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Transporting dogs on an airplane is expensive, troublesome and labor-intensive.

When planning to travel with a dog on an airplane, you need to take into account that the rules for transporting animals differ slightly in different airlines. Therefore, you should check with the specific carrier for exact information.

But there are conditions common to all. Some of them are established by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 82, others are dictated by safety measures:

  • no more than 5 animals are allowed on the plane at a time;
  • The carriage of dogs must be reported at least 36 hours before departure;
  • obtain appropriate permission for transportation from the airline;
  • the dog must be accompanied by a legally capable person over 18 years of age;
  • when booking a ticket, indicate the breed, height, weight (with and without container), cage dimensions;
  • the animal undergoes a final examination by a veterinarian at the airport;
  • the individual is microchipped and vaccinated against rabies, the vaccination period is no less than 3 weeks before the flight and no more than a year.

For the comfort of other people on board, the dog must be clean and free of any strong odor. She is trained in boxing in advance. Aggression and anxiety are not desirable.

Who should not be transported

The following are not allowed to fly:

If the dog weighs over 50 kg, the owner should contact S7 Airlines. It specializes in transporting large animals, as well as animals living in the zoo and circus.

It is worth considering that pregnant bitches, puppies under 3 months old, pets over 10 years old and with severe chronic diseases, especially with pathologies of the heart, breathing, and brain, may not be allowed onto the aircraft. Other dogs can be transported on an airplane without any problems.

Why might they not let me in?

The airline has the right to refuse to transport a dog if:

  • the owner did not inform airline employees about the animal in advance;
  • the breed does not correspond to the declared one;
  • No necessary documents;
  • the animal's travel has not been paid for;
  • because of a pet, there are potential problems for company employees and passengers;
  • the dog container does not comply with the rules;

Another point is the suitability of the vessel for transporting animals. If a company doesn't have compliant aircraft or can't provide proper ventilation and temperature control in the cargo area, you won't be able to bring your dog with you.

Differences between transporting dogs in the cabin and in the luggage compartment

Flying with a dog on board and flying in the hold are different. The differences relate primarily to the size of the animal and its placement.


Several small dogs can be transported in the cabin at the same time: 2 adults or 3 puppies. They must be in the same cell. It is important that the total weight including the container is up to 8 kg.

Passengers with animals are not allowed:

Usually the owner and the dog are seated in remote places. The container must be placed under the seat in front. The box is not allowed to stand in the aisle or the dog to leave it.

In the cargo compartment

Large dogs weighing more than 8 kg are taken to the baggage department. Potentially dangerous dogs - aggressive, guard or fighting breeds - are also placed here. The main rule: one dog - one container. Each of them is paid separately.

The cage with the pet is registered as non-standard baggage in a separate window. A special sticker with a barcode and information about the dog and owner is placed on the container. Afterwards the box is fixed in a compartment with special pallets.

Requirements for containers

All boxes, regardless of size, must be:

The box for transportation in the cabin should be no more than 115 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. Minimum size luggage compartment cages – 155 cm.

Some carriers allow small dogs (up to 3 kg) to be carried as hand luggage. They are allowed to be placed in wicker baskets or bags for carrying dogs up to 135 cm in size.

The bottom of the carrier is covered with bedding, and the top with a moisture-absorbing diaper. The collar is put on the dog, and the leash is placed at the bottom of the cage.

Required documents

When transporting a dog across Russia and the CIS countries, you will need 2 documents: a veterinary passport and a state certificate.

State veterinary certificate No. 1 is issued on the basis of a veterinary passport. Issued at the state veterinary station with the obligatory presence of an animal.

Contains the same information as the previous document, with additional information about the route and the results of the control inspection. The form is valid for up to 5 days.

Additionally, they may request a certificate of microchipping.

Features of flights abroad

Transferring a dog to other countries is more problematic than transporting it across the territory of the Russian Federation. Each state has its own import and export rules - information should be clarified at the embassy.
For example, fighting breeds and young animals cannot be imported into a number of countries; moving to some countries will require additional vaccinations against diseases common there. All countries are subject to quarantine, lasting from 2 weeks to six months. Moreover, the owner pays for the maintenance of the dog during this period.

There are also general rules for flying dogs abroad:

  • an international veterinary certificate will be required;
  • the animal must not be of breeding value or belong to a rare breed - in order to export such a dog, you will need permission from the Russian canine service;
  • the dog must be microchipped;
  • a sticker with data in English is placed on the baggage cage;
  • In addition to the rabies vaccination, a blood test for the virus is performed a month after vaccination and 12 weeks before departure.

Special case – guide dogs and service animals

IN separate category include service dogs - guide dogs and those in canine service in law enforcement agencies. This only dogs, which, regardless of size, can accompany the owner on the plane and not be in the box.
Guide dogs are beneficiaries. They fly for free if the owner provides a certificate of disability and a document confirming that the dog belongs to the service category. Dogs can travel unaccompanied by adults. It is enough that they are with a child over 12 years old.

Pets employed in the canine service also need a document confirming their special training. The owner is required to present identification that he is an employee of the authorities executive power.

The rules for placing both categories of dogs are special. They:

  • are carried on board before passengers begin boarding;
  • must be muzzled and tied with a leash to the chair on which the owner is sitting;
  • are not in the aisles, near emergency exits, or in the seats of other travelers;
  • should not create dangerous situations, damage property, or relieve natural need.

Alone on a plane

When it is not possible to accompany the dog, it can be transported without the owner. Not all airlines provide this service, so you need to check with each carrier separately.
The owner must inform about the situation in advance and register Required documents. They also include a power of attorney for a special employee, whom the company will provide as an accompanying person.

The owner takes the dog to the airport himself. Then he hands it over to the manager and writes a statement indicating the size and weight of the dog (or several pets), the address of arrival, and the dimensions of the carrier.

Cost of transporting dogs in various airlines

Transportation of dogs is paid for as non-standard baggage - you do not need to buy a plane ticket for your dog. Prices are high and vary significantly between different companies, as well as depending on the direction of the flight, the size of the animal, and where it is located - in the cabin or in the luggage compartment.

The table shows the cost of transporting dogs on popular Russian airlines. Prices are current for 2018. Check with the carrier for the exact amount.

Tariff type What is the price
Aeroflot International flight in the cabin 5440
Domestic flights in the luggage compartment 3750
S7 Across Russia 2500
To other countries 5000
Ural Airlines On the territory of the Russian Federation 2500
Across the CIS 2600
International flights 4300
Rusline In the cabin up to 8 kg 2000
In the luggage compartment weighing up to:
- 8 kg;
- 31 kg; 5000
- 50 kg. 10000

How to prepare your dog for a flight and what to take with you

For a dog, flight is severe stress. Therefore, it needs to be prepared.

First of all, the pet is taught to carry if he is not already familiar with it. It will be a plus if he has already traveled by car or by train - the next trip will not be a big “surprise”. It is advisable to simply visit the airport with your dog several times and walk around the building so that he gets used to the environment.

Veterinary control before departure may take 30–40 minutes. Plus, it will take significant time to check documents, fill out forms, transfer the animal to the luggage department or escort it to the cabin. Therefore, you need to arrive at the airport 2–3 hours before departure.

For the flight to go smoothly, you must:

  • do not feed or water your pet 4 hours before boarding the plane;
  • walk the dog so he can go to the toilet;
  • Do not give food or water to the animal on the plane; if the flight lasts more than 5 hours, you can give it water;
  • take a veterinary first aid kit with you - consult a doctor about the necessary medications;
  • Stock up on absorbent diapers and wet wipes.

The dog should not be given sedatives or sleeping pills. Of course, I want her to sleep on the plane, but sedatives reduce arterial pressure. Along with horse racing atmospheric pressure a flight for a pet can end in death.

To transport a dog on a plane, you will have to pay a significant amount, suffer through collecting documents and choosing a suitable carrier, and then “bring yourself and your pet back to life.”

But if you need to move, and leaving your friend is unthinkable, all the difficulties will seem insignificant.

Pets often travel with their owners. When transporting them by bus or railway transport no problems arise. But how do they transport dogs on an airplane? Rules for transporting these animals have been established.

Is it possible to take a dog on a plane?

Air carriers do not impose restrictions on transporting pets. They regulate certain rules. The dog is transported directly in the aircraft cabin or in the cargo hold. To do this, the owner must have the appropriate documents and permits.

Important! When flying on international flights, a passenger with a dog must comply with the rules for importing animals of the country of arrival.

Many states set strict weight standards for animals that are imported into their territory. Customs services require not only a certificate from an international veterinarian, but also a certificate of breed.

Rules for transporting dogs on an airplane and in luggage

To travel with your pet, you must first obtain permission from the airline from which you purchased the ticket. According to established rules There must be no more than 5 animals on board the aircraft. The company must be notified that the passenger is flying with a pet no later than 36 hours before departure.

Note. If a traveler arrives at the airport with an animal without obtaining permission from the air carrier to transport it, he will be prohibited from boarding the flight.

To transport dogs in the cabin of an aircraft, the following requirements must be met:

  • the pet must be accompanied by an adult;
  • the weight of the animal should not be more than 8 kg;
  • it must be in a special cage or container (their size should not exceed 1.15 in width, length and height).

The animal should feel comfortable in it, lie down freely or stand up to its full height.

Passengers who transport pets as " hand luggage", are seated in remote places: near emergency exits or toilet rooms. In this case, travelers must have a veterinary kit with them. On high altitude Many animals experience discomfort and pain.

Animals weighing more than 8 kg travel in the luggage compartment.
To do this, you need to place them in special large containers or cages. Their size must be at least 1.55 m in width, length and height.

The passenger checks such baggage in a special window. It is necessary to carefully check that the documents for the container with the dog are filled out correctly. A barcode is placed on it. It automatically distributes luggage. After this, the animal is placed in a special compartment with fixed pallets. This will make it much easier for him to endure the flight.

What is important to know when booking

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting animals of the airline where you purchased your tickets. When booking, you must indicate that a dog is traveling with the passenger. At the same time, its weight and dimensions of the container are indicated.

Note. If the animal weighs 5-8 kg, you can check whether a soft small bag is suitable for transporting it.

You must also indicate the breed of the dog. It is worth considering that many airlines prohibit the carriage of brachycephalic dog breeds. It is better to reserve a place for your pet in advance, as the number of places on board for them is limited.

Before the flight, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian, who receives it directly at the airport. First you need to clarify its operating hours. You may need to arrive several hours before departure.

Documents for transporting a dog in Russia

For transporting a pet around the territory Russian Federation Certain documents will be required. First - veterinary passport. It is filled out by a veterinarian after the initial vaccination.

It contains the following information:

  • breed of dog;
  • its color;
  • nickname;
  • age;
  • Owner's full name, address and telephone number;
  • vaccination data.

Before flying, your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. This disease is dangerous for humans.

Important! All vaccinations must be completed no later than 30 days before departure.

Based on the veterinary passport, they issue state veterinary certificate according to form No. 1(usually this document is called an F1 veterinary certificate). It confirms the absence dangerous diseases in an animal.

It contains the following information:

  • Owner's full name;
  • route;
  • pet's name;
  • his gender and age, breed;
  • vaccination dates;
  • results of verification studies.

This certificate is obtained from the veterinary service.

Important! The document is valid for 5 days from the date of issue. Therefore, it is received 1-2 days before the flight.

At the airport, the pet undergoes additional veterinary control. The procedure takes 40 minutes. Some air carriers recommend that passengers undergo such control a day before departure. This way you can avoid unforeseen situations.

Documents for taking a pet abroad

To transport an animal on international flights, you must comply with the rules established by the customs service of the country of arrival. Transporting dogs on an airplane abroad is only possible if there is international veterinary passport. Labels from vaccines given to the pet are glued into it.

Initially draw up state veterinary certificate. Then it is exchanged for an international veterinary passport at the preliminary control point. The document is valid for 90 days.

Note. The international certificate must be retained during the trip. It will also be required when leaving a foreign country.

During the trip, the animal may get lost. It helps to find out information about its owner chipping. This is a procedure in which an empty capsule containing a microchip is inserted under the pet's skin. He was assigned an individual number. It is read using a scanner. Using this number you can easily find out information about the owner of the animal. It is worth considering that microchipping is mandatory when traveling abroad.

Transportation cost

Transportation of an animal in the aircraft cabin is paid according to the excess baggage rules. Only guide dogs can fly free. As for charter flights, the cost of transporting a pet depends on its weight. It varies between 100-200 euros.

Carrying requirements

The container for transporting the animal must be made of durable plastic. You can use a cage or a soft bag as it. The latter option is possible when transporting a pet in the aircraft cabin.

Only one dog can be in one container. It should contain special windows for air access.

Information about the dog is pasted on it. When flying abroad, it must be converted to English language. The bottom of the container is lined with a soft cloth. An absorbent diaper is placed on top of it.

There should be a collar on the dog's neck. The leash from it is placed at the bottom of the carrier or container. It is prohibited to restrain an animal during the flight. There should be a lock on the door of the container to prevent the dog from getting out of it on its own.

Preparing the animal for flight

It is prohibited to feed the animal 4 hours before departure. It is also not recommended to do this during a flight. You must first take your pet for a walk so that he can go to the toilet. It is forbidden to give him sleeping pills and sedatives. They lower blood pressure. In combination with surges in atmospheric pressure, they can cause death.

Comfort and safety

For short distances, for example, to the dacha, small animals (cats, rodents, small breed dogs) can be carried in carriers, which must be made of hard materials: plastic, wood, be securely closed and have holes for air flow.

In soft carrier bags the animal will be uncomfortable, and this is additional stress. Under no circumstances should you hold an animal in your arms in transport or on the street. Frightened by sharp sounds and unfamiliar surroundings, your pet may break free, scratch you with its claws, injure itself, or even run away. For the same reason, harnesses and leashes, in which many people try to transport rabbits, ferrets, and cats, are unreliable. If you don’t have a carrier, take a thick box, make a handle and holes.

Transporting an animal in a taxi is much more comfortable than in public transport. Notify the operator in advance that you will be traveling with an animal in a carrier, and check whether there will be an additional charge for it. Large dogs are allowed to be transported on buses if they have a collar, muzzle, leash and a separate ticket for the tailed passenger.

Rodents in all types of transport are transported in small plastic containers. Under no circumstances cardboard boxes which they can chew through.

Useful accessories

It is easier to transport animals in a personal car. The pet carrier should be placed on an empty seat and fastened with a seat belt. You cannot place an unfastened carriage in the cabin, much less place it on the floor of the car or under the seat.

It is prohibited to hold your pet in your arms or let it run around the cabin: this is dangerous for both him and you. There are special devices for large dogs. A leash-harness that attaches to the standard safety lock or a dog car seat will ensure your pet’s safety on the road. A special hammock mat will protect the upholstery of your car from damage, hair and dirt, and the grilles that separate the driver's seat will not allow the dog to distract the driver.

On the train, animals can be transported in all types of carriages (except for SV and luxury carriages). The main thing is that he sits in a spacious cage, in a basket or carrier and cannot get out of there without your permission. In addition to carrying, you must have a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the animal is healthy, and a receipt for “Luggage in the hands of the passenger.”

Large dogs can travel in the non-working vestibule of the first car after the diesel locomotive, or in the luggage compartment, in a special container, but always with a leash, wearing a muzzle and under your personal supervision.

Of course you can take big dog in a compartment so that everyone can travel comfortably - railway rules allow this. Only for this you will have to buy all four compartments and take no more than two dogs there.

Documents for an animal on the plane

If you are flying by plane, contact representatives of the carrier company in advance and find out in detail their rules for transporting animals (they differ greatly from company to company). Be sure to check the weight limit.

For air travel, in addition to the plastic carrier, you must have with you the animal’s veterinary passport with all current vaccinations, a health certificate and a certificate from the SCOR or RKF club.

When going through security at the airport entrance, do not forget to remove the animal from the carrier. Place the carrier on the belt and the pet next to you.

On an airplane, even a large dog will have to travel in a box. Payment for transportation of animals is made as excess baggage; only guide dogs fly free of charge.

Air travel can be quite stressful event for people, not to mention animals. We tell you how to transport your cat or dog correctly and what vaccinations they may need.

What and what animals can be transported in?

It is usually allowed to take on board animals that, together with the carrier, weigh up to 8-10 kilograms. The maximum weight and requirements for the cage should be viewed on the airline’s website. General rules usually the following: a carrier measuring 105–135 centimeters in the sum of three dimensions, should be well ventilated and securely closed, and the bottom should not leak (cover with a disposable diaper and blankets). Inside the container, the pet should stand up to its full height and not rest its head on the lid.

If an animal with a cage weighs more than 8 kilograms, it must be checked in as luggage. The maximum weight of live “baggage” depends on the airline, but usually it is 50-75 kilograms. If the pet is heavier than this, it should be sent as cargo.

For transportation you need not a simple container, but one that meets the IATA standard.

Consult your veterinarian about pet food in your luggage. Water is usually poured. To prevent it from spilling, put ice in the drinker.

In the luggage compartment where animals are transported, it is usually from +10 to +15 degrees, and sometimes +25.

Does my pet need a ticket?

Needed. Before purchasing, ask the carrier if you can bring your pet. Airlines have restrictions on the number of animals on a flight. Also, transportation in the same cabin may be denied, for example, to a cat and a dog. If one of the passengers has informed in advance that they will fly with a cat in their hand luggage, then they will offer to check the dog in their luggage.

If you are allowed to transport an animal, buy a ticket and coordinate the transportation. The deadline is 36–72 hours before departure, but earlier is better.

Airfare prices vary by airline, but they are usually cheaper than for individuals. Only guide dogs that accompany blind or deaf passengers, as well as service dogs and psychological support dogs are transported free of charge. Such animals must be muzzled.

Documents for transportation

For international transport, you will have to add to this list: an international veterinary certificate. He is registered with the veterinary service at the border control point if he has a veterinary certificate. You will also need a certificate of the breeding value of the animal and permission from the State Committee for Environmental Protection.