Which trees wake up first in the spring. Flowering trees Spring flowering trees

Beautiful blooming trees, undoubtedly cause indescribable delight. If for local residents this is a completely ordinary and ordinary phenomenon, not counting the Japanese, who have a tradition of celebrating the holiday of hamami - admiring the flowering of trees, then for visitors and residents middle zone In Europe, seeing a tree in bloom is a storm of emotions and great joy. Today you can see 20 of the most beautifully flowering trees on our planet that will leave you in awe.

1. Peltoforum winged - Caesalpinia rusty. Marvelous beautiful tree! This is a real yellow firework, especially at the height of summer, when Peltoforum alata is blooming all around. Indescribable beauty! During flowering, this tree looks incredibly impressive. Bright yellow flowers literally glow against the background of lacy green foliage. Doesn't bloom individual flowers, but with whole brushes.

A tall semi-evergreen tree with graceful openwork leaves, similar to mimosa leaves, but darker and leathery. Bright yellow flowers are collected in vertical lush inflorescences, reminiscent of chestnut “candles”. They remind me of another amazing shrub.

2. Brachychiton maplefolia, representatives of the genus are evergreen branched trees, growing up to 35 meters in height and up to 12 in width. Bright green leaves reach 20 centimeters in length. The flowers are cup-shaped, reddish in color, reach 2 centimeters in diameter and are collected in large panicle-shaped shields. Flowering period is summer. Brachychitons – large trees with a characteristic thickening on the trunk. In the thickened part of the trunk, plants accumulate reserves nutrients, which can be spent during an unfavorable period. Thanks to their thickening, brachychitons are called bottle trees.

3. According to scientific - Cassia tubularis- a plant from the legume family. This tree is called - tree of golden rain. In spring and early summer, huge clusters of fragrant, dazzling yellow flowers appear on the tree. The flower of this tree is the national symbol of Thailand.

4. Blooms Khorizia. After leaf fall, beautiful red-pink flowers appear on the tree, which are replaced by fruits.

5. Blooms Chestnut

6. Spathodea, tulip tree! - This is a stunning and unique plant that can decorate any garden. Peculiarity of this plant is that it can grow in almost any conditions, withstanding temperatures down to minus 30 degrees. Its lifespan can reach five hundred years, and its annual growth is one meter. During flowering, fantastically beautiful flowers appear on the tree, carved as if in a painted shape. Large flowers, about seven centimeters in size, look amazing on a thin and long green stem, scattered throughout the entire trunk of the plant.

7. Hawthorn monopistillate “Punicea”

Flowering lasts about 2 (sometimes up to 3-4) months in spring and summer. Blooms most profusely in late spring. Flowering trees look especially impressive in arid climates in the spring, when, with almost complete absence of leaves, the crown is covered with thousands of bright red flowers, turning, as it were, into a flaming cloud, clearly visible from afar.

9. Tree - banyan. Aerial roots are pruned, otherwise, when they reach the ground, they turn into new trunks.

10. Melia Azedarach blooms. This deciduous tree 15-18 m tall with a wide spreading crown is called Melia Azedarach. The fruits are juicy, light yellow, spherical, and remain on the tree all winter.

The beauty of this tree is given by bright red stamens collected in dense cylindrical inflorescences.

Sycamore flowers are its “fruits”. They hang in clusters on the powerful trunk and long, thick branches of this majestic tree. Sycamore is a tree that can grow from 18 to 40 meters and can live between 600 and 1200 years. The period of most active flowering and fruiting occurs in December-July, but in nature sycamore bears fruit all year round. Fruits appear at the base of the leaves or along the stems and are collected in clusters. The fruits are very similar to figs, but they are not as sweet and smaller. Each fruit grows from 2 to 3 cm in diameter and changes color as it ripens from green-yellow to red or yellow.

13. Eucalyptus- an evergreen tree that reaches a height of up to 50 or 70 meters. The bark of its trunk and branches is whitish-gray in color and quite smooth. The flowers of eucalyptus are not similar to the flowers of other plants; flower buds 30 mm long and 20 mm wide are located in the axils of the leaves. They are bisexual and sit on very short legs. Flowering duration is up to six weeks or more.

Erythrines are trees reaching 30 m in height. There are about 130 species in the genus, native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The generic name refers to the red color of the flowers of some species - red). Not all erythrin species have red flowers. In Erythrina Hawaiian they can be orange, yellow, green, salmon and white. Seeds are beans collected in pods containing one or more seeds. Due to the fact that the seeds can be transported over long distances by sea, they are also called “sea beans”.

15. Calliandra suriname! Highly decorative, graceful, beautifully and abundantly flowering, quite unpretentious - simply an amazing plant. This is only a small fraction of beautifully flowering trees, one can only be amazed at the imagination of nature, many do not even imagine that there is one that blooms with flowers similar to lilies of the valley, or one that blooms with blue bells...

Now let’s admire the luxurious blooming of southern tropical trees. Blooming gardens and parks of warm countries - a magnificent and amazing sight! And strange flowers and trees that we have never seen before bloom here. They bloom not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn...

All the colors of the rainbow pass before us, let's look at fabulous beauty and the bounty of nature.
Flower rainbow colors


Brachychiton maplefolia - Fiery or Flaming tree

Deciduous tree up to 30m in height, leaves similar to maple.

In early summer, a multitude of bright red flowers bloom, completely enveloping the tree and giving the appearance of being on fire.

Delonix royal- Another Fiery tree.
It grows in many countries with warm climates and is one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. The elegant, feathery leaves, 30-50 cm long, resemble ferns, and fold at night .

In spring, the tree is covered with large bright red flowers, about 10 cm in diameter, collected in large clusters.

The flowers rival orchids in beauty, and the trees in bloom are a delightful spectacle that lasts for 1-2 months.

The name comes from the Greek kallos - beautiful and stemon - stamen.

The beauty of this tree is given by bright red stamens, collected in thick cylindrical inflorescences, similar to dish brushes))

Sometimes the stamens are yellow or green.

Bombax is a cotton tree, a relative of the baobab. Very beautiful, large, palm-sized, bright red flowers are pollinated by birds or even bats.



Fluffy eucalyptus balls come in red, white, and yellow.

African tulip tree- Spathodea campanulate- a very beautiful and exotic plant.

It is called the "African tulip tree" or "fountain tree" because of its numerous large, bright red flowers, shaped like tulips.

The tulip tree is also called lyrodendron (see. Yellow).

We know that in Japan there are holidays to admire the blossoming of sakura and wisteria.
But in northern Africa one of the most beautiful holidays is almond blossom festival. Tafraout is the almond capital of Morocco. Every year in February (!), Morocco hosts an almond blossom festival. By the way, both Italy and Israel have a holiday celebrating the flowering of this tree.

I love it when they bloom
Almond trees,
Removing the veil of my melancholy as if by hand.
In my soul, for many years
Tired of nomadism,
I find bliss and peace again

Oleander - large evergreen shrub. It blooms in summer with bright large flowers - usually white or pink.

The homeland of oleander is the subtropics from Morocco and Portugal in the west to Southern China in the east. The juice of oleander leaves is poisonous.

Bougainvillea. White, pink, raspberry, orange, purple, you name it!

Bougainvillea has flowers and bracts different color. Her flowers are actually small, yellow-white and inconspicuous. These flowers are surrounded by three petal bracts - it is they, brightly colored, that give the beauty of bougainvillea.

At home, in South America, bougainvillea flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds, and in other countries - by hawk moths.

Bauhinia, orchid or orchid tree. Her flower appears on the Hong Kong flag.

During flowering, the tree is almost completely covered with magnificent flowers reminiscent of orchids.

The petals of Bauhinia (Bauhinia) evoke an association with butterflies not only by their shape, but also by their “motility”. At night they are folded along the central vein.

Lagerstromia indica. The flowers of this tree are collected in clusters similar to lilacs.

Albizia or sleeping tree, or silk acacia, Lankaran acacia.
The name comes from the name of the Florentine del Albizzi, who introduced this plant to Europe in the 18th century.

The tree attracts attention with delicate tassels of pink and lilac flowers. In general, the flowers themselves are yellowish-white, but the stamens are long, pink or lilac in color and form charming fluffy panicles.

Cercis europeanus, or European crimson, or Judino tree.
Judas - because Judas Iscariot hanged himself on it after his betrayal, and the tree that used to bloom with white flowers now blooms pink. In Russian tradition, he hanged himself on an aspen tree, but there are no aspens in biblical places.

Another version: the homeland of crimson is Western Asia, Judea, which is why this tree is called the Judean or Judas tree.
An incredibly beautiful tree. Its bright pink flowers bloom not only on the branches, but also decorate the bark of the branches and trunk in clusters.

In the tropics, stem flowering (caulefloria) is common. The most famous plants that have stem flowering are the cocoa tree and the tropical bread tree.

When, suffering from a cold, Ai-Petri rises in the snow,
the crooked tree of Judas blooms on south coast

Nikolay Zabolotsky

Interestingly, Cersis was announced in Turkey tree 2012 of the year. In honor of the resounding title of “Tree of the Year,” thousands of free seedlings were distributed to Istanbul residents!

Sakura- a favorite tree of the Japanese, during the flowering days of which the Hanami holidays are held.
Hanami is a Japanese national tradition of admiring flowers, the most famous of which is cherry blossoms.

A few months before flowering, forecasts with cherry blossom dates begin to be shown on television.
Cherry blossoms - traditional symbol female youth and beauty. Sakura is also used on the coats of arms of the police and armed forces Japan.

Tabebuia - or Ipe- grows in the tropics South America. The trees bloom beautifully in different colors: white, pink, yellow, lilac. Flowers ranging in size from 3 to 11 cm are collected in dense inflorescences; hummingbirds feed on their nectar.
The ancient Incas called it ipe (lapacho) divine tree giving vitality.
Interestingly, Ipe flowers bloom in different colors in different time. First, in July, after the leaves fall, pink ipe blooms. (In Brazil in July it is winter!).
Pink ipe

After the pink ones, yellow ones bloom, then white ipes bloom, and purple ipes bloom by the end of September.

Magnolia pink

Stunningly beautiful large lily-shaped flowers, pink-purple on the outside, white on the inside, with a faint aroma. The fruits are wine-red, up to 9 cm, ripen in November.



Coralwood or Erythrina

Erythrines are valued for their magnificent orange-red flowers of intricate shapes in large inflorescences. Because Most erythrins have coral-colored flowers and red seed-pods, which is why they are called coral trees. This feature is reflected in the scientific name - from the Greek “erythros” - red.


Caesalpinia rusty, Yellow Flame- view of the Peltoforum. (See yellow color)

The rest of the colors of the rainbow - to be continued

Russia is a huge country with vast areas, different time zones and climatic conditions. The nature of our country is unique and beautiful. I think no more country in a world equally generously endowed by nature. Our vast fields, dense forests, high mountains, deep rivers attract the attention of all nature lovers. Tourists believe that this is precisely the secret of the Russian soul.

Leaving Russia, guests (who managed to see all the natural diversity), and even more so the citizens of the country, always miss the nature of the great power. They admit that they always remember with warmth and nostalgia nightingale trills, wonderful wildflowers, what trees bloom in May and what coolness and peace the mountains give.


Spring is considered the most wonderful time of the year. wakes up from hibernation: trees “dress” in beautiful green outfits, flowers different forms and shades and give a dizzying aroma, the sun becomes gentler and warmer.

In the vast expanses of our homeland, spring is gradually coming into its own. Therefore, if you take a vacation and travel around the country to see the “spring route and its consequences,” you can experience this time of year in all its diversity. While in the south of the country all the trees begin to turn green and bloom, in Far East There are only a few types of trees that can please residents.

Let's take a virtual trip and find out which trees bloom in May different corners our country.

Kuban lands

Kuban gardens, forests, villages and even cities change beyond recognition in the spring: the trees become lush green, bloom very beautifully and smell pleasant. If you ask: what trees bloom in April-May in Kuban, you will receive an impressive list in response. Firstly, fruit trees bloom, such as apple trees, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and many others. Secondly, non-fruitful and ornamental acacia, lilac, poplar, birch, linden, willow and willow.

It is interesting that the weather in Kuban is a very capricious lady, and often she shows her “whims” to nature and all residents. There were cases when the trees were budding, but strong frosty nights still awaited them. Or, on the contrary, spring was in such a “hurry” to come that even on rare snowy April days it bloomed flowers on the trees.

Resort areas

“Staying” still in the south, you can look into the gardens of residents of resort cities such as Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik. Trees grow here, the fruits of which are adored by every resident of our country. The taste and benefits of summer fruits cannot be compared with anything for human health.

So, what trees bloom in May nearby? sea ​​coast? This:

  • magnolia;
  • pomegranate (sometimes begins to bloom at the end of May, but more often in summer);
  • mandarin;
  • persimmon;
  • azalea multicolored.


Although the capital of Russia is located significantly north of Sochi, here, too, everything “comes to life” and decorates the city. Muscovites and guests of the capital who arrived in the spring know which trees bloom in Moscow in May and give it a festive look and comfort: hawthorn, chestnut, acacia. Also in the parks you can find a lot of apricots, double almonds, apple trees and lilacs. If the spring is hot, then linden may begin to bloom in May; if, on the contrary, the cold does not subside for a long time, poplar or willow may continue to bloom for a long time.

Despite the many buildings (a tribute to the modern metropolis), Moscow is rich in green areas. Not to mention the lands near Moscow, where city dwellers can “break out” to admire nature. During the flowering period, trees give the city a more gentle look, and a person can enjoy a piece of nature even in the concrete jungle.


The northern capital of Russia is known to everyone for its rich history, palaces and fountains. The climate there, although not as harsh as in the Far East, still rarely indulges residents with truly hot days. But few people know that in St. Petersburg there is a wonderful botanical garden that brings together “domestic” flora and “foreign guests”.

Wind, cold, rain and grayness are ordinary days for St. Petersburg, it is interesting that this makes neither St. Petersburg residents nor guests stop loving him. But it is precisely this eternal autumn mood that makes the arrival of spring a real holiday. Residents of the Northern capital are trying to find time to visit parks, gardens and find out what trees bloom in May in St. Petersburg this spring. Because due to the weather, the flowering time may differ in different years.

Walking the streets or botanical garden St. Petersburg, you can admire it and then tell your friends and acquaintances what trees bloom in May in the city. These are such as:

  • sakura;
  • Apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • horse chestnut;
  • rose tree;
  • bird cherry;
  • alder.

Far East

The next stop on the virtual journey “In the Footsteps of Spring” is the Far East. The climate of this part of the country, as they say, is not for the faint-hearted and heat-loving. For example, in the village of Oymyakon in winter the temperature drops to -50 o C, and on a summer day it can rise to +30 o C (and at night drop by 20 degrees).

But, of course, not all territories of the Far East are so snow-covered, and spring is coming here.

Let's find out which trees bloom at the end of May in the Far East? We can meet here:

  • Amur linden;
  • Amur velvet;
  • Calopanax seven-lobed;
  • Manchurian apple tree;
  • small-fruited alder;
  • Maksimovich cherry;
  • Daurian birch;

How trees bloom

You don't have to be a botanist to love nature. Sooner or later, everyone gets tired of the hustle and bustle of work and strives to get at least a little closer to nature. Especially in spring, people try to find time and go to the park, mountains or to the country. Fortunately, in our country May is very generous with weekends, so almost everyone has this opportunity.

A person who is far from in-depth knowledge of botany is attracted and surprised by trees covered with flowers. Often we enjoy the view without even knowing the correct name of the tree. Let's do a little education and find out:

Everyone will agree: weekends in nature are also exhausting (by the way, no more than shopping). But when you come to work on Monday after the May holidays, the first thing you want to say to your colleagues is: “Oh, what trees bloom in early May!”

Trees versus people

People are waiting for spring, its warm rays of sunshine, which will drive away the dullness, melt the ice and awaken nature. How wonderful it is to go outside and inhale the aroma of apple or cherry! But unfortunately, not all people enjoy spring, and not all trees are so harmless in wonderful time flowering.

Every year everything more people are allergic to tree pollen. Agree, it is difficult to maintain a high spring mood when you have a headache, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy nose and constantly want to sneeze.

The population suffers especially severely in May from the flowering of the following trees:

  • oak;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • pine trees;
  • hazel;
  • poplars.

If representatives of these “dangerous” species are present in large quantities in your region, and you are susceptible to allergies, it is better for you to take a vacation and travel or stock up on the necessary medications.

Trees for people

Nature does nothing thoughtlessly or to the detriment of humans. It is difficult to find anything in the world as comprehensive and balanced as Mother Nature. So trees, while causing harm to some allergy sufferers with their blooms, still bring irreplaceable benefits to humanity as a whole.

More from school course we know that trees are living beings and what their role is in human life:

  • climate, agricultural land, water and air purity directly depend on trees;
  • the forest and trees protect the animal world;
  • trees - source material resources used in construction and manufacturing;
  • human diet and health cannot do without trees, since their fruits, flowers, juice, leaves, roots and bark are used in gastronomy and medicine;
  • The culture of the inhabitants of many cities, villages and even the peoples of countries necessarily concerns trees and forests.

From childhood we are taught to take care and protect trees. Planting a tree means doing a good and important deed in your life. And admire the beauty blooming in spring Trees are a very pleasant, calming and giving activity that gives strength and hope.

1. Magnolia

Magnolia flowers are bisexual, very large and fragrant.

Spreading trees strewn with white or pink inflorescences - a masterpiece picture

2. Chestnut

Chestnut is a small genus of trees in the Beech family. Chestnut grows relatively quickly and has a high growth capacity from the stump, which it retains until old age.

Some types of chestnut have been used since ancient times as fruit tree. As a tree of powerful growth with a tent-shaped crown, interesting in all seasons, chestnut is of great value in gardens and parks.

Camellia blooms beautiful flower, who always attracts admiring glances.

From white and soft pink flowers, camellia japonica can also acquire very bright red and variegated colors.

4. Acacia (or maybe it’s Golden Rain Bobovnik)

Copenhagen, Denmark

5. Wisteria

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wisteria - tall, tree-like, climbing plant legume family, grows in the southern regions.
Wisteria blooms in the spring and retains individual flowering clusters throughout the summer. This makes it a popular specimen for use in landscape design.

Keukenhof, Netherlands
Wisterias have several varieties (9), for example, Wisteria, which blooms profusely and is frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures down to -23°.

6. Sakura

Sakura is the name of several trees of the Prunaceae subfamily, often denoting finely serrated cherry.

Many species called "sakura" are used in culture only as ornamental plants and either do not bear fruit at all, or produce small and inedible fruit.

7. Erythrina

Lisbon, Portugal
Erythrina - called coral tree - is a legume. Erythrines are very decorative, they bloom for a long time and profusely, and are valued for their magnificent red flowers of bizarre shapes in large elegant inflorescences.

Vienna, Austria

8. Quince

Quince appeared in Asia 4000 years ago. Found wild in eastern Russia.

9. Apple tree

Wow, there are so many varieties of apple trees now, and the way they bloom is magical.

10. Lemon

Vienna, Austria

11. Willow (actually a type of willow)

Willow blooms from April to May before the new leaves begin to emerge. Inflorescences with small flowers called earrings. The seeds are very light and small, so they are easily carried by the wind over long distances.

12. Almonds

In spring, almond orchards are strewn with delicate, almost airy, pale pink flowers. There are also flowers decorated in the middle with bright purple veins.

There are also frost-resistant varieties in Russia.

13. Bird cherry

In May, gardens and parks are also decorated with bird cherry blossoms. Its white panicle inflorescences emit a rich aroma, but keep in mind that you should not get too carried away and plant entire hedges of bird cherry, as its strong smell can cause headaches.


The earliest to bloom is the willow and all plants from the willow family - willow, rose, willow, willow, willow, etc. In the central part of Russia, “willow” or “broom bush” is most widespread and famous. You can find willow in forests and swamps. One of the earliest flowering species is the thin columnar willow or Thunberga, common in the Far East. In mountainous areas there are dwarf willows, the height of which does not exceed 1 inch. That is, they do not rise above the mosses among which they grow.

Many of the members of this family bloom in March, when there is still snow on the ground. The shoots are covered with white, gray or yellow earrings, along with which leaves appear. Although in some species of willows the flowers bloom first, and only then the leaves appear. Holly willow is called willow or red willow. It has beautiful red-brown shoots with a bluish bloom. Flowering time also occurs in March-April, and in May you can already observe the whirling of light seeds. The three-stamened willow is called a vine. This species is the most common in Russia.

White or silver willow is called willow. Perhaps you have had the opportunity to admire it during the wind: when it gusts, the tree turns its leaves either green or silver. Norway willow or willow is a wind-pollinated plant that blooms long before its leaves appear. The absence of the latter only benefits the tree, since they do not interfere air flows and do not retain pollen. Since the plant does not produce nectar and, accordingly, does not attract insects, it does not need to care about the beauty of the flowers: they are usually small and inconspicuous in appearance, collected in earring inflorescences.

However, you can see insects buzzing around the willow, which confirms the hypothesis that the tree has an adaptation to pollination with their help. The advantage of willow is that it is not adapted to a specific type of insect, so flies and bumblebees circle around willow flowers. Some types of willows are cultivated and grown in their own gardens and on personal plots, enjoying their color, and unusually shaped branches and leaves.

Some of the most beloved by gardeners and gardeners include brittle willow, goat willow, purple willow, creeping willow, whole-leaved willow, rosemary-leaved willow, etc. The Matsuda willow is very beautiful, which is a tree with serpentine-curved green shoots. This small shrub with an openwork crown has narrow-lanceolate, long-pointed leaves.

With the first rays of spring and the melting of snow, the first flowers awaken. In addition to snowdrops, other early flowering plants are also harbingers of spring.


First spring flower is Chionodoxa luciliae. This plant due to its early flowering has another name - Glory of the Snows. Small (up to 15 cm) bulbous plant breaks through the melting snow for two weeks. On a thin stem there are 10-15 flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm, externally resembling wide bells. Bright blue, light blue, lilac flowers and linear emerald leaves decorate mountain slopes and alpine meadows at an altitude of about 2 km.

The most famous (and therefore very rare today) primrose is the Common primrose (Galanthus nivalis). The snowdrop is recognizable by its linear leaves, which it produces first, and its white drooping bells. This delicate frost-resistant plant is listed in the Red Book. Therefore, you should think carefully before picking these primroses.

The harbinger of spring in our latitudes is Vesennik or Eranthis hyemalis. It is a single bush up to 30 cm high, on which there are many yellow cup-shaped flowers of medium size. Vesennik's leaves are thin and heavily dissected. The plant has a rich honey aroma.

Almost simultaneously with Vesennik, the purple, white, yellow and bluish flowers of the Iris reticulata bloom. A plant with thin linear leaves emits pleasant aroma and blooms from February to April. The reticulated iris rises above the ground by only 8-15 cm, half of which is the length of the flowers.