Master class “The Garden Scarecrow. DIY garden scarecrow DIY garden scarecrow

First summer berries Summer residents are especially looking forward to it, because after a long winter the family misses sweet vitamins. The feathered “neighbors” – starlings, sparrows, and crows – are no less passionately awaiting this moment. And when it's time to mature early cherries or strawberries, a stubborn struggle begins over who will get the harvest. To prevent unexpected attacks, summer residents stay in the garden all day long, throw nets over small trees, and attach a garden scarecrow next to or on top of tall ones.

But birds are not afraid of every guard. They use many as an airfield, from where they can more carefully examine the contents of the owner’s garden. It turns out that for a stuffed animal to “work”, it must be created taking into account all the factors that birds are afraid of. Let's take a closer look at these factors and create a couple of ideal stuffed animals based on them.

What birds are afraid of: selecting elements for the future stuffed animal

Any bird will not attack a tree if there is even the slightest threat to life. And this threat is not only posed by humans. This is what the list of the most frightening objects and objects that birds cannot get used to looks like:

  1. Everything that moves and shines.
  2. Anything that makes sharp sounds or noise.
  3. Everything that is colored Blue colour.

Let's look at each point.

Shine and movement: causes fear of birds with its impermanence

Shiny objects themselves are not scary for birds. Let us remember, for example, the magpies that drag into their nest everything that attracts them with its brilliance. But if a shiny object begins to move, spin, scattering glare from the sun’s rays, then it becomes frightening for birds because it is incomprehensible. The birds do not know how this “horror story” will behave in the next minute, and therefore prefer not to come close. So old CDs and DVDs can do a good job if you add them to a stuffed animal's wardrobe.

In addition to shiny objects, you can include in the attributes of a garden guard everything that begins to move at the slightest breath of wind: film, magnetic tapes from old cassettes, balloons, etc.

Anything that is characterized by chaotic movements disturbs birds, even if it does not look like a person

Blue color: frighteningly unusual

Of all color palette For some reason, starlings and sparrows are afraid of rich blue (also called royal blue). This tone is quite rare in nature, and birds simply do not have time to get used to it. So, when dressing a garden scarecrow, you need to use this particular shade.

Crackling and noise: signals danger

In the dachas there is no such traffic as in the city, and the birds get used to the silence. If something starts to crack or make noise in the area, then this is out of the usual rhythm of life for the birds and frightens them. True, if sounds are made constantly, with a certain regularity, then the birds will soon get used to this danger. Therefore we need to alternate different types rattles and noisemakers, changing their places every week.

Birds of prey or their dummies: a direct threat to life

Ornithologists who study the behavioral reactions of different breeds of birds have come to the conclusion that no better means to scare away feathered “little things”, like their predatory “brothers”. No wonder in the city to eliminate colonies of pigeons shitting on monuments historical significance, use trained falcons, eagles and golden eagles. A couple of flights of a predator - and the birds will forever forget the way to this area. True, summer residents rarely manage to get real bird of prey. An easier way is to hang a stuffed crow on a high pole or find a dead crow. A hanging dead “relative” is the best proof that it is unsafe here.

If not found dead bird, you can make a dummy of it yourself

So, we know four deterrent factors. All that remains is to introduce them into the future stuffed animal so that it becomes a real guard for the ripening berries.

Master class: how to make a perfect garden scarecrow

To create a garden DJ you need to stock up on the following materials:

  1. A high wooden pole (about 2 m) and 2 crossbars (up to a meter).
  2. Unnecessary clothing that contains blue (pants, shirt, cap).
  3. Use last year's pumpkin to create a head (if you don't have a pumpkin, use a fabric bag filled with straw).
  4. The filler you will use to stuff your clothes (nitron, rags, straw, etc.).
  5. Music discs.
  6. The radio is in working order.
  7. Markers.

Look for open areas to install the scarecrow so that it is clearly visible in all directions.

When everything you need has been collected, we get to work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We knock down the frame on which the DJ will sit. To do this, we nail the crossbar to the pole, retreating 30-40 cm from the top. She will be wearing a shirt.
  • Making the head. If you find last year’s pumpkin or zucchini, then cut a small hole in the center and take out all the contents from the inside with a tablespoon. Then carefully cut out the face with a knife. If there is no pumpkin, use a light linen bag. We fill it with hay, nitron, etc., and on top we draw eyes, a nose and a mouth with markers.
  • We place the head on the pole. The pumpkin will hold on due to the fact that there is no through hole. The bag must be pulled together at the edge with a thread and tied to a pole.
  • We decorate the head. To give the head to the DJ natural look, put on an old wig on top or use pins to fix the nitron hair, and then put on a cap or hat.
  • Create the upper body. We stretch the shirt over the crossbar, pin it completely and fill it with filler from the inside. Fill the sleeves first, and to prevent the nitron from coming out, sew up the cuffs with large stitches. Then stuff the rest of the shirt and pin the edges at the bottom so nothing spills out.
  • We put pants on the scarecrow. Cut the second crossbar so that it fits snugly into the waist of the trousers. Stuff the pants up to the knees with filling, and to prevent them from falling out, sew the line of the knees with thread. Bottom part leave the pants leg empty. Let it flutter in the wind. Insert the bar into the small of your back and nail it to the pole. This will secure the “legs” of the stuffed animal to the body.
  • We create musical decor. Tie several music discs on threads to the sleeves of your shirt different heights. Let them sparkle and move in the wind. Wrap an old radio that is still in working order with film (in case of bad weather), cutting a hole around the speaker, and hang it around the DJ's neck. To prevent it from falling from the wind, wrap 1-2 circles of tape around your shirt. Run an extension cord from the radio to the nearest outlet and tune in to the clearest wave in your area. The extension cord will have to be removed at night.
  • Set up a DJ near the ripening berries and turn on the radio.

Advice! Do not leave the radio on all day, otherwise the birds will get used to the noise. Use it for a couple of hours at a time different time days.

Option 2. Young lady from garbage bags

It’s very easy to make a garden scarecrow with your own hands from garbage bags. They are different colors, but it’s still better to make blue the main one. Since we have already created a male guard, we will make a girlfriend for him. The same two-meter pole will serve as the frame for creating the young lady. Only one crossbar is needed, not two.

Stuffed animals made from plastic bags scare birds with the constant rustling of the film

In addition, you will need:

  • multi-colored garbage bags;
  • a thicker bag for the head;
  • nitron;
  • medium thickness tape;
  • magnetic film;
  • drinks cans;
  • balloon;
  • markers.

The principle of creating a stuffed animal is similar to the first master class, i.e. Each piece is strung onto a pole gradually. But since the base is polyethylene, hard straw cannot be used as a filler. It will break through the thin film and ruin appearance scarecrow. Therefore, we will fill our heads only with nitron.

Features of creating a garden young lady:

  • For the head, use a bag of light solid color so that the face drawn with markers is clearly visible. First put it on the top of the pole, then fill it with filler, tie it at the base and paint it.
  • Cut long strips from magnetic film and glue them either directly to the stuffed animal’s head, or first to a piece of paper, and then to the top of the doll’s head. Magnetic tapes will serve as the young lady's hair and, freely fluttering, will instill fear in the birds. Hide the bald spots on top with a scarf or a bow from a garbage bag, glued with tape.
  • To create a blouse you will need 3 bags: 2 for the arms, 1 for the chest. We cut a small hole at the bottom of the bag and pull the sleeve through it until it meets the pole. We secure it with tape on the shoulder and in the elbow area, leaving the wrist part of the sleeve to flutter freely. Central part(chest-back) we make from one package, pulling it through the bottom of the pole with a cut hole. We secure it with tape only in the upper part, and leave the lower part free.
  • The skirt is created from several bags inflated with air, fastened together with tape. The more magnificent you make it, the more spectacular the scarecrow will be. All packages are wrapped around a pole and secured to it with tape.
  • We tie an inflated balloon to one hand of the young lady, and hang several empty ones on the second. tin cans which will create noise.

As soon as this “sweet couple” appears in your garden, the birds will boycott the cherries. And if you plan to place garden scarecrows at different edges of the plot, change their places a couple of times a season to enhance the scaring effect.

The garden scarecrow is a traditional and effective way protection of early shoots, and in the fall - the harvest of fruit and berry gardens from extermination by flocks of crows, magpies, blackbirds. To make it, scrap materials are used. There are several simple ways to make a stuffed animal at home.

Straw man


  • two handles for rakes or two straight sticks (made of hazel or aspen);
  • a pair of screws and a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • 1 bag of dry straw or hay;
  • jute, linen or synthetic twine;
  • scissors;
  • headdress (hat, scarf or cap);
  • black paint;
  • thick wire for attaching the hat;
  • a voluminous, wide old shirt or dress with long sleeves.

First, a cross is made. In shape it resembles a Christian cross. The vertical cutting must be immediately sharpened at the end so that in the future it can easily enter the ground. The crossbar will be the basis for the arms. The intersection is connected with clamps or screws.

A dense thick rope is made from overlapping straw, simultaneously pulling it with twine. The straw blank is wrapped around the vertical, pulling it with twine. The same is done with the crossbar, arms are formed from straw.

Having reached required thickness and density, finally secure the bundles to the base, wrapping them around with twine. Additionally, the intersection of the cuttings is recorded several times.

If the head part is narrow, it is additionally expanded with straw to the right size. The eyes and mouth can be painted with bright black paint.

The sleeves should be longer than the crossbars. They are also tightened at the ends of the cuttings, and the freely hanging parts will serve as brushes. Such “hands” will flutter in the wind, creating the effect of movement and additionally scaring away birds.

In general, the stuffed animal should not be motionless and static. Many birds quickly get used to the idol and stop reacting to it. To avoid this, you can hang garlands of bright scraps of fabric fluttering in the wind on the scarecrow’s arms.

Old CDs strung on a string are often used. They sparkle in the sun and move in the wind, which naturally frightens uninvited guests.

To prevent it from flying off due to gusts of wind, the headdress must be secured to the head with long wire pins in several places.

Looking at the photo of a homemade stuffed animal, you can immediately note that the head is necessary attribute this garden protector. This option is more labor-intensive. Let's look in detail at what else you can make a stuffed animal from with your own hands.

Scarecrow with a pumpkin head


  • large pumpkin without pulp;
  • cross for the base;
  • straw or hay;
  • clothing and headwear;
  • sharp knife for cutting out eyes and mouth.

Halloween is a seasonal holiday. This is the end of autumn, when the harvest has already been harvested, and there is nothing special to scare away. The pumpkin-headed scarecrow is used as a lantern to guide the souls of the dead to purgatory.

First you need to cut out holes for the eyes and mouth in the pumpkin. The form does not matter, it all depends on the imagination of the performer. A “torso” made of straw is attached to the crosspiece in the usual way, and then clothes are put on. The last step is to secure the head. The headdress is fastened with wire pins in advance, because It is inconvenient to do this on the cross.

The structure must be balanced and placed level so that it does not fall under the pressure of the wind or the weight of the pumpkin head. Evening is the perfect time to light the jack-o'-lantern.

Scarecrow with a head made of nylon tights


  • synthetic padding for the head;
  • nude or white nylon tights;
  • cross for the base;
  • leg-split;
  • hay or straw for the body;
  • clothing and headwear;
  • dye.

One of simple ways creating a head is filling nylon tights with soft and pliable padding polyester. Tights are tied tightly in a knot and cut off as unnecessary. The tights stuffed with filler are pulled over the cross and pulled tightly with twine, forming a neck.

The beauty of this option is that you can easily make a nose. To do this, part of the filler along with the nylon is taken in the hand and pulled out in the shape of a nose - a potato.

The form is fixed with threads or twine, tightening the base under the nose. Eyes can be painted on. Otherwise, the process is no different from previous options.

You don't always have straw or hay on hand. In urban conditions, this is rather a rarity. In this case, you can use the papier-mâché technique or use old knitwear as a filler.

Scarecrow made using papier-mâché technique


  • PVA glue and “Moment”;
  • old newspapers or paper towels;
  • cross for the base;
  • dye;
  • food foil;
  • clothing and headdress for decoration.

The papier-mâché technique allows you to create any shape, but it takes time for the layers to dry. This work is quite painstaking.

To make small-sized crafts, a wire frame is used as a base. You can set the volume using food foil. It is freely kneaded around the frame, setting the desired thickness.

The top final layers can be made of paper. PVA glue is diluted 2 times with water. The newspaper is crushed, dipped in a glue solution and squeezed out. Next, carefully paste over the foil body, forming it as if from plasticine the required form and volume. Every 2-3 layers must be dried until completely dry.

Growing a rich harvest is not an easy task, but it is equally important to take care of its safety until it is fully ripe. After all, bright fruits attract birds, and long-awaited vitamins from one’s own plot become someone else’s prey. Since ancient times, garden scarecrows have protected lands from uninvited guests.

The scarecrow cannot boast of high protection efficiency. Birds are smart creatures and after a short observation they will make an attempt to eat. Protect garden plot capable of electronic bird scaring device.

But the traditions of our ancestors are still strong, so a do-it-yourself garden scarecrow invariably decorates country estates. The proposed master classes will help you become the owner original model garden scarecrow.

How to get the maximum effect from a stuffed animal

It is believed that in ancient times living creatures were afraid of the presence of a scarecrow in the garden, but evolution has affected all living things, and now they understand its harmlessness. It is difficult to agree with such a version; most likely, during the period of paganism, the garden scarecrow symbolized a certain deity, on whom hopes were placed for protection from evil spirits and obtaining a generous harvest.

Followers of esoteric theory will be especially interested in decorating a garden scarecrow with their own hands. Using certain elements, putting a special meaning into every detail, you can make a kind of amulet in the image of a stuffed animal. For example, there are the following beliefs:

  • a wreath of flowers symbolizes good health and natural beauty;
  • the presence of fruit on the stuffed animal will ensure fertility;
  • A couple of cute garden scarecrows can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding in your home or attract your other half.

But mentally endowing the effigy magical abilities, do not forget about its direct purpose - to scare away birds. Therefore, when designing a garden scarecrow, it is worth taking into account the psychology of birds and making a scarecrow using effective elements of intimidation. Birds are afraid of:

  • shades of blue;
  • loud and sharp sounds;
  • shiny elements;
  • moving parts.

Blue color is a rare phenomenon in nature, so birds perceive it as an aggressive element that poses a threat. This nuance should be actively used when choosing a wardrobe for a garden scarecrow, generously using bright blue shades.

A scarecrow is hardly capable of constantly making sounds. An effective assistant will be the wind, which will set it in motion various elements. Light details in the form of bells, rustling ribbons or decorative pots are able to create the necessary sound aura around the garden scarecrow.

New Year's tinsel, unnecessary CDs and foil - available materials when decorating a garden scarecrow with your own hands. The combination of all deterrent factors will lead to the desired result and the birds will be less likely to taste the long-awaited harvest.

The garden scarecrow in the photo clearly demonstrates the immense imagination of folk craftsmen.

The main points of the design of the scarecrow

A DIY garden scarecrow can take on different shapes. The information collected from numerous master classes creates a complete picture of design options for a scarecrow for a garden plot.


It is customary to start with the scarecrow's head. It is usually located on a cross-shaped frame made of wooden sticks or beams. And here the creative process of creating a stuffed animal begins, among possible options heads you can choose:

  • At the top of the crosspiece is a bag or an old shirt stuffed with rags.
  • An old soccer ball will help.
  • Often the function of the scarecrow's head is performed by a pumpkin.
  • In addition to decoration, a light pot will create additional noise.

Comment! It is easy to give the scarecrow's head the desired shape using straw sewn into burlap.

Any element used as the head of a garden scarecrow is endowed with human features. Depending on the material, the eyes and mouth of the scarecrow are drawn with a marker or original details are sewn on. For example, a voluminous nose is built for the rag head of a garden scarecrow. A rag is placed in a small piece of fabric, tied at the edges with a strong thread and fixed to the head.

The role of the eyes will be played by buttons. Scarecrow hair is rarely done. But if you have an old bright wig lying around the house, this will be ideal decorative element stuffed animals. When used as the head of a pot, it can be fixed in the usual position upside down, and lush grass can be placed inside.

Most often, instead of hair, a hat is put on the head of the garden scarecrow. Its wide fields are an additional deterrent factor for birds.


Just dress the scarecrow's frame in old T-shirt or a dress - too banal. In addition to its repellent properties, a DIY garden scarecrow should have aesthetic qualities.

The main elements that deserve attention when dressing a scarecrow:

  • It is quite easy to form legs from old jeans by placing foam rubber or rags inside.
  • The torso of a garden scarecrow is made from any suitable things, but they follow the recommendations for creating volume. Internal filling similar to the material used for the legs. To make a scarecrow long time retained the given shape, the edges of the sleeves and trouser legs are sewn up with threads to avoid loss of filler.
  • A stuffed animal without hands and feet looks a little ridiculous. Gloves and old shoes, securely fixed to the frame.
  • All kinds of details will add individuality to the character. The garden scarecrow may be holding a bucket, bells or a pot in his hands. All these elements will create an additional noise effect, so necessary to intimidate birds.

Advice! A DIY garden scarecrow is made in accordance with the height of a person.

The realistic silhouette of a stuffed animal can help not only when fighting birds, but will also scare away uninvited guests in human form.

When the crop ripens on the site, it becomes a tasty prey for all the birds living in the area. A flock of rooks, crows and sparrows can completely peck the fruits from a cherry or cherry tree in a matter of hours. To protect lands from voracious birds, in ancient times people came up with the idea of ​​​​making a garden scarecrow, the outlines of which resembled a person. This method of scaring away birds cannot be called 100% effective. At first, the birds watch the human scarecrow, and seeing that it does not move, one of the most courageous representatives of the birds decides to fly to reconnaissance. Naturally, there is no response to such an invasion from the garden guard, after which the birds completely calmly get their food.

Nowadays there are more reliable way crop protection – electronic bird repeller. But, despite the development of technology, the garden scarecrow still does not lose its relevance. Only today this device has slightly changed its function: now the stuffed animal is used more for... It is enough to use your imagination and put in a little effort so that the scarecrow, which is terrifying at first glance, turns into a real work of art. “Dream House” in this review will share ideas for creating garden scarecrows with your own hands.


The secret to an effective scarecrow

There is an opinion that birds used to be afraid of the scarecrow, but now they have become accustomed to it, because animals gradually evolve. But superstitious people believe that in ancient times a garden scarecrow was made not only to scare away birds, but also as a symbol of protecting the house and crops. During pagan times, the scarecrow was a symbol of the deity. People endowed him with mystical powers and, worshiping, asked for protection and a generous harvest.

Of course, this version looks very fantastic, but if you want to make a garden scarecrow with your own hands, and at the same time believe in the power of thought and the effect of visualization, decorate it with beautiful elements that symbolize your desire. For example, you can put a wreath of flowers on a scarecrow’s head as a symbol of beauty and health; a wreath of fruit symbolizing fertility; or make not one, but two scarecrows if you want to attract love and understanding into your home.

But you shouldn’t hope that faith in magical power the scarecrow will help him cope with his main task - protecting the crop from birds. If you plan to use the stuffed animal for its intended purpose, use elements in the creation process that truly repel birds.

So, birds are afraid of the following:

  • of blue color;
  • loud sounds;
  • moving objects;
  • shiny things.

The blue color scares away birds because it is quite rare in nature and birds consider it aggressive. Therefore, when choosing an outfit for the scarecrow, instead of light-colored things, give preference to things of a bright blue hue.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to get a scarecrow in the garden to constantly rumble and make noise. However, if you attach rustling ribbons, bells, decorative pots and other light elements, in the wind they will begin to move, producing a characteristic sound. You can add shine to the scarecrow using foil, CDs, New Year's rain, etc.

Making a scarecrow for the garden with your own hands

First of all, to create a garden scarecrow you need to make a base. The easiest way to make the base is with wooden sticks or beams, which are fastened together in the form of a cross. In the very simple version to create a scarecrow, just put a shirt or burlap of the required size on the base and build a head for it.

The head can be made from an old holey ball by wrapping it in fabric and wearing a hat. It is also convenient to make this fragment of a homemade stuffed animal using a bag filled with things, a pumpkin and other round or oval-shaped improvised means.

If you want to endow your creation with not only frightening, but also aesthetic qualities, you need to think about its structure in more detail. Put jeans stuffed with rags, fabric or foam rubber on it, thereby creating legs. The easiest way to make a torso is to use a T-shirt or shirt, also stuffing it with suitable things for volume. To make the head look more realistic, make it out of a white cloth bag or an old pillowcase. The most difficult thing in creating a head is giving it the desired shape. To make your task easier, fill the base of your future head not with woven products, but with straw, sewing it with stitches around the perimeter.

DIY garden stuffed animals

No matter how well the stuffed animal is stuffed, in a strong wind its contents will fall out. To avoid this, sew up the edges of the crop guard's legs and sleeves. However, a stuffed animal without hands and feet looks strange, to say the least, so choose shoes for your creation and wear suitable gloves.

DIY garden scarecrow photo

The base of the stuffed animal is ready, however, to make it a real decoration of the garden, think through many small details: headdress, facial expression, attributes, etc. For example, you can choose a huge hat with a brim for the scarecrow, which will frighten the birds by its very appearance, or you can find a bright wig or a beautiful cap for it. To create facial details, use any materials you like - buttons, knitted threads, scraps of fabric, eyes from plush toys, etc.

Also, don't forget to give your creation some appropriate attributes that will give it style and character. For example, give him a bouquet of flowers, a bucket, a pot, bells, etc.

And keep in mind that the height of the scarecrow must match the height of the person. This will not only make it look realistic for birds, but also, perhaps, at night will scare away intruders who intend to take advantage of your garden.

How to make a garden scarecrow

Beautiful DIY garden scarecrow photo

If you are skilled in the art of cutting and sewing, sew a scarecrow in the same way as dolls are sewn. It cannot be guaranteed that such a product will scare away birds, but it will certainly become a worthy decoration for the garden plot.

You can also create a scarecrow in the form of an animal, cartoon character or fairy-tale character. Scarecrows in action will be interesting - working in the garden or in the garden, pulling a garden cart, etc. The main thing is that the product you create has repellent elements and at the same time be able to decorate the garden area.

At the very least, even today the garden scarecrow remains one of the effective, albeit short-term, means of protection against annoying birds that pose a threat to the harvest. To be honest, for a scarecrow to actually “work”, it also needs to rumble and move in the wind. However, the decorative effect is also worth something. If you don’t want to be considered incompetent, create a crop protector yourself. In this article you will find a description of the main details and step-by-step instructions for creating a scarecrow for your dacha, as well as many ideas and photos of how you can make an unusual garden scarecrow with your own hands.

As a rule, a garden scarecrow performs 2 functions or roles at once:

  • scaring away birds;
  • decoration for the garden plot.

Indeed, if you want to have a well-groomed garden, not spoiled by feathered pests, let your garden scarecrow instill fear only in the birds, and not in your neighbors. Therefore, in any case, it should complement, “revive” and decorate the area, or rather be terribly unpleasant, scary for birds and unusual for people. Although a garden scarecrow most often looks rather untidy, rags are not at all a necessary attribute in the fight against very cunning garden pests.

In short, a garden scarecrow should really become a real decoration for your dacha, and it doesn’t matter whether you have a need to protect your crops. And in fact, why not do it just like that - for beauty and to give more aesthetics to your garden plot.

One way or another, for a garden scarecrow to really scare away birds, it should look a certain way:

  • its dimensions must correspond to human ones;
  • the appearance should be bright and noticeable;
  • it should stand near the protected volume.

How to make a garden scarecrow with your own hands

Typically, any garden scarecrow is made based on the following components:

  • frame (or torso);
  • head;
  • arms and legs;
  • clothing and other accessories.


You can make it either metal or wood.

Wooden frame, as a rule, are made from two fairly thick boards of different lengths (or take 2 shovel handles). They are secured crosswise, driving a nail in the middle (or better yet, two, so that the scarecrow’s arms do not bend or wobble).

Boards (or cuttings) can also be secured using ordinary rope and a special knot. This fastening is no less reliable than a driven nail.

The future body of the garden monster can be made using the same 1 shovel handle, attaching a hanger to it instead of arms.

For more information on how to make a monster in the garden on such a frame, see the following step-by-step master class.

Video: how to make a scarecrow on a wooden frame hanger

To make a metal frame, you will naturally need more time and also welding skills, or you will have to ask a neighbor for a favor or find a professional welder.

Video: how to make a country scarecrow with your own hands on metal frame


You can make the head of a garden scarecrow from various materials in a variety of ways.

For example, you can sew a head from two pieces of fabric, stuffing it with straw or some other sealant. Or take a regular fabric bag and stuff it with something to give it the desired shape.

And then embroider the eyes, nose, mouth on the face and sew on the ears.

Although you can also draw with paint or put on mask.

The most ordinary one will do 5 liter bottle.

It’s not a sin to make the head of a garden monster from garden pot, securely attaching it to the frame.

Often the effigy is made completely from hay, including his head.

You can use an old one as a head doll head or the head of someone who has spent his time mannequin.

Or you can not make a scarecrow face, but simply use tall hat, but to give it some form, in other words, to stuff it, no matter what you have to do.

Or just throw it on the frame straw hat

Arms and legs

If you want the garden scarecrow to be as human-like as possible, then you need to give it clear outlines of legs and arms.

It's very easy to create the arms of a garden scarecrow: you just need to put them on the ends of the frame gloves and stuff them with something, for example, the same straw.

The scarecrow's legs are made in a similar way: trousers, a bright dress or a skirt that can be seen from afar are put on the frame, and a clearly visible one is attached below shoes(For example, rubber boots or galoshes).

Clothing and other accessories

How elegantly you dress your garden scarecrow will determine its aesthetic appearance and, possibly, its fate.


The most typical headdress for a scarecrow is hat.

However, the style and material of the hat can also be different.

It could even be hat with ear flaps.

You can put on your scarecrow granny headscarf.

It is not necessary to completely cover your head with a hat, this may be enough symbolic and decorative headdress.


It won’t be trivial to put a garden scarecrow in the hands badminton racket.

And you can also create a whole composition: as if the girl is carrying on the rockerbucket with water, which I just collected from the well.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to give a stuffed flowerbed stroller into the hands of a stuffed animal.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a garden scarecrow

To make the simplest garden scarecrow, you will need following materials:

  • 3 cuttings from shovels (or strong and thick boards) of different lengths (one for the body - long, for the arms - a little shorter, for the legs - even shorter);
  • 2 (or 4) nails and a hammer;
  • head (bag filled with straw);
  • clothing and other accessories.

Step-by-step instruction creating a garden scarecrow with your own hands:

  1. Make a frame.
  2. Securely secure it in the ground.
  3. Attach the previously made head and put on the hat.
  4. Wear a shirt and pants or a dress (skirt) on the body, depending on gender.
  5. To make the appearance of the scarecrow more human-like, attach gloves instead of hands, and boots instead of feet.

Video: master class on creating a garden scarecrow with your own hands

What garden scarecrow to make at the dacha: photo ideas for beautiful garden scarecrows

Frankly speaking, the most interesting sight is presented by various original garden scarecrows, pleasant in appearance.


It is most popular to dress a garden scarecrow as a farmer or peasant, in other words, as a villager.

The figure of a stuffed animal dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans will not be critical.

2 scarecrows

An interesting idea for decorating a garden would be to form a family of several scarecrows.

Two stuffed adults.

Two scarecrow children.

Using several stuffed animals and other garden items, you can form entire country compositions.

A fun ride in a wheelbarrow.

Husband and wife on a bench.

From pots

If you liked the idea of ​​​​creating a head for a stuffed animal from a garden pot, then you can do everything Scarecrow made entirely from pots.

Another version of the battle scarecrow (knight) made from pots.

From plastic bottles

Used plastic bottles in catchy colors can be a lifesaver for developing a beautiful and creative image of a stuffed animal.

Another idea for creating a dark-skinned native scarecrow from plastic bottles.

Note! Still, scarecrows made from plastic bottles really turn out to be quite scary, so it’s better to make them


Such a stuffed animal stimulates interest not only in amateur gardening, but also in fishing. It’s as if it wants to say: “Everything will be cool here!”


A scarecrow dressed in military uniform and a gas mask.

Bandit or cowboy

There would be no shame in dressing the scarecrow in a cowboy or, perhaps, a bandit outfit.


Whatever you say, a monster athlete is cool!


It will be quite funny and original if you make a scarecrow with a bird's head. As they say: we knock out wedges with wedges.

And here is a simpler, but also not boring in all respects, option.


This pumpkin man is undoubtedly worthy of the flattering attention of gardening fans.

And it’s hard to take your eyes off this foppish figure of a pumpkin farmer. He's still handsome!