Design of two types of wallpaper. Options for wallpapering: ideas, tips, photos. Combination of different types of materials

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One of the cheapest methods for constructing a foundation is a strip structure. It can be made as a prefabricated structure (from individual reinforced concrete blocks), or pouring can be used strip foundation under the house, made independently with the possible use of ready-made concrete mixtures.

Basic information about strip foundations

Strip foundations can be used in the construction of houses with both basements, and without them. Either way, you get significant savings when choosing this type of foundation.

When constructing a basement, it is advisable to build a foundation in a ready-made pit using double-sided formwork; in this case, the foundation will play the role of basement walls.

A simpler method is to pour the structure into specially prepared trenches. In this case, you can save on the cost of formwork, because it is enough to install only its outer part, which, when used modern materials(formwork using extruded foam) will also become a reliable element of insulation and waterproofing.

The calculation of foundation parameters must be carried out by a civil engineer who will be able to calculate all design parameters depending on the condition of the soil, the presence groundwater and other factors.

The entire technology of pouring a strip foundation can be divided into several stages:

  • Preparing the base, installing formwork
  • Manufacturing of reinforcing frame
  • Pouring concrete mixture

Let's look at all these stages in more detail.

Preparatory and excavation work

The main issue of preparation is the calculation and purchase of necessary materials. If you decide to prepare the concrete mixture yourself, which will help somewhat reduce the cost of pouring a strip foundation, but will significantly increase the time of its construction, you need to bring the required amount of crushed stone, sand, and cement to the construction site.

In addition, before starting work, it is necessary to purchase formwork material and reinforcement; all this can be imported during the excavation process. In addition, to prepare concrete, you need to make sure you have a concrete mixer, which, in extreme cases, can be rented. But we would still recommend using ready-made concrete mixtures, which will greatly simplify the work.

As already mentioned, concrete can be laid either in trenches or in a foundation pit. In addition to the fact that constructing a pit will simplify the work on arranging the basement, in this case it is possible to arrange additional waterproofing of the building by arranging clay castle over the entire area, which will significantly reduce the access of groundwater to the building.

Carrying out excavation It is necessary to constantly monitor elevations; this will be the basis for the stability of the entire building.

The rules for pouring the foundation do not allow large differences in the base of the structure; of course, a small part can be corrected with the help of bedding, but for large volumes this will not give the desired effect.

In addition, trenches must be monitored along the axes of the building. To do this, they resort to the so-called cast-off, it is performed as follows. 2 m are retreated from the lines of the future walls, supports are mounted to which the boards are attached. Thus, we obtain a structure that follows the entire contour of the building, which facilitates excavation work.

Preparation of the base, installation of formwork

To reduce the impact of seasonal soil heaving, a sand cushion, which will serve as a shock absorber. It is performed to a height of 10-30 cm, followed by moistening and compaction; at this stage, the elevation marks of the base are finally adjusted.

The next stage is the construction of formwork, it can be made of various materials In addition, the following types are distinguished:

  • Fixed
  • Removable

It is recommended to use expanded polystyrene formwork as a permanent formwork, which will act as insulation. Removable formwork mainly used in large construction and can be installed on a number of objects, although boards removed from the formwork can also be used in a private house.

Basic rules for installing formwork:

  • The formwork panels must be installed vertically, this is checked with a plumb line or level.
  • All structural elements must be carefully secured, otherwise, under the pressure of the mass of concrete, the formwork may lose its straightness or even collapse, which will lead to loss of concrete.
  • When installing, do not forget to insert sleeves under future communications(electricity, water, sewerage).
  • It is advisable to cover the surface of the formwork with inexpensive insulating material.

Pouring a strip foundation with your own hands will be more economical with high-quality formwork that prevents leakage of the concrete mixture.

The basis of the strip foundation, increasing it bearing capacity, is a frame made of reinforcement. Its diameter and location pitch must correspond to the project; it is not recommended to select such parameters independently.

The distance from the reinforcement to any external surfaces of the foundation must be at least 20 mm, thus forming a protective layer.

Reinforcement elements must be tied with special wire; welding is not permitted, since it deteriorates the structure of the reinforcement. You can tie the frame on the surface and, after installing it in the trench, connect its elements. This method allows you to perform work even in narrow trenches.

That's basically all about preparatory stages After pouring the strip foundation, you can proceed directly to the process.

Pasting two types of wallpaper is a fairly common way to decorate surfaces in residential premises lately. Using this method you can create a unique designer interior, create an accent, visually increase the height of the walls and expand the space. Before hanging two types of wallpaper, it is recommended to learn about the basic rules for combining them.

Pasting walls different wallpapers must be carried out strictly according to the rules. To make the combination look as harmonious as possible, you need to take into account a number of factors before starting work.

Ceiling height

It is on this characteristic of the room that the final choice of material, its pattern, texture and shade depends.

Room dimensions

If the room area is large, then you can safely use dark-colored materials and their combinations. Saturated shades are also suitable; they will visually reduce the dimensions of the room, but in spacious rooms it will not be as noticeable as in small ones. You shouldn’t settle for ordinary plain products; it’s better to cover the room with dark materials with large, light patterns. Very often, for covering two types of wallpaper, products without a pattern and materials with images of foliage, bamboo trunks and other plant motifs are used.

Concerning small rooms, then it is impossible to visually reduce the space, therefore dark colors will not fit, it is better to use light-colored products with a small pattern. A small repeating pattern will look great.

It is also important to consider the geometry of the room. If the room is long and narrow, for example, a corridor, then it is better to paste short walls light wallpaper with a slight overlap at the corner, and long ones - darker or variegated, if the planned design of the walls allows. This visually smoothes out the difference in surface sizes.

When the entrance narrow room located on one of the long walls, perfect next view wallpapering: you need to choose a color for short surfaces, and for the middle long wall use several stripes of a more saturated color. The corners of the room should be sealed to match the short walls.

Design option for a narrow room

Material texture

Now let's look at how to combine two types of wallpaper depending on the thickness and texture of the product:

  • The main rule is to use materials of the same thickness. It is best to choose products made on the same basis. That is, paper with paper, non-woven with non-woven and so on. There are other options for covering walls with different wallpapers, but they require careful selection. As for colors, there are no strict rules; it is recommended to place samples on one surface before purchasing and look at the resulting combination.
  • Things are more complicated with texture. If you plan to join the strips only in the corners, then you don’t have to worry too much about the difference in thickness or texture. The fact is that in such a place it is quite difficult to notice the transition if it is small. But if you plan to connect products in the middle of the wall, then it is better to either use materials with the same texture and different colors, or cover the joints with skirting boards and other products.

Combining products of different textures will require hiding the joints using molding

It is necessary to take into account the features of applying each type of wallpaper. If it was decided to combine paper and non-woven rolled materials, it is important to buy special glue for each. You can purchase a universal composition, but for best effect It is recommended to use different ones.

Technology is also important: in the case of paper wallpaper The glue is applied both to the wall and to the product; non-woven ones do not require processing of the reverse side.

Room lighting

How can you use lighting beautifully? If the room is almost always well lit by the sun, then it is not necessary to artificially darken it by covering all surfaces with dark wallpaper. It is better to stick light-colored products on 3 walls, and the last one, which is opposite the window, with darker ones. As a result, the pasted wallpaper will not look monotonous and will not darken the room too much. This technology also works in reverse side: in dark rooms, you can stick a wide strip of light wallpaper on one of the walls and thus lighten the interior a little.

Combination of different types of materials

The modern market offers a huge amount various types wallpaper that can be used in combination with each other. Below are the best compatible wallpaper options:

  1. Paper. This classic variety Perfect for combination with almost any look. They are easy to trim, so using paper models
  2. You can add colored inserts or accents. Vinyl. The perfect combination – ordinary vinyl products with photo wallpapers. They can also be combined with multi-layer paper materials
  3. so that there is one thickness.
  4. Non-woven.
  5. They go well with all types, except textile ones.


It is best used in conjunction with vinyl or non-woven options. Since liquid wallpaper is a wet material similar to plaster, combination with paper wallpaper is not recommended.


It is better not to combine this type of wallpaper. There are a huge number of fabric-based models, it’s worth focusing on a few of them. Options for combining materials on surfaces If you have a question about how to beautifully hang two types of wallpaper, it is recommended to pay attention to one of the following options. These methods are considered classic and have been used more than once for interior decoration.

Vertical stripes

This combination is perfect for visually expanding space. This method is ideal for rooms with high ceilings where there is no need to increase the height of the walls. To wallpaper walls, you need to divide the surfaces into two parts: first glue the top strip of one color, and then the bottom strip of a different shade. To do this, you can buy products with any texture and ornament. The main thing is that they fit well together.

Horizontal division of walls in the best possible way suitable for rooms with high ceilings


The options for gluing the two types of wallpaper with inserts are also different.

This idea is perfect when you want to make an accent in the interior:

  • First, markings are applied to the wall, taking into account the location of the colored inserts. For ease of pasting, it is better to draw rectangles or squares.
  • Then you need to prepare the wallpaper itself. Plain material is trimmed so that it does not cover the figures painted on the wall.
  • The main wallpaper is glued first.
  • After this, products of other colors are cut out according to the given dimensions and the resulting gaps are sealed with them. If wallpaper with different textures is used, it is necessary to seal the joints with moldings.
  • This way the entire wall is covered.

There are other ideas for wallpapering using inserts:

  1. A large section of the wall covered with photo wallpaper is the basis of the composition; it is marked and processed first. From it you can already glue ordinary vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, the color of which will match the color scheme of the pattern. For example, if in the center there is an image of a green forest, then the sides should have wallpaper in green or brown tones.
  2. There is also a patchwork technique. Here the products are cut into small fragments of approximately the same shape, after which they are glued to the base according to the applied markings. You can paste the fragments in a certain order or randomly.

Wall decoration using patchwork technique

Other techniques

You can also use one of the following ideas:

If there are any protrusions or niches in the room being treated, you can focus on them. For example, cover the main area with plain dark wallpaper, and the protruding fragments with lighter wallpaper. Or vice versa, but this option is not the most popular.

Highlighting a niche using wallpaper of a different color

Basic rules

  1. To hang two types of wallpaper, strict adherence to certain rules is required:
  2. Color solutions need to be implemented not only in wallpaper combinations, but also in furniture, curtains, various items and accessories. This way the interior will look more harmonious.
  3. The combination of plain materials and products with ornaments is considered one of the most successful.
  4. It is not recommended to use combinations of variegated tones. It is better that one stripe is bright, and the second is a more muted shade. If there is a floral pattern on the base material, then great solution
  5. will be a combination with wallpaper, the texture of which is made in the same style.
  6. Products with geometric shapes are recommended to be combined with abstraction.
  7. When using materials with different textures, it is necessary to mask the joints using moldings, slats, tapes and borders.
  8. Triple combination is possible only in the case of large rooms; in small rooms the interior will look too bulky.
  9. Both glue and wallpaper need to be bought in the same store, it is better if they are from the same manufacturer.
  10. Preliminary marking is required.
  11. It is recommended to start pasting from the top.

When applying products, it is important to leave a reserve in case they move away after drying. A combination of two types of wallpaper with different patterns, textures and color solutions

allows you to create a truly original interior. It’s just important not to rush and first check how good this or that combination will look on the walls. So, in order, the information is confirmed by test reports from leading manufacturers of polystyrene concrete, I drew a conclusion for myself and wrote it at the end of the commentary. MOISTURE RESISTANCE and HYGROSCOPICITY This is the most important property of any building material, especially in areas with. The higher the moisture resistance of the material, the more durable, stable and warmer it is. Polystyrene concrete absorbs no more than 6% moisture from the atmosphere; it can be exposed to open air almost unlimited time. STRENGTH Due to the super-strong cement-polystyrene matrix, polystyrene concrete has unique strength characteristics. This material is so durable that a fall from a five-story building will not cause significant damage to the block. FIRE RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete does not burn; it is able to withstand enormous temperatures caused by fire, due to its unique thermal conductivity coefficient, and does not allow heat to penetrate deep into the wall. Flammability class NG. Fire resistance class EI180. DURABILITY The service life of a house made of polystyrene concrete is at least 100 years. Over the years, the strength of polystyrene concrete only increases. FROST RESISTANCE Tests for frost resistance and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations from + 75°C to - 30°C were carried out on 150 freeze-thaw cycles without loss of integrity and heat-insulating ability. THERMAL INSULATION It has long been recognized that polystyrene (foam) is the best heat insulator in the world, it is warmer than even wood! A house made of polystyrene concrete does not require insulation: it is cool in summer and warm in winter. SOUND INSULATION Polystyrene concrete provides best indicator in terms of noise absorption, 18-20 cm dampens 70 decibels of sound. Consequently, a house made of polystyrene concrete has special comfort: noise from the street and inside is not disturbed. neighboring rooms and bathrooms. ECONOMICAL Cost square meter finished wall cheaper than other materials. Due to high level heat preservation, walls made of polystyrene concrete can be built 25% thinner than those made of alternative materials (aerated concrete and foam concrete) and 4 times thinner than those made of brick. Saving on wall thickness leads to overall savings on the construction of the box (foundation, roof and walls) of up to 50%. At the same time, the quality of the house will be even higher, and the house itself will be warmer. EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE Seismic resistance 9-12 points. Polystyrene concrete has not only compressive strength, but also the highest tensile and bending strength. Therefore, polystyrene concrete is considered the most reliable and earthquake-resistant material. LIGHTWEIGHT A large-sized block of 200x300x600 mm does not exceed a weight of 17 kg, which facilitates the work of a mason and reduces the time for laying walls: it replaces 20 bricks in volume, and is almost three times lighter in weight. ANTISEPTICITY The additive used in the production of polystyrene concrete does not allow insects and rodents to enter the walls, and prevents the formation of mold and mildew, which have negative impact to your health. VAPTOR PERMEABILITY Walls made of polystyrene concrete “breathe” similarly to walls made of wood, and there is no danger for them from condensation and waterlogging. This ensures a comfortable environment in houses made of polystyrene concrete. PLASTICITY Plasticity is the only material from cellular concrete, allowing the production of window and door lintels, its bending strength is 50-60% of the compressive strength, for concrete this parameter is 9-11%. CRACK RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete, due to its elasticity, is incredibly resistant to cracks. And this guarantees long term preserving the interior decoration and durability of the entire house. TECHNOLOGY High speed of construction of wall structures due to the lightness and convenient geometry of the blocks. Easy to saw and groove, the ability to give building material any geometric shape. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY The International Building Code (IRC) classifies polystyrene as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly insulation materials. Thus, polystyrene concrete has a mass undeniable advantages before materials such as expanded clay concrete, autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete, etc. The disadvantages of polystyrene concrete appear only when wrong choice its brand and violation of masonry technology and preparation for interior decoration. We can say with absolute certainty that there is not a single significant advantage for materials such as aerated concrete and foam concrete over polystyrene concrete. At the same time, polystyrene concrete key characteristics significantly surpasses them.

For changing traditional ways When decorating walls using materials of the same type, a method of combining came into being, that is, combining different wallpaper options in one interior.

The living room or hall is the most main room in your home, so it is not surprising that maximum attention is always paid to the design of these rooms. such rooms is not an easy task, but quite realistic if you know what rules are fundamental in this matter.

If for interior decoration you have planned a horizontal color combination, stick on bottom part walls more and cool wallpaper. You can provide a separation between the top and bottom of the wall using moldings or borders.

When choosing a wallpaper shade for a hall or living room, focus on several key factors: room area, layout, degree of illumination, room style. To create a warm atmosphere in the living room, choose wallpaper soft shades: beige, yellow, blue, light green.

Shades such as blue, blue, gray, and light purple will promote relaxation. Airiness and harmony will be emphasized by wallpaper with tints of pink, beige, blue, and sand.

Combination by texture

Textured wallpaper is gradually gaining popularity, as most manufacturers produce relief coatings intended for painting. Such materials are convenient to use for both walls and ceilings, providing complex combination.

By combining textures, even if they are of the same color saturation, it is necessary to achieve maximum harmony.

Among the variety of textured themes, the most common are abstract strokes, stripes, floral motifs and classical patterns.

Advice: textured coatings can be combined with matching colors. Most often they are used to decorate niches, ledges, and columns in classic and modern interiors.

Due to the catchiness of the motifs, it is advisable to combine classics and geometry with barely noticeable dotted textures. Floristic and floral ornaments suitable for wallpaper with decorative touches and bruises on the surface. Despite limitless possibilities combinations of embossed wallpaper in interiors, the most common option remains combination with conventional wallpaper materials.

Choosing wallpaper different types for a living room or hall, please ensure availability in advance wallpaper glue, suitable for each of these materials. It is advisable to consult with specialists regarding special types glue for simple and complex (heavy) wallpaper coverings.

Some companies produce universal types of glue that are suitable for all types of wallpaper products (for example, Semin Murale and Murale brands).

special complexity comes from combination standard wallpaper with textile coverings. Due to the originality of the texture and thinness of the canvas, you will not be able to disguise the joints and transitions between these materials. The easiest way to create a harmonious transition is with borders and moldings.

Creating Harmony

The main key to success in interior design is creating a harmonious environment, in which every detail is perceived as part of a single holistic plot. When gluing two types of wallpaper in a room, achieving such a result is much more difficult, because, as a rule, it is wallpapers of different colors that provide the desired effect.

To ensure that your idea does not spoil the perception of the interior, use additional parts and accessories, matching the style of the room. For textiles for upholstery and carpeting, choose options that match the tone or pattern.

There are a huge number of wallpaper combinations in the room. Each of them can be implemented even at a minimum cost, using rolls, even those left over from previous repairs. The most daring and creative people have already seen in practice the originality of this method; now it’s your turn to create an individual interior.

A modern method of decorating a living room or bedroom with wallpaper is the active use various colors on several walls. This is a way to add variety to your design and draw attention to a specific part of the room. If necessary, correct planning deficiencies, apply different variants wallpapering. There are techniques that help give the interior your own style. To realize the design concept, wallpapers of various textures, shades, and with different patterns are used.

Combination principles

To make the combination look harmonious, you should consider certain parameters. Many wallpapering options are used to mask imperfections in the layout of a kitchen or living room and achieve a certain decorative effect, for example:

Before combining different wallpapers, for example, in a living room or bedroom, you must:

  • evaluate the functions and elements of the layout;
  • take into account the size and geometry of the room.

Ceiling height

The choice of type of coating, features of the ornament, texture, and color depend on the height of the ceilings. If the walls are below 2.5 m, then calm tones, soft texture and small patterns are chosen. Combining a light background with a weak texture or vertical ornament helps to visually raise the ceiling. You can use an image or stick stripes of different colors, placing them on one or more walls, as can be seen in the photo.

If the ceilings are higher than 3 meters, then a different approach is used. A large, horizontally stretched pattern is selected. It is permissible to use division by color, horizontal combination as in the photo. To ensure that wallpapering in this way is modern, you should carefully select colors and patterns.

Room dimensions

In a spacious room, you can safely use fairly saturated colors and/or dark shades. This approach makes it possible to visually reduce its size. When monotonous dark walls do not fit, then you can choose a coating with a large ornament light color- plant patterns, abstraction, geometry. In compact rooms it is strongly recommended to use light shades, perhaps with a weak texture or small pattern. Example for a bedroom under a roof:

The geometry of the room also plays a role important role. Sometimes it needs to be visually aligned. If the room is very narrow, and even long, then the gluing option saves the situation, in which light wallpaper. Non-standard layout and wallpaper combination in the hall:

When the entrance is located on the long side, the center of the opposite wall should be covered with a coating of a different color. On the sides, leave the same wallpaper that covers the short ones. The room will be perceived differently, it will not look so narrow and long. Design option for a small room in the photo:

You can also make a small bedroom stylish by properly wallpapering the walls:

Features of choice

When gluing several types of canvases, you should carefully select their texture, quality and thickness. When combining, it is recommended to choose fabrics of the same type. When the wallpaper is joined exclusively at the corners, then you can purchase coatings different thicknesses, textures. If the canvases are joined on a smooth wall, then these differences highlight the transition. This is shown in the photo of the hall:

In a room well lit by the sun, you can glue dark-colored wallpaper to the wall opposite the window, and light-colored wallpaper to the rest. To make it lighter, just cover the wall opposite the window with light wallpaper.

Existing wallpapering options can be used separately or combined several approaches. It is important to know what effect you need to achieve. Interesting example wallpapering the kitchen with companions:

Vertical combinations

Vertical stripes that visually increase the height of the room do not have to be evenly spaced. Today, you can cover one wall with striped canvases, and cover the rest with plain or modestly patterned ones. Vertical stripes can be safely placed on several walls. They can be placed in the same increments or at different intervals. One option for wallpapering the living room is shown in the photo below.

Stripes may vary in color and pattern. With this combination, texture and quality must match. This type of combination is best done using coverage from the same collection. Many campaigns produce a range of matching patterns, in certain colors. There is an interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling visually higher. This is to put wallpaper on the ceiling and make a blurry transition. The photo shows an option for wallpapering a bedroom with different wallpapers:

Horizontal division

Reception refers to classical methods design that has been in use for a long time. This option is good for small rooms, where ceiling height allows. You can divide the room simply with a horizontal strip around the perimeter. The plane is divided into 3 parts, and the line can be located at the bottom, for example, placed from the window sill, or at the top. The strip is sometimes performed at eye level, where different decorative items, but then the rule is broken. This is usually done in corridors and hallways.

Traditionally, the bottom with this division is made darker, the top is lighter, the rule can also be broken. The transition location is determined before gluing, where a line is drawn parallel to the floor. First the top is glued, and then the bottom; the joints can be covered with a border or a special tape, as in the photo.

Traditional methods of wallpapering companions when dividing horizontally include:

  • the bottom (1/3) is covered with striped wallpaper, the top is made plain (or a small pattern is used);
  • wallpaper is glued to the bottom (1/3) small drawing, there is a large ornament on the top (can be covered with plain canvases);
  • 2/3 of the bottom is covered with wallpaper with large patterns, the top is plain.

An option for covering the kitchen with two types of wallpaper is shown in the photo:

Color accents

Often in the bedroom, attention is drawn to the bed or the wall opposite it. The photo below shows one of the options.

Forming in the kitchen dining area. This method is often used in studio apartments to visually separate zones of different functionality. Here it is possible to use coatings of different textures and qualities.

The hall can be covered as follows:

For classic interiors You can design the wallpaper in the form of a panel, which is logically limited by a frame. This option is perfect for Provence and country styles. Such panels can be safely placed in the Art Nouveau style, but the frame should be made of wallpaper, where the color and collection must match. As an option, you can paste over the niche. Then the image, pattern, pattern with texture is selected according to the style. It is recommended to use canvases from the same collection. The kitchen wallpaper option is shown in the photo:

The emphasis can be performed:

  • a vertical stripe, which is often found with low ceilings;
  • horizontal stripe in a high room.

It is more interesting to highlight niches and protrusions in the room with other canvases, turning this detail into a highlight, to add a special personality to the design. Interesting option designing a niche in the bedroom:

Or different wallpapers in the kitchen:

Original design

An original option for wallpapering in the bedroom is using wallpaper inserts. First, you should stick on dim, plain background canvases. Next, you need to make inserts from, for example, non-woven wallpaper. They can be done different sizes and forms:

Combination helps to visually highlight different colors in a room. functional areas. An accent is often used in the living room when the wall behind the TV or fireplace is highlighted in a color that contrasts with the rest in the room. In the photo in the hall there is such an area behind the TV.

You can use a patchwork combination, when the walls of the room are covered only with inserts, without a background. The main thing is that the harmony of materials is maintained when implementing this method. You can glue multi-colored blocks randomly, but you need to combine these inserts into a design or pattern.

Option for wallpapering in the kitchen:

If there are many niches or arches in the room, then they must be used when creating original interior. Designers recommend highlighting and playing up such places. You should glue wallpaper of contrasting colors or bright embossed fabrics:

  • if the wallpaper is light, then make the niche dark;
  • small main pattern, and decorate the protrusion with a large pattern.

The photographs below show wallpapering in contrasting colors in the living room and bedroom:

Different options for wallpapering a kitchen are shown in the video: