Extracurricular activity in high school. Class hour on the topic: Clever guys and smart girls (educational and entertaining event for younger schoolchildren)

School is a second home... How often do we repeat these words, which have long become familiar to our ears. Indeed, the educational institution where a child comes from his home becomes a continuation of life in its entirety. For some, this period lasts exactly eleven years, for others, the school remains their home throughout their lives. If a school manages to occupy such an important place in the fate of its student, it means that the teachers managed to create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and comfort for the student, which means that everyone felt good and comfortable within the walls of the temple of science.

How to achieve this? No one can give you a recipe that guarantees success one hundred percent. But among the recommendations and advice, teachers will probably hear the word “holiday”.

It is believed that a child with early age immersed in an atmosphere of joy, he grows up to be more resistant to many unexpected situations, he is less susceptible to stress and disappointment. The importance of positive emotions for a person is great. Doctors and teachers have long equated fun, a happy smile and a person’s physical health. This is why holidays and entertainment are so important for children. That is why adults, preparing for each school event, think about how to skillfully, thoughtfully and carefully organize it, how to fill it with the content necessary for the child’s development.

This manual contains scenarios for various festive events for elementary school students and school-wide celebrations for elementary schools. Gaming and competitive programs, theatrical performances, literary and musical compositions, scripts for performances by propaganda teams and KVN teams, holidays of health and science - this is the range offered to the attention of the teacher-organizer and class teacher marathon of ideas and proposals.

A good, smart holiday is an event in a child’s life that should be remembered for its surprise, unusualness, give joy, and evoke vivid emotional experiences. Among the plain of school everyday life, holidays should become shining peaks, alluring and at the same time requiring certain efforts to climb them. The scenarios proposed in the manual assume the joint participation of teachers and students in their implementation. This is very important point organization of leisure activities. By involving children in preparing the holiday, the teacher teaches them to take seriously the events of the collective life of the class and school. The participation of teachers in joint work with students allows the adult to be closer to the interests, preferences and desires of the child, and to take them into account when preparing and conducting the school holiday program.

Scenarios for these events have been tested in practice. However, each educational institution is unique, because it has special traditions, its own rules, and there is a unique spirit that is unique to this school, gymnasium, or lyceum. That is why it is unlikely that a holiday scenario can be created that, without amendments, will enter the life of a specific group of students and teachers. Creative teachers involved in organizing children's leisure activities know how great the role of one single idea or find is sometimes. I would like to believe that this manual will give the teacher the opportunity to make such a discovery.

The presented scenarios will certainly help those who want to brighten up the life of the school harbor bright colors holiday marathon, who wants to make every child and adult who has found shelter under the shadow of the school brotherhood happy.

Good luck in realizing your creative ideas!

Scenarios for extracurricular activities for primary school students

Informative- entertainment event on environmental theme“Journey to the Kingdom of Nature” for younger schoolchildrenAuthor: Olga Andreevna Zubar, head of the educational and methodological office government agency Education "Creativity Center for Children and Youth of the Novobelitsky District of Gomel" Description: The material is of interest to educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers, pedagogues additional education, can be used at environmental events...

Intellectual tournament of experts by March 8 for students in grades 4-5 “Together with mom” Goal: to create a sustainable interest in intellectual games, as a form of complete leisure. Objectives: - to develop in students the ability to highlight the main, essential things in the proposed material, compare, summarize facts, and logically express their thoughts; - consolidate the ability to work in groups (teams); - develop skills in game interaction and communication abilities of students; - involve parents...

Abstract extracurricular activities for younger schoolchildren on value-oriented activities. Topic: “A good, good deed speaks for itself.” Goal: To create conditions for updating knowledge of understanding personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about ethical norms and rules of conduct in modern society. Objectives: Educational: to develop the ability to adequately assess one’s strengths, to understand what is possible and what is not; improve safety awareness skills...

Extracurricular activity for junior schoolchildren of 2nd grade. Topic of the lesson: “Pets” Forms of work: group, individual. Technologies used: health-saving, elements of problem-based learning, level differentiation, search, information and communication, cooperation technology, reproductive, gaming. Goal: students will have the opportunity to generalize knowledge about domestic animals. Objectives: - clarify ideas about domestic animals, their lifestyle, nutrition, their benefits for humans...

Summary of the intellectual and cognitive quiz “I choose a healthy lifestyle” for children of primary school age Goal: To form in children concepts about a healthy lifestyle. Talk about the need to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

To form a sustainable interest in activities in children physical culture and sports. Objectives: To give an idea that... Quiz "With love for nature", grades 4-5 Description: This material will be useful for students in grades 4-5. The quiz can be used in educational process , during class hours, in extracurricular activities. Goals: expanding children’s horizons, their knowledge about the world around them, promoting the education of environmental culture, careful attitude

To surrounding nature , the desire to take care of her., kindergarten teachers, as well as parents when preparing for holidays and their child’s birthday.

Goal: formation of a class team through various forms of activity. Objectives: creating conditions for the development of creative potential; stimulating students' creative activity and self-realization in various... A poem about winter fun for younger schoolchildren Authors: Svetlana Bozhenko, 12 years old, a student of the State Budgetary Institution NSO SRCN in Tatarsk and Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Mamaeva, social teacher, State state-financed organization

“Social rehabilitation center for minors”, Tatarsk Abstract: This type The work will be useful for teachers and children. When writing a poem, a child plunges into the creative process, learns to express his thoughts accurately and competently, feelings and emotions. Writing poetry means... Presentation "In the world of fish. The aquarium and its inhabitants" Author: Malkova Anastasia Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, methodologist of the Autonomous Educational Institution of the Republic of Armenia "Republican Center for Additional Education" Purpose: to tell students using illustrative examples about the variety of fish, rules for refueling and care. Progress of the lesson Hello guys! Today we will talk about the variety of fish. After all, alone modern species

There are about 20 thousand fish. Modern fish combined into two groups: cartilaginous and bone... Author: Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna - teacher - librarian, teacher of the educational complex MBOU Tatsinskaya secondary school No. 3. Rostov region Description of the material: No more amazing creatures

our nature than birds. They are able to travel vast distances without food, sometimes even without the opportunity to shelter from bad weather. Each person can remember their own story related to birds. It could be the hooting of an owl, in the forest near a fire, the cuckoo's cuckooing

summer time

You're in a presidency meeting with two items left on the agenda: (1) ideas for several future collaborations and (2) ways to connect with Taylor, who has been away from the Church for months. Now look at these two points again. Perhaps the answer to one question is related to the second: social activities may be just what you need to help Taylor and others feel welcome.

Now you just need ideas for an event that will interest Taylor. And, perhaps, perfect option is waiting for you at . With over 165 event ideas (and new ones added regularly), this site can help you find something to suit every taste. Just look at these amazing features!

Huge selection of ideas

Quickly browse events in the following main categories to find one that suits your needs:

Great activities for youth and families

With such a wide range of activities available, you'll be able to find something to suit many situations:

  • Joint event
  • Family Home Evening
  • Trying to get someone back into activity
  • Assistance in Personal Development, Duty to God and Come, follow Me
  • Group Date Ideas

Quick search

Wondering what events you can organize using photography, a photo hunt or dramatic performance? Or perhaps you decide to do something related to mission preparation or a Personal Progress program. Simply use the Search function by entering keywords to help you find suitable events.

User reviews

If you are involved in an interesting event that is not featured on this site, submit your idea and it may be published! Simply click on "Submit an Idea" in the top right corner of this page.

Quickly add to calendars

Once you have scheduled an event, it is easy to communicate it to parishioners or young women/young men via email or using the parish calendar feature.

find out good ideas on how to use your events more effectively with the step-by-step planning feature “Plan with Purpose.”

You are changing the world for the better

You may feel that fellowships and other youth activities are not really for you because you have learned a lot about the Church in seminary and through personal and family study. Have you ever thought that you can help those who need you? Youth activities are an excellent way to maintain friendships with less active and non-members. They can also help a person to stand strong against temptation when he sees examples and gains strength from being around others—including you—who live gospel standards.

You're in the driver's seat

Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy said: “One of the benefits of this site is that it puts young people in the driver's seat. Not only does it encourage quorum and class presidencies to take leadership in planning activities, but it also places the needs, interests, and abilities of youth at the center of that planning. Quorum and class presidencies are encouraged to learn about the youth they lead—What are their interests? What can they offer? How should they grow? – and use events as a way to bless their lives. This is true service."

What's happened extracurricular activity? How is it different from a regular curriculum session? What are the topics of extracurricular activities and how are their developments and scenarios drawn up? All these questions will be answered in this article.

What is an extracurricular activity?

The answer to this question is already contained in the definition itself. This is not a lesson, not a required school activity. Initially, it was understood that the event itself should be held outside the classroom. That is, the concept of “extracurricular activities” included excursions, hikes, visits to theaters, museums, school-wide holidays and Olympiads held at different levels.

Today, the fact where exactly the event takes place is no longer so important - in the home class or in a neighboring school. An extracurricular activity is an activity that is not included in the school curriculum. This is not a lesson - that is its main feature.

What is the main difference between an extracurricular activity and a lesson?

Attending lessons, completing assignments in class and at home, answering teacher questions and receiving grades for this - all this is the responsibility of every student. Extracurricular activities are attended only by those who are interested. Whether to take part or remain a simple observer during “extracurricular activities” is also something every child and teenager decides for himself.

Extracurricular activities are often held at school that are designed for the entire team. That's what they call them - school-wide. However, visiting them cannot be made mandatory. The task of educators and teachers is to build a scenario for extracurricular activities in such a way that the students themselves become interested, and they do not need to be forcibly gathered in the assembly hall, or set up a guard at the door to catch those who want to go home.

What do in-class activities and extra-curricular activities have in common?

Although the development of extracurricular activities by the teacher itself is carried out on the basis of the same methods as planning the main educational activities. For example, when drawing up its script, it is mandatory to set goals such as educational and educational ones. Students should learn something new at each lesson, as well as in a lesson, and acquire a useful practical skill that will be useful in life. Such classes stimulate the desire to learn school subjects more deeply, help to reveal the creative potential of the growing individual, get to know each other better, contribute to the emergence and strengthening of friendship between children, and teach them to live and work in a team.

When should extracurricular activities be held?

And again the answer to the question lies on the surface. Classes are called extracurricular because the lessons that take place in the classroom should already be over. The timing of extracurricular activities should not coincide with school activities. Unfortunately, the teaching staff of the current school very often violates this important rule. Often, Olympiads or district-level reading competitions take place precisely at the time when children should be sitting at their desks in their own classroom. Not only are students disrupted from their classes, such events take them away from educational activities a large number of teachers: the child needs an accompanying person, judges are needed on the jury.

Types of extracurricular activities

There are a lot of options for activities outside of program lessons. These can be both events in academic subjects (electives, quizzes, club activities, olympiads, meetings of scientific societies, conferences, competitions, etc.), and educational events (excursions to museums and interesting places, visiting theaters, classes in creative clubs, preparing concerts, staging performances, holding fairs of handicrafts and other collective creative activities). Even a simple walk in the schoolyard can turn into a full-fledged extracurricular activity if the teacher teaches the children something, if they gain some new knowledge and become at least a little kinder, more tolerant, and more interested.

How to emphasize the differences between lessons and extracurricular activities?

Unfortunately, many students do not see the difference between lessons and electives, olympiads and tests, conferences and, again, regular lessons. And the teachers who do not know how to approach their work creatively are to blame for this.

But it is very important to ensure that the development of an extracurricular activity is fundamentally different from a classroom lesson. Even if an extracurricular activity has a lot in common with the topic of the lesson, it should not become an ordinary additional activity. This should be a different world, not a boring dull lesson, but a small holiday.

If it is not possible to conduct an extracurricular activity outside the walls of your own class, then you can, for example, change appearance rooms:

  • rearrange the tables in a circle or in pairs so that the children sit in groups of four facing each other,
  • decorate the walls with posters, big flowers, wall newspapers;
  • develop original paraphernalia used only in these classes - ties, breastplates, caps.

"Mom, Dad, I am a math family"

If desired, even an ordinary extracurricular math activity can be turned into an exciting team competition. Here, just as it happens in “Fun Starts,” family teams are organized that go through stage after stage and gain points.

The scenario for the extracurricular activity “Mom, Dad, Me - a Mathematical Family” may include a creative element - the presentation of teams. It will be homework participants. Let the preparation of costumes, emblems or other paraphernalia that would distinguish members of one team from another also lie on the shoulders of the players themselves.

You can include elements from KVN in an extracurricular activity in mathematics:

  • warm-up, where team members select answers to the presenter’s questions in one minute;
  • captain's competition;
  • “serve-return”, when teams take turns asking their opponents questions and problems prepared in advance.

However, this activity should still be based on the idea of ​​showing students the importance of math skills in real life, teach how to use them in practice.

If teams play with elementary school students, they should be offered tasks on calculating the cost of goods, calculating the cost of paying for electricity, calculating required quantity seeds for planting in a box or in a garden bed.

Older children can prepare more difficult tasks. For example, calculate the weight of a hippopotamus if it is known that it is lighter than half an elephant by two monkeys and two watermelons. And an elephant is 110 monkeys and 50 watermelons heavier than a hippopotamus. Imagine the answer in monkeys and watermelons.

An unconventional approach to a subject that half the class finds boring and uninteresting can radically change attitudes towards it. And let not all students fall in love with mathematics after the first such event. But the fact that they will have a desire to learn more about it is an indisputable fact.

Along with mandatory training sessions in educational institutions other types of activities are organized that are voluntary. These classes are aimed at satisfying the creative and cognitive needs of schoolchildren. Such forms of activities at school are called extracurricular or extracurricular.

The name speaks for itself: classes are held outside the schedule of compulsory lessons at school. They contain at will Students from different parallels and classes can participate. Extracurricular activities at school are divided into several types depending on the goals, and for each there are many options for forms of implementation.

Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities at school

Some of the priority tasks for today in the context of reforming the system Russian education- improving the quality of social education of children and their development creativity. Extracurricular activities as one of the forms of school activity successfully meet these requirements, combining the functions of education, training and development of the student’s personality.

Extracurricular activities, intelligently organized in educational institution, helps socialize the younger generation, increases the student’s motivation for learning in general or promotes the development of interest in a specific academic subject, develops individuality, independence, and promotes personal self-realization.

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Elective classes differ from lessons in new forms of mastering knowledge and skills, a psychological orientation towards students’ creativity and active involvement in educational process, productive learning without the need to memorize the material and maintain strict discipline.

Three types of extracurricular activities at school

All extracurricular activities can be classified according to the goals that are achieved during their implementation. Thus, there are three types of extracurricular activities at school:

  • educational and educational;
  • leisure;
  • sports and recreation.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing cognitive activity students, to expand the range of their interests, deepen knowledge, form civic position schoolboy.

The leisure type of extracurricular activities is aimed at students acquiring new skills and abilities, the need for which arises outside of traditional educational activities. Entertaining events help to diversify school everyday life and unite students outside of school.

Sports and recreational extracurricular activities promote physical development and strengthen the health of schoolchildren, foster healthy competition and personal ambitions, and teach interaction with a team of like-minded people and rivals.

Forms of extracurricular activities at school

The type of extracurricular activity determines the choice of the form of the event and the location of the event: at school or outside it.

Educational extracurricular activities have such forms of execution as conversation, quiz, meeting with interesting people, discussion, training, theater visit, conference organization, excursion, Olympiad, review, competition.

Conversation, as one of the forms of extracurricular activities at school, involves a dialogue between the teacher and students. Conversation activates mental work, develops speech, maintains interest, and concentrates attention. Each conversation question is a problem that students solve. In high school, students can direct and moderate discussions on their own. IN primary school The teacher determines the line of conversation by asking children leading questions.

There are several types of conversations: preparatory, heuristic (where the teacher teaches to find the truth by reasoning), informing, reproducing (consolidating the studied material), generalizing (held at the end of an extracurricular activity), and repeating.

Olympics, competitions, exhibitions children's creativity are designed to stimulate the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, to develop the desire for competition in the study of such disciplines as foreign and Russian languages, mathematics, physics, literature and chemistry.

Such forms of extracurricular activities at school are planned in advance and selected for participation. best students. They give a great impetus to the development of students’ abilities and inclinations in different industries knowledge. In addition, holding such events makes it possible to evaluate the creative nature of teachers’ work and their ability to find and develop children’s talents.

Another form of extracurricular activity that will be interesting for both elementary school students and teenagers is an excursion. Allows you to make observations, study various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions, broaden the horizons of schoolchildren of any age. In didactic terms, the excursion can be used at any stage: to introduce a new topic, to consolidate material, or to deepen existing knowledge.

Excursions can be conducted in almost all school subjects, with students of all ages. In the lower grades, excursions are simply necessary when studying natural history and getting to know the world around us. For high school and middle school students, excursions are conducted during geography and history lessons.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more practical goals - teaching new skills and abilities. Their implementation can take place in the form of a workshop (cutting and sewing, cooking, drawing, photography, modeling), a master class, in the open air, in the format of a theater studio, a competition or an intellectual game.

Clubs, creative associations, electives, workshops - the leading form creative activity students. The system-forming component in conducting this type of extracurricular activities at school is children’s creativity, directed and developed by the teacher.

Structure of the event different forms leisure extracurricular activities differ, but we can highlight common elements. When preparing workshops, clubs or extracurricular activities, all work is divided into three parts: theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activities. Classes can be comprehensive, or they can be devoted to one specific type of activity.

Sports and recreation open events at school they are held in the form of competitions, competitions, sports games or hikes.

To identify the range of interests of students, it is advisable to conduct a survey to find out what students would like to do after school. It must be remembered that any type extracurricular activities, in which children are included, must have a public and socially significant orientation.

The age characteristics of school students are decisive when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. Thus, for primary school students, a visual demonstration of information and flexible forms of extracurricular activities are more important. It is easier to involve younger schoolchildren in classes with elements motor activity, competitions, games, excursions.

High school students are capable of longer, static perception of material. Theatrical performances, KVN, tourist trips, brain-ring, and career guidance excursions are relevant for them.

When conducting an extracurricular activity in elementary school, one must take into account a small practical experience students. The lesson should contribute to the formation of children’s basic knowledge, their abilities and skills, while in middle and high school extracurricular activities can be conducted to consolidate past material.

Stages of preparation for extracurricular activities at school

To successfully conduct an extracurricular activity of each type and in any form, it is necessary to follow a sequence of four stages:

  1. event construction;
  2. Preparation;
  3. holding an event;
  4. analysis (self-analysis) of the lesson.

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to implement them in practice and improve the qualifications of teachers. The most important condition conducting open lessons - publicity through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarity of extracurricular activities is their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of implementation, which helps to awaken children’s interest in the learning process and motivate them to independently learn a specific subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, broadening their horizons, and developing the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, and to diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren and help improve and maintain their health.

In our proposed classification of types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conduct.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own methods of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: the objects in it can vary, intersect, and be combined.

Educational extracurricular activities can take the following forms: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, show, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, fine arts, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theatre studio. In addition, leisure activities are carried out for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertaining leisure activities - competitions, games, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreational open extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games and hikes.

The age characteristics of students when choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's study this aspect of the problem.

Primary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in primary schools. Children in elementary school are the most sensitive to learning new things; they require a clear demonstration of the proposed knowledge; in addition, the level of learning for younger schoolchildren is very high.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, and excursions. An open extracurricular activity for 2nd grade should take into account the minor practical experience of children of this age category and form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

High school

Children of senior school age are capable of longer static perception of material, of reproducing a larger amount of text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain-ring, tourist trip, career guidance excursions.

Educational extracurricular activities

Considering that the primary task of the school is learning, let us take a closer look at educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of a teaching and educational nature contribute to in-depth study of material in certain subjects, systematization of acquired knowledge using non-traditional forms supply of information.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of conducting an extracurricular lesson in mathematics is practical use knowledge acquired in lessons. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, and subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crosswords is very exciting process, which allows you to systematize the acquired knowledge, develops logical thinking and ingenuity.

Traveling to the land of mathematics gives children the opportunity to get closer to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject-specific problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Conducting excursions aimed at learning mathematics allows children to project book knowledge to the surrounding world.

Theatrical productions, based on a script based on a subject such as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts about geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a set of open extracurricular activities held in following forms: open lesson - extracurricular event, game, competition, quiz.

An extracurricular activity in mathematics activates students and contributes to the formation logical thinking. The most effective way to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections is: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will improve the level of humanities and mathematical knowledge; an excursion to nature to consolidate the skills acquired in natural history and mathematics lessons.

Practical significance of extracurricular activities on technology

This formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject “Technology”, the main goal of introducing it into the curriculum was the practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Considering that the school curriculum devotes a critically small number of teaching hours to the study of the subject “Technology”, vital role Extracurricular activities play a role in mastering this discipline.

The target orientation of this subject towards bringing theory and practice closer together allows us to talk about the peculiarities of conducting extra-curricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is the most important component in school. Work fosters such personality qualities as independence and responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular event on technology will demonstrate independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom and motivate them labor activity. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify children’s inclination towards a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them decide on their choice of profession in the future.

An extracurricular activity on technology is held in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, game, competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows students to consolidate their knowledge in a particular subject. In addition, this form of conducting classes arouses great interest among the children. The teacher should plan extracurricular activities in advance. You can take help from students during the preparation process.