War and peace, the Trubetskoy family. The Drubetsky family. Personality traits of Boris

In the first volume of the novel. A business young man, striving to make a career. Leo Tolstoy's characters were often based on real people. The prototype of Boris Drubetsky was a certain M.D. Polivanov.

"War and Peace"

The novel begins in 1805, and at this time Boris Drubetskoy is twenty years old, like. Drubetskoy is a handsome young man of noble origin from an impoverished family, the only son of Princess Drubetskoy. Boris is tall, slender and blond; the hero has fine and regular facial features and fair skin.

The hero is an officer and has risen to the position of adjutant, wears a smart uniform and pays a lot of attention to his appearance, never missing a moment to look in the mirror. Fashion means a lot to Boris. The hero strives to ensure that all the details of his appearance, including his hairstyle, spurs and tie, are “in trend” and look impeccable and elegant.

Boris is a careerist and strives to produce good impression in society. Demonstrates refined manners and conducts conversations about the entertainment in which the high society of St. Petersburg indulges, knows well French. At the hero's strong character and a sharp mind, Boris knows how to appear sweet and friendly.

The hero is pleasant to talk to, unhurried and calm. Boris knows how to please others and win them over. People fascinated by the hero tend to make exceptions for him. Like, for example, Prince Nikolai Andreevich, who did not have the habit of accepting single young people, but made an exception for Boris.

Leo Tolstoy writes "War and Peace"

At the same time, when it comes to the financial situation of the family, the hero demonstrates pride. Boris considers it beneath his dignity to accept help, much less ask.

Despite his outward friendliness and charming manners, Boris is a reserved and calculating person by nature. The poor hero strives to make a career and improve his financial situation. To do this, Boris uses his own ability to make a favorable impression on people. The hero realized early on that in moving forward career ladder The ability to please your superiors will help, not effort in service, courage and other qualities useful in work.

Boris easily makes many new useful acquaintances among people of higher rank and position. To get out of poverty, the hero, out of convenience and only for the sake of money, marries Julie Karagina, for whom they gave a rich dowry, including estates and forests.

Boris Drubetskoy (still from the series "War and Peace")

Determination and diplomatic qualities allowed the hero to build a brilliant career from scratch. The hero is persistent, accustomed to achieving his goals at any cost, does not deviate from his plans and does not waste his efforts in vain.

To impress rich people of the noble circle, you need to look the part. The hero has to spend his last money on dressing better than others and not seeming like a poor person.

Boris readily gives up momentary pleasures and invests primarily in looking decent in the eyes of others. The hero cannot afford to ride around in a bad carriage or be seen by people in a shabby uniform.

Boris strives primarily for social success and pays little attention to “spiritual” issues. The hero has his own opinion, but Boris often keeps it to himself and demonstrates a meek character in order to avoid conflict and not lose the sympathy of other people.

Filming of the series took place in Latvia, in the famous Rundāle Palace, which was built by the Italian Bartolomeo Rastrelli. This is the same architect who created Winter Palace In Petersburg. To film certain scenes, the BBC film crew had to come to St. Petersburg. Filming took place in the Yusupov Palace on the Moika, in the Assumption Cathedral and on Palace Square, as well as in Gatchina Park and Tsarskoe Selo.

The BBC television channel had already broadcast a series based on War and Peace earlier, in 1972-1973. Filming took three years, from 1969 to 1972, work on the film was carried out in Serbia and Great Britain. A total of twenty 45-minute episodes were filmed. The role of Boris Drubetsky was played by actor Neil Stacy.


“Despite the fact that Boris came with the intention of talking about his love and therefore intended to be gentle, he irritably began to talk about women’s inconstancy: how women can easily move from sadness to joy and that their mood depends only on that who looks after them."
“We are very poor, but I, at least, speak for myself: precisely because your father is rich, I do not consider myself his relative, and neither I nor my mother will ever ask or accept anything from him.”
“Here in Moscow we are more busy with dinners and gossip than with politics.”

One of the central images of the novel “War and Peace” is the impoverished Prince Boris Drubetskoy. The prototypes for it were A. M. Kuzminsky and M. D. Polivanov. In this article we will look at the character created by the author and all the changes that occur to him as the action develops. First a young man will appear before us, then a young man - Boris Drubetskoy. The characterization (“War and Peace”) of this hero is the topic of the article.

Drubetsky family

This impoverished noble family consists of two people. Mother, whose name is Anna Mikhailovna, and son Boris. The elderly lady has not appeared in society for a long time and has lost contact. She maintains only close relations with the Rostov family. They are both distant relatives and friends. She is also distantly related to Prince Bezukhov. Her son Boris Drubetskoy, who is twenty years old at the beginning of the novel, is similar in character to his mother. Already at this age he is prudent, practical and purposeful.

Appearance of Prince Boris

Boris Drubetskoy is handsome and calm. He is tall and slender. He has blond hair and regular facial features. His hands are graceful, white, with thin fingers.

Despite his poverty, his mother tries her best to dress him neatly, elegantly and fashionably so that her son can be included in the most best houses both capitals.

Personality traits of Boris

He is a smart, sweet and tough person. Boris Drubetskoy knows how to control himself and is always calm. He often has a pleasant smile on his face. The tone in which he speaks is usually friendly and slightly mocking. He is poor, but proud, and when his mother struggles to get at least a small share of old Bezukhov's inheritance, Boris Drubetskoy is in a kind of aloof position, although he is the godson of the old count.

He does not consider himself his relative, although there are very distant connections, and does not want to accept anything from him. The young man is very resourceful. This is evidenced by the incident when the Rostov youth ran into the living room, where the countess was receiving the dignified mother and daughter of the Karagins. The whole company was confused, and only Boris found a suitable joke about Natasha’s old doll.

“He knew this doll,” as Boris said, “as a girl with an intact nose.” Drubetskoy's calmness and humorous tone diffused the awkward situation in the living room. Restrained and calculating, Boris Drubetskoy is looking for profitable acquaintances with people who are higher than him and can be useful to him. Therefore, he manages to quickly build a career. Unlike Berg, he is not looking for money, but only for those who can promote him. In the army, he quickly concluded that even a low rank in the General Staff could place him above an army general. Determination helps him always achieve his goals. Drubetsky is simply insulted by the idea that he might not achieve something. Freemasons - fashionable and useful organization. Not caring about the spiritual goals that they set for themselves, Boris Drubetskoy enters the brotherhood of masons, because there are many people from high society there. They can affect his life. This is Boris Drubetskoy. His characterization is not very attractive and speaks of his selfishness and extraordinary persistence in order to raise himself high in the world.

Military service

Simple army service does not attract our hero. He is not as naive as young Rostov, who likes to swing a saber and feel the excitement of battle. At first he is just an ensign, but in the guard.

A year later he becomes an adjutant at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief with a “very important person.” He receives a serious courier order to Prussia. Another year later, through his patron, he receives a place in the emperor’s retinue, ends up in Tilsit and is extremely pleased that his position is now secure. By 1812 he was already serving as assistant to Count Bennigson. This is an important post in the army headquarters.

Drubetskoy and women

Little Natasha Rostova is infatuated with an adult, seven years older than her, Boris. But they are both not rich, and Boris is downright poor. Therefore, he does not allow himself to be carried away by a charming girl.

Even after separation, when Drubetskoy felt a strong attraction to Natalya Ilyinichna, who had become unusually charming, he stopped himself and ended the acquaintance, which could have developed into marriage and ended his career. He prefers an unburdensome relationship with Countess Bezukhova, which gives him a brilliant position in society and in the service. In Anna Scherer's salon, he becomes the person who is “treated” to guests. His position is completely strengthened by his marriage to the ugly but richest bride in Moscow, Julie Karagina, whom he beautifully and romantically courtes. Now he does not need to seek patronage, he stands on an equal footing with his higher peers.

The prudent careerist is Boris Drubetskoy. The characterization of the hero portrayed by the author makes a generally unpleasant impression. He always tries to present himself in the most favorable light possible in front of his superiors, hiding his shortcomings and forgetting about the principles of honor, duty and conscience.

Boris Drubetskoy is the son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy; Since childhood, he was brought up and lived for a long time in the Rostov family, to whom he is related through his mother, and was in love with Natasha. “A tall, blond young man with regular, delicate features of a calm and handsome face!”
Drubetskoy has dreamed of a career since his youth, is very proud, but accepts his mother’s troubles and condones her humiliations if it benefits him. A. M. Drubetskaya, through Prince Vasily, gets her son a place in the guard. Once in military service, Drubetskoy dreams of making it in this area

A brilliant career. While participating in the campaign of 1805, he acquired many useful acquaintances and understood the “unwritten subordination”, wanting to continue to serve only in accordance with it. In 1806, A.P. Scherer “treats” his guests to him, who arrived from the Prussian army as a courier. In the world, Boris strives to make useful contacts and uses his last money to give the impression of a rich and successful person. He becomes a close person in Helen's house and her lover. During the meeting of the emperors in Tilsit, Drubovitsky was there, and from that time on his position was especially firmly established. In 1809, Boris, seeing Natasha again, becomes interested in her and for some time does not know what to choose, since marriage with Natasha would mean the end of his career. Drubovitsky is looking for a rich bride, choosing at one time between Princess Marya and Julie Karagina, who eventually became his wife.

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Boris Drubetskoy

Characteristics of a literary hero The son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya. From childhood he was brought up and lived for a long time in the house of the Rostovs, to whom he was a relative. Boris and Natasha were in love with each other. Outwardly, he is “a tall, blond young man with regular, delicate features of a calm and handsome face.” Since his youth, Boris has dreamed of a military career and allows his mother to humiliate herself in front of her superiors if it helps him. So, Prince Vasily finds him a place in the guard. Boris is going to make a brilliant career and makes many useful contacts. After a while he becomes Helen's lover. Boris manages to be in in the right place V right time, and his career and position are especially firmly established. In 1809 he meets Natasha again and becomes interested in her, even thinking about marrying her. But this would hinder his career. Therefore, Boris begins to look for a rich bride. He eventually marries Julie Karagina.

Essay on literature on the topic: Boris Drubetskoy (War and Peace by Tolstoy L.N.)

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Boris Drubetskoy (War and Peace Tolstoy L.N.)

The work of L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” is distinguished by vivid and personal images of the characters. It has clearly positive and clearly negative characters. Each of them has its own characteristics, all the characters are described very accurately. Boris Drubetskoy is no exception. He is Natasha Rostova's childhood love, but over time the reader realizes that Boris is not at all what he seems.

Boris's appearance

By nature, the character is endowed with a very pretty appearance. He is both tall and handsome light color hair, and a pretty face. He is always calm. Beautiful hands with thin long fingers, thin faces - all this creates the image of Boris as an elegant and handsome hero. But this is not the main thing in Boris’s appearance. He pays too much attention to self-care. Appearance for him is the main tool for moving up the career ladder. He is ready to spend his last money on looking presentable. Create a positive first impression through your appearance for him is one of the main tasks.

The position of Boris Drubetsky

Due to his position, which was not distinguished by wealth, Boris for a long time had to live with distant relatives - the Rostovs. The closer the day gets when he will need to leave, the more terrible the thought of remaining in poverty seems to him. That is why Drubetskoy is looking for any ways that will help him maintain his position and status. He immediately realizes that it is not diligence and hard work that can help him climb the social ladder, but acquaintances and connections. Possessing a pretty appearance, he uses it to make profitable acquaintances and connections.

Boris's mother plays a special role. She is ready to grovel before any more or less wealthy person, begging for some kind of help for Boris. Drubetskoy himself behaves somewhat differently - he will never beg or grovel, he prefers to influence people in other ways. But it does not prohibit the mother from doing this. Nevertheless, in tandem, the family manages to achieve a successful position in society.

Boris plans to marry Julie Karagina, who has a rich dowry and a strong position in secular society. Marriage is based entirely on convenience. The bride is well aware that Drubetskoy is marrying not her, but her condition, but accepts it. In return, she asks for images of feelings in public. Boris agrees and says the necessary words in society. Now he has no need to curry favor with anyone, because by getting married he becomes a full member of the society that he was so eager to join.

Boris's character

In accordance with his goal of achieving a high position in society, Drubetskoy learns to find the behavior that will favorably present him in the eyes of others. He understands where to be meek, to whom and when to give a compliment. In his flattery and false polish, Boris swims like a fish in water. Doesn't matter to him inner world the person with whom he communicates - he is only interested in the situation.

Boris knows how to make a good impression. He is calm and balanced, very careful and diplomatic. He always tries to resolve the issue through a compromise and never gets into trouble. Boris knows how to think outside the box, this helps him make new acquaintances and choose a way to communicate with the right people.

The characterization of Boris Drubetsky “War and Peace” is very important. He is a character who was not difficult to meet in secular society during Tolstoy's time. There are such people even now.

The article will help you write a competent essay on the novel “War and Peace” on the topic “Characteristics of Boris Drubetsky.”

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