How to hide an air conditioner in a closet. Air conditioning in the interior (21 photos): placement and design in the apartment. The principles of the device of the indoor unit in a residential area

A stylish apartment implies a thoughtful interior. However, due to its bulkiness, the air conditioner takes up a lot of space and attracts attention. The split system disguised with improvised means will work less efficiently, since it will have blocked access to air flows, and may eventually fail.

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Therefore, if you decide to hide the air conditioner, then you should know two basic requirements for its installation:

  • the air flow should not meet obstacles in its path;
  • the air should not be directed directly at people (tables, beds and sofas).

There are several practical ways in which a split wall system will become an organic design element in any room without harm to the appliance itself.

Colored split systems

The air conditioner can harmoniously complement the interior, if you choose the right color of its body - to match the wall on which it will be installed. Thanks to visual fusion, the device will not contradict other objects of different shades, but will look organic within the overall picture of the room.

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Most modern interiors involve bold color schemes - bright lemon, orange and lilac tones, so finding an air conditioner that matches the color is difficult. You can use self-adhesive tape and glue it over the surface of the device - in this case, you can also save on buying a colored air conditioner, which costs much more than standard white.

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If you choose a white air conditioner, the easiest way is to hide it on a white wall. White is always in fashion and creates a sense of space and cleanliness in the interior.

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Plasterboard structures

The air conditioner can be installed in a plasterboard structural element of the room along with wiring, lighting fixtures and other problematic elements. The design allows you to make several outlets that will direct air to different zones of the room - for this, corrugated air ducts are used that diverge from the main body of the split system. This will allow the air flow to circulate evenly throughout the room. The device can be installed in a specific part of the room in a separate plasterboard box or directly into the ceiling structure.

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Blockages periodically occur in air ducts and air conditioners, therefore, when building the device into a plasterboard structure, it is necessary to think over a hatch or exit so that, if necessary, you have free access to the system for cleaning.


A niche is not only a decorative element of decor and an interesting design solution, but also allows you to place the necessary technical elements and air conditioning in it. In a niche, you can create a separate place only for the split system, or hide it there completely. Make sure the niche is well ventilated.

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Cassette and channel models

Cassette and duct air conditioners are distinguished by their compactness and the fact that they are mounted under the ceiling. The visible part of such a model is usually hidden under the blinds.

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Furniture facades

If the air conditioner is to be installed in a small room, you can hide it in the front of a cabinet under the ceiling or a built-in wardrobe. It is necessary to install a ventilation grill in the cabinet door to open a free passage for air. In the kitchen, the split system can be built above the cupboard or above the refrigerator - like any other household appliance. In all cases, the air conditioner must be installed under the ceiling, as cold air goes down and warm air goes up.

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In bedrooms, living rooms and cabinets for air conditioning, you can select the upper block of modular furniture or one of the wall shelves. This way you can completely or partially hide the split system. In the first version, the air conditioner will be completely hidden in the furniture, but at the same time you will have free access to it at any time. The second option allows you to make the air conditioner an integral part of the overall decor.

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Space above shelving and cabinets

If the room has low cabinets, the free space under the ceiling can be used for the air conditioner. Thus, the space will be used wisely, and the room will not be overloaded with furniture elements.

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Partitions between rooms

The air conditioner can be installed in a room, which is combined with an adjacent room by means of a partition. Split systems can be built into thin walls between living room and kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, living room and kitchen, cooling the rooms when directed to different areas.

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Modern models

Modern air conditioners can have an aesthetically pleasing design that will look elegant on the wall in a high-tech interior. Flat models do not cause any inconvenience and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

If it is rather difficult to disguise your air conditioner, you can choose a model in the same color as the floor, furniture or curtains. In this way, a single ensemble is created that will not damage the overall impression.

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Some manufacturers offer decorated air conditioners. The split system has a thin profile and is designed as a picture frame or mirror. You can print any poster and place it under the glass of the device. Such an air conditioner will be a smart solution as an additional element of interior design and a functional device. And you don't need to hide anything.

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Air conditioner above the door, window

When placing the air conditioner, you can use the free space above a window or doorway.

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Drawing board

The oversized device can be hung on the wall without compromising the appearance of the room by covering it with a chalk board. This is the most advantageous option for children's rooms and living rooms.

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If the split system was installed on a windowsill or on a wall, curtains will close it. The particular advantage of this option is in a wide range of shapes and colors for any interior.

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- a piece of household appliances that will monitor the maintenance of your comfortable condition at any time of the year. However, this irreplaceable thing cannot always harmoniously fit into the chosen one. Correctly selected equipment and its location can both decorate your interior and ruin it hopelessly. Several hundred air conditioners are being installed every day in the city of Sochi, so this problem occupies a special place in our city and affects many. We will dispel your doubts and offer the most relevant options for masking air conditioners and make your apartment thoughtful and stylish.
But first you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of installing indoor air conditioner units in an apartment. They will help us in the future.

The principles of the device of the indoor unit in a residential area:

  • the minimum gap between the indoor and outdoor unit will create the conditions for perfect system operation and the least energy loss.
  • in front of the indoor unit of the split system there should be no obstacles that impede the flow of cold air, and it should not be aimed at people and sleeping places, otherwise it takes the form of an artificial draft.
  • the indoor unit must not be installed near heating radiators.
  • when carrying out installation work, you should ensure that the air conditioner maintains harmony and does not violate the main idea of ​​the interior in any way.

8 ideas on how to disguise an air conditioner.

Now you can go directly to the most interesting. We have collected for you 8 most popular ideas on how to disguise, hide, decorate this bulky technique.

  • In plasterboard structures.

Split systems of various types can be easily and conveniently placed in plasterboard structures. The air conditioner can easily be inserted into the existing plasterboard structure, the main thing is to provide for air access in advance. It is allowed to use corrugated air ducts, which will allow air flows to move evenly throughout the room. The indoor unit can be installed in an individual box or in a ceiling system.

  • In the facades of furniture.

In small rooms, hiding technical devices immediately becomes a topic of discussion. Therefore, it is important to devote enough time to such a question, how can you still install the indoor unit so that it not only does not take up extra square meters, but also does not spoil the visual perception of the room.

One of these techniques is an air conditioner hidden in the front of the closet or in the built-in wardrobe. To do this, it is necessary to install a grill in the door that will allow the unobstructed passage of air. In the kitchen, the split system can be placed above the cupboard or above the refrigerator.

  • In niches.

If your apartment has niches that match the dimensions of your split system, then this can serve as an excellent place for your equipment. You can also make a recess in the wall yourself, adjusting the dimensions to the dimensions of the air conditioner and close the niche with a decorative curtain. Be sure to make sure the niche is well ventilated.

  • In the area above the shelves and cabinets.

As a result of mounting a small cabinet and shelving, there is often a lot of unoccupied ceiling space that can be used to position the air conditioner. This method is very useful, because it will help you to exploit the free space by 100%.

  • In hanging furniture and modular furniture.

You can partially divert attention from the air conditioner in an absolutely simple way, by freeing one of the wall shelves for it, or the upper part of the modular furniture, which will allow you to hide it, but always be in the access zone.

  • Colored conditioners.

One of the options may be to select the air conditioner body in the color of the wall on which it will be located, thereby attracting less attention. This visual fusion will support the main idea in the room. Even if you could not find your exact color, you can always use a self-adhesive film made to order, up to applying a certain pattern to the body. The main thing is that we achieve our goal and our air conditioner organically fit into our interior.

  • Wall-mounted air conditioners as a decorative element.

Currently, home appliances developers offer a large selection of split systems to the consumer, various configurations and attractive designs. An air conditioner can become, in some way, a feature and a highlight of the interior. There are air conditioners that look like paintings, mirrors. You can insert any image you like into them. Such a device does not need to be hidden. Its price will be more expensive, but beauty still requires sacrifices!

  • Duct and cassette air conditioners.

The duct air conditioner is hardly noticeable in the room, therefore it can be used in different interior styles. The equipment is located in a separate room. A false ceiling is being constructed, which will hide the air duct leading to the utility room. One such system is capable of serving several rooms at once. These air conditioners are often used in public areas. But the happy owners of apartments with a large square area can safely install them at home.

We hope that our advice will be useful for you and that you can easily cope with such a sensitive issue as the installation and harmonious placement of your split systems. Specialists of the Sea of ​​Ideas design studio will always come to your aid and advise on any issues arising in the design and repair. Stay with us!

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At the beginning of the XXI century, in order to demonstrate the level of their wealth, everyone paraded new appliances for the kitchen or living room. Time has passed, tastes and trends in the fashion of interior design have changed. It has become necessary to hide the new modern equipment so that both functionality is preserved and the overall interior is not cluttered. Today would like to tell you, how to disguise the air conditioner in the interior, give you ideas and photo examples.

Quite often, an air conditioner is a bulky design, which very quickly catches the eye, spoiling the seemingly perfect interior of the room. How to make air conditioner in the interior was less noticeable?

3 idea to hide the conditioner in the room. You can talk about the advantage of drywall structures for a long time. For an air conditioner, this is also a perfectly acceptable option. In addition, you can organize several air outlets from the main building at once.

4 idea- buy a colored air conditioner. In stores you can find many split systems in various shapes and shades, therefore choose an air conditioner for the interior will not be difficult.

5 idea- emphasize attention on the air conditioner. You can't hide it, so let's pay attention to it, let it become the main objects in the room.

Conclusion: How to disguise an air conditioner in the interior: 5 ideas and 20 PHOTO examples that will definitely help you in organizing space and creating a comfortable, cozy and, most importantly, beautiful home.

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At the beginning of the 21st century, it was customary to flaunt all the latest household appliances in kitchens and living rooms, especially when these items were of some attractive design. Perhaps they did this in order to demonstrate the level of wealth, or they simply did not know how to properly disguise the technique. Time passed, and with it dubious traditions disappeared into oblivion, which were replaced by new ways to hide all equipment and make the interior more practical and functional.

Today it is quite difficult to surprise with a flat monitor located in a niche or sliding out of a chest of drawers, and large household appliances are easily integrated into an array of kitchen furniture. Nevertheless, we will not talk about them, but about the methods of imperceptible introduction of a home air conditioner into the interior.

How to make an air conditioner a part of the interior?

Hiding the air conditioning system is one of the urgent tasks when designing a living space. Among the proposed options, you can choose the most suitable method for your case.

In plasterboard structures

The advantages of gypsum plasterboard structural elements of the room, among other things, are that in their case it is very convenient and easy to hide not only the wiring, lighting fixtures and problem areas, but also the air conditioner.

At the same time, it is possible to organize several exits at once, directed to different zones of the room, using corrugated air ducts diverging from the main body of the device. This will allow the air to be conditioned at a uniform rate throughout the room.


The air conditioner can be easily installed in the ceiling structure or in a separate plasterboard box in a specific part of the room.

For the sake of uninterrupted operation of the device, it is imperative to provide for something like a hatch or an exit, so that, if necessary, you can clean the blockages that periodically appear in the air conditioner and air ducts.

In furniture facades

When it becomes necessary to install an air conditioner in a small room, where every square meter is counted, the question of how to hide technical devices arises instantly. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about how to remove the air conditioner so that it not only does not take up extra space, but also does not depress the visual perception of the room.

Try the following effective trick: hide the air conditioner in the front of the built-in wardrobe or in the cabinets under the ceiling. To do this, you just need to mount a ventilation grill in the door, which will not block the free flow of cool air flow.


It is possible to build into kitchen furniture not only household appliances, but also an air conditioner, for example, above a refrigerator or a pencil case.

It is known that warm air always goes up, and cold air always goes down. Therefore, air conditioners should be installed at the top of the room.


In niches

A niche as a structural element can serve you not only as an interesting design solution and a decorative component of the interior, but also for placing various objects and technical equipment in its cavity, including an air conditioner. It may not be completely hidden, but it will definitely occupy a strictly allotted place for it.


Air ducts in interior partitions

Useful information for those who are going to install an air conditioner in a room combined with a partition wall. Using the already mentioned air ducts, built into the thin wall between the bedroom and the bathroom, the living room and the corridor, the kitchen and the living room, you can make the air conditioner cool the room, being directed to different areas of the room, and at the same time, be completely aesthetic.

In the area above the shelves and cabinets

The empty space under the ceiling, so often formed in a room as a result of installing a low cabinet, can be set aside for an air conditioner. This method is very rational, because it allows you to use the space wisely, visually not overloading it.

You can use this method if, for example, the ceilings of your apartment are high enough, and shelves, cabinets and hanging sections are at some distance under them.

In modular and hanging furniture

It is possible to completely or only partially hide the air conditioner in a completely artless way, highlighting for its placement one of the wall decorative shelves, as well as the upper blocks of modular furniture in the living room, bedroom, office.

The first option will divert attention somewhat from the body of the device, presenting it as an integral part of the decor or even the entire interior as a whole.

The second option will help to completely hide the air conditioner in the furniture, but still, providing free access to it at any time.



Colored conditioners

Even if there are no niches, shelves and roomy furniture in the room, the air conditioner will easily take root in the existing interior if the color of its body matches the tone of the wall on which the device is installed. Such a visual fusion will maintain harmony in the room and will not contradict other objects of other shades.

Advice: It so happens that as a result of a long search for an air conditioner, say, lemon-colored, you return home empty-handed. In this case, you should not be upset, because you can always use a self-adhesive film or custom-made arakal. All you need to do is apply a colored blank to all surfaces of the conditioner.


Wall-mounted air conditioners as an element of decor

Nowadays, many famous manufacturers of large and small household appliances for the home can offer newly developed new air conditioning devices, expressed in an elegant design. If you are a dedicated fan of technical innovations, the aesthetic qualities of flat-panel air conditioners are sure to be appreciated by you.


We sincerely hope that our tips will be useful and convenient for you in a new or familiar home interior. Stay with us!

Summer has come and pleasant heat has entered our homes, but the pleasure from the heat at some point disappears and then people are saved by good old air conditioners.

At the moment, home split systems are no longer a rarity and can be found in most apartments and houses. However, it is not uncommon for these devices to look bad in the interior - like a bulky box, cutting eyes and destroying the image of the entire interior. Today we will see how you can solve this problem, hide the air conditioner or make it part of your interior design.

We will not delve into the nuances of installing these devices, we note only two most important rules, from which one must never deviate:

There should be no obstacles in the path of the air flow;

The air flow from the air conditioner must not be directed to places where people are static (sofas, beds and tables)

Most often, the indoor units of air conditioners are made of white PVC. Therefore, you can place it on a white wall. Considering that white walls are in trend right now, this would be a completely reasonable and simple solution.

Do not forget about ducted air conditioners, which have been gaining popularity among homeowners for more than one year. Their main advantage is that such systems can ideally fit into almost any interior solution. Such solutions look especially good in small rooms.

If you need to install split systems in an apartment with a ready-made renovation, then there are a number of tricks on how to make it less noticeable.

Today in stores you can find many stylish air conditioners of various configurations and various colors and textures. It remains only to decide and choose the appropriate option.

Try placing the air conditioner in the center of a door or equestrian opening, or creating some kind of composition in which the block will be used as part of it.

You can go the other way - concentrate all your attention on the air conditioner, as if it were the main character in your interior.

Air conditioners with decorated blocks look unusual and bright, orders for which are accepted by many workshops, however, it is more pleasant and more interesting to do this with your own hands, placing a selected print on the block or applying an author's drawing to it. In this case, the air conditioner becomes not only the central part of the interior, but also your pride.

A good option would be to hide the device in a niche, furniture cases, or to beat it with shelves. But be careful, be sure to take an interest in the technical requirements for the lateral clearances on the device.

Also, sometimes the device is placed in a drywall niche, this allows you to make the overall unit less weighty and remove the emphasis from it.

Various types of air conditioners can be mounted on the ceiling, by the window, under the windowsill or at the floor level, since the choice of these systems is truly great today.

We hope that this information will certainly help you. We wish you success with the renovation and furnishing of your home! We will be grateful for the likes on social networks, and of course subscribe - there will be many more interesting things.