Walnuts on an empty stomach. The benefits and harms of walnuts, the use of partitions, tinctures and oils. What parts can be used

Useful properties of walnuts.

If you look at the shape of a walnut, it resembles the human brain. In common parlance it is called the nut of knowledge.
The product contains very useful and nutritious substances, because it is not for nothing that it resembles the brain.
Walnuts contain a large amount of fat - Omega 3 fatty acids.

The amino acids present in nuts have a positive effect on the formation of the heart, skin, hair, muscle system and blood.

Those who consume nuts in their diet normalize the nervous system, since walnuts contain a lot of magnesium, which improves memory.

The number of nuts per day should be 5 pieces, they are very nutritious and high-calorie, so if you are on a diet and stay slim, I do not advise you to overdo it.

The fatty acids contained in walnuts reduce blood cholesterol.

Central Asia is the real birthplace of the walnut.

What walnuts are best to buy?

It is better to buy unshelled nuts; they retain all their properties in a closed shell. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a nut, pay attention to its shell; it is brown in color and has a peculiar spicy aroma.

How to use walnuts?

Walnuts can be frozen without losing their usefulness.

It is added to baked goods, desserts, and salads.

The nuts can be crushed, mixed with honey, and drunk with tea in the morning on an empty stomach - this is both a dessert for tea and a cure for headaches.

If you eat nuts on an empty stomach for 10 days, they will completely restore the acidity of gastric juice.

Walnuts satisfy hunger, because one kernel contains about 19 kilocalories, so it is enough to eat 5 pieces and you are full, but do not forget that excessive consumption of any healthy product will not be beneficial for your body.

Who should not eat walnuts?

There are also contraindications for consuming walnuts; even a minimal amount of this product should not be consumed by people suffering from skin diseases.


To do this, a small amount of nuts must be crushed and mixed with preheated milk. Lubricate your hair with the resulting contents and wrap your head. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Walnut, treatment, calorie content, benefits, composition, today we will talk about this. Walnuts and their benefits have been known since ancient times; walnuts are widely used in folk medicine, and walnut leaves, twigs, bark, unripe fruits, kernels, partitions, and walnut oil are used for medicinal purposes.
The shape of a walnut is very similar to the brain; it is not for nothing that in ancient times the walnut was called “food for the mind,” and the walnut is also called the “royal nut.” Speaking of walnuts, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” immediately comes to mind... the squirrel sings songs and gnaws on the nuts... Walnuts are the favorite food of squirrels.

Composition of walnut

Walnuts contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, tannins, and antioxidants.

Vitamin: A, E, PP, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, and more than 20 amino acids.

Walnut is simply a champion in terms of the content of complete vegetable protein. Walnuts also contain Omega-3 acids. Omega-3 acids help strengthen our immunity and improve mental performance. Therefore, by eating only 5 walnuts a day, you provide your body with Omega-3 acids for the day.

Calorie content of walnuts

640 kcal per 100 grams, as you can see, nuts are quite a high-calorie product, so you shouldn’t eat kilograms of walnuts, but you shouldn’t exclude them from your diet either. You need to eat from 5 to 7 walnut kernels per day.

In terms of calorie content, walnuts can be easily compared to butter, and in terms of vitamin content, walnuts are approximately five times higher than citrus fruits and eight times higher than black currants.

Walnuts are harvested in the fall, around the end of September, when their husks open, this is the main sign of the ripeness of the nut. Also, after collecting walnuts, it is best to dry them in the sun or attic, and then put them in a bag and store them in a cool place. It is best to collect green nuts for making tinctures at the end of June, before their shells become hard.

It is best to harvest walnut leaves in June, at this time they contain the most useful substances and vitamin C. They are best dried in the sun, spread out in a thin layer on cloth or paper; those leaves that turn black during drying are best thrown away.

Peeled walnuts cannot be stored for a long time, since the nut oil quickly oxidizes in air and they acquire an unpleasant bitter taste, and larvae can appear in such nuts. You can store shelled walnuts in the freezer in an airtight container, or you can pour honey over them. But it is best to store nuts in shells, and if necessary, peel the nuts and use them.

Walnut beneficial properties

  • Walnuts are an essential source of vitamins.
  • Walnuts strengthen our immune system.
  • Walnuts improve vision.
  • Walnuts are very useful for anemia.
  • Walnuts have bactericidal properties.
  • Walnuts are very good at restoring the strength of our body.
  • Walnuts perfectly support our nervous system.
  • Walnuts are simply irreplaceable in the treatment of diseases such as the thyroid gland.
  • Walnuts stimulate mental activity.
  • Walnuts help in treating impotence and infertility.
  • Walnut is a good blood purifier.
  • Walnuts also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Walnuts are indispensable for heart disease.
  • Walnuts contain large amounts of antioxidants.

Walnuts perfectly restore the strength of our body, are useful for anemia and dystrophy, but walnuts in combination with natural honey are especially useful; this mixture strengthens our immune system. Walnuts are mixed in equal parts with honey, the nuts need to be chopped and poured with honey. Take one spoon before meals three times a day. This mixture of honey and nuts is useful during the period of recovery after a serious illness, in case of iron deficiency in the body, and is recommended to be given to children with rickets.

Walnuts are very useful for nursing mothers; to increase lactation, you need to eat three or four nuts a day, of course, if you are not allergic to nuts.

To improve vision, with vitamin deficiency, to improve memory and attention, to maintain the nervous system, walnuts will also help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol; you need to eat about three walnut kernels every day. Walnuts are indeed a very healthy, necessary and simply irreplaceable product in our diet.

Walnut. Treatment

Walnut for gastrointestinal diseases. Walnuts are useful for people prone to constipation, as walnuts contain a lot of fiber and oil, they can enhance intestinal activity. But, for example, in Rus', doctors advised eating walnuts with honey on an empty stomach in order to normalize intestinal function. Decoctions and infusions of walnut leaves were used as an astringent for diarrhea.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour one teaspoon of crushed walnut leaves into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain and take 100 ml. before meals several times a day. For hemorrhoids, a decoction of walnut leaves is used for compresses; three tablespoons of leaves are poured into half a liter of boiling water, boiled for about 15 minutes, then strain the decoction and cool.

For diarrhea, in folk medicine they use a tincture made from walnut partitions. One hundred grams of walnut partitions are poured into 250 ml. alcohol 70%, leave for 7 days, and then filter the tincture. Take six drops diluted in a spoon of water three times a day.

Walnut for cardiovascular diseases. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to eat several nuts a day. For hypertension, traditional medicine recommends mixing honey in different proportions with chopped walnuts and consuming 100 grams of this mixture per day.

Walnut for bleeding. For hemorrhoidal bleeding, bleeding gums, and ulcerative bleeding, infusions of walnut leaves are used in folk medicine. And powder from crushed dry walnut leaves is sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding. It has long been known that walnut leaves increase blood clotting.

Walnut for endocrine diseases. In folk medicine, an infusion of walnut leaves is taken for diabetes, which reduces sugar in the urine. You need one tablespoon of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for about twenty seconds, set aside, let the infusion cool, then strain, take the infusion throughout the day, in small portions.

To treat diabetes mellitus, walnut partitions are also used; to prepare a decoction, forty partitions are poured into 250 ml. water, boil for 20 minutes in a water bath, filter the broth, take forty grams of the broth three times a day before meals, course for three months.

In folk medicine, for the treatment of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to take a tincture of walnut partitions. Twenty partitions of walnuts are poured with one hundred grams of 70% alcohol, infused for about two weeks and the tincture is filtered, taking ten drops in a spoon of water three times a day.

Walnut for toothache. In folk medicine, for toothache, prepare an infusion of walnut leaves and rinse your mouth with the infusion. A teaspoon of leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for twenty minutes, and then filtered.

Walnut as a tonic and vitamin remedy. Based on walnuts, it is prepared, which increases efficiency, gives strength and vigor. Take a glass of walnuts, honey, dried apricots and raisins and one lemon along with the peel. Walnuts and dried apricots need to be put into a meat grinder, washed with lemon, passed through a meat grinder, mixed with raisins and a glass of natural honey, store the mixture in the refrigerator, take a dessert spoon every day in the morning before meals. This mixture is also used in folk medicine as an antiscorbutic, tonic and blood purifier.

Walnut for tuberculosis. Walnuts are used in folk medicine to treat tuberculosis; crushed walnuts and mixed walnuts in equal proportions are used before meals every day, a spoonful. And an aqueous extract prepared from walnut leaves has a therapeutic effect on some forms of tuberculosis of the larynx and skin.

Walnut for gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat, periodontal disease. Five grams of walnut leaves are poured into 250 ml. boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, filter and gargle and gargle. This infusion helps with inflammatory gum diseases and suppuration.

Walnut for colds. If you have a cold, prepare yourself a mixture that includes walnuts. One glass of walnuts, three lemons with peel, minced, half a kilo of fresh butter, half a liter of honey, two hundred milliliters of Cahors wine and three hundred grams of crushed aloe leaves. Melt the butter in a water bath, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly, store this mixture in the refrigerator, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This mixture can also be taken for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Walnut for fibroids, fibroids, fibroids. For these diseases, take a tincture prepared from walnut partitions. The partitions of twenty nuts are filled with 100 ml. alcohol, leave for ten days, filter, take 15 drops on a spoon of water three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

Walnuts in cosmetology

Leaves, kernels, and walnut oil are used in cosmetology. Masks made from walnuts (pre-ground) relieve inflammatory processes on the skin and tone the skin. For normal and dry skin, prepare a toning and vitamin mask. Take the kernel of one walnut and grind it, mix it with one teaspoon of honey, fresh butter and egg yolk, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to clean skin for twenty minutes, and then rinse off the mask with warm water. If you have dry facial skin, you can apply nut oil to your face after the mask. But this is provided that you are not allergic to walnuts or other ingredients of the mask.

Walnut contraindication

  1. Walnuts can cause allergies; it is not recommended to consume walnuts for people sensitive to plant proteins.
  2. Walnuts are a high-calorie product, do not eat more than 6 of them per day.
  3. You should not consume walnuts if you have a duodenal ulcer or a stomach ulcer, or if you have gastritis with high acidity.
  4. Walnuts are contraindicated for psoriasis and neurodermatitis, as they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Nuts are contraindicated for pancreatitis.
  6. People with increased blood clotting should not eat nuts.
  7. You should not eat nuts if you have urticaria or diathesis, as this will aggravate the course of the disease.

Walnuts are also actively used in cooking. Walnut kernels are used for desserts, sauces, sweet and sour soups, salads, and jam is made from unripe walnuts. We recently shared a very tasty recipe, cook it, you won’t regret it.

Now is the time to collect walnuts, collect them, dry them and use them for treatment.

Walnut, treatment and benefits for children

Walnuts are tasty and healthy not only for adults, but also for children. It is better to give children nuts starting from the age of 2, since nuts contain a lot of calories, it is enough for children to eat 2-3 nuts per day, but they can be crushed before consumption. And if a child has intestinal problems, then it is better to refrain from consuming walnuts. Walnuts with honey restore the strength and immunity of a child after an illness. In addition, walnuts do not contain cholesterol and therefore will not cause excess weight in your baby.

Treatment of diseases with walnuts is also known to you, but before using traditional medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Eat walnuts for your health!

And I feed this squirrel with walnuts. All the best to you!

» Walnut

Nuts and honey on their own are very healthy, but if you combine these two ingredients, you get a real bomb. 400 grams of this product can replace a full meal and completely saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

But it is worth remembering that nuts with honey only bring benefits; they must be prepared correctly and consumed correctly, observing the dosage.

The classic recipe for nuts with honey includes walnuts, so the table below shows the composition of this particular product.

  • Antioxidants;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Pantothene;
  • Folate;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Useful micro and macroelements, which include iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc;
  • You can also find fructose and glucose in honey.


  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Fatty oil, which includes glycerides;
  • Vitamin K and P;
  • Huge amount of protein;
  • Amino acids.

The concentration of all these substances is quite high, so nuts with honey are considered one of the healthiest foods. In addition to walnuts, you can use almonds, pistachios, cashews, etc. It is also recommended to cook nuts with honey with the addition of various dried fruits or lemon, which can enrich the composition and make the product even more useful.


Honey is an excellent conductor for all the trace elements that make up walnuts, thereby enhancing their beneficial properties. This remedy is used as an auxiliary treatment for various diseases, but most often nuts with honey are used to replenish lost physical, nervous and mental strength.

  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • is a prevention of heart attack;
  • relieves fatigue and gives strength to the body;
  • increases mental activity;
  • invigorates well;
  • improves mood;
  • relieves migraine headaches;
  • improves sleep;
  • helps with constipation and improper bowel function;
  • regular use increases the chances of conception;
  • stimulates female libido;
  • This remedy is also very useful for men, because nuts are a natural aphrodisiac. With its help, the number of sperm increases and blood circulation in the genitals improves;
  • honey with nuts restores a woman’s body after childbirth and significantly increases the amount of breast milk;
  • No matter how strange it may seem, nuts with honey can be consumed during a diet. Due to its ability to improve appetite, a spoonful of this product eaten in the morning will help you have a good breakfast, while keeping you full for a long time;
  • also, when the body does not receive the usual amount of calories, it begins to experience stress, and nuts with honey can help relieve nervous tension.

It is worth noting that each nut is used to achieve a specific purpose:

  1. Walnuts are used to restore the body after illnesses and various types of stress. This remedy helps strengthen the body's resistance to infections, and walnuts are considered the best remedy for improving potency;
  2. Almonds have a good effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels; they also have choleretic properties;
  3. Scientists say that regular consumption of hazelnuts helps in the fight against cancer. It's even possible;
  4. Peanuts help the body replenish lost strength;
  5. Pine nuts help increase appetite and fill the body with plenty of vitamins.

This product is very useful for children. Thanks to it, the immune system is strengthened, fatigue is relieved, and attentiveness and memory are improved. Nuts with honey help a child improve his school performance and strengthen the body’s resistance to various diseases; this remedy is especially important during epidemics.

Children often develop allergies or other negative reactions, so parents should closely monitor their children's health and introduce this remedy gradually.


In addition to a huge number of advantages, under certain conditions, nuts with honey can be harmful to the body. To avoid such a situation, you need to know all the existing contraindications:

  • serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lung diseases;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder or kidneys, including chronic or acute cholecystitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • the presence of any skin diseases;
  • if a person is prone to excess weight, then eating nuts with honey can lead to extra pounds;
  • Allergy to individual components may occur;
  • Due to the large amount of sugar, this product should not be eaten by people with diabetes.

When consuming nuts with honey and having these diseases, their aggravation and deterioration of the body’s condition may occur. It is also worth remembering that you can eat no more than 500 grams of this product per day, otherwise the following complications may arise:

  • enlarged tonsils;
  • the appearance of a rash in the oral cavity;
  • Vasospasm and severe headaches appear.


Following the classic recipe, nuts with honey are prepared from walnuts; it is also possible to use other raw materials and add various components:

  1. 600 grams of whole, peeled walnuts are poured with 300 milliliters of fresh honey and left in a cold place for 14 days;
  2. 100 grams of dried apricots are soaked for 30 minutes, then dried and crushed, It is also necessary to turn half a lemon, peeled and seeded, into a pulp. To this mixture add 40 grams of almonds and walnuts. At the last stage, add 3 tablespoons of honey. The resulting product needs to brew for at least 10 days;
  3. 200 grams of dried apricots, 200 grams of raisins and 200 grams of prunes are boiled with boiling water, washed under running water and crushed together with half a peeled lemon. The resulting mixture is combined with 200 grams of whole walnuts and 250 milliliters of honey. Before use, the mixture must be kept in a cold place for 2-3 weeks;
  4. You need to take 100 grams of almonds, cashews, peanuts and 50 grams of walnuts. The resulting mixture is dried in a frying pan, stirring constantly. After cooling, the mixture is transferred to a jar, poured with 200 milliliters of honey and allowed to brew for 1-2 weeks;
  5. One of the simplest recipes is a mixture of 100 grams of pine nuts and 100 milliliters of honey, it must be left for 2-3 days;
  6. 200 grams of peeled hazelnuts are fried in a frying pan, cooled and mixed with 100 milliliters of honey and infused in a dark place at a cool temperature for 7 days;
  7. To prepare a delicious sweet, you need to mix 200 grams of peeled whole nuts with a tablespoon of melted butter and 3 tablespoons of honey in a deep bowl. Then the resulting mixture is spread on parchment and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. At the same time, stir the nuts periodically so that they do not burn. And after the delicacy is removed from the oven, it is continued to be stirred so that the nuts do not stick together.

There are several tricks, following which the prepared product will be as useful as possible:

  • It is best to purchase unshelled nuts and natural honey;
  • the nuts are either not chopped at all or slightly broken by hand;
  • It is recommended to mix nuts with honey only with wooden objects;
  • a glass jar is used as a container;
  • First, nuts are placed in a jar and then filled with honey;
  • the lid is usually made of paper or parchment;
  • Most often, this product is infused in the refrigerator or other cool place, the average waiting time is 1-2 weeks.

If nuts and honey are used for medicinal purposes, then some rules should be followed:

  • It is best to eat one teaspoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, and have breakfast 30 minutes later;
  • The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Children are given no more than half a teaspoon per day.

Honey with nuts is not only healthy, but also very tasty. However, it is worth remembering that there are contraindications and be sure to follow the dosage.

The exceptional healing properties of walnuts have been known for a long time. The fruits of this tree were recommended for use for treatment by both Hippocrates and Avicenna. The rich composition of beneficial substances that walnuts contain make it a universal medicinal preparation, including for the stomach, or the basis for their creation, an ingredient in culinary dishes.

Walnuts have beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Beneficial features

Walnuts and other parts of this plant are widely used due to their unique content of vitamins, acids, microelements and other components. They have found application in medicine and to get rid of stomach ailments.


The volume of useful substances reaches 95% of the weight of the fetus. Nuts contain everything you need to keep your body in good shape: proteins, fats and carbohydrates - up to 20, 77 and 15%, respectively.

It is enough to consume about 5 - 6 peeled kernels (30 g) per day. This amount of nuts, for example, contains the daily requirement for omega-3. Fruit kernels contain essential amino acids and antioxidants. The thin skin of the nut is filled up to 90% with phenols (including their main acid derivatives), tannins

Walnuts contain a large number of useful substances

  • substances and flavonoids. Ripe nut tree fruits are rich in:
  • carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • elagic, gallic and linolenic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of groups B, A, K, E (in the form of gamma tocopherol), C, PP;
  • quinones, juglone;

gallotannins, sitosterones, etc.

Table 1. Content of nutrients in walnuts.

Calorie content

Walnut seeds have a high fat content (up to 65%). 100 g of the substance contains 15.24 mg of protein and 6.7 mg of fiber. The same 100 g of kernels will bring 650 kcal to the body. Therefore, when introducing them into the diet menu, you should reduce the diet of foods whose energy value is replaced by nuts (for example, meat, etc.). At the same time, the properties of nut pulp, if taken correctly, do not lead to weight gain. Nuts that give you a feeling of quick satiety are allowed to be consumed at least once a week.

Effect on gastric secretion Nuts, once in the stomach, optimize the composition of the microflora, improving metabolism. The most important factor influencing the digestive system is the normalization of gastric juice secretion

. This phenomenon occurs both with long-term and single use. Against this background, pain relief and a decrease in dyspeptic symptoms are noted.

Treatment of gastric diseases with walnuts

Ailments of the digestive system can be cured by various types of walnut tree raw materials. This applies to both chronic diseases and temporary conditions.

Peptic ulcer

Seasonal manifestations characteristic of the disease (spring and autumn) can be well prevented by eating 5 to 6 nuts, peeled the night before, on an empty stomach in the morning. Duration of therapy is 1 month (it is important not to exceed the dosage). Such treatment of the disease is accompanied by simultaneous improvement of the liver.

The following recipe suggests using:

  • 4 - 5 pieces of lemons;
  • 1 kg dried apricots;
  • 1 kg of raisins;
  • 1 kg of walnut kernels.

The ingredients are crushed, thoroughly mixed with 1 kg of honey and placed in glass jars. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator (stir before use). It is taken 1 tablespoon three times during the day, 0.5 hours before meals. The course lasts until the end of the mixture. It can be repeated after a month.

An effective healing drug is nut milk. To prepare, grind 20 g of nut kernels, pour in 0.1 liter of heated boiled water. The solution is thoroughly shaken and filtered. Then 1 to 2 dessert spoons of honey are added to it. The liquid is drunk 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 5 to 6 times during the day.

Inflammation of the stomach

Nut tincture is used for stomach inflammation

The inflammatory process in the stomach is reliably and quickly suppressed by alcohol tincture. To prepare 1 liter of alcohol, the kernels of 30 nuts of milky ripeness are required. The nut pulp is crushed into thin “circles” and filled with alcohol. The solution is infused for 14 days in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Then the product is filtered, poured into glass containers, and sealed. Drink from 1 dessert to 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, 30 minutes before meals. Pre-dose is diluted with ½ glass of water. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.


The recipe discussed in the previous paragraph extends its therapeutic effect to indigestion. It is recommended to use walnut tree leaves for diarrhea. You will need 1 to 2 dessert spoons of dry crushed leaves. They are brewed in 1 glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered and drunk ½ cup 2-3 times during the day.

The modified recipe suggests using dry crushed leaves of raspberries, currants, walnuts in a ratio of 1:1:2 (unit of measurement - 1 tablespoon) to create an astringent effect. The mixture of components is brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, filtered after cooling and taken in the same way as the previous recipe.


Not only ripe nuts are used for treatment purposes. Green fruits and peels, roots, bark and foliage of trees, shells and internal partitions, etc. are usefully used. They are used for preparing tinctures, decoctions, rubs, compresses and for food.

Walnut partitions

A medicinal tincture is prepared from the partitions of walnuts.

The separating plate present in the nut kernel is usually discarded. However, it is a medicinal component used for many diseases. For example, an alcohol tincture on the partitions helps treat colitis. To prepare it you will need 3 tablespoons of crushed partitions and 0.2 liters of vodka. The raw materials are filled with vodka and infused in the dark for 7 to 10 days. Then, after filtering, the infusion is taken 3 to 4 times during the day, 10 drops diluted with 1 tablespoon of water. After a course of 2 months, the colitis will subside.

A decoction in water is prepared from ½ cup of ground partitions, which are filled with 3 cups of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering, the broth is poured into containers and stored in a cool place. It is taken ½ glass before meals 30 minutes.