the right choice model and following all installation rules, you can quickly cool the air in the room and avoid any problems with the operation of the device.

The introduction of new technological solutions in household equipment often runs counter to practical expediency. Example climate control technology most indicative in this sense. So, recently the market has been actively filling up with products intended for indoor use. The features of such systems include the complete elimination of dirty installation operations, which attracts a considerable audience of consumers. But despite all the ease of installation and further maintenance, such models are not able to approach the performance characteristics provided by the external air conditioner unit as part of a split system. Another thing is that owners of outdoor installations also have to deal with troublesome tasks, but of a different kind.

What is an external unit?

The outer segment, which is part of the split system complex, includes a condenser, valve decoupling, pipes, filter driers and a fan. Depending on the modification and design, the internal “filling” may change, but a traditional air conditioner kit with a remote unit has exactly this set of elements. By the way, the most noticeable differences are observed in the so-called winter systems, which provide special controllers for controlling the fan. Modern air conditioners also use multifunctional power switching relays. Such devices are designed for non-standard operation of the compressor under conditions of high or low temperatures. Unlike the internal segment, outdoor unit does not have electronic modules - its operation is completely subordinated to the mechanical function.

Block Dimensions

The outdoor unit is presented on the market in different configurations and forms. And although manufacturers strive to unify model lines in order to simplify segmentation, the choice of standard sizes is still quite wide. If we talk about average parameters, it is 770 mm wide, 450 mm high and 245 mm thick. In this case, the radius of the fan varies on average from 200 to 250 mm. Of course, there are also units whose dimensions deviate from these indicators. Thus, the Mitsubishi line includes an external air conditioner unit of almost square shape, which is 880 mm wide and 840 mm high. As for the parameters of the internal segment, they are not so impressive. Usually these are long narrow modules of medium size - 700 x 200 x 200 mm.

Selecting a location for installing the unit

Usually, when choosing the optimal point for installing air conditioners outside, users are faced with the problem of combining ease of use and protection of the module. For example, the location of the block at height is the best option from the point of view of its safety, but in this case, access to the air conditioner for maintenance purposes becomes more difficult. A good solution would be to place the module on the wall near a window opening or loggia. In this case, other nuances must be taken into account, including the absence of direct rays of the sun and permission for installation from neighbors, since a noisy unit can cause inconvenience to people living on the same level of the building.

In addition, it produces condensation, which will flow down in drops. Accordingly, you will have to negotiate with neighbors on the lower floors. If the installation location of the unit is successfully agreed upon with other residents, you can begin direct installation operations. By the way, another condition for installing an outdoor unit is the possibility of laying communications in the wall.

Installation of the external air conditioner unit

When installing air conditioners, special installation kits are used, which include pipes with flex, brackets with sets of fixing hardware, drainage communications, etc. The physical installation of the segment is carried out using load-bearing components, which are embedded in the walls using anchor elements. At the same stage, brackets are used, the power potential of which is oriented towards the mass of a particular module. Also, the installation of an external air conditioner unit provides for its communication connection with the internal segment. To do this, a hole of the required diameter is made in the wall, which will allow organizing, in addition to the main wiring, also a gasket vacuum pump and manifold. At the final stage, communications are directly connected between the two blocks.

Features of installing the indoor unit

When installing the evaporative unit, that is, the internal module of the air conditioning system, it is especially important to maintain the correct position of the unit. Typically this block is mounted directly under the ceiling surface with a slight indentation. Mechanical fixation is also carried out using suitable brackets. True, in this case the mass of the equipment is not so great, which simplifies the work process. After marking, the master installs anchor elements and, if necessary, attaches supporting profiles. Next, the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed with strict adherence to the horizontal position. Also, according to the instructions, some models of such segments should have a slight slope towards the passage of drainage.

Maintenance and care

In standard operating mode, every six months the air conditioner should be subjected to service. Most of the work is done with the external unit, which is most susceptible to contamination. Specialists usually check the condition of the filters, the refrigerant level, the operating pressure of the module route, etc. The most difficult operation is replacing the working fluid. The refrigerant is a chemically unsafe substance, so it is better to trust its refilling experienced craftsmen. But caring for the remaining components is quite accessible to ordinary users. For example, the answer to the question of how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner is quite simple. First of all, it should be disassembled, after which, using a rag or vacuum cleaner, remove internal surfaces module from dust and dirt deposits. In the process of such maintenance, external filters and heat exchange radiators are cleaned, which extends the service life of the air conditioner.

External unit in multi-systems

The concept of the technical implementation of a split system provides for the possibility of using several indoor modules in one complex, which are serviced by one outdoor unit. Unlike standard configurations, the external module of such a system has engineering differences. For integration into a multi-system, it is equipped with an additional thermostat, which allows you to more effectively control the fan and compressor settings. In turn, the indoor unit of the air conditioner acts as a source of information signals that determine the control of the outdoor module. That is, the user uses a remote control to access the panel of the indoor unit, which, in turn, regulates the bypass communications system on the freon line via a digital channel.

Question of price

In modern modifications, split-system type air conditioners are not cheap, which is largely due to the complexity of the design. Even in the entry-level segment, the cost of an air conditioner with a remote unit is rarely less than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, you can also find options for 15 thousand rubles. from little-known brands, but their quality raises doubts both among specialists and among users themselves, who often complain about problems.

Decent quality models are offered by Fujitsu, Daikin, Mitsubishi, etc. The average cost of an air conditioner from the range of these companies varies in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the most technologically advanced and productive kits can be valued at 70-80 thousand rubles.


The use of air conditioners with a design that requires the installation of a remote unit causes many problems during installation and further maintenance. And this does not take into account the difficulties in transporting equipment. These factors allow us to speak of such units as obsolete. Especially against the backdrop of the proliferation of mobile devices of modest size. However, the external air conditioner unit remains relevant in the market. This is explained by its high performance, functionality and safety during operation, since the main operating units are located outside the living space. And if for household use you can find a low-power replacement for a split system in the form of a monoblock, then in the context of maintenance office premises, public buildings and institutions, multifunctional complexes still have no equal.

Often, during renovations, many people think about installing a split system and plan the design of rooms to fit the size of the air conditioner. Indoor unit of this device it is necessary to place it in such a way that it is not only correctly positioned, but also looks most harmonious in the intended interior.

The purchase and selection of the air conditioner itself is often planned closer to the end of the repair, and the “power” needs to be supplied now. So, this article was written for such cases. In it we will look in detail at what distances need to be taken into account for subsequent installation, and we will identify the most universal sizes of indoor units (wall-mounted household appliances).

First, we would like to immediately warn you that there are “non-standard” models of air conditioners that may have unique sizes and characteristics. And therefore this article should not be taken as 100% universal.

Air conditioner size. Split system indoor unit

More often living rooms have a small area (up to 25 sq. m.) For such rooms, air conditioners up to 2.7 kW are suitable (not to be confused with power consumption) - they are usually called "sevens" or "nines". As a rule, “sevens” and “nines” (of the same model) have the same dimensions, as well as the same diameter of the tubes. Therefore, further we will take into account the same dimensions and characteristics of the considered standard sizes.

Overall dimensions of the indoor unit, which interest us primarily

  • block length. Most standard length internal blocks 700-800 mm. Slightly less common are up to 900 mm. By personal experience it is best to take into account average length 770 mm.
  • block height. Most often these dimensions lie in the range of 250-290 mm. For planning, we will take into account 270 mm.

We are not very interested in depth (170-240 mm). Thus, we have identified the average size of the indoor unit 770 x 270 mm.

Distances from walls and ceiling

  1. Air conditioners “on/off”. We route the cable in such a way that it is subsequently located under the indoor unit ( 300 mm to the left. and below by 100 mm. from the center of the block).
  2. Most

Termomir technical consultants will tell you the dimensions of the indoor unit of the air conditioner and help you choose the right model.

Air conditioning is the most effective method ensure a pleasant indoor climate in summer and even in winter. The most popular and widespread types of air conditioners are split systems. They are the most quiet air conditioners, consist of an outdoor unit and a wall-mounted indoor unit installed in the room. Installation of the outdoor unit is allowed both on the facade of the building and on the loggia/balcony or on the roof.

Available for sale wide choose air conditioners best brands and brands from manufacturing companies from Japan, Korea, China and Europe wholesale and retail at low prices from a warehouse in Moscow. The most affordable air conditioners are Chinese split systems, while Japanese and Korean ones are reliable and of high quality. Discounted air conditioners are on sale from official dealers with a guarantee. We offer delivery and professional installation of air conditioners, incl. free.

Good and inexpensive split systems are presented on this page and in the menu of the official Termomir website. Prepare power calculations, suggest prices and TOP ratings best air conditioners in terms of reliability and quality, our technical specialists will help you choose and order an air conditioner.

The Split-S online store offers a large catalog of modern climate control equipment from leading manufacturers: Ballu, Carrier, Daikin, Dantex, General Climate, General, Fujitsu, Gree, Hitachi, LG, Midea, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy, Panasonic, Samsung, Toshiba and many others.

These are convenient and easy-to-use devices necessary to maintain the desired temperature in the room. The main advantages of such equipment:

  • compactness and small sizes;
  • wide range of functions;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation and management;
  • different selection power;
  • large offer of shapes and designs.

Types and types of household air conditioners

Such climate control devices are installed in Not large apartments, country houses and small offices. Based on the number of blocks, monoblock models and split systems are divided. If to external unit several connected internal devices, then these are multi split systems.

  • Split systems are air conditioners consisting of two units - an external and an internal unit. Internal, usually wall-mounted, mounted indoors. The external one is placed outside. A connecting route of freon pipes is laid between the blocks and electrical connections. Household split systems are widely used for use in apartments, offices, cottages, small houses.
  • Multi split systems are household air conditioners that consist of several indoor units and one outdoor unit. Internal ones are installed in different rooms, so that each of them can set its own temperature and other climate control parameters. Multi split systems are installed in large apartments or private houses and offices. One outdoor unit is installed outdoors.

How to choose the best household air conditioner?

Before purchasing climate control equipment, it is important to pay attention to the size of the room, the place where the indoor unit will be located, and what additional functions necessary.