Rose golden celebrity description. Rose Golden celebrity: the regal aristocracy of terry buds. Expert advice on growing English roses in climbing form

The Golden Celebration rose has a bright yellow color. The height of the bush is usually about 120-150 cm. The width is about 120 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of Golden Celebration rose: practically does not get sick.

Description: Golden Celebration roses

This rose has giant, spherical flowers on elegantly drooping branches. Copper-yellow color, unusual for English roses. A closer look at the petals reveals that the effect is created by many small pink dots against a deep yellow background. The smell is strong. Significant disease resistance. An excellent variety in all respects, combining beauty, strength and elegance. (DAER) One of Austin's finest. It grows quickly and grows into a large bush. At good care blooms profusely. The flowers are densely double. In hot climates it can be grown as a short climbing rose. (RRC)The magnificent flowers of this stunning English rose combine an ancient form with a completely modern coloring. Yellow and red buds bloom into densely double flowers 8-14 in diameter, with inner petals forming a cup-shaped shape and bent outer ones. The color is usually deep egg yellow, but peach or pink tones, creating a copper-yellow hue. Flowers appear in small racemes and often droop. The aroma is light to medium and is described as spicy or fruity. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of repeat blooms until the end of the season. The shoots are slightly to moderately spiny, arched, with shiny bright green foliage. The bush is round, spreading, reaches 120-150 in height and the same width in the coldest climates, and up to 180-200 in hot countries. This beautiful rose will be good in a mixborder - try combining it with lavender or sage. Disease resistance is good, although if black spot is common in your area, prevention is best. (TGR)

This rose has giant globular flowers on elegantly drooping branches. The color is copper-yellow, unusual for English roses. A closer look at the petals reveals that the effect is created by many small pink dots against a deep yellow background. The smell is strong. Significant disease resistance. An excellent variety in all respects, combining beauty, strength and elegance.

English Rose Golden Celebration

One of Austin's best. It grows quickly and grows into a large bush. With good care it blooms profusely. The flowers are densely double. In hot climates it can be grown as a short climbing rose.

The magnificent flowers of this amazing English rose combine an ancient form with a completely modern coloring. Yellow and red buds bloom into densely double flowers 8-14 cm in diameter, with inner petals forming a cup-shaped shape and bent outer ones. The color is usually a deep egg yellow, but peach or pink tones may appear, creating a coppery yellow hue. Flowers appear in small racemes and often droop.

English Rose Golden Celebration

English Rose Golden Celebration

The bush is round, spreading, reaches 120-150 cm in height and the same width in the coldest climates, and up to 180-200 cm in hot countries. This beautiful rose would be great in a mixborder - try combining it with lavender or sage. Disease resistance is good, although if black spot is common in your area, prevention is best.

This rose has giant, spherical flowers on elegantly drooping branches. The color is copper-yellow, unusual for English roses. A closer look at the petals reveals that the effect is created by many small pink dots against a deep yellow background. The smell is strong. Significant disease resistance. An excellent variety in all respects, combining beauty, strength and elegance. (DAER)

One of Austin's best. It grows quickly and grows into a large bush. With good care it blooms profusely. The flowers are densely double. In hot climates it can be grown as a short climbing rose. (RRC)

The magnificent flowers of this amazing English rose combine an ancient form with a completely modern coloring. Yellow and red buds bloom into densely double flowers 8-14 cm in diameter, with inner petals forming a cup-shaped shape and bent outer ones. The color is usually a deep egg yellow, but peach or pink tones may appear, creating a coppery yellow hue. Flowers appear in small racemes and often droop. The aroma is light to medium and is described as spicy or fruity. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of repeat blooms until the end of the season. The shoots are slightly to moderately spiny, arched, with shiny bright green foliage. The bush is round, spreading, reaches 120-150 cm in height and the same width in the coldest climates, and up to 180-200 cm in hot countries. This beautiful rose would be great in a mixborder - try combining it with lavender or sage. Disease resistance is good, although if black spot is common in your area, prevention is best. (TGR)

Golden Celebration is deservedly popular. Its beautiful arched drooping shoots are covered with magnificent golden flowers very unusual shade. They have a golden apricot center and paler undersides and edges of the petals. Sometimes they are more yellow, but the center always retains a bright golden hue. The flowers are cup-shaped, densely double, sometimes with a button in the center. Appear in drooping clusters of 3-7 pieces, occasionally one at a time. The foliage is large, bright green, the shoots are almost devoid of thorns, the bush is round and spreading. Quite disease resistant, although mild black spot may occur. In hot countries it reaches 2 m, but in cold climates it rarely exceeds 1.25 m. (ARE)

The magnificent flowers of this amazing English rose combine an ancient form with a completely modern coloring. Yellow and red buds bloom into densely double flowers 8-14 cm in diameter, with inner petals forming a cup-shaped shape and bent outer ones. The color is usually a deep egg yellow, but peach or pink tones may appear, creating a coppery yellow hue. Flowers appear in small racemes and often droop. The aroma is light to medium and is described as spicy or fruity. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of repeat blooms until the end of the season. The shoots are slightly to moderately spiny, arched, with shiny bright green foliage. The bush is round, spreading, reaches 120-150 cm in height and the same width in the coldest climates, and up to 180-200 cm in hot countries. This beautiful rose would be great in a mixborder - try combining it with lavender or sage. Disease resistance is good, although if black spot is common in your area, prevention is best.

Reviews from rosebook.

4.05.2010 15:36
My best and most favorite English rose. I recommend to all. Luxurious, huge cup-shaped flowers of amber color, with a rich fruity-tea aroma. The bush is round, branched, of a very harmonious shape, the tips of long shoots with flowers droop, so the variety looks wonderful on a small obelisk. The rose grows quite large - my bush is about 120 cm, and on the obelisk I get up to 150 cm. The flowers hold up to rain quite well - red spots may appear on the petals, and the outer ones may wrinkle, but the entire flowers never “pupate” and do not hang.” with wet rags" as happens with other roses. The petals of faded flowers fall off well and practically do not have to be torn off. I have never been sick with anything. Luxury grade for soliter planting. By the way, a representative from Austin recommended it as one of the best for growing on a trunk.

05.06.2012 00:03
The most favorite rose in our garden. Since we have been growing it for 5 years, I would like to exchange impressions. We live in the south, the summers are very hot, but the winters are cold, although they have been shortened by a month, and are often snowless. This year there were frosts down to minus 29. So growing roses has become much more difficult. The leaves do not tolerate heat very well, so we carefully cover them for the winter. For the first two years, the two Golden Celebration bushes gained strength and bush shape, although they also tended to flower. The rose flower was impressive, but the bush was not very aesthetic, all the branches needed support. And the mass of bushes was weak.
But last year they showed themselves in all their glory. This can be seen in the first photo: on June 11, the bushes were literally covered with yellow foam. It was impossible to pass by them; they exuded an amazing aroma. The height of the bushes reached 1.5 m, the shape of the bushes was maintained with the help of supports. I noticed that shoots from the branches of the third year were blooming. And the bushes acquired shape only when they grew a mass of such branches. I don’t show the flower in the photo; there are many of these photos in the collection, namely the full-length shape of the bushes. I immediately concluded that I planted the roses too close to each other. The second flowering of the year is shown in the second photo, it is not as abundant, but the flowers are larger. And between these flowerings there were also many flowers.
They covered the roses very carefully for the winter, without cutting off the branches at all. All roses from our collection overwintered, including the ostinkas. But Golden Celebrity did not send out a single shoot from the old branches. I had to cut off all the branches; the bushes are forming anew this year. And by June 2 they bloom again, as can be seen in the 3rd photo. Flowering is beginning here, not all the buds have bloomed yet, but the bush is clearly smaller than last year, there is simply no mass of branches, because all the branches have grown anew. I had a suspicion that 4-5 years is the life cycle of such spray roses. Am I right, does anyone have experience in growing saplings for a longer period of time and cutting them more skillfully?

21.07.2013 13:53
The first flowering left me at a loss: ordinary yellow, without smell or raisins. I didn’t look at her again. And today, in the depths of the bush, I saw a beautiful lodged masterpiece with a wonderful aroma, intensely felt at noon. The bush is dense, lush, the foliage is light green. Rose is worthy and will be good choice for lovers of warm yellow color.

04.05.2014 18:38
This rose is growing at a crazy pace. I put it on an arch with a net. It gave I don’t know how many dozens of branches and all in buds. The entire arch from top to bottom is filled only with this rose. I didn’t expect that a rose could even be so thick and lush .It really fills the space allotted to it completely. You can’t see anything through it at all, it’s not like some climbing roses - one stick and a couple of branches. This is exactly a gorgeous ROSE for the garden. I’m waiting for the flowers to open... I advise you to plant it on an arch .She needs some kind of support. And in general, some English varieties require such supports, like mini-arches with a lattice. Roses then begin to wrap around them. Otherwise, they will always bend towards the ground. But I understand that not everyone has space for such structures.

16.05.2015 11:04
Absolutely my only rose out of 110 bushes (85 varieties), which came out of the most difficult winter of 2014-15 perfectly! shoots to the tips. Already now it stands in lush foliage against the backdrop of bald rose gardens. In wintering areas it is consistently ideal! Pah-pah-pah a hundred times!

11.04.2016 09:07
A rose of amazing beauty. On David Austin's website, the height of this rose is indicated as 8-10 f, which is 2.5 - 3 meters! And the most interesting thing is that it’s true! In my arch it has reached its length in three years and hanging from a height it looks royal!

04.06.2017 19:29
The rose is in its second year. It has been blooming for a week. There are about 10 buds on the bush. Maybe I didn’t count more. The aroma is in the whole yard. The buds are strong, beautiful. It feels like it has bloomed for the whole summer. As for the smell, it bloomed about five meters from it
Blue for You (there is a description of this rose on the website) These two roses give so much
aroma that you simply forget about everything else.

English rose Golden Celebration from the company David Austin Roses, from the Austin collection, was developed in the UK over 20 years ago. Producing flowers with amber-yellow and yellow-cream petals, this all-around superb variety is beautiful and elegant, and takes its unusual name to honor the Queen's Golden Jubilee.

Description of the variety

Like most English park roses David Austin Golden Celebration variety successfully passed the frost resistance test in middle lane Russia.

In addition, the rose has other advantages:

  • the formation of densely double and very delicate flowers of a copper-yellow color, unusual for English roses;
  • abundant flowering, starting in early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of re-blooming until autumn;
  • a powerful and fairly strong bush with a round, spreading crown;
  • tallness: average height bush, subject to cultivation technology and creation optimal conditions is 1.5–2 m;
  • a bush grown in a climbing form reaches a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.8 m;
  • shoots are arcuate, moderately spiny; the foliage is shiny, bright green;
  • increased winter hardiness and high resistance to the most common diseases.

How to plant an English rose (video)

When growing, it should be remembered that the variety is characterized by high demands on soil composition and grows best on humus-rich, loamy, breathable, moisture-absorbing and slightly acidic soils.

Landing technology

For planting Golden Celebration roses, areas illuminated by the sun for at least five hours a day are ideal. Average term cultivation of a rose bush in the same place is 15 years, therefore, the soil for planting must be fertile, breathable, moisture-absorbing and non-acidified. High areas should not be selected groundwater.

You also need to take into account that the variety does not like drafts and gusty winds. When planting, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • immediately before planting, open root system soak the plants for several hours in water with the addition of root-stimulating preparations;
  • when planting seedlings with a closed root system, use the transfer method, which allows you to preserve the earthen ball as much as possible;
  • if necessary, dig up the area, completely clear it of weeds and fertilize it well with humus or organic matter;
  • do planting pits commensurate with the volume of the root system of seedlings.

After planting, the plants must be watered abundantly and shaded for the first week.

Features of care

David Austin roses appeared in Russia a little over 10 years ago. All varieties from David Austin Roses do not require any high-tech care and are ideal for amateur gardeners. Activities for caring for Golden Celebration roses are as follows:

  • in carrying out fertilizing at least twice a year;
  • in carrying out the first feeding three weeks after the leaves appear;
  • in carrying out the second feeding simultaneously with the removal of the first bud: this helps better flowering;
  • in ensuring regular watering (in this case, the average water consumption per plant should be 4–5 liters);
  • in systematic weeding and loosening of the soil to increase its air permeability;
  • in the treatment of plants with modern insectofungicides at the first signs of damage by diseases or pests.

Characteristic feature of all varieties of David Austin Roses is a change in the intensity of the aroma of flowers depending on the time of day, temperature and air humidity.

Rose Golden Celebration is deservedly considered one of the best varieties with amber flowers. Depending on the soil and climatic conditions of different regions of Russia, the description of the bush may vary. The height of the plant varies from 1 to 2.5 m. According to the observations of flower growers, the bush is spreading and fast-growing. In central Russia it is most often cultivated as a scrub. In regions with warm and mild climates, judging by reviews from rose growers, the variety has proven itself to be an excellent climbing rose.

Minor disadvantages of roses include the tendency of the shoots to sag under the weight of the flowers. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the bush grows much faster in length than in width, so it needs proper pruning and shaping.

In addition, when planted in too sunny areas without shading, the flowers fade greatly, and the petals rot in rainy weather.

English roses: pruning (video) However, Golden Celebration consistently receives high marks due to its long flowering period, lasting from last decade

May until the strong autumn cold snap. The rose is a repeat-blooming variety. The flowers are large, densely double, and can be arranged either singly or collected in inflorescences. Many gardeners consider another varietal advantage to be the pronounced rich aroma with fruity notes, characteristic of plants from the David Austin Roses company.