How to organize your bathroom cabinets. Tidying up the bathroom: how to get rid of unnecessary things? Organizer for perfumes and accessories

I want to dedicate today's article important issue: how to clean up the bathroom, how to store cosmetics and accessories so that they don’t become too cluttered limited space. I hope the examples I have selected will inspire you to create convenient system storage in your bathroom.


Clutter is the main obstacle to the perfect bathroom. Try to keep things tidy and as clear as possible around the sink and on open shelves. Leave neat accessories in the same style on the sink - a stand for toothbrushes, a soap dispenser. Small items can be placed on a stylish tray, and clean hand towels can be placed in a small basket or bowl. Add a couple decorative elements- for example, a flower pot, a beautiful shell or a candle, because the bathroom interior needs decoration just like any other room.

All bottles with creams and tonics are out of sight: in closed cabinets, drawers or baskets. Nothing spoils like this appearance in a small bathroom, like colorful half-empty bottles of cosmetics and household chemicals.


Open shelves in the bathroom can also be turned into a decorative element. The main thing is to approach the issue of their design creatively and not store all the available cosmetics on them.

This article contains rules for designing shelves: the principle of the triangle, color combinations, and other helpful information about this theme.

Place clean towels on the shelves and place beautiful jars and bottles with cosmetics and accessories, add candles and frames with photographs - you will get not only a functional, but a stylish composition.


In the previous article, I already mentioned the importance of carefully choosing bathroom textiles. Try to buy towels, rugs and curtains in a suitable uniform color scheme. A win-win option is the same neutral color: white, black, beige, blue.

A great way to store clean towels is to roll them into neat rolls. In this form, towels take up less space, it’s easy to get clean ones without disturbing the overall stack; they will fit on any shelf, basket or drawer.


Wicker baskets are another one great way storage of things in the bathroom. They are aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, look original and will fit into almost any bathroom interior. You can hide clean towels, household chemicals, cosmetics supplies, household appliances in baskets; they also perfectly replace laundry baskets.


Cellophane bags with cotton pads, sticks, soap look unaesthetic and spoil the appearance of any bathroom. Organize small, frequently used items into attractive glass or ceramic jars and vases.

The same applies to powders, salts and other bulk products. Our main task is to get rid of ugly bags and plastic cans, replacing them with neat containers in the same style.

Nail polishes, jewelry, perfume can be placed on a tray, on a beautiful dish or cake stand.

Great idea storage of cosmetic brushes: pour any small filler (beans, coffee, coarse salt, glass or any other balls) - you will get a stylish and functional stand for brushes.

If you don't want to leave cotton pads, swabs and sponges in plain sight, you can use dividers in drawers and cabinets. In this case, you can always easily get the necessary item without cluttering the bathroom with unnecessary bags.

It is also a good idea for electrical appliances to determine their place. Place your hair dryer, curling iron, and electric razor in a separate box or basket so that when you take the hair dryer out of the cabinet each time, you don’t have to knock down all the cosmetics on the shelf with the long cord.

Household chemicals are best stored under the sink or bathtub. At the same time, bottles and cans should also be sorted by frequency of use and placed in boxes so that when pulling out a bottle of rinse aid, you do not knock down the rest of the products standing around.

Here are a few more ways to store various hygiene items and clean up your bathroom:

I hope you found it for yourself useful ways storage organization. Let the order in your bathroom put you in a great mood every morning! =)

Tired of seeing constant chaos in your bathroom? Do you want to keep used towels and unnecessary cosmetics out of the way? We'll teach you how to do it.

Bathroom - the only place in a house that can be either very dirty or very clean. Some of us lock ourselves in the bathroom to think carefully or hide from the hustle and bustle of our household. Others prefer to relax by taking aromatic baths or shower after a busy day at work or school. This is a place where no one bothers us to be alone with ourselves.

If you are used to relaxing in the bathroom, but this room itself is always filled with junk, then instead of relaxing, staying in this room will only cause you to feel tired and irritated. You just need to take it and tidy it up once and for all. It's nice to be in a bathroom that is completely clean, smells good, where all the necessary items are always at hand, and where there is nothing superfluous. All you need for this is a trash can, a basket for dirty laundry, rubber gloves, detergents and a little patience.

1. Put away clothes and towels

Take a laundry basket and place all the clothes, towels and napkins that are hanging on hooks and hangers in the bathroom or lying on the sink. Place a shower curtain and a rug on the floor here as well.

Wash the clothes collected in the laundry basket and wash the rug and curtain as soon as possible.

2. Sorting toiletries

Although there may be a lot of things in the bathroom, and sorting them out seems like an impossible task, you still have to do it. Take several plastic bags or trash bags and collect all your shampoos and conditioners in one, fragrance oils in another, soap in another, and so on. You should only keep items in your bathroom that you use regularly. These include shampoo, body wash, toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwash, and washcloth. For everything else, make a drawer under the bathtub, at the bottom of an indoor cabinet, or outside the room.

Many women like to scatter their hair clips, ribbons and other accessories used when styling their hair everywhere. Designate a separate basket or tray for all these items.

3. Cleaning the bathroom

Open all the cabinets and look through everything that is stored in them. Expired and unnecessary medications, toothbrushes and toothpastes, and shaving creams should be thrown away. Wash the cabinets with a cloth and soap, wipe with a dry towel and let dry. Items needed for makeup or nail care should not be stored in the bathroom. Here on the shelves and in the cabinets there should be only the essentials necessary to maintain hygiene. If there is a lot unnecessary items, they will become covered with dust and dirt, they will be more difficult to care for, and cockroaches and other insects may appear in the bathroom.

If you have in your bathroom spacious wardrobe, then, for example, on top shelf you can put what you use every day, and on the bottom - what you use from time to time.

4. Walls and floor

Pin up your hair, put on rubber gloves and get to work. Start cleaning the room with the walls, then clean the shower and bathtub. Pay attention to the joints between the wall tiles. They often get clogged with dirt. If you have a toilet in the bathroom, wash that too, then the sink and lastly the floor. When cleaning the sink, try to remove hair and other debris from the drain.

If there is significant dirt on the floor, you can sprinkle a little washing powder, after which you need to wash it off thoroughly. After washing, the floor must be dried thoroughly. This can be done with a dry cloth or sponge.

5. Beauty restoration

Now we need to bring beauty and order to the bathroom. On the right, place only those items that you constantly use. This could include shampoo, conditioner and other toiletries. Place the soap on the sink and hang the towel on the hook.

To give your bathroom a special beauty, place a ceramic figurine next to the sink. You should not decorate the bathroom with fresh or artificial flowers, as they collect a lot of dust. But you can keep scented candles in the bathroom. Make sure that there are no unnecessary things and garbage here, buy an air freshener, and you will always enjoy spending time here.

How to put things in order in the bathroom so that the beginning of the work week (and year) is not associated with fuss and searching for the right things? Expert advice.

Most of us only think about the bathroom when we are in it or if something is not working there. As a result, things that go there usually don't come back. These include shampoos, lotions, brushes, decorative soaps, painkillers, cough suppressants, etc. If your bathroom is filled with junk, it doesn’t surprise me. Welcome to the numerous club of your kind!

Bathrooms are an integral part of the morning ritual, so a mess in this area can determine your mood for the whole day. In a well-organized, clutter-free bathroom, you won't have to frantically search for a hairbrush or end up in a shower without soap or, on the contrary, in soap suds, but with the tap not working.

Determine the purpose of the bathroom

This task may sound ridiculous, but what I'm really asking you to do is make a list of the purposes for which you use the bathroom. You can choose from the following options: taking a shower or relaxing bath, applying makeup, using the toilet, brushing your teeth, shaving, manicure, trimming your nails, collecting dirty clothes (do you have a basket or box in your bathroom for this purpose?), weighing, storing medications , bed linen, household chemicals, obtaining information (do you have a radio or TV in the bathroom?).

It always amazes me how broad the purpose of something so banal and small room. To properly design your bathroom, you need to know what you are using it for.

Organization of the bathroom by zones

Take everything out of the bathroom except the items you really need - soap, shampoo, curling iron, razor, towels, etc. Place all things in piles according to the purposes listed above. For example, all shaving accessories are in one pile, medicines are in another, etc.

Next, tackle each pile individually. For now, put all duplicating utensils, expired products, and unused items in a laundry basket (box). Clear everything completely of clutter so that only the things you use remain. For example, the following question helps me: “Will I buy this again?” If the answer is no, then I add the item to the cart.

Now that the clutter is out of the way, divide your bathroom into zones to make the best use of the available space and make your morning “ritual” quick and simple. Zones are places where you will store things for specific purposes. According to the formed piles, create zones for brushing teeth, washing hair, etc., and arrange things in the order of their use. if you have drawers, then arrange compartments in them so that items of one purpose do not mix with others. I like plastic boxes that can be taken out of the drawer and placed on a table or shelf and then returned to the drawer.

If several people use the bathroom, then zones can be created according to the “mine” and “not mine” principle. Provide each family member with baskets, drawers, and shelves to keep one person's belongings out of another's space. Decide what to leave on top, on a table or shelf, and what to hide. With this approach, you don’t have to look for your own among other people’s things.

Cleaning your locker

When returning things back to the bathroom cabinet, remember that medications do not belong there. An environment with high humidity and air temperature (which is exactly what forms in the bathroom when you take a shower) can lead to deterioration of drugs. In general, medications should be stored in a cool, dry, dark place unless otherwise stated on the label.

Additionally, most medicine cabinet drawers do not have locks. And if you don’t want your small children or unscrupulous guests to get into it, then all medications should be stored in a locked cabinet, and it’s better to place less dangerous things in the bathroom medicine cabinet, such as combs, deodorants, spare rolls toilet paper.

Buy small packages

Ingredients in lotions, shampoos, conditioners, sunscreens, liquid soaps, hair styling products, or facial cleansers deteriorate over time. They decompose and lose their declared properties. Their plastic packaging also begins to deteriorate, and chemical substances, of which it consists, interact with the contents of the bottles. As you sort through the clutter in your trash bin, be sure to get rid of all expired cosmetics and body care products.

Products in glass bottles, such as nail polish or perfume, have little interaction with the packaging. However, nail polish that is not properly sealed will become too sticky or dry out, and perfume that is not stored as directed in a cool, dark place will fizzle out. If this happens, and cosmetics or perfumes no longer serve their purpose, get rid of them without regret.

Some cosmetics in your bathroom may still be quite suitable, but, for example, you are already tired of them or no longer like them. I often want to try something new. My friends are no better than me in this regard, so we decide this problem, exchanging bottles. Let's say you like shampoo with the scent of ginger in the summer, but in the fall you want your hair to smell like cedar.

From now on, buy only small packages to use up the product completely. There is a caveat to this last recommendation: if you have a large family and you use everything in the bathroom by common means, then small packaging is not for you. In your case, it is more economical to purchase a large package, but only if you know for sure that you will use it up.

“Enough” – how much?

To determine the number of towels you need, use the following simple mathematical formula:

(Number of occupants + number of guest bedrooms) x 2 = number of shower and hand towel sets

The logic of this formula is as follows: one shower towel and one hand towel hang in the bathroom, and the second set lies in the laundry chest as a spare. Since guests only use towels while staying with you, they don't need spare sets. Most guest rooms sleep two people, so multiplying the number by two means each guest will receive their own set of towels. (I use the term “guest room” in a very broad sense - in our house this means folding sofa light green in the middle of the living room.)

If your family consists of four people and there are no guest rooms, then you will need eight towels for the shower and eight for the hands: (4 + 0) x 2 = 8. In the case of three residents and two guest rooms, you will need ten sets of towels: ( 3 + 2) x 2 = 10.

This formula may not work for everyone, but most people should start with it. If you're busy doing laundry, then you can probably get by with one set per person. If you are in the habit of changing your hand towel every day, then you will need more of these products than the formula. Well, if towels fall out on you when you open the closet, it’s time to reduce your collection.

For those who need to get rid of extra towels, there is good news: animal shelters around the world will gladly accept your donation. They are used to make soft bedding, wipe pets after bathing, and use them as rags for cleaning cages. In addition to towels, animal shelters accept old bedding and kitchen linens. But before you donate, call them and ask if they need currently in old underwear. And don’t forget to wash the things you are going to give as a gift.

As with towels, it doesn’t hurt to set quantitative standards for other things in the bathroom. For example, you probably don't need seven hair brushes. Let's say you regularly use a comb, round brush and flat brush. In this case, get rid of the unnecessary ones, and buy new ones only to replace the existing ones.

Another item that you can overstock is toilet paper. It is often sold at a discount due to promotions, so it is tempting to buy and buy. But the rule in my house is to never buy more toilet paper than can fit in the designated compartment in the bathroom. And this is 24 rolls. This is why we never buy more, no matter what discount we are tempted with.

Guests in the house

Are you also one of those people who, when checking out of a hotel, cannot resist the temptation to take bottles of shampoo, conditioner and lotion with them? They're so tiny! So pretty! And, most importantly, it’s free!

Don't stuff them into dark corners of your laundry chest. It’s better to group them and provide them for use by your guests. I put it on a shelf in my bathroom metal box with the inscription "For our guests." In it I put free promotional samples of products that come in the mail, toothbrushes given to me by my dentist, travel-size packages I took on vacation but never fully used, several disposable razors and, of course, all the small bottles shampoo, conditioner and lotion, grabbed as souvenirs from hotel rooms. I used a metal box to match my bathroom, but you might be better off with a basket, tray, or any other container that matches your bathroom.

The guest box is an item multi-purpose. Firstly, it can be used to store all those random things that accumulate in the bathroom. Secondly, thanks to its presence, guests appreciate my care for them. Thirdly, when my friends spend the night, one of them will definitely forget to take with them toothbrush or anything else, and the supplies from the guest box help my forgetful friends save time and not rush to the nearest store to buy the necessary thing.

Fourthly, since the box says “For our guests,” its contents different time used by plumbers, painters, friends and family members. This means the guest supplies are serving people and not cluttering up my bathroom. Plus, I like to believe that the guest box keeps random people in my bathroom from exploring the cabinet.

If you don’t have to spend scarce morning time looking for everything you need, then getting ready for work becomes a calm, simple and pleasant ritual. You don’t rush around the apartment, don’t rush, don’t get nervous because you can’t find a lost hair brush or (if we’re talking about a man) razor. A calm morning allows you to good mood start the working day.

Proper organization of space is the key to order in the bathroom. Especially if its size is limited square meters. Where to hide bottles of shampoos and gels, where to hang towels and how to make the room stylish?

1. Hide everything under the sink

In a small bathroom you need to rationally use every centimeter of space. It is worth paying attention to the space under the sink, regardless of whether it is open or closed. If the sink does not have a special cabinet, then you need to equip the space under it with open shelves. Here, it is good to use wicker baskets, plastic and metal containers as organizers. They can be decorated with decorative film, which will add zest to the space.

If there is a special cabinet under the sink, then to arrange it it is good to use metal rails for the bathroom and buckets, where it is convenient to put all kinds of household items. This allows you to unload space in the room and hide all personal hygiene items from the eyes of guests.

2. Involve niches

Sometimes a space that seemed completely useless can serve you well. For example, if the bathroom has small niches or free place on the wall near the bathroom, it is convenient to use for storing soap and towels. And so that the interior does not seem boring, then these household items can act as decoration.

3. Make open shelves

Would also be appropriate in a small bathroom open shelves: above the door, in the corners, near the mirror, on a free wall. On wide shelves you can store towels, baskets with cosmetics, bottles with shampoos and gels. Narrow shelves are perfect for storing jars of cotton pads, a glass of toothbrushes, your favorite perfume, and several gels or creams.

It is known that elongated open shelves visually make the room wider, which is another advantage of such designs in a small bathroom.

4. Use a stepladder

Almost every apartment has a stepladder, but it is used extremely rarely. Most often it gathers dust somewhere behind the door, in a closet or on the balcony. You can give it a second life by using it in the bathroom instead of a shelving unit or towel holder.

5. Store small items in original organizers

Suitable for storing cotton pads, soap, salt, small tubes glass jars and decorative buckets. Interestingly, even ordinary pots and flowerpots for indoor plants.
It is also useful to use multi-storey stands for soap, washcloths and jars in a small bathroom. They don't take up much space and allow you to place a lot of items.

Sometimes there is absolutely no time for cleaning, weekdays are spent in trouble, but this has nothing to do with order. What has yours become? bathroom over the past week? It’s great if you have time for everything and it’s not difficult for you to keep track of many small things, cosmetics and various accessories. Nothing is scattered anywhere, everything is according to Feng Shui.

But what about those who have Small child, several pets and a job that takes too much effort and time? I would advise such people to change their approach to life and try to spend less time cleaning! It's better to just maintain order with clever tricks. Otherwise there will be no time left for life... Deal with your bathroom properly!

Bathroom ideas

  1. Make a soap or shampoo dispenser from a jar. A very convenient thing!
  2. The secret place in the walls around the bathtub holds a lot of useful things.

  3. There are never too many shelves! Don't forget about their decorative role.
  4. I urgently need this stand for my hair dryer and curling iron!
  5. A bright organizer solves many problems with the arrangement of small things.
  6. The idea to hang all the necessary things on the wall belongs to someone who is tired of endlessly searching for the necessary things. Without a doubt, wise!

  7. The stand for sweets and fruits is ideal for storing cosmetics.
  8. Hanging plastic containers- a salvation for those who like to lose small items in the bathroom.

  9. I wish I had known this idea earlier...

  10. Make it chic towel stand with your own hands. Both beautiful and so practical!

  11. Find the difference between these two pictures. How much space can be allocated for another rack with shelves! Now everything will definitely fit...

  12. Corner shelves in a small bathroom can be placed in all four corners!
  13. Here's how to store your jewelry... Just reach out!
  14. Use a bucket to collect useful little things- a constructive idea.
  15. Toothbrushes with protective caps. Comfortable and very hygienic!
  16. Additional containers for bath accessories are easily attached to the door.
  17. This is how you should store it razors! I will definitely bring this idea to life this weekend.