The best sea for health. Holidays in the Krasnodar region. Where to go: to the Sea of ​​Azov or the Black Sea

When choosing a vacation spot, tourists are often guided by the cost of the trip and the prestige of the resort. But vacationers do not think about the influence of weather conditions on a person’s well-being and often regret the decision taken.

The composition of the Black Sea water is identical to the composition of the World Ocean, but the mineralization is less - 18 g per liter. It contains 79 elements and is quite suitable for balneotherapy. Compared to the ocean, the water is slightly salty. The Mediterranean Sea is very salty; in terms of salt concentration in the water, it is second only to the Dead and Red Seas. High concentration salt allows the swimmer to swim for a long time without effort, soothes the muscles, and has a beneficial effect on the body.

The purity of water in both seas is a relative parameter. The Mediterranean Sea looks cleaner, more beautiful, more attractive blue. The water of the Black Sea is dark, and leaden shades appear during storms. There are several reasons: The Black Sea is deeper, not so salty, and at shallow depths a hydrogen sulfide layer begins. This affects the reflective characteristics of water. Hydrogen sulfide reduces the diversity of the underwater world, so in the Black Sea there are not enough organisms (jellyfish, mussels) that purify the water.

The cleanliness of beaches is affected by the attitude of the authorities towards this problem. Resort owners in the Mediterranean maintain beaches in perfect cleanliness, constantly clearing the shore of debris that is thrown out by the waves or left by careless vacationers. On the shores of the Black Sea, the staff is not so efficient, which affects the cleanliness of the shore. By the end of the season, the sea is polluted by sewage due to the weak capacity of the treatment systems of resort cities.

On the Black Sea, vacationers appear in May and leave in October. At the beginning of the beach season, the water is +16 degrees, at its peak it rises to +26 degrees and cools down by mid-autumn. A special feature of the Black Sea water is its cold currents, which reduce the temperature near the shore to +16 degrees or less. The Mediterranean Sea is warmer than the Black Sea. In April the water is already +22 degrees, in summer +28. Comfortable temperatures do not drop until November.

The weather conditions of the Black Sea correspond to the Mediterranean - warm and damp winters, hot and dry summers. Such characteristics prevail on the Crimean coast, on the beaches of Romania and Bulgaria. To the east of Crimea, in Sochi and Tuapse, the humidity is higher and reaches 70%. That's why it's always stuffy there in the summer. Similar conditions exist on the Turkish shores. In most of the Mediterranean, clear weather prevails in summer, with occasional small clouds and little rain. In winter, the sea is stormy, and northern winds reduce the temperature.

On the shores of the Black Sea there are many bays in which sea mud is deposited with medicinal properties. Vacationers can take treatment procedures on their own - cover themselves with a 1 cm layer of mud and wash it off after half an hour. This speeds up metabolism and treats joint diseases. It is not recommended for people with hypertension or heart failure to come.

There are a huge number of islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Vacationers enjoy visiting them - there is no heat, the beaches are considered environmentally friendly by European standards, very friendly service staff. Islands are rare on the Black Sea.

Domestic resorts offer holidays for every taste, and there are budget options. Resorts Mediterranean Sea located on the shores of many European countries. The variety of holiday destinations allows you to make a choice in accordance with the preferences and needs of each tourist.

You can feel the approach of summer not only by looking at the calendar. Even on the Internet, the number of “resort” requests per last days almost doubled. Moreover, many are interested not only, for example, but also in the answer to the question, where is it better to relax - the Black or Azov Sea.

Where is it better to relax: the Black or Azov Sea

To answer the question, where is it better to relax - on the Black or Azov Sea, let's do a little comparative analysis.


- this is an expanse of sandy beaches, so loved by parents and children due to the shallow depth of the sea near the shore. However, you should only swim on specially equipped beaches, since the sea is still a rather serious element with its own currents and whirlpools, which sometimes, unfortunately, not everyone manages to get out of.

These are sandy, pebble and wild rocky beaches. As you can see, the choice is much greater. However, each city on the Black Sea coast has its own beaches. For example, in Gelendzhik there are only two sandy beaches (the rest are either pebbly or wild rocky), and in Anapa sandy beaches stretched across the entire resort. And, of course, there are well-maintained beaches, and there are also “wild” ones (without lifeguards, sun loungers and other beach services).

It is generally accepted that since the Sea of ​​Azov is shallower than the Black Sea, the water in it warms up faster. However, the Sea of ​​Azov is located just north of the Black Sea, so there are no winners in this competition - it all depends on the weather conditions in a particular city on the coast.

Water temperature in Sea of ​​Azov today you can find out in Black sea- on interactive maps.

Housing without intermediaries



But the attractions offered for visiting at the resorts of the Azov and Black Seas differ quite greatly.

But only if we are talking about natural attractions. For example, in Gelendzhik you can visit ancient ones, in Sochi - unique, and on the Sea of ​​​​Azov -. There are also caves, waterfalls, rivers and other natural “highlights” of the areas.

Well, man-made attractions can be repeated. For example, in Arkhipo-Osipovka (Black Sea) it recently appeared, although previously you had to travel all the way to “communicate” with crocodiles, and they were no exception - many resorts can now boast of them.

Although, to be fair, I would like to note that there are still repetitions in other cities Krasnodar region didn't find .

Crimea and Abkhazia

Holidays on the Black Sea coast or on the coast of the Azov Sea, fortunately, are not limited only to the Krasnodar Territory. Russian and (Abkhazia is not part of Russia, but crossing the border does not require a visa) are also waiting for you.

The Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov are nearby. But despite their geographical proximity, they are noticeably different. Their main difference, of course, is depth. Due to the difference in depth, their water has different salinity, the flora and fauna are noticeably different, and the bottom topography is also unequal.

Nature of the Black and Azov Seas

More Black or Azov Sea? The first is much deeper than the second. Its greatest depth is 2210 meters. Along the Black Sea coast there are countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and Georgia. Large passenger and cargo ports of the Black Sea are Kerch, Odessa, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Ilyichevsk, Sochi, Trabzon, Samsun, Varna and others. It connects with the world's oceans through the Bosphorus Strait, which opens into the Sea of ​​Marmara. This strait also separates two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov have different salinities. In Azov, the water is less salty. In Cherny the bottom is rocky and relief, and in Azov it is flat, sandy or covered with silt.

On the coast of the Black and Azov Seas there are many lakes, bays and estuaries, which are formed by river mouths. Famous lakes on the Black coast are Saki and Chokrak. In Saki there is healing mud, which contains very a large number of vitamins and amino acids. There is also mud with great healing power, which is replenished with substances from mud volcanoes. In the Sea of ​​Azov, the largest bay is Sivash, which means “mud”. The bottom of Sivash is covered with silt up to 5 meters thick, which is why this bay is also called a rotten reservoir. IN different places Bay water salinity differs by more than three times. This bay has a huge amount of salt reserves. They are used industrial enterprises for the production of phosphate fertilizers and soda.

Kerch Strait

The strait connects the Black and Azov Seas. It is called Kerch, in honor of the city of the same name, one of the largest ports in the region. At the widest point of the strait, the shores are separated by fifteen kilometers. The Kerch Strait connects the Crimean and

Crimean peninsula

The common part of the land for the two seas is the Crimea Peninsula. He has ancient history. Crimea has a lot of attractions, both natural and man-made. Among its main natural relics are Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain), more than five hundred and seventy meters high, the Nikitskaya Crevice, which is located among limestone cliffs covered with greenery, the Ai-Petri plateau with a “drunk” pine grove in which the trees bent chaotically in different directions, as well as the Yalta nature reserve with unique mountain forests.

Sights of Crimean resorts

The main historical attractions of Crimea are the archaeological reserve of Chersonesos. A city with this name existed on the Crimean Peninsula for more than two thousand years. Also the Bakhchisarai Khan's Palace with a huge area exceeding four hectares, the Massandra Palace of Emperor Alexander III, Livadia Park. This is an incomplete list of everything that is located in Crimea and attracts a huge number of tourists. The main resort cities of the peninsula are located here, such as Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Evpatoria, Feodosia, and Sevastopol.

Great place to relax

The main thing that attracts tourists to the Black and Azov Seas is recreation. Swimming and fishing, and generally an interesting time spent that flies by completely unnoticed. There are many resorts along the coast that are located on the territory different countries. The Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov are united by the fact that storms sometimes rage on them. Huge waves roll onto the coast, postponing bathing for vacationers indefinitely. On Cherny, the wave height can reach 5 meters. In Azov they are a little smaller, but they raise silt from the bottom of the sea, creating unfavorable conditions for recreation. In order to adjust your vacation, you need to know in advance what the weather will be like. And the hydrometeorological center will help with this. The Black and Azov seas are not on the list of northern ones, therefore, despite the storm, a huge number of tourists still come here.

The healing properties of the seas

On the coast of the Azov Sea there are a lot of sanatoriums and recreation centers that belong to various enterprises and organizations. They use them for vacations and health benefits for their employees. In places where therapeutic mud is located, there are dispensaries where you can undergo treatment. Most of the resorts here are of local importance. The largest flow of tourists to Azov coast falls on summer time, in winter these resorts are mostly empty. The Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov have excellent healing properties.

Black Sea resorts

They belong to world-class resorts. They attract tourists from many countries around the world. Almost the entire coast, except for the northernmost part, is located in the subtropical zone. In this climate you can relax comfortably all year round. A huge number of places to relax are located throughout the perimeter. The most popular resorts in Crimea are in the Caucasus, Bulgaria and Turkey. What an unforgettable pleasure you can get while relaxing on Cote d'Azur! This is swimming, which perfectly relieves stress, sunbathing on the beach, as well as walks in picturesque places with many different exotic plants, including palm trees. After the end of the holiday season, the velvet season begins. During this period, the number of vacationers decreases slightly, the noise becomes less, and prices are slightly lower. This time can be wonderfully spent for health purposes. Which is more pleasant for relaxation - the Black Sea or the Azov Sea? It will be better where the conditions for recreation will meet your goals! And these goals are different for everyone.

If we talk about traveling to the coast in Russia, then such a trip will cost much more than a holiday on the Ukrainian or Abkhaz side. This is due to the difference in living standards. In addition, holidaymakers even from abroad come to relax in Sochi or Crimea. And naturally, the pricing policy is designed for foreign guests.

Among the main advantages of a holiday on the Black Sea is the beautiful surrounding nature. This gives limitless possibilities for various kinds of excursions, extreme recreation and simply enjoying the fresh mountain air. As for the climatic conditions, they are practically ideal. The Black Sea climate is quite warm, a light flowing breeze together with the sun's rays does not burn the skin, but gives it a gentle warmth and a bronze tan.

Family holiday

When planning a vacation with children, it is better to go to the beaches of the Azov coast. Because the water temperature varies significantly. If it fluctuates between 19-22 degrees in the Black Sea, then the temperature in the Azov Sea averages 25 degrees. This is due to the relatively shallow depth of the seabed. Difference temperature conditions can be uncomfortable and dangerous for children to stay in the water. As for sanatoriums and recreation centers, there are countless of them, and they are designed to suit the taste and budget of any tourist. Many of them are built according to European standards and meet all the requirements of five-star hotels. The same cannot be said about the seas, which are designed for a budget option. However, a small disadvantage is their distance from the beaches. Although many vacationers regard this rather as a kind of advantage.

In the Black Sea resorts, prices are quite high not only for housing, but also for entertainment, food, and transport. However, there is always an alternative; you don’t need to choose the first option that comes along in order to protect yourself from extra costs. For young children, the Black or Azov Sea is more suitable than, for example, the Mediterranean. This is due to the fact that you do not need to travel long distances.

Sanatoriums of the Azov Sea

Holidays at Azov resorts are the best option for those who want to have a great time, gain strength and health and at the same time save a lot of money. This is exactly what most tourists think. Air saturated with calcium and iodine has amazing healing properties. Simply swimming in sea water is enough to protect the body from colds, cardiovascular diseases, and alleviate the symptoms of joint diseases.

Unlike the sanatoriums of the Black Sea, the sanatoriums of the Azov Sea are located in close proximity to beaches covered with sea sand and small shells. Despite the fact that the level of development of resorts and the infrastructure of the Azov coast is significantly inferior to the Black Sea, there is entertainment for everyone here. There are many attractions and slides located right on the beaches, designed for both children and adults.

In addition, the bottom is most often sandy or muddy. There is no danger of bumping into huge rocks, which is important for vacationers with children.

Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov... I studied the similarities and differences between them on vacation. Summer has begun not long ago, and I have already returned from vacation. Since I have been living on the Black Sea for many years, and more specifically, I went on vacation to the Azov Sea in the city of Yeisk.

I liked the city right away. He reminded me a little of Adler twenty years ago: you walk to the sea along a quiet street, picking cherries and mulberries as you go. Nobody swears. Beauty! Once upon a time, on our way to the sea, you could pinch off a fig, a medlar or a bunch of grapes. And here you can even meet a goat. 🙂

But that’s where the similarities end. For example, private houses in Adler are, although sometimes luxurious, just houses. In Yeisk, many houses cannot be called anything other than historical heritage. The city has preserved a large number merchant houses XIX century: with porches, turrets, laid out kokoshniks and other similar things.

I don’t want to scare lovers of modern architecture: new microdistricts with multi-storey buildings Yeysk also has enough.

I cannot remain silent about two more things that shocked me in Yeisk. First, everyone sits in Yeisk minibuses. The driver takes exactly as many people on the minibus as he has seats. That is, you do not hang between heaven and earth as in Sochi minibuses, but calmly look at your favorite city through the window. The second is even more incredible. Remember from Mikhail Zadornov: “Now fill your chest with more air..."? So - dial - they have no traffic jams! None. Never. At all.

And now, the promised 10 differences. Of course, I cannot judge the entire Black Sea or Azov coast. I judge the sea in two cities - Yeisk and Sochi.

Black Sea. Sea of ​​Azov

1. The beaches in Yeisk are golden-white. This color is given to them by sand and small pieces of shells, resulting from many years of destruction of shells by waves.

In Sochi, the beaches are mostly pebble and rocky, with sand inserts here and there. This sand is called silver, but, in my opinion, it is loudly said: ordinary gray sand.

2 . ☼ The water in the Black Sea on a fine day has a color from blue to cobalt blue. This is explained by sea ​​water absorbs blue and violet rays of the spectrum to a lesser extent than red and orange.

When the sea is shallow, then along with blue and violet, red and orange rays are also reflected. It turns out green color. Therefore, the Sea of ​​Azov is greenish. Abundantly developed phytoplankton also adds greenery to the Sea of ​​Azov.

3. ☼ However, the water in the Sea of ​​Azov is not entirely green. Rather greenish-yellow, and when there is wind, the color of coffee with milk. The color is determined by the agitation of bottom silts and sand particles. The Sea of ​​Azov is muddy. Its transparency ranges from 0.5 to 8 m.

☼ The Black Sea is much more transparent. For comparison, the maximum recorded transparency of the Black Sea was 77 m. Unfortunately, this was not here in Sochi, but near the Synod.

Sea in Yeysk

Sea in Sochi

4. ☼ The turbidity of the Azov Sea does not particularly upset anyone, since the mud responsible for this turbidity has a beneficial effect on the human body. On the Azov beaches there are many “dark” people, smeared from head to toe with healing mud.

☼ On the Black Sea coast there are “dark people” of a different kind: African students working part-time as Papuans.

5. ☼ The Azov Sea is the shallowest sea in the world. Its average depth is 8 meters. But I never managed to reach these 8 meters. You walk and walk, and the water is still up to your waist.

☼ The greatest depth of the Black Sea is 2212 m.

6. ☼ Due to its shallow depth, the Azov Sea warms up faster than the Black Sea.

☼ When I left, at the beginning of June, the water in the Black Sea was still cool, but in the Azov Sea it was just right.

7. ☼ Another advantage of shallow water is safety. Almost 90% of vacationers on the Azov Sea are parents or grandmothers with children.

☼ On the Black Sea, the contingent of vacationers is much wider. Everyone rests here, including the conductors and Olympstroy builders who “dropped in for a minute.”

8. ☼ If lambs start to appear on the Black Sea, you can’t escape them.

☼ Yeysk is located on a spit. There you can move from one side of the spit to the other, from beach to beach: the direction of the wind will change, the lambs will disappear.

9 . ☼ The water in the Sea of ​​Azov is almost not salty. I tried it myself. 🙂

☼ In the Black Sea, the water is saltier and smells of iodine.

10. I have not been to the Sea of ​​Azov in winter. But I must have point No. 10!

☼ The Sea of ​​Azov freezes in winter.

☼ The Black Sea never freezes.

Here you go. I told everything I saw. And you choose for yourself where to go: to Black Sea or Azovskoe.

Holidays on the Azov and Black Seas are popular with many people different ages, from young children to older men and women. The climate here is pleasant, and the number of sunny days allows you to get a beautiful tan and a boost of energy for the whole day. cold period of the year.

Many well-equipped beaches, cozy corners, recreation centers, boarding houses. Choose appropriate place Spending your holidays is very easy thanks to the Internet. So, you can go to the website, which offers a great time on the seashore.


But with such simplicity and accessibility, choosing which sea to go to is quite difficult. Let's figure it out:

  1. The Black Sea water is clear, blue color, and in Azov it is more cloudy and greenish; this circumstance is especially clearly visible after even a small storm.
  2. The coast of the Azov Sea is sandy, with small shells, so the beaches there are white-golden and cozy. But on the Black Sea it is very difficult to find a beach with sand - almost everything here has pebbles and stones.
  3. The Black Sea is very deep, and this allows you to practice aquatic species sports, in particular diving. As for the Sea of ​​Azov, it is the shallowest in the world today, with an average depth of only seven and a half meters. Therefore, it is better to relax here with children, because the water warms up better and you can swim in shallow water.
  4. Due to the above-mentioned circumstances, the holiday season on the Azov seaside begins earlier.
  5. An advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is the presence therapeutic mud, which you won’t find on Black. Tourists from different countries often flock here precisely because of it.
  6. In the Black Sea, the water is saltier, so it is more beneficial from a health point of view for taking sea baths.
  7. Due to the increased salinity, the Black Sea does not freeze, but the Azov Sea is covered with a layer of ice during severe frosts.

What to choose

When choosing between two seas, everyone should focus on their tastes and needs. Fans of diving and the like, as well as noisy companies, are better off going to the Black Sea, as there they can do what they love and have fun in multiple establishments.

Azov is a great place to spend a family vacation. Children and their parents can bask on the golden beaches and swim to their heart's content in the pleasantly warm water.

There are always a lot of vacationers on the Black Sea coast, so those who love silence are better off going to the Azov coast - here you can find a secluded corner.

In any case, in the summer, of course, it is better to relax at sea - it is good for your health.