Magic energy wheel of North American Indians

On the tongue north American Indians"totem" means "sign, coat of arms" or name of an animal that is the protector of the clan. The Indians believed that there was a supernatural kinship, an indestructible bond, between certain groups of people and totems. According to the time of birth, all people were divided into 4 clans, corresponding to the elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. But depending on the decade in which you were born, you receive additional protection from your personal totem. To feel a greater connection with him, it is recommended to introduce some element into your clothing that is associated with your animal. But under no circumstances should this item be made from a killed totem, this will bring revenge on you. But, for example, a feather dropped by a falcon is quite acceptable. Although it is best to let it be a figurine carved from stone or plaster.

Element EARTH – TURTLE Clan

The turtle serves as a miniature reflection of the stability, strength and support functions of the Earth. The turtle's hard, protective shell provides it with comfort and safety. The turtle is associated with the Earth due to its hardness, resilience and indestructible perseverance. At first glance, the turtle seems clumsy and ponderous, but it always has the determination to achieve its goal. Remember the fairy tale about the turtle and the rabbit? The turtle who slowly but surely moved forward won the competition, and not the fussy rabbit who wasted his strength on trifles. The turtle expresses the wisdom of a state in which solid ground is felt under one's feet. It reminds us of the need to achieve a strong and secure position in a reliable environment. People of this clan, like a turtle, are usually extremely methodical, practical and purposeful. These are people whose nature is related to soil, vegetation and everything that develops.

from April 20 to May 20Beaver. He teaches lessons about reliability, hard work, balance, affection and patience.

Personal totem of those born during the period from August 22 to September 21Brown bear. He teaches lessons about courage, justice, foresight, organization, curiosity and leadership.

Personal totem of those born during the period from December 22 to January 19White Goose . He gives lessons in beauty, traditional views, the ability to receive and give, politeness and the ability to live in a pack.

Element WATER – FROG Clan

The frog serves as an example of an animal that leads a double life. She feels at home both on land and in water. She achieved this state thanks to a remarkable process of transformation - metamorphosis. For the Indians, the frog personifies Water, since it is this Element that “builds bridges” in the interaction of the airy-luminous properties of Air and Fire with the inertia of the Earth. The frog reflects the qualities of Water such as pliability, fluidity and the ability to easily adapt to changes. The frog easily gets along with its surroundings - this is how water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is placed. The frog is able to live in two worlds - the water and the earth. The people of the Frog Clan have the same gift, whether they live in a world where feelings and emotions pulsate, or in the pragmatic world of objective reality. These are people of deep emotions who prefer flexible and streamlined formulations rather than sharp edges and tough situations. Water is a healing element that rejuvenates and refreshes, and the people of the Frog Clan are often born with the gift of healing. Many of them master the art of healing the body, and some are able to heal the mind and even the spirit. The people of the Frog Clan have an inner affinity with water, and peace comes to their soul when they are simply near the water.

Personal totem of those born during the period from June 21 to July 21Woodpecker. It teaches rhythm, harmony, loving care and patience, joy, self-defense and courage.

Personal totem of those born during the period from October 23 to November 22Snake. She gives lessons in the mysteries, adaptability, femininity, transformation and healing.

Personal totem of those born during the period from February 19 to March 20Cougar. He gives lessons in initiative, speed, grace and mystery.

Element AIR – BUTTERFLY Clan

The butterfly begins life as a caterpillar, and then, undergoing a series of transformations, acquires the ability to fly. She flutters, waving her fluttering wings, which are colored with all the colors of the rainbow. The tribes that chose the butterfly as a totem for the element of Air not only paid tribute to its wonderful gift and great ability to transform. The butterfly served as a characteristic of Air, since it, like Air, is in constant motion and tireless activity, flying from place to place. The element Air is a great transformative principle. The breath of the wind always changes the state of the atmosphere. So the butterfly illuminates everything it touches with a radiance of beauty. As a rule, Butterfly people have the hidden gift of great innovators and sorcerers who know how to translate information from world to world. People of the Clan are very active, they enjoy changing places, when new ideas arise, new things to do and new ways of doing these things. Fast and lively, they are always busy, never want to calm down, are in eternal flight and do not like long “landings”. The people of the Butterfly Clan are related to the air element, so they gain strength from outdoors. They need freedom and any restrictions are contraindicated.

Personal totem of those born during the period from May 21 to June 20Deer. It teaches sensitivity, grace, speed, creativity, warmth and spiritual contact.

Personal totem of those born during the period from September 22 to October 22Crow. It teaches wisdom, spirituality, intelligence, sociability and balance.

Personal totem of those born during the period from January 20 to February 18Otter. It teaches playfulness, nobility, curiosity, goodwill, purity, sociability, love, intelligence and penetration into the worlds of spirituality.


The Falcon is a majestic bird similar to the Eagle, but with rounded wings. Among the American Indians, he evoked associations with the Sun, since he had the ability to fly at great heights and, therefore, get closer to the luminary. It served as a symbol of thunder and lightning, selflessness and understanding. The falcon personifies the radiant energy of fire, its swift rush towards the chosen victim is like a sudden flash of insight, and its powerful powers are akin to the frantic energy of fire. At times he was compared to the mythical Phoenix, a bird capable of being reborn from the ashes. This comparison pointed to the ability of fire to purify and transform, to decompose matter into its component substances and to supply building blocks for the construction of new forms of the universe. Falcon people are often guided by intuition and are easy-going. They quickly light up and get involved in actions impulsively, under the influence of a momentary impulse. They love life passionately. These people often experience flashes of inspiration, sparkling with new ideas and projects, and they are familiar with the fervor of enthusiasm necessary for the real implementation of ideas. They are usually distinguished by vigilance and energy.

Personal totem of those born during the period from March 21 to April 19Red Falcon. This totem teaches lessons of awareness, insight and depth, truth, adaptability, prayer and openness.

Personal totem of those born during the period from July 22 to August 20Sturgeon. He teaches lessons about determination, teaching, leadership, knowledge and depth.

Personal totem of those born during the period from November 23 to December 21Elk. It teaches lessons of self-confidence, strength, joy, mental acuity, wisdom and responsibility.

Find out your totem according to the Indian horoscope

Enter your day/month/year of birth and click "Find out"

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Since ancient times, North American Indians learned to measure the year in lunar months. One lunar month is approximately 29-30 days. Therefore, the Indians came to an understanding of months similar to the European one. But due to inaccurate matching lunar calendar there was a gradual shift in the solar lunar years in relation to solar ones. By comparing the months with the cycle of seasons, the Indians, like the Europeans, received 12 months.

At the same time, just like in the East, the Indians noticed the influence of the time of a person’s birth on his character, but they associated it not with the location of the stars, but with the position of the moon and the time of year. By the character of a person, the Indians determined which animal spirit lived in him. In this way, each person can be associated with his totem. This is how the totemic horoscope of the North American Indians appeared.

Each month is associated with a specific sign of the Indian zodiac. Different tribes used not only different names signs, but also different names of months. The names given in our horoscope are the most popular names used among Indian tribes. Moreover, each tribe separately could have had its own names.

With each sign the Indians associated their specific color and a patron stone. The zodiac sign according to the Indian horoscope is determined not just by the month, but by the lunar month and the phase of the moon in which the person was born. Thus, full horoscope North American Indians have as many as 96 zodiac signs. The calculation of the sign is also complicated by the shift that is carried out to align the lunar calendar with the solar one. Therefore, so that a visitor to our site can easily determine his zodiac sign according to the Indian horoscope, we have proposed a special form that, based on your date of birth, will itself determine, in accordance with the lunar cycle, the sign under which you were born. A complete list of signs for anyone interested is presented below.

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Horoscope signs of North American Indians (totems)

Snow goose in the waning moon

A Snow Goose, born on a waning Moon, has a mature Soul that is not subject to age-related development. This is the most conservative representative of this totem, having its own unshakable principles. They really appreciate true friendship and decency.

There are many horoscopes, one of the oldest is the American Indian horoscope. They identified the seasons with animals. The year was divided into months and a totem was assigned.

It was believed that the Sun was under the sign of one totem for about a month.

Indian horoscope.

Born from 22. 12 to 19.01:

Butterfly Clan, totem animal White Swan. In the period from 20.01 to 18.02 - clan of butterflies, totem animal - otter. Born from 19.02 to 20.03 - clan of FROGS, totem animal - wolf. In the period from 21.03 to 19.04 --- HAWK clan, totem animal - FALCON. Born from 20.04 to 20.05--- TURTLE clan, totem animal - Beaver. Those born 21.05 to 20.06 are the BUTTERFLY clan, the totem animal is the DEER. In the period from 21.06 to 21.07 --- clan of FROGS, totem animal GREEN WOODPECKER. From 22.7 to 21.08 --- HAWK clan, totem animal --- SALMON. Those born in the period from 22.08 to 21.09 --- TURTLE clan, totem animal - BROWN BEAR. From 22.09 to 22.10 ---- BUTTERFLY clan, totem animal --- RAVEN. Those born from 10/23 to 11/22—FROG clan, totem animal --- SNAKE. In the period from November 23 to December 21 --- the HAWK clan, the totem animal OWL.




In life you are active and full of energy. Your tenacity and courage are admirable. You are an unconditional leader who inspires heroic deeds. You know how to attack quickly, but you do not do it spontaneously, but do everything well and carefully, after weighing it out. At least sometimes give your partners the opportunity to make the first throw, do not deprive them of their independence. Let them think that they have the last word. Play more sports. This is an opportunity for you to throw out excess energy, keep fit, and avoid stress.







This is the sign of the Emperor of Pisces. It’s no wonder that you love to shine and charm the public. In life (as in any salmon water) you feel great. You have a strong character that allows you to come out of any situation with honor. Professional activity is very successful. However, your true destiny is to love and be loved. YOU are used to deciding everything for yourself, but is it worth it to not trust people? Look around: there are a lot of people around who are ready to help you.







Like your totem, you see what is hidden from the eyes of others. Intuition is exceptionally developed. In love you are passionate: partings are replaced by heated reconciliations. It is very important for you to be surrounded by true friends and unclouded by anything. family life. You love traveling very much, as it gives you a sense of freedom. The main thing in the pursuit of adventure is not

lose your head and don’t accidentally lose your loved one. It’s already not easy for him to live with you: not everyone can tolerate your explosive, volcanic character. Remember: calmness and tenderness will make a union with you a real paradise.

ALLY - DEER. He will take responsibility and make choices. Day - Thursday. The stone is topaz. Plant --- MISTLETE. Color - turquoise.

Turtle Clan



You are the architect of your life, you plan everything in it yourself. Love to be independent in finances and love. However, in professional activity, you can’t do without the support of your friends. If you have to make your way alone, you become gloomy and irritable, going so deep into yourself that it is simply impossible to bring you out of this state. Give people the right to have their own opinions and don’t get depressed over disagreements with them. The people who surround you do not belong to you completely and have the right to their opinion.

Ally --- snake. This is a symbol of constant change. DAY - FRIDAY. STONE - BLOODYER. PLANT - TREFoil. BROWN COLOR. FAVORABLE PERIODS: APRIL 20 - MAY 20; AUGUST 22 - SEPTEMBER 21; DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19.


Yours strengths--- intelligence and ability to get along with people. Problems never take you by surprise: you prefer to solve them yourself and do not shift them onto the shoulders of others. By nature, you are secretive and open only to those who really capture your attention. It is worth cautioning that when choosing your “soul mate”, look for a person with strong character- you need solid support. At work you are a reliable, one might say, irreplaceable worker. The main thing is not to overdo it --- life does not end with the office walls.

ALLY - WOLF. It will help you get rid of fear and shyness.

Day - Wednesday; Stone - topaz; Plant - violet; White color.


The main thing for you is stability at work and at home. Your main dream is to have a caring life partner and a couple of kids. You are not used to rushing, doing everything in detail and living by the principle: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Unexpected turns of fate unsettle you - learn to take the blow. Also, be lenient with people. Life is wonderful in all its diversity - live more cheerfully and don’t get upset over trifles.

ALLY --- DEER. It will help you become more relaxed and achieve more.


Butterfly Clan

BUTTERFLY CLAN: deer, raven, otter.


CHARACTER: active, courageous.



You are sensitive and cheerful. You react quickly to the situation. Diverse knowledge and natural curiosity help you quickly assess the situation and solve problems brilliantly. You are versatile developed personality. God didn’t hurt you with your talents, try yourself in a creative profession: poet, actor, artist. You are insatiable in love, so you often “spud” several objects and cannot choose. ALLY - OWL. From her you will learn consistency and patience.


RAVEN(September 22 - October 22)

You are a compassionate and attentive person. You, like your totem, soar between heaven and earth. Thanks to your spiritual qualities, you quickly find a response from others and can literally heal someone else’s grief. With your appearance, joy and harmony reign around. You are sociable, and your ability to forgive is widely admired. In the most difficult situation you never lose your head.

ALLY - FALCON. He will help bring all the most daring projects to completion.



You always succeed in everything because you never turn off the path, you go, sparing no effort, towards your goal. You really should be more vulnerable and more emotional. Don’t be afraid and even welcome changes in your life; they irritate you very much, but they will help you achieve

goals. Among your friends you are considered very hospitable.


Favorable periods: January 20 --- February 18; May 21 - June 20; September 22 --- October 22.



You are a leader in everything. Life is a continuous source of joy and inspiration for you. Despite the fact that you yourself are subject to sudden changes in mood, you demand from others comfortable and harmonious relations for myself. Too sensitive to the opinions of others, especially negative ones. Having quarreled with a loved one, they tend to seek consolation and advice from their parents.

ALLY --- WHITE SWAN. He will teach perseverance and patience.



You are constantly instigating changes in your life. You like to be outrageous, sometimes you can be aggressive: instead of consoling, you can add fuel to the fire. You are beautiful, but so smart that it often frightens the opposite sex. You seem too unapproachable. If someone falls in love with you, he is unlikely to be able to forget you or stop loving you. You are not at all afraid of obstacles in any area of ​​your life; they even provoke you. This is completely in your style, because you love life to be in full swing around you. Remember, close people often suffer from your harshness ---- try not to offend them.

ALLY - BROWN BEAR. He embodies strength and mercy and will be able to correct your actions.



There are two things you really need in life: material well-being and peace of mind. You are sensitive and receptive and know how to listen to your friends better than others. You are very loyal and love once and for all, so you do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. You are able to grasp the essence of other people’s thoughts immediately: a lie will be instantly noticed by you. You should be more pedantic and diplomatic, this will contribute to your career growth. Try to avoid conflict situations and disputes. Yoga and meditation will help calm your turbulent energy.

ALLY --- BROWN BEAR. It will help you to be forgiving of other people's weaknesses.

FAVORABLE PERIODS: February 19 --- March 20; June 21 -- July 21; October 23 --- November 22.


This horoscope is the key to your sexuality. Find the section corresponding to your date of birth and read who you are and what you are like in love

Indian totem horoscope

There are many horoscopes, one of the oldest is the American Indian horoscope. They identified the seasons with animals. The year was divided into months and a totem was assigned. It was believed that the Sun was under the sign of one totem for about a month.

Ancient people worshiped the forces of nature and perceived them as the highest deities. The inhabitants of the American continent were no exception. The Indians worshiped totems - their ancestors in the form of one animal or another. Each tribe had its own wild patron. But besides this, there were personal totems. Indians North America They were calculated by the person’s date of birth. Thus, the continent created its own horoscope, largely correlated with famous signs zodiac

What is a totem?

The Indians observed the movement of stars and planets. They noticed that the Sun arrives in one constellation for about a month, and affects people born during this period. This is how the totem horoscope, or Indian zodiac signs, appeared. There are 12 of them in total, just like the Europeans. Each period is associated with the characteristics of a specific animal - a personal totem. Moreover, all 12 signs are divided into 4 groups according to clans. The latter are also associated with animals and endowed with corresponding characteristics.

Animals and birds for the Indians were not just neighbors, but a manifestation of a certain magical power. Therefore, one should treat one’s totem with care. It was believed that through the study of qualities, a person begins to understand his inner potential, strengths and weaknesses. Watching the totem survive in wildlife, you can find a way out of a difficult situation. Seeing the manifestation of an animal within oneself, a person connects to its energy and can draw additional strength, receive help and tips.

Turtle Clan

Let's move on to detailed description totems according to the Indian horoscope. As already mentioned, they are distributed among four clans. They can be correlated with the elements of the traditional zodiac sign. It is believed that clans play more important role than a personal totem.

The first to be identified is the turtle clan. It can be attributed to the earth element. Hard shell: hardness, durability and indestructibility. The main needs of a turtle are strength, prosperity and safety. People belonging to this clan are practical, calm, methodical and are not inclined to waste their strength on trifles. They are slow and clumsy, but they stubbornly move towards their goal, and, as a rule, achieve it. Their characteristic- high efficiency.

Personal totems

The turtle clan includes the following animals: beaver (date of birth 20.04 - 20.05), brown bear (date of birth 22.08 - 21.09) and white goose (date of birth 22.12 - 19.01). Now let's briefly look at Indian totems and their meaning:

  1. Beaver. People born under this sign are hardworking and patient. They move forward slowly but steadily, laying solid foundation to build something new. Representatives of the sign value comfort and material goods. They need to always be in balance. Just as beavers stop water, so a person must learn to fight negativity.
  2. Brown bear. Brave leaders are often born under this sign. They stand firmly on their own two feet and do not need the support of other people. Representatives of the totem are very practical, interested in internal structure things, manage things well, but have difficulty accepting changes in life.
  3. This totem, on the contrary, is always ready to explore the unknown. Representatives of the sign are beautiful, prudent, strive for perfection and get along well among other people, like geese in a flock. They are always on the move, happily take on new things, but do not always finish what they start. The sign’s task: learn to get things done and become more independent so as not to depend so much on others.

Frog Clan

This North American Indian totem is associated with the water element. The frog is malleable, like a liquid, and easily adapts to its environment. Representatives of the clan do not like sharp corners and try to be flexible. They can find mutual language with people of all other clans, to connect them thanks to its sensitivity and variability. They are characterized by deep emotions, which can sometimes lead to sudden changes in mood.

Many people belonging to the clan have the gift of healing. After all, water is a healing substance that can refresh and rejuvenate the body. Moreover, some frogs can heal not only the body, but also the soul of another person. If you are part of this clan, then try to be near the water more often. She will give you peace of mind.


The frog clan includes: woodpecker (date of birth 06/21 - 07/21), snake (10/23 - 11/21) and wolf (02/19 - 03/20). Let's get to know these Indian totems better.

  1. Woodpecker. This totem is characterized by caring and responsiveness towards loved ones, as well as the desire to protect them. Sometimes it turns into unnecessary self-sacrifice. The woodpecker is a tenacious bird. People of this sign find it difficult to part with everything that is “theirs”; they cling to habits and old attachments. Failure to appreciate currently leads to constant anxiety and stress.
  2. Snake. This totem, on the contrary, can easily throw off the old skin and make decisive changes. Struggle takes such people to new heights. They are very strong, recover quickly, but at the same time they are characterized by sudden changes in mood.
  3. Wolf. This sign is characterized by sensitivity and well-developed intuition. Its representatives have a “gut” feeling for people, love creative enterprises, hate socially imposed demands, and strive for free self-expression. They need to become more practical and listen to their minds in order to cope with emotional instability and free themselves from restrictions.

Butterfly Clan

North American Indians can be correlated with the air element. Before becoming a butterfly, an insect goes through a series of metamorphoses. Likewise, clan representatives are capable of transformation. Among them there are many innovators and sorcerers. These people are spontaneous, always on the move, love everything new and hate “forced landings.”

Butterflies need freedom and communication. They are very energetic, lively and illuminate everything around with their beauty. To restore strength, they are recommended to walk outdoors more often.

Personal butterfly totems

The butterfly clan includes: deer (date of birth 21.05 - 20.06), raven (22.09-22.10) and otter (20.01 - 18.02). Let's move on to the description of these Indian totems:

  1. Deer. People born under this sign are graceful and sensitive. They are also fast and restless. Having caught fire with an idea, a deer is able to show enviable diligence and ingenuity. At the same time, the totem lacks concentration. He easily switches to a new activity, having lost interest in the old one.
  2. Crow. This is a mysterious animal that can influence external circumstances with internal force. Representatives of the totem are in no hurry to reveal all the secrets. They are characterized by inconsistency. On the one hand, the totem gives them the ability to work in a team, promote other people’s ideas, see the “right” people, and organize the process. On the other hand, crows are accustomed to being leaders and try to maintain their independence even among like-minded people.
  3. Otter. Representatives of the totem are clean and businesslike. They have courage and are ready to defend their ideas through struggle. The latter, by the way, are distinguished by their originality. There are many inventors among otters. However, often their discoveries turn out to be impractical, and the commitments taken are too great.

Hawk Clan

Let's continue to get acquainted with Indian totems. The energy of fire is symbolized by the swift hawk. People of this clan are energetic and easy-going. They quickly “light up” with new ideas and tend to act impulsively. At the same time, the hawk man has well-developed intuition.

Usually these are very passionate, active people who are in love with life. It is natural for them to experience flashes of inspiration, work with passion, and get carried away by the work. Courageous character, perseverance, and self-confidence allow them to achieve success.

Hawk totems

The hawk clan includes: falcon (date of birth 03/21 - 19/04), salmon (date of birth 22/07 - 21/08) and owl (date of birth 23/11 - 21/12). Let's look at each of the totems:

  1. Falcon. People born under this sign are energetic, love new experiences and do not tolerate routine. They easily accept life's challenges, are full of enthusiasm, but are not persistent. Because of this, the case is abandoned halfway. Others negative traits The totem is impulsiveness and the tendency to “have your head in the clouds.”
  2. Salmon. People of this sign are playful, energetic and generous. They need to be in demand and be in a vibrant relationship. The salmon man is confident and responsible. However, he often does not take into account the opinions of other people and tries to dictate his terms to them, which leads to problems. When faced with difficulties, representatives of the totem quickly lose their inherent optimism and plunge into hopeless despondency.
  3. Owl. A person born at this time is perspicacious and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life. He knows how to see hidden opportunities, is resourceful and ready to take an adventure. But owls avoid tedious activities, preferring to think alone. They are independent, love freedom, but at the same time, representatives of the totem need the support of like-minded people and loved ones. Strong relationships are very valuable and should not be neglected.

Amulets and amulets

To make the connection with the totem animal stronger, the Indians wore special items reminiscent of it. Such amulets were created manually by shamans or priests of the tribe. The process was accompanied by rituals during which spirits were invoked. The remains of a killed animal could not be used in the manufacture of amulets. Finished goods ordinary Indians wore it on their clothes and braided it in their hair. Warriors decorated their weapons with them.

In many tribes, totems were applied to the human body; in this case, they were painted bright colors. They were often given a frightening appearance to frighten the enemy. Through a talisman it is easier to come into contact with an animal and gain access to its power. This was also facilitated by ritual dances, during which the movements of the beast and its habits were imitated.

Indian totems are part of the mythological picture of the world of ancient people. For them, nature was alive and powerful. Man and his totem animal were considered connected by inextricable threads. A personal patron could appear in a stressful situation and save a person from trouble, giving him his cunning, speed, vigilance or strength. Today we are far from nature. But perhaps we still have something to learn from her?

Agree, man is a mysterious creature, always striving to find the main thing, that precious grain of truth that will reveal all the secrets of existence, open invisible palaces, and everything will become extremely simple, and clear and specific answers will be found to all questions.
From time immemorial, people tried to find out as much as possible about themselves, created religions and philosophical concepts, looked for the roots of their appearance in the great Cosmos, in natural phenomena and in evolution, and in everything they looked for themselves...

The Indians of North America, for example, were totemists.
They created a whole complex of beliefs, myths, rituals and customs associated with the idea of ​​supernatural kinship between certain groups of people and so-called totems - species of animals and plants.

The main type of totems is clan, or tribal, but each totem clan has another gradation, the so-called personal totem...
Which one is yours, you can find out right now...


The turtle serves as a miniature reflection of the stability, strength and support functions of the Earth.
The turtle's hard, protective shell provides it with comfort and safety. The turtle is associated with the Earth due to its hardness, resilience and indestructible perseverance. At first glance, the turtle seems clumsy and ponderous, but it always has the determination to achieve its goal. Remember the fairy tale about the turtle and the rabbit? The turtle who slowly but surely moved forward won the competition, and not the fussy rabbit who wasted his strength on trifles.
The turtle expresses the wisdom of a state in which solid ground is felt under one's feet. It reminds us of the need to achieve a strong and secure position in a reliable environment. People of this clan, like a turtle, are usually extremely methodical, practical and purposeful.
These are people whose nature is related to soil, vegetation and everything that develops.

So, for those who were born from April 20 to May 20 - Beaver.
He teaches lessons about reliability, hard work, balance, affection and patience.

The animal totem of people born between August 22 and September 21 is the Brown Bear.
He teaches lessons about courage, justice, foresight, organization, curiosity and leadership.

The animal totem of people born between December 22 and January 19 is the White Goose.
He gives lessons in beauty, traditional views, the ability to receive and give, politeness and the ability to live in a pack.

Element WATER - FROG Clan:

The frog serves as an example of an animal that leads a double life. She feels at home both on land and in water. She achieved this state thanks to a remarkable process of transformation - metamorphosis.
For the Indians, the frog personifies Water, since it is this Element that “builds bridges” in the interaction of the airy-luminous properties of Air and Fire with the inertia of the Earth. The frog reflects the qualities of Water such as pliability, fluidity and the ability to easily adapt to changes.
The frog easily gets along with its surroundings - this is how water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is placed. The frog is able to live in two worlds - the water and the earth.
The people of the Frog Clan have the same gift, whether they live in a world where feelings and emotions pulsate, or in the pragmatic world of objective reality. These are people of deep emotions who prefer flexible and streamlined formulations rather than sharp edges and tough situations. Water is a healing element that rejuvenates and refreshes, and the people of the Frog Clan are often born with the gift of healing. Many of them master the art of healing the body, and some are able to heal the mind and even the spirit.
The people of the Frog Clan have an inner affinity with water, and peace comes to their soul when they are simply near the water.

The animal totem of people born between June 21 and July 21 is the Woodpecker.
It teaches rhythm, harmony, loving care and patience, joy, self-defense and courage.

The animal totem of people born between October 23 and November 22 is the Snake.
She gives lessons in the mysteries, adaptability, femininity, transformation and healing.

The animal totem of people born between February 19 and March 20 is Cougar.
He gives lessons in initiative, speed, grace and mystery.

Element AIR - BUTTERFLY Clan:

The butterfly begins life as a caterpillar, and then, undergoing a series of transformations, acquires the ability to fly.
She flutters, waving her fluttering wings, which are colored with all the colors of the rainbow. The tribes that chose the butterfly as a totem for the element of Air not only paid tribute to its wonderful gift and great ability to transform. The butterfly served as a characteristic of Air, since it, like Air, is in constant motion and tireless activity, flying from place to place. The element Air is a great transformative principle. The breath of the wind always changes the state of the atmosphere. So the butterfly illuminates everything it touches with a radiance of beauty.
As a rule, Butterfly people have the hidden gift of great innovators and sorcerers who know how to translate information from world to world.
People of the Clan are very active, they enjoy changing places, when new ideas arise, new things to do and new ways of doing these things. Fast and lively, they are always busy, never want to calm down, are in eternal flight and do not like long “landings”.
The people of the Butterfly Clan are related to the air element, so they gain strength in the open air. They need freedom and any restrictions are contraindicated.

The animal totem of people born between May 21 and June 20 is Deer.
It teaches sensitivity, grace, speed, creativity, warmth and spiritual contact.

The animal totem of people born between September 22 and October 22 is the Raven.
It teaches wisdom, spirituality, intelligence, sociability and balance.

The animal totem of people born between January 20 and February 18 is the Otter.
It teaches playfulness, nobility, curiosity, goodwill, purity, sociability, love, intelligence and penetration into the worlds of spirituality.


The Falcon is a majestic bird similar to the Eagle, but with rounded wings.
Among the American Indians, he evoked associations with the Sun, since he had the ability to fly at great heights and, therefore, get closer to the luminary. It served as a symbol of thunder and lightning, selflessness and understanding. The falcon personifies the radiant energy of fire, its swift rush towards the chosen victim is like a sudden flash of insight, and its powerful powers are akin to the frantic energy of fire. At times he was compared to the mythical Phoenix, a bird capable of being reborn from the ashes. This comparison pointed to the ability of fire to purify and transform, to decompose matter into its component substances and to supply building blocks for the construction of new forms of the universe.
Falcon people are often guided by intuition and are easy-going. They quickly light up and get involved in actions impulsively, under the influence of a momentary impulse. They love life passionately.
These people often experience flashes of inspiration, sparkling with new ideas and projects, and they are familiar with the fervor of enthusiasm necessary for the real implementation of ideas. They are usually distinguished by vigilance and energy.

The animal totem of people born between March 21 and April 19 is the Red Falcon.
This totem teaches lessons of awareness, insight and depth, truth, adaptability, prayer and openness.

The animal totem of people born between July 22 and August 20 is Sturgeon.
He teaches lessons about determination, teaching, leadership, knowledge and depth.

The animal totem of people born between November 23 and December 21 is Elk.
It teaches lessons of self-confidence, strength, joy, mental acuity, wisdom and responsibility.

For a long time, a little girl, Jodie Bergsma, was tormented by nightmares.
Her mother, calming her down, said that if she drew them, they would never be able to scare her again.
Her childish monsters, dragons and various monsters prepared the ground for her future works - paintings that were born in her mind.
At about age 15, Jodi began painting professionally, selling her watercolor paintings at local art shows.
Hundreds of her originals, mostly children and pets, were sold when she was a teenager.
Even then she realized that her life would be devoted to art.