Using pva glue. Crafts made from PVA glue: the best application ideas and technology for making the best crafts. From washing powder

Polyvinyl acetate adhesive is a safe composition, as it is made on the basis of resins of synthetic origin and water. It is a suspension white with a slight odor, inexpensive, versatile, waterproof, easy to use and environmentally friendly - it does not emit toxins during operation and after it hardens.

Thanks to these characteristics, the product is incredibly popular. It is used in repairs, creativity, and office needs. You can make it from PVA interesting crafts, slime toy, interior items, decor using decoupage technique. We offer some simple and interesting instructions.


This is a technique of transferring a design on paper onto a product. The result always looks impressive, and the items are very practical. Decoupage is used on boxes, plates, all kinds of dishes, furniture and even shoes.

To decorate dinner table using the decoupage technique you will need:

  • polyvinyl acetate glue;
  • wide brush;
  • images on paper (flowers, animals, ornaments, for example, on napkins);

Description of work:

  1. Wipe the surface of the table sandpaper fine- and coarse-grained.
  2. Remove wood residue, dust and debris from the treated countertop by wiping it with a damp cloth or napkin.
  3. After the table is dry, apply with a wide brush polyvinyl acetate composition.
  4. Place the images on the tabletop and glue them.
  5. After the surface is completely dry, coat it with at least 2 layers of varnish.

Advice! To glue the decor, use diluted PVA - 2 parts glue to 1 part water. This is explained by the fact that the composition in the bottle is too thick for decoupage.

There is an opinion that after drying, a surface decorated using the decoupage technique using polyvinyl acetate composition begins to turn yellow. This is not true, the appearance of unwanted yellowness is caused by incorrectly selected finishing coating varnish ( best option- acrylic varnish on water based, for example, glossy or matte from GEDEO). In addition, polyvinyl acetate ensures reliable adhesion; the myth that the decor will fall off over time is also erroneous.


You can make a lampshade or lampshade from PVA glue. For this you will need:

  • thick, strong threads;
  • an ordinary inflatable ball;
  • polyvinyl acetate glue.

Description of work:

  1. Inflate the balloon, its size should correspond to the dimensions of the future lampshade, tie it with thread so that it does not blow away.
  2. It wouldn’t hurt to coat the blank with baby glue to protect the lampshade from deformation when the balloon is blown off.
  3. Wrap the base with threads pre-lubricated with polyvinyl acetate. There can be several layers of thread, but the first of them must be very well glued.
  4. Wait for the layers to dry completely.
  5. Poke the ball (it should burst) and remove. The lampshade is ready.

Advice! Don't forget to leave a gap through which the light bulb will screw in. If you didn’t leave a gap, and you end up with an even ball, just cut it out into the shape you need.


This craft is made with PVA papier-mâché glue.


  • inflatable ball;
  • unnecessary newspaper;
  • clean white paper;
  • polyvinyl acetate glue.

Description of work:

  1. Inflate the balloon, tie it, and then lubricate it well with polyvinyl acetate.
  2. Glue 10 layers of paper, they should follow the shape of the ball. The previous layer must be completely dry before gluing the next one. The last, tenth layer is made not from newspaper, but from white paper.
  3. After the last layer has dried, the craft can be decorated with paints.

This craft looks like mucus and is interesting for its properties. If you leave the slime, it will spread over the surface, but as soon as you press on it with your finger, it immediately becomes dense. Children really like this toy, it sticks interestingly, spreads into a puddle, but as soon as you pick it up, it returns to its original state.

Important! Slime is harmless to the child’s body, but contact of the product with mucous membranes should still be avoided.

You will need:

  • 100 ml of any shampoo;
  • a little glue (its amount depends on the consistency of the shampoo taken);
  • food coloring.

You can make a transparent toy by using colorless shampoo and not adding dye.

Description of work:

  1. Pour shampoo into a bowl and add dye.
  2. Add glue. The result should be a thick lump.

The toy has an attractive appearance, does not stick to your hands and does not fall apart. Polyvinyl acetate dries quickly, so it is necessary to store the slime in a closed container.

Most optimal view connecting two objects from an aesthetic point of view is gluing. It does not require making holes and, if carried out carefully, does not leave any marks at all.

PVA glue is the most recognizable substance all over the world, which is used for various household and production operations. It is easy to use, high level reliability and affordable price. It is used to glue many objects, from paper to ceramics.

Glue composition

The composition of PVA glue is quite simple. It contains an aqueous polyvinyl acetate emulsion and special additives that give the mixture plasticizing properties. One of the main features of the substance is the ability to withstand deformation without breaking. The adhesive seam will be elastic enough to make bends on paper glued with PVA. Many other brands crystallize once they dry, so any attempt to bend them will result in breakage.

This should be taken into account when choosing adhesive for a certain type of work. The composition also includes so-called additives that improve the properties of the substance and allow it to maintain a liquid consistency in a sealed package. Before use, the glue must be shaken until a homogeneous mass is formed. A film often forms on the surface, which will have to be carefully removed and discarded, since it is not suitable for use.

Types of glue

There are several different brands on the market that differ slightly in composition due to their intended functions. Each model has a corresponding inscription on the packaging indicating the possibilities of its use.

Main options for today:

  • 1. Household PVA glue - used exclusively for working with paper and paper wallpaper. Can stick them to plaster, concrete or wooden surfaces. By appearance is a white or beige liquid with a faint odor. Old glue may appear yellow. It is suitable for use only if its components are not lumpy. This is easy to notice, since when you try to squeeze the glue out of the tube, only a yellowish liquid will flow. In this case, you will have to throw away the entire packaging. The glue can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees Celsius.
  • 2. PVA office glue - used for joining paper or cardboard. The composition is more liquid than the brand from the first point, and also has a white or beige tint. Unlike household glue, it does not have frost-resistant properties.
  • 3. Universal PVA glue - used for working with paper, cardboard, wood, leather and glass. It has very strong adhesive properties, so it sticks well to slippery surfaces. Shows frost-resistant properties at temperatures down to -20 degrees Celsius.
  • 4. PVA super glue - reinforced grade of the standard version. Possesses special composition, which greatly enhances the strength of the adhesive seam. This substance can even be used for masonry ceramic tiles on the wall or linoleum on the floor. It has good frost resistance and does not collapse at temperatures down to -40 degrees, so it can be used in unheated rooms.
  • 5. PVA construction adhesive - rarely used in its pure form. Mainly serves as a reinforcing additive in mortars for laying bricks, tiles and other materials. It has good frost resistance, so it can also be used for outdoor work. The amount of glue added to the solution depends on the type of work for which the mixture is being prepared. You can find “cooking recipes” at construction forums or specialized repair sites.

It is worth considering the fact that it is the adhesive seam that has high frost resistance, and not the substance itself in a liquid state. It is made on a water basis, so it freezes quickly in the cold, and after thawing it is no longer suitable for use. Therefore, manufacturers recommend choosing rooms where the temperature is not lower than +6 degrees Celsius when working with glue. Otherwise, the operation will be difficult and ultimate success is not guaranteed. You can view liquid and hardened PVA glue in the photo on the Internet.

Main characteristics

The technical characteristics of PVA glue can be summarized as the following list:

  • - high resistance of the adhesive seam to frost and mechanical bending (elasticity is comparable to the elasticity of the paper itself);
  • - excellent adhesive ability, which is comparable to analogues that are much more expensive and complex in composition and method of preparation;
  • - the composition does not contain toxic substances, so the glue can be used in confined spaces, and it is absolutely safe for children;
  • - does not burn or explode under any conditions;
  • - dissolves well in organic acids, but cannot be returned “to life” after hardening, since it completely loses its adhesive properties;
  • - a thin layer of glue will be completely invisible, which increases the aesthetics of crafts and allows you to use it in various handicrafts;
  • - can be used at a relative air humidity of no more than 80%.


As you can see, the glue has good performance parameters, which, coupled with its affordable price, has made it the most common model. Moreover, it can be prepared at home. Many people are interested in the question of how to make PVA glue? You can read about this on almost any website with home tips:

1. First, you have to go shopping to purchase everything you need. We will need the following list of ingredients:

  • distilled water (one liter);
  • photographic gelatin (one five-gram package);
  • glycerin (four grams);
  • wheat flour of the highest or first grade (100 grams);
  • ethyl alcohol (20 milliliters).

2. When all the ingredients have been purchased, you can start cooking. At the first stage, gelatin is soaked in water and the mixture is left to infuse for 24 hours. None special conditions In this case, they are not needed, but it is worth taking a metal container for this purpose, which has no food use.

3. After a day, you can begin direct gluing. The container with gelatin is placed on water bath and, stirring constantly, add all the components purchased in advance, except for alcohol and glycerin.

4. You need to cook the mixture until the consistency is a sour cream-like substance. By the way, it will also be similar in color to this dairy product.

5. Then you should remove the container from the heat and add the missing components to it. It is very important to mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed without lumps or solid impurities. This may take about 10-15 minutes.

Like this in a simple way You can prepare PVA right in your kitchen. If everything is done in compliance with the specified technology, then its properties will not differ from the purchased model. It is also worth preparing in advance for its storage an opaque container with a hermetically sealed lid. Otherwise, you won’t be able to protect your glue, and it will simply harden in the open air.

If a larger amount of a substance is needed, for example, to carry out repairs, then you simply need to proportionally increase the consumption of components in required quantity once. The gelatin infusion time will not change.

Slime is a stretchy, spreading toy that can take any shape, stretch and smoothly flow from one hand to another. This kind of thing is sold in children's toy stores, but you can make it yourself. In this article we will tell you how to make slime using PVA glue in combination with other ingredients. The most popular ingredients for slime in combination with PVA glue are shampoo, soda and toothpaste. Do these funny toys at home is profitable and exciting. You can adjust the color, elasticity, transparency and make it an exclusive item.

History of the origin of lizuns

The initial interest in this toy appeared in the 1990s, when the animated series “Ghostbusters” was released on television boxes. The first hero was the green slime ghost.

In general, this toy was made back in 1976 under the leadership of Mattel. The composition included the components guar copper, minerals, borax, which make the toy slimy and stretchy. But a substitute for all these has appeared chemical elements- PVA glue. This is what we will use.

How to make slime from PVA glue and shampoo

There are a lot of recipes for making this toy. Let's take the most popular one. Based on the recipe, in order to make slime with your own hands, you only need three components:

  • shampoo;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring or gouache;

These components need to be mixed in a ratio of 3 to 1. Three parts - glue and one part - shampoo. To make the slime made from PVA glue and shampoo rich, you can add a pinch of bright dye.

What glue should I use for slime? It is advisable to choose a transparent one, and among them Titanium is popular, since it contains all the necessary properties to impart softness and elasticity.

It is worth considering that elasticity depends on the amount of glue, that is, how more glue, the more resilient it is.

How to make slime from PVA glue and toothpaste

There is also a slime recipe made from PVA glue and toothpaste. It requires only two components:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. toothpaste.

Mix half a pack of toothpaste with one tablespoon of glue until smooth. Glue must be added if the toy has not reached the proper consistency. Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. The toy is ready for use.

Don't let the smell of toothpaste scare you, it will disappear soon.

The toy actually turns out to be 2 in 1, since when cold it can be used as an anti-stress toy to lift your spirits, and at room temperature for its intended purpose, as a slime.

There is another recipe using toothpaste, but without using glue. The paste should be placed in the microwave for 2 minutes, then taken out, stirred and returned to the microwave. We repeat this procedure three times. After cooling, apply sunflower or body butter to your hands, knead the mass for 2-3 minutes and you’re done.

How to make slime from PVA glue and soda

Exists big variety recipes using two main components, like PVA glue and soda, and we will look at the two most popular ones.

First recipe

So, in the first case, you will need:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. baking soda.

Pour the glue into the container, give it color by adding dye. Pour 30 g of soda into another container and fill it with a glass of hot water. When the water and soda have cooled, pour this solution into the glue. Then we collect it from this liquid so that it does not stick to our hands, and additionally dip it into the solution. After this, the slime made from soda and PVA glue is ready for use.

Second recipe

For the second recipe you need:

  1. “miracle clay” (with foam);
  2. PVA glue;
  3. baking soda.

Pour into the “miracle clay” hot water, mix, separate the liquid from the foam balls. After that, add glue there and mix.

The glue needs to be poured along the walls of the container so that there are no bubbles in the slime.

In the second container, combine soda with hot water, cool. Then combine the two containers and mix for about 1-2 minutes.

Divide the mixture into containers, color in different colors. Leave the containers open for 15-20 minutes and then you can enjoy the clear colored slimes.

Decoupage on fabric is a rather interesting and, most importantly, simple way of decorating. Typically, such finishing is carried out on those things that do not require frequent washing, since the picture can be partially or completely erased from the surface of the textile material. Therefore, they decorate tablecloths, napkins, unique clothes, and create paintings on canvas. There are many ways to transfer a picture onto a textile base, but the simplest is decoupage on fabric with regular PVA glue.

Tools and materials

To decoupage fabric, you need to prepare several basic tools that will be useful directly for applying glue and removing its excess. In addition, the main elements are prepared.

The list of things needed for decoupage is as follows:

  • three or four brushes of varying thicknesses for applying glue;
  • a sponge to remove excess glue;
  • PVA glue of medium thickness;
  • drawing for transfer to fabric;
  • ordinary water room temperature;
  • iron and scissors;
  • wax paper;
  • textile material.

Tip: the base for decoupage should be made only from natural fabric, otherwise problems with coloring may occur.

Necessary materials

As for the design, ordinary paper napkins are used to apply it. Less often, the drawing is transferred from rice paper. Brushes must be synthetic, but at the same time soft enough. Additionally, you can use acrylic paints to form contrasting contours of the design and correct stains that may arise during the work process.

Preparatory work

Usually a base of light colors is selected, but dark shades can also be used. An additional paint stroke is made around the transferred picture.. First, the fabric is prepared, as it tends to shrink or shrink when wet. The textiles are pre-stitched in warm water, after which it is well ironed using steam. And then they proceed directly to decoupage the fabric.

The material is pre-ironed

Work better at flat surface, not cluttered with foreign objects. It should also be well lit.

Fabric decoupage for beginners begins with preparing the workplace. All necessary tools you need to lay it out on the work surface, and prepare the materials in advance. The design is cut out from a napkin or rice paper with scissors so that its edges are even.. Some craftsmen form the edges with their hands.

Preparing the napkins

Decoupage technique on fabric (master class)

The decoupage technique requires accuracy and maximum precision.. If these conditions are not met, then the image is transferred unevenly or not at all.

The procedure is performed as follows:

1. The fabric is laid out on the surface so that there are no folds. The finished drawing is placed on the surface and leveled. To fix the placement, the outline is marked with a disappearing marker.

Determining the location of the pictures

2. Cover the area marked for the drawing with PVA glue and wait for it to dry completely. If the substance is too thick, it can be diluted a little with warm water.

Apply a layer of PVA glue

3. If the design will be transferred from a napkin, then the bottom white layer is removed, and the top one is applied to the place where the glue has already dried.

Apply a layer of glue over the picture

4. The top of the napkin is covered with wax paper and ironed with an iron turned on at medium power. Ironing is done from the middle and towards the edges of the pattern. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes.

Ironing the pasted images

It is important to check how the napkin is attached to textile based. If there are any shortcomings, then the procedure with the iron is repeated in these places again. Correction of the contour or places where the drawing has not been transferred is carried out using acrylic paints.

The finished result

To avoid damaging the work surface with glue, place a stationery file or a regular plastic bag under the fabric.. Sometimes the surface is coated with acrylic varnish. The product is applied thin layer, otherwise it simply will not dry and will be smeared along with the drawing. This way you can extend the life of the drawing for a long time.

On video: master class on decoupage on fabric with PVA glue

The second method of decoupage on fabric

To create decoupage on fabric, the master class suggests a second method of transferring a design to textiles. It is no different from the first in complexity, but has a completely different technology, while the same tools and materials are used.

This method of decoupage on fabric involves the following steps:

1. The material is placed on a stationery file and leveled as much as possible. A napkin is laid out on top.

Lay out the napkin

2. PVA glue is applied to the napkin in a thin layer from the center to the edges, as a result of which it sticks to the base. When the design is completely glued to the fabric, a control layer of glue is applied.

Apply PVA glue

3. After a day, the pattern is ironed with an iron without steam. To prevent the picture from being printed on the sole of the iron, you need to iron it through cotton cloth or rice paper.


To avoid wrinkles or tears, apply the adhesive in a circular motion. In this case, two soft brushes are used.

If desired, after applying the glue, you can form a background or outline around the design, or you can leave it without additional effects. The second method of decoupage is more suitable for beginners, since there are fewer opportunities to ruin the work.

Decoupage on fabric using PVA glue can be done with two different ways. The principle of operation is the same, only the method of attaching the napkin to the textile is different, namely the procedure for applying the glue is different. In both the first and second cases, you can use acrylic paints to create additional effects: background, frame, outline around the picture.

Using special glue you can create protective covering for the surface against erasing and fading. The main thing in the process of working from fabric is to remove excess glue and make sure that no folds form either on the fabric or on the napkin.. For beginners, this is the part that causes difficulty, but with experience it becomes easy.

For decorative finishing textiles of this kind use available tools and materials that can be purchased at any hardware store or special department for needlewomen. For the first time, you can even buy a special set.

Decorating fabric using decoupage technique (2 videos)

Options for decoupage on fabric (35 photos)

Today, most likely, there is no person who is not familiar with PVA glue. It is used by adults in construction and repair work, and children gluing it together paper crafts. This glue is ranked among the best discoveries in the field of chemistry.

PVA is an emulsion of polyvinyl acetate in water. It contains chemical additives as well as a plasticizer. This glue is used to join various materials. On the page you can learn about the production of glue.

Not every glue can boast of more than a hundred years of history. PVA became available in 1912. A few years later its production was already on an industrial scale.

Vinalon is the main component of the glue. This synthetic fiber contains polyvinyl alcohol.

The synthetic fiber is converted into polyvinyl acetate, which is subsequently diluted. Thanks to this reaction, the glue itself is obtained. Subsequently, alcohols are added to it and various elements, depending on the scope of application of the glue.

To impart frost resistance and plasticity, a plasticizer is added to the composition. Its content in PVA is approximately 1-2%.

To the main technical specifications should be attributed to the relatively low consumption of glue, short drying time, absence of flammable impurities, long shelf life, non-toxicity, safety in use, frost resistance.

PVA has increased adhesion. This means that it has the ability to firmly connect surfaces various materials. Increased adhesion allows it to glue dissimilar materials together.

Types of PVA:

  • Wallpaper glue. It is used for gluing paper wallpaper on concrete, stone or wooden surfaces.
  • Super glue. It has found its application for joining elements of leather, linoleum, porcelain, fabric surfaces, and chipboard.
  • Universal glue. It is used to connect materials with different chemical composition, such as wood and tiles.
  • Wood glue. An indispensable assistant when gluing elements of wooden furniture.
  • Construction PVA. It mixes with different solutions that need repair. This type glue can increase the strength of cement, putty, primer.
  • Homopolymer PVA. This is a long lasting and strong dispersion. Its areas of application include the construction and repair areas, as well as the porcelain and textile industries.
  • Glue Moment. This dispersion dries very quickly. Recommended for use at home.

This is not the entire list of uses of PVA; it has found its application in the manufacture of filters for cigarettes, in the textile industry, in a variety of children's products, and in paints.

PVA glue will not cause harm to health and is convenient to use. When working with it, you do not need various masks and gloves. However, it must be remembered that if it gets on clothing, glue can cause harm to it. It is also necessary to prevent the dispersion from penetrating into the body.

How to choose the right PVA for the job?

It is necessary, first of all, to identify the area of ​​​​work of the glue. You need to check the consistency especially carefully. The glue should be free of impurities and lumpiness. The color should be white, but a little yellow is allowed. The glue mass should be viscous, homogeneous without impurities. If you can notice any lumps with the naked eye, then you should refrain from purchasing glue.

An indicator of excellent quality is a transparent film on the glue. Before starting work, it must be removed and the PVA thoroughly mixed.

Basic rules when working with PVA:

  • The bond to the adhesive will be very unstable if the surfaces to be bonded are greasy and dirty. Therefore, they must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • To improve the adhesion of PVA to the surface to be glued, it is necessary to press the materials with something heavy for several minutes.
  • When applying glue to a hard surface, it is better not to use a brush, but to use a spatula with wide teeth. If you are gluing paper, it is better to use a roller.
  • If you are gluing wallpaper using this glue, you should not apply PVA to the walls. This must be done if they have a porous structure.
  • It is advisable to work faster with this glue, as it dries quickly.
  • The glue must be applied from the center to the edges - this reduces the risk of damage to the material and contamination of the surface.
  • If air bubbles appear when gluing the paper strip, they should be smoothed through a clean sheet of paper using a roller or hand.
  • If you require spot application of glue and there is no special nozzle, you can use a syringe.

According to statistics, the biggest difficulties when working arise with wallpaper and paper. To prevent their occurrence, you need to carefully select the type of PVA and read the instructions for use.