Presentation “Fruit plants. Presentation “Fruit plants Spring work in fruit growing technology presentation

Milkova Daria

This presentation contains material on the topic “Crop production in our region” in the section “Native region is part of a big country.” The world 4th grade



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Plant growing Completed by 4th grade student Daria Milkova

What is crop production? Plant growing is the science of breeding cultivated agricultural plants, as well as such breeding itself. Plants that a person plants himself, cares for the seedlings, harvests, and uses for food are called cultivated. Plant growing is divided into several main branches: field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture.

FIELD CULTIVATION The leading place in field cultivation is occupied by grain crops. They are the basis for the development of other industries Agriculture and industry.

WINTER RYE Among grain crops, winter rye occupies the first place in crops in the region. It is cultivated in the north, central and southern regions. She is not afraid of cold weather, she gives good harvest and ripens early.

WHEAT The second place in terms of grain crops is occupied by wheat - the most valuable grain crop. It loves warmth, so it is cultivated in the southern part of the region. Barley and oats are also grown in the northern regions. In the south of the region there is millet.

WHAT ARE THE SIMILARITY AND WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCE All these cultivated plants differ from each other, but their structure has a lot in common. All of them herbaceous plants, the root is a bunch, the stem is a straw, hollow inside, has large nodes, which makes it strong and stable. The leaves are narrow and long. Small flowers rye, wheat, barley are collected in ears, and millet and oats are collected in panicles. Later, fruits - grains - are formed from the flowers. Such plants are called cereal grains. The grains of these plants differ from each other. For example, rye has oblong, darker grains, while wheat has round, light grains.

Plants from which bread is obtained are called grain plants. Farmers have to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to grow grain crops, harvest crops, and prepare bread. Therefore, it must be protected!

VEGETABLE GROWING Many vegetables are grown in the fields: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, onions, etc.

WHITE CABBAGE White cabbage often called the "queen of vegetables" Cabbage is very rich in vitamins, it is the basis of many dishes. It is eaten raw in salads, boiled in cabbage soup and borscht, stewed, pickled, pies are baked with it. A lot of knowledge, work and time must be devoted to growing this crop. Cabbage loves warmth and moisture.

TOMATO Tomatoes love sunny, warm weather. It was brought to us from South America. Tomatoes, like cabbage, in the Kama region are first grown in greenhouses and then planted in beds. Yellow flowers bloom on fragrant, curly bushes with carved leaves, and round, green fruits form from them. At this time you cannot eat them yet. When they turn yellow and red, you can eat them. They become very tasty and rich in vitamins.

CUCUMBERS Green cucumbers are a favorite vegetable plant. They are also good pickled or salted in winter. The homeland of cucumbers is India - warm southern country. In our conditions, cucumbers give a good harvest if they are grown correctly..

In spring, seeds of carrots, beets, and radishes are sown directly in the beds and thoroughly watered. Low plants with green leaves appear. Their roots grow and become thicker and juicier. They accumulate nutrients: sugar, starch, vitamins. A month later, radishes ripen, and later carrots and beets.

ONION Plants whose thickened roots are eaten are called root vegetables. Onions are a valuable food product. It contains sugar and various vitamins. Not a single meat or fish dish is complete without onions. Even in ancient times, onions were used as medicinal plant from many diseases. That's why the people made up the following saying: "The bow cures seven diseases." Our scientists have found that onions release volatile substances (phytoncides), which kill putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, eating onions has medicinal value.

ONION The green leaves and bulb of onions are eaten. Onions are native to dry steppes. The plant has adapted to retain nutrients in the bulb during the dry period, which has wonderful properties. Many people store onions in winter and they don’t dry out. In spring, the bulb germinates easily and produces green leaves, and in greenhouses even in winter. She can easily overwinter. Sometimes lek are planted in beds before winter. When the snow begins to melt, the onions will already have green leaves.

POTATOES Potatoes are a valuable food product. It is often called the "second bread". Potatoes are an important industrial crop. Starch, alcohol, and molasses are obtained from it. In spring, a lot of potatoes are planted in the fields and gardens of the region. Herbaceous plants grow in the form of bushes with branched stems

POTATOES The homeland of potatoes is South America. Potatoes were not immediately recognized in Russia. In the beginning, they mistakenly ate not tubers, but bitter fruits. Therefore, many peasants did not want to plant it. Planting potatoes was spread among the population by force, and this caused “potato riots” in ancient times.

FRUIT PRODUCTION Due to cold and long winters, gardening in the Perm region is underdeveloped. But still gardeners grow sea buckthorn, cherries, garden strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, plums, apple trees, etc.

Gardening is concentrated in the south of the region and in the suburbs of Perm, Krasnokamsk, Okhansk and others populated areas. But still, most of the fruits for the population are brought from other countries and the southern regions of our country.

FLORICULTURE Year after year, our cities and towns are decorated with flowers in the spring and summer. In the spring, when the snow has just melted, they appear on garden plots the first perennials: snow-white daffodils with an unforgettable delicate aroma, red and yellow tulips, purple irises.

Peonies bloom later. They delight with the richness of colors and the size of saucer-sized flowers: scarlet, soft pink, white with pleasant smell. Then red and white carnations and lilies appear. Tall and slender phloxes bloom: lilac, purple, pink and white. They bloom all summer.

Then red and white carnations and lilies appear. Tall and slender phloxes bloom: lilac, purple, pink and white. They bloom all summer. In the second half of summer, beautiful dahlias bloom different colors and shapes and amazingly elegant gladioli.

In public gardens, parks and on the streets, mostly annuals bloom: asters, petunias, marigolds, and many others. In the city of Perm there is an enterprise "Flowers of the Kama Region", where in greenhouses all year round Plants are blooming, including beautiful roses.

Here, annual seedlings are grown for landscaping and beautifying the city. The power of flowers to influence people's feelings is enormous. They heal us, inspire us and improve our mood. They decorate homes, streets, parks and gardens. They are presented at special events, given as gifts for holidays, and placed on the graves of the dead, at obelisks. On Victory Day, May 9, they are given to war veterans.

End, thanks for your attention.

A fruit and berry garden is an area with human-planted fruit trees and bushes. The garden is a source of vitamins and other substances necessary for our body. Fruits and berries that have the most various shapes, color, taste are the most magnificent gifts of Mother Nature. Since the day of their appearance in the world, berries and fruits have acquired the status of a food product that people eat with great pleasure. In our country, there are up to 25 fruit and berry species that have different economic importance.

Classification of fruit and berry crops. According to the type of fruit, fruit and berry plants are divided into six groups: pome-bearing plants - apple and pear, as well as quince, rowan, hawthorn, serviceberry; Stone fruits - cherries, plums, apricots, peach, almonds, etc.; berries - strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, as well as cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc. This group also includes grapes; nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, etc.; subtropical - citrus fruits, pomegranate, figs, medlar, etc. According to life expectancy and types of above-ground system, fruit and berry plants are represented by six forms: - trees - large plants with a clearly defined trunk, durable, (apple, pear, apricot, etc.); - bush-woody - plants with a weakly defined trunk, branching low from the soil surface or in the form of a small-trunked bush. Less durable than trees, but more early in fruiting (bush cherry, peach, etc.); -shrubs - the above-ground system consists of more or less equal branches of different ages growing from the underground stem part of the bush. Plants are short-lived and early-fruiting (currants, gooseberries, hazel, etc.); -shrubs have perennial root system and stems with a two-year development cycle (raspberries); -perennial herbaceous plants have a short perennial stem and leaves located in the ground layer. Very early fruiting and short-lived (strawberries); -lianas - climbing plants (grapes, actinidia, lemongrass).

Fruit trees Apple tree People from ancient times ate apples and stored them for future use: during excavations of some sites dating back to the Stone Age, many charred fruits were found wild apple trees. As a cultivated plant, the apple tree was grown in ancient Egypt and Babylon Pear In Ancient China, the pear was a symbol of longevity, since pear trees live for a very long time. The fruits of the pear tree are one of the healthiest delicacies.

Peach Juicy and sunny fruit with velvety skin - like greetings from the warm south... Since the time Ancient China the benefits of peaches were known. Cherry Cherries were grown back in Ancient Greece. Scientists have found that increased consumption of cherries in any form - fresh, frozen, dried berries, juice, compote or jam - will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Plum Plum, in terms of nutritional value, ranks second after raspberries. It is used fresh, as well as for making compotes, jams, jellies, etc. Almonds are a nut crop. It is widely cultivated in countries with warm climates. In ancient times, it was a very expensive delicacy, available only to the highest persons in the state.

Pomegranate This oriental beauty comes from Persia, and its name translates as grainy. In a pomegranate according to ancient legend There are exactly as many grains as there are days in the year. However, a mature fruit can actually contain more than a thousand grains. Orange The main advantage of orange is vitamin C. 150 grams of orange pulp contains 80 mg of ascorbic acid - daily norm vitamin C consumption.

Berry crops Berries are rich in various biologically active substances, vitamins, and contain pectin, sugar, and organic acids. The most widespread among berry crops are currants, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries. Raspberries Raspberries have a lot of beneficial properties. Firstly, it is considered one of the most delicious berries. Secondly, raspberries have many medicinal qualities and are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Gooseberry Currant

“Plant Cultures” - Various varieties have now been bred in the world cultivated plants. The gardener showed us such a vegetable garden, where the beds are densely sown. Apple tree, corn, cherry, pear. Cucumber, peony, lily, narcissus. Field farming. Drain - 2000. Wheat, rye, carrots, barley. Potato. N. Konchalovskaya. Fruit crops. Linen.

"Crop production of Russia" - Vegetables. Animal husbandry. Industrial crops. Oilseeds. Roots. What does agriculture depend on? Industries serving agriculture. Potato. Cereals. Apk. Biological features agricultural crops. Sugar-bearing. Cereals. Prepared by geography teacher Zvonkova S.A. Fibrous.

“Cultivation of plants” - Grain crops. Spinning shop. Rye is used to make bread, alcohol, starch, and animal feed. Only who? Spinning. The main food for a cow is grass. Do you remember the main activities of primitive people? What grain crops do you know? Plant growing. One of these components (branches) of agriculture is crop production.

“Cereal crops” - Rye. Russia is largest producer buckwheat in the world. Plant growing. Potato. Linen. Rice. Seasonings and sauces are prepared from it and used in the pharmaceutical industry (mustard plasters). In the Non-Black Earth Zone - for silage. Barley is the most common grain crop in Russia. Wheat. Buckwheat.

“Plant Growing Lesson” - Rye sugar. World sown areas of main agricultural crops, million hectares. St. Food Crops: 10th Grade Geography Lesson. Sugar-bearing. World rice harvest. Wheat. Potatoes Wheat rice corn. Gross wheat harvest. Rice. Soy. Oilseeds. Cereals, oilseeds, tuber crops, sugar-bearing tonic.

Where do cultivated plants come from? Description. South American Center. Cultivated plants. Chinese center. Pre-Asian center. Settlement. Central American Center. Abyssinian center. Central Asian center. Mediterranean center. Egypt. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Indian center.

“Natural feeding grounds” - There are four types of estuary meadows. Associations. Typical steppe plants. Steppe floods. Medium-level estuary meadows. Floodplain. In the mountain belt. Forest-steppe meadows. Near-terrace floodplain. Type. Mountain height Estuaries. Classification of natural feeding grounds. Azonal classes. Bearded bearded grazing. Characteristics of the main types of hayfields. Mountain hayfields and pastures. Vegetation cover. Post-forest meadows. Short-legged meadows.

“Root crops” - Beetroot. Requirements. Gribovskaya flat A-473. 107 varieties and hybrids. Calculation of the number of seeds for sowing. Production of basic root crops. Sowing and formation of standing density. Single-seeded Bordeaux. Penza. Two-seeded variety. Diseases of table carrots. Mid-early multi-seeded variety. Characteristics of beet varieties. Gribovchanin F1. Growing carrots. Biochemical composition of table carrots.

“Fruit plants” - Characteristics of individual roots by origin. Shrubs have an above-ground system in the form of a low bush. Tops on an old branch. Morphology of fruit plants. Branches. Part of the crown. Axillary bud. Production and biological characteristics. The structure of the above-ground part. Mycorrhiza in wild cherries. Incidence by year. Industrial fruit crops. Definition. Classification of root systems according to morphological characteristics.

“Culturally growing plants” - Grain-grass system. Laws of agriculture. Academician V.R. Williams. Homeland of soybeans. Agroclimatic zones of the Republic of Belarus. Scientific agricultural technology. The role of ecophysiological conditions. Introduction of a row crop field. The role of grass seeding. Top layers of soil. Agrozones. Reserves of virgin lands. Extensive farming systems. Formation of genotypes of cultivated plants. Fruit replacement system. Consequences of long-term interspecific and intraspecific competition.

“Feed” - Use of dairy products. Compound feed. Paws. Animal feed. Soft offal. Biomass of fungal mycelium. Feed yeast. The influence of many biologically active substances on the body. Flour made by press-drying method. Dry mushroom mycelium. Starch. Organic and mineral substances. Mackerel. Soy. Protein level. Natural adsorbents. Bone products. Grain feed. Feed additives. Fish.