Wallpaper on the walls with an abstract pattern. Abstraction wallpaper for walls: options for the interior. Interior use

Those who plan to create a unique, unique interior. The attractiveness of such a pattern lies precisely in its non-standard nature, as well as in the figurativeness of perception, because everyone can see something of their own in the blurry patterns.

Wallpaper abstraction in the bedroom interior

The catalog of wallpapers with abstract patterns includes many interesting solutions with the following motives:

  • strokes with a wide brush or divorces;
  • spots and dots;
  • silhouettes of geometric shapes or flowers;
  • lines - smooth or strict;
  • incredibly rich color transitions;
  • watercolor.

Features of abstract patterns on wallpaper

It is interesting that the patterns on such canvases can be blurry or clear, realistic or fantasy - but the abstract wallpaper in the photo in the interior will always look original and intricate. There is no logic in such wall decorations and there is practically no symmetry, but they look original and each time unexpected, mysterious and unsurpassed.

Wallpaper abstraction in the bedroom interior

Wallpaper with an abstract pattern, the price of which has always been reasonable, will fit perfectly into the design of a living room, kitchen or hallway, decorated in the styles of minimalism, modernism, and minimalism. Interestingly, among such motifs you can easily find monochrome or colorful solutions that can be used on every wall. An interior in which abstractions decorate only part of the surface, creating important spatial accents, will look no less expressive.

Despite the unusual wide choose materials for interior decoration, the most diverse in their external characteristics The material is wallpaper. This became possible, among other things, thanks to the huge variety of colors, surface texture options, as well as all kinds of patterns and ornaments.

One of the most interesting options from a design point of view is the so-called abstract wallpaper. We will talk about the use of this material in the interior, as well as about what needs to be taken into account when choosing them in our material today.

Coating characteristics

This coating is very specific. It is for this reason that it is advisable to be extremely careful about how the choice of plot will take place. The thing is that “abstraction” wallpaper for walls is, as a rule, very unusual solution for the interior of the apartment. It may happen that some members of your family will not like certain options at all. Some people even experience certain painful and depressing sensations when they see similar stories which, as they say, “put pressure” on the psyche. So, be responsible when choosing.

What to consider when choosing

One of the features is that abstract wallpaper for walls is usually selected using special programs. To be more precise, in this way not only the wallpaper itself is selected, but the entire future interior. Thus, the customer can have a more or less accurate idea of ​​how it will look inner space his living space after such canvases are hung in it. So, here are some points you should take care of in advance, even at the selection stage:

  • Despite the apparent disorder of some of these plots, the installation of such wallpaper must be treated with extreme care, correctly and consistently combining and combining individual elements.
  • Based on your aesthetic needs and taste when choosing such subjects. At the same time, you should not ignore the opinions of your family, since many people may find such designs and patterns, at least, strange.
  • If you decide to buy such canvases, then you should understand that their price is quite high. However, this also applies to most other rare or produced individual order, products.

In cases where you buy rolled abstract trellises, you need to pay attention to one important feature. Before purchasing, make sure that you are choosing wallpaper from the same batch. Only in this way can color identity be completely guaranteed, without differences in shades.

How to use indoors: design

  1. In most cases, abstract wallpaper is not used on all walls of the room. Their characteristics create the need to place them in certain places. This approach is often called zoning. Their use can in some ways be compared to photo wallpaper. And also with posters and various paintings that hang on the walls of the room.
  2. Sometimes you can use individual elements similar wallpapers as scraps for decorating walls in patchwork style.
  3. By the way, there is little talk about using it as companion wallpaper on one of the walls. If you approach this task creatively, or invite an experienced design specialist, you can get not only an individual, but also a very attractive interior.

However, many other features should be taken into account. For example, you should think about combining it with the rest of the walls, as well as with other interior elements: furniture, curtains and other home textiles, decorative items, doors, windows, and so on.

If you intend to hang wallpaper with abstraction yourself, having repaired and decorated the walls yourself, then you should pay attention to a number of reviews and recommendations that are usually offered by recognized experts. If this is not done, you may encounter certain difficulties during gluing and subsequent operation. Here are the basic tips:

  • As you know, when working with wallpaper, when you are gluing it, and also preparing the surface of the wall for gluing it, it is advisable not only to turn off the lights, but also to completely turn off the electricity supply in the apartment during the work. So, professionals recommend getting a temporary autonomous source light, be it a hanging lantern, lamp or something similar. This will help provide more high quality gluing, thanks to better illumination of the internal space.
  • In addition, it is necessary to take special care in reading the instructions. It is there that you can find out various details about the installation itself, as well as about the characteristics of abstract wallpaper.


As we can see, “abstraction” wallpaper for apartment walls can be quite an interesting option from the point of view of interior design. At the same time, their choice must be approached consciously. The photos for this article will help you get a better idea of ​​what apartment design options you can consider for yourself. The topic of abstract elements in the interior is discussed in more detail in this video:

At home standard layout are devoid of individuality, but everyone wants that even after minor repairs the apartment was not like everyone else's. All Decoration Materials from construction supermarkets give approximately the same result after completion of the repair. Designers have developed many interesting methods for DIY wall decor to add uniqueness to any room. Each room has its own theme for painting vertical surfaces or volumetric wall decor. Specialists from leading design bureaus in the capital shared their secrets.

Creating a decorative pattern on the wall is a very exciting process.

Trees and birds on the wall will give the room a special style

White drawings on a bright wall will perfectly complement the interior

A person who cannot draw like a real artist is capable of much, even if he does not suspect it. Enough to confidently hold in your hands:

  • brushes different widths;
  • spray paint;
  • roller with nozzle;
  • marker;
  • pencil for marking.

Each device leaves its own recognizable mark. From these strokes, lines and painted blocks of color, you can create any image on a vertical surface with your own hands.

The desired design can be transferred to the wall in any way. For example, at school, many were introduced to the method of enlarging images by squares. A 2-5 cm grid is marked on a small drawing, and then each square is drawn on a large wall marking. This way the proportions of a recognizable portrait are preserved.

With this technique, even teenagers can make decorative drawings on the walls with their own hands. You can transfer a brand name, the logo of a famous rock band or your idol to the wall.

The easiest way to do it yourself, without involving an artist, is to redraw black and white images of portraits of John Lennon or Viktor Tsoi, which have long been familiar to everyone. Girls draw Marilyn Monroe and Coco Chanel on the background Eiffel Tower. It’s easier to draw a conventional drawing of a lady in a hat in your bedroom. A little more difficult to transfer from good photo your silhouette profile in squares and fill with paint required areas. After practicing with drafts on a piece of plywood, they make clean drawings on the walls in the interior, as in the photo.

This pattern will create the feeling of wind walking around the room.

Drawing in Japanese style will be of interest

Eat different ideas and methods of implementation decorative designs, but not all are accessible to beginners. You can practice on the wall before renovation. If it works, leave it as it is. decorative panel, will not look like a masterpiece - you can always paint it over or cover it with wallpaper. Any interior paints are suitable, for example, acrylic-based ones.

The exception is volumetric decor; it will have to be completely removed from the wall for repairs. Therefore, it is performed on a prepared surface, for example, after the next update of wallpaper for painting. This method is used to decorate the walls in the nursery seasonally. A summer collection of fluttering butterflies made from folded paper will replace a blooming spring twig, and then autumn leaves or birds flying away, then snowflakes.

A stencil for drawing on the wall can be made from a cardboard box

A tree with birds will look harmonious in the hallway

This landscape will refresh the bedroom even in extreme heat.

But the easiest way is to make abstract drawings or intersecting geometric shapes with your own hands, from which a solid composition is made. Wall drawings in the interior are best done in a single color palette, but if after repair it “doesn’t look right”, then the color block is on empty wall able to fix everything or divert attention from some defects.

To decorate your walls with your own hands using a new technique, you should watch a master class on wall painting.

Branches of grapes on the wall will look harmonious in the interior

A large decorative pattern in the bedroom will help you fall asleep quickly

Which theme to choose for wall decor?

Looking through the website for interiors in different styles, many people pay attention to the decorative drawings on the walls made by real artists. Indeed, many masterpieces in the form of frescoes, panoramic images in the long passages of private houses or wall panels This is done by professionals in the bathroom.

Inviting a specialist is also not excluded. But one of your friends and acquaintances can make markings on the prepared wall to transfer the contours of a famous painting or a sketch you like. Then your task will be minimal - to work through the colored blocks, just as a child masters coloring.

You should not take on complex frescoes that involve the technique of shadow transitions or drawing draperies. Use a simple wall art. There are famous optical illusions or 3D drawings, which, if exactly repeated on the walls of the apartment, will look just as impressive. For example, a staircase that seems to lead to a snow-covered street with lanterns along the alley, or a drawn descent into the neighborhoods of a metropolis. You never know how many interesting and accessible ideas you can implement?!

Ebony wood on a white kitchen wall background looks modern

Straight lines with bright colors will give inspiration

Drawing on the wall is a very exciting process.

Floral and plant motifs are popular among city dwellers who lack living greenery:

  • schematic representation of one large flower on the wall;
  • a small flower arrangement on the wall or in one corner;
  • blooming garland;
  • bouquet or still life with flowers;
  • a schematic representation of a fading flower losing its petals;
  • the whole picture with blooming garden or a porch with landscaping.

Wood is the second most popular motif for do-it-yourself interior designs. It is performed schematically or quite realistically. In this way they decorate the hallway with portraits of ancestors - a “family tree”.

In a children's room, such decor creates the atmosphere of a fairy tale and children's dreams.

A Japanese-style bedroom is traditionally decorated with a branch of cherry blossoms. It is often supplemented with voluminous DIY wall decor in the form of pink paper flowers using the origami technique. Something similar can decorate a room in any modern style, if such a pattern is in harmony with the interior.

Portrait images are the 3rd most popular image. In the boy's bedroom they draw Spider-Man, Batman or another superhero.

The girl's room is decorated with princesses in long dresses, Rapunzel with a braid hanging from a tower, Fiona and Shrek are other popular characters.

This pattern will complement the kitchen

Textured pattern with lighting will make the room more sophisticated

Teenage fans and rockers paint portraits of their idols on the walls of their personal space.

Portrait abstraction, collages from your own photos, supplemented large pattern on the wall in the center of the installation - also very popular.

Images that emphasize the style of the interior hold the bottom rung in the ranking of the popular theme of do-it-yourself interior drawings.

In the spacious glassed-in loggia, given to a teenager for personal space, an image of a bike, a sports car concept or a Formula 1 car would be appropriate. Even if the drawing on the entire wall is quite schematic, it impresses with its dynamics and scope.

For a teenage girl who studies music, you can draw wires with birds in the bedroom, more like a line of music. For an athlete, an Olympic podium or something else will be suitable to motivate hard work. A young naturalist will appreciate the flying dandelion. A portrait of a beloved dog can add a nostalgic touch to the decor of the hallway if everyone’s favorite “gone to the rainbow.”

Each style has its own recognizable style, which is often supplemented with wall drawings, paintings on the ceiling, stained glass windows or vaulted arches to zone the space. Characteristic stylistic images:

The moon pattern is perfect for the bedroom

The look of torn fabric will add elegance to the wall

Drawing decorative plaster will go well with the living room design

High-tech style

Technical equipment and mechanical toys

Classic and neoclassical

Still lifes, portraits

Historical stylistics

Wall panels, frescoes and paintings with pastoral scenes, picturesque fragments, landscapes

Gothic or neo-Gothic

Image of peaked temples and castles, long dungeon passages with torches, stained glass windows with a rose

Modern and postmodernism

“Whip blow”, graceful curves of the female body, ornate floral ornament, lizards

Provence, chalets and country

Lavender fields, landscapes characteristic of the European landscape, images of cats and roosters

Japanese minimalism

Oriental hieroglyphs, bamboo stems, cherry blossom branches, geisha in national dress

Modern styles, loft

Quarters of megalopolises, optical illusions, silhouette portraits, music instruments, technology

Before starting renovations, it is worth considering all the details, including the style of the interior, so that the hand-made drawing complements the design concept.

The drawing in the arch will perfectly decorate the room decor

Seashells in the interior will definitely catch the eye of guests

Methods for making simple images

Wall drawings are used for different purposes:

  • visually expand the room;
  • hide wall defects or children’s “art” on the wall;
  • emphasize the choice of style;
  • give your personal space more individuality;
  • correct the shortcomings of an inexpressive renovation;
  • realize your creative inclinations and find an application for your talent;
  • decorate each room in a special way;
  • zone the space, emphasizing its functionality with the theme of the drawing.

To begin with, choose a sketch that is suitable in style, which will organically reflect the functionality of the room. For example, fish and shells, a sailboat on the waves, dolphins, a coral garden are suitable for decorating a bathroom without any stylistic reference.

A decorative plaster pattern will look voluminous if the light is directed at it correctly.

Another type of decorative drawings on the wall

Japanese style in the corridor will add variety

Next, prepare the surface - the base should not become wet or crumble under the layers of paint. Remove old wallpaper, peeling paint and crumbling putty. The surface is plastered plumb and level so that the wall is perfectly level. It must be painted in the color that will be the main background.

The easiest way to make your own decor is with stencils. This is a plate made of cardboard, plywood or plastic with a cut-out image. It’s easy to do it yourself – transfer the outline drawing and cut it along the lines. They use an external and internal contour, so it is better to cut out the shaped hole very carefully.

The same template or stencil ( Maple Leaf, for example) can be used in wall painting in different ways:

  • apply it to the wall and spray a little paint along the edges, getting an unpainted center and “foggy” outlines;
  • outline the contours with a contrasting color or, applying different places, circle different colors, characteristic of autumn;
  • make a completely realistic image of a leaf with spraying spray paint similar shades, then draw the veins;
  • apply 2-3 stencils offset from common point using different techniques - spraying, contouring and coloring.

Stencil painting - no the only way drawing for those who do not consider themselves an artist. Drawings with wide and narrow strokes are also quite simple. For example, in the bedroom you can schematically depict the outline of a swan flapping its wings, and the flying feathers can be made using the curl technique.

This pattern will go perfectly with the interior.

Flowers will give you a smile at any time

To do this you will need flat brushes of different widths. The method of applying an image is very simple - run the brush along the wall, pressing lightly, make a slight turn, lifting off the surface. The edge will be narrow or diffuse, depending on the width of the brush and the direction of the strokes.

Decor that combines wall painting and volumetric elements. You and your child can cut out a whole collection of butterflies from thick colored cardboard, which are folded in half and glued to the wall with the middle so that they flutter over the flowers or a flowering twig drawn on the wall.

Another way is to draw a tree in the hallway, which can be quite conditional. From a plaster solution or thick plaster, sculpt three-dimensional branches, a trunk, leaves, fruits, or even biblical characters - the Tempter Serpent, the silhouettes of Adam and Eve in the distance. When the volumetric decor has dried, the entire wall is painted in the same color with a soft roller.

Even more interesting ideas on decorating walls with drawings - in our photo gallery.

Video: Art painting of walls - decorative drawing on the wall

50 photos of examples of decorative patterns on the wall:

Creating a certain style in the interior is impossible without appropriate wall decoration.

The right choice of wallpaper is 50% of success.

The rest is furniture and accessories, textiles and fittings.

The pattern, design or ornament on the wallpaper requires careful selection in order to ideally suit the interior style.

Wallpaper for walls abstraction: origin and features

Wallpaper prints can be classified by image type:

  • a drawing that can be identified (objects, figures, flowers);
  • a pattern of many small elements and repeating details (floral, geometric, abstract);
  • ornament (repeating pattern in folklore style).

Geometric patterns can also be included in the abstract category if they create an image on the surface of the wallpaper that is indefinite in essence and form.

Abstraction is an invention of artists of the last century. Since then, such patterns have been used in different areas human activities related to design, style and decoration.

There are types of abstract drawings a large number of: they can be made in one color or in several colors, round, smooth or angular shapes.

Wallpaper with this print is popular, because it is the simplest pattern for combinatorial techniques in interior design.

For any style, you can choose a suitable abstract design.

Geometry for minimalism, strict lines and colors for classic style, retro, art nouveau, art deco - for each style there is a print to match the theme.

The use of abstract prints in the interior

Abstract wallpaper for walls has great potential in decoration and style creation.

They are suitable for combination with other types of wallpaper (for example, plain) and as independent option wall decoration.

Prints in pastel colors are suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms (especially girls' rooms).

Patterns of geometric shapes and contrasting shades will fit perfectly into a living room in a minimalist or high-tech style.

Corridors, kitchens, hallways and even bathrooms can be decorated with wallpaper with an abstract print, the main thing is to choose the right one color scheme, which will be combined with the purpose of the room and the furniture.

It should be taken into account that images that are difficult to identify may have different effects on the psyche and emotional condition person.

Soft colors and smooth lines will have a beneficial and calming effect, and bright colors and a contrasting pattern with broken lines, great dynamics - can be annoying nervous system.

It is believed that abstractions in children's rooms are inappropriate, as they tend to affect mental condition, but if such patterns are used wisely, then, on the contrary, you can add harmony to the interior of the nursery.

Rules for using abstract wallpaper

  1. Choose a pattern taking into account the interior style of a particular room. Abstract drawings are suitable for all rooms, the nuances are only in the design style. If you have a high-tech kitchen with chrome-plated, shiny surfaces, then pastel, delicate patterns will not work. A geometric pattern in rich colors would be more appropriate.

  1. If possible, avoid adding abstract wallpaper to your children's room. Even if the pattern is not intrusive, not colorful, and does not dazzle the eyes, the child may get tired of the repeating pattern indeterminate forms. An abstraction for a child’s room can be saved by a light color scheme and a pattern that blends into the background. But such wallpaper can be boring for a child's room.
  1. In the bedroom, the pattern should be as calm as possible. Avoid expressive, overly dynamic designs that excite the nervous system. Pastel or a drawing reminiscent of traditional patterns will do.

  1. Living room - a room where you can let loose creative imagination. Unusual abstract wallpaper will be an excellent accent, they can be used in the form of panels, they can even replace paintings by contemporary artists, if applied correctly and truly expensive and interesting samples are selected.
  1. Abstract designs can be printed on wallpaper of any type and from any material. The rules for gluing will depend on the type of wallpaper. It is important to ensure that the seams are joined correctly so that the pattern looks harmonious and seamless.

  1. If you decide to purchase wallpaper with an abstract pattern, consult with your household. Suddenly someone does not perceive such a pattern well, and it will put too much pressure on the person mentally.

A reasonable approach to business gives the best results. This is also true for choosing a pattern on wallpaper for redecoration.

In the arsenal of the British artist Charlotte Mann- one single color and one single tool, but to create her amazing works, this minimum is enough for her. An ordinary black marker in talented hands is capable of feats for which Charlotte became famous not only in her homeland, but also in many other countries. foreign countries. Her specialty is Wall Art, black and white painting of walls in apartments and offices, peculiar " indoor graffiti".

On the white walls of apartments and offices, the artist depicts... apartments and offices. More precisely, furniture, household items, accessories and decorations with which we surround ourselves in Everyday life. As a result, even a completely empty room will look lived-in, perhaps “cartoonish”, similar to pictures from books or frames of black and white cartoons.

The artist paints the interior decoration of the premises in life-size, paying special attention to details. Carefully drawing the smallest objects, she “complements” the existing interior with “virtual” paintings and framed photographs, bookshelves And wall clock. Suddenly, a cage with a parrot or an aquarium with fish may appear in the apartment, or even a fat fluffy cat, lazily snoring on a painted windowsill near a painted sofa. By painting the walls in the rooms, Charlotte Mann becomes an interior designer, lovingly selecting furniture and accessories that would ideally match in style and color, and create in the apartment that very atmosphere that is usually called homely warmth and comfort.

Of course, when painting walls for offices and restaurants, art galleries and fashion stores, Charlotte Mann sets herself completely different tasks, adhering to her rule: to complement, and not change, “reality” with her own wall paintings. The artist’s list of completed art projects includes not only drawings on the walls, but also airy, weightless paintings of glass showcases and partitions, as well as large-scale installation paintings created for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. All this can be seen on Charlotte Mann's website.