When is the best time to exercise at home? What time does our memory work best?

It just so happens that man by nature is born a perfectionist, and he always wants only the very best. This applies to all areas of life, be it relationships - the best partner or work - a high position, we simply do not agree to anything less. Sports, in particular fitness and bodybuilding, have not escaped this phenomenon. In their activities, people try to find the best time to train. And the whole paradox is that the latter really exists, and today we will find out what it is.

So, let's get started, dear comrades.

Is there a best time to train?

What do you think are the most “percussive” (in demand) days of the week when people visit the gym/fitness room?

That's right - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Maybe you can also name the time? C 18-00 before 20-00 , again to the point! Statistics tell us that more 65-70% visits occur precisely on these days and times. This is understandable: the working day ends and the time comes when a person is left to his own devices. Why does the main influx occur in odd days? Well, usually, this is due to a hectic weekend and the desire to quickly get yourself into a proper working state (for the week) after it. It is also believed that Monday is a hard day, and in order to completely ruin it for themselves, people finish off Monday with physical activity in the gym :).

But seriously, the majority are simply already accustomed to their original visiting schedule and are not going to change anything. And is it really necessary? We'll find out now.

Best time to exercise: theory and research

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine sports being separated from science. Scientists come up with crap all the time. various ways, allowing the athlete to implement the principles of “faster-better-stronger”. At one point, they received a proposal - to determine the best time for training. , and they did it with great willingness, well, let's take a look at the results.


The note will provide several scientific studies regarding what time is the best for transforming your body and building muscles.

Let's go in order.

Study No. 1. Department of Kinesiology Williamsburg, USA

What was done:

They took 100 healthy, untrained men who were forced (under pressure :)) to perform a series of strength tests. Time spending: 8:00 morning; 12:00 , 16:00 day and 20:00 evenings.


Maximum muscle performance was achieved in the evening, but only during exercise with rapid movements. This happens because the activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers (responsible for lifting heavy weights and running fast) performs much better when body temperature is higher. Which corresponds to the afternoon (evening time).

The next thing that was paid attention to was the change in hormone levels, in particular and, during the day. The first hormone has a direct effect on the growth muscle mass, the second is actively involved in the processes of muscle destruction and. When resting, testosterone levels are higher in the first half of the day, but its increase after training in the evening is greater compared to the morning. Cortisol levels are lower in the evening compared to the morning. For example, its lowest level is at the beginning 19:00 evenings, and the highest - at 7:00 morning.

Study conclusion:

The best testosterone-cortisol ratio is when the first is high and the second is low. This time is ideal for burning fat and building muscle mass, and it occurs in the evening (around 19:00 ) .


Despite all the research, it is important to note that each person has his own biology of sleep and wakefulness, his own chronotype (work of the body during the day). It is this important attribute that reflects the physical functions of people (such as hormone levels, body temperature, cognitive function) at the peak of its activity.

Chronotype explains why some people wake up as fresh as a daisy in the morning, while others have to drag themselves out of bed and lap up tons of coffee before they can begin to function normally.

Global output:

Science supports the idea of ​​going to the gym in the evening, but it's important to listen to your body and decide for yourself whether you are a morning person or a night owl.

Study No. 2. University of Washington, USA

To decide on best time To get results from training, you need to know yours.

In particular, if you are an endomorph - have a slow metabolism, then it is best to train in the first half of the day (before 12-00 ) so that the body uses energy from fat deposits. If you are an ectomorph (thin bone type) and have a fast metabolism, it is better to exercise in the evenings, when there is a sufficient amount of calories in the body to use them as fuel. For mesomorphs, exercise may be suitable both in the morning and in the evening. And here it all depends on how you feel during and after training. You may feel a powerful surge of energy in the morning or, on the contrary, be as lethargic as a tomato. Therefore, focus on your feelings.

How should you train if you want to lose fat and build muscle?

First of all, cardiovascular (cardio) and strength training should not be done at the same time. They must be separated from each other by at least 6-8 hours. The reason is simple - in the process of training with weights, the body uses up all its energy reserves. When you follow up with a cardio session, your body begins to use muscles for fuel. (process of burning muscles).

If your work schedule allows you to train with iron only in the evening, then activities aimed at burning fat (for example,) should be carried out in the morning.

Study No. 3. Journal “Sports medicine”

Human life is governed by circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycles). They regulate body temperature, blood pressure, metabolism and other physiological functions. Circadian rhythms function 24 hours a day and can be shot down (reset) based on signals environment. The time of day is one of these signals.

Although these rhythms are innate, a person can still change them based on his behavior. For example, getting up with an alarm clock or setting specific times to eat and exercise. The body's ability to maintain exercise intensity will adapt to your training time. Therefore, if you decide in the morning and then try to move the “training” to the evening, then most likely this process will proceed much more sluggishly. However, there is no need to worry, circadian rhythms are quite plastic and malleable, they only need about a month to adjust to a new way.

So, based on the scientific research, the following conclusions were made:

  • Optimal time to implement physical activity (when a person has the highest body temperature) counts 4-5 evenings;
  • strength indicators for 5% above about 12 day;
  • anaerobic performance (long distance running) n and 5% higher in the evening.
  • endurance is higher in the afternoon. Aerobic endurance 4% higher in the afternoon;
  • the likelihood of getting injured when working out in the gym in the afternoon is lower (by 20% ) than in the morning;
  • physical activity can improve sleep quality (behind 2-3 hours before departure).

So, we’re done with the research, let’s move on to the practical aspects.

Best time to exercise: circadian rhythms

Now we will look at the entire dial and decide how best to be active during the day.

No. 1. 5 am “Salute to the sun!”

In the morning a person has the most low temperature body (girls are generally “stubs”), therefore the most best view body movements will be a yoga class. It relaxes the joints and is perfect for this time of day with its gentle character. Morning yoga will make all your subsequent workouts easier and create the right body mood.

No. 2. 7 a.m. “Time for cardio”

Early cardiovascular activity will make your body more efficient throughout the day. When a person wakes up (and still doesn't eat anything) It has lower levels of blood sugar and glycogen in the liver and muscles - this creates an ideal environment for getting rid of fat. Some studies have shown that up to 300% more fat is burned in this state. Intense cardio sessions (during 35-40 minutes) raise the metabolic rate for several hours, helping to fight extra pounds throughout the day.

No. 3. 15:00 pm. Long outdoor running/endurance exercises

Go on a long trip (up to 60 minutes) leisurely jog after lunch. During it, your heart muscle will pump blood well, your body temperature will begin to rise and your joints will become more flexible.

No. 4. 16:30 pm. A ride on the bicycle

you will burn (more and faster) extra calories if you push the pedals. IN 16:40 Peak body temperature is observed in women; muscles are also most flexible during this period, and blood viscosity is the lowest.

No. 5. 17:00 pm. Working with weights

Body temperature reaches its peak by this time, and lifting weights during this period has a positive effect on increasing testosterone and decreasing cortisol. Moreover, in 5 in the evening the body switches to the evening cycle (includes “second wind”), and the person feels a powerful surge of strength.

No. 6. 19:00 pm. Swimming

If you want to get the most out of it, then the ideal time for it is between 6 And 8 evenings. The muscles are most flexible at this time, and reflexes are the fastest.

No. 7. 20:00 pm. Team games

After work and rest in 8 In the evenings, the most preferred type of activity is team sports: football, volleyball, dancing. They will perfectly develop your reaction, flexibility, speed, and will also charge you with positive energy for the rest of the day.

That's it, let's move on to the independent part.

The best time for training: we determine it ourselves

I would like to summarize all this chatter with specific recommendations that will help determine your best time for training. So, let's go.

No. 1. Best time = most convenient for you

We all depend on circumstances: work, study, family, holidays, drinking, partying.

Therefore, even if you know that the best time to study is 19:00 evenings, but you simply physically do not have time for this deadline, then there is no need to puff yourself up. Of course, after work you can go straight to the gym, grabbing something on the way a quick fix and dry, but this is not good. It is necessary, at a minimum, 30 minutes after your main activity to rest, and eat at least 1 an hour before training.

Conclusion: don’t try by hook or by crook to get into the best training window, adjust the schedule to suit you.

No. 2. Best time = systematic

If you have made it a rule to go to the gym on the same days of the week and time (different from the usual), then your body will eventually get used to the regime and make it better for physical activity. It is much more effective to be consistent and disciplined than to waste time trying to find the right or wrong time of day to workout.

No. 3. Best time = rely on knowledge

Most people (about 70% ) are neither owls nor larks, i.e. they are indifferent in their circadian rhythms. And here, in determining the best time for training, you need to focus on the following scientific and practical data.

No. 4. Floating schedule is not a problem

Many people do not work like everyone else - weekdays with 9 before 18:00 . In this case, you need to have your own schedule for at least a week and enter training days into it. When you feel that you are not going to get to the gym today, then stop training at home or in the place where you are now. Also, you should not buy a subscription with fixed visiting days, pay one-time or go as a hare :). If you “job” at night, then test what time (before or after work) Your body responds better to physical activity.

Follow these tips, listen to yourself and you will easily determine the best time to train. Actually, that’s all there is left to “conclude.”


Today we found out when is the best time to train in the gym, which means you have taken another step towards the body of your dreams. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon!

PS. So, you’re already ready to leave, but who’s going to write down the comments)? yum, always happy to answer!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Greetings to all, Dear friends. Today I will give you precise answers to the questions that concern you, namely: what time is the best time to exercise, how to determine the most optimal time. You will also receive valuable recommendations, regarding classes in different time. Begin?

Before we start looking at specific times of the day, I want to immediately note that any type of training (morning, afternoon or evening, it doesn’t matter) has its positive and negative aspects. It’s up to you to decide which option to choose, but I don’t advise you to rush; it’s better to outline for yourself all the pros and cons.

Larks, owls and pigeons

So, you've probably heard that people are larks or night owls. I’ll tell you more, there are also pigeons. Who are pigeons? Oh, these are, in my opinion, universal people in terms of choosing training times.

Larks by nature get up early and go to bed early too. Owls... I think everything is clear here, it’s not for me to explain to you that these are nocturnal birds. And pigeons... The activity of a pigeon depends on its habits: if it long time If he goes to bed early, then he will have no problems getting up early. A similar picture emerges with wakefulness at night.

You might argue that both the lark and the owl can also become accustomed to certain conditions: the lark may stay up late, while the owl may wake up early. Yes, I completely agree with you - this is possible, but still it will be easier for the pigeon, and the formed conditioned reflex (not sleeping at night or waking up early) will be more stable, that is, you do not need to constantly fight with it and reinforce it. It was formed and that's it.

But that’s not what I started writing about. I was simply pointing out that when choosing a time to study, you need to start from your “nature” - you need to pay attention to this first of all. Monitor yourself for a week and note at what time you feel a surge of strength. If you want to exercise in the evening, then the choice of training time is obvious.

Let's take a more specific look at classes at different times of the day.

Classes in the morning

What makes morning classes stand out? First of all, the body absorbs the most in the morning. This time is great for gaining weight and losing weight. Both cases are different.

When losing weight, you need to not eat at all - this will allow the body to feed on fat deposits.

During weight gain, on the contrary, you need to eat very little to avoid heaviness in the stomach during exercise, and immediately within 30 minutes after training you need to take it, and only then have a full meal. This will provoke the body to diligently absorb proteins and the elements it needs.

The disadvantages of exercising in the morning are that for the first month and a half it may be difficult for you to get used to this regimen. This, in turn, is a great stress for the body, which can affect the well-being and vital energy of an unprepared person.

But rest assured, once you get used to it, you won’t have any problems, you won’t have problems getting up, and your health will improve significantly. Just imagine, you are not just doing it, but you are fully engaged.

Daytime classes

Daytime activities are good because the body has already woken up, “warmed up”, and the brain is already working “to its fullest.” More the positive side daytime activities is the fact that after training the body and body systems have time to gradually come to normal condition without sudden jumps.

The model is something like this: activity – slowing down – calming down – normal state. But not like this: activity is a normal state. The absence of a slowing down and calming down phase also negatively affects the body. I will talk about this below.

Evening classes

Evening classes, as mentioned above, have one, but strong drawback - the absence of a calming phase. You cannot subject your body to such stress, forcing it to rapidly move into completely opposite states. This is similar to the case with water. If you create conditions such that water immediately turns from a solid (ice) state into steam, then the structure of the water will be disrupted.

But if you feel that a surge of strength occurs in the evening, and you want to exercise, then I can only advise this: do not immediately start resting, much less sleep.

Classes at any free time

I can say with confidence that this way of practicing is the worst. It does not allow the body to get used to any regime or adjust to the rhythm of life.

Imagine, today you trained at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow at 7 o’clock in the evening, and a few days later in the morning. The body simply does not have time to get used to and prepare for subsequent stress. It is prepared for one time, and you reschedule the training time.

Therefore, I will repeat once again: classes at any time - worst way classes. Although, as they say, “if there is no fish, there is no cancer.” Therefore, if you have no other opportunity, but only in free time, which is constantly changing, it is better to do it this way than not do it at all. Something is better than nothing.

Exercises before and after meals

Naturally, you need to exercise before eating. This is due to the functioning of the organs and systems of the body, and possible inconvenience. It’s not for nothing that they advise you to eat 2 hours before training, that is, so that the food has time to be digested to a greater extent.

Exercising after meals is fraught with heaviness in the stomach, possible nausea, and also feeling unwell. Do you feel a little sleepy after a heavy lunch? This blood drained from the brain and rushed to the stomach. Do you think you can train a lot in this state?

I hope you have determined the best time for training, and if you do not yet have a full-fledged training program, then turn your attention to the video course " For men" And " For women».

Anyone who has made a strong-willed decision to regularly engage in sports in order to improve their health or lose weight overweight, definitely thinks about what time it is better for him to exercise and at what interval after that he should take it. They will help you understand these issues Scientific research and recommendations that we have collected in this material.

All the pros and cons in favor of the morning

Also, evening workouts are the most effective for relieving stress.

Disadvantages of studying in the evenings

The disadvantages of training in the evenings include the fact that if a person has a priority to reduce their shape and burn fat, such training should take place late in the evening, at least a couple of hours after.

Here you should also add the answer to the question: is it possible to do exercises before bed? Any physical exercise should be completed at least two hours before bedtime. The point is that it is important factor for the health of every person. And exercise increases body temperature, increases blood circulation, brings the nervous system into a state of excitability, and the body into wakefulness. All these factors not only do not contribute to normal and timely falling asleep, but even prevent it.

Important! If there is no other time than late in the evening for training, then breathing exercises should be performed at the end of the set of exercises. They will help establish normal breathing and normalize body temperature.

And one more important aspect– Going to bed after training is not recommended. You need to eat something light with protein and carbohydrates.

What about lunch?

Lunch workouts are not as popular as morning and evening workouts. They are most often used on, in, during periods of absence from work, etc. Let's look at whether the exercises are effective at a given time.

Why is it possible

IN daytime The body's highest tolerance to pain is observed. Therefore, it is good to carry out strength training at this time. Daylight makes activities more comfortable and effective.

The advantages of daytime visits to gyms include the fact that at this time they are not crowded, as a rule, instructors are free and can devote more attention exactly for you. Also, if you have the opportunity to exercise during your lunch break, this will allow you to relax in bed in the morning or relax longer in the evening after working day.
Lunch workouts energize you for the rest of the day, stimulate you, and increase productivity. Surely many people are interested in the question: is it possible to exercise after eating, for example during the lunch break? The optimal interval between training should be 1.5-2 hours (if the goal is just to be in shape, then it can be reduced to one hour).

During morning and evening sports activities, the main meal should be taken during the day. Training at lunchtime should be carried out taking into account the recommended intervals before and after meals. It's better to have lunch after class.

Important! In your post-workout diet, you should minimize fat intake and eliminate caffeine (for two hours). Before and after classes, you need to drink at least half a liter of liquid for an hour.

Why not

For any person, regardless of the characteristics of biorhythms, zero activity of the body occurs in the afternoon hours - from two to three. Therefore, it is not worth planning sports activities during this time.

It will be difficult for a working person to plan time for a lunch meal, since it is not recommended to eat a full lunch before training, and eating after training will be an afternoon snack, which also should not be oversaturated with calories.


Of course, everyone will choose the time for training individually, depending on the rhythm of life, work or study schedule, their chronotype and the desired result. The purpose of our article is to point out the changes in the body that occur at one time or another during physical activity.
To summarize the above, we note that to maintain health, training at any time of the day and regardless of the eating interval will be useful. If the ultimate goal of physical exercise is to gain muscle mass and you plan to focus on strength exercises and stretching, then the best time for this will be the evening. It is also good to practice swimming and team sports in the evening.

Those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively should give preference to morning workouts. At this time, it is good to engage in light types of exercise: cycling, exercises, etc.

If you clearly belong to a certain chronotype, then “larks” tolerate training best before 12 noon, “pigeons” train well around four o’clock in the afternoon, and “night owls” prefer to physically load the body between eight o’clock in the evening.

What is the best time to exercise? This question is asked not only by beginners and experienced athletes, but also by those who have decided to take their health seriously. Each of us has our own affairs, responsibilities and individual characteristics, so based on this, finding time for training is not so easy. Some have free time in the morning, others in the evening, and others at lunch, in the middle of the working day.

Naturally, another question arises: “When is it better to train for greater effect (performance), without causing harm to health?” But first, I'll tell you about two existing opinions on this occasion.

First option

There is such a thing as human biorhythms or circadian rhythms. At one time, scientists conducted a number of experiments that were aimed at determining the relationship between sports and training time (in which half of the day). So, it turned out that at noon and early evening a person’s body temperature is slightly higher than at other times of the day. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that BETTER It is best to train in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, because the risk of injury at this time is most reduced due to the greater high temperature bodies. And for this, strength training and stretching (gymnastics, dancing, etc.) are better suited. However, early in the morning, light cardio exercises are recommended: running, cycling (exercise bike), race walking or swimming.

Second option

Others argue that it doesn’t matter what time of day is best to exercise, the only thing is that you need to train regularly and at the same time. Because it is then that the body will adapt to you and be ready for training.

In the end, since we are all different, and the human body is a complex biochemical machine. There is no specific time for each person. All you need to do is monitor your progress and your well-being, that is, at what time you are most energetic and how you feel before and after training. Therefore, you need to experiment with yourself and choose the time that suits you best.

What do they agree on?

Both of them agree that you can play sports at any time, the main thing is that it is regular and comfortable for you and your well-being. But if you train incorrectly, that is, without warming up, with very heavy loads on your body (insufficient training), violating the exercise technique, train very often (not allowing the body to recover), and so on. Then you will not only not make progress, but you will also regress, and also get injured, thereby worsening your health.

There are a huge number of examples where professional athletes, training at different times (some in the morning, some in the afternoon or evening) achieve very high results. Therefore, it makes no difference what time is best to exercise.

Very common question

People often ask. Is it possible to do physical exercises immediately after sleep or start running, swimming, etc. (cardio exercise)?

In reality, something like this happens in life. We wake up, get out of bed, go to the toilet-shower. We wash or take a shower, drink a glass of juice, tea, coffee or water. And already at this moment the body begins to finally wake up, but since we are all different, some people finally wake up after 10 minutes, while others need half an hour... Then we get dressed, take a bag with us and go to the gym or to the gym. sports ground. There we warm up well and start training. And where is it right after sleep?

For example, in the east they train early in the morning, starting at 4-5 am. And there are a number of reasons for this. Well, first of all, it's very hot here, and it's very difficult to train in the heat, so they train before the sun comes up. And secondly, there is already a stereotype of training early in the morning and going to bed early. After all, there is a lot of practice there and people understand well where there is benefit and where there is harm.

How to determine for yourself what time of day is best to exercise

Try to experiment a little with the timing of your classes and physical activity to find a middle ground for yourself. Naturally, you will have to take into account the capabilities that you have in real time and your biorhythms.

Morning workouts

  1. If after morning workouts there is a feeling of freshness and vigor. And there is still a whole working day ahead, then the morning time is most suitable for you. But in this case you will have to go to bed very early.
  2. But if you need to go to work in the evening, then after training well in the morning, you can also have a great rest after training.

To make it easier to come to your senses after sleep, use.

Lunchtime workouts

This time for training is not at all uncommon, but on the contrary, a very common situation. Because if you have time at lunch and the gym (sports ground) is not far from work, then why not work out, but the morning and evening are free. This training time is perfect for both owls and larks, since both are already very alert and full of energy.

What is the best time to exercise - evening workouts

The second type of people are night owls. They can't perform early in the morning training exercises. Their body is designed in such a way that it needs more time to sway. All morning activities will be a burden for such people, but in the evening they have maximum performance. Therefore, it is better for them to exercise after work. This can be done as soon as you have free time or after you have rested for a while, after work. In any case, you need to look for it yourself, when, most of all, you have free time in the evening.

Just don’t delay it and don’t train before bed if you can’t fall asleep after training. Because for some, training before bed greatly excites the nervous system, after which they simply cannot sleep a wink, resulting in insomnia and poor health. True, there are exceptions to this rule. Some people, on the contrary, fall asleep well after exercise.

Those who find it difficult to fall asleep after exercise are advised to practice simple relaxation techniques. They are well described in different sources, but I will give one of the options that I myself use in training.

Learning to relax (relaxation)

These exercises are based only on your sensations and the ability to relax your muscles. So let's get started.

  1. Lie down on a mat (carpet), tatami or mat.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Breathe very deeply and slowly to stabilize your heartbeat and fill your blood with oxygen.
  4. Then, begin to relax your toes first, then your feet, shins and thighs. As a result, a wave of relaxation should roll through the stomach, chest, arms, neck and reach the face.
  5. Here you need to be careful and try to relax every muscle and ligament, as this is very important. So, mentally walk through each part of the body several times and feel how everything is filled with calmness and heaviness.
  6. Think about something positive.
  7. And lie in this state, with your eyes closed, for 5-10 minutes.

When you learn to do this, this relaxation will become an integral part of your training. Because this is a good way to calm your nervous system. Well, if this does not help, then you will have to reschedule your training, a little earlier or even to the morning or afternoon.

Now you understand that the question: “What is the best time to exercise?” "- nothing short of absurd!

The benefits of morning workouts

  1. In the morning you are full of energy, so you can give your best during training.
  2. Morning classes prepare (set up) everything internal organs and systems, for their correct operation, and all you have to do is get into the working rhythm.
  3. After your workout, you feel a sense of accomplishment. And now you know that you can work calmly, without fear that you will not have the strength to train if you trained in the evening.
  4. The evening is free, so you can plan a vacation with your family or friends. Or watch your favorite movie or show and go to bed.

The benefits of lunch workouts

  1. You are still full of strength (energy) for training, unlike evening classes.
  2. You don't have to get up early in the morning or go to the gym after work to work out.
  3. You know that you have a free evening, so you can have a great rest.
  4. Thanks to this mode, you get much more time.

The benefits of evening workouts

  1. Many people are most active in the evening.
  2. There is nowhere to rush, so you can take care of yourself, since there is plenty of time, unlike in the morning.
  3. After training, there is also time to take a walk and take time for complete relaxation from everyday activities.
  4. In the evening you can have a great time doing sports with your friends and acquaintances.

  1. It happens that work does not allow you to play sports at the same time. Of course, the situation is difficult, but not critical. Therefore, you need to adapt to be healthy and keep yourself in shape. There is only one way out - go in for sports when you have free time (at any time), but with all this, training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a week.
  2. Never look for reasons not to train, as you will always find them. On the contrary, look for ways to go to the sports ground or gym.
  3. You need to train wisely, carefully thinking through your daily routine, training program, diet and rest, because only if you comply with all these conditions will you achieve progress.
  4. Only by experimenting on yourself will you understand your body and achieve excellent results, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Everything comes with experience.”
  5. If you are training with the goal of losing weight, then do not eat 2 hours before and after training - give the body the opportunity to spend its reserve reserves (fat). You will learn more about nutrition after and before training.


Now you understand that it doesn’t matter at all what time is best to exercise, because it all depends on your individual characteristics, free time and well-being. The most important thing is to exercise regularly, eat right, rest well (give your body time to recover after training), monitor your progress, and try to train at the same time of day. After all, then the body will adapt to you and will be ready for loads (training).

And lastly, doing sports, wisely, is much more useful and better than not doing it at all. Sport is movement, and movement is life.

Exercise, eat right and get better - good luck to you.

metabolic processes fades away, the hormonal and other systems are already focused on replenishing reserves. Therefore, in the morning, stubborn fat deposits are more easily consumed.

Lower risk of injury After a morning workout, fatigue goes away faster and muscles recover better, says a new study from the University of Toronto. Doctors observed 3,000 people who were passionate about fitness and found that after morning training, the pulse returned to normal on average 20% faster than after evening training. In addition, a blood test showed that with the same intensity of training, microtrauma to muscle fibers and associated blood changes in the morning occur less frequently.

Morning: "against"

You won't have time to have breakfast. Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach is ineffective and can lead to fainting. Without breakfast, you only have enough energy for light exercise. So what, get up two hours earlier, eat and wait an hour for breakfast to digest? This won't suit anyone.

True, you can drink sweet tea with a piece of chocolate, coffee with sugar, juice, eat a banana, a handful of raisins or dried apricots. These products will be absorbed while you are getting dressed. - Thick blood You did not drink for at least 8 hours during sleep, some amount of water was excreted during this time in the urine and, possibly, then.

Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker; increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form means overloading the heart and veins. Therefore, before training, be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of liquid and wait 5-10 minutes for the moisture to be absorbed. - In the morning, the body is still asleep. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is slowed down, the lungs are narrowed, nervous system inhibited.


Therefore, it is necessary to start charging with a warm-up, gradually increasing the load. Beginners are not recommended to give themselves serious exercise in the morning, such as running or strength exercises, it’s better to walk, ride a bike, swim.

Evening: “pro” - Physical activity speeds up metabolism As you know, in the evening the metabolism slows down, which is why a chocolate bar eaten for breakfast will have almost no effect on the figure, but a cake at dinner is immediately found in the waist area. Moderate physical activity is a good way to speed up your metabolism.

However, the load must be moderate, no records! - At night after training, fat will be consumed. It is known that burning calories does not stop with the end of the workout! By inertia, the muscles continue to consume energy for recovery for at least another 12 hours. Now imagine what you ate after your workout light dinner and went to bed.

There is no more food, new energy is not coming in, which means the body will be forced to turn to stored fat. And so on until the morning. And in the morning, metabolism also has no time for reserves, which means weight loss is inevitable! Evening: “cons” - Fatigue after work Not everyone can force themselves to do exercises or drag themselves to the pool after work.

Some people don’t have enough motivation to break the usual pattern and do something active in the evening, while others are really too tired physically. - After a workout, you really want to eat. Experts from the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences believe that this is an indicator of an incorrectly chosen workout. It was clearly either too intense or too long. Replace running with a walk, aerobics with an exercise bike. Shorten the session from an hour to 40 or 30 minutes. - Difficulty falling asleep The reason is too intense training.

Morning workouts are suitable for you if: - you are a morning person; - your work schedule allows you; - you find many excuses and reasons not to play sports.

In the morning, the brain has not yet “woke up”, and you can “deceive” your laziness; - sport helps you wake up and cheer up; - you need to get ready for an active day; - you want to burn more calories per day. Exercising in the morning gives a powerful boost to metabolism and the body actively burns fat even after exercise.

Morning workouts are NOT suitable for you if: - you can’t force yourself to go to bed before 11 pm; - you will not be able to control your eating in the evening and there is a temptation to reward yourself with food for your morning efforts.

Evening workouts are suitable for you if: - you are a night owl; - you need to “warm up” after a hard day; - the gym is located next to work; - you need to take a break from work issues and problems; - you have problems sleeping (with moderate exercise).

Evening workouts are NOT suitable for you if: - you always have plans for the evening; - you train too intensely and this provokes insomnia.

So, let's summarize. Both morning and evening have their pros and cons. So proceed from your own preferences, as well as from your work schedule. Moving when you feel comfortable is much healthier than not moving at all. A negative effects easy to negate using the tips we've given.

Source: https://www.baby.ru/blogs/post/386567641-178610571/

How to do weight loss exercises correctly

It's time to lose weight, many girls say, standing in front of the mirror. Beautiful, toned body- it’s hard work, and most importantly, it’s constant work.

Therefore, the first rule of losing weight with physical activity- This is to do weight loss exercises regularly. This is when these exercises will be effective for weight loss.

Heavy exercise 2-3 times a month will not do any good, unless you get muscle pain for several days.

So, to effectively lose weight, you need to perform weight loss exercises at least 2 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

Certainly, perfect option To lose weight in this way, sign up for shaping or aerobics at a fitness club. By doing weight loss exercises in a group you will gain good mood, a feeling of pleasant fatigue and satisfaction from the work done on oneself. In addition, make sure that there are girls who are much plumper than you.

If it is not possible to visit a fitness club, weight loss exercises can be performed at home. A lot of sets of exercises for losing weight have been developed, in addition, you can create your own, including exercises for your personal problem areas - stomach, hips, waist, arms, etc.

What time of day is best to exercise for weight loss? Here you need to focus on your own biorhythms. For example, larks can exercise in the first half of the day, but night owls are better off starting to exercise in the afternoon. Experts advise performing weight loss exercises at least 1.5-2 hours after meals and 1 hour before.

Before exercising to lose weight, you need to do a warm-up to warm up your muscles. The best warm-up for a girl is to dance to active music for 7-10 minutes. You can complete your workout with yoga exercises to stretch the muscle groups you trained.

If you perform weight loss exercises at a slow pace, muscle mass will increase, which does not visually contribute to weight loss. But from quick exercises On the contrary, fat is burned, and muscles are strengthened and tightened.

Of course, the result will not be noticeable immediately, but it will definitely be there! There is no need to immediately set records in the number of approaches performed. Our goal is to lose weight and lose weight effectively in in the right places. In addition to exercises for weight loss, you should visit the pool, pedal a bicycle and walk for at least an hour a day.

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Source: http://www.glamurenok.com/upr-pohudenie.html

Exercises for weight loss | Page-6

If you got up in the morning and realized that you just need to lose those extra pounds, then you can’t do without weight loss exercises. It should be noted that there are several groups of exercises; first of all, they can be divided by area of ​​influence. Everything is simple here: exercises for the hips, buttocks, waist, abdomen, legs, arms, etc...

Depending on the chosen nature of the load, weight loss exercises can be active or static, for example, as in yoga. Breathing exercises for weight loss are also possible. Are you eager to try it, is it really that effective? Doubt you can? Don’t hesitate, the site postroineem.ru will help you with this!

A saggy butt, shaking like jelly in jeans... can greatly spoil even a very charming and attractive young lady. How to make sure your buttocks are no worse than those of Brazilian dancers? Good way– go for a massage or to a SPA center, but this is not a cheap pleasure, and the effect is often temporary.

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Autumn, of course, hid our bellies in sweaters and shirts. But the “excess” noticeable in tight trousers does not adorn even the most charming and self-confident woman. A surgeon's knife is too extreme and expensive. Spa centers and professional abdominal massage for weight loss, of course, can make your stomach flat while you are lazy and have fun... But all this costs money and gives a good, but temporary result. For most girls, removing a little belly is not difficult. I worked on my abs for a couple of weeks - and here it is, the desired waist. And the fat on the sides resists exercise much better, this makes the waist not seem so thin... How to remove the sides? Many girls lament that there is only one effective way- surgeon's knife. However, fitness instructors also have a worthy answer. When performing exercises to lose weight, it is important to remember that any exercise only gives an effect if you do it regularly. No less three times in Week. Young ladies who take care of themselves usually recommend doing ten of their favorite exercises ten times every morning, in addition to going to the gym three times a week, going to the pool, dancing... Where exercise brings pleasure. Exercises for weight loss may also be ineffective if the girl performing them continues to eat exclusively buns. It is important to exercise regularly, at least three times a week. In this case, it would be good to consult a nutritionist to adjust your diet. If you exercise diligently and daily, you will notice that fitness for weight loss can be effective and inexpensive. However, experienced athletes recommend working out at least once a week under the supervision of a coach.

Source: http://postroineem.ru/Uprazhneniya-dlya-poxudeniya/Page-10.html

What exercises to do to lose weight

Those who want to lose weight are sometimes lost and don’t know what exercises can be done to lose weight, despite the fact that there are quite a few types of exercises themselves. The most popular exercises include exercises with dumbbells, on an orbit track, on rowing machine, with a chest expander. All of them are designed to tighten muscles and help burn excess fat, and make the figure beautiful and graceful.

To understand what exercises you need to do to lose weight, you need to listen to your body and capabilities. Because the choice is strictly individual.

  1. You need to choose those exercises that are most convenient and doable for you. If the exercises cause physical discomfort, then you need to replace them with others.
  2. In addition, you can come up with the most suitable option exercises. It is not necessary to strictly follow the diagrams presented on the Internet. After all, they were also invented by people.
  3. You should also consider possible contraindications. For example, people with painful joints are not recommended to exercise on a rowing machine or run. We need to choose a more gentle option. For those who have problems with blood pressure, it is better to reduce exercises with dumbbells and especially downward bends.
  4. You can’t exercise to the point of exhaustion, you can’t force someone to do something you can’t do. Any load should be approached gradually, starting with the lightest, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  5. You should also consider the possibility of combining free time with your chosen activities. During classes, nothing should distract, interfere, or limit.
  6. If you wish, you can consult with a trainer at the gym about what exactly is right for you. He will help you choose a set of the most effective activities.
  7. If you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit Gym, then you can study at home. Now there are many different exercise machines that allow you to conduct convenient exercises at home.
  8. Only when choosing a simulator is it worth considering your capabilities and strengths, whether you are ready to train on it constantly. Otherwise, interest in him may quickly disappear.

What exercises to do to lose belly fat

There are many different exercises for losing belly fat. The simplest ones include:

  • Bends down to the floor
  • Tilts on the sides
  • Squats
  • Press swing

More complicated and effective option done with dumbbells. Thus, the muscles are tensed more, trained and tightened faster. As already mentioned, you can even come up with your own exercises. The main thing is that the abdominal muscles are involved during exercise.

You should also ensure proper breathing. We can't keep him for long. It should be rhythmic and uniform. For example, when bending over, exhale, and when standing up, slowly inhale. Without correct breathing Instead of benefit, you can only get harm.

Also, classes should not be done on a full stomach. It is necessary that about two hours pass after eating. Also, do not exercise before bed. Because it will be more difficult to fall asleep. After exercise, it is important to drink water, it helps remove toxins from the body.

Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

Well suited for both women and men.

Chopping wood

The execution process is reminiscent of chopping wood. You just have to use not an axe, but an ordinary dumbbell weighing about 2-3 kg. As you train, you can increase the weight.

  • Stand upright in a comfortable position
  • Stretch the dumbbell up in your hands so that it is above your head. You can imagine holding an ax and inhale.
  • As you exhale, bend down to the floor, imagining that you are chopping wood
  • Then slowly straighten up, inhaling and return to the starting position.

The exercise strains and tightens the abdominal muscles well, the result is evident from the first days of classes.

Bends to the floor

  • Stand straight, hold dumbbells at your sides
  • We bend towards the floor, trying to reach it with dumbbells
  • Straighten up and return to the starting position

Mill with dumbbells

  • Bends to the floor
  • Lower right hand with a dumbbell towards the left toe
  • Raise the second one up to create the image of a mill
  • We change the position of the hands.
  • We lower the left one down to the right toe
  • We raise our right hand up

Press swing

  • Lie on the mat, bend the dumbbells on either side of you
  • About once we rise with dumbbells and try to reach our toes
  • Then we return to the starting position

The exercise differs from the usual abdominal swing in that it uses the weight of dumbbells, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise. It is better to start with one dumbbell, it will be easier for those who have not yet trained.

Not full bends to the floor

  • Get back into a comfortable position
  • Bend the dumbbells slightly near your stomach
  • We bend down, but not all the way, but halfway, to create an angle of 90 degrees or like the letter G.
  • Then straighten up, the dumbbells should always be kept motionless near the stomach, or on the sides.

Thus, all muscles are well tensed abdominal cavity and get up to speed quickly.

Stretch with dumbbells

Reminds one of stretching in bed with arms straightened. In this case, you need to stretch while standing, straightening your arms up.

  • Get into a comfortable position
  • Arms down with dumbbells at sides
  • About times to raise them up
  • On two, lower down

Don't forget to watch your breathing. It should be uniform. The exercise should be performed about 10 times in 3-4 approaches. As you practice, you can increase the duration and number of repetitions.

What exercises to do to lose weight on thighs

Regular squats or dumbbell squats work well. However, it is worth considering that there are contraindications and if you have certain leg diseases, it is better to give up squats and replace them with other, more gentle exercises.

Most suitable

  • A ride on the bicycle
  • Normal running
  • Swimming in the pool
  • Orbitrek
  • Exercise bike
  • Treadmill

It is also important to consider that the process of losing weight occurs evenly throughout the body. No matter how you load certain muscles, the weight will still be burned first in problem areas.

The human body is not a computer that can be programmed to remove unnecessary things in a certain place. Therefore, you need to be prepared that during exercise the effect on less problematic areas will not be as noticeable or will not immediately appear.

See also: Running for weight loss Cycling for weight loss

What exercises to do to lose weight on your arms?

Also, as mentioned above, the process of losing weight affects the entire body evenly. First, the most problematic areas are smoothed and reduced. The body cannot be given a task so that weight loss occurs at exactly one point of the body.

But on the other hand, if the hands are the most problematic area of ​​the body, then the weight loss process will naturally manifest itself most quickly in the hands. For the arms, the same exercises are suitable as for the abdomen and even more. Since the hands are involved in almost all exercises.

Exercise machines are also good for your arms, especially rowing machines. As well as a wrist and chest expander. Exercises with dumbbells will be no less effective. These include the most famous exercises like how to pump your arms, biceps, and triceps.

The only difference is that to lose weight you need to choose a light weight. Which allows you to perfectly tighten your muscles. As a result, fats will be burned faster.

Because to maintain muscle mass in tone, the body expends more energy, burns more calories faster. And if he doesn’t have enough of them, then he starts burning fat deposits. Conversely, when muscles weaken, they begin to become overgrown with fat deposits.

If you can't use dumbbells, you can do simple exercises

  • circular movements with hands
  • mill
  • scissors exercise
  • sipping
  • arm curl

But it’s best to do the exercises with weights, then the arm muscles will tighten up faster.

See also Exercises for arms for weight loss How to quickly lose weight in arms

What exercises to do to lose weight in your legs

  • Good for feet
  • Squat
  • Squat with dumbbells
  • Swing your leg
  • Alternating leg raises

The best effect can be achieved by running or cycling. True, they may not be suitable for everyone’s health, and the time is not always suitable.

In this case, running and cycling can be replaced with a rowing machine or orbitrack. Both machines are compact, do not require much space, and are suitable for almost everyone.

What time to do exercises for weight loss

You should do the exercises two hours before meals or two hours after meals. The main thing is that the stomach is not overloaded with food. This is not convenient for the classes themselves. Moreover, it is harmful to the stomach and intestines itself; there can be serious consequences.

Best time to practice

  1. In the morning between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
  2. Lunch from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  3. Evening from 16:00 to 18:00

Many people believe that the evening is better for studying, since then it is easier to force yourself not to eat or, in extreme cases, you can limit yourself to kefir. Which will contribute more to weight loss, because the stomach will not be full until the morning. This means that calories will be burned better.

But on the other hand, morning exercises are also effective and will give you vigor and energy throughout. Everything here is strictly individual and it’s better to choose what suits you best.

And do not forget that classes should be regular. If you do not practice regularly, the results will quickly disappear. Therefore, it is better to make sports a part of your life.