Why do you dream of big insects, to see in a dream a lot of insects in the house, in the body or on the hair - what is this for?! Interpretations of why insects dream in large numbers

It can be difficult to figure out what insects mean in dreams. Especially if the dream is poorly remembered, it turned out to be vague, dim. In order not to forget the details of the plot by the time of interpretation, it is better to write them down on paper immediately after waking up.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Information about insects appearing in dreams can be found in almost every modern dream book. But you should only trust the interpretation of your night vision to trusted professional publications.

So in Miller’s dream book, insects that bite or otherwise cause trouble to a person indicate the machinations of the enemies of the sleeping person in real life. Ill-wishers have become very jealous of the latest achievements of a man or woman and are ready to do everything possible to simply annoy the person.

If many insects crawl across the dreamer’s body in a dream at once, this is a very negative sign. In the very near future you may face serious health problems. It is not necessary that they affect the dreamer specifically. There is a possibility that someone close to him will get sick. The person who had the dream will have to take care of a friend or relative (including financial worries).

It happens that insects suck blood from a man or woman in a dream. Most likely, this is a hint that in reality the person is interested in dangerous entertainment. They could get him into serious trouble with the law. Before it’s too late, you need to “turn on your head.”

Vanga noted in her work that all insects are negative harbingers. The only exceptions are ladybugs and butterflies. The latter are considered a symbol of love and family. For example, if a lonely person dreams of a beautiful butterfly, a fateful meeting with his soulmate will soon take place in his life. And ladybugs promise the sleeping person, who is already married, peace and harmony in family life.

If an ant appears in a dream, the sleeper will soon acquire skills useful for his future. But you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this process. Perhaps intensive training will even lead to health problems.

Insects in a dream are endowed with properties inherent in them in life. Some of them are considered harmful, others - useful, we fight with others, and welcome others. You can find out more about each insect in the individual chapters of the book. If you dream that insects are swarming around you, then grief and trouble await you.

Butterflies in a dream are a symbol of frivolity, short-lived beauty, and quickly passing feelings.

Mosquitoes are symbols of hostile sarcasm; they are annoying and can hurt you so much that you will remember them for several days. In a dream, they represent intriguers, ill-wishers, envious people, rivals who are ready to profit at our expense.

Flies in a dream represent annoying, boring people, from whom it is difficult to get rid of. Sometimes fly bites in a dream mean contagious diseases.

Seeing or hearing Gadflies in a dream means that you will learn about the treachery of your enemies. Sometimes such a dream predicts that timely warning of danger will help you cope with your enemies and you will achieve successful completion of the work you have started. Flying gadflies in a dream mean small household expenses. A gadfly bite is a sign of deception or betrayal. Holding it in your fist means profit.

Wasps in a dream do not bode well. If a wasp flies to you, then wait for news. The dream about wasps is in many ways similar to the dream about gadflies. A hornet's nest in a dream is a symbol of enemy intrigues or plans. Destroying a nest means that enemies will not take you by surprise and you will be forced to take risky actions to protect yourself.

Spiders in a dream mean the cunning and cunning of enemies.

Leeches in a dream are a symbol that you have an enemy from whom it will be difficult for you to get rid of.

Bees in a dream symbolize hard work, perseverance, and prosperity.

Locusts are dreamed of to warn of envious, greedy and greedy enemies.

A cricket in a dream means that you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve your desired goal. Hearing its trill in a dream is a sign of sadness and poverty.

A firefly in a dream foretells receiving good news.

Cockroaches in a dream are a sign of quick enrichment at someone else's expense. If you dream that you see a cockroach on your plate, then others will envy your luck. Eating a cockroach in a dream and spitting it out in disgust means that you will make some kind of purchase or make some kind of transaction that you will later regret.

Snails in a dream mean weakness and defenselessness.

Worms in a dream symbolize obstacles in business, meanness. See interpretation: worms.

Hornets in a dream predict good profits. See interpretation: also midges.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does the dream Insects mean?

Insects seen in a dream mean worries and troubles from secret enemies.

Crawling insects portend grief from illness, flying ones - financial difficulties, floating ones - to pleasures and joy, blood-sucking ones - to a headache from the mischief of children.

Seeing beetles in a dream foretells poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Squash bugs - you will receive good news.

Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous leadership.

A caterpillar in a dream foreshadows a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms means getting a very profitable and profitable place. Mosquitoes indicate that you are in vain resisting the offer to take a higher position. Kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you will be able to fully enjoy family peace and well-being.

Dreaming of ants means that a bad day awaits you and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream foretells illness from contagious diseases. Catching a moth in a dream means you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations.

A dragonfly in a dream foreshadows a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman.

If you are stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and repentance from your own arrogance.

Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body predicts illness and troubles at home.

Lice mean that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances. Ticks crawling on your body are a sign of distress.

To see ritual images of insects considered sacred in a dream means that envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing Insects in a dream

Seeing insects in a dream means illness and grief. If you managed to get rid of them, they are waiting for you lucky days. Your loved ones may have health problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Insects

"a small, insignificant mosquito bite."

“a swarm of thoughts”, “annoying like a fly”, “working like a bee”, “buzzing all ears” (bored). Drone" is a lazy person who lives at someone else's expense.

"Well, you're a bug!" (about a clever, cunning person). “Cockroaches in the Head” is about a frivolous, unreasonable or strange person.

"dung beetle" See fly separately.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Dream about Insects

That which flies, buzzes, stings, burrows, bites, distracts and is generally perceived as trivial, insignificant, annoying, capable of causing only minor troubles and, nevertheless, creating quite sensitive interference.

In general, insects are not strong (not deep), but repeated or obsessive sensations, thoughts, feelings that can lead to disharmony, deprive of peace and confidence.

The appearance of insects in a dream can indicate troubles in the future, illnesses and minor mental disharmonies.

Often individual insects (ant, butterfly, bee...) act exclusively in a creative role (for example, lice or fleas for receiving money, and a butterfly for meeting a loved one).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of symbols

What does Insects mean in a dream?

According to scientists, all harmful (poisonous, biting) insects are enemies in reality, which are as dangerous as the insects are dangerous.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What do Insects mean in a dream?

Insects seen in a dream mean illness and a lot of grief.

If you successfully got rid of them, then your troubles will be limited only to worry about the future. And if not, there may be health problems for your loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Insects

Usually symbolized minor problems and troubles.

If there are too many insects: such a dream may mean that either too many unresolved problems have accumulated in your life, or you get irritated too often over trifles, which only increases the number of troubles in your life.

In the same time, poisonous insects: a sign that some events that in reality seem not very significant to you can poison your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep Insects

Insects swarming in the air or swarming anywhere dream of worries, illnesses, and sorrows.

Getting rid of them means getting out of all difficulties with honor, although the absence of health problems for your loved ones is not guaranteed.

Interpretation of dreams from

Flying, buzzing creatures that release their poison are perceived by humans as a distraction. Extremely annoying insects They are too small in size to cause much trouble, but sometimes their bites are very painful.

The dream book states that insects in a dream do not symbolize strong, but often repeated feelings, emotions, thoughts that rob a person of all peace. Let's figure out what insects dream about and what you can expect from these dreams in the future.

  • Beetles symbolize poor life, losses and illnesses.
  • Caterpillars dream of meeting unpleasant people.
  • Seeing maggots and worms in a dream is beneficial.
  • Dreaming with butterflies means meeting your lover.
  • The image of a spider in a dream speaks of insidious and cunning enemies. According to Miller’s dream book, a man’s dream about a spider on a web means stability and peace.
  • Seeing mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that the dreamer fully deserves a promotion, but is resisting it in vain.
  • A dream with ants warns that events next day may not turn out very well.
  • Seeing in a dream means illness.
  • Dragonflies promise a carefree life or a successful marriage.
  • Dreaming of a ladybug will bring good luck.
  • Dreams mean acquisitions at someone else's expense.
  • The hornet dreams of profit.
  • Fireflies portend good news from friends.

If you dreamed of insects or beetles on your body, your life is full of rumors and gossip, and you yourself are the culprit. Feeling insects on your body under clothes means unexpected fun in the future.

If in a dream insects are under your skin, then annoying people have appeared in your life who are difficult to drive away. A dream in which these creatures bite you is a sign of trials in fate.

I dreamed of beetles crawling in a dream - a new acquaintance lies ahead. Feel intuitively which description is closer to you. Another meaning of a dream about insects in hair is that bad thoughts or experiences prevent you from leading an ordinary life. Seen in hair in a dream promises a lot of money.

A dream in which you found a lot of larvae or any other beetles in your mouth promises useful acquaintances in the future. The appearance of bugs in your mouth in a dream may indicate danger due to excessive self-confidence. According to another version, insects in the mouth mean the restoration of old relationships.

They come to visit in their night dreams

Insects that appear on the walls in your room foreshadow small family problems. Dreaming of insects on the bed - thoughts about personal life. Dreams about being in the house warn of insidious and cunning rivals.

Dreamed in an apartment - to success. The larvae that you found on your bed in a dream indicate that you love a worthy person. Larvae seen on the ground predict a quiet evening in their company.

Why do you dream of an insect in food that gets into your plate or cup? Seeing or finding insects in food is a favorable symbol that predicts a surprise in the future. Ants that you find in your food portend unwanted troubles.

The dream book says that a lot of insects flying or running around means condemnation, gossip and rejection from society in the near future. Another meaning of the presence of these creatures in large quantities– possible deterioration in health.

Getting rid of insects or killing them in a dream can also mean that the sleeper will get out of all troubles with dignity. Shaking off insects, according to Miller’s dream book, means being able to cope with any difficulties along the way. Catching insects in a dream means that you are wasting your time and nerves.

Dream interpretations can be both positive and negative values. Negative forecasts are usually short-term.

Insect - Huge, from a horror movie - these are your fears of diseases and other dangers. If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have attracted trouble to yourself, and if you do not overcome the fear, it will happen. Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flows to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, “let it in one ear, let it out the other”, then no one will accuse you of collecting “compromising evidence”. Those crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and this irritates you. Here the so-called astral phantom connections, a phantom web, are triggered, thanks to which one person “hears” another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequently touching a phantom web can lead to nervous exhaustion and hysteria. Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Insect

If a swarm of insects was circling above you: this indicates that in real life you are preoccupied with small, vain matters.

They take up all your time and energy, so you simply don’t have enough for the rest.

Try to shift some of this fuss to your assistants.

Running away from insects: a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid doing small tasks and errands.

You are a wide-ranging person, and routine work does not satisfy you.

Catching insects: you are wasting time and energy on a trifle that is not worthy of attention.

In addition, this is a losing option in advance.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream book insects in the house” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Insects seen in a dream are often an unfavorable symbol associated with dark side human nature. You can find out more about what these creatures dream about with the help of an interpreter. The dream book advises you to first recall step by step the course of events, as well as the semantic and emotional load of the plot.

Beetles and butterflies

Modern dream book claims that the interpretation of the dream in which you saw bugs depends on the type of insects themselves. Some beetles are harmful, others have beneficial and medicinal properties, and still others are dangerous to human life. If you dreamed dangerous insects, then in reality you should also expect certain problems.

Butterflies dreamed of in a dream promise a short-lived relationship with a frivolous and frivolous person, from which not even memories will remain. Air creatures fluttering in a dream predict a meeting with a person who will gain favor, and then abandon him and disappear somewhere.

Lots of insects

If you dreamed of a lot of insects climbing or jumping around you, it means that you will soon face condemnation, intrigue and human anger. In some cases, such a plot is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of deterioration in the dreamer’s health.

The universal dream book is convinced that observing a large accumulation of fleas in night dreams is a sign of financial profit. If you dream that these insects are in bed, then they maintain friendly relations with you only for the sake of profit.

If you were bitten by a flea many times in a dream, get ready to face unpleasant everyday conflicts.

Miller also has a description of why insects appear in large numbers in dreams. A large swarm of bugs promises illness and grief. If you managed to get rid of them, this means that you will be able to successfully resolve the existing problems.

Spiders and gadflies

Spiders seen in a dream promise cunning and intrigue on the part of enemies. A dream in which such insects are in the house suggests that ill-wishers have gotten very close to you, and quarrels and misunderstandings in the family are caused by their deceit and intrigue.

If you happen to see and hear gadflies in a dream, this is bad sign. The modern dream book warns of impending danger. An obvious enemy has begun to act, so you should be on your guard and beware of treachery.

If you dream that these insects bite you, it means that in reality they want to deceive or set you up. Flying gadflies, according to Shereminskaya’s dream book, foreshadow unplanned household expenses.

If you dreamed that an insect was under the skin, health problems will arise. Holding a spider in your fist means profit.

Creature size

Why do you dream of big insects, Aesop explains. Aesop's dream book is sure that similar plot shows the dreamer’s fears or concerns, and also warns of impending danger.

Small insects such as midges are interpreted as annoying and obsessive people, which do not allow the dreamer to work in peace. It is very difficult to get rid of such people, especially if they are immediate superiors.

Lice and mosquitoes

Lice seen in a dream are interpreted as annoying household members or close relatives who sit on the neck, not wanting to make their own attempts to provide for their needs.

If you dream of these lice in your hair, this means that in reality you will have to sort out the problems of loved ones from whom you will not receive gratitude.

The Dream Book of Wanderers warns that squashing lice will lead to a conflict with a parasite, as a result of which he will leave you alone.

A dream in which you are overwhelmed by mosquitoes is deciphered as the presence in your life of hostile and sarcastic people who deliberately poison your life.

If you dreamed that mosquitoes were on your body, it means that you will soon have to face criticism and condemnation from your environment, the fruits of which will take a long time to disentangle.

A similar dream can mean the appearance of rivals both in love and in business who want to take away everything that belongs to the dreamer.

If you dream of flies, the plot represents annoying and boring people, from whom it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

A dream about an insect bite can mean a serious illness in reality, the treatment of which will take a long time.

If you managed to kill a creature in a dream, it means that you will be able to avoid illness or the illness will pass quickly enough.

Aesop's Dream Book is sure that insect larvae promise an open conflict with the person who is aiming for your place.

Hello! In my dream I dreamed of larvae of black insects, I collected them all in a jar, put them in some kind of large doll and rode the bus to throw them away. And on the bus I met a pregnant woman who wanted this doll. I gave it to her along with the larvae. But I warned her about the larvae. Please tell me what this means, I will be very grateful to receive your answer!

Why do you dream of big insects, to see in a dream a lot of insects in the house, in the body or on the hair - what is this for?!

An unusual, but quite common sign in dreams are various insects, beetles and butterflies. To find out why insects are dreamed of and what such a dream promises, you need to turn to the interpretations of the dream books of famous esotericists online, which will tell you how to behave in the future. Prophetic dreams about insects can promise favorable events or many minor troubles, depending on the details and actions.

Miller's Dream Book - why do you dream about insects in a dream?

If you dream that insects are literally swarming around you, expect illness or a bad streak in life. Anyone who shakes off all insects will be able to cope with difficulties, but the likelihood of illness in you or your relatives remains high. Man killing small beetles or cockroaches, the troubles will be minor and short-lived. Dreaming big spider The spider weaving a web, which a man dreams of, will bring him stability, peace and tranquility, but the biting spider has the interpretation of a hidden enemy. But flying butterflies in a dream carry a symbol of joy and new love for the sleeping person. A girl dreams that a butterfly has flown into her room - an illness will soon break her, especially if the butterfly is white.

Vanga's dream book - dreaming insect

A dream about an attack by a huge hairy spider is a negative sign that troubles in your career, gossip and conspiracies will await you. A bite that causes paralysis will take a lot of strength from the sleeper.

Loff's dream book - dreaming of a swarm of insects

You dream of a lot of insects (a whole swarm) in the impenetrable jungle - confusing events await you, confusion in all areas of life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation - insects in a dream

Beetles in a dream are a sign that means that joyful events await you soon. Beautiful butterflies in a person’s dreams also have a positive interpretation, and catching a butterfly in your hand means success will accompany you in all your endeavors. A dream about cockroaches surrounding you carries the meaning of material profit, but a person poisoning cockroaches in a dream will miss out on a successful financial investment or earnings. The bite of an incomprehensible insect unknown to science, according to this dream book, will bring disappointment and loss.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - seeing insects in a dream

Dream about a lot of cockroaches - get it unexpected profit, but if cockroaches are in your food, envious people are preparing terrible misfortunes for you.

Dream Interpretation - beetles, insects

  • If a devout person dreams of a praying mantis, it is a sign that you have sinned in the recent past and did not confess, or your work is causing harm to many people. A praying mantis suddenly moving from its place and attacking is a warning dream that hints to a person that it is time to change their lifestyle.
  • A dream about an insect bite warns the sleeper that any mistake he makes will be unforgivable, and he must be careful.
  • Many different fictional or fabulous insects are a sign that you are capable of extravagant acts or that something incredible will happen to you.
  • Dreaming of a dead grasshopper is a great chance to take a break from business and worries.
  • If you dream of a person controlling insects, you will soon meet a very powerful person or a despotic boss. And a manager who crushes cockroaches threatens the sleeping person with troubles at work or even dismissal.

Why do you dream about insects in your apartment?

Small insects in the bed area symbolize love and relationships. For example, if there are bugs on the pillow, it’s time for the person who saw you to tie the knot, and if there are bugs on the sheet, it’s time for you to make peace with your loved one. Also, spiders or larvae on the bed carry the meaning of a new romance or that the current relationship will be long and happy.

According to most dream books, insects that cover the entire house or apartment (or sit on the walls) promise wealth and prosperity to the sleeper.

Why do you dream of bugs and insects on your body?

The dream book states that depending on the organ on which you notice the insect, its meaning changes dramatically. In addition, it is important to remember whether the insect was biting or just landed on your body or head.

Insects that attack your feet in a dream promise money expenses in the near future.

If you dreamed that beetles crawled into your hair, expect a new acquaintance.

Such a nasty sign as a lot of bugs or larvae in your mouth means that very soon you will make useful contacts.

If in a dream someone crawls into your ear, expect good news.

And seeing insects on your skin under your shirt will soon be an unexpected reason to have fun.

Why do insects dream: interpretations and warnings

Attitudes towards insects have always been ambiguous. There are people to whom the existence of these small living creatures has always been indifferent. There are, on the contrary, those who, at the sight of the most harmless butterfly or ladybug, panic, wave their arms and run wherever their eyes look. To love or not to love is a purely private matter. But I really want to figure out what insects are about in dreams.

Why do insects dream: interpretations in the dream book

The basic interpretation of insects in a dream in almost all dream books is intrigue, intrigues that the sleeper builds well hidden enemies. Insects that crawl appear as a warning of future diseases. Flying ones come in a dream to warn of financial troubles. Seeing blood-sucking insects is a sign of problems that his children will cause the dreamer with their not very age-appropriate amusements.

Most dream books consider the following insects:

  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • bedbugs;
  • lice;
  • Zhukov;
  • spiders

According to the compilers of books of this kind, it is these small “God’s creatures” that visit our dreams more often than all others. Therefore, very little attention was paid to the rest.

Insects in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream of insects in an apartment, house, or room?

If you dreamed of insects in the walls of any room (private or public home), this means hidden wisdom.

Most likely, the one who saw this version of the dream will be forced to seek advice from people whom he had not previously perceived as capable of helping him in any way. If you dream that little dream heroes are hiding from you around the room, then in this case the dream book says that the person seeing this dream is not at peace in his soul. Here, in all its glory, a formidable warning emerges that the soul is becoming dark. How to interpret this? It may be that the soul is under the influence of some demonic forces. Maybe what goes to the soul

an invisible struggle between light and darkness. More often such dreams are seen by non-believers and non-baptized people.

Seeing insects in large numbers in a dream: be careful

When in a dream you dreamed of various insects and there are many of them, this is direct evidence that the dreamer in reality is burdened with insignificant, meager, vain affairs and problems that bring terrible discomfort. In addition to inconvenience, such problems take a lot of effort and time. It makes sense to think about somehow shifting some of the problems onto work colleagues or asking loved ones for help.

When in a dream you dreamed of different insects and there are a lot of them, this is direct evidence that the dreamer in reality is burdened with insignificant, meager, vain affairs and problems

The main thing is that all your actions are careful and delicate, otherwise those to whom you turn for help will easily turn from a potential ally into an enemy. So it is important to be very careful in your words and actions.

A dream in which spiders, flies and other insects appeared in your hair suggests that there is a high probability of quarreling with your closest friends, relatives, and loved ones. In general - with all your surroundings. Also, seeing such a dream indicates an increased likelihood of illness in one of your loved ones.

This dream also acts as a warning about upcoming difficulties and problems on all fronts of your life. Be more tolerant of the people you care about. This is necessary not only after certain dreams, but should be the norm for a person who has at least some idea of ​​moral values.

To summarize, we can say: that type of dream when all the dream books agree on one opinion is absolutely nothing good.

Why do you dream about small insects?

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. In order to find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

Compilers of dream books believe that the size of the insect corresponds to the size of the problems, and the following classification is obtained:

  • aphids, fleas, lice - minor problems;
  • bedbugs, ticks - more serious problems;
  • cockroaches, beetles, flies, spiders and other “large caliber” are problems of a large scale.

Squashing insects in a dream: good and bad

The dream itself is certainly unpleasant. Who would like such a process, especially in a dream? But it is interpreted quite ambiguously. For example, squashing cockroaches, beetles, flies, worms, spiders, and ants in an apartment is definitely a recipe for trouble. But if you crush mice, this is a sign of victory. Moreover, victory over all your enemies.

The dream itself is certainly unpleasant

Squashing lice and fleas means unexpected wealth from a place where you didn’t expect it at all, without even thinking about it.

Butterflies and ladybugs in the house, according to interpretation Vanga's dream book, dream of the beginning of a new love affair, alas, short-lived. And to some happy moments in the dreamer’s life.

But if you believe Freud, then squashing insects in the room and in bed means that a person in real life hates children and in no way wants to have his own. It is impossible to persuade such a person to have sex without contraceptives.

Why do you dream of insects on your body?

Also one of unpleasant dreams by myself. No one enjoys feeling on their skin how crowds of insects are walking around on their body. Like almost all dreams with insects in leading role, this one also does not bode well. Future illnesses and domestic troubles are just a few things. Ancient dream books they say that the meaning of such a dream is explained crystal simply: insects are your sins. And the more you dream of them on your body, according to their number and the number of your sins. The recommendations from ancient books are simple:

  • immediately go to church, confess and receive communion;
  • talk with the priest face to face, ask to be guided on the right path;
  • fight temptations and sins, attend church regularly and fast.

Otherwise, your sins will simply be gnawed away, only in real life. Spiders on the body are a sign of a serious illness that can only be overcome by gathering all the willpower and courage into a fist. Black beetles warn you that one of the ill-wishers and envious people wants, or has already brought damage to you. In any case, trouble is lurking somewhere nearby.

Why do you dream about insects (video)

Which interpretations to believe? Dream book of Miller, Vanga, Longo, Freud - the names make, if not tremble, then inspire respect in those who know the names of these people. They devoted a lot of time to researching the issue. But we can say with confidence that a decrepit old woman from a village, which is located in the middle of nowhere, knows no less, if not more, about dreams than the above-mentioned authors. In essence, one question arises - whose interpretations should we listen to. And to believe or not to believe... we still believe.

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