Icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows meaning miracles. Prayer of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

Icons occupy a place of honor not only in Orthodox churches and temples, but also in the homes of believers. Many believers are interested in how this or that icon helps. Let's consider what kind of help the Seven Arrows icon provides, because for many centuries it has been considered miraculous. We will also find out where in the apartment this icon should be placed.

To understand the meaning of the Seven Arrow Icon, you need to turn to the Gospel story about the prophecy of Elder Simeon (Luke 2: 34-35). On the fortieth day after the birth of Christ, the holy family came to the Jerusalem Temple. According to Jewish traditions, it is on the fortieth day that parents dedicate their baby to God.

Pious Simeon awaited the coming of the Messiah into the world for many years. He was promised in revelation that he would not pass into another world without seeing the baby Savior. When he took the baby in his arms, he prophesied that now much would change in the world: the servants of God would depart from the faith, and unbelievers would be saved. This is what happened when the Pharisees did not recognize the Messiah and demanded his crucifixion.

Looking at the Mother of God, he prophesied that a sharp weapon would enter her. This prophecy came true when the Mother of God suffered unbearable torment due to her son’s suffering on the cross. Therefore, the icon has another name - Simeon's prophecy. The icon is also called “Softening evil hearts", "And a weapon will pierce your very soul", "Passionate".

How to distinguish which icon is which? In “Softening Evil Hearts,” the seventh arrow is located at the bottom, and 6 others pierce the chest of the Virgin Mary on the right and left. In the “Seven Shot” you can see 3 arrows on one side and 4 on the other. There is no arrow at the bottom.

The “Passionate” icon depicts the Mother of God with a baby in her arms. With one hand she covers her and his body from flying arrows. We see that in this icon the Mother of God has a prayerful appearance. However, all three images are referred to in Orthodoxy as the “Mother of God of the Seven Arrows.” Therefore, before any of the icons, you need to read the same prayer addressed to the seven-arrowed Mother of God.

Meaning of the icon

The icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by arrows or swords. There are many versions of this image: sometimes the Virgin Mary is depicted alone, sometimes angels or Jesus with the saints can be seen with her. Swords and arrows carry a certain symbolism - the pain of Christ's crucifixion. This is the pain a mother experienced during the execution of her son.

The endless pain and grief of the unfortunate mother is expressed in the number of spears - seven. This number has the meaning of the completeness of something. Sometimes the number 7 is associated with the seven sins of humanity, which pierce the heart of the Mother of God. The Mother of God folded her hands in prayer, as if begging humanity to get rid of their sins. After all, they lead to death. The seven-shot icon of the Mother of God appeals to every heart and promises to intercede with the Son for the forgiveness of all who have repented.

Help icons

What does the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God help with? Believers say that the Intercessor helps if:

  • Enemies and envious people have taken up arms around you;
  • it is necessary to reconcile the warring parties;
  • family scandals need to be extinguished;
  • you need to soften someone's evil heart;
  • you need to evoke compassion in a person;
  • the heart must be awakened to faith;
  • there is a need for healing from the disease.

If the Seven Shore Mother of God is located in the house, peace and tranquility reigns in it. Household members are friendly towards each other, and ill-wishers avoid this house or do not stay in it for long.

Icons must be purchased from the temple. If you bought the Seven Shots elsewhere, the icon should be consecrated in the church.

Previously, Orthodox Christians knew how to pray to icons correctly. IN modern times Orthodox traditions are reborn, but not everyone has an idea of ​​correct prayer. How to properly address the holy face?

Then they read the prayer:

After reading the prayer, you can state your request to the Intercessor of humanity in your own words.

Icon location

Where is the correct place to install the Seven Shore Mother of God? Previously, the place for icons was the Red Corner - a place in the front room opposite the front door. IN modern houses This rule is not followed, and icons are placed in a place convenient for prayer. It could be:

  • central room;
  • children's room;
  • space above the front door;
  • a place opposite the front door;
  • headboard.

According to ancient tradition, icons are decorated with embroidered towels.

The main thing is that there should be no obscene images next to the icon. You cannot install Semistrelnaya on a TV or next to a laptop. It is unacceptable to place icons in the bathroom or restroom. If you want to place the Seven Shot in the kitchen, place the icon behind glass door- this will protect the holy face from soot and burning.

Is it possible to place photos of relatives with the Seven Shots icon? This is allowed as long as the photos show people sober and not at a party. It is necessary to show respect to the holy faces in every possible way and not allow indecent behavior in their presence.

It is advisable that the holy face be located in the eastern corner of the room. If this rule cannot be followed, that's okay. The main thing is that secular figurines and household items should not be placed next to the icon. It is also unacceptable to hang calendars and paintings with non-canonical content. It is considered sacrilege to place photographs of pop stars or political figures up close and personal.

What can be placed near the icon:

  • lamp;
  • candles in candlesticks;
  • consecrated willow;
  • holy water and oil;
  • Orthodox literature.

In what order should icons be placed on the shelf? It should be remembered that the central place is given to the Savior and the Mother of God. You can place the faces of saints around them.

You also need to know that placing icons in the house does not lead to piety. Must be done prayer rule and lead a worthy Orthodox lifestyle. Prayer with faith in the heart is the most important weapon in victory over sins and illnesses.

Day of Honor

Despite the fact that there are three different images of the Seven Shot, they are venerated on the same day - August 26. Remembrance Day is associated with the great miracle when the residents of Vologda were saved from a ferocious cholera epidemic in 1830. That day, the townspeople made a religious procession with the icon around the city, and their prayers were answered. The infection retreated from the city, and many received miraculous healing.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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During the revolutionary years, most churches and monasteries were looted and destroyed. Many shrines and icons stored in them disappeared without a trace. But there are images that Christian believers hid for years, saving them from barbaric destruction. The “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God was considered lost for many years. Nothing was known about her fate until the miracle of her discovery happened. It is believed that prayer in front of the Seven Shots icon is the most powerful.

Many iconographic images during the persecution of the Orthodox Church were saved by monks, clergy or simply pious people, who hid them from the authorities on pain of death. Among them was the image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

The Mother of God herself preserved the “Seven Arrow” icon, and later revealed it to the world. This incredible story salvation and the acquisition of an iconographic image took place in the Church of St. John the Theologian, which stands on the banks of the Toshni River not far from Vologda.

Above the building of the bell tower belonging to the Church of St. John the Theologian, doves rose into the sky like a white fan, frightened by someone’s plaintive cry: “Let me go! I pray to Christ God, let me go!” A peasant from Kadnikovsky district, who had long been hopelessly ill with relaxation, once again crawled with difficulty to the temple. They say that the Most Holy Lady herself came to him and ordered him to find the icon on the bell tower.

But he was not allowed there. Why did he need to climb the bell tower? You never know how many crazy people there are these days. Tired of screaming, the peasant, with the last of his strength, continued to quietly whine: “Let me go...”. And suddenly a priest came out of the temple into the courtyard, blessing the poor man, he waved his hand invitingly, “Go!”

The sufferer's face lit up with joy, and with his last strength he crawled towards the bell tower. In the silence, only the rustling sounds caused by movement were heard crawling peasant.

He carefully searched each step, feeling all the boards covering them. And so almost until the bell. And suddenly the sufferer’s exultant cry was heard: “Found it! People, I found it! The ancient image was found on the very top step.

The bell ringers walked on it as if on a simple board. The shrine was carefully cleaned of many years of dirt deposits. The clergy solemnly served a prayer service. And the Mother of God showed the first miracle through the “Seven Arrow” icon. Peasant, long time the person suffering from the disease finally received the long-awaited healing. Today it is the most revered icon; pilgrims from all over the country come to pray to it.

Historical evidence

We know from the history of the image of Semistrelnaya that he bears special care to the Volga residents. Thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God in 1830, Vologda got rid of the cholera epidemic. Pious Vologda merchants wanted to leave the icon in Vologda and built a richly and properly decorated icon case for it. But local residents objected.

They themselves needed such a shrine. Then a compromise solution was found. A copy (list) remains in Vologda. It was also preserved by the grace of God and is now in the city church. Both the prototype and the copy made from it continue to patronize the city of Vologda.

Attention! In Moscow, you can venerate the myrrh-streaming image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” in the Church of the Archangel Michael, on the Maiden Field.


The “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God (see photo), has quite ancient origins. Art scientists attribute its age to 500 years or more. The name of the artist who painted the image remains unknown.

On him Mother of God alone, and seven arrows (swords) pierced Her chest. This number symbolizes excess, completeness. What does the seven-arrow mean - the fullness of spiritual grief experienced by the Mother, who was present at the painful death of her Son.

The basis of the iconographic image of Semistrelnaya Mother of God based on the well-known prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver, which is narrated in the Gospel: “... and a weapon will pierce your very soul.” The future of the Child was revealed to the holy elder by the Holy Spirit, which he immediately announced to His Mother. The meaning of Simeon’s prophecy is simple and terrible: “The body of your Son will be pierced with nails and a spear. And into your soul, Mother of the Savior, a weapon of torment and pain will pierce. And whose torment is more painful, whose pain is more terrible?

In the life of each of us there are sorrows, illnesses, various problems and troubles. We often fall into murmuring or despondency. It can be even worse: complete hopelessness and despair settles in the soul. If we look closely at the face of the “Seven Shot”, then against the backdrop of deep, enormous suffering, which is symbolized by seven swords piercing the soul, we see amazing humility before the will of the Almighty.

The icon painter, without further ado, conveyed to all believers a great sermon about how one should relate to earthly sorrows and carry the cross of life on one’s shoulders. And the Mother of God in the image of “Seven Arrows” is a clear example of this.

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Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”

The face of the “Seven Arrows” is often confused with other very similar images of the Mother of God:

  • "Softening Evil Hearts";
  • "Simeon's prophecy."

All three faces belong to the same iconographic type, but there are small differences between them that are easy to notice upon careful examination. The Mother of God “Seven Shot” has all swords located on the right (four) and left of the chest (three). On the other faces they are depicted somewhat differently. In the image “Softening Evil Hearts,” the arrangement of swords is symmetrical, three on each side, the seventh pierces the Mother of God from below. Often believers do not know where to hang the image in their home and what the icon helps with.

The place chosen for the home iconostasis should be located at some distance from the computer or TV, so that the prayer to the Mother of God is not interrupted.

Useful video: Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”

Help for believers

What does the “Seven Arrow” icon protect a believer from? In the rush and bustle of life, we very often rush past other people, simply not noticing and ignoring them. Sometimes we touch them with our shoulders, offend them with an offensive word, and commit ugly acts towards them. We often judge, pass on malicious gossip and don’t think at all about what consequences our carelessly thrown reproach or insult will cause. But every such word resonates with pain in the heart offended person, causes him suffering, ruins his life.

So the Most Holy Theotokos accepted into her soul all the insults, slander, and persecutions that fell upon Her Divine Son. All seven swords, symbolizing destructive passions, pierced Her heart. The Mother of God has drunk the cup of human malice and hatred in full together with her beloved Child, and now she sympathizes with all people in their sorrows, sorrows, and heals the wounds left by an unkind word, hatred or indifference.

The seven-arrow icon will give comfort and joy to every grieving soul, change the unfavorable course of life, and give confidence in tomorrow. The Most Holy Theotokos will accept anyone who turns to her with faith and hope.

What does the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” help believers:

  1. During quarrels and conflicts. Gives peace and harmony in relationships with other people.
  2. Improves mutual understanding between children and parents.
  3. Does not tolerate cruelty and bloodshed.
  4. Relieves such vices as irritability and anger.

There is ample evidence of reconciliation between the most different people. The couple, who were on the verge of divorce, continued their family life in love and joy, and the children, who had turned away from their parents at the instigation of the evil one, returned to them again with the awareness of their wrongness. There are often cases of healing after prayer before the icon. The mercy of the Mother of God is truly limitless. Her prayer is the strongest before God for us sinners.

Attention! Information about what the “Seven Arrow” icon is, its meaning, and what it helps with, must be obtained exclusively from Orthodox sites on the Internet. In Moscow, the image can be found in the Church of the Archangel Michael.

Useful video: Seven-shot icon


The Virgin Mary experienced the fullness of suffering. On “Semistrelnaya” we see the tormented soul of the Mother of God. The image of the Mother of God has an amazing effect. All who come to him receive relief from mental and physical grief.

This image is one of the most revered by Christians; it is in every church. It is recommended to have the “Seven Arrows” Icon of the Mother of God in every Orthodox home. The holy power and miraculous properties of the image protect the home and its inhabitants from all sorts of disturbances and troubles. What other meaning does the “Seven Arrow” icon have, and how does it help?

The Mistress of the world is most often depicted with the Infant God in her arms or sitting on Her knees, or surrounded by Holy Ethereal Powers, saints. This icon amazes with the unusualness of its image: seven swords pierce the chest of the Most Pure One. Three of them are shown on the left and four on the right. Elder Simeon’s allegory about the weapon that “will pierce the soul” becomes clear.

The number "7" in the Holy Scriptures, and in folk tradition always characterized by the fullness of something - whether joy or sorrow. And these seven swords, piercing the body of the Most Pure One, symbolize the torment of the mother’s soul at the sight of the humiliation, torture and crucifixion of the Son of God.

There is another interesting point of view. The seven sharp swords are the main sinful passions of the human race, which with the same pain pierce the heart of the Mother of God.

Two more icons belong to this type of iconography. Although they are called differently, the prayers and the days when celebrations are established in their honor are the same. First - “Softening Evil Hearts” has another name – “Simeon’s Prophecy.”

On it the Lady of the world is depicted in exactly the same way as on "Semistrelnaya", but the swords (or arrows) are arranged somewhat differently: the same number on both sides, and one in the center. Often in current church practice, these icons are practically identified, since their meanings are the same.

Third icon - "Passionate" with an additional, as if “explaining”, name “And a weapon will pierce your very soul” - recreates the same plot with swords aimed at the heart of the Mother of God, and with her left hand she supports the head of the God-Man removed from the Cross.

The exact date of the appearance of the icon, which later became miraculous, is unknown, and experts have differing opinions on this matter. According to some, the image was painted 500 years ago in the northern regions of Russia. Others believe he is much older.

And the icon was found in the most miraculous way. A legend has been preserved that tells how one peasant from the Vologda province, who had been lame and paralyzed for many years, heard the Divine voice in a dream.

According to his instructions, the sick person had to go to the temple, consecrated in the name of the Apostle John the Theologian and erected near the Toshni River, in its belfry find the image of the Mother of God and, with sincere hope for recovery, offer prayers before it.

However, the man was not allowed into the bell tower, not believing the story about prophetic dream. The poor fellow returned to the temple three times, and only on the third attempt did the servants allow him to climb the bell tower, where he discovered the icon: it lay on the turn of the stairs, like an ordinary step, face down, and the bell ringers climbed it each time to the bells.

Shocked by their accidental blasphemy the church servants washed and cleaned the holy image, installed it in the temple. A thanksgiving prayer service was served. And the peasant who found the icon was completely healed after him.

Revolutionary storms and storms carried away the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” in an unknown direction. But there are many lists left, and they also show miracles.

The miraculous icon, which is associated with its version “Softening Evil Hearts,” is prayed with precisely this emphasis - they are asked to deliver from hardness of heart, to soften hearts harboring malice. These may be different moments. Prayers are offered:

  • about reconciliation those who are at enmity
  • about awakening in human souls of compassion and mercy
  • about eradicating long-term enmity, especially between loved ones
  • about improving personal relationships husband-wife, children-parents
  • about getting rid of manifestations of intolerance in relation to the person praying
  • on conflict resolution, including litigation
  • about giving patience in such situations
  • about preserving peace and all is well in the house
  • about establishing peace between peoples
  • about getting rid of wars and riots

The miraculous power is shown not only by the icon itself, but also by its image on pendants and amulet. This is protection not only from conflicts, gossip and other unpleasant external phenomena, but also from one’s own negative feelings– irritability, anger, and sinful thoughts.

This image of the Mother of God also revered as a protector hearth and home . It also heals ailments - mental and physical.

“Semistrelnaya” is honored annually on the 26th day of August. This date is marked by one of the miracles manifested from the icon.

In 1830, a cholera epidemic broke out in the Vologda region. It was on this August day that the townspeople served a prayer service in front of the icon, fervently begging the Heavenly Intercessor to deliver them from the misfortune, and then walked around the city with the holy image and chants. procession. And the terrible disease subsided.

Services in her honor are also held on the first Sunday following Trinity (Pentecost), called All Saints' Week.

As already mentioned, the holy image disappeared without a trace after the October Revolution. But many churches in the country keep copies of it. Some of them are miraculous.

  • One of these lists can be seen in Moscow, in the Church of the Archangel Michael, on the Maiden Field. Its peculiarity is myrrh-streaming.
  • The myrrh-streaming icon “Seven Arrows” is also in the Moscow region, in the village of Bachurino, and also has its own peculiarity: this image is not written, but printed. But nevertheless, the owner for whom this copy was made noticed that the face of the Mother of God exudes myrrh. The icon was recognized as miraculous and a chapel was built for it.
  • Pilgrimages are organized and to Vologda. Here, in the Church of St. Righteous Lazarus, where the “Seven Shot” appeared in the year the war ended, you can venerate this holy image.
  • In the city Zhizdre Kaluga region There is also this shrine, but precisely as a variant of the already mentioned “Passionate”.
  • If we equate “Seven Shots” with “Softening Evil Hearts,” we can note that the list of the latter came to Venice after World War II and is kept there in the chapel. Allegedly, Italian soldiers, during the battles near Voronezh, discovered the image in the ruins of a house, handed it over to their regimental priest, and he took it with him to his homeland. Presumably, the icon was previously in Belogorsk Resurrection Monastery.
  • The most amazing miracle is that the image of the Most Pure One from the copy located in the village of Bachurino exudes myrrh, and sometimes begins to bleed. This phenomenon has been observed for almost 18 years, and eyewitnesses say that the icon is alive, and in this way it reacts to tragic events that may occur, and not only in Russia.

    For the first time, an icon bled before the Kursk submarine sank.. The same story repeated itself with Beslan and Nord-Ost.

    Scientists who studied the composition of the world came to the conclusion that it is close to the sap of some coniferous exotic wood, which has amazing properties: it is an antidepressant, heals wounds.

    The icon “travels” through Russian parishes, hospitals and prisons, where miracles resulting from prayer to it are documented. Very often it is taken abroad, even to Australia. And many sick people receive healing, and those who are troubled receive peace.

    It is best to determine the place of the icon in a corner or on a shelf specially equipped for this purpose. However, as for this particular icon, it is placed either above the front door or opposite it - so that the Mother of God can see everyone entering the apartment.

    There is evidence that it protects those living in the house from bad people who harbor bad intentions and thoughts. After this icon is placed in the apartment, you may even notice how some people will stop coming to you.

    Under the protection of the Mother of God, you can leave your house during a long absence, and intruders and criminals will bypass it.

    Other tips for icon placement include the following:

    • On the wall where the icon hangs, You shouldn’t place all sorts of amulets, talismans with a “pagan” slant.
    • Various images of a secular nature nearby are also inappropriate, as well as photographs of anyone else.
    • Undesirable neighborhood with household appliances.
    • The location of the icon must be clean, do not let the shrine become covered with dust.

    O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but since you have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    The Virgin Mary is one of the key figures Orthodox faith. She is considered the common spiritual mother of all Christians, the intercessor of everyone who asks for help. There are different images of the Virgin Mary. They are created to handle petitions of various types. Therefore, it is so important to know the meaning of the icon that ends up in your home.

    Almost every believer has a seven-shot gun. It depicts the Mother of God with 7 swords pointed at her chest. Most often there are three on the left side and four on the right. There is a similar icon called “Softening Evil Hearts.” It shows six arrows on the left and right, and one more on the bottom. The symbolism and meaning of the shrines are almost identical. They are even celebrated on the same days.

    In front of the Seven Arrow Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for help in getting rid of sinful feelings, reconciliation with enemies, protection from ill-wishers and scammers, and help in difficult life situations.

    Also, before the image, prayers are said for the defenders of the Motherland.

    Symbolism of the icon

    God works in mysterious ways. Nobody knows what trials the next moment of life has in store for us. Some difficulties seem insurmountable and leave doubts in the heart about one’s own strength, and sometimes even about one’s faith in the Almighty. At such moments, it is very important to pray and ask for help not to stray from the true spiritual path.

    During her life, the Mother of God went through many trials. She, like any mother, vividly experienced all the persecution, all the pain of her son. She knew anger, fear, and despair. We can say that she, together with the Savior, atoned for the sins of all mankind with her immeasurable suffering.

    The symbolism of the Seven Shots icon is multifaceted. The image can be interpreted in at least three ways.

    The image of arrows (swords) is also interpreted literally. This is the weapon from which the Virgin Mary protects us. Therefore, many hang the Seven-Arrow Icon opposite the entrance door - to protect the home from criminals, to soften their hearts when entering the house. Many pray in front of the Seven Arrow Icon for the protection of soldiers on the battlefield.

    Finally, swords are a symbol of suffering. The fact that there are seven of them is no coincidence. For the Orthodox faith, this number means completeness and prosperity. The meaning of the Seven Arrow Icon is a reminder of the difficulties that the Mother of God had to go through with humility, love and compassion.

    The meaning of a shrine for a believer

    For a believer, a shrine is a symbol of suffering for the human race, compassion for one’s neighbors and the willingness to give everything one has for one’s faith. The Virgin Mary pierced by arrows is a symbol of humility, love, mercy and patience. It reminds us of what a real Christian should be guided by in life, of making difficult decisions.

    They pray to “soften evil hearts” when sinful thoughts arise, a desire to take revenge on ill-wishers. This icon reminds us how many troubles the Mother of God had to endure - her son was persecuted, beaten, not accepted, and ultimately brutally killed. But she accepted all this with humility and faith in God, with the understanding that everything that the Almighty allowed was necessary. Likewise, a Christian must pacify his anger towards others.

    The Seven Shot Virgin Mary will help not only humility of the soul. The holy face depicted on the icon is able to soften the hearts of those who illegally sneak into your home, envy you or try to do evil.

    You should direct your prayers to this icon of the Mother of God in the following cases:

    • When there are quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses in the family. The Mother of God will help preserve the family hearth, find love and trust in the soul to a loved one, which are the basis of harmony and mutual understanding.
    • When you have a quarrel with people around you, you should ask the Mother of God for help in order to cope with anger and hatred. You can also ask her to reveal love, tolerance and humility in those who are negative towards you.
    • For serious injuries. The miraculous discovery of this icon took place several hundred years ago on the territory of the modern Vologda region. The holy face appeared in a dream to a lame and eternally ill man and ordered him to find the icon in the local chapel. After completing this assignment, he was cured of his lameness.

    Where to place the image?

    Many people don’t know where to hang the Seven Shot. This is an important icon, but the order of its placement in the home does not differ from the canons adopted for other images. Shrines should stand separately - away from household appliances

    , photographs, secular literature, etc. Usually a corner in the eastern part of the room is allocated for them.

    • When placing images on a home iconostasis, you should adhere to the hierarchy: The Mother of God is one of the most revered figures. It is placed in the center right side
    • from the icon of Christ the Savior.
    • The remaining images are located below or on the same level with the indicated shrines.
    • Above the Virgin Mary and the Savior, only images of the Holy Trinity or a crucifix can be installed.
    • It is good if the iconostasis is decorated with fresh flowers and embroidered fabric.

    It is allowed to hang icons on the wall, but it is better to build shelves for them.

    The Seven Shot is often hung above the front door or opposite it. It is believed that this way it will protect from intruders, envious people, and everyone who comes to the home with bad thoughts.

    The two most famous miracles of Semistrelnaya

    Semistrelnaya performed the first known miracle upon its acquisition. She cured a lame man from his illness after he found the icon in the temple. The image lay there for a long time, serving as one of the steps leading to the bell tower. Nobody knew about its existence as it was covered in dust and dirt. The second great miracle happened in early XIX

    century. A plague epidemic began in the Vologda region. The priests organized a religious procession through local towns so that everyone could pray to the icon for salvation. At the end of the procession, the plague subsided. To this day, Semistrelnaya is prayed for the cure of serious illnesses that modern medicine cannot cope with.

    Icons depicting the Mother of God are present in the homes of all deeply religious people. What helps one of the most powerful ones - the Seven-Shot Icon of the Mother of God - is of interest to people touched by the torment of the depicted Mother of God.

    The meaning of the icon of the Seven-Shot Mother of God? The icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows has. It is unknown when it was written, but it was found after a prophetic dream of one peasant from the Vologda province. This peasant suffered from a serious illness for many years, limped and had difficulty moving, the vision he saw promised healing if he found the icon on the bell tower of the Ivano-Theological Church and prayed in front of it. Not immediately, but the peasant found the icon, which was mistaken by the bell ringers for an ordinary board and placed in the place of the rotten step. After the peasant’s prayer, the long-awaited healing came, and the shrine took its place of honor in the temple.

    Another miracle associated with the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God occurred at the beginning of the 19th century, when a cholera epidemic was raging in Vologda. Residents of the city fervently read prayers in front of the icons of the Mother of God of Seven Shores and Semigradskaya, made a religious procession with them around the city, and the disease receded.

    Unlike most icons of the Mother of God, on the Seven-Arrow Mother of God the Mother of God is painted alone, without Jesus Christ. The chest of the Virgin Mary in the image is pierced by seven arrows, which personify her earthly suffering, as well as the sins and passions of humanity that she sees and which cause her pain. According to Holy Scripture, the number seven in this case means the ultimate, the fullness of its torment, i.e. It is simply impossible to suffer more severely.

    What does the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God help believers with?

    One of the main purposes of the Seven-Arrow Icon is to rid a person of bad thoughts about revenge and other atrocities. The Virgin Mary with her heart pierced by arrows is a symbol of humility, patience, mercy and love. There is an icon very similar to the Seven Shots, which is called “Softening Evil Hearts.” Its difference is that the arrows in the image are located differently: three on both sides and one on the bottom. This icon is prayed to when evil sinful thoughts manifest themselves.

    But humility is not all that the Seven Arrows icon helps with. Many people have heard that it is this holy image that helps people with unclean thoughts to leave their homes. Believers who are afraid of thieves, scammers and simply envious people are recommended to hang the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God at home.

    It is also necessary to pray to the Seven Shots icon in cases where discord and quarrels occur in the family. The Mother of God has long been the protector of the family hearth; she returns harmony, mutual understanding, love and trust to the family. The Seven-Arrow Icon improves relationships between spouses and between parents and children.

    Where to hang the Seven-Arrow Icon?

    The seven-shot icon of the Mother of God differs from others in that it is placed not only on the iconostasis, but also in other places in the house. To protect against ill-wishers, the Seven-Arrow Icon is hung opposite the front door or above it. When danger arises, especially if the residents of the house are threatened by military action, prayers are read in front of the Seven Arrows icon asking for peace.

    The icon of the Mother of God of Seven Shoots can be hung in the main room of the house, then it will be more conducive to the establishment of peace in the family. Placed in the bedroom of a patient, the Seven Shots icon will contribute to the recovery of a suffering person. The only thing that should be taken into account when placing an icon in a room is that you cannot hang posters, photographs or paintings next to it that distract attention from the holy image, and also do not place a TV or computer.

    "Seven-shot" icon: meaning and photo

    More than six hundred years ago, in the Church of St. John the Theologian, located on the banks of the Toshni River, near Vologda, the “Seven Arrow” icon was painted, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate for the Russian people.

    It is believed that the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God must be in the home of every Christian believer. It is also known that Catholics also venerate this image.

    How the “Seven Arrow” icon became famous

    Once in a dream, a peasant from Kadnikovsky district, suffering from lameness and desperate to be cured, heard a voice calling him to go to the Theological Church, climb its bell tower, and find an icon there. Holy Mother of God and hand it over to the church ministers.

    So the “Seven Arrow” icon would have remained unknown. No one attached any significance to the words of the lame peasant. Only the third time did the clergy respond to the unusual request and allow the peasant to climb the bell tower. There was no icon. The peasant, with downcast eyes, had already begun to go down the stairs, but because of his lameness he tripped over one of the steps, so hard that it turned over, and everyone saw the face of the Most Holy Theotokos imprinted on it. The icon was washed, placed in the church and a prayer service was held in front of it. The peasant returned home, forgetting about his lameness - he was healed of a long-standing illness!

    The second sign of the miraculous icon "Seven Arrows"

    By chance, many Christian shrines from the Theological Church were transferred to Vologda. The icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows was also moved along with them. The significance of the icon in healing the lame peasant was already forgotten at that time. And there was no time for that - a cholera epidemic was raging around.

    The disaster terrified the inhabitants of the city, and someone suggested asking the Most Holy Theotokos for intercession. The miraculous icon was surrounded around the city. After the religious procession completed the procession, another miracle happened - the pestilence began to subside and stopped altogether.

    "Seven Arrow" icon. Meaning. Photo

    Before miraculous shrine Christians began to pray for healing from cholera, lameness and all kinds of misfortune. Pilgrims flocked to Vologda, in the hope that the image would help them too; they realized the significance of the Seven Arrows icon.

    The Troparion Prayer, tone 4 “On the softening of evil hearts” is read before the face of the Most Holy Theotokos in many difficult situations. It protects you from other people’s hatred and your own irritation; helps to establish family relationships between spouses; helps to establish contacts between parents and children.

    The prayer “For the softening of evil hearts” is also read when enmity affects not only the family, but also society. The “Seven Arrow” icon can also protect you from enemy attacks, wars and rebellions. The meaning of this image of the Virgin Mary with arrows is to protect all believers from hardness of heart and to send peace into our hearts.

    The Gospel narrative that formed the basis for the creation of the icon

    The “Seven Arrow” icon is a reflection of the Gospel story about the visit of the Mother of God and Joseph the Betrothed to the Jerusalem Temple on the 40th day after the birth of the Infant Jesus Christ. In the temple there was the righteous elder Simeon the God-Receiver, to whom the Holy Spirit sent a vision of the recognition of the long-awaited Savior in the Infant of God. Saint Simeon foresaw the grief that the Mother of God would have to endure at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and said the allegorical words: “A weapon will pierce your soul,” symbolizing the fullness of the grief that will be endured by the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Why is the Blessed Virgin Mary depicted with seven arrows?

    The number 7 is especially revered in Holy Scripture. In this case, it symbolizes the fullness of grief of the Most Holy Mother of God, who learned about the crucifixion of the Son Jesus Christ. To once again convey this to the consciousness of believers, the Mother of God is depicted with seven arrows.

    Icon painters placed arrows, or swords, in the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary in different ways. There are images of the Mother of God where she holds three arrows in each hand, and another one is pointed downwards. These are the icons “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Simeon’s Prophecy”.

    If in the hands of the Mother of God four arrows are depicted on one side and three on the other side, then this is the “Seven Arrow” icon.

    The meaning of arrows is the seven main vices of a person. The Queen of Heaven sees them in the human heart, and they pierce her soul in the same way as during the vision of demons rejoicing around the crucified Son of God.

    Russian Orthodox Church considers the icons “Simeon’s Prophecy”, “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Seven Arrows” to be varieties of one image and unites the day of their celebration. It falls on the ninth Sunday after Easter and the first Sunday after Trinity.

    The meaning of the “Seven Shot” icon in the life of a modern person

    Who does the "Seven Arrow Icon" help? Its meaning remains no less relevant today. Believers pray in front of her face with a request to the Most Holy Theotokos to protect from attack and soften enemy hearts towards themselves and their children. In the current difficult time, when a person is accustomed to hardness of heart and in the bustle ceases to notice it, a prayer said before the image of the Mother of God with arrows in her chest helps to find peace of mind and heal the soul from pain for your family and friends, instills hope for their mental and physical health.

    Many believers turn to the image of the Seven Arrows icon in the hope of preventing bloodshed and wars on our planet.

    Unfortunately, after 1917 miraculous image The "seven-arrow" icon from the Church of St. John the Theologian disappeared without a trace. From 1930 to 2001, the church was closed to parishioners. Now the St. John the Theologian parish has found a second life, but the icon that glorified it in the history of Christianity is not there.

    You can pray in front of such relics in the Church of the Archangel Michael in Moscow, where a similar icon “Seven Arrows” is located, in the Church of the Icon “Softening Evil Hearts” of the Mother of God. Bachurino, Moscow region and in the Church of the Holy Righteous Lazarus in Vologda.

    All icons listed above belong to the same iconographic type and are endowed with equal strength in prayer practice.

    What will the icon “Our Lady of the Seven Arrows” protect from?

    Seven-shot icon
    The Mother of God depicts the Mother of God pierced by 7 arrows.
    The icon is similar to another - “Softening Evil Hearts”, but differs in that instead of arrows there are swords arranged symmetrically, 3 on the right and left and 1 on the bottom,
    and on the “Seven Arrows” icon there are 4 arrows on one side and
    3 on the other.
    Usually the Virgin Mary is painted with her Son or with saints and angels, but here she is depicted alone,
    and the swords (arrows) symbolize the pain experienced Holy Virgin Mary on earth.
    The number 7 also denotes the 7 main human sins-passions, which the Mother of God easily reads in every human heart.
    She is also ready to pray to the Son for each of us who pray for her intercession and for the eradication of these sinful thoughts in us.
    The origin of the icon is completely shrouded in mystery.
    There are various assumptions about this.
    Some scientists believe that the image of the “Seven Shot” is more than 500 years old, while others prove that it is much older.
    What is known for certain is that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” is of North Russian origin.
    Before the revolution, it was located in the St. John the Theological Church on the banks of the Toshni River, not far from Vologda.
    There is a well-known story about her...
    One peasant from Kadnikovsky district suffered from lameness for many years and did not believe that he could be cured.
    But one day he dreamed of the bell tower of the Theological Church, and the Divine voice told him that ancient icons were kept there, and among them there was an image of the Most Holy Theotokos, by praying in front of which he could be healed.
    But when this man came to the temple, he could not find the icon he needed.
    Then it turned out that she was covered in mud, like a board, and stood instead of a step to the bell tower.
    The priests of this church washed the image and served a prayer service in front of it, after which the peasant was completely healed.
    There are many testimonies of miracles performed by the Icon of the Mother of God; countless sick people were healed, and those who asked received peace.
    In prayer in front of this image, they pray for deliverance from hardness of heart, that is, for the softening of evil hearts, hence the name of the 2nd version of the icon - “Softening of Evil Hearts.”
    The prayers before the “Seven Arrow” icon speak of calming those at war, granting them patience, ending hostility between loved ones and birthing a sense of mercy in people’s souls.

    They pray in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos when there is any discord, quarrel, or enmity in a person’s life.
    It helps to make peace with relatives, resolve conflicts with loved ones, improve relationships between spouses, as well as children and parents.
    Carrying with pectoral cross image of the Seven-Shot Mother of God, you protect yourself from all “bad looks”, gossip, conflicts, and also from your own anger and irritability, and other sinful thoughts.
    Another feature: in front of this icon in the temple it is customary to place at least 7 candles at once.
    And at home they often place it not in the home iconostasis, but hang it above the entrance main room home, so that the Mother of God looks at everyone who enters the house.
    Thus, the Seven Shore Mother of God protects the family from visitors with bad intentions and bad, unkind thoughts.
    After hanging the icon, you can see that some people have stopped visiting your home.
    Also, if you leave your home for a long time, by placing this image in it, you can be sure that it is protected from thieves and criminals.
    Thus, the Seven-Shot Mother of God is protection from all ill-wishers who could harm your family.
    This ancient icon is considered one of the most powerful and deserves a place in your home.

    Thanks for your comments!

    How does the icon of the Seven-Arrow Mother of God help?

    What The icon of the Seven Shot Mother of God helps?


    Below in the image of this icon you can read the prayer for conversion, as it should sound when turning to this icon for help, called "Our Lady of the Seven Arrows"

    On it we see the Virgin Mary, who is pierced by arrows and there are seven of them.

    And prayers are offered in front of this icon in cases where two warring parties need to be reconciled, or in order to resolve conflict situations between parents and children.

    They ask her for patience, for the enmity to cease, and also for the calming of a person’s heart and soul. Everyone finds their words in Hard time and asks her for help.

    The unusual story of the miraculous Icons of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows passed on for centuries. Special place V Orthodox church the shrine was occupied when a miraculous unexpected healing finally occurred after long prayers to the Mother of God of a seriously ill peasant. Seven arrows pierced the chest of the Virgin Mary in the sacred image. On this icon, the number 7, as stated in the Holy Scriptures, means the boundless fullness of her torment, severe suffering, since it is no longer unbearable to suffer any more.

    These arrows personify the passions of earthly humanity, the sins of mortal people, which cause the Mother of God pain and real suffering. If there are serious problems in life, the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows will help.


    It is noteworthy that usually the Mother of God is depicted together with her Son or with saints and angels. In this icon she is depicted alone, pierced by seven swords. They are a symbol of the sadness and pain that the Blessed Virgin Mary experienced on earth.

    Before the “Seven Shot”, it is customary to pray for enemies, for softening the heart - that is why this image is also known as the “Softening Evil Hearts” icon. Prayers are also offered before her for the calm of those at war, for the granting of patience to them, for a cure for lameness and cholera. During the war, prayers are read in front of the “Semistrelnaya” so that the weapons do not touch the soldiers and defenders of the Motherland.

    It is customary to place at least seven candles at once in front of this icon and read the following prayer:

    Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you who have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, now and ever and ever. forever and ever. Amen.

    Where to place “Semistrelnaya” in the house

    There is no strict rule in which part of the apartment to place the image of “Semistrelnaya”. Some people are more accustomed to putting all the icons on the home iconostasis, others hang it above the entrance to the main room of the house, i.e. so that when entering the house, everyone sees this icon. If you do not plan to create an iconostasis, then the image can be placed in the eastern part of the room, facing the entrance, so that it protects the house from visitors with bad thoughts and intentions. It is important that there is nothing next to the icon that could distract attention from it, i.e. photographs, posters, paintings. It is also not customary to place icons in the same corner where the TV is.

    Alexandr Quixote

    Even unchurched people have heard about the Seven Arrows Icon of the Mother of God, seen this Image somewhere and know that this icon reveals its wonderful properties mainly to protect the home from dashing or evil people, other entities penetrating through front door, sorcerers.

    Icon of the Seven Shots: meaning and where to hang

    Quote from Lina_iz_Israel's message Read in full In your quotation book or community!
    Icon of the Seven Shots: meaning and where to hang

    As legend says, the “Seven Shot” icon was painted in ancient times, more than five hundred years ago, and is of North Russian origin. In pre-revolutionary times, the image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” was located near Vologda in the Church of St. John the Theologian, which is located on the banks of the Toshni River.
    Against lameness and cholera
    The icon became famous when a peasant suffering from lameness and already desperate to be cured heard a voice in a dream that told the sufferer to go to the bell tower of the Theological Church and find there the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, in front of which he could pray for healing from his illness.
    No one in the Church believed the peasant, and only the third time, when the sick man turned to the clergy with a request, was he allowed to go to the bell tower. Imagine the amazement when it turned out that for many years the icon, trampled and covered with mud, served as one of the steps in the stairs leading to the bell tower. The icon was cleaned, a prayer service was held in front of it, and the peasant was miraculously healed of his long-standing illness.
    Over time, this miracle would have been forgotten if not for the cholera outbreak that happened in 1830 in the Vologda region. In those years, almost everyone suffered from this scourge. European part countries, and the Vologda province was no exception. It so happened that it was to Vologda that many Christian shrines moved from Toshni, one of which was the “Seven Shot” image of the Virgin Mary. The icon was placed in the summer church in the Zarechye district in the Church of Dmitry Prilutsky, located near the city bridge. Believing townspeople surrounded miraculous icon a religious procession around Vologda, after which the pestilence stopped as suddenly as it had begun. After the revolution of 1917, the icon disappeared from the Church of St. John the Theologian, and now in Moscow in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the clinics on the Maiden Field there is a myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.
    Who does Semistrelnaya help?
    It is noteworthy that usually the Mother of God is depicted together with her Son or with saints and angels. In this icon she is depicted alone, pierced by seven swords. They are a symbol of the sadness and pain that the Blessed Virgin Mary experienced on earth.
    Before the “Seven Shot”, it is customary to pray for enemies, for softening the heart - that is why this image is also known as the “Softening Evil Hearts” icon. Prayers are also offered before her for the calm of those at war, for the granting of patience to them, for a cure for lameness and cholera. During the war, prayers are read in front of the “Semistrelnaya” so that the weapons do not touch the soldiers and defenders of the Motherland.
    It is customary to place at least seven candles at once in front of this icon and read the following prayer:
    Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you who have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, now and ever and ever. forever and ever. Amen.
    Where to place “Semistrelnaya” in the house
    There is no strict rule in which part of the apartment to place the image of “Semistrelnaya”. Some people are more accustomed to putting all the icons on the home iconostasis, others hang it above the entrance to the main room of the house, i.e. so that when entering the house, everyone sees this icon. If you do not plan to create an iconostasis, then the image can be placed in the eastern part of the room, facing the entrance, so that it protects the house from visitors with bad thoughts and intentions. It is important that there is nothing next to the icon that could distract attention from it, i.e. photographs, posters, paintings. It is also not customary to place icons in the same corner where the TV is.