Water heating of the floor in the bathhouse from the stove. Warm water floor in the bathhouse. Heating system with heated floors

The foundation is the basis of the building, ensures the stability and durability of the entire building structure. Recently, foundation laying has been done mainly using concrete. However, the stone base is no less durable, and also has an original and aesthetic appearance. Another significant advantage is that laying the stone foundation of the building is completely doable with your own hands.

Features of the material

For the construction of building foundations and ground floors Rubble stone is mainly used. This material has been used for similar purposes for many centuries. The choice fell on this type of stone not by chance. Rubble stone is very durable. Its availability and, consequently, its relatively low cost also play an important role. The extraction of rubble material is no more complicated than the process of extracting natural clay.

Rubble is mined in two ways: by blasting and chipping in quarries or by natural destruction of the rock.

The most suitable for building a foundation is rubble flagstone. The fragmentary elements of this rock have a relatively flat shape, which makes its installation more convenient.

First, let's look at the advantages of a base made of stone material.

  • High strength indicators. Natural stone is practically resistant to splitting and deformation. This will provide the entire building solid foundation without subsidence, cracks or damage.
  • The material is environmentally friendly. Rubble rock is extracted from natural reserves. The stone contains no artificial impurities and is not subjected to any chemical treatment.
  • Natural stone is very resistant to temperature and atmospheric factors. Rubble stone is quite moisture resistant.
  • Aesthetic appearance of the base. Rubble stone can have different colors and textures. Often on stone chips you can observe very beautiful natural patterns of rock veins.
  • The material is resistant to damage by microorganisms: fungus, mold. Insects will also not be able to damage it.
  • Rubble stone is affordable, since its extraction is not labor-intensive. It is not rare or scarce.

It would be useful to recall the difficulties that may arise during the construction of a stone foundation.

  • It is somewhat difficult to adjust the stones during the laying process. Since the material is extracted by chipping and does not undergo further processing, the elements retain their natural free shape and vary in size. It takes time to lay it out tightly and evenly. optimal selection stones for each layer.
  • Additional time and effort will need to be spent on preparing the cement or concrete mortar. It is necessary for fastening stone elements between themselves.
  • Rubble stone is unsuitable for laying the foundation of multi-story buildings.

When choosing wild natural stone you need to carefully inspect the fragmentation elements. The stone should not have defects in the form of cracks or peeling, and it should not crumble.

It is necessary to make sure that the lot contains at least 90% large stone, and its color is uniform and identical.

The most convenient for laying are flat stones.

The strength of the rock can be tested by applying force to the material. To do this you will need a heavy, massive hammer. After application strong blow the stone should be heard ringing sound. This speaks of good quality of this breed. A durable stone will maintain its integrity and will not split.

The material should not be overly porous. To check the water resistance of a stone, it is necessary to observe how it reacts to contact with water. If the rock actively absorbs water, it is unsuitable for construction.

DIY stone foundation

Required Tools:

  • hammer;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • tamping;
  • hammer-pick;
  • chisel;
  • sledgehammer;
  • measuring tape;
  • shovel and bayonet shovel.

The first stage of work is to prepare the area.

  • The surface is cleared of debris and vegetation.
  • Next, markings are carried out according to the dimensions of the base of the building under construction. Using this marking, trenches are prepared for laying stone. Their depth should be at least 80 cm, width at least 70 cm. The depth of the laying trenches directly depends on the degree of soil freezing during the cold season.
  • The formwork is being installed.
  • A small layer of sand, about 15 cm, is poured into the bottom of the trenches. Next is filling with water and compacting. Then gravel or small crushed stone is poured.

Laying stone

Before starting work on laying the stone foundation of the house, it is necessary to prepare a concrete or cement mortar. On average, 1 part of the laying solution is consumed for 1 part of the stones. The cement composition is prepared according to the following proportions: 3 kg of sand is taken per 1 kg of cement, the mixture is diluted with water until a fluid mass is obtained. The solution should not be thick, as in this case it will not be possible to fill the voids and gaps between the stone elements.

The concrete solution is prepared according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. For ease of laying stone elements, a guide tape or threads should be pulled along the perimeter of the formwork walls. The foundation stone must first be soaked in water for at least an hour.

It is necessary to follow the rules of masonry to build a solid foundation.

  • The first row of the base is laid out from the largest stones. Elements should be selected in such a way that there is practically no space left between them. free space. The voids are filled with the prepared masonry mortar. Before this, the structure is compacted by tapping with a hammer.
  • The second layer is laid in such a way that the seams below the layer are covered with stones. Elements should also be selected in such a way that the gaps are minimal. This rule is unchanged for the entire height of the laid stone foundation.
  • In the corners of each subsequent row, stones up to 30 cm high should be laid. They will play the role of a kind of “beacons” to control the uniform height of the rows.
  • The last row requires a very careful selection of stones. It is final and should be as smooth as possible.
  • When the masonry is completed, the formwork is removed. After this, the gap between the trench wall and the rubble masonry is filled with small stones or stone chips. This backfill will serve as a good drainage layer in the future.
  • The structure is protected by a reinforcing belt. It will hold the reinforcement. Steel rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm are laid in a reinforcing belt in increments of 15-20 cm.
  • For additional strengthening, the steel rods are tied together with knitting wire.

The reinforcing frame can be made independently, or ordered ready-made according to measurements taken after laying the stone base. Placed on a reinforcing frame waterproofing material. Next, further construction of the building is carried out.

If you have chosen natural stone for the foundation, take the advice of professionals.

  • For better adhesion of the stone to the masonry mortar, the material must be well cleaned.
  • The masonry structure should be as monolithic as possible. Gaps and voids are minimized by selecting stones.
  • The thickness of the concrete layer or cement composition should not be more than 15 mm. Increasing its thickness increases the likelihood of subsidence of the entire structure.
  • Corner stones are subject to more careful selection. They are supporting and must have high strength. Should be carried out visual inspection for cracks or damage. It would not be superfluous to forcefully test the strength using a blow with a heavy hammer or sledgehammer.
  • Must be included in the project in advance technological holes in the foundation: ventilation, vents, water supply and sewerage communications.
  • If there are large gaps and it is impossible to eliminate them, it is recommended to pour small stones into the cavity, stone chips or crushed stone.
  • It is advisable to use bedded rubble for laying the first and last rows of the foundation, since it has the most even planes. This will ensure the structure's stability. The final row serves as the basis for the further superstructure of the building, so it is important that the surface of the stone layer is as smooth as possible.
The content of the article

In ancient times, when concrete had not yet been invented, foundations for houses were built from wild stone, which have survived in some buildings to this day.

Nowadays, all foundations for buildings and structures are mainly erected from concrete - monolithic or prefabricated. But there are owners who decide to make a stone foundation with their own hands.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Local traditions.
  • A stone foundation is cheaper because there are deposits of this material from which you can get stone for free or at a symbolic price.

Whatever the reasons, our task is to figure out how to make a stone foundation correctly, so that it will be a reliable and strong support for the entire house for many years.

A little about the stone

Natural stone is a fairly strong and durable material. It is used not only for foundation construction, but also for the construction of walls, barbecues, and barbecues. It found its application in landscape design. In addition, natural cut stone is currently actively used in construction as a facing material.

This wide application I found the stone due to its properties:

  • Durability.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Strength.
  • Resistance to all adverse climatic and chemical influences.

However, not every stone can be used in construction work.

Soft and exfoliating rocks do not provide sufficient strength, so for the foundation of the house they choose rubble stone, which is fragments rocks Not correct form.

When thinking about constructing a rubble stone foundation, stones with a flat shape are chosen, since they are easier to lay in rows, held together with cement mortar. Particularly large ones will have to be split or trimmed.

Advantages of rubble foundations

Thanks to the special strength of the stone, the durability of structures reaches 150 years or more. There are known structures made of natural stone that are hundreds of years old.

How natural material rubble stone is not afraid sharp changes temperatures It is highly resistant to aggressive groundwater.

But with all our positive qualities, rubble foundations require a lot of labor. Foundations made from this material are massive and large sizes, which cannot be said about concrete structures, which, although small in size, due to the presence of a reinforcement frame, can withstand the same loads as rubble concrete.

It is also inappropriate to do columnar foundations made of rubble stone, too much effort and material will be required. Therefore, here we will consider the construction of a strip foundation made of rubble.

It must be said that the use of rubble is justified in the case when the price of foundation stone is significantly lower than the cost of a concrete strip foundation. Otherwise, the game will not be worth the candle, as they say. Working with stone is heavier than the work of constructing concrete structures, so you need to think seven times before deciding on this labor-intensive task.

Laying stone in the foundation

Rubble stone can be placed both in the formwork and directly in the trench. Formwork should be installed if the soil is crumbling. In this case, instead of formwork, you can use roofing felt, roofing felt and other roll or sheet materials . It is important to prevent soil from getting inside the foundation, as this will weaken the adhesion strength of the stones to the mortar.

Any foundation must be placed below the freezing level of the soil if it is heaving or excessively wet, and rubble is no exception. Even, on the contrary, a foundation made of natural stone must necessarily lie below the freezing point of the soil, since rubble foundations are usually not reinforced, and when severe frosts there is a risk of the foundation bulging along with the frozen soil. This applies, as mentioned above, to heaving and moisture-saturated soils. For strong and dry soils, the depth of the foundation must be at least 50 cm. All this is determined at the design stage.

A sand bedding is made at the bottom of the trench, on which the largest stones are laid, pressing them with great strength in the sand. The stones should take a stable position and not wobble. The width of the foundation should be 15-20 cm greater than its height.

Experts recommend soaking the stone for one hour before placing it in the trench. This allows it to be saturated with moisture for better adhesion to the cement mortar, while at the same time excess crumbling particles are removed from its surface. However, before laying, the stone must dry slightly.

When building a stone foundation for a house, it is necessary to carefully select stones of a more regular shape for the corners and the first row. If necessary, you need to shape them using a sledgehammer and chisel. The voids formed between the stones are filled with more small fractions, after which the row is filled with liquid cement and a bed of normal cement is laid on top sand mortar. The next row of stones is installed on it.

The stones must be selected according to their shape so that they are laid with minimal gaps. Be sure to adhere to the dressing, as in brickwork, otherwise the entire foundation will quickly crumble.

The space formed by the stone foundation and the trench wall is filled with small crushed stone from the same stone. Thus, a drainage layer is formed, which helps drain water from the foundation.

If reinforcement is necessary (this also happens), reinforcement is used only in the form of vertical rods and wire.

When installing a rubble foundation, you should immediately leave ventilation holes so as not to use a hammer drill later.

If you want to give your house a solid and rich appearance, you can simply cover the foundation with stone. This is much easier than setting up the actual base of their rubble stone. In this case, the stone, which is cut into flat tiles, is attached using special glue or cement mortar. If the stone is heavy, then metal hooks or reinforcing mesh are used to secure it.

Most in demand construction material today it is rubble, which consists of parts of natural rocks. It can be artificial and natural. A rubble stone foundation is a strong foundation, the main component of which is rubble. Finished design 9 out of 10 parts consist of it.

These stones are various forms, size and weight, but the most used at construction sites is the tile rubble, with smooth and even sides. It is much easier to install it in any of the structures.

The rubble foundation is built in the same way brick walls– the components are stacked one on top of the other and reinforced with concrete.

Disadvantages and advantages

The decision to lay a rubble foundation for a house should be made only after considering all the characteristics of this material, as well as weighing all the pros and cons. This is motivated by the fact that building such a foundation is not so easy. Firstly, this will take some time, secondly, it is necessary to take very careful measurements, and thirdly, the selection and distribution of stones over the foundation area is quite a troublesome task.

Rubble stone foundations are usually widely used when it is necessary to build a high load-bearing structure. And this is no coincidence; a foundation of this kind has a number of positive characteristics:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • strength, reliability, and a guarantee of durability;
  • natural water resistance;
  • attractive appearance that does not require additional cladding.

But at the same time, there are also disadvantages to it. The most pronounced are:

  • quite high price of natural material;
  • difficulties arising during the construction of rubble structures;
  • high time costs;
  • difficult calculations that are made before construction begins.

A positive feature of a rubble foundation is the ability to combine different materials. For example, to make the structure a little cheaper, you can use rubble for the base located in the ground, and a brick on top. It should be remembered that the laying technology for these materials is different and must be adhered to.

Rules for laying rubble

Bite is mined through a special kind of explosion. To work with the foundation, you should select those elements that have two flat sides. The laying of a rubble stone foundation is carried out using a cement mortar using the “under the blade” principle. The thickness of the seam between each stone should be at least one and a half centimeters. It is not recommended to do more, since the rubble will settle and the structure itself will collapse.

Stones must be cleaned before laying various kinds dirt and wet it a little. Seams with minimum sizes, as well as the strength of the ligation of the foundation parts will contribute to the use of fragments of different sizes.

All work on laying the rubble foundation is done by hand. The largest stones are usually located at the bottom and in the corners. Due to them, the stability of the structure is achieved. This can sometimes be very difficult, because sometimes you need to turn the bottle over more than once before you find the most best option its location.

To increase the bearing capacity of this type of foundation, a solution is poured under the first row of stone cement mixture. The area where the rubble will be missing is covered with small stones. Later they can be used as wedges.

All subsequent rows of masonry are made using a thicker mortar. Here they already use stones no more than 30 centimeters thick. All elements of the rubble foundation are laid in such a way that they are located close to each other with maximum density and the consumption of concrete is minimal. The top row of masonry should overlap the vertical seams of the bottom row.

The rubble base can be expanded by creating ledges consisting of at least two rows. Connecting parts future design must be correctly “tied” with the top masonry. And remember that in some places excessive load is unacceptable, since this may be followed by a shift of the stones and complete destruction of the laid layers.

Cladding of rubble foundation

If your house or other premises has a basement, then the rubble foundation at its location must be lined facing bricks. The lining work is carried out at the same time as the construction of the foundation. Every 4 or 6 rows are tied together with pokes.

As a result, you will receive a facing surface, the rows of which will completely coincide with the horizontal seam of the load-bearing structure. The brick base must have a thickness of more than 75 centimeters. And the rubble is laid in rows about 25 centimeters high. It is also necessary to fill mortar all voids that were formed during the installation process.

Working on a rubble strip base

To do strip foundation from rubble stone must be selected suitable site. Often this type of foundation for a building is used in places with complex soils that are prone to swelling. Before starting the main work, you need to explore the construction site and study the hydrogeological features of the area. You need to pay attention first of all to the level of occurrence groundwater, soil moisture, as well as the depth to which the ground freezes. And only then can you dig a trench.

You must first mark the area using a regular tape measure or wooden pegs and twine. You can dig a ditch yourself using a shovel or use an excavator to do the work.

The size of the stone blocks directly determines what the foundation will be like. The walls of the trench should be several centimeters wider than the rubble, since experts do not recommend laying stone end to end. And the depth of the ditch should be at least a meter.

With a professional approach to work, you can reduce the time required to pour the foundation by several times. There are instructions for this:

  1. The site is marked.
  2. Trenches are dug and formwork is installed.
  3. A little sand is poured into the finished trench and stones are placed there, pressing them into the created “cushion”.
  4. All gaps resulting from laying are filled with crushed stone and compacted.
  5. Prepare a concrete mixture (1:3) and pour it into the first row to make it more durable.
  6. Another row is laid out using the same principle. At the same time, do not forget to “bandage” the seams, as when laying brick material.
  7. The rows that will protrude above the ground are reinforced with wire or relief reinforcement.

Some tricks in constructing a rubble base

To achieve a fairly good result, you need to know something about how to simplify your work and at the same time increase its efficiency:

In order to build a strip foundation from rubble stone, you need to prepare a cement mortar. It is almost the same as for masonry brick materials. Powder grade M 400 or M 500 is used for preparation. To prevent the concrete from cracking in the end, the sand should not contain clay particles. It also needs to be cleaned of various debris and all kinds of impurities.

Initially, you need to mix cement and sand, and then add water. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream.

When laying a strip base made of rubble, you can use 3 methods: pouring, “under the blade” and “under the bracket”.

The first is chosen when constructing small buildings no higher than 10 meters. The stone used is different and is not selected. On top of the laid blocks, pour crushed stone (a layer of 5-10 centimeters) and compact it well.

After preparatory work the rows are flooded concrete mixture. Remember that the material is initially laid dry, and only then the solution is poured. Using a vibrating compactor, it is distributed over all the voids that have arisen. These measures will greatly increase the strength and reliability of the foundation.

The other two methods are characteristically different from the first. First of all, it requires careful selection of stones. When laying them there should be minimal gaps and voids. These options are of course optimal, but require a lot of time and additional labor costs. The stone blocks are laid out horizontally, and in order to achieve absolute evenness along the entire length of the foundation, a rope is pulled. And the main aspect is the presence of rubble stones of approximately equal size.

On initial stage For the construction of any building structure, it is necessary to select a type.

Many developers do not even imagine that the foundation can be built from natural stone.

It is reliable and environmentally friendly pure material. The material has incorrect geometry.

Due to this structure, it is believed that to work with it you need to have high dexterity and skill.

In fact, to build a stone foundation with your own hands, no special preparation is required.

It is enough to study the rules for constructing such foundation. Necessary tools and materials.

Before starting construction, you should purchase fine crushed stone. In the future, they will backfill the voids. You will also need sand and cement.

These will form a “cushion” for the future concrete base. Rubble material must have sufficient strength and water resistance.

To carry out waterproofing, you should purchase roofing felt. Work on the foundation will be carried out using:

  • Capacities with the required volume for preparing concrete mortar;
  • Several shovels;
  • Trowels;
  • Construction level;
  • Tape measures and plumb lines;
  • Hammer, chisel and heavy sledgehammer.

Preparatory work

Do-it-yourself stone foundations should be laid at a depth exceeding the level to which the soil freezes.

Before you start digging trenches, it is necessary to mark the construction site in accordance with the previously prepared project.

When excavating soil, it should be taken into account that the dimensions of the trenches must exceed design values. In progress earthworks Soil collapse may occur.

In order to prevent this, primitive formwork is made. The material for it can be metal sheets or wooden boards.

Arranging a sand cushion

They fill the dug trenches with " sand cushion" It should consist of several layers of sand. Each layer must be thoroughly compacted and moistened.

A waterproofing coating is laid on the upper surface of the “cushion”. It includes several layers of roofing material. The sheets must be laid “overlapping”.

This protects against moisture loss. concrete covering in the hardening stage.

If you have not previously encountered the installation of such structures, it is better to use a strip structure, which includes rubble stone.

You should not make the pillar bookmark yourself. When using the second option, you will need to balance the monolithic base and calculate the optimal threshold points.

Rules for laying natural stone

Do-it-yourself stone foundations should be built using natural cobblestones that have flat horizontal surfaces.

They will form a support on which the foundation and the structure itself will shrink. Stones with similar geometry are pressed into the sand layer.

They shouldn't wobble. Laying must be done along the trench. Situations may arise when cobblestones with the required geometry are not available.

Then, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, you will have to correct the “natural defects”. When a cobblestone is pressed into a sand layer, small openings and depressions may form.

Look detailed instructions in the video:

To remove them, you will have to tamp again. But in this case, fine filler (crushed stone or pebbles) is used.

The space between the stones is filled with fine-grained crushed stone. Next, these areas are processed using a sledgehammer.

The operation continues until the surface is completely flat. And only then the initial layer is filled with cement mortar.

Security measures

It should be borne in mind that, having decided to use natural cobblestones for the construction of the foundation, you assume full responsibility for the reliability of the future structure.

In this case, it is necessary to be based on existing standards safety during the construction of such objects.

For example, if the first layer of the foundation is not at the required height, there is a danger that concrete structure may become deformed.

The height of the first layer, after the initial pouring of the concrete solution, should not be less than 40 cm.

Laying and pouring of subsequent layers of rubble base must be carried out based on the algorithm described above. The sutures should be re-dressed periodically.

She is no different from brickwork. Natural stone is installed directly onto cement mortar.

If the foundation is of significant height, additional stabilization of the structure will be required. To do this, you can use strong wire or reinforcing bars.

Typically, the last rows of the foundation structure are reinforced. During the laying process, the moving mass of natural material should be regularly shaken and compacted.

Professional builders have long used a certain algorithm of work when constructing a foundation. It speeds up and optimizes construction operations:

  • If there are gentle slopes in the trenches that will be used when pouring the foundation structure, they can be used to create a working platform into which concrete and stone will be supplied;
  • If there are steep slopes, wooden scaffolding can be installed;
  • Containers containing cement-sand mortar are placed in shallow trenches. There will be natural stone between them;
  • By preparing places for communication openings and ventilation in advance, you will reduce the time for constructing the foundation;
  • Before pouring begins, you should calculate how much building materials will be needed.

The use of foundations containing rubble stone has found wide application in the construction of individual buildings.

This was influenced by their high load bearing capacity and long operating time. A significant role also belongs to the impeccable appearance natural material.