Effective exercises in the pool for losing weight in the abdomen, sides, thighs and buttocks. Water aerobics and exercises for weight loss in water

Performing in water. The body spends additional calories to overcome the resistance of the aquatic environment, so even small physical efforts bring tangible benefits. Classes take place in the pool accompanied by music, often using dance elements.

Training in water allows you to relieve stress, get rid of fatigue, and recharge good mood and vital energy.

In water, the body weighs much less, which makes injuries from falls and impacts impossible. The spine and joints receive rest and time to restore cartilage tissue. Water resistance makes movement difficult and slow. It is impossible to make a sudden movement in water and get injured as a result.

Training in the pool allows you to practice with back diseases, joint pain, and problems in the cervical spine.

Exercises in water are allowed for pregnant women. During exercise, the water acts as a hydromassage and gently massages the skin. If you add swimming to water aerobics, the massage properties of water are enhanced even more and allow you to get rid of cellulite. There are no differences in gender or age in water, fat people They don’t feel any discomfort from being around slim, fit people, and they work out with joy and pleasure.

Even those who who can't swim. All elements of the movements are done at a shallow depth; special belts are provided for training to help stay on the water.

To increase water resistance, use special dumbbells for water aerobics; they increase the load. A person loses almost 90% of his weight in water. The body feels extraordinary lightness and freedom, and during training in the pool there is an amazingly positive attitude.

There is no pain in the muscles after training, so familiar to all athletes, from the accumulation of lactic acid. Hydromassage helps remove acid from muscles, fights cellulite, smoothing the skin.

Disadvantages of water aerobics

Cold water is contraindicated for some diseases of the spine. Hypothermia can worsen the patient's condition. Not recommended do water aerobics for people who have had a heart attack, suffer from heart disease, lung disease, or have chronic otitis media. Chlorination of pool water can trigger asthmatic attacks and cause allergies.

You should start training only after a comprehensive medical examination.

Common Mistakes

Before classes, be sure to warm up on land, warming up your muscles and stretching your joints. After completing the complex, final stretching exercises are performed for the muscles, especially those that have worked hard.

For a beginner, time to practice in the pool should not exceed 45 minutes, especially if he is over 50 years old. At this age, you need to strictly control your heart rate. You cannot start exercising if you are feeling unwell or overtired; the load should increase gradually.

Do not suddenly enter the water. On the surface of the skin is big number small blood vessels, from a rapid change in temperature they can sharply shrink, triggering a heart attack. You can’t exercise earlier than two hours after eating for a similar reason: blood rushes to the organs digestive system, muscles and brain receive insufficient oxygen. Exercising after a heavy lunch can lead to cramps.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Warm-up (carried out on land)

The muscles are warmed up by walking in place with high hip lifts, followed by running in place. Perform for 2 minutes.

  • While standing, turn your head to the sides and rotate your shoulders. 8-10 repetitions.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do bends. Repeat 8 times.
  • Extend your arms in front of you at chest level. Swing your legs, trying to reach your hands.

Exercise No. 1. Running in water

  • Perform the exercise for 10 - 20 minutes. All leg muscles work, exercise helps get rid of cellulite.

Exercise No. 2. Jumping with a turn

  • Jump out of the water, turning your body to the right and left as you jump. Do 8 - 10 jumps.

Jumping trains the heart and blood vessels.

Exercise No. 3.

  • Feet shoulder width apart. Make 4 tilts to the left, 4 tilts to the right, 4 tilts forward. Do the bends for a minute.

Exercise No. 4. Lunges forward

  • Hands raised up. Lunge with your right foot, simultaneously turning your body to the right side.
  • Repeat for the left leg.

Do 15 - 20 lunges with each leg

Exercise No. 5. Knee to chest raise

  • The right and left knees are alternately raised up and pressed to the chest. When performing the exercise, your back should be straight.

Exercise No. 6. Reduction of the knee and elbow

  • Raise your left knee to your chest, while simultaneously turning your body and trying to reach your knee with your right elbow.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat for the right knee and left elbow.

Perform the exercise 20 times on each side.

Exercise No. 7. Raising the bent knee to the side

  • Raise the bent right knee to the side, move it forward, return it to the side, lower it.
  • Raise the same knee to the side, then bring it back, return it to the side, lower it.
  • Perform for the left knee.

Repeat the exercise 15-20 times for each leg.

Exercise No. 8. Jumping with body swinging

  • Jump alternately on one leg, leaving the other behind, swinging your torso.

Strengthens the lower back, helps get rid of pain due to osteochondrosis.

Exercise No. 9. For inner surface hips

  • Grab a support or lean against the side, and squeeze the ball with your knees.
  • Straining your muscles, try to lower your feet with the ball under the water. Perform for 2 - 3 minutes.

Exercise No. 10. A combination of leg swings and body rotations

  • Pushing off with one leg, swing the other leg and turn your body, helping yourself with your hands.
  • Change legs.

Exercise No. 11. Jump Squat

  • Sit down, arms above your head.
  • Jump with a push, trying to jump out of the water and helping yourself with your hands.

Perform 25 - 30 jumping jacks with squats.

Exercise No. 12. Kicks

  • Your arms are extended in front of you. Raise the leg bent at the knee upward and straighten it, striking.

Everyone knows well that water is the source of life for all living things on earth. The human body is also 80% water, and a person also spends the first 9 months after conception surrounded by liquid. This is the basis of the belief of doctors that we can feel comfortable in water and, if desired, also receive benefits, combining it with pleasure.

So let's turn our attention to water sports! By performing various sets of exercises, you can achieve a colossal effect, improve your well-being and body shape, strengthen your muscles and become more resilient. Compared with various types fitness for women, exercises in the pool are considered the most effective. That’s why water aerobics and water aerobics classes have so quickly become one of the most popular types of training for men, women and even children.

If during a regular workout in the gym the main load falls on the legs, and, consequently, on the spine, then during water aerobics the joints are maximally unloaded. The load increases even more if a person is heavy: this is fraught with injury. In water, losing kilograms is much easier, safer, and the fat burning process goes faster. In short, a great way to quickly get in shape is water aerobics: weight loss exercises with noodles and dumbbells are so varied that you will remain interested in training for a long time.

Equipment for water aerobics

Any pool has specialized equipment for performing exercises. At first, it is better to study with an experienced instructor who will show you correct technique exercises and will explain which muscle groups work under a particular load. Despite the fact that the risk of injury in water is minimized, you should still behave carefully, paying attention to those nearby. The trainer will also show you how to properly handle the equipment in the pool. For example, with dumbbells and noodles.

Noodles are cylindrical oblong objects made from non-sinking materials. Noodles bend very well, which is why they found wide application in water aerobics. Noodles can be purchased independently at any specialized store. To make it even more fun, you can choose bright colored or striped equipment.

When a person with noodles plunges into the pool, this device creates a resistance force. The person floats on the water rather than standing with his feet on the bottom of the pool. This is often relevant in water aerobics classes and allows you to further enhance physical activity. Just 30 minutes of exercise at an active or even moderate pace will give an excellent result - 500 calories burned. And after two months you can notice the first results of such pleasant and fun workouts.

During water aerobics classes, another device can be used - dumbbells. They are also made of rubber materials, but they have different weights, which you can choose individually for yourself. However, the resistance force exerted in water increases the load so much that even dumbbells weighing one kilogram are suitable for effective exercise.

Water aerobics exercises for weight loss

Exercises with dumbbells in the pool

For this complex you will need one kilogram dumbbells. We begin the exercises with a warm-up: we walk in place, trying to raise one knee as high as possible, pulling it towards the chest. At this time, the arms are already actively working: with each rise of the knee, they bend at the elbows or rise to the armpits (the elbows look clearly to the sides).

Let's get started with the basic exercises:

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and press your hands tightly to your chest. We sharply throw our arms straight in front of us, holding the dumbbells, and then return them to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for two minutes.

2. We again place our feet shoulder-width apart, and tilt our body forward with a straight back. right hand pulled back from the dumbbells, left - directed forward. We change hands, alternately moving them back and forth, feeling how the resistance of the water is overcome. In total you need to do 15 repetitions.

3. Legs are bent at the knees and the body is slightly tilted. Arms are extended with dumbbells forward and slightly down so that they are in front of the chest. We rotate with outstretched arms, making circular movements forward and then back for 15 repetitions. We try not to work with our shoulders; they should not rise and move back and forth. This exercise allows you to work out the muscles of the shoulders, chest and forearm.

4. We stand with our feet together and our arms extended with dumbbells at our sides. We jump sharply, trying not to jump out of the pool as high as possible, but tucking our knees under our chests and having time to bring them under legs bent hands with dumbbells. We need to repeat 10 jumps.

A set of exercises with noodles

After completing this seemingly simple complex, you can feel how the arm muscles have worked and pleasant fatigue in them. It's time to move on to exercises with noodles. With their help you will learn to maintain balance. They help strengthen the back muscles, and also allow you to work your abs, arms and buttocks.

1. Take the noodle with both hands, overcoming the resistance of the water, try to lower it under the water. This movement strengthens your arms and shoulder girdle.

2. Grasp the noodle with your hands, extending your arms forward at chest level. Holding onto it, pull your knees to your chest and straighten them alternately left and right. Great way strengthen your abs and remove fat deposits on your hips and sides.

3. Lie with your back on the noodle, holding the edges of the stick with your hands. We bend and pull our legs towards our chest, feeling how the abdominal muscles work.

As you can see, completely simple exercises make it easy to get in shape and improve the contours of your body, preparing for the beach season. However, you can take care of yourself all year round. When choosing between water aerobics for weight loss and fitness, you should not make categorical statements: both sports are equally good, effective and useful. The choice of training always depends on the purpose for which you are going to exercise. Be healthy and beautiful!

To one of the most effective types sports include water exercises for weight loss. Thanks to unique properties water, the female body quickly acquires elasticity, the cellulite relief on the hips and buttocks is smoothed out, the muscles quickly take on beautiful shape. Exercises in the pool for weight loss have recently become even more popular not only among women, but also among men. Therefore, many will be interested in finding out how useful such weight loss is and whether such exercises are effective, as well as familiarize themselves with their varieties.

Do exercises in water help you lose weight?

Modern women are increasingly asking themselves whether exercising in water helps them lose weight. Everyone gets an unequivocal answer: such exercises are very effective in losing weight, thanks to the high resistance of water during each movement. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body lose the force of gravity up to 90% of their total mass and work even more intensely than during normal sports activities.

If you perform at least one exercise in the pool during aquafitness, you will feel that performing any movement is much more difficult than in a dry gym or at home. In addition, scientists have proven that when performing exercises in a pool for weight loss, much more fatty tissue is burned compared to similar exercises on land. However, like any other species physical activity, aqua training has its positive and negative aspects. Check them out below.

Benefits and contraindications

Exercises in the pool for weight loss have a lot of positive points, which have a beneficial effect not only on female figure, but also on the state of her skin tone. If you have already started doing such exercises for weight loss, then you will certainly have experienced their enormous benefits, which are based on the following points:

  • When starting any exercise in an aquatic environment, you are sure to fight against the drag force of the water that flows around your body. Thanks to this fact, the movement of lymph and blood circulation in your body is actively stimulated. This gives a tremendous effect if you want to overcome cellulite.
  • Water for weight loss has an excellent complex effect, which has a good effect on the normalization of the nervous, immune, cardiac, and vascular systems. Such physical education improves the capabilities of the musculoskeletal system and helps cure varicose veins.
  • Additionally water treatments with weight loss exercises effectively help fight edema and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to this property, many people compare aquafitness exercises with exercise therapy and leave very good reviews.
  • By performing even the most intense weight loss exercises in the pool, you will never overload your body.
  • The process of losing weight during such training occurs intensively, and the real result remains for a long time.

There are some contraindications for performing exercises in the pool for weight loss. You can get acquainted with them in detail below:

  • You should not attend these classes if you are prone to frequent heart attacks or have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack. There is a similar prohibition for those who are predisposed to seizures.
  • If you often suffer from ENT diseases, these exercises are best avoided. And if the craving for weight loss exercises in the pool is simply irresistible, use earplugs, since diving is indispensable.
  • Doctors do not recommend doing exercises in the pool for weight loss for those who have disorders of the vestibular system. This also includes those who suffer from vascular insufficiency and attacks of cervical osteochondrosis.
  • People who are prone to allergic reactions the body should also beware of going to the pool where it is not used modern methods regular cleaning.
  • Mothers who are pregnant need to visit a separate swimming pool for pregnant women (well, because they are also watching their figure).

Effective exercises in the pool

Depending on what problem you want to work on with water exercises, weight loss exercises that describe how to swim in a pool also vary. This could be a special program for pregnant women, aqua fitness or aqua aerobics. In this case, all kinds of exercises are used on a specific muscle group: the abs, stomach with sides, hips with buttocks, or arms. Below you will consider in detail the main effective exercises aerobics in the pool, which are used for intensive weight loss.


For those who love good exercise associated with an integrated approach to all muscle groups at once, aqua fitness is ideal. Performing exercises from this program is based on the use of movements that are used in regular fitness of any sports club, however, certain equipment and special conditions- pool. Read on to learn how you can lose weight with water exercises:

  1. Run. Get into the pool up to waist level and start running in one place. To increase the load, use high knees and increase speed.
  2. Resistance with a trainer. Take a special foam board, which is available among other equipment of any public swimming pool, go into the water to the level chest. Use both hands to push the object away from you and then back with quick movements. Increase your range of motion.
  3. Horizontal scissors. Lie on your back, keep your hands at your sides, help yourself in swimming only with your lower limbs: row through the water with only your legs, observing the intensity of your movements.

Water aerobics

Another option for effective water activities for weight loss is water aerobics. This is a subtype of aquafitness, which is based on performing water gymnastic exercises with full strength training. The lesson takes place to rhythmic music, which maintains the required tempo. So, a few water aerobics exercises for weight loss:

  1. For the back of the thighs. Enter the pool up to neck level, stretch your arms straight in front of you. Raise your straight legs one at a time, trying to reach your toes. Do this for up to 10 repetitions, and then proceed to a similar exercise, only moving each leg back.
  2. Vertical scissors. Stand in the water up to your chest, spread your legs wide and close them, jumping in place, plunging your body deeper, and then jumping out sharply. Maintain a high range of exercise to lose more calories in one session.
  3. Turns with legs while lying on the surface of the water. Use your hands to help yourself stay afloat, and lift your legs one by one towards your torso, and then turn them to the side. Repeat the exercise for each side for at least 10 approaches. Ideally – 2 sets of 10 times. These exercises are good for children: they develop the spine.

On the press

There are a huge variety of water workout exercises that help you reduce your belly fat quickly by working your abs intensely. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. Lie on the water with your back, arms straight at your sides, palms facing down. Exhaling, pull your legs towards your stomach, and inhale as you move back. Do this exercise for up to 12 sets, and then do the same number of knee pull-ups diagonally to your shoulders.
  2. Swim up with your back to the side and grab it with your hands, lie down on the surface of the water. This time you will need a fitball (special ball). Squeeze it between your feet so that your legs are stretched out like strings. Raise and lower your legs while holding the ball.

For the stomach and sides

If you are interested in the question of how to remove your stomach and sides, use the following instructions:

  1. Go deep into the pool so you don't reach the bottom at all. Tuck your legs under you and press them to your stomach, using your hands to lightly rake them so as not to lose your balance. Rotate your pelvis 90 degrees relative to your torso in different directions. Perform at least 10 repetitions on each side to remove all creases from your belly.
  2. Stand in the water at chest level with your hands behind your head. At the same time, lift one leg and bend your torso towards it to reach with your elbow. Do this alternately on each side. Remember that the amplitude of the exercise must be strong. Perform at least 15 repetitions.

For thighs and buttocks

If you still don't know how to reset excess weight, use special swimming exercises aimed at proper weight loss in the thighs and buttocks area. They are performed by entering the pool at shoulder level as follows:

  1. Cross your arms with your legs while standing. At the same time, keep your posture straight and straighten your lower limbs as much as possible.
  2. Jump out of the water with strong and intense jerks. With each jump up, extend your arms to the ceiling.

For hands

In order for your arms to have a beautiful, toned shape, be sure to perform exercises aimed at pumping up your biceps and triceps:

  1. The water should be up to your neck. Stand straight, bend your knees. Stretch your arms to the sides, straighten your palms, rake the water in different directions. One set should consist of at least 10 repetitions.
  2. Stand straight, bring your hands together with your palms in front of you, apply intense pressure to create a counterweight. Leave this for up to three to four minutes.

Equipment for classes

In order for the water training complex to be carried out effectively and correctly, it is necessary to use special equipment. It helps you stay on the water and increase the load on certain areas of the body. For this, various noodles (water gymnastics sticks made of lightweight materials), special dumbbells, balls (fitball), and boards are used. To learn how to use certain items during your aquatic workout, check out the exercises below.

  1. Take dumbbells in both hands (calculate your strength and do not take too heavy a weight), feet shoulder-width apart, water level up to your neck. Raise both arms up, bring them to your shoulders, lower them down in the reverse order.
  2. Enter the pool up to chest level, take the noodle and hold it so that the distance between the hands is about half a meter. At the same time, bend your knees, keeping your head above the surface of the water, pull the object towards your knees, pressing firmly on it. Turn your torso back to the side with your noodle.
  3. Take small size ball, hold it between your legs at the top. While in the water, squeeze and unclench your buttocks, inner part hips
  4. Do the following movements to stretch your legs: stand at the edge of the pool and grab it with your hand. Do careful bends down and to the side with your entire torso. In this case, you should be in water up to your chest.

A set of exercises in water for weight loss

In order to find out at least an approximate idea of ​​what training in a weight loss pool is, study further a small complex with a program for working out all muscles, which is designed to be performed daily for 7 days. To do this you will need a ball, dumbbells, a board and a fighting spirit. So, a set of exercises in water for weight loss:

  1. Get into the water up to your chest and start warming up. Bend your torso in different directions, and then proceed to intense running in one place.
  2. Pump up your abs and abdominal muscles and sides. To do this, lie on the water with your back, align your arms to your sides, let them face down with your palms. As you exhale, pull your legs towards your stomach and inhale back. Do this exercise for up to 12 sets, and then do the same number of knee pull-ups diagonally towards your shoulders.
  3. Jump out of the water very quickly, going into it up to your waist. With each jump up, extend your arms to the ceiling.
  4. Go to chest-deep water level, sit in a squat, spreading your arms out to the sides, palms down. Rake the water around you.

Exercise video tutorials for beginners

There are many more options for losing weight effective means and exercises in the pool. The main condition is work, perseverance, time, and then you will reach heights in the harmony of your body. Watch the videos below for beginners, which interestingly describe swimming for weight loss, water exercises for the back and legs, and how fitness is performed in the pool in general. Additionally, you can get acquainted with water aerobics for weight loss and pregnant women. Apply all these tips and lessons to always have a great figure.

Swimming for weight loss

For back and legs

Fitness in the pool

Aqua aerobics in water for weight loss and pregnant women

Any movements in the water are complemented by the effect of hydromassage. The simplest exercise burns more calories than on land, since the body has to overcome the resistance of a dense layer of water. In addition, water takes the pressure off your joints, so the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Try special water exercises!

AiF infographics

1. Legs - in a line

Helps tighten the stomach and buttocks, corrects posture, and reduces pain in the knees.

Wear swimming goggles to prevent water from irritating your eyes. Stretch out on the water with your face in it. During the exercise, lift it only to inhale. Pull your stomach in and extend your legs along the surface of the water so that they follow the line of your body. Move your legs up and down, almost without bending your knees, the main movement is made by the hip and foot.

The movements of the legs are aimed primarily at ensuring that they do not fall below the pelvis and are at the same level with the pelvis and back. With each movement, reach forward with your head and arms (you can use them to row as conveniently as possible). Swim like this for 10-15 minutes.

2. Backstroke

Helps tighten the stomach, buttocks, thighs.

Put on your glasses. Lie on your back in the water with your arms outstretched (to do this you will have to wet your head). Work your legs as in the previous exercise - almost straight up and down. Use your hands to scoop yourself up just to keep your head from sinking. Now stick one foot out of the water slightly (just your foot is enough).

Pull your stomach in and work harder with your other leg and arms so that your head does not fall under the water. The more actively you “catch” balance, the more calories you will burn and the flatter your stomach will become. Do it for 5-15 minutes.

3. Walking in water

Removes excess fat on the thighs outside and inside, helps to tighten the stomach.

If there are pebbles under your feet, wear swim slippers. Go into waist-deep water. Place your hands on your waist. Walk along the shore, raising your knee high with each step so that it almost sticks out of the water. If you lose your balance, remove your hands from your waist and balance. Do it for 20 minutes.

4. Jumper

Tightens the waist, stomach, trains the legs.

Go into the water up to your neck. Place your hands on your belt. Jump on two legs 3-5 jumps to the right, then to the left. Perform for 5-10 minutes.

5. Running in place

Helps lose weight in the stomach, buttocks, and thighs.

Go into the water up to your chest. Bend your arms at the elbows. Run in place, trying to move your heel as high back as possible - closer to your buttocks. If it is difficult to stay in place, you can move along the shore. Be sure to actively work with your hands. Perform for 10-20 minutes.

6. Twist

Abdominal exercise.

Get into the water so that it is chest-deep or slightly lower. Jump as high as possible, pulling your knees towards your chest and at the same time reaching for your chin, rounding your shoulders and lowering your head. So that you have the strength to raise your knees so high, help yourself with your hands - work with your palms down and up, as if pushing off the water with them. Exercise for 10 minutes.

Water aerobics – this is real the key to health and rejuvenation. In terms of effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to classical aerobics, and in many ways even surpass it. In our article we will talk about the benefits of such activities and analyze water aerobics exercises for beginners.

Advantages water training

According to doctors, water training have a number of significant advantages compared to conventional aerobic exercise. Let's see why they are so useful.

  • You can do them at any age and even with minimum level physical training. Water aerobics is especially useful for older people who, due to their age and the presence of various diseases, do not have the opportunity to fully engage in sports.
  • They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, straighten posture, while placing minimal stress on the spine, joints and ligaments. This excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis.
  • Have a beneficial effect on the condition of cardio-vascular system, in particular, reduce blood pressure.
  • They increase because they include the function of hardening the body. Water aerobics, according to many professional trainers, is the key to health and rejuvenation.
  • Improves psycho-emotional state, relieving stress, depression and nervous disorders.
  • Effectively and safely remove excess weight. By doing water training, you will not quickly lose overweight. After the first classes, weight gain will stop, and then its gradual decrease will begin. This will help protect the body from unnecessary stress and get in shape without compromising your health.
  • Eliminate production during physical activity. This will help avoid painful sensations in strained muscles, which often happens after intense exercise. gym. After each water workout you will feel cheerfulness and lightness throughout your body.
  • Water resistance creates increased load on the muscles. At the same time, the caring elements themselves will support your body in a physiologically correct position and will not allow you to get injured.
  • Water aerobics is very useful and completely safe for pregnant women. It has been scientifically proven that women who practice this method experience childbirth more easily. This is explained by the fact that in the process water training the body of expectant mothers undergoes significant positive changes. Firstly, the body’s blood circulation improves, allowing for timely intake of nutrients into the uterus. This significantly reduces the risk of pathological changes in the baby’s development.

Secondly, work is returning to normal respiratory system , which compensates for the lack of oxygen during contractions and facilitates the birth process. In addition, water aerobics perfectly tones muscles and ligaments, preparing female body to a serious test. However, there are always exceptions to everything. Therefore, if you have certain doubts and concerns about the baby’s health, it is better to first consult with a specialist.

  • And of course, it’s much more pleasant to train, feeling pleasantly cool and fresh, rather than sweating in a stuffy gym.

Who is contraindicated for water aerobics?

Although water training They are among the safest physical activities; they have a number of medical restrictions. Water aerobics is contraindicated for the following categories of people.

  • WITH coronary disease heart, as well as in case of a heart attack or the threat of one.
  • In case of individual intolerance to chlorine, if chlorinated water is used in the pool.
  • For chronic lung diseases: bronchitis, asthma.
  • During colds and when there is a threat of their development, due to hypothermia.
  • In case of existing damage to the eardrums.
  • For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • People prone to epilepsy.

Water aerobics exercises
for beginners

Let's consider the complex water aerobics exercises for beginners, aimed at working out the main muscle groups and eliminating excess weight.

  • Underwater walking and running. It is necessary to go to a depth just above the waist. To begin, walk in place for 2-3 minutes, raising your hips high and intensively rotating your arms in horizontal plane. Then you can speed up the pace. Try jogging in the water with a back shin sweep or a high hip lift.
  • Jumps. Standing at attention, we perform energetic jumps, imitating a penguin jumping onto land. The exercise is quite simple and fun, but it also helps improve your posture. The depth should be such that you cannot jump completely out of the water. After practicing jumping on both legs, try doing the same on each one in turn.
  • Swing your legs. Standing chest-deep in water, begin to swing your legs alternately back and forth. It is necessary to perform 20 repetitions on each leg. To diversify and complicate this exercise, you can perform it while jumping. To do this, perform a high jump and begin vigorously swinging your straight legs until you fall to the bottom.
  • Swings from a sitting position effectively pump up the abs, getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat and removing unsightly folds on the stomach. We lower ourselves onto our buttocks, resting our palms on the bottom behind our backs. Make sure the water is at chest level. Alternately perform 10 swings with each leg.
  • Jumping from a standing position. This item water training Great for girls who dream of making their legs slim and beautiful. While at a depth above your waist, place your feet wider than shoulder level. Perform a high jump with your feet together. We lower ourselves back down, placing our legs apart, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Squat Jumps. Sit down so that the water is up to your chest. We perform a jump, throwing our arms high above our heads. Repeat 10 times.
  • Squats in water The technique differs little from the classic ones, but the load on the muscles is much greater, which means the return from such training will be many times higher. Stand in chest-deep water with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. As you inhale, squat down into the water up to your neck. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  • Knee Raises. We stand up straight and begin to alternately pull our legs bent at the knees towards our chest. Clasp your hands behind your back. We perform 20 repetitions. You can complicate this exercise as follows: raise your knee to your chest, describe a full circle in the water, then repeat the same with the other leg. This is a great workout for strengthening your butt. If you want to work your abdominal muscles, you can perform sharp pull-ups of both knees at once. We straighten back up at a slow pace.
  • "Eight". Surely many will remember this exercise, which we performed in almost every physical education lesson. Stand in chest-deep water and place your hands on your waist. We perform rotational movements with the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Perform 20 repetitions. Exercise will help remove excess fat around the waist, making your figure beautiful and attractive.
  • "Scissors". We go into the water up to our necks. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and spread our arms wide to the sides, palms forward. Tightening our muscles, we bring our arms together in front of our chests so that our palms are facing back. Perform for 20 repetitions. Great workout for the upper back muscles.

“Scissors” can also be performed with your feet. To do this, you need to sit on the bottom so that the depth in this position is slightly above chest level. Or use the handrails included in each pool. Maintaining balance in the water will be much easier than when performing a similar exercise on the uneven bars, and the additional resistance will help to better work the abs and inner thighs.

  • "Press". Contrary to the name, this exercise works a completely different part of the body, or more precisely, pectoral muscles. We go into the water up to our chests. We put our feet together, stretch our arms in front of us, palms down. With a sharp movement, lower your arms towards your body, overcoming the resistance of the water. Return them to their original position in the same way. Perform for 15-20 repetitions.
  • Underwater box. Stand in water up to your chest. We make a series of quick strikes with one hand, keeping the other bent at the elbow near the waist. We perform 20 repetitions and change hands. The muscles of the shoulder girdle are trained.
  • "Bike". This is popular aerobic exercise relevant on water training. To maintain balance, we hold on to the handrails and turn imaginary “pedals.” It will be much more difficult to do this underwater, but the result is worth it. Performing this exercise at a low, “gentle” pace is an excellent workout for expectant mothers, helping to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh and pelvic area.
  • To get rid of sagging skin and cellulite, at the end of each workout, do water self-massage. To do this, quickly massage your calves, then your thighs, buttocks and stomach.
  • Diving with long breath holding– this is wonderful water workout for your lungs, and in addition, natural prevention of colds and pulmonary diseases.
  • If you study in a group, then at the end of the lesson you can practice with the ball. Even just throwing and catching a ball is an amazing full-body workout. The rapid movement of the body in the water column helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, while the risk of injury is practically reduced to zero.

Additional recommendations for
carrying out water training

Before you start water training, pay attention to the following recommendations that will allow you to organize your classes correctly.

  • If you plan to exercise in a pool, then, if possible, try to choose one that uses non-chlorinated water. This is especially true for pregnant women. In addition, chlorine negatively affects the condition of the skin and hair, and also depresses the respiratory system.

Open water training should also be treated with great caution and, if possible, completely abandoned. The fact is that freshwater bodies of water are breeding grounds for all kinds of bacteria, including those potentially dangerous to the human body.

  • Before each workout, do a mandatory warm-up. To do this, it will be quite enough to make several short swims at a calm pace.
  • To ensure that you get rid of extra pounds, water aerobics should be done 2-4 times a week, for 40-45 minutes each. In this case, you do not have to limit your diet. The main condition is not to overeat and follow a special diet. Meals must be taken one and a half hours before the start. water training and after the same period of time after their completion.

Natural supplements for water training

In addition to water aerobics, a dietary supplement will help maintain healthy bones " Osteomed ". Research has proven that it helps increase bone strength. And for recovery chondrocyte layer joints need to take the drug . This is an excellent help for people leading an active lifestyle, as well as those suffering from musculoskeletal diseases.

To balance the necessary substances in the body and restore after long workouts, we can recommend a dietary supplement “ Leveton Forte " Created on the basis of natural plant components and beekeeping products, this unique vitamin and mineral complex promotes the natural growth and maintenance of dry skin. muscle mass, without excess fat deposits. This is true the key to health and rejuvenation.