Scenario for the game program "travel to the country of etiquette." Scenario for a summer event - flower etiquette - scenario for a summer event Scenario on the topic of etiquette for children

Etiquette holiday scenario

Music is playing. 4 people come out.

Kindness is a person’s desire to make other people happy.

To understand and fulfill the desire of another -

It's a pleasure, honestly.

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

If you are polite

And they are not deaf to conscience,

You are the place without protest

Give in to the old woman.

If you are polite

In the soul, and not for show,

In the trolleybus you will help

Climb for a disabled person.

And if you are polite,

Then, sitting in class,

You won't be with a friend

Chatter like two magpies.

And if you are polite,

Will you help mom?

And offer her help

Without asking - that is, on their own.

And if you are polite,

Then in a conversation with my aunt,

And with grandfather and grandmother

You won't kill them.

And if you are polite,

To the one who is weaker

You will be the protector

Before the strong, without timidity.

I knew one child.

He was walking with an important nanny.

She gave subtle

Child upbringing.

This boy was polite.

And, really, very nice.

Having taken the ball from the younger ones,

He thanked them

"Thank you!" - said.

Not if you're polite

Then you give thanks.

But the boy has the ball

Don't take it without asking!

U: In order to become polite, we must use magic words that make us feel warmer and happier. Let's play the Polite Words Dictionary game. We read the poem, and you finish the word.

(a child comes out, holding signs)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... Thank you.

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... good afternoon.

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting... Hello.

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We are speaking … forgive me please.

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye... Goodbye.

A magical, kind word can cheer a person up Hard time, will help dispel a bad mood. And a kind, radiant smile will always lift your spirits.

(children's choir sings the song “Smile”)

But, unfortunately, not all people give each other kind words and radiant smiles. Rudeness and disrespectful attitude towards people is a sign of poor upbringing. The guys behave rudely, and it seems to them that in these cases they are acting like independent, independent and almost adult people.

Come find out, come understand,

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

He all in one unfortunate day

Almost brought me to tears,

His name is - he stands like a tree stump,

It's like he's grown into the ground.

  1. Be careful not to drink raw water! –

A neighbor advises.

One glass, then a second

Andryusha drinks in response.

Come find out, come understand,

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

  1. You'll come to dinner at three o'clock, -

His mother told him.

He muttered: “I know myself...

And he showed up at five.

  1. Well, what's wrong with you, Andryushenka?

And the son confessed to her:

When I don't listen to you

I look more mature!

Unfortunately, not only boys, but also girls are rude and ill-mannered...

Little blue skirt.

Ribbon in a braid.

Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

Everyone knows Lyuba.

Girls at the holiday

They will gather in a circle.

How Lyubochka dances!

Best of all friends.

The skirt is spinning too,

And a ribbon in the braid.

Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,

Everyone is happy.

But if to this Lyubochka

You will come to the house

There you are that girl

It's hard to find out.

She still screams from the doorway,

Announces as he goes:

I have a lot of lessons

I won't go for bread!

Lyubochka is riding on a tram -

She doesn't take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with your elbows,

Moving forward.

She says, pushing:

  1. Phew, what a cramp! –

She says to the old woman:

  1. These are children's places!
  2. Well, sit down,” she sighs.

Little blue skirt.

Ribbon in a braid

That's what Lyubochka is like

In all its glory.

It happens that girls

Sometimes they are rude

Although not necessary

They are called Lyubs.

But listen to what ditties our guys have prepared. Listen and think...

Play it, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings.

Sing, don't yawn,

Come out, dancers.

Lida ran boldly into the circle,

Spun like a spinning top

And she sang to the music

About familiar things.

Aunt Sima asked

Get Vitya down into the attic.

  1. Sorry, Aunt Sima,

I'm not your farmhand at all.

The train includes three youths:

“Wow, there are so many people here!

Take your seats, guys.

Otherwise the grandmothers will take over.”

The lazy mother says:

  1. Make your bed.
  2. Mom, I would clean it up

Only I'm still small!

And our Grisha walks proudly,

He uses his fists.

The bully has under his eyes

Bruises do not go away.

Vitya is a very smart guy,

He can make everything,

Just “hello” and “thank you”

Can't speak.

We are funny ditties

You have been fulfilled now,

About ourselves, about our friendship

And about some of you.

And now, guys, we invite you to participate inTournament of politeness and good manners. First, warm up . We offer questions and answer options. Think, decide and name the correct answer.

1. When people meet, they say to each other:

  1. Thank you;
  2. Hello;
  3. Please;
  4. Goodbye.

2. What to do if you need to say something from a long distance?

  1. Shout louder;
  2. Do not shout, but show with gestures;
  3. Come closer and say.

3. What should a boy give to a girl when getting off the bus?

  1. Hand;
  2. leg;
  3. Wallet;
  4. Coat.

4. There is a crush at the door of the store. One crowd enters, another leaves. Who should give in?

  1. Those who come out;
  2. Those who enter;
  3. We must move towards each other, pushing and squeezing through the doors.

5. Where to put your hands during a conversation?

  1. If there is nothing in the hands, they will remain freely lowered;
  2. You need to touch your interlocutor, twist his buttons, push him with your fists;
  3. Your arms should be crossed over your chest.

6. Can I borrow a comb?

  1. You can - don’t walk around with shaggy hair;
  2. Only close people;
  3. No.

7. A stranger on the street, having identified himself, greeted you. How to proceed?

  1. Pretend not to notice the greeting;
  2. Reply with a greeting;
  3. Explain to a stranger his mistake.

8. Is it possible to comb your hair in transport?

  1. Can! Is it better to go shaggy?
  2. Possible only in warm time of the year;
  3. You can never.

9. How should you pass by those sitting in the auditorium?

  1. With your back to the person sitting;
  2. Facing the person sitting;
  3. Straight ahead, ignoring your legs and knees.

10. What is the correct way to hold an umbrella when walking down the street?

  1. In a horizontal position;
  2. In a vertical position;
  3. It's best to play it deftly, making circular movements - it's so extravagant!

11. Is it necessary to say thank you when someone gives up your seat on public transport?

  1. Necessarily;
  2. Optional, but recommended;
  3. No no need;
  4. If you are young, then definitely.

12. Who should you greet while in the institution?

  1. With everyone;
  2. Only with those you know;
  3. With no one.

13. Should you smile when greeting someone?

  1. Of course not – it’s not serious;
  2. Depending on your mood;
  3. A friendly smile is always desirable.

14. Is it possible to be late for meetings or visits?

  1. It is possible if there are good reasons for it;
  2. It is possible, but for no more than 15 minutes;
  3. Being late is unacceptable.

15. How do students greet an adult entering the classroom?

  1. They wave their hand;
  2. Get up;
  3. They say “hello” in chorus;
  4. They remain silent, pretending to be busy.

16. If you want to answer in class, then you...

  1. You shout from your seat as loudly as possible;
  2. You go to the teacher and answer him personally;
  3. You raise your hand.

17. If you need to leave and the other person hasn’t finished the conversation, you...

  1. Say “please excuse me for interrupting you, but I have to leave”;
  2. Silently get up and leave;
  3. Say: “Stop talking, I have to go.”

And now TEAMS COMPETITION (there are 5 people in the team).

1 TASK (1 person per team)

A competition of polite words. Name as many polite words as possible without repeating yourself.

TASK 2 (1 person per team)

Write greeting card: TO MOTHER, FRIEND, TEACHER (happy birthday).

(equipment: 3 postcards, 3 pens)


Set the table correctly, quickly and beautifully, arranging the cutlery.

(equipment: (3 sets) 2 plates, fork, knife, napkins, glass).

One point for each indicator.

4 TASK (2 people per team - a boy and a girl).

It is correct to seat the girl at the table, help her get up from the table, and hand her a coat.

(equipment: 3 jackets).

TASK 5 (1 person per team)

Act out a phone conversation:

  1. When your mother is called and she is not at home;
  2. When they called dad, but he can’t come over now;
  3. When you got the wrong number.

(then show an example of a correct conversation)

Dear guys, our etiquette holiday is coming to an end. We hope that now you will behave correctly and civilly in society. And if everyone does this, people will become kinder and the world will become more beautiful!

What is etiquette? How do people greet each other? different countries, V different times? What words are polite? What is etiquette? Participants in the travel game “Etiquette Show” will receive answers to these and many other questions. Guys in game form test themselves to see how well they know the rules good manners. They will learn " Golden Rule etiquette": do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself. In the “If you are polite” competition, students choose polite words from a list of suggested ones. The guys will conclude that a polite person is always attentive to people. He tries not to cause them trouble, not to offend others by word or deed. Between competitions, festival participants listen to poetry and watch interesting scenes, which are played out by the group's students. “Are your cattle healthy?” - who says this, who takes off his hat in greeting, and who curtsies, who sticks out their tongue and how to greet each other, will listen to the story with pleasure. The guys will draw conclusions: Greetings (like farewells) are usually accompanied by gestures: a handshake, raising a hand, nodding the head, bowing. What to do when inviting guests? How to set the table? – the presenters will talk about this, and the students will take part in the “Table Setting” competition. The children learn that the dishes are placed in a straight line, at least 4-5 cm away from the edge of the table, a knife is placed to the right of the plate with the blade facing the plate, a spoon is placed, and a fork is placed to the left with the convex side down. A glass is placed in front of the plate on the right. Napkins are placed in napkin holders. After setting the table, the audience will answer many questions about guest and dining etiquette. Entertaining scene telephone conversation evokes a lot of emotions in the guys. From what we watched and heard, conclusions were drawn: a telephone conversation should be meaningful. It should be short. You need to speak politely, say hello, introduce yourself, call by name. The guys will test themselves to see if they know proverbs and sayings about politeness, and listen to an entertaining poem by Grigory Oster. And the game and entertainment program ends with the “Let’s give each other compliments” competition, in which it turned out that not all children can express a compliment to another person, that it is necessary to conduct trainings to develop the skills of giving compliments. Children’s knowledge about life values ​​will be supplemented by knowledge about the need to observe etiquette and more often use polite words in speech.



Scenario of the travel game “Etiquette Show” (grades 6-8)

The presenter exits to fanfare.

Presenter1 : It seems to me that “hello” is the best of words,
Because “hello” means be healthy.
Remember the rule, you know - repeat.
Speak this word to your elders first.
We parted in the evening, met in the morning,
So it’s time to say “hello”.

Presenter3 (EB) Hello, Dear friends! (children's answers)

It was no coincidence that I started our event today with this poem, because saying “Hello” when meeting is one of the rules of etiquette. And our event is called “Etiquette Show”.
What is etiquette? Etiquette is established order behavior of people in society. Everyone needs to know it, because each of you respects a person who follows the basic rules of etiquette. Uncultured, rude people are rather feared, but not loved or respected.

Etiquette can be different, guest, dining, family, diplomatic, military, etiquette in in public places, speech etiquette.
And today we will test ourselves: how well do you know the rules of good manners. You will show how cultured, polite, tactful, and we hope that you will forever learn for yourself the “golden rule” of etiquette:

And now I would like to introduce the teams of participants: 6a______________, 6b__________, 7a____________, 7b__________.
You will be assessed by a competent jury: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter2 At one of the magnificent and elegant receptions of King Louis XIV, the guests were given cards listing some of the rules of behavior required of them, the French name for the cards is “labels”, and the word “etiquette” originated, which later entered the languages ​​of many countries.

Etiquette is good manners, good manners, ability to behave in society.

Presenter3 (EB) We are announcing the first Speech Etiquette competition. How well do you know polite words? Maximum score– 10. From a set of words, you need to choose those words that you consider to be words of good taste, polite words.

Thank you please Good morning, hello, hello, please, thank you, be kind, welcome, good evening, Have a good day, excuse me, beg your pardon, excuse me, beautiful, high people, cute, cute, driving, funny, bummer, bastard, damn, cool, scam, dumb, nix... etc.

Teams choose polite words and attach them to the board with magnets, the speed and correctness of the choice is assessed.

Presenter1 Someone who often uses “magic” words. He is a polite person. A polite person is always attentive to people. He tries not to cause them trouble, not to offend others by word or deed.

Good afternoon and good evening!

Hello, hello, hello!

How many winters and how many years!

Many different magic words

I know

And I will gladly tell you


Allow me, excuse me,

Be so kind as to tell me

Oh please forgive me



This phrase, strange at first glance, is uttered when meeting Mongols. Representatives of the African Zulu tribe say when they meet: “I see you.”

And in Russian we simply say: “Hello.” That is. We wish our friend good health. Riding at all timesIt was considered bad manners and disrespect for others if a person evaded greetings or did not respond to them.

How did people who lived in different countries, at different times, greet each other?

(The presenter reads, prepared children act out)

  • Among some Indian tribes, when they see a stranger, it is customary to sit on their haunches until he approaches and notices this peaceful posture. Sometimes they took off their shoes to greet people.
  • In the 17th-18th centuries, important counts and countesses, dukes and duchesses, ladies and gentlemen bowed for a long time when they met, performing a wide variety of movements.
  • Tibetans take off their headdress when greeting right hand, they put the left one behind the ear, and still stick out their tongue.
  • The Japanese use three types of bows for greeting - saikeirei (the lowest), a medium bow - with an angle of thirty degrees, and a light bow - with an angle of fifteen degrees.

Presenter3 (EB): Imagine if we spent so much time on bows, so much effort on curtsies - what would happen? Nothing good, probably, except for traffic jams on public transport. And if you stick out your tongue when meeting someone, it is unlikely that your new acquaintance will want to say hello to you next time.

And now pairs are created in each team who will greet each other.

The jury evaluates artistry. Maximum score -5.


  • “Russians, British, Americans shake hands as a greeting gesture.
  • In the old days, when a Chinese man met a friend, he shook his own hand.
  • Laplanders rub noses together.
  • A young American, greeting a friend, pats him on the back.
  • Latin Americans hug.
  • Samoans sniff each other.

Presenter3 (EB) asks the audience a question:

How to greet someone you know correctly? And are there rules about this? Greetings (as well as farewells) ) is usually accompanied by gestures: a handshake, raising a hand, nodding, bowing.

Presenter3 (EB) . "Table setting" Highest score – 10 points (3 points for serving and 1 for each question)
Table manners: In one minute, should you arrange the cutlery correctly on the table? Plate, fork, knife, spoon, glass, glass, napkin (The dishes are placed in a straight line, stepping back from the edge of the table at least 4-5 cm, a knife is placed to the right of the plate with the blade facing the plate, a spoon, a fork is placed to the left with the convex side down. In front Place the glass with the plate on the right. Napkins are placed in the napkin holders.

Presenter 1
- How should you eat bread and sandwiches? (Take the bread with your hands and place it on a napkin or a special plate, eat it, breaking it into small pieces)

Presenter 2

You have grapes, an apple, an orange on your plate. How should you eat them? (Grapes are eaten one berry at a time. It is advisable to peel the apple with a fruit knife, cut it into slices, cut the middle, eat in small slices. Cut the orange into slices or rings, cutting them, in turn, in half)

Presenter 1

How do you eat pastries, cakes, and pies? (Pieces of biscuit are eaten by breaking off small portions with a teaspoon. Puff pastries and pies are eaten by holding them in the hands)

Presenter 2
- How to say without words that you have finished eating? Demonstrate this (knife and fork criss-cross - pause in food, parallel - end of meal)

Presenter 1
- From which end should you break an egg to eat it? (doesn’t matter, it’s just more convenient with a blunt one)

Presenter 2

After dinner is over, how do you leave the table? (They leave the table with others, thanking the hosts, and pull a chair behind them)

5. My phone rang – 2 points for each situation, max – 10 points
- Presenter3 (EV) Listen to the conversation on the phone and answer the question: did the guys have a good conversation on the phone? Why do you think so?
Two boys are sitting by the phone.
First: Hello! Hello!
Second: Hello!
First: Do you hear anything?
Second: I hear you. Can you hear?
First: I hear you. That's great! Can you hear well?
Second: Okay! And you?
First: And I feel good. Ha ha ha! Can you hear me laughing? Let's talk.
Second: Come on. What to talk about?
First: Well, about what... About something... It's good that we bought a phone, right?
Second: True.
First: But if they didn’t buy it, it would be bad. Is it true?
Second: True.
First: Well?
Second: What's "well"?
First: Why aren’t you talking?
Second: Why aren’t you talking?
First: Yes, I don’t know what to talk about. It always happens like this: when you need to talk, you don’t know what to talk about, and when you don’t need to talk, you just talk and talk.

- Presenter3 (EB) for the jury

The downside to this conversation is that it is meaningless.

Scene No. 2.
Two students are sitting by the phones. The first one dials the number, the second one's phone rings.
Who? Who am I talking to?
Hello. Who do you need?
What? Where am I?
Hello, comrade! Where did you want to go?
The first one hangs up. The beeps sound.

- Presenter3 (EV) for the jury.
First you need to greet the interlocutor and ask the person you need to answer the phone. For example: “Hello. Please ask Petya to answer the phone.”
If you were told that you were in the wrong place, you can ask again: “Excuse me, is this number 1-58-17?” If they say no, then you need to ask for an apology and say goodbye.
The person who was called should not ask who he needs, but should ask what phone number he is calling.


Presenter 1
- They called and asked for your older brother. What formulas speech etiquette do you use in conversation? (Please wait. Sorry, but he will be later)

Presenter 2
- A girl calls her sick friend, but her mother answers the phone. How can a girl turn to her? Where to start the conversation? Is it possible to use the word “hello” when greeting? What's the best way to express your request?

Presenter 1 . A telephone conversation should be meaningful. It should be short. You need to speak politely, say hello, introduce yourself, call by name)

6. Creative Do you know the proverbs?

Presenter3 (EB)
There are proverbs on the slide, the teams speak in turns.

points – 12 each correctly guessed proverb 2 points

Presenter 1: We invite you to listenan unusual poem by Grigory Oster from the book “Bad Advice”.

Pupils take turns reading poetry.

  1. When you're old, go
    Walk through the streets.
    Don't get on the bus - it doesn't matter
    You'll have to stand there.

And nowadays there are few fools,
To give way,
And to those distant times
There won't be any of them at all.

  1. If your friend is the best
    Slipped and fell
    Point your finger at a friend
    And grab your stomach.

Let him see, lying in a puddle,
You're not upset at all
A real friend doesn't love
Upset your friends.

Auction of questions, game with spectators.


Presenter 1

1. Who greets you first when entering a room?
The first person to greet someone is always the one who comes in, regardless of gender or age.

2. Who is introduced to whom?
Younger - older, man - woman, less famous - more famous.

3. Who should greet first: the person standing or passing?

4. What options are there for responding to the acquaintance that took place?
Very nice! I am glad! I am glad that we met you! etc.

Presenter 2

Rules of conduct in store:

1. Who should let whom pass: the one who enters the store or the one who leaves?
We need to let the one leaving the store pass.

2. How to correctly ask: “Who’s last?” or “Who is the last one?”
They say: "Who's last?"

3. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog?
No, even if the dog is small.

4. How to contact the seller?
By the first name and patronymic, which is indicated on the badge (a special plate on the chest), with the words “be kind”, “please”, “be kind”.

Presenter 1

Rules of conduct non the street, in transport:

1. From which side do passers-by pass?
Those walking in front are passed around on the left, and those going towards the meeting are passed around on the right.

2. When entering or leaving public transport Who is given primacy?
The lady enters first, then the man, and vice versa when leaving.

3. What to do if there is a person older than you standing next to you on the transport?You have to stand up and give way.

Presenter 1

Rules of conduct intheater or cinema

1. If you decide to go to the theater or cinema, but not alone, then what is the best way to invite a friend?
This must be done in advance, several days in advance. After all, our friends may have other plans.

2. The couple needs to go to the seat at the theater or cinema. Who goes first?
A man walks and leads to the place, facing those sitting.

3. What should you not do during a performance or watching a movie?
Talk, rustle with papers or a program, fidget, eat, share impressions. Get up and leave during the show.

Presenter 1

Rules of conductTable manners:

1. How should you eat bread and sandwiches?
Take the bread with your hands, place it on a napkin or a special plate, eat it, break it off into small pieces.

2. If at a party we were offered a dish that we don’t really like, then we need to act as follows.
You need to take a little to try and thank the person serving it.

3. How do they eat pastries, cakes, pies?
Pieces of biscuit are eaten by breaking off small portions with a teaspoon; puff pastries and pies are eaten by holding them in the hands.

4. How to leave the table?
They leave the table, thanking the hosts, and pull a chair behind them.

Presenter3 (EB)

"Let's compliment each other"

Be kind or will you be kind -
These words are useful in conversation.
They are easy to use on walks and at home,
It will be nice for someone else to hear them.
If you are well-mannered, if you are even polite,
They will never say anything bad about you.
You will give up your seat on the transport to the old lady.
By helping your mother, you will buy bread for dinner.
You won't chat with your friend in class
And you won’t forget to say “thank you.”
You can put things in order in the room, of course.
And you will heartily congratulate your friends on the holiday.
You can’t interrupt adults in a conversation.
And in misfortune you will always help your friend.
You certainly can’t refuse protection to the weak,
Of course, you can’t say bad words about the other one.
A polite child is just a treasure!
Everyone will be happy to meet you!

A compliment to the neighboring team and a compliment to friends and teachers.

The team that gives the most compliments wins. Compliments should not be repeated.

Conduct of results, rewarding.

Presenter3 (EB)







"Did you know?"



What you don’t like in someone else, Take care of your dress again, Don’t think about being smart in someone else’s monastery, Even though you’re not rich, From one word, you’re glad to see guests. and think about being neat. but honor from a young age... but quarrel forever. Don’t do that yourself, they don’t go with their charter.


“If you are polite...” POLITENESS courtesy respectfulness forethought attentiveness caring decency tactfulness benevolence

Thank you for your attention

The competition script will be useful for teachers additional education, teachers primary classes; for younger children school age; competition to reinforce the rules of good manners.
"Etiquette, or just good manners"
Target: expand children's understanding of the rules of etiquette, develop skills of cultural behavior in everyday life.
Poster on stage
“Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own appearance.” I. Goethe.
“Politeness is behaving in a way that makes others feel good about you.”
What you don’t like in others, don’t do it yourself.
Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Progress of the lesson

The theme of our event is “Etiquette, or simply good manners.” What is etiquette? (Children's answers)
-Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior in society; ability to behave in society; rules of cultural behavior in society that everyone needs to know. How did the word “etiquette” come about? (Children's answers)
- At one of the magnificent receptions of King Louis, 14 guests were given cards listing some of the rules of behavior required of them; the word “etiquette” came from the French name for the cards “labels”.
Russian Tsar Peter I also often gave balls, which were attended by ambassadors from other countries. You had to know how to behave so as not to embarrass yourself in front of foreign guests. It was then that a book about the culture of behavior appeared - “An Honest Mirror of Youth.” Peter himself took part in its preparation. The book had the following rules: “do not blow your nose or sneeze loudly into a handkerchief”; “Do not clean your nose with a finger”; “don’t eat like a pig and don’t blow into the soup so that it splashes everywhere”
There are a lot of etiquette rules: there are rules of behavior at the table, when visiting the theater, etc. What rules of conduct do you know?
- Greet.
- If you meet an acquaintance,
Whether on the street or at home,
Don't be silent, don't be shy
And don't pretend to be dumb
Hurry up to say hello
Loud “Hello!” Tell.
Hello! - You tell the person.
“Hello,” he will smile back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And you will be healthy for many years.
Good afternoon - they told you.
Good afternoon - you answered.
How two strings are connected -
Warmth and kindness!
-Thank you.
What are we saying thank you for?
For everything they do for us.
And we wouldn't be able to remember
Who did they tell? How many times?
sample answers from children:
- Don't point your finger at anyone.
- Don't interrupt the speaker.
- Don't shout from your seat.
- Don't talk during the lesson, otherwise you'll miss the most important thing.
- Keep the classroom clean, don’t litter, don’t write on your desk, don’t forget your spare shoes.
- Why is it necessary to observe the norms of etiquette in society?
- To avoid causing inconvenience and trouble to people, so that others would enjoy communicating with you.
- There are a huge number of the most incredible rules for us, which to others seem to be the only possible ones.
World Greetings Day is celebrated on November 21st every year. It was invented by two American brothers Michael and Brian McCormack from Nebraska. This happened in 1973, at the height of cold war. In their opinion, people, by greeting each other, contribute to peace and easing of international tension. That's probably true.
Today, more than 140 countries around the world participate in this holiday game. The point of this game is to greet at least 10 strangers with all your heart during the day. You can do this in different ways, as you wish, the main thing is sincerity.
- All rules of etiquette come down to one main principle: “Respect the people around you.” Now let's divide into 2 teams and compete to see who knows the rules of etiquette better.
We are starting 1st competition. You will need 2 people (a girl and a boy) from each team. Imagine a situation: a young man and a girl are walking down the street, on one side of the street there are houses, and on the other there is a road along which cars are walking. So, the question is: which side should a young man go on? (From the road side)
(Pairs of students depict young man and a girl. For the correct answer - 1 point)
Second competition. You are late for class. How will you enter the classroom? Go out the door and do a skit.
(Team representatives take turns performing the task. The teacher lists the mistakes that the guys made. For the correct answer - 2 points. Correct option: “Galina Nikolaevna, please forgive me for being late. May I come in!)
Third competition. Now we’ll check if you know how to set a table. Here are the devices. Time to set the table - 1 minute.
(Near each plate you need to place a dinner spoon and a knife on the right with the tip facing the plate, and on the left - a fork (teeth up). The glass is placed in front of the plate to the right of it. For the correct answer - 3 points)
- And now I will ask each team questions. For the correct answer - 1 point.

Etiquette quiz.

1.What is etiquette?
A set of rules of behavior accepted in society.
2.How to translate from french word"etiquette"?
The word “etiquette” has two meanings: a) label, label
b) ceremony
3. Who should go first: those entering the store or those leaving it?
They say that the one who is better educated gives way. In general, when leaving (not only from a store), those entering must let those leaving.
4. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog?
Under no circumstances, even if it is a store that sells pet products. Dogs are not allowed into any of the public building.
5. Is it possible to eat in the lobby or auditorium?
No. There is a buffet for this.
6.What can you see with binoculars?
Only the stage. Looking at the auditorium and the audience is unacceptable.
7. Is it necessary to exchange impressions during the performance?
No. This can be done during intermission and after the end of the performance.
8. How to walk along those sitting in a row to your place: should you face them or go with your back?
Face and only face.
9. At what time should you call someone on the phone?
From 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., unless you have specifically discussed an earlier or later call time.
10.What word should the caller start the conversation with?

From the word “Hello!”
11. Who calls back if the phone suddenly turns off during a conversation?
The one who called.
12.Who should end a phone conversation first?
A woman talking to a man.
Senior talking to junior. Under equal conditions - the one who called.
13. How to correctly pronounce the words “calling”, “calling”?
With emphasis on "and".
14. Which side should you keep when walking down the street: right or left?
15. What should you do if you accidentally bump into someone?
16. Where should a man be when he goes down the stairs with a lady?
One or two steps ahead of the ladies.
17. When do you get up?
One or two steps behind.
18.Is it possible to look into a book or magazine of a passenger sitting or standing next to you in transport?
19. Who should say hello first: the oldest or the youngest?
20. Should I offer my hand for a handshake?
21. The man is the first to greet the lady. And in what cases does a woman say hello first?
If you need to greet a man who is much older than her, hand
driver, a group of familiar people.
22. When entering a vehicle, who enters first and exits first?
Women, elderly people, children.
23. If friends come to your house and you want to introduce them to your parents, who should you introduce to whom?
Friends to parents.
24. How many colors can you combine in your clothes at the same time?
No more than three colors.
25. Do I need to button up my jacket with all the buttons?
No, you don't have to button the bottom button on your jacket.
26. Can a man take off his jacket and remain in a vest?
No, in this case the vest must also be removed.
27. Why shouldn’t you wear unclean shoes?
This makes their owner look unkempt appearance.
28. Is it possible to be late when going on a visit?
It is unacceptable.
29. How should you hold a fork and knife while sitting at the table?
When you eat vegetable dishes, hold the fork in your right hand, but when you eat meat, hold the fork in your left and the knife in your right.
30. How should you take bread: with a fork or with your hand?
Only by hand.
31. What to do with a teaspoon after you have stirred sugar in a cup or glass?
Remove and place on a saucer. Under no circumstances should you leave a spoon in a cup or glass and drink tea or another drink.
I offer you this game.
I ask you a question and give you three answer options. You choose the right one and, if possible, voice or demonstrate.
1. When meeting, Mongols ask:
a) Where is grandma?
b) How to get to the library?
c) Are your livestock healthy?
(For a Mongolian nomad, a herd is the basis of his life. Healthy animals mean there is enough food and, accordingly, everything is fine in the family. So it turns out: wishing health to a four-legged breadwinner is the same as wishing health to the herdsman himself.)
2. A young American greeting a friend:
a) Slaps his right knee.
b) On the back of a friend.
c) By soft spot friend.
3. When meeting Papuans, they say:
a) Let me sniff you all over!
b) Let me lick you on the cheek!
c) So I got you!
4. The Zulu (African tribe) exchange the following words when meeting:
I see you!
b) I won't eat you!
c) Where did you go? I haven't seen you for 100 years!
5. Tibetans, greeting:
a) Remove the headdress with your right hand, left hand They put it behind the ear and still stick out their tongue.
b) Puff out their cheeks and clap their hands loudly.
c) They shake hands with themselves.
6. Noble persons in the XVII-XVIII centuries when meeting:
a) Covered with fans.
b) Exchanged business cards.
c) They bowed, making curtsies and other movements.
7. B ancient China The Chinese greeted each other as follows:
a) They extended their left hands to each other.
b) They extended their right hands to each other.
c) They shook hands with themselves.
- International tension may not have decreased much, but the good mood has certainly increased.
Next task: help literary characters find the right way out of the current situation.
“The theater is already full...” (dramatized by children in costumes)
Malvina got seriously involved in raising Pinocchio and decided to go with him to the museum and theater.
1. Do you think it’s possible for Pinocchio to touch museum exhibits with his hands?
a) It is possible if he is confident in the strength of the material from which they are made.
b) Undesirable.
c) It is impossible under no circumstances.
2. Is a noisy expression of delight acceptable in a museum or at an exhibition?
a) It is acceptable
b) Undesirable. In any case, restraint is preferable.
c) Noisy behavior is acceptable everywhere.
3. Should Pinocchio listen to the guide if his story is not interesting to him?
a) Necessary.
b) Not necessary.
c) Try to make the guide understand that his story
not interesting,
4. How should Malvina and Buratino get to their seats in front of the seated spectators?
a) With your back to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.
b) Facing those sitting.
c) Sideways to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.
5. How to show disapproval in connection with the content of the play or the performance of the actors?
a) Whistle and stomp your feet.
b) Immediately get up and leave the hall,
c) Be silent and not applaud.
“Who comes to visit in the morning?”
1. The rabbit invited guests to his place for a cup of tea. The owl is late. How long should late guests wait?
a) As much as Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, who have already arrived, will endure.
b) No more than 15 minutes.
c) There is no need to wait at all, because the Owl should have arrived on time.
2. The rabbit treats his guests very delicious dishes. Is it possible to make any sounds while eating?
a) “Sounded” food indicates pleasure from a tasty treat.
b) You should behave silently at the table.
c) It is not necessary to make sounds - the loud clinking of cutlery is enough.
3. Piglet accidentally broke a cup: what should the Rabbit do?
a) Be glad that the cup broke “for good luck.”
b) Pretend that he didn’t notice anything.
c) Remove the fragments and replace the cup without comment.
4. Should you praise the treats prepared by a caring Rabbit?
a) Not at all necessary, and it is so obvious that the Rabbit is a good master.
b) Necessarily - this is a tribute to politeness.
c) You can not only praise, but also “order” your favorite dishes, for example, a pot of honey, for the next evening party.
5. What should Piglet do if he needs to leave the guests early?
a) Prepare all guests in advance for your premature departure.
b) Ask the Rabbit to announce to everyone that he is leaving, and then say goodbye to Tigger, Kanga, and Little Roo.
c) Leave unnoticed, saying goodbye to the Rabbit.
"We're going, we're going, we're going."
1. Dunno and Sineglazka decided to go by bus from Sunny City in Flower. In what order do Dunno and Sineglazka get on the transport?
a) First, with the help of Dunno, Sineglazka sits down, and then her companion.
b) First, Dunno enters the transport, as if paving the way for Sineglazka, and she follows him.
c) If there are a lot of people in the transport, they try to squeeze through at the same time, holding hands, otherwise they can lose each other in the crowd.
2. On the bus, the Shorties noticed Znayka, enthusiastically reading some book. Is it possible for Dunno and Sineglazka to read the same book?
a) It’s possible, they don’t interfere with his reading!
b) It is impossible.
c) It’s possible if they can see everything clearly and their reading pace matches Znayka’s.
3. Do you need to introduce yourself when giving up your seat on public transport?
a) It is desirable, because only in this case there is hope that the one to whom you gave way will remember you.
b) Not necessary, because while you introduce yourself, someone else may take your empty seat.
c) No need, just stand up silently and offer your seat.
4. In what order do Dunno and Sineglazka get out of the transport?
a) Sineglazka comes out first, followed by Dunno, gently pushing her.
b) Dunno comes out first and offers his hand? helps Sineglazka get out.
c) If there are not many people on the bus, they get off at the same time, holding hands, to make it easier to jump off the steps of the bus.
5. When outside, where do you put the candy wrappers?
a) Throw it in the trash.
b) There is no trash can nearby, put everything in your pocket or bag and throw it away if necessary.

c) Throw it away in a secluded place so that the garbage does not catch the eye of passers-by.
- Let's summarize our competition.
- Our event is over. The jury sums up the results (announces the score and the winning team). The competition showed that you know the rules of etiquette. But you must not only know the rules of etiquette, but also follow them so that the people around you feel comfortable with you. I hope this activity will help you become more cultured.

Extracurricular event “Let's get acquainted - Etiquette!”



: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are very glad to see you!

Guys, look at each other, smile at each other, smile at the guests. Let the smile and good mood will be your helpers at the holiday.

We dedicate our today's holiday to etiquette.

What is etiquette?

What is etiquette -
We should know from childhood.
These are the norms of behavior:
How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit down?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And it gives the answer
This very etiquette

Leading: - The guys of our Academy have prepared several for you interesting lessons, which will reveal all the secrets of etiquette.

(bell rings) -

Lesson 1. History of etiquette

1st presenter

And all this began as soon as people began to live together. It was then that there was an urgent need to make communication with each other as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This is where etiquette was invented. It developed simultaneously with society. In ancient times, people loved to fight; if any dispute arose, it was immediately over weapons. This is how it appeareddiplomatic etiquette.

2nd presenter

In the era of kings and emperors, when every ruling dynasty came up with her own ceremony, less or more solemn, arosecourt etiquette.

In Russia, etiquette appeared thanks to Tsar Peter, who believed that Russia was a great power and should not yield to Europe.

1st presenter

Modern etiquette) describes the behavior of people in everyday life, at work, in public places and on the street, at a party and at various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations. Basic Rule modern etiquette– always respect other people

Etiquette these days continues to actively develop, as they say, keeping up with the times. For example, now, when nothing and no one can do without a computer, there is alreadyInternet communication etiquette.

Etiquette means the form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in a particular society.

(there is a knock on the door) The King of Etiquette enters with Princess Politeness and members of the club.

King: “Hello, I heard a conversation about me here. Well, let's get acquainted. I am the king of Etiquette, and next to me is Princess Politeness. And these are my assistants from the Academy of Polite Sciences, you are already familiar with them. They will tell you how to make friends with me.”

Leading: Let's start our lessons on etiquette.


First you agree
Then get ready to visit.
We dress smartly
To look smart.
You got dressed, combed your hair...
Why didn't you wash your face?

Don't go without a gift
You shouldn't feel sorry for him!
If you are not invited,
Don't force your way in.
Don't forget to take off your shoes,
You can't walk around in them at home!

Don't be naughty and don't bite
Don't be offended for no reason.
Don't break tables and furniture,
Wherever you have been as a guest, my friend.
Be well-mannered and modest
Don't poke around in secluded places.

No need to kick a cat
And throw potatoes under the table!
Praise the owners, the house,
And also what’s in the house.
You put on your shoes, took your jacket...
And "Goodbye!" said?

(bell rings)

Leading: Our next lesson. ETIQUETTE IN TRANSPORT

Lesson 3
Give room to old ladies
If it gets too crowded.
Don't shout that you're dreaming of sitting down -
Stand still and not melt.
Stand still and hold on
Don't cry and don't turn around.

There is no need to litter anything here -
It's a joy to be educated.
Don't throw the candy wrapper on the floor,
If he fell, pick him up.
Don't kick others
And don't get your boots dirty.

Lesson 3

Eat your bread carefully -
This is a kitchen, not a barn.
Don't turn around like a top on your chair,
Don't put your head in the pan.
Eat the soup carefully,
Don't spit it back out.

Drink your tea without spilling!
What is this big puddle?
What's that noise? What fell?
Katya was dreaming at the table.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin.
And don't drip on your stomach.
Eat jelly and porridge with a spoon,
Soup, puree and yogurt.

You can take potatoes with a fork,
Meat, rice... No need for a spoon!
You can take the pie with your hand,
Glazed curd.
And say thank you to everyone
Who did you eat food from?

The King of Etiquette and Princess Politeness take the stage in front of the audience.

King: “Guys, we have prepared questions for you. Think about it and answer honestly.

Riddles are asked one by one.


Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

"WITH Good morning"will he say firmly?


Tell me which one of you, brothers,

Forgets to wash your face?


Which one of you is okay?

Bag, books and notebooks?


Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Gives place to elders?


Which one of you is silent like a fish?

Instead of a kind “thank you”?


Who wants to be polite

Doesn't it offend kids?

King of Etiquette: Well done! . (Etiquette and Politeness disappear quietly).

Leading: "Now we will teach our next lesson

Lesson 4 Rules of behavior at school.

1.You look like forty

Didn't hear the call!

And when the bell rings -

The lesson begins!

2.If you want to answer,

Can you raise your hand?

And when they asked you,

You must stand at your desk,

Answer what was taught

And then you will get a “5”!

3.If a teacher enters the class,

Don't turn around, don't scream,

And stand quietly at the desks -

Let the teacher take a look

How beautiful you stand

And then he orders you to sit down.

4. Be diligent in class

And try to understand everything

And then not twos, threes,

You will receive a “5”.

5.Answer calmly, loudly,

If you've learned your lesson,

But then sit there like a little mouse,

If you couldn't learn.

6. There is no need to whisper in class

And quietly chew the sausage,

Admire the crows outside the window

And pick your nose snifflingly.

During the lesson it is advisable to listen to:

What will the teacher tell you now?

And try to study better

Make your class proud of you.

7.When the lesson is over,

All tasks are done

We will tell the teacher everything:

"Thank you bye!»

Princess Politeness

/Fanfare sounds. The heralds take the stage/
Listen to residents of all kinds,
Every representative of an honest people!
Some are on the platform, and some are completely barefoot,
Some with hair and some hairless!
Horror has happened in our kingdom.
There have never been such disasters in life!
The terrible dragon and the immoral Ham
Our princess was stolen by a hooligan!
Our poor king Etiquette is crying.
/The crying King Etiquette comes out./
We have no life without our sweet princess.
We all can’t live without her now.
Sweet Politeness was her name
/The dragon Ham comes out with a song to the tune of “...We say baaki - beeches...” / along with him Rudeness and Laziness.

Ham sings:
They say I’m a buffoon, but among the people I’m just a boor,
Whoever says that, I'll hit you in the ear,
I am strong beyond my years!
(everyone sings together)
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The King approaches and tries to talk to Ham/

Why are you bothering to talk?
Are you pushing all sorts of bullshit?
You will hover under the fence
And stop watching the movie.
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The king addresses the dragon to the tune of the song “Kings Can Do Anything”/

I'm asking, I'm asking
Give me back my daughter
After all, people cannot live without politeness.
Do you want me to pay you money?
Ham :
No, daddy, I don't want to
And you will have to forget about your daughter.
Well, then I'll take it
And I'll call you right away
To my friends,
They will help me
And who is it?
And then the students
second class with the letter “b”.
Now I'll call
I'll just dial the number
And you, wait here,
They will come in droves.
Then don't blame
And blame yourself
But they will talk to you politely,
But they will talk to you politely!

/Class students come out onto the playground with a song to the tune of “Don’t think down on the seconds”/

Think about education on time,
She, my friend, is a necessary thing in life,
And politeness will always be useful to you
And the relationship will be very friendly.

From kind words poems are composed
Your destiny is made up of good deeds,
And our times may be hard,
Those who are educated can still cope with them

Well, guys, then I'm fine. Then I agree. Take the princess... and I'm with you!
/To the tune of “It’s fun to walk together,” everyone leaves the site./

Students read M. Tanich’s poem “Magic Words.”

1 student: Sorry, please forgive and allow.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables
There is also a table
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

2nd student: Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass
Before the word polite
The doors are opening!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

Final words from the teacher.

Scenario of the competitive program for the summer camp


1. Competition "Chamomile".

2. “So that man does not interfere with man”:

a) refreshing memory;

b) a story about etiquette.

3. Jokes about etiquette.

4. School of etiquette.

1. Competition "Chamomile".

Assignment: dramatize the situation and explain where the characters did wrong and what should have been done.

Evaluated on a 5-point system.

Situation 1. On the bus.

The lady asks:

I'm sorry, are you leaving?

Are they coming ahead of you?

Have you asked them?

I asked and asked.

What did they answer you?

Situation 2. A man on the subway gives up his seat to an elderly woman.

Well, what are you doing! Do not worry! “I’ll stand,” she says.

Nothing, nothing! Sit down. Don't think that men give way only to the young and pretty.

Situation 3. Two people are talking in a cinema during a screening.

One of the spectators sitting in front turns around and says:

Sorry, monsieur, I can't hear anything.

Why, in fact, should you hear what we are talking about?

Situation 4. Phone call.

The man picks up the phone. On the other end of the line:

Hello! Is it you, my beloved?

I! And who says this?

Situation 5. A little boy says to his aunt:

Thank you very much for the gift.

You're welcome, my dear!

I know you're welcome, but my mother told me to thank her.

Situation 6. Having dialed the phone number you need, say hello, talk about the weather, find out about your health, and only then check whether you dialed the right number.

2. Reasoning competition “So that man does not interfere with man.”

a) Refresh your memory.

The guys remember what rules of “good manners” they know and talk about them.

For each correct answer the team receives 2 points.

b) The presenter tells something new about the rules of etiquette in modern times. Participants in the game must prepare a story about practical application this rule.

3. Jokes about etiquette.

The guys, having read the jokes and anecdotes on the cards, must dramatize them. Evaluated on a 5-point system.

Joke 1. Mother teaches her son:

Never reach across the table if you need something, don't you have a tongue?

Yes, but the arms are longer.

Joke 2. Grandmother raising her grandson:

Andrey, when you cough, cover your mouth with your palm.

Don't be afraid, grandma, my teeth won't fall out.

Joke 3. In a museum, a father and son stand in front of the statue of Venus de Milo.

Dad, why is she without arms?

If you bite your nails, the same thing will happen to you.

Joke 4. Two Englishmen are arguing:

My lord, you are a bastard!

I hear it from my lord.

Joke 5. - Well, Vovochka, say goodbye to your aunt, she extended her hand to you... What should you say when your aunt leaves?

God bless!

Joke 6. - Dad, explain to me what tradition is?

This is what has been passed down to us from previous generations.

I see, that means my trousers are also a tradition...

4. School of etiquette.

One student from each team comes to the board. They are given cards with questions and answer options; For a correct answer, the team receives 5 points. Questions:

1. a) Is it possible to take the dish you like a second time when visiting? b) Or is it indecent?

Answer: a) 5; 6) 0.

2. a) Do you think that you should take bread from the breadbox with a fork? b) Or by hand?

ANSWER: a) 0; b) 5.

3. Should a left-handed person extend his left hand to shake hands? Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

4. Is it possible to express condolences over the phone? Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

5. If for some reason one of the guests is late, should you wait for the late person?

Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

6. When accompanying a woman, can a man ask the lady’s permission to smoke?

Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

7. If I said hello to you stranger, should I respond to his greeting?

Answer: yes - 5; no - 0.

8. a) Can a girl at a disco invite a gentleman herself?

b) Or should she wait for initiative on his part? Answer: a) 5; b) 0.

9. a) Should a gentleman accompany a girl to the door of her house? b) Or is it enough to put her in a taxi?