"Green" roofs: grass roofing technology. DIY roof lawn Optimal types of plants for creating a roof lawn

IN great variety There is one type of roofing called green roofing. Essentially, it is grass that is planted on the roof of a house. Therefore, that article will talk about how to plant a lawn on the roof own home. What are the advantages of this roofing, are there any downsides? What technologies are offered today to make the grass on the roof grow lush, giving the building an unusual appearance?

A little history

The grass roof is not new. We can say that this is one of the oldest ways to protect a house from weather conditions. This type of coating was used in ancient times in Russia and European northern countries. Moss was used in Scandinavia. In Russia, a thatched roof was additionally covered with turf, thereby protecting one’s home from fires.

Gradually, these roofs began to be forgotten. But the famous architect Karl Rabitz, who invented the grouse grid, which is named after him, has again revived the concept of a “green roof”. In the 19th century, at the Exposition Universelle in Paris, he provided a model of a grass-covered house. The surprise of the visitors knew no bounds. Many people liked the idea, which gave rise to the revival of forgotten technologies.

Types of roof lawn

The easiest way to create a grass roof is to use container gardening technology. This is when grass is planted in special boxes or boxes that cover the roof area of ​​the house. This landscaping option is convenient because there is no need to prepare the surface of the roof itself for planting plants. The latter grow in containers. If necessary, they can be replaced with a new box or rearranged.

The technology of laying turf is a solid base on which soil is poured. And only then grass seeds are planted in it. Or plant turf in rolls on prepared soil. There are two main technologies here – the intensive method and the extensive one.

The first is difficult in preparing the soil layer, the thickness of which varies between 1-1.5 m. It must be carefully looked after. But you can safely walk on such a green roof, build platforms and paths, and even build gazebos. In addition to grass, shrubs and dwarf trees, which is why the thickness of the soil layer is so large.

The second is unpretentious, does not demand special care. But it does not tolerate stress well, even from the weight of a child. Therefore, this variety is mainly used to cover steep roofs - with a slope angle of no more than 45 0. The thickness of the soil layer here is small - 15 cm.

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Lawn on a flat roof - how to make it

The simplest solution is to install a grass roof on a flat roof. If you work hard, you can subsequently organize an excellent recreation area. We will assume that the roof of the house is covered with a built-up roof. For flat roof structures this is today perfect option, durable and inexpensive.

To create a lawn required:


    special membrane with convex large bosses on the front surface;

    double sided tape for fastening geotextiles and special adhesive tape for the membrane;

    peat substrate;

    rolls of finished lawn.

All this is sold in stores, which means you won’t have any problems purchasing it. There may be problems with the price, but if you have finally decided to install a lawn on the roof of your house, then you should not avoid the expense, especially in terms of saving. That is, it is recommended to use these materials. Although expanded clay instead of a membrane is also suitable.

So, why is geotextile needed? Its task is not to allow plant roots to pass through, which can damage the layers of the fused roofing and under-roofing carpet. That is, they can disrupt the integrity of the roof covering, thereby causing roof leaks.

Why is a membrane needed? This is a layer of polymer material that organizes drainage. The space between the bosses is the drainage system, through which excess moisture, as well as precipitation, will be removed.

Sequentially laying layers of green roof

You need to start by cleaning the roof plane. They simply sweep it with a broom, removing dust and debris. Further in this sequences:

    Lay out geotextiles stripes overlapping relative to each other with offset edges within 10 cm. The edges of the material are glued together with double-sided tape.

    Lay out the membrane in the same direction as geotextiles. Laying is done with an overlap and gluing with a special tape. Both layers (membrane and geotextile) are also glued together with adhesive tape.

    Another one is placed on top of the stacked materials. geotextile layer, only in the transverse direction.

    The basis for the landscaping structure is ready, cover the peat substrate. It is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the flat roof. Optimal thickness backfill – 4-5 cm.

    Now spread rolls of grass. Some people recommend doing the layout in a checkerboard pattern. But, as practice has shown, this is not the most important point in the construction of a grass roof.

    All that remains is water the lawn well. After a few days, the seams between the laid rolls will not be visible.

Video description

The video shows how to make a green lawn on the roof of your own house:

This classic way plant grass on the roof of the house (the technology is not only simple, but also inexpensive). Another option is to plant vegetation seeds in prepared soil. In fact, all the above-mentioned layers are laid in the same order. Only the peat substrate is mixed with the soil, and then this mixture is scattered onto geotextiles. After leveling, seeds are planted in it and watered abundantly.

In principle, this option is not so difficult, but here you have to wait for the grass to grow. At the same time, there is always a possibility that in some areas there will be less or more of it. And not all sprouts will be accepted. Therefore, it is optimal to purchase ready-made herbal rolls. They are already adapted to growth, the main thing is to maintain the required water balance and temperature regime. Although the rolls are also adapted to the temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages of a green roof

Let's start with advantages:

    This is first and foremost unusual. Thus, you can stand out among your neighbors in the holiday village.

    More green– more oxygen.

    Grass cover – additional layer, restraining heat loss through roof structure. And this means saving thermal energy and Money allocated for heating the house.

    Sound insulation improves.

    Opportunity organize an excellent recreation area, but you have to take into account the degree bearing capacity the roof itself.

Concerning shortcomings:

    You'll have to spend all your time behind the grass roof care.

    She increases wall loads and the foundation of the building.

    A stronger structure will have to be built under it. roof structure taking into account a more complex waterproofing system.

    These are additional financial investments.

Conclusion on the topic

Lawns on the roof are technologies that have long been worked out to the smallest detail. Many people today strive to do suburban area something unusual. Many companies offer this service. It's not that cheap. By choosing a green roof, you additionally get not only a beautiful landscape design, but also an original approach to the design of your yard.

At the moment it is very popular to use as much as possible in construction. natural materials. Very original solution There will be a green lawn on the roofs. Such a roof looks very unusual against the monotonous background of traditional roofing materials.

Earthen roofing is a fairly ancient method of arranging roofs. But they came into fashion after the triumph of the architect Karl Rabitz.

Areas of using lawn roofs for sex

Mostly such roofs can be seen in Europe, but today this stylish landscape trend is developing in our country. It is quite difficult to decide to build a green lawn on the roof of a private residential house. However, in large industrial cities such a roof would be very appropriate, taking into account the air pollution with toxic emissions and the lack of green spaces.

The best option would be to install a lawn roof on auxiliary buildings: summer kitchen, guest house, garage or gazebo. Possibly on the roof of a country house.

Benefits of a lawn roof

The main advantages of an earthen roof are:

1. Aesthetic appearance - such houses look very cozy, creating a feeling of unity with nature.

2. Creativity – using a lawn roof can make ownership an example to follow.

3. Use of natural materials - nature itself will take care of improving the microclimate of the house and surrounding area.

4. Favorable cost of earthen roofing - the price of the materials used is low, however, one should take into account the sufficient labor intensity of installing such a roof.

5. Long service life - with proper care the roof will delight the eye for decades.

Roof lawn technology

Creating a living roof involves several stages:

1. Mounted as a rafter system continuous lathing from boards.

2. A layer of roofing material is laid for waterproofing; bitumen mastic is used instead of glue. The joints of the sheets are overlapped.

3. Next, a layer of gravel or expanded clay is poured to perform the functions of drainage and thermal insulation.

4. A drainage system is being constructed from pipes laid in the gravel.

7. If the angle of inclination is more than 20°, the structure is additionally secured with a mesh or lathing.

When designing a lawn roof, some features should be taken into account: high humidity and significant weight. The requirements for these roofs are moisture resistance, water absorption, and the ability of the structure to support weight. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in leaks or plant death. When greening a roof, you must remember that the slope should not exceed 40°.

For many people, the idea of ​​a roof will be very attractive, as it combines a special charm, color and personality. It can be equipped as a recreation area or a balcony terrace. In addition to its unusual appearance, a green roof purifies the air, protects from heat, and regulates rain flows. If you wish and have a little time and effort, you can create a living roof yourself, which will combine practicality, accessibility and usefulness.

A lawn on the roof is not just an exotic element of the façade. Many architects, wherever possible, transform ordinary buildings into green lawns and blooming gardens. And the point here is not at all about fashion, since they have no doubt that it is not only beautiful, but also incredibly healthy.

Outstanding qualities and disadvantages of installing a roof lawn

Installation video roll lawn on the roof A green roof more than pays for all the efforts spent on its adaptation and contents. In addition to the aesthetic function, which no piece coating can challenge, it performs a number of others:

  1. Absorbs ¾ of incoming precipitation, returning more than fifty percent of moisture back to the atmosphere.
  2. Forms a protective obstacle to the main roofing material from the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. In the summer it keeps the building from overheating, and in the cool season it helps retain heat inside the house, thereby reducing heating costs.
  4. Acts as an additional soundproofing agent.
  5. Increases the decorative effect not only of the house, but also of the entire garden plot.

IN landscape design There are 2 directions for creating “living” structures - intense and extensive. The first involves the formation of integral flower arrangements, lush flower beds, and mini-parks. These are highly decorative gardens, which are usually installed on the roofs of expensive living rooms, restaurants and administrative buildings.

The system apparatus with trees, fountains and ponds is still being discussed at the stage construction project, since specialists need to calculate all likely loads. If landscaping is carried out according to the “full program”, then the expected load will be about 500 kg per 1 sq. meter, without including decorative components. Therefore, the structure is installed in the fall, in order to test its reliability during the cool, snowy period.

Extensive landscaping is a simple option for creating green cover, which is famous among connoisseur gardeners. For it, the strongest frame is not necessary; a supported, pre-repaired roof is also suitable.

A building with a lawn on the roof will bring considerable pleasure to its owners, be it a sprawling garden with a seating area or a typical green meadow.

Lawn on the roof - classic technology

By standard scheme A high-rise lawn laying system must consist of 6 layers:

  • heat insulating;
  • waterproofing;
  • drainage;
  • filtering;
  • fertile;
  • vegetable.

Base under the roof are made of plywood slabs or tongue and groove boards. The joints between them are “sealed” bituminous material with gas burner support.

In the inversion version, first a waterproofing layer is installed, then a heat-insulating layer. Thus, the waterproof coating will be subject to less pressure and will last much longer.

Geotextile fiber most often plays the role of a filter layer, preventing rapid clogging of the drainage.

Drainage layer – heavy-duty material (polyethylene high pressure or perforated foam polystyrene), which is laid on a root-protective film. To drain water, install corrugated or asbestos pipes with special grooves. If the surface is horizontal, a slope of 1.5-5% is formed for the normal functioning of the system.

If the grass cover is placed on a roof with a slope of more than 18 degrees, the drainage is additionally equipped with a “clawed” layer so as not to allow the substrate to slide. For this purpose, PVC gratings, reinforcement and wire mesh, and special bristly fabric are used.

A thermal insulation coating is laid at the very bottom - foam glass. This substance has moisture resistance and increased resistance to root pressure. Sometimes foam glass is replaced with extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

How to make a lawn on the roof of a house with your own hands

A roof garden is not necessarily too much large design, consisting of several layers of soil, drainage and sealing means. Anyone can install a green roof without investing much effort or material resources.

To create a lawn over your head you will need:

  • durable waterproof film;
  • peat crumbs, fertilizers;
  • small gravel.

The film must be environmentally friendly and resistant to temperature changes. To begin with, we construct a flat recess on the site. We spread the film, leaving the edges 6-8 cm wide. Holding them in this position, we support them on both sides with planks or stones. If the area is huge and the film is small, it can be prepared from several pieces in any greenhouse.

Water drainage can be provided without resorting to a complex apparatus drainage system– it is enough to lift the film in one of the corners from time to time.

To improve the quality of the substrate, mix peat crumbs with complex fertilizer for plants (3 kg per 1 cubic meter of crumbs).

Providing reliable drainage is very simple; just pour a thin layer of gravel (1 cm) over the entire surface. On top, in a layer of 5-6 cm, lay the moistened fertile mixture. Then the area is leveled and slightly compacted. That's it, the site is ready! At your discretion, you can populate it not only with a lawn, but also with flowers, shrubs, even dwarf trees.

Plants with a fibrous root system (lawn, creeping, meadow, bulbous) are best suited for a high-altitude garden. They must be unpretentious, since the conditions to which they will need to adapt are quite harsh: wind, dry air, poor soil.

Caring for the site will be limited to watering, mostly during drought, and periodic mowing. Some gardeners do not advise mowing the lawn at all, so as not to damage the thermal insulation. Moreover, with the correct selection of components, the height of the plants will not exceed 30 cm.

For free movement on the grass, green roof, just like an ordinary garden, have every chance of being crossed by paths made of flat stones and tiles. They must be laid on pliable peat so as not to damage the film.

Sowing lawn grass occurs in the proper way: we embed the seeds in the substrate, compact it a little and moisten it. During the dry period, the area needs to be watered or sprayed every day. The humidity of the substrate should be such that if you pick up a handful you can squeeze out a couple of drops of water.

Stock nutrients enough for the plants to last the first month. Subsequently, additional feeding will be needed. For every sq. meter area, scatter 40 g of fertilizer and spray the grass cover clean water. Water will wash away adhered salt particles and prevent chemical burns. After a while, the need to apply fertilizers will disappear: they will be replaced by dying phytomass.

Such recreation areas can be arranged on any site, even asphalt. The key is that the plants are provided with light, warmth and nutrients.

"Living" roof - original idea and for country house, and for urban structures. Any extraordinary building, be it a balcony, the roof of a high-rise building or even a doghouse, will be transformed by a covering of genuine grass into a fairy-tale lawn.

The concept of a “living roof” appeared recently, in late XIX century in Paris. People liked the vegetation on the roof so much that now everyone can arrange a similar miracle for themselves. Designers use a special term “ green roof", which is increasingly gaining popularity and distribution throughout Europe, and our country is no exception. Therefore, if you want to equip a green corner, then you should read this article, which discusses information on how to make a lawn on the roof with your own hands. According to experts, you need to be patient, have a small budget, and also have a lot of desire, and then the result will please you.

In addition to the fact that this element is all the rage these days, and every person dreams of equipping it at home, there are a number of other advantages of a green roof:

  • Saving space. A living roof is an ideal option for those who do not have a plot of land or it is too small. If the roof is securely reinforced, then you can safely walk on the lawn, do yoga or relax.
  • Ecology. All materials that are used for the construction and installation of the roof emit when heated harmful substances, but if it is covered with a green carpet, then this problem will be canceled.
  • Electricity generation. If finances allow, then in addition to a lawn on the roof, you can install solar panels that will supply the house with electricity, which will lead to significant savings in resources.
  • Moisture absorption. Almost all the moisture that falls on the roof during rain will be absorbed into the soil, and with good waterproofing you don’t have to worry about roof leaks.
  • Durability. At making the right choice plants for greening the roof can extend the service life of the roof several times, since a sufficiently large layer will reliably protect it from the influence of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation.
  • Additional heat and sound insulation. Thanks to the greening of the entire roof area, you can immediately notice a reduction in noise coming from the street, as well as comfortable temperature in the rooms.

Since the sun's rays will warm up the lawn, the soil, and only then the roof, the rooms in the house will not heat up, and in the summer heat a comfortable microclimate will be created.

Before developing a green roof, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of vegetable roofs.

Extensive is a lightweight option that uses a small layer of soil up to 15 cm high. When choosing plants, preference is given to those that are unpretentious and do not require special care. Landscape designers They recommend evergreens, carpeted. This option will do for light structures, roofs summer house, gazebos, garage.

Intensive - a complicated version, during which it is necessary to strongly strengthen rafter system to create a roof garden with a lawn, paths and even a gazebo. Shrubs, small, ornamental or exotic trees, lighting is being done. The thickness of the soil must be at least 1.5 m in order to root system developed well.

Flat or pitched roofs. The ideal site for creating a lawn is flat roof, on which you can arrange an intensive version of landscaping. On pitched roof A simple lawn will also look beautiful.

In many modern multi-storey buildings and business centers, the roof is covered with intensive landscaping with a swimming pool. To develop such a project, you need the help of a specialist.

At the first stage, it is necessary to strengthen the entire roof of the house so that it can withstand heavy loads. After this, you need to treat the surface with various compounds such as primers or water repellents. To protect the material from exposure to soil and high humidity lay a root-protective film, in addition, it will protect against the soil sliding down.

When choosing soil, you should give preference to a fertile substrate in which plants will germinate quickly. It is also worth using a geo-textile that will separate the drainage and the soil so that they do not mix.

If the roof has a large slope, geogrids should be used to prevent the vegetative layer from sliding down. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Since a roof lawn is not a new technology, we can say with confidence that today only durable and safe materials, and the installation process is quite simple.

  1. To create a lawn on the roof you must have solid foundation in the form of a sheathing or concrete floor, so if your roof is covered with tiles, then it needs to be disassembled. A flat and even slab is also not suitable; a minimum slope of 5–10° is required so that excess moisture goes to the drain.
  2. After this, you can proceed to the main layers. First, protective waterproofing is installed to prevent moisture from rain and watering from entering the house. Polyethylene film or liquid rubber laid on the roof surface and secured with screws.
  3. The next step will be laying the thermal insulation layer, which consists of cork slabs. They are laid end to end using special glue.
  4. Protection against root formations, which are quite actively developing in good soil, which means they can damage the roof. You can find it in specialized stores waterproofing materials with root protection.
  5. In order for water to be retained and constantly nourish the plants, a drainage layer is necessary. For these purposes, expanded clay is used, which can be found in any hardware store and it's inexpensive. Geotextile filtration is also installed so that the drainage does not become clogged.
  6. To securely fix the soil, use a sheathing that will retain all the soil. In most cases, a plastic geogrid with low weight is used.
  7. When choosing soil, you need to carefully study all the plants that will grow on the roof. A regular lawn requires a small layer of 10 cm. Do not forget that a suitable base should be porous and light.

The waterproofing layer should be as durable as possible; it is better to lay it in two layers. If a defect appears somewhere, then it will have to be re-laid over the entire area. When choosing moss for roof landscaping, you can skip the insulation layer, since this plant performs all the functions of thermal insulation.

If you previously had questions about how to create a lawn on your roof, then after reading this article there should be no difficulties. In such a simple and accessible way you can change appearance roofs of a private house. In addition, this way you can save on roofing materials and at the same time protect your house from precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.


The video shows the step-by-step construction of a green roof:

In the 19th century, the famous mason and inventor Karl Rabitz surprised visitors to the Paris agricultural exhibition. He presented the “living roof” device to the sophisticated public. Instead of the usual red tiles of that time, it was a cozy garden, the dream of any romantic lady. So people remembered the green roofs that primitive people could create with their own hands to escape the cold and rain. From time to time, one or another architect recalled this direction and introduced elements of natural roofing design into his projects. But today there is a powerful wave of people wanting to turn their roof into a green corner of nature. What does a lawn on the roof provide and how to implement the idea with your own hands, we will try to answer in this article.

A lawn on the roof of a house significantly saves space.

Green roof - the moment of truth

The structure of the roof in use, except for getting into fashion trend, provides its owners with the following advantages:

Lawn laying scheme.

  1. Space saving. Just imagine that having a house with small area land, you can carve out a place for cozy corner nature. Sitting at a table and drinking tea, you can admire the emerald greenery smooth lawn or, without fear of glass, walk on it barefoot and do your favorite yoga right on it.
  2. Environmental friendliness. You don’t have to be a member of Greenpeace to understand how much benefit it brings. Sometimes in a metropolis it can be the only source clean air, only plants can produce oxygen. In addition, contact with living nature has a beneficial effect on human well-being. Such an eco-friendly roof can be equipped solar panels to provide owners with cheap electricity.
  3. Moisture absorption. Atmospheric precipitation after installing a grass roof is not harmful to the roof structure. More than 60% is returned by evaporation to environment, the remaining 40% is absorbed by plant roots.
  4. Thermal insulation, sound insulation. Plus green roofs. Reliable thermal protection, you feel good in summer and not cold in winter. The grass layer is a living wall that protects roofing materials from ultraviolet rays. Such a roof is fireproof and soundproof, and is a natural air conditioner.

Stages of building your own oasis of nature on the roof

A flat roof is an ideal option for creating a green corner with your own hands.

Cultivation of natural objects on it can be either extensive (placing flowers in outdoor pots on summer period), and intensive (creating natural garden plot). But the hardworking Germans learned to arrange green spaces on tented, lean-to, gable roofs By the latest technologies, the only condition: the inclination of the slope should be no more than 45°.

So, let's get started, the first condition: the roof structure must withstand from 100 kg/m² to 700 kg/m², depending on the type of planting. For a lawn, the first value is sufficient; it will be discussed further. What do we have to do?

Green roofing additionally creates heat and waterproofing of the roof of the house.

  1. Create a waterproof layer: clean the roof, lay waterproofing, create a hole for water drainage.
  2. Protecting the roof from root growth: laying fleece + hole for water.
  3. Drainage device: filling with gravel, expanded clay, etc. (layer from 10 cm) or installing a special polymer drainage pad + hole for water.
  4. Cover with soil: distribute the layer evenly (for a simple lawn the layer height is 5 cm, for a full-scale garden 1 m).
  5. Add fertilizer.
  6. Sowing: mix the seeds with sand and scatter them evenly over the area, holding the container with the seeds in your hands, like the ancient plowmen. We moisten the emerging shoots daily for 3 weeks. The rooftop lawn is ready!

If you decide to decorate your roof with a professional roll lawn yourself, then you take more risks, but spend less money.

A small reminder for the owner of a rolled lawn:

  1. Possible timings: April-November.
  2. The assembly and laying of the field must be completed within three days, otherwise there may be rotting areas with yellow grass. The rolls are laid in a checkerboard pattern with careful joining of the seams.
  3. The soil for a rolled lawn must be loosened and fertilized.
  4. Mowing: 7 days after laying.
  5. Feed once every three to four weeks.
  6. Recommended autumn processing from fungus. Fundozol solution ( Matchbox per bucket per 1 sq.m.) thoroughly spray the lawn area.