How to make a wooden bench with a backrest with your own hands. Do-it-yourself benches (benches) made of wood. Review of all kinds of materials

No one will argue that the bench is simply necessary attribute for any summer cottage. There are a great many types of garden benches, but in this article we will look at a very simple one. classic version benches designed for 2 people, which is not difficult to make with your own hands. The bench should be strong and not heavy; it can be easily moved by two people to any place on the site.

Below you will find a working 3D model of this bench, which can be rotated in all directions, as well as drawings of the bench parts from which it will be assembled.

So what do we need?
Since you will be doing it yourself, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:


  1. Circular saw (you can get by with a simple hacksaw for wood).
  2. Planer (if you use unplaned boards).
  3. Drill or screwdriver (with drills and bits).
  4. Measuring tool (tape and corner).
  5. Wrench.
  6. Paint brush.
  7. A grinder or hacksaw for cutting a threaded rod to size.


  1. Edged board 100*40 mm.
  2. Edged board 100*25 mm.
  3. Furniture screws or threaded rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm:
  4. Nuts and washers for the selected screw size.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a countersunk head for fastening the elements of the back and seat of the bench.
  6. Self-tapping screws with a turnkey head for fastening the power strut - 4 pcs.
  7. Abrasive sandpaper (you can use a drill attachment, or ideally use a surface grinder).
  8. Protective impregnation for wood.
  9. Wood putty for sealing screw heads.

After all the elements of the future garden bench will be sawed and planed, you can start assembling it yourself. And below are her isometric drawings with dimensions.

I adapted the model of this bench to the sizes that are often found in lumber at our sawmills, but this nasty but is always present. When preparing parts, rely on the main (overall) dimensions, because unplaned material can have a spread of up to 5-8 mm. Accordingly, you will have to make adjustments to the dimensions of your structure.

Drawing of a garden bench made of wood 1400 mm wide.

Assembling a garden bench

  1. Assembling the sides of the bench.
    Drill holes for threaded connections. You can make a hole in the wood with a special drill if you want to recess the caps and nuts. To make it easier to work, you can first fix the entire structure of the side of the bench with clamps or thin nails (screws).
  2. We secure the sidewall structure with screws and nuts (a washer should be placed under the bolt head and nut). Do not tighten too much right away; you may have to move the entire structure further for better stability.
  3. We perform the same operation with the second sidewall.
  4. Connect the two sides of the bench using a spacer-tension element (below).
    Secure it with large self-tapping screws.
  5. Secure the seat and back elements with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. The gap according to the drawing between the boards is 5 mm (use, for example, nails or screws of appropriate thickness as a spacer).
  6. Tighten all threaded connections.
  7. Apply wood putty to all recessed heads of the screws securing the seat and back of the bench.
  8. Sand all over with abrasive sandpaper wooden surfaces so as not to plant a splinter and smooth out the putty. All external corners can be rounded.
  9. Apply protective impregnation or paint to all surfaces in two layers with intermediate drying.
  10. Voila! After drying, the DIY garden bench is ready for installation.
  • Lumber dimensions are nominal. When purchasing boards, add at least 10% to the total footage for possible losses.
  • To save lumber, start cutting boards with the longest elements.
  • The width of the garden bench can be made at your discretion, just keep in mind that a larger width will cause the seat boards to sag under the weight of the body and the structure will have to be strengthened.
  • Whether to install the bottom board of the bench back is at your discretion.
  • To minimize accidental bruises and injuries, file or cut off all sharp corners of the seat and backrest elements.
  • If lumber is used to make a garden bench natural humidity(not dried), then the dimensions and gaps may change during drying and it is better not to varnish it until the wood is completely dry.

3D model of a garden bench

Click on the picture, wait for it to load and use the left mouse button held down to rotate the model. Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Watch full screen - icon in the lower right corner. Exit full screen - Esc key.
To fully view 3D models, you need to download the SkethUp viewer program from the official website (free) and install it on your computer. You can download this model for viewing by clicking on the logo in the lower left corner of the viewing window.

Drawing: bench details

This figure shows a diagram with the number of parts and main dimensions.

Examples of similar garden benches

A similar bench with a lighter backrest on one board. As an option for weight loss.

And here is a variant of a bench with a rear shelf on the back. Moreover, the author did correct angle on the backrest reinforcements at the top, and the shelf turned out to be in the correct plane.

The same option with a rear shelf on the back. But here the author did not make the right angle, and the shelf turned out to be littered.
Please note that here, 4 boards are also used on the seat, and 3 on the back. The elements of the bench are varnished.

In the photo below you see a whole ensemble of three benches. Quite a good idea for a relaxation corner on the site. But it seems to me that the long bench should have been strengthened in the middle, otherwise a sag appears, which is what I wrote about above.

With that, thank you for your attention, I was glad if it helped someone. Post your options for made garden benches below in the comments or send them to me by email.

About how to make a large stationary and heavy one garden bench, you can read in another article: “Garden bench with back and armrests”, drawings and dimensions are attached.

If you want to purchase a ready-made garden bench, we advise you to contact a trusted furniture seller Kupistol, they offer a wide range to suit every taste and budget.

Respite during the day is as necessary as sleep at night. Have a smoke break while working in your summer cottage, sit in the shade after long working days, enjoy the long-awaited evening atmosphere, or even play sports - comfortable wooden benches are used for this.

Buying luxurious furniture for the street - now few people can afford to ruin their wallet. Making a bench with your own hands according to the drawings is a triple benefit:

  • A practical product made of wood, in which all individual wishes and elements are taken into account, an order of magnitude higher than stamped factory models focused on saving material. Order a bench to a separate master also does not always live up to expectations.
  • Do-it-yourself production will only require costs for Consumables, and if they already exist, then it will cost you no investment at all.
  • The construction of interior and landscape elements for a dacha to your own taste can hardly be called work. It is always a pleasure to skillfully create something new for yourself, so that you can then be proud and enjoy the efforts of your work.

Why made of wood?

Wood is the most suitable material to make a bench with your own hands. This is due to its qualities:

Requirements for material and tools

The wood must be of high quality. For the bench, you should choose elements without knots, cracks, or rotten areas. The ease of processing and joining parts, as well as the service life of the finished product, depend on this.

Special attention: only dry wood is suitable for starting work. A damp board is the reason for the deformation of the bench and its destruction when weather conditions change. Before processing, the material must be thoroughly dried.

The breed is not limited to anything: to make a garden bench for a summer house, any available wood will do. Oak is the most durable, but heaviest. If you stand on a bench all your life in one place, it is better to choose it.

Pine - optimal choice for any product options. It is the most common building material: wood will be easy to find at home or purchase at the nearest base; affordable, moderately durable, less susceptible to temperature influences. Linden, larch and other species are also used.

Making a bench with your own hands is carpentry work and will require simple carpentry tools. For safety and quality reasons, it is recommended to use only reliable, working tools. Firmly attached hammer handles, plane blades, a sharpened hacksaw or a high-quality disk on electric saw– deposit effective achievement result.

Wooden bench design

The general structure of a wooden bench will be useful for those who decide to make it themselves. Before starting work, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future creation with the dimensions and location of the elements. It will help you quickly make the necessary wooden parts of the bench and correctly assemble them into one garden structure. Each element of the drawing performs its own function, without which the product will be unfinished, unreliable or not convenient enough:

  1. The legs of the bench are supports. For comfortable planting, they are brought to a height of 40-50 cm from the ground. A lower or higher position forces you to take an unnatural posture, from which rest becomes torture and unfavorable tension on the spine. Depending on the length, wooden benches are provided with a different number of elements: maximum every 150 cm. The rear and front supports are at the same level with each other. Usually two pairs are needed, since most wooden benches are small in size.
  2. Between the legs and seats of the bench, the diagrams provide for intermediate transverse and longitudinal beams, because the plane of the seat is not always formed by one board. They must be attached around the perimeter of the seat to the tops of the legs, but if the distance is large, there may be additional cross members, already attached to the longitudinal beams. Intermediate wooden supports may be absent only if the bench seat is made of wide boards.
  3. The seat is formed from elements nailed to the intermediate beams and extending 5-25 cm beyond the legs. It is recommended to choose even boards.
  4. The screed is an element of the strength of the bench. In the drawings it can be made in different forms, but the function is the same: rigid fastening wooden frame. This can be one beam or board, the ends connected to the legs of the bench at a height of 20-30 cm, or corner bars connecting each leg with intermediate beams. The screed prevents the wooden supports from loosening.
  5. The back is a functional element that divides all benches into two configurations: with and without it. It serves for greater comfort and relaxation of the back. The back should not be vertical at 90° - this is an uncomfortable position. Optimal angle tilt from the seat plane - 110-120°.

The presence of a backrest requires modernization of the drawing of the legs. The support area needs to be larger. Geometrically, the load is distributed across the seat and the horizontal projection of the backrest. The back legs of a wooden bench are moved further from the middle or tilted so that the lower points go back. The back consists of supports and a plane. The first ones are attached to the legs at an angle, and boards or slats are attached to them.

General manufacturing principles Assembly benches are made using screws or nails. The second option is recommended. High-quality long nails will provide a stronger connection, while soft modern self-tapping screws often break and over time may no longer hold the rigidity of a wooden frame.

The wooden surfaces of the seat and back must be carefully sanded. The functional planes of the bench can be different shapes: straight or curved to add beauty and greater comfort. For example, the back of the seat can be made in the shape of a boat, and the edges of the seat and back are rounded. The result is achieved by changing the shape in the drawing cross beams(the upper edges are cut out with a wave).

In order to save material and time, you can often find benches where there are gaps between the slats in the seat and back. A simple example: city alleys. This is not inconvenient and, in general, practical, but it is recommended to avoid such savings when making it yourself. A solid garden bench made of wood with full-fledged elements is more beautiful and safer for health. The spaces between the seat and back act as draft windows: after sitting on a bench, an unseasoned person can get sick.

The order of assembly is not determined by anything. If the seats and backrests consist of many slats, it is first recommended to make and fasten them according to the drawing frame elements and screed, and then perform the formation of planes. If there is no backrest, and the surface of the bench is one large and strong board, it is advisable to use it as a basis for connecting the remaining elements.

Wood processing is a mandatory process. Immediately after making the bench, it is necessary to impregnate the wood with protection against insects and fungi. Further painting will not only give the wood product a finished look, but will also protect it from external weather influences.

Decorative value

Those who say that there is no beauty in wooden benches simply have no taste. This is one of the landscape and interior elements that form general form cottages or premises. Recreation areas primarily attract the attention of visitors and the owners themselves. Therefore, beautiful handmade wood products are a wealth for the home and soul.

Experienced craftsmen, designers and creative newcomers often surprise with their unique solutions. When using seemingly the most inappropriate wooden elements– knotty logs, stumps, old driftwood create masterpieces that people are proud of and admire. Only individual approach will help you make benches with your own hands country cottage area unusual and pleasant.

Application of products

The bench is an ambiguous element. The use of finished products extends to both the summer cottage and living conditions, and for specific needs. Some of its consequences depend on where the wooden bench will be used. structural features during manufacture.

The most popular garden bench is because it is necessary in any garden yard. The version without a backrest is characterized by the presence of only the seat surface; there is no element of vertical back support. Such a bench for a summer house is less convenient, but it is easier to make it with your own hands according to the drawings.

The option without a backrest is chosen by those who do not like to sit still for a long time: a couple of minutes of respite and then back to work. The low weight of the product and simple load distribution allow the use of thin wooden or even 2 metal legs. for a summer residence it is more attractive, convenient, but more difficult to manufacture.

A beautiful and comfortable bench can be placed on the porch of the house, in a gazebo or indoors, where it will play the role of a full-fledged wooden furniture. Often benches designed for this purpose complement soft material: the backs and seats are covered with a blanket or bedspread, upholstered with leatherette on cotton wool or foam rubber, faux fur and etc.

For sports needs (for example, for training with dumbbells) wooden bench without back – great option benefit. The optimal surface covering for the seat is linoleum with lining.

Wooden benches and benches, which are located on personal plots, provide an opportunity to relax. But you don't have to install it a simple bench, but to make with your own hands a whole corner for relaxation, with a table and other components of the ensemble, and from scrap materials. In this case, your vacation will be complemented by the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and the results of your own efforts. There are many attractive ideas on how to make a bench. Anyone can create simplified versions of wooden benches with their own hands, if they have the desire.

I would like to place more greenery in the garden or near the house. Flower beds can be combined with a bench. Need 2 wooden boxes In which flowers grow, planed and polished boards are placed between the boxes. The bench can be placed near the wall; several long planks can be placed on the wall to form a backrest.

Wooden drawers can be replaced with stone or concrete bedside tables. They will last longer and require less maintenance. Eat ready-made flower beds made of concrete. You can purchase the board already processed, or you can process it yourself. Instead of a board, use half a log. The option is selected based on the design style of the site/garden. The seat is fixed metal corner using dowels (if it is metal), it is attached to the wood with self-tapping screws from below or bolts all the way through.

In the presence of large plants in flowerpots you can do this: the bench will cover the plants. Flowerpots need to be strong, because they will have legs. There is a similar version of a bench made of boards without plants. The supports are made from boards of equal size, the seat is made from timber.

The support for a wooden bench in the garden can be hollow building blocks. Treated bars are inserted into the holes to create a bench seat. The edges of the beam should be rounded for comfort when sitting. It is preferable to use large blocks with thick walls. If there are none, they are well fastened together. First, the blocks are attached (for example, with pins), then the bars (with bolts or dowels).

Benches made from logs

If the site is decorated in an ethnic style, then you will have to move away from the usual options for DIY garden benches. It is preferable to use logs, with or without bark. The seat for a garden bench made with your own hands from logs will be a trunk sawn lengthwise. The back of the wooden bench will be a smaller diameter trunk or a cut closer to the edge. The legs of a wooden bench are made from narrow pieces of logs.

Another version of a bench made of logs without a back is with a seat made of a very thick board, with legs made from a large diameter log. A groove is made in the deck for laying the seat of a wooden bench. You can make a hole with an axe, grinder or chainsaw without much difficulty.

At a summer cottage you often need a work desk. It is possible to make both a wooden bench and a table from a log. The tabletop is made from boards, the remaining components are made from logs of different diameters or from halves.

Using branches

The back, legs, and armrests can be created from thick and not very thick branches; the seat can be made from sanded and treated (barked, sanded) unedged boards. Another option beautiful bench made of wood, which can be installed in the garden or on a summer cottage - boards and branches located in different directions. This wooden bench does not require any special skill. And the more careless the work, the more visually attractive the result.

Wicker backrests are rarely seen on benches. Around the tree you can arrange a rest area and a bench. The designs are simple, as is the flooring. A swing and a gazebo will complement the picture. A pergola can be placed above the bench - light gazebo. Complete relaxation will be facilitated by the arrangement of a pond, fountain or waterfall.

Wooden and metal options

All-metal garden benches can be beautiful, but in summer such products become very hot, and in winter it is impossible to sit on them, because they are cold. Benches made of metal and wood do not have these imperfections. legs, Basic structure made of metal, seat and back - wooden.

You can make a bench from a profile. Rectangles are welded from it, and jumpers are welded to the sides. They hold the seat planks. In a more advanced form - with armrests, a backrest, and pillows, the design looks very comfortable. The large seat makes the bench a sofa, the pillows are covered with fabric foam rubber for furniture. Same style decision presented in tables. A frame is taken from a corrugated pipe, and the tabletop is made from boards.

Significant nuance: if the seat or tabletop is made of several adjacent parts, then they should not be joined end-to-end. A gap of 3-4 mm should be made between adjacent planks or bars. The wood will swell and shrink, and the gap will allow the surface to remain almost flat during these processes.

Options in which the pipes are bent will allow you to achieve smooth lines. The result is garden benches and a table with rounded edges. This garden furniture is safe to use. A round or profiled pipe is bent, leaving the sides in the shape of the letter “P” with a large back. Its length is equal to the length of the bench. For the table the dimensions are slightly larger.

  • You need 2 identical blanks for the table and bench.
  • Boards are cut to the same length. For the seat you need boards of 40 cm, for the tabletop - at least 55 cm.
  • Fastening to pipes is done with furniture bolts with a flat head. The hats will not stick out; a hole of a slightly larger diameter is made under them.

Benches made from boards

Even an ordinary thing can be made unique if you approach the task creatively. For example, legs and armrests can serve wooden wheels . The simplest option- a board on legs made in the shape of the letter “X”.

It is possible to make a bench in the shape of the letter “P” from the boards. The main task is to fix the legs and seats well. You should use a thick board or timber that does not sag. You can put the board “on edge” to make it tougher. The corners installed at the bottom will provide reliability.

Interesting option: The legs are made from boards that vary in length. Every second one is made shorter by the width of the board for the seat. The task is simple to complete: you should not violate the dimensional parameters; the connection is made with nails in the seat.

Non-trivial and familiar options

You can attach the seat to a large rock. It’s beautiful, but it’s not pleasant to sit on in winter. You can also make beauty from bamboo trunks. Not everyone can make a bench out of stone - not everyone has the appropriate equipment. Let's consider more familiar options.

A simple garden bench will look unusual thanks to the use of special material. Suitable for arrangement timber with rounded edges. Small logs are trimmed on the sides, the same result is obtained. The legs are assembled in an unusual way: the bars are placed flat on top of each other.

How to make a garden bench about 120 cm long, about 45 cm wide, 38 cm high? The edges of the beam are rounded with a milling cutter or a profiled beam is used. The price will be more expensive, but the work will be simplified. It is well processed and easy to put together. 5 bars are spent on one leg. 45 cm multiplied by 5 pcs. - it turns out 2.25 m. For 2 legs, 4.5 m of timber is required. The seat needs a board 40 mm thick and 90 mm wide. For the seat of the bench, 5 boards 1.2 m long are required. We multiply 1.2 m by 5 pieces - it turns out 6 meters.

  • Planks for the bench seat are cut and processed. The edges are rounded. If you do not have a grinder or router, you need to use sandpaper. You can also negotiate at the sawmill for processing and sanding, so that there is less work.
  • Boards of the same length are sanded and varnished.
  • The bars for the legs are folded one next to the other, aligned along the edges.
  • Lines are drawn along the fastening points. The distance between them is 7-10 cm.

The pins are suitable from metal, you can make wooden dowels. Holes of a slightly smaller diameter are drilled for them; the depth of the hole will be half the length of the pin. They are hammered into one part, and the second part is inserted into the hole on top. You can add glue to such a connection, but the structure will be permanent. With a pin connection, the main task is to place the holes one above the other. This will give you a smooth edge.

  • You should measure the same distance from the edge according to the template. You need a piece of plank approximately 1.5 cm wide. Holes are made at this distance from the edge of the bars.
  • Applying it exactly along the edge, you need to mark the intersections with perpendicular lines.

The pins are staggered, holes are made through one intersection. The holes on one block from different sides are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The legs are connected to the seat using pins: 2 pins go to each bar.

Technologically, this type of connection is correct, but it is not easy and requires a certain amount of skill. You can simplify the task: stack the bars one on top of the other, secure with clamps, make a hole through in two or three sets, placing them in the center and edges, connect with a long pin, with washers under the head and nut. The seat strips of the garden bench are nailed to the legs from above or attached with pins.

The wooden bench is made with your own hands, it’s time to move on to finishing. If the seat is attached with nails, then take wood mastic, add small sawdust, and mix the mixture. Cover the joints and, after drying, sand down until smooth. Then coat with varnish or wood paints for exterior use (not covering ones, which leave the wood texture visible).

Bench made from broken chairs

Everyone has old chairs. They should be the same and quite durable. Disassemble 2 chairs, leaving the part with the back and legs. Connect the 2 backs with bars of a suitable cross-section. For greater rigidity, make a frame with cross bars at a distance of about 20 cm from the floor. It will serve as a footrest or storage place.

After sanding, paint the resulting product with regular paint. Different types of wood are painted over only with covering paints. Apply with a brush or from a can. Cut the seat out of thick plywood (8-10 mm thick), cover it with foam rubber and fabric.

Chair or bench for the garden made from pallets

You can also make it out of cargo pallets garden furniture with your own hands. You won't have to take anything apart. One will make a seat, the other will make a backrest. You need well-processed planks for the armrests, and bars for the legs.

The fastening areas in the pallet are reinforced with pieces of bars and screwed on with self-tapping screws on both sides. From timber with a cross-section of at least 100*100 mm, 4 identical pieces of 80 cm in length are cut. They are screwed in places that have been reinforced. 20-25 cm are allotted to the legs. Fastening is done with 4 self-tapping screws with a length of at least 150 mm.

The supports for the armrests are screwed on. It is necessary to maintain verticality and provide the same distance on the legs so that the seat is level. If there are errors in height, you can cut it, but you will have to do it from above. Deviations from the vertical can be corrected only by screwing the leg back on.

The legs are screwed, now the second pallet should be attached to the rear posts, and boards for the armrests should be placed on the sides. A piece is cut out of furniture foam rubber and covered with fabric. You can sew your own back cushions. Do you want to get a loft style chair? Then use sandpaper or a grinder to sand the surfaces until they are smooth. The coating can be done with paint, which gives the wood a dark color.

A bench is an item that everyone should have personal plot. However, it is not always possible to allocate funds to purchase a metal bench. Therefore, you can make a bench with your own hands from a profile pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of profile pipe

The profile pipe can have different shape sections:

  • oval;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • square
  • rectangular.

It is made of carbon and low-alloy steel, therefore it is very often used in both civil and industrial construction. This type of pipe is easy to cut, weld and bend. You can make it beautiful garden gazebo, swing and sliding gates, children's swings, carousels, different kinds fences and other small architectural forms for a personal plot. Including a bench.

The professional pipe has:

  • increased level of resistance to large physical and mechanical loads;
  • quite reasonable price;
  • light weight finished design shops.

At the same time, it is very easy to work with her.

Pipes with a round (oval) cross-section have a high degree of resistance to mechanical loads, so they are best suited for making a metal yard bench. It is recommended to choose thin-walled pipes thickness from 1 to 4 mm, as they are easier to work with at home. The material is inexpensive, and the metal structure will be quite light.

A significant disadvantage of such a pipe is its susceptibility to corrosion, so the benches will need to be regularly painted with oil, alkyd, epoxy or polyurethane paint with preliminary priming and removal of old coating and existing rust. But if you properly care for such a product, it will serve you for a long time.

Photo gallery: benches made of corrugated pipe at the dacha

A garden bench made of metal profiles will fit perfectly into the garden landscape You can always independently adjust the width of the backrest and seat Garden benches made of metal profiles can be decorated decorative elements You can make a bench without a back

Tools and materials for work

Metal pipes are not the only material that will need to be used to make a bench with your own hands. You will need:

  • pine boards for constructing the base of seats and backs;
  • powerful welding machine;
  • pack of electrodes - 3 mm;
  • angle grinder (or hacksaw);
  • powerful drill (for drilling wood and metal);
  • file or sandpaper;
  • precise level;
  • tape measure or regular meter;
  • plane for grinding work;
  • paint and primer for metal;
  • safety glasses (mask for welding work) and gloves;
  • wood paint (you can use varnish or stain);
  • reliable hammer;
  • large pliers;
  • wood bolts with nuts.

To bend pipes you will need special tool“Snail”, which can be used as a regular brake disc from a car. It will not damage the material.

How to make a metal frame for a garden bench with your own hands

Before you start making a bench of any type, you need to carry out preparatory work In particular, it is recommended to study pipe bending and welding technology in advance.

Metal pipe bending

In order to create bent elements, you need to plug one end of the pipe with a stopper, pour fine sand into it, and then close it on the other side. Then place it in the bending device, pressing it between the protrusion on the brake disc and the pin, and then bend it at the desired angle.

If the pipe does not bend well enough, you can use a blowtorch and heat the bend.

For the manufacture of various elements For a bench, it is best to take pipes with a round or oval cross-section, as they lend themselves best to bending.

The sequence of making a bench without a back

A bench without a back is a very simple design, so to make it you will need to make three rectangles that are connected to each other with pipes that act as a seat.

To make a bench you will need to take:

  • metal square or rectangular pipe 11 meters long (rolled section 30x30 mm);
  • 2 pieces of profile pipe, 2.3 meters each;
  • 6 pieces of 60 cm;
  • 6 pieces of 45 cm;
  • 8 wooden planks 6 cm wide;
  • 24 bolts with nuts.

To make an ordinary bench without a back, you need to weld 3 pre-prepared rectangles, and then connect them together with two guide pipes, which will serve as a frame for the seat. Further work should proceed according to plan:

  1. Long support sections must be positioned horizontally, and shorter ones must be mounted vertically.
  2. In the process of welding cut pieces of pipes, it is necessary to maintain the angles of the supports, since they must be exactly 90 degrees.
  3. After all welding work has been completed, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all seams with a special grinder or a regular file.
  4. Then the seams must be well primed.
  5. After the frame is welded, 8 holes (symmetrically located) need to be drilled on each of the supports to attach the boards.
  6. To prevent rust, the bench frame must be coated with metal paint.
  7. It is recommended to impregnate wooden boards with stain.
  8. If desired, wooden boards can be replaced with pipes rectangular shape. They just need to be welded to the structure and also painted with anti-corrosion paint.
  9. To ensure that sharp corners do not interfere, the slats can be placed in a specially prepared metal frame. You will need 1.2 m of pipe.

How to weld a bench frame with a small backrest

You will need:

  • profile pipe with a cross section of 25x25 mm (8 m);
  • pine boards (thickness 30 and 25 mm) for the seat and backrest.

To construct the frame you need to prepare in advance:

  1. Profiled pipe - 1.55 m. To create a jumper between two supports.
  2. 2 bent pieces of pipe, 78 cm each. Supports for the back of the bench.
  3. 2 pieces of pipe, 35 cm each. To make the base for the seat.
  4. 2 pieces of pipe 39 cm each. For front supports.
  5. 2 pieces of pipe 20 cm each. To strengthen the front supports.
  6. 4 steel plates 40x40 mm. For the manufacture of stands for supports.
  7. 2 bent steel strips of 45 cm each. For connecting future supports.

To make the seat you will need:

  • 3 pine boards: length - 1.6 m, width - 6 cm, thickness - 3 cm (for the base of the seat);
  • 3 boards: length - 1.6 m, width 6 cm, thickness - 2.5 cm (for the back);
  • 24 bolts with nuts.

The work of making a bench consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to weld the crossbar and two pieces of pipe 35 cm long. The jumper should be located exactly in the center of each of the pieces and at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. To this structure it is necessary to weld two bent pieces of pipe 78 cm long. Welding must be done at the bend point.
  3. Then the front elements must be welded to the workpiece supporting structures. In this case, the location of their connection should be 9 cm from the base of the bench.
  4. In order to increase the strength of the bench, the front supports must be connected by welding to a pipe, which will serve as a transverse jumper.
  5. Next, you need to weld 2 arcs between the supports and secure them to the ends of the legs. The finished product must be well sanded in the areas of welding seams.
  6. Then metal structure must be primed and painted with special anti-corrosion paint.
  7. On the finished structure, it is necessary to symmetrically place wooden boards, which will serve as the basis for the seat.
  8. Before attaching the boards, they must be treated with varnish or stain. The boards are attached to the bench structure using special bolts with round flat heads. Thicker and stronger boards are used for the bottom, and slightly thinner ones for the back. If necessary, they can be painted in any way. oil paint. If there are no wooden boards, then you can use the same ones for seats. metal pipes with a rectangular cross-section.

For convenience, you can make metal armrests on the bench. To do this, you need to take two pieces of pipe 75 cm each and simply bend them at an angle of 90 degrees, and then weld them on the sides metal frame. Process seams grinder or a file. The armrests can also be painted.

If you make rounded soles at the legs, then you can also swing on such a bench.

Finishing the bench after its assembly

After the entire structure is assembled, you can simply paint it with special paint for iron. It is recommended to treat with varnish or stain wooden planks seats and backrests, and then the bench will acquire a beautiful natural color. This bench will look great on any garden plot. The decor is chosen taking into account the landscape design.

You can sew soft, comfortable pillows and bedspreads for the backrest yourself. Children and elderly people will find it very comfortable to sit on them on warm summer days.

Video: how to make a bench from metal pipes without a diagram

Whatever design of street bench you choose, profile metal pipes can significantly reduce the cost ready product, and at the same time her appearance and the strength will remain the same high level. These benches will look great on your garden plot country house or cottage.

Arriving at their summer cottage, many expect to relax, unwind and have a good time. In order to turn these plans into reality, care must be taken to create the appropriate conditions. It is not enough to simply install a few benches.

You can make an attractive and original corner in which you can relax and enjoy surrounding nature and the results of their own labor.


The first problem that needs to be solved is choosing a location for the bench. It affects the material of the structure. For example, for an old garden with large branched trees, wood products are suitable for small area, not heavily planted with trees and shrubs, small openwork structures are recommended.

If you look online for examples of photos of benches in the country, you will see that they are often an integral part of gazebos, verandas and summer areas. If you are planning to do something similar, then make sure that all the details are made in the general style.

Choose a place for the bench so that it offers a pleasant view. It’s unlikely that you’ll want to admire your neighbors’ fence or the walls of your barn.

It is advisable to choose places in front of lakes or rivers, flower beds, etc. The main thing is that the surrounding objects attract and please the eye, help you relax and put you in a positive mood.

It is advisable that the bench be located in the shade. It is placed under the canopies large trees or under awnings. Remember that it acts as a place for rest and relaxation.

You can put benches next to the beds. There are several advantages here. Firstly, the owners of the site will be able to monitor the growth of the crop. Secondly, the bench is suitable for taking a few minutes’ rest from physical labor (digging, watering, harvesting).

Don't forget about decorative jewelry. Have you made a simple bench with your own hands? Place it around it flowering shrubs. Flower beds are also suitable for decoration. They are placed on a raised platform or a special platform is created from bricks, tiles or logs.


Exists big choice materials used to make benches. The most common option is wood. And there is nothing surprising here. It is considered easy to process, affordable and lightweight.

It is not necessary to use identical, perfectly even bars. If you take natural material in a natural form, the final result will certainly please both hosts and guests. Instead of an ordinary bench, you will get a real decoration for your garden plot.

Stone structures are also popular. They are durable and aesthetically pleasing. But there are also disadvantages. It is recommended to sit on them only when warm times of the year.

Forged Products - the best choice for fans of luxury and grace. However, this option is not suitable for those who are looking for how to make a bench with their own hands. High quality and beautiful designs Only an experienced blacksmith will make it from metal.

Models that combine various materials. For example, a bench made of wood can be decorated with textiles (pillows, bedspread). This will make it feel homely and comfortable.

Preparing for work

Having decided on the material and location, you can begin to create a drawing of the bench. At this stage, the shape and dimensions of the product are determined. There are no strict rules here, but if you encounter difficulties, you can adhere to the following scheme:

  • seat height – from 40 to 50 centimeters;
  • width – from 50 to 55 centimeters;
  • back height – from 35 to 50 centimeters.

If you want to make a bench with a back, then decide in advance how you will attach it to the seat. Also great importance it matters whether you plan to transfer it or not. In non-portable models, the legs are securely fixed to the ground.

The drawing will allow you to understand how much material will be required. Additionally, you need fastenings (nails, self-tapping screws, screws), primer and protective paint.

Scheme of work

Let's consider the simplest scheme how to make a bench with a back. For work you will need: two bars, wooden scraps (two or three pieces measuring 150 x 200 millimeters); croaker

We work according to the following scheme:

  • We make two holes in the ground (it is important that they do not differ in depth);
  • We even out the angles between the bars and posts. You need to make sure everything is level. Otherwise, it will not be comfortable to rest on the bench;
  • We fasten the bars (using self-tapping screws or nails);
  • We dig in the workpieces and compact them well;
  • We fix the back;
  • We cover the wooden parts with primer and protective paint.

This is the simplest bench that any craftsman can make.

DIY bench photo