How is a wok different from a frying pan? WOK noodles: history, recipes, interesting facts. What dishes can you cook?

Europeans usually use pots, kettles, pressure cookers, duck pots and all kinds of frying pans for cooking. Residents of Southeast Asia in all cases use one single frying pan, shaped like a deep bowl. IN Lately Residents of other countries also became interested in this Chinese kitchen item. Wok frying pan - what is it and why is it needed? We will talk about this in our article.

Historical facts

The classic version of this item is like a thin-walled metal cauldron with a convex bottom. This shape was not invented in vain - the evenly heated walls of the cookware and the rounded base allow you to cook almost any dish almost instantly.

At the same time, for uniform frying, the pieces must be constantly stirred using a special spatula. Thanks to the beveled sides of the pan, the top pieces easily fall down, and the cooked ones end up at the top.

In ancient times, woks had handles similar to saucepans, which was convenient for traditional Chinese cooking. wood stove- the pan was easy to put in and take out. Over time they came up with it different pens, since this item is now used not only in Chinese stoves.

In order for the wok to stand on a normal kitchen stove, Western manufacturers The bottom was redone - it became flattened. This has led to the fact that the heat in the frying pan is no longer distributed so evenly, but its advantages are forcing an increasing number of housewives to use this utensil.

Benefits of a wok

If we look at it in general, we can say that a wok is an ordinary frying pan that has a shape that is unusual for Europeans. But those who have already tried it in action are convinced that it is possible to prepare food not only tasty, but also quickly.

So, thin high walls and a rounded bottom provide the following advantages:

  • fast cooking due to high surface temperature and concentration of heat at the bottom;
  • versatility - the frying pan allows you not only to fry the ingredients of a dish, but also to stew, smoke, boil and steam;
  • maximum safety nutrients due to short-term heat treatment of products;
  • high walls prevent the contents from spilling, which makes cooking in a wok pan more convenient, reviews confirm this on numerous forums on the Internet;
  • excellent taste characteristics and appetizing appearance of prepared food;
  • Constant stirring prevents fat from being absorbed into the ingredients, so dishes are obtained with minimal fat content.

Types of materials for frying pans

In the old days, Chinese craftsmen made woks from cast iron. Modern manufacturers have learned to make lighter models for the convenience of housewives.

The market currently offers the following types of frying pans:

  1. Cast iron wok pan. This metal tends to heat up for a long time, but maintains the temperature for a long time, and has non-stick properties. Minus: it is forbidden to leave prepared food in cast iron - the metal tends to rust from prolonged contact with liquid.
  2. Frying pans from of stainless steel. Practical, resistant to high temperature, strong and durable. Minus - they do not have a non-stick effect and are difficult to clean.
  3. Aluminum frying pans. Lightweight products coated with a non-stick Teflon layer. An example of such a product is a Rondell wok pan (a brand that is famous for its quality). The problem is that scratches easily appear on the walls and the coating is destroyed by high temperatures.
  4. Ceramic frying pans. Brittle material, from which they are made, can crack when exposed to temperature changes. The advantage is that ceramics heats up quickly and does not absorb odors.

Which frying pan to buy

When purchasing this kitchen utensils Housewives have a question about what a wok is for and where it should be used. To clarify this issue, we can recommend the following.

First, it’s worth thinking about what material the product will be made of, studying the advantages and disadvantages of each.

It should be taken into account that cheap stamped steel woks can become deformed due to temperature changes. But they are suitable for cooking on any heating surface, as well as over an open fire. The same can be said about cast iron products. For use on gas and electric kitchen tiles Aluminum and ceramic pans are most suitable. But for cooking on induction cookers, you will need products made of an iron-carbon alloy with the necessary magnetic properties.

It is also necessary to decide on the parameters of the product - what handles it will have, dimensions, whether the Wok pan will have a lid or not.

Pan diameter and thickness

Manufacturers offer frying pans with a circumference from fifteen to seventy-six centimeters. The selection criterion for this parameter is the number of servings - the greater the number of servings you need to prepare at the same time, the larger the product you need to use.

To prepare one or two servings, pans with a diameter of fifteen to twenty-eight centimeters are suitable, and for three to five servings - from thirty to thirty-eight centimeters. The latter sizes for the kitchen will be somewhat bulky, and a wok pan with a diameter of 28 cm is perfect for modern household stoves.

As for the wall sizes, cast iron products are produced with wall thicknesses of three and nine millimeters. The former often crack over an open fire, while the latter are too massive and have a lot of weight. For steel and aluminum, these dimensions range from three to six millimeters. Thin-walled products have good thermal conductivity, heat up quickly and cook food in a short time, but require constant presence and stirring.


Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to structural elements, since you need to understand that a wok is an item of everyday use and should be convenient.

As for the bottom, the flattened design is suitable for all types of slabs. And for gas ones, in addition, you can purchase frying pans with a regular convex bottom complete with a stand round shape for fixation.

Wok handles also come in different shapes: pan-like, long or removable. The last option is very convenient for storage.

Lids also serve as an extension of the functionality - they can come as a set or be purchased separately according to the size of the frying pan. The lid allows you to cook and stew food.

The delivery set may also include a grate - with its help you can drain the oil from the finished dish and stew the food.

What to cook in a frying pan

It is already clear that a wok pan is an opportunity to realize a variety of culinary delights, but the ideal recipes for it are pilaf, roast, stew, deep-frying, meat with side dishes.

Moreover, the ingredients can serve as various vegetables, and so is meat different varieties and types - from beef to chicken. Any product in a frying pan will turn out tasty, juicy, original and tender. And most importantly, it will take a minimum of time to prepare. Of course, you need to study this issue in advance - stewing can last from three to thirty minutes, depending on the type of product.

Sunflower, sesame or peanut oil is used for cooking in a wok - they are best suited for frying.

The frying temperature in a frying pan varies from two hundred eighty to three hundred twenty degrees Celsius.

How to cook with a wok

Do not forget about the basic principle of cooking - fast frying over high heat with constant stirring in the direction from the center to the edges. According to customer reviews, the Rondell Mocaccino wok pan is perfect for these purposes.

And the process and preparation itself can be described as follows:

  1. Cut the ingredients into small strips or cubes in advance. Moreover, tough or hard vegetables are cut smaller than others.
  2. Heat the frying pan over high heat and add vegetable oil inside. The fire is not reduced.
  3. Products must be added depending on their hardness - first those that take longer to cook, and then the rest.
  4. Noodles, rice or spaghetti are boiled in advance and added to the pan last.
  5. Meat is added to the heated oil in parts of forty to sixty grams, otherwise, with a large volume, the temperature in the pan will decrease, which will lead to the formation large quantity juice And this risks turning frying into stewing.
  6. When a crispy crust appears on the meat, remove it to a wire rack using a slotted spoon. Do the same with the remaining ingredients once they are half-ready.
  7. All parts of the dish are put back together in a frying pan and brought to the desired condition.

Like any device, a wok has its secrets.

Key tips are as follows:

  1. To prepare fried juicy meat with a crispy crust, the piece is first placed in freezer for fifteen minutes - this will make it easier for frozen meat to be cut into equal pieces.
  2. To soften the meat fibers, a piece of meat is soaked in the marinade for fifteen to thirty minutes or placed in soy or oyster sauce for the same time.
  3. Since the cooking technology involves quick and constant stirring, the ingredients for cooking must be prepared in advance - in this case, you will not have to be distracted during the work. Vegetables and meat should be chopped, and seasonings should be on hand.
  4. First, a dry frying pan heats up - if the water splashed on the bottom collects in droplets, it means that the product has reached the desired temperature and you can add oil.
  5. You should start frying the ingredients of the dish when the oil begins to smoke slightly.
  6. Soy sauce must be added at the very end of cooking, otherwise it will burn.

How to care

To prevent food from burning or the non-stick layer to last longer, you need to follow some rules. They are as follows:

  • After purchase, wash the new product with a soft sponge and soap and boil water in it;
  • heat the walls of the dish over the fire, turning the frying pan at an angle to the flame;
  • pour half a glass onto the hot bottom vegetable oil, distribute it throughout inner surface without removing from heat;
  • After removing from heating, after two to three minutes the pan is placed under cold water- first outside, then inside;
  • put the utensils back on the fire to evaporate the moisture, then add fifty grams of oil, which is again distributed over the entire surface and heated until smoke appears;
  • remove the frying pan from the heat and rub the fat into the surface from the inside and outside with a paper napkin;
  • Allow the product to cool - it is ready for use.


Despite the fact that the wok is an alien kitchen item, it has taken root perfectly in the European kitchen. With this frying pan you can prepare delicious, healthy food from any product.

The article provides information about what a Wok frying pan is. You will learn what you can cook in it and how it differs from a regular frying pan.

For the first time, a wok frying pan appeared in the Middle Kingdom. The poor Chinese invented such dishes. After all, using wood and coal for cooking was prohibitively expensive for them. Ordinary families used manure and straw for cooking. However, this fuel has one drawback - it burns too quickly. Therefore, it had to be used rationally. So that the food had time to cook, one of the people came up with a conical frying pan made of thick metal, which held heat for a long time. The food had time to cook in it in a short time, thanks to its shape.

What is a deep Chinese wok | Wok, what is the grate for, why is it needed, what is it good for?

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, the principle of operation of the frying pan is the same. The only thing that can change is the shape of the bottom. But such dishes also use heat sparingly, and ready food It turns out juicy and healthy. And lovers of healthy food do not use fatty oils when cooking with it. Therefore, there is virtually no harmful cholesterol or extra calories in finished products.

IMPORTANT: In a wok pan you can cook several dishes at once; a wire rack is most often used for cooking cottage cheese desserts, steamed vegetables, etc. Ready-made products are also placed on it so that oil and fat can run off.

How does a Wok differ from a regular frying pan: advantages, pros and cons

This cookware is significantly different from a regular frying pan. It has both its pros and cons. However advantages of Wok much more - housewives who have already cooked in it at least once know this.

  • As already mentioned, the original shape of the bottom allows the vessel to warm up well. All the heat is concentrated at the bottom. This is why the cooking process speeds up.
  • You can cook several dishes at once in a frying pan. Which is very important when you have guests or a large family on your doorstep.
  • Since the pan heats up faster, less fat and oil will be spent on frying food.
  • This frying pan is similar to a stewpan; you can not only fry in it, but also stew, boil, bake and deep-fry or steam. Pilaf, borscht, and steamed cutlets turn out very tasty. And they take less time to cook.
  • If you stew or fry something in this container, then do not forget to stir the ingredients hour by hour so that nothing burns. Monitor the heat supply level. It is better to use slow gas for cooking.

IMPORTANT: Woks come in different diameters and various forms. In addition, they are made of cast iron, steel, aluminum. Handles are made of plastic, wood, iron. Depending on the quality and size of the product, its price varies.

TO shortcomings Can include the following:

  1. Not all pans fit in the oven. After all, they come in pretty decent sizes.
  2. Many housewives do not like that these cookware have uncomfortable handles and they get hot during cooking.
  3. If you stir food in a frying pan with an iron spatula during cooking, the bottom may become unusable, especially the Teflon coating. Therefore, you need to buy special wooden spatulas.

What is cooked in a Wok pan, what dishes?

This vessel is ideal for boiling, frying, stewing, baking healthy, tasty, juicy, nutritious food. Although lovers of “fatty” foods will also like fried potatoes cooked in lard in the Wok.

Vegetables on the grill - Wok frying pan

In a wok you can simmer any food over low heat. They come out delicious fish dishes, French meat, Uzbek pilaf, field porridge, vegetable stew. The only thing is that you should still stir any food occasionally, especially if the frying pan is not made of cast iron. Or, as the water boils away, add it a little during the cooking process.

If you want to steam something, then you no longer have to buy a steamer when you have a Wok frying pan in the house. This dish contains a mini-steamer made of bamboo or a regular wire rack on which the food is placed. To ensure they are thoroughly steamed and cooked through, pour a small amount of liquid onto the bottom. Then all you have to do is close the pan with a lid and wait for the dish to cook.

Wok frying pan with non-stick coating

Such a frying pan can become indispensable in the kitchen of a housewife who treats her family to a variety of dishes every day. The only thing that won't hurt follow the rules cooking in it:

  • If you decide to fry something, then cut the food into equal pieces. In this case, they will fry evenly and be moderately browned.
  • To mix, use a wooden spatula and stir the contents of the Wok as often as possible. The center of the pan gets very hot, but the edges do not. Therefore, frequently changing the position of the products allows them to warm up and fry evenly.
  • To avoid a bad stew, don't fill the pan full of ingredients. Fry them in small portions.

In Wok, any housewife can cook:

  1. Stewed meat with vegetables and spices.
  2. Delicious seafood, and if you add wine sauce to it, no one will refuse this dish.
  3. Tough turkey meat in a wok will cook faster and will be juicy, soft and healthy. Vegetables will give it aroma and a pleasant taste.
  4. Mushrooms with sour cream sauce or just with vegetables will delight the whole family if eaten with potatoes.

IMPORTANT: You can also cook many dishes in a miracle frying pan, you just need to use your imagination.

How to buy a Wok frying pan on Aliexpress: review, catalog with price

You can find any of the above Wok pans on Aliexpress. Their prices vary between 450-28,000 rubles. It all depends on the type of product and what material it is made of.

Wok pans presented different sizes. There are even large dishes - with a diameter of 100 centimeters.

Aliexpress – Wok pan

Wok pan, cast iron, stainless steel, with ceramic, non-stick coating, electric, for induction cooker: which one to choose, which one is better?

Manufacturers make these pans from various materials. It is worth considering that the most practical are Woks made made of cast iron. This material is not scratched, lasts a long time, and is absolutely not afraid of any other damage. And over the years, after prolonged use, this cookware is hardened and only becomes stronger. The only drawback of a cast iron container is that it is very heavy. But it can be used for induction cooker.

It is for this reason that some housewives choose a frying pan made made of lightweight aluminum with non-stick Teflon coated. This product will also last a long time if you handle it carefully. But this cookware is completely unsuitable for a hob if it does not have a stainless steel shell on top.

Steel frying pan- this is a cross between cast iron and aluminum cookware. It is not as heavy as cast iron and not as thin as aluminum. It will last longer than a Wok made of aluminum material. It is suitable for gas and electric stoves, but not for a conventional hob and induction stove.

Electric Wok frying pan

Stainless steel it looks beautiful and is not afraid of corrosion, but it has disadvantages - food burns more in it and the nickel that is added to this material often causes allergies.

Ceramic tableware This design has a perfect smooth bottom and is a pleasure to use. The hands do not get hot, the food turns out nutritious and healthy. If you want to get maximum pleasure from cooking, then buy electric wok pan.

How to use a Wok frying pan, how to cook in a Wok on a gas and electric stove: tips

Wok pans are quite easy to use. After purchasing, wash the dishes, put them on the stove and cook your favorite dish. The only thing is if you didn't buy steel utensils. This frying pan must be thoroughly rinsed before use and then ignited. Otherwise, the food will burn in it.

Clean the Wok and prepare for use should be like this:

  • Pour hot boiling water into a container, add 15 g of soda there. Let the solution sit for 20-25 minutes.
  • Pour it out soda water. Scrub the walls and bottom well with a washcloth. This will remove any remaining oil coating.
  • Rinse the pan again. Wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth.
  • At the maximum heating mode of the burner, heat the container. Wipe gently again inner part pans with a paper napkin.
  • Grease the wok (inside) with oil. And put it on low heat (for 10-15 minutes), let it saturate the walls and bottom.
  • After which you can already cook. Rest assured that the food will not burn.

Thanks to this preparation, the Wok does not need to be washed particularly after cooking; just remove any remaining food and wipe with a damp towel. Then you will not need to pierce the vessel again.

It is easy to cook, stew, fry, steam in this cookware. For frying, you should use oil that is odorless so that there is no excessive “aroma” when cooking at high temperatures.

Try not to put fish or vegetables into cold (unheated) dishes. meat, etc. After this, the dish will not please you with its ideal appearance and taste.

Experienced chefs use such pans stir-fry method. The products are placed in a certain sequence and constantly stirred and tossed up so that they are evenly heated and fried. First, put the meat on the frying pan - it takes a long time to cook, then the vegetables. And at the end of cooking, add a little water and pour in the noodles. It turns out to be a tasty, satisfying dish.

Chicken with vegetables - Wok pan

If you decide to please yourself fried potatoes deep fried, then Wok will help you out here too. To do this, you should use vegetable oil, which does not tend to burn. True, you need to pour a lot of it into the frying pan, almost 2/3 of the container.

The resulting product will have a tasty crust and minimum quantity oils The main thing is to thoroughly heat the frying pan and the oil in it before doing this.

For lovers of pilaf, hominy and other culinary masterpieces that require long time stew over low heat until tasty soft base, a Wok pan will do. It is especially good to cook such dishes in cast iron cookware.

Cooking with gas - Wok pan

Healthy dishes for a couple They will turn out tender, light and of course healthy. Lovers proper nutrition Wok is highly appreciated for cooking meat and steamed vegetables. Moreover, no special preparation is needed for this process. Just put a wire rack and pour water into the frying pan. First place lettuce leaves or permanent paper on the grill, then arrange the food, cover with a glass lid and turn on the stove.

Make sure that the water in the dish does not run out; add more if necessary. Cook the dishes for about 45 minutes, if this meat products, then two hours, or maybe more.

When the food is ready to eat. Rinse the Wok, and wipe dry with a paper towel.

Wok frying pan: reviews

Not everyone uses a Wok frying pan after purchasing it, since not everyone has the habit of cooking large quantities of food. And those who use it cannot get enough of the functionality of this cookware.

Olga, 34 years old:

The frying pan is a large container, somewhat similar to a cauldron. The food in it heats up more, especially in the central part. Thanks to Wok, dishes turn out tasty, juicy and lower in calories. She replaced three pans. It is in this dish that I now fry potatoes, cook pilaf and stew zrazy. The only negative is that it is large and requires a lot of storage space.

Lyudmila, 54 years old:

I bought Wok Rondell five months ago. It has a thickened bottom and is made of aluminum. This frying pan has many advantages: it has a beautiful appearance, it produces delicious food and there is a lot of it, which is why Wok has not taken root in the kitchen. Gave it to my sister. She can’t get enough of it; she has a large family, so she often experiments with new recipes and prepares “delicious treats” for her loved ones. The downside is that it is large and you need to allocate a special place for storing it. And the handles are attached with ordinary aluminum rivets, which over time acquire an unsightly appearance, spoiling the outer shell of the frying pan.

Oleg, 45 years old:

We took a steel frying pan and prepared it for cooking according to the instructions. First, they poured boiling water with soda, then calcined it on the stove. Cooking in such a cookware is a pleasure. Stew with cabbage, meat, Chinese dishes, seafood, pilaf, hominy, pumpkin porridge, omelette with bacon, etc. are very tasty. After cooking, there is no need to leave anything in the frying pan; it should be washed and wiped dry immediately.

At the end of the last century, the fashion for oriental cuisine quickly burst into our lives. Some gourmets simply cannot imagine their life without overseas dishes and prepare them in their kitchen. And the recipe says that it is better to do this in a wok pan. What is a Wok pan used for? This is what we have to find out.

New kitchen utensils

What kind of pan are you used to cooking in? Every housewife has her favorite kitchen utensils, which she would not exchange for anything in the world. Cast iron, non-stick, ceramic. And modern housewives have already recognized that the Wok frying pan has become the best of the best. What is this?

Generally speaking, this is an ordinary frying pan with an unusual shape. Firstly, its bottom is always convex. Secondly, it has high sides and a long handle. Thanks to this shape, the cooking time of food in a Wok pan is significantly reduced. Those who have already tried this frying pan in action are sure that food can be not only tasty and healthy, but also fast.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

So, you haven't decided yet whether you need a wok. Its pros and cons will help you decide on your choice. Yes and several practical advice will come in handy when choosing such kitchen utensils.

Let's start with the benefits, there are undoubtedly many:

  • Due to the original shape of the bottom, the frying pan heats up as much as possible. The heat is concentrated in the convex part of the bottom, so the heat treatment of products occurs much faster.
  • Speeding up the cooking process is directly related to the amount of added fat or vegetable oil. You will notice that this product will save money in your home.
  • In a Wok pan you can fry, stew, sauté vegetables, meat, fish, and some even manage to cook soup, grill meat fillet and deep-fry a dish.

  • Due to a significant reduction in heat treatment time, products retain maximum useful elements and vitamins.
  • When cooking a dish in a wok, you need to constantly stir the ingredients. This speeds up the heat treatment process and reduces the amount of oil or fat consumed.

Let's summarize. In a Wok frying pan you can cook delicious, and most importantly, healthy dish, and much faster than in ordinary dishes. In addition, its calorie content will decrease.

Wok pans differ in the diameter of the bottom and size, the type of handles, as well as the material from which they are made. Today on the domestic market such frying pans are represented by three models:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel.

The disadvantages of this kitchen utensil are the opinion of users. Some housewives say that the frying pan does not fit in the oven due to its size. Plastic or wooden handles become hot. Despite these little things, the Wok frying pan has many more advantages. Yes, you also need to purchase a special spatula for it so as not to damage the bottom while mixing the products.

Read also:

When choosing a Wok pan, rely solely on your own preferences. If you want to get durable cookware, then look at cast iron options. This frying pan is heavy, but high quality. And if anything happens, you can scare your spouse with it for educational purposes.

Wok pan to the rescue

Have you already bought a Wok pan? Recipes for dishes that can be prepared in it pleasantly surprise with their simplicity and at the same time originality. Despite the eastern roots of this kitchen utensil, we will cook Italian pasta “Triolli” in it.


  • 0.2 kg pork;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 package of spaghetti;
  • 100 g fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 pcs. sweet bell peppers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Teriyaki sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sauce for wok;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • 100 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 2 pcs. laurel leaves;
  • salt to taste;
  • Refined olive oil for frying.


  • First, let's prepare all the products on the list.

  • Thaw the pork, rinse and dry with a paper or cloth napkin.
  • Cut the meat into portions and place in a deep bowl.
  • Add Teriyaki sauce to taste and marinate the meat for 2-2.5 hours.

  • Sweet bell pepper rinse, remove stem and seeds. Let's cut it into strips.

  • Next, let's deal with mushrooms. They need to be washed thoroughly, preferably with a brush.
  • Now we will separate the cap from the stem and chop everything into equal slices.

  • Then onions enter the culinary arena. We chop it into half rings. And in order not to cry, we wet the knife blade with cold water.

  • Peel the carrots, wash them and cut them into cubes. To make this easier, first chop the carrots into rings, and then chop each ring into cubes.

  • Finally, we will finely chop the Chinese cabbage.

  • Pour water into a thick-walled bowl, place it over moderate heat and bring to a boil.
  • Add salt and bay leaves.
  • Add spaghetti and boil until done.

  • Now put the wok on maximum heat. By this point we should have all the vegetables prepared.

  • Pour refined olive oil into the frying pan. It will heat up very quickly.
  • The first thing we add to the pan is the onion. One minute is enough for it to soften and acquire a golden hue.

  • Carrots follow the onions. Don't forget to mix everything.

  • Now put the marinated pork in the pan and mix everything thoroughly.

  • Next in line are sweet bell peppers and mushrooms.

  • Add wok sauce to taste and continue frying the meat and vegetables.
  • Meanwhile, spaghetti has already arrived. Place them in a colander.

  • Lastly, add Chinese cabbage to the pan. Mix everything again.

  • Place the spaghetti in the pan, mix everything and turn off the heat.

  • In just a couple of minutes, the aromatic paste cooked in a Wok pan can be served.
  • It is best to garnish the pasta with toasted sesame seeds and sprigs of fresh parsley.

Being very convenient and multifunctional, the wok pan has recently become extremely popular among those people who like to experiment while cooking and prefer oriental cuisine.Fortunately, wok frying pans have recently been presented in all their variety on the shelves of supermarkets and specialized stores - models differ both in their functional characteristics and in price.


Having Chinese origins, the wok pan is, however, widely used in other Asian cuisines - Philippine, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, etc. Its original and main purpose is to fry meat, vegetables, fish and others at high temperatures in oil. products, which is carried out over an open fire. This cooking method is especially good for vegetables. With this frying, vegetables become crispy, while retaining almost most of the microelements and vitamins.


In my own way appearance A wok pan looks like a flattened cauldron. The bottom of the pan has a small diameter, which allows you to get the desired depth even when using a small amount of oil. Having high walls and expanding at the top, the wok pan allows you to mix the products placed in it without the use of a special spatula. At the beginning of its use, the wok was installed on a wood stove. That's why classic models Woks have a concave bottom, like a cauldron. However, a modern deep wok frying pan, which is used for cooking food on electric and gas stoves, available with a flat bottom.


A wok frying pan can be used not only for frying food, but also as an alternative to a saucepan or pan - for classic frying, steaming or stewing. Many Asians replace utensils such as saucepans and stewpans with woks when preparing soups.


When choosing a wok, be sure to pay attention to the material from which the frying pan is made, because the functional qualities of any utensil depend on it.
Today, wok - frying pan is made from the most various materials- it can be aluminum, cast iron, stainless or carbon steel. But the most popular wok pans are cast iron and aluminum.
The advantage of aluminum is that it has excellent thermal conductivity and is ideal for use in the home. In this case, the property of aluminum to distribute heat well over the entire surface of the cookware is important, because during the frying process you will intensively and continuously stir the food being cooked. Chinese chefs appreciate aluminum woks because they are cheap, lightweight, heat evenly and quickly, and are also durable.
A cast iron wok in its functional properties is not much different from a regular cauldron and is more suitable for long-term simmering than quick frying. Cast iron wok pans are often used outdoors or in a summer outdoor kitchen.


A deep wok that you plan to use for frying food in oil over an open fire must meet two main characteristics: be light in weight and have a comfortable handle. At home, if you have gas or electric stoves, it is better to use woks with long handles, especially if you want to learn all the secrets of the Chinese art of cooking.
A deep wok frying pan with a short loop-shaped handle is also often used by culinary professionals, but it is not suitable for homemade, since it is used only in a special oven.
The non-stick wok is ideal for classic frying of food. This frying pan is very easy to care for - it is easy to wash, and when cooking, it does not need to be heated for a long time. If you treat such cookware with care, the non-stick coating will serve you for many years.
The SCOVO collection offers you an excellent aluminum wok with a non-stick coating -