How to calculate the performance of a kitchen hood. How to calculate the hood power for your kitchen? Rating of the most powerful kitchen hoods

Properly calculated performance and hood power solve much more problems than we think. Unpleasant burning odors, inevitable fumes from heating appliances, hateful plaque on the walls and ceiling of the kitchen and much more are solved with the help of a hood. Add to this clean air (which is important for allergy sufferers, for example), saving money from frequent cosmetic repairs of the room and furniture (from humidity) and time for general cleaning (from plaque). Having connected all the components, you understand how important it is to choose the right hood that is right for you.

What you need to know first when choosing a hood:

- way to connect the hood: it is important to know if you have the opportunity to connect the hood to an external air purification duct. If there is such an opportunity - excellent, polluted air will be easily removed outside the premises. If this is not possible, it does not matter, the air will be cleaned by special filters that are built into the hood.

Tip from Osmin: - There is a misconception that a kitchen hood should provide full ventilation in all conditions. This is not entirely true. The efficiency of the kitchen hood directly depends on the type of installation and organization of air flow. Remember! The kitchen hood is an integral part of the ventilation system, but does not completely replace it.

- dimensions of the hood: when choosing a hood for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the hob and the kitchen hood. Remember the basic rule: get a hood with dimensions no smaller than the hob. Then the leakage of polluted air is minimal. If these parameters are neglected, the efficiency of removing fumes and combustion products may decrease.

- type and size of the room(isolated kitchen, kitchen-studio, kitchen-living room, ceiling height, ventilation system in the room, etc.): knowing these parameters, you can calculate the performance (power) and noise level of the hood, thereby providing yourself and your loved ones with clean air for kitchen.

Advice from Osmin: - There is an opinion that in a small kitchen, say 6-9 sq.m., the most primitive hood is enough. However, in a small room, odors spread faster and the concentration of combustion products is higher, because the amount of their release does not depend on the size of the room.

How to correctly calculate the performance and power of the hood:

When calculating the performance of kitchen hoods, there is still a complete confusion. Starting with the fact that different manufacturers indicate the parameters of their devices, obtained in different ways. Someone declares the "naked" performance of the turbine, someone writes real measurements of a particular model. Serious companies in their catalogs indicate all possible parameters for all types of tests (additional information can be requested from managers in the Osmin store), and the parameter with free air flow for each model is listed as the main one.

The classic formula for calculating power:

Where P is the required minimum extraction capacity (m3/h); V - kitchen area; H - ceiling height; 12 - optimal air exchange per hour.

Firstly, number 12, the SES norm for updating the air in kitchen rooms (12 times per hour), which will allow you to get the necessary performance for your room at the maximum (!) speed of the hood, which means that you do not have power reserve for emergency situations. In addition, the hood at this power will work in the noisiest mode.

Secondly, if the hood is hooked to the air outlet, then a power factor of 1.3 should be added, and if it cleans with carbon filters, then 1.5-1.7. Filters that trap grease and odors have a high resistance to air flow, so the power factor is higher.

Thirdly, the calculation factor may still vary depending on the type of hob. So, for electric hobs, a coefficient of 1.5 is needed, and for gas hobs 2.0 (since in this case, in addition to fumes from cooking, combustion products of the gas itself are also present).

Thus, for a kitchen 3x4 meters and a ceiling height of 2.7 meters with an electric hob, an extractor hood with a minimum capacity of 486 cubic meters per hour is required, and with a gas one - 648 cubic meters per hour. We recommend 600 and 800 cubic meters per hour for comfortable use in medium modes and for the availability of a performance margin, respectively.

Fourth, as the estimated area, it is worth using the boundaries of an isolated room, that is, limited by walls, doors and windows. If the kitchen does not have a closing door or it is not used, then to calculate the area, it is also necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent room that is not separated from the kitchen. In cases where the kitchen is combined with a living room, a dining room, the performance requirements increase dramatically due to the very rapid spread of odors and fumes to adjacent rooms, because they automatically become kitchen rooms.

So, to summarize, how to correctly calculate the power of the hood:

Given: kitchen 3 * 4 meters, with a ceiling height of 2.7; a family of three; an electric hob that cooks three times a day. There is an air outlet.
A task: find an extractor hood that is suitable for power
Solution:(3*4)*2.7*12*1.5 = 583.2 cubic meters/hour

On average, the performance of the hood you choose should be at least 600 cubic meters per hour, which is how much it can move cubic meters of air per hour in your room. Congratulations! This is the performance of an average hood in the most common price category. The choice here is huge and in form, and in color, and in price.

What you need to know more about hoods:

Pay attention to the additional features of modern kitchen hoods: which bulbs will illuminate your work surface above the stove; is there a residual fan stroke that allows you to completely clean the air after cooking is completed; whether there is an interval hood, it is sometimes called “24-hour mode”, so that the flow of fresh air into the room does not stop and keeps the air in your kitchen clean. A timer, air ionization, online recipes, designer lighting, operation from a remote control or launch from a mobile device - more and more technological models appear every year.

The design of the room and kitchen furniture: is of great importance when choosing a kitchen hood. Pay attention to the design of the hood, the method and place of its attachment, the materials used, the color scheme, what type of hob you have and what type and size of oven you have chosen.

Your habits and lifestyle: when choosing a hood, consider whether you have a large family, how often and how much you cook food, the presence of allergies, animals, children who smoke indoors, etc. Because all this information will help you choose the right appliance for your family and for your home.

Now you can independently choose a kitchen hood from the assortment of Osmin. If you have any questions, please call or ask us online. We will definitely help you to buy a hood for the kitchen that you need.

The range of kitchen hoods for stoves is huge, there are models of different shapes and sizes. But the appearance in this technique is not the main thing. The technical parameters of power and volumes of pumped air are more important. Functionality is more important than aesthetics. Only a competent engineer can accurately calculate the performance of a kitchen hood. However, when selecting exhaust equipment for apartments and private houses, simplified formulas are often used. Let's consider how to use them correctly and adequately interpret the results of calculations.

When cooking on the stove, fumes, soot, pleasant and not very smells are inevitably formed. From all this, the kitchen room must be disposed of immediately, otherwise you can forget about a comfortable microclimate and cleanliness in the kitchen. You will have to spend a lot of effort on washing the hob and the walls around from grease deposits, and also keep the windows open all the time for ventilation.

The kitchen hood should be beautiful, productive and larger than the area of ​​​​the hob

For bakeries and food preparation shops, a range hood is a must. In a cottage or apartment, its installation is left to the discretion of the owners. According to building codes, residential buildings are equipped with natural or forced ventilation. However, even for a small kitchen, this air exchange system is often not enough.

Household hoods for the kitchen consist of:

  • corps;
  • electric motor;
  • fan;
  • air purifying filters;
  • lighting elements.

They can operate in pull and recirculation mode. In the first case, room air is sucked out of the room, being replaced by new air from the ventilation system. And in the second, it is pumped through internal carbon filters and returned to the room already cleaned.

Important! Connecting the hood to existing ventilation ducts may disrupt its operation, not all ducts are designed for increased load.

For purely exhaust equipment, it is necessary to equip the outlet to the ventilation duct, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing. Plus, for its efficient operation, a continuous supply of fresh air from outside is required. Equipment with recirculation is easier to install, but its carbon filters will have to be changed at least once a year.

A variety of designs of exhaust technology for cookers

It should be clearly understood that, regardless of the model and power, the kitchen hood is designed to purify and remove polluted air exclusively from the surface of the stove. The space under the ceiling is not available to her, which is why it is so important to select ventilation equipment according to the size of the hob.

The performance of the hood is calculated in cubic meters / hour - this is the volume of air that it is able to pump through itself. Power is measured in kilowatts, which reflects the amount of electricity consumed during operation. These two values ​​should not be confused.

Norm Requirements! The performance of the exhaust equipment should be such that in an hour all the air in the kitchen of an apartment or a private house is renewed at least ten times.

According to SNiPs, during operation, ventilation equipment, which includes an exhaust hood, must completely update the air in the room several times in an hour. For kitchens in residential buildings, this value is determined at 10–15. It depends on the type of stove, the mode of operation of the fan and other factors. To simplify the calculations, this coefficient is taken as 12.

How to calculate the power of exhaust equipment

The power indicators of the hood directly depend on its performance. The more it is able to pump air, the more powerful the fan is in it, which needs an electric motor to work.

For equipment connected to ventilation ducts, operating only in exhaust mode, the performance should be calculated based on the cross section of the air ducts. It is almost impossible to do this without engineering knowledge and a housing project. And the calculation of the exhaust power by area is suitable only for recirculation models. Unlike the first option, the size of the ventilation ducts does not affect their performance.

The simplest formula for calculating the area

The classic calculation of the performance of a kitchen hood is the multiplication of the square of the kitchen, its height and a factor of 12. However, the resulting figure is very conditional. It doesn't take into account many factors.

  • cooking on an electric stove;
  • kitchen room with closed doors and windows;
  • rectangular kitchen without an abundance of decorative delights.

If a gas stove is used for cooking, then the coefficient 12 should be changed to 20 without hesitation. In this case, in addition to fumes, the hood will also have to remove gas combustion products from the kitchen. Plus, in any case, it is worth adding 15-20% in reserve.

Calculation of the performance of exhaust equipment by cubic capacity of the kitchen

Another 25-30% of the power must be added to the carbon filter. It creates additional resistance for the passage of air flow.

An important nuance! Calculations of productivity and power for the hood should be made based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen itself and the rooms adjacent to it, if they are not fenced off from the first.

If the door to the kitchen is constantly open or there is an arch instead, then the parameters of the exhaust technology should be calculated based on the total quadrature of the adjacent room. The same applies to corridors, as well as combined living rooms or halls. The absence of barriers increases the volume of processed air, as it constantly circulates between the kitchen and adjacent rooms.

Accounting for additional factors

The above performance calculation is based on a hood with recirculation. If the equipment works in exhaust mode, sending the flow to the ventilation, then its efficiency is greatly affected by the throughput of the ventilation ducts. Of course, it is possible to increase the volume of air pumped through a narrow shaft due to increased engine power, but this leads to an increase in noise from a running fan and overheating of the electric motor.

Approximate indicators of the required performance of the hood in the kitchen

In most private and multi-apartment buildings, ventilation ducts in the section do not exceed 125 mm, which allows about 400 m 3 / h of air to be pumped through them. If you install a hood of greater productivity in the kitchen, then there will be little sense from it. In addition, air ducts often have irregularities, narrowing and turns inside, which further reduces their throughput.

Important! The efficiency of a kitchen hood depends on the mode of operation and the method of its installation, as well as the cubic capacity of the room, the type of stove and the design features of the ventilation ducts.

If you follow a simplified calculation, then for a small kitchen, a low-power hood will suffice. However, formulas are formulas, and common sense never hurts. Smells from the stove fill a small room faster, and their concentration in this case is an order of magnitude higher than in a spacious kitchen. For a very small room where food is prepared, it is necessary to select equipment that is more powerful than the calculated indicators.

Choice of kitchen hood: noise vs performance

With an increase in power, the noise of the exhaust system increases. Excessive noise will quickly tire the housewife, as a result, cooked food may turn out to be of little use for consumption.

A modern extractor hood for home cooking is noisy at 40–45 decibels during operation

Household hoods are equipped with asynchronous electric motors, which, unlike power units in vacuum cleaners or drills, are much quieter. However, when they are turned on at full power, the noise becomes noticeable. Only at low and medium speeds they do not create unpleasant sensations.

Advice! The optimal hood is a model with adjustable power and several operating modes.

Completely silent kitchen appliances do not exist. Manufacturers are doing everything possible to reduce its noise, but they are far from omnipotent. At the same time, the noise intensity depends not only on the power of the electric motor and fan, but also on the cleanliness of the filters and air ducts. Without regular maintenance, the hood will bring only a headache instead of comfort.

Video: how to choose a hood of optimal design and power

The kitchen hood is part of a forced ventilation system, so the calculation of its power and performance should be carried out together with the design of all ventilation. The above formulas will help you navigate the calculated and required numbers. For most home kitchens, this is sufficient. If you want maximum efficiency and stability in your work, then it is better to turn to professionals for accurate calculations.

The kitchen is a special place in the apartment. Here, not only the hostess spends a lot of time preparing delicious and healthy dishes. The whole family also often likes to gather here, in warmth and comfort.
But if the room is filled with smoke and fumes, which also begins to penetrate into other rooms, there is no time for comfort!
Such a useful device as a hood helps to avoid such trouble. However, this only happens if its power is selected correctly.
Let's figure out how to calculate it yourself.
But first of all, let's clarify the basic information about exhaust devices. We need it to perform accurate calculations.

The peculiarity of the exhaust device for the kitchen

Features of the kitchen hood

Manufacturers offer several types of devices that make the air fresh and clean.
The main difference between them is related to technological features. Namely, with what happens to the dirty air that has entered the hood housing.
There are currently 2 types of devices in use.


Reference. These are powerful devices that are able to quickly and efficiently remove contaminants.

They are carry out the removal of dirty air from the kitchen. Most often, it goes to the supply ventilation, which is available in the apartment.

The movement of air occurs inside a special channel - an air duct. It combines the housing with the ventilation duct.

Exists 2 types of air ducts

  • First option - flexible, corrugated channel. It is usually used if an air duct with turns and corners is mounted.
  • Another variant - use of hard plastic. Such an air duct is installed if the hood and ventilation are connected in a straight line that does not have any bends.


These are hoods that do not have access to ventilation.

This feature of the devices is related to the principle of their operation. Aggregates they do not remove dirty air, but purify it and then return it to the kitchen again.

The absence of a ventilation duct led to the need adding another component to the design - one or more filters.

Reference. The power of recirculation hoods is usually somewhat less than that of supply structures.

Hood installation requirements

For the quality performance of their functions units must be properly installed.

The place for them is associated with the location of the cooking device: electric or gas stove (panel). The hood is installed directly above them.

Important: The width of the hood must not be less than the width of the hob.

It is not allowed to place the stove and hood in different places in the kitchen.

Regardless of the principle of operation and power, exhaust devices can be mounted on the wall (flat, domed), on the ceiling (island), in a closet (built-in).

An important factor when choosing a place is the convenience of connecting the structure to electricity.

This information will help you decide which appliance is best for your kitchen.

Power is an important device selection parameter

Having decided on the type, design, features of operation and mounting of the unit, you must not forget about its power.

What is hood power

In physics lessons at school, we were taught that the concept of power indicates the speed of transformation, the performance of the main function of the device.

What does this mean in relation to the hood? Since the purpose of this household appliance is related to air purification, we will be able to determine what its power is. Therefore, the unit of measurement of this indicator was m³ / h.

Power is also referred to as device performance.

Do not confuse this figure with energy consumption data, which is also called power in some cases. The fact that these are different characteristics can be seen by comparing the units of measurement. Electricity consumption is measured in kWh.

What power do modern hoods have

Depending on specific needs, customers can choose home appliances with different capacities.

  • low power units are produced with a capacity from 25 cubic meters / h. This group includes equipment with characteristics up to 150-200 m3/h
  • Average power expressed in terms from 200 to 450 m3/h. Most devices have a capacity of 300 to 400 cubic meters / h.
  • Powerful Devices- these are extracts that process from 500 to 750 m3/h.
    The productivity of industrial machinery is even higher. It reaches up to 900 m3/h.

Reference. Modern devices provide the ability to adjust the power and speed of air purification. They have up to 5 power levels.

Data required for power calculation

So, we have clarified what is included in the very concept of power. We also found out that we have great opportunities for choosing an exhaust device of suitable performance.

Important! A small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen is not a reason to purchase equipment of minimum power.

But that only makes things more difficult! How to choose the most suitable from a large number of devices?

The answer is simple: for each specific kitchen, you will have to calculate the optimal hood power. And then it remains only to purchase the device according to the calculated data.

Sanitary standards

The calculation can only be correct if all the necessary data are used.
First of all, they include sanitary standards. They are established by law.

Reference. In accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations in the kitchens of residential buildings, the air must be completely updated 12 times in 1 hour.

Let's remember this number. We need it for calculations.

An air turnover coefficient of 12 applies to all residential premises, regardless of their area and location (apartment building or individual building).


Let's move on to further calculations. They must be accurate, so mathematics is indispensable here.

Calculations are carried out according to the following formula: S x H x 12 = P.

For the calculation, we need the following data:

  • Square kitchens - S.
  • Ceiling height– H.

As a result we we get the required performance indicator (P).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. By multiplying the area and height of the room, we first find out the volume of the kitchen in cubic meters. And then we increase the result using the sanitary coefficient.

Reference: the area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the kitchen. Ready data can also be taken in the technical passport of the apartment.

This determines the overall power of the device. However, this figure is not final.

3 counting methods

You can find out what the performance of a structure that works in your kitchen should be in different ways. Let's imagine 3 main ways that consumers are recommended to use.

According to the table

Since we find out with this formula maximum performance hoods, which means that you will always have to use them to the maximum. How will this affect the device? It can be assumed that such functioning will not have the best effect on its long-term.

So, you need to buy a model more powerful than the data obtained. Therefore, the calculations include a certain margin of safety, expressed as a factor of 1.3.

Getting a result

For simplicity You can use ready-made tables, which are compiled using an average magnifying factor of 1.3.

This is the easiest way. In the left vertical column we find the desired area, in the upper horizontal - the height of the room. At the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines we find our data. The margin of safety is already taken into account in them.

Subject to specific conditions of use

To obtain a more accurate result, you need to pay attention to the specific conditions of the room in which the structure will be installed.

Additional factors affecting the power of the hood

And in order to most accurately combine the exhaust device with a specific kitchen, you need to add additional information to the calculations.

Odds for different panels:

  • gas - 2.0;
  • electric - 1.5.
  • models with an air duct - 1.3.
  • models with a filter - 1.7.

The largest coefficient is entered into the formula.

So, if the surface is gas (2.0) with a filter (1.7), we apply a coefficient of 2.0.
And if the panel is electric (1.5) with a filter (1.7), our coefficient is 1.7.

Important! If there are smokers in the family, the power must be increased using an additional coefficient of 1.3.

Calculation examples

For example, let's make a joint calculation for different areas of kitchens.

9 sq. m

Initial data

  • Ceiling - 2.5 m.
  • The panel is gas (2.0), with a filter (1.7), therefore, our coefficient is 2.0.

9 sq. m x 2.5 m x 12 x 2.0 = 540 cu. m/h.

10 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 2.7 m.
  • Electric panel (1.5) with air duct (1.3) - increasing factor 1.5.

10 sq. m x 2.7 m x 12 x 1.5 = 486 m3/h

12 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 3 m
  • Electric panel (1.5) with filter (1.7) - coefficient 1.7.

12 x 3 x 12 x 1.7 = 734 m3/h

15 sq.m

  • Ceiling - 2.7
  • Electric panel (1.5) with air duct (1.3) - coefficient 1.5.

15 x 2.7 x 12 x 1.5 = 729 cbm/h

Third way

Experts offer another simple way, which is the most common.

It is associated with an increase in the air turnover ratio.

According to this methodology, instead of multiplying by 12, another factor is applied.

  • Electric stoves - 15.
  • Gas surfaces - 20.

Calculation examples

Let's see what results we get in our examples.

9 sq. m

Initial data

  • Ceiling - 2.5 m.
  • The panel is gas.

9 sq. m x 2.5 m x 20 = 450 cu. m/h.

10 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 2.7 m.
  • Electric panel.

10 sq. m x 2.7 m x 15 = 405 m3/h

12 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 3 m.
  • Electric panel.

12 x 3 x 15 = 540 m3/h

15 sq.m

  • Ceiling - 2.7 m.
  • Electrical panel

15 x 2.7 x 15 = 607 cbm/h

As you can see, this simplified calculation gives slightly different numbers.

They can be used for orientation as a minimum power indicator that a kitchen hood should have.

We hope that the question of which hood to choose will not be too difficult now. You can purchase a unit that will not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also cope with its purpose. With the right selection of appliances, you will always be able to keep the kitchen fresh air.

Let's start with the natural and . As the name implies, the first type includes ventilation and everything that has nothing to do with devices. Accordingly, mechanical ventilation includes fans, hoods, air inlets and other equipment for creating a forced air flow.

The moderate speed of this flow is good, which creates comfortable conditions in the room for a person - the wind is not felt. Although properly installed high-quality forced ventilation also does not bring drafts. But there is also a minus: at a low air flow rate during natural ventilation, a wider cross section is needed for its supply. As a rule, the most effective ventilation is provided with windows or doors completely open, which speeds up the process of air exchange, but can adversely affect the health of residents, especially in the winter season. If we ventilate the house by partially opening the windows or fully opening the vents, it takes about 30–75 minutes for such ventilation, and here the window frame may freeze, which may well lead to condensation, and cold air that enters for a long time leads to health problems . Wide open windows speed up the air exchange in the room, cross-ventilation will take about 4-10 minutes, which is safe for window frames, but with such ventilation almost all the heat in the house goes outside, and for a long time the temperature inside the premises is quite low, which again increases the risk diseases.

You should also not forget about the supply valves, which are gaining popularity, which are installed not only on windows, but also on the walls inside the rooms (wall supply valve), if the design of the windows does not provide for such valves. The wall valve performs air infiltration and is an elongated branch pipe installed through the wall, closed on both sides with gratings and adjustable from the inside. It can be either completely open or completely closed. For convenience in the interior, it is recommended to place such a valve next to the window, since it can be hidden under the tulle, and the flow of passing air will be heated by radiators located under the window sills.

For normal air circulation throughout the apartment, it is necessary to ensure its free movement. To do this, overflow grilles are placed on the interior doors so that the air moves calmly from the supply systems to the exhaust systems, passing through the whole house, through all the rooms. It is important to consider that such a flow is considered correct in which the smelliest room (toilet, bathroom, kitchen) is the last one. If it is not possible to install an overflow grill, it is enough just to leave a gap between the door and the floor, about 2 cm. This is quite enough for the air to move easily around the house.

In cases where natural ventilation is not enough or there is no desire to arrange it, they switch to the use of mechanical ventilation.

In order to comfortably prepare meals in the kitchen, and then eat, you should take care of high-quality ventilation of the room. Our apartments have common ventilation ducts, which partly save the situation, but, as a rule, are not effective enough. And then you can “invite” the hood to help - a special device that will forcibly remove polluted air from the room.

How to check that you need a hood

You can do one of the following:

  1. Bring a burning match to the vent, look at the flame. If it deviates towards the ventilation duct, then there is draft, although it is impossible to accurately judge its level by the flame.
  2. Attach a regular sheet of A4 paper to the hole. If it sticks, then the air from the room is drawn out efficiently enough. Otherwise, the need for extraction is very high.

Instrument selection

What are the selection criteria:

  • external data;
  • dimensions;
  • the form;
  • principle of operation;
  • performance.

Perhaps the most valuable is just the last parameter. After all, it determines the effectiveness of the removal of polluted air from the kitchen. And here the question arises, how to determine the required performance so that the process is as productive as possible, and staying in the room is the most comfortable.

About performance

To find out what device performance is required, you should determine the minimum power that the device must have.

The performance is calculated without contact with the air outlet. This parameter can be found in the instructions for the device, where it is denoted by the FB parameter, which means Free Blow.

In general, the performance is calculated with an adjustment for the installation of an air outlet of a specific section and length. As a result, data are obtained that are closest to real indicators. This option is defined by the IEC 61591 standard. With this method of determining performance, the indicator is slightly lower than with FB. It should be noted that, in general, manufacturers indicate both indicators in the instructions.

In some cases, performance data in recirculation mode is also given. These data are even lower. After all, productivity is reduced due to the passage of air filters, overcoming obstacles.

Productivity is determined in cubic meters per hour.

Cross section of ventilation ducts

In most cases, to calculate the power (performance), it is proposed to calculate the volume of the room and multiply it by the required coefficient. As we found out, this figure may be somewhat inaccurate. This is also confirmed by the reviews.

Therefore, we will try to calculate the power, taking into account the cross section of the ventilation ducts. In most of our apartments, a channel diameter of 140 mm or a square section of 130x130 mm is used. Up to 400 m 3 / h of air can pass through such an air outlet. Of course, this is an ideal indicator. But there are also channel irregularities, bends and other obstacles that impair patency.

If the hood will operate in circulation mode, the calculation can be made based on the room volume data. The calculation formula may look like this:

where P is the desired performance of the exhaust device, m 3 / h; K1 is a constant coefficient that determines the desired number of air change cycles per unit of time - per hour, most often taken equal to 12; K2 - safety factor, taking into account the number of floors of the building, the resistance of the ventilation duct, pollution, and so on, is taken equal to 1.3; S - kitchen area; H - ceiling height.

Now let's consider different calculation options, taking into account the difference in kitchen area: 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 square meters. m. - our most common options. The default ceiling height is 2.7 meters.

  • 6 sq.m. - in this case, the following calculation is performed: 12x1.3x6x2.7 = 252.72 m 3 / h;
  • 9 sq. m. - the formula will look like this: 12x1.3x9x2.7 \u003d 379.08 m 3 / h;
  • 10 sq. m. - productivity will be: 12x1.3x10x2.7 \u003d 421.20 m 3 / h;
  • 11 sq. m. - the calculation will be as follows: 12x1.3x11x2.7 \u003d 463.32 m 3 / h;
  • 12 sq. m. - we calculate the highest indicator: 12x1.3x12x2.7 \u003d 505.44 m 3 / h.

As you can see, the most economical option is obtained in the smallest kitchen - 6 square meters. m. But this fact can hardly be envied if you imagine how tenants have to invent themselves, using such a tiny room as a kitchen.

Other options

Of course, the given power (performance) calculations are approximate. Ideally calculating such an indicator as productivity is a rather complicated undertaking that requires engineering knowledge and practice. Therefore, we focus on the recommendations, reviews and formulas given. This will be enough to choose a good and efficient hood. The main thing to remember is that the figure obtained is the recommended minimum value of the possible power for these conditions.

If the quadrature or height of the kitchen ceilings differs from the examples given, you must insert your data into the formula. And then the result will be relevant.