How to wash and care for a matte stretch ceiling? (9 photos). How to care for glossy stretch ceilings Care for suspended ceilings

/ Stretch ceilings in the kitchen - how to care for them?

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen - how to care for them?

Stretch ceilings are one of the best combinations good performance and excellent appearance. They are perfect for finishing any room, including kitchens, but in the kitchen they often raise questions.

What care is required and how often

This type of finishing does not require any special treatment. It is enough to wash it occasionally with a special product or soap solution. Sometimes, just running a damp sponge over the surface is enough. Most often, questions are asked about how often such coatings need to be cleaned and washed.

The answer is quite simple - you will see for yourself when the surface needs to be cleaned. It gets dirty quite a bit, since the coating does not attract dust and small particles from the air. This is due to the fact that even at the production stage of the canvas, the material is impregnated with a special solution that repels dust.

IN kitchen area, the ceiling can get dirty faster than in other places. This is due to large quantity greasy steam and splashes that appear during cooking. It is difficult to wash them with plain water and other means come to the rescue.

How can I wash such a ceiling?

The easiest option is soapy water. The solution is made from any soap, grated into fine powder and dissolved in water. Dipping a non-lint cloth or sponge into it, you need to carefully wipe the contaminated area and after that, be sure to wipe the surface dry.

If the dirt is not removed with soap, you can buy a special product for tension coverings or make it yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve in warm water a couple of caps of Mr. Muscle and add a little ammonia to the mixture.

Excellent glass and dishwashing detergents. You just need to carefully read their composition - it should not contain aggressive components, such as acetone. Another limitation would be the use of glass or dishwashing detergents when cleaning textile coverings. They can absorb liquid and dye, which is often present in such compositions, can stain the ceiling.

How to wash

There is one common misconception regarding how to wash suspended ceilings when they need care - circular movements with a sponge. Many people recommend doing just that. However, in this case there will be much more divorces. It is much better to move a rag or sponge back and forth, thereby leaving fewer streaks.

You should not use rags with lint - small lint is always very noticeable on a surface and such a rag will certainly leave it behind. Much would be better suited microfiber or regular flannel. A variety of sponges are an excellent choice. Only the softest ones can be used, since the hard surface of the sponge can leave marks on the canvas that cannot be removed.

If you choose the “dry” cleaning option, a vacuum cleaner will help out. You need to do everything very carefully so as not to scratch the film or damage the canvas with strong pressure. There is no need to touch it at all - you need to move the nozzle close to the canvas, or use special nozzles with a soft coating.

What not to do

Even if there is a stain on the coating that does not want to be removed, you cannot scrape it or rub it hard. You can simply damage the thin film. If the fabric is stretched, you shouldn’t do this either - it may withstand pressure, but by rubbing the stain with force, you will only rub the dirt into it even deeper. It's better to buy special means to remove such contaminants.

Before cleaning, be sure to remove all rings, watches, bracelets and other jewelry from your hands. No matter how carefully you work, you can accidentally catch the canvas with them and tear it. You should also not use brushes or sponges with a hard coating. They will damage the film very quickly or lead to noticeable scratches on the surface. It's better to use regular soft flannel.

Stretch ceilings are considered one of the most popular types of finishing. They help give the room a sophisticated look and fit perfectly even into the most modern interiors and, of course, they are pleasing to the eye (more details: " "). But what is the care for a suspended ceiling? How to preserve its original appearance? How to wash such a surface so as not to harm it? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Despite their fragility, stretch ceilings are unpretentious. Caring for them is much easier than other types of coatings. The fabric used for such structures is durable and strong. But still, some tips will help you avoid unpleasant moments washing such ceilings. Let's figure out how to care for a stretch ceiling.

Using the recommendations in this article, you can not only maintain the surface of the ceiling in proper form, but also extend its service life. And the great thing about this case is that care takes very little time.

Stretch ceilings - caring for them

Due to their convenience and stylistic versatility, stretch ceilings have become the most popular type of design. But every owner of a house or apartment is concerned with the question of how to care for a suspended ceiling in order to maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Canvases modern ceilings They have a special antistatic coating that reduces dust levels. Often, to remove minor dirt, it is enough to wipe the surface with a dry cloth from time to time and even less often to do wet cleaning.

But the care of such ceilings largely depends on where they are installed. In some rooms where humidity and dust are high, linens will have to be washed more often. First of all, such premises include bathrooms, loggias and kitchens.

It is recommended to remove minor stains on suspended ceilings with a dry cloth or cloth. The surface must be cleaned carefully, avoiding the formation of micro-scratches.

Some people wonder whether stretch ceilings can be washed. Experts answer that it is possible, but only if certain features are observed:

  • Detergents should not contain abrasive substances. It is optimal to use a soap solution, special polishes or a solution of ammonia for washing ceilings.
  • Washing methods largely depend on the material of the stretch ceiling.

Glossy stretch ceiling - caring for it

They must shine, which is why they are chosen for interior decoration. But due to small dust particles that are found even in the most clean rooms, the shine of such coatings begins to fade a little. What to do in this case?

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings much like cleaning mirrors. To remove dust and restore the shine of the surface, you need to wipe it with a dry paper napkin or a cloth with short lint (read: ""). In order for the ceilings to shine like new, you need to know how to care for a glossy stretch ceiling.

For these purposes, you can use polishes that add shine or window cleaners. You can also prepare an alcohol solution. For this purpose in one liter clean water dilute 100 grams of ammonia. After wet cleaning, wipe the ceiling with a dry cloth. This should be done not with circular movements, but with progressive ones, as stains may appear on the surface.

Caring for stretch matte ceilings

Since stains do not remain on the surface of ceilings of this type, caring for them in most cases comes down to a little cleaning. Experts advise cleaning such a ceiling with water vapor. If this approach seems difficult, then you can resort to using a regular water solution. To prepare it, you need to add a small amount of window or dishwashing detergent to warm water. The use of laundry soap shavings is also allowed.

If you need to clean the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen, then it is better to use ammonia. This is due to the fact that soot and fat, which are caustic, settle on the canvas. After such cleaning, the ceiling is simply wiped with a dry cloth. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it in the process of cleaning ceilings (more details: ""). The canvas should not be allowed to sag, as this ultimately leads to deformation of the entire structure.

Care of fabric stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings of this type are different from previous ones design features:

  • fabric sheets are more fragile, so they cannot be used for cleaning detergents;
  • fabric ceilings They consist of threads intertwined in a special way, so they are easy to clean with a soft bristle brush.

Caring for fabric-based canvases may include wet cleaning, but only in case of very heavy contamination. In this case, the concentration of soap should be small. Before you start washing, you need to check the effect of the soap solution on a hidden area of ​​the ceiling. Sometimes low-quality materials can change color when in contact with water. In addition, you need to clean fabric ceilings very carefully - you cannot rub too hard in the same place. Read also: "

Among the types of ceiling design that are widely used today during apartment renovations, stretch ceilings are of greatest interest. Despite all the relatively complex and labor-intensive installation technology, this design option for ceiling surfaces is the most original. Thanks to great variety color design and the textures of such suspended ceilings can radically change the interior of even the most unprepossessing room. Sophistication, gloss and presentability are the main qualities that are characteristic of this type of ceiling design.

However, it is not enough to install a tension suspension structure. It is important to know how to clean stretched fabric. For this you need regular care behind suspended ceilings so that they continue to delight you in the years to come.

What is the secret to caring for such attractive and delicate structures? When should you wash, what and what detergents are best for hanging tensioned systems? Let's try to answer these questions.

What are the features and specifics of suspended ceilings?

The canvas, which is stretched in the upper part of the room, is unique in its technological and physical properties material. It simultaneously combines high technological characteristics, practicality and aesthetics. New stretch ceilings installed in the hall or living room always look great. They can be glossy or matte. In both cases, the surface of the PVC film is even and smooth.

On a note: There is a misconception that film stretched onto ceilings does not require maintenance. Like any other surface mounted on the top, the film is subject to natural physical contamination during operation.

Dust and human waste products, along with fumes, settle on the surface of the ceiling, over time depriving it of its freshness and attractiveness. The situation with suspended ceilings looks similar. This is especially true in situations when we are dealing with glossy ceiling tension structures. Tensioner care matte ceilings much simpler than in a situation with a glossy texture. The reason for such attention to this type of tension systems is that the glossy texture of PVC film is more susceptible to contamination and, accordingly, this texture requires special cleaning and washing technology.

Polyvinyl chloride film or polyester fabric is a special finishing material. Due to its strength and resistance to external influence the canvas stretched in the upper part of the premises can serve for a long time. Under one condition, that care is carried out on time and correctly.

When to wash and clean tensioned suspension systems

When the ceiling is washed, it is immediately noticeable. The glossy surface plays with colors and tints, reflecting the light of the switched on lamps. The clean, matte surface diffuses light better, increasing indoor comfort.

However, the condition of the ceilings is greatly affected by the level and intensity of use of the room. Pollution is especially noticeable in the kitchen or in those areas where people most often stay. In such places cleaning suspended structure required at least 1-2 times a year. In the living room or in the hall, this procedure is performed less frequently.

For reference: It’s worth focusing separately on the children’s room. In a child's bedroom or playroom, where the child spends most of his time, wet cleaning of ceilings, including tension systems, is carried out at least once a month.

Also, the condition of the ceiling surface made of PVC film is influenced by the quality of the material. Branded stretch ceilings will retain their original virgin appearance longer. During operation, such canvases and fabrics are treated with special compounds and agents that reduce the degree of contamination of the film or fabric.

In order to achieve the desired effect, I wash the suspended ceiling, observing certain rules, subtleties and nuances.

How and with what means should you wash suspended ceilings at home?

Wash your stretched fabric incorrectly can ruin all the beauty you used to enjoy. Failure to comply with care technology often causes the main fabric to lose its original color. Tension surface will lose its shine and become cloudy. Often, excessive zeal and violation of the rules for caring for ceilings of this type cause deformation of the stretched fabric.

If caring for a matte ceiling can be carried out with some disturbances and will not lead to significant changes in appearance, then with a glossy surface everything is much more complicated. What basic rules should you know:

  • Use only substances and detergents that do not contain abrasive elements for washing;
  • soda and powdered substances are not suitable for such a procedure;
  • substances and components containing alkalis and acids are also contraindicated when cleaning tension systems.

Cleaning and cleaning products must be selected accordingly. No scrapers, spatulas or stiff bristled brushes. Only soft foam sponges, brushes and microfiber sponges are used.

On a note: Cleaning PVC film can be wet or dry. The choice depends on the degree of contamination of the ceiling part and operating conditions.

Dry cleaning and cleaning is carried out with soft cloths. The stretched fabric is rubbed in a circular motion without pressure. This technique will allow you to update your work surface without streaks, making it still bright and catchy. At wet processing the same procedure is performed with a sponge. To achieve better results, you can add detergent to the water that does not contain aggressive components.

It is worth remembering that the more often you wash your ceilings in the house, the longer they will retain their attractiveness. Regular washing and cleaning will avoid the accumulation of dirt and dust, the washing of which will be very difficult.

What is the secret to properly washing and cleaning suspended ceilings?

To make the whole process as comfortable and very tiring for you as possible, get the following devices:

  • ladder - stepladder;
  • microfiber or suede cloths;
  • foam sponges;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • detergents suitable for this procedure.

To remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, use a brush attachment with soft bristles.

For example, to remove minor dirt, stains and dust from the ceiling surface, it is enough to wipe the surface of the film with a damp cloth or suede cloth.

After treating the fabric with a damp sponge, it is necessary to treat the surface with dry material. This must be done to ensure that no traces of dried drops remain on the glossy surface. A matte stretch ceiling does not require such careful care. Here it is enough to get by with just one wet cleaning.

When it comes to major cleaning and you need to remove heavy dirt that is clearly visible on the stretched fabric.

On a note: When working with a vacuum cleaner, you should not rush into work too zealously. Using fairly gentle movements, without touching the surface, run the vacuum cleaner over the entire ceiling. Too much pressure on the fabric can lead to accidental mechanical damage or sagging of the entire structure.

Individual stains (traces from food and drinks) are removed with a sponge or microfiber cloth soaked in soapy water. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, if the stain remains, repeat the procedure two or three times without resorting to radical actions. To make the glossy surface shine again, wipe the stretched film with a lint-free cloth soaked in 10% ammonia solutions. Sometimes for these purposes they use a special means for washing windows and mirrors, spraying it not on the film, but only by moistening the surface of the napkin.

For work, washing powder diluted in warm water is usually used. Making a soap solution high concentration no point. Otherwise, you will have to spend more time removing soap film and foam from the treated area. To be on the safe side, try making a soap solution from regular laundry soap first. You should remember those tools that are strictly not recommended to be used in similar situations.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use detergents containing abrasive elements, solvents of all types and classes to treat ceilings made of PVC films. Specialized special equipment usually indicates the scope of application, including cleaning and washing suspended ceilings.

When using a new product, you need to test its effect in a limited area, somewhere inconspicuous to the eye. If the product does not leave noticeable stains or streaks, use it as directed on the entire ceiling surface.

It is not worth overpaying when purchasing special products, since its composition is a regular washing solution, which contains special fragrances and additives.

How to wash matte ceilings

Let us consider in detail how it has a matte surface. In our understanding, a classic matte surface is a perfectly plastered ceiling. The surface in this case looks monochromatic and does not give off glare. To create such a surface, polyurethane fabric is used. Unlike glossy film, matte film is not subject to cracking, is less scratched and is not as susceptible to dust. Despite these advantages, such a ceiling also needs to be cleaned and washed.

This type of surface is much easier to clean, since even with wet cleaning there are no streaks left on the matte finish.

Here you can get by with a regular soap solution or use a degreasing agent to remove stubborn stains. It is important to remember that the fabric must be wiped dry after wet cleaning. After this, polishing agent can be applied to the treated coating.


Try to take care of your stretch ceilings. This beauty requires attention and care, in much the same way as you care for expensive furniture. If everything is done correctly and in accordance with technology, cleaning tension systems will not be burdensome for you. Remember some points for yourself:

  1. Cleaning and cleaning of stretched fabric or film must be carried out at least once a year.
  2. You can regularly dry clean the ceiling surface
  3. For wet cleaning, use only soft, soapy solutions, without resorting to the use of special products.
  4. Sections of the canvas with persistent pollution it is better to pre-treat with conventional means
  5. Matte stretch ceilings are easier to use
  6. Glossy surfaces require more thorough cleaning

Over time, dust settles on the walls and ceilings, and contaminants of various origins appear. Kitchen surfaces especially suffer from this. Every housewife knows how to wash the floors and tiles in the kitchen, as she does this quite often. Not everyone is familiar with caring for suspended ceilings. There is nothing complicated in this process, but in fact, it has its own secrets and nuances.

What are suspended ceilings?

Increasingly, owners prefer ceiling tensile structures thanks to their impeccable appearance. All irregularities, electrical wiring and seams between the plates are hidden under the perfectly smooth canvas, and high quality surface does not require repair over a long period of time, since the material does not turn yellow or crack. In the kitchen, suspended ceilings show themselves from an advantageous position. Caring for them is simple, the material does not absorb odors, and is not afraid of moisture. Among other things, when replacing one canvas with another, there is no need to remove numerous shelves and cabinets from the walls, since they, as a rule, do not interfere.

There are two types of suspended ceilings on the market:

  • fabric sheets are made of polyester impregnated with polymers;
  • film ones are made of polyvinyl chloride and have a glossy, matte or satin surface.

Each of the materials has its own characteristics that determine the possibilities and methods of installation, resistance to temperature conditions, strength under mechanical stress and loads in cases of flooding. There is an opinion that fabric and satin stretch ceilings should not be used in the kitchen, since caring for them presents certain difficulties. But this statement is subjective, since modern high-power hoods make it possible to clean the air in the kitchen as much as possible, removing floating particles of fat, moisture and combustion products quite effectively, preventing them from settling on the ceiling. Besides, effective means for cleaning allow you to wash even the most difficult stains.

Stretch ceilings are:

  • plain;
  • with photo printing;
  • artistically painted;
  • "star"

Care of suspended ceilings

It is necessary to wash the surface of PVC film or polyester fabric only when necessary, so it is not at all necessary to stand on a stepladder or pick up a mop, sponge or vacuum cleaner every month. Under normal conditions, this can be done, for example, once every six months.

Caring for stretch ceilings depends on the degree of contamination and the material from which they are made. The surface can be washed with a damp sponge, including one attached to a mop, or rubbed with a dry, lint-free cloth. In any case, you must adhere to certain rules.

Firstly, the sponge should not be hard. It is generally not permissible to wash ceilings with a brush. Such devices can deform the film, tear it or scratch the gloss. Caring for stretch ceilings requires care and attention. Before starting work, you must remove any jewelry from your fingers and wrists, otherwise you may accidentally damage the material.

Secondly, in order to wash suspended ceilings without leaving streaks, you will need to make a low-concentration soap solution. Otherwise, you will have to rinse off the foam from the surface for a long time and carefully, and then rub it carefully.

Thirdly, the ceiling should be washed and polished without pressing, so that the film in no case touches the ceiling structure. It is worth noting that with average contamination and the temperature of the soap solution within 30-40 degrees, stains and plaque can be easily removed, almost in one pass of the sponge.

Fourthly, using a detergent with abrasives, especially soda, and solvents, such as acetone, is strictly prohibited!

Whatever the sellers claim, you should carefully read the composition of the chosen drug so that problems with suspended ceilings do not arise in the form of:

  • the appearance of wrinkles due to softening of the material structure;
  • color changes;
  • disappearance or blurring of the picture.

The “attractive” cost of a detergent, the absence of a list of components on the label or the name of the manufacturer can lead to complete replacement films or fabrics on the ceiling, which will lead to material losses. Before treating a surface with any composition, it is necessary to conduct a safety test. To do this, you need to apply a drop of the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​film or fabric, and then wait 10-15 minutes. During this time, the result will become obvious.

Stretch ceilings can be maintained using special safe sprays. In this case, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a flannel cloth to achieve the initial shine. Experts recommend using colorless glass cleaners that contain ammonia. Alcohol-containing solutions do not leave streaks and facilitate the washing process, quickly and almost perfectly removing dirt.

Fifthly, along with stretch ceilings, manufacturers supply instructions that indicate not only the most appropriate installation option, but also how to care for the surfaces. A vacuum cleaner may only be used for cleaning if its use is recommended by the material manufacturer.

PVC film ceiling

In case of accidental stains, which can appear quite often in the kitchen, you must immediately remove the stains with a slightly damp sponge and wipe the area with a dry soft cloth. Heavy stains can be washed with a weak solution of dishwashing liquid mixed with water. To reach high ceilings, you can use a mop, but you need to wrap it with a cloth, securely covering all sharp protrusions.

Do not forget that film stretch ceilings are very delicate, so cleaning should be done carefully, without pressure.

Update color glossy ceiling A 10% solution of ammonia will help. Experts say that this method is effective. But before that, you should try wiping the film with a suede cloth or a simple paper napkin. This option bears fruit in some cases.

Fabric ceiling

Despite its strength, polyester stretch ceilings are considered fragile, so their care should be more careful. It is also amenable to wet cleaning, but dust can be removed from it with a vacuum cleaner switched to minimum power.

Fabric ceilings:

  • Do not rub for a long time, especially in the same area, as stains will appear on the surface;
  • if heavily soiled, can be washed with powder solutions;
  • when using colored liquids for glass, they will certainly change the shade due to the penetration of the dye into the structure of the material.

A powder solution is a weak mixture of completely dissolved washing powder with water. But it should not have a whitening effect. Heavy dirt is wiped off light movements, after which the residue is removed with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Due to the practicality and beauty of suspended ceilings, they are installed in rooms for various purposes. PVC coating can be installed in rooms with wet processes, and fabric ceilings are valued for their environmental friendliness and harmlessness to humans. In order for the tension covering to last as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. Caring for stretch ceilings depends on the type of panel used.

General rules for operating and cleaning tension fabrics

Tensioners ceiling coverings They do not require special maintenance or purchase of special products to care for them. The ceilings of their PVC films do not attract dust, do not accumulate static electricity, do not absorb odors and dirt, so in a living room with normal humidity They can only be cleaned from dust with a dry cloth. But in the kitchen and bathroom, film coverings need more thorough cleaning.

When using PVC coating, adhere to general rules care for suspended ceilings:

  1. The surface can be cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner with a soft furniture attachment. It is important to turn on the device at minimum power so as not to damage the canvas.
  2. You can brush away dust and cobwebs from the ceiling using a soft flannel cloth. This cleaning method is used in a residential area with normal humidity. It is important that the lint from the rag does not stick to the ceiling.
  3. If necessary, the film ceiling can be wet cleaned. Mild detergents are allowed. Soak a soft rag or kitchen sponge in a soapy solution. For persistent grease deposits, you can dissolve dishwashing detergent or shampoo in water. Also allowed for wet cleaning special compounds designed for cleaning tension fabrics.

Attention! Please note that it is not recommended to wet fabric coverings too much. Dry cleaning or wiping with a slightly damp and well-wrung-out cloth is suitable for this type of fabric.

To ensure that the suspended ceiling lasts as long as possible, adhere to following rules operation:

  • Film coatings are not resistant to mechanical damage, so it is better to clean them only with soft sponges and rags.
  • If a room with a suspended ceiling is being renovated, the PVC panel can be temporarily dismantled or covered plastic film to protect against damage and contamination. The woven ceiling cannot be dismantled, so it is protected with polyethylene.
  • In a room with a polyvinyl chloride sheet it is necessary to maintain optimal temperature. At sub-zero temperatures, the canvas becomes brittle and brittle, and with severe overheating it becomes deformed and can melt.

To understand how to care for a suspended PVC ceiling in the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the texture of the coating. Matte and glossy films are cared for differently.

Features of caring for PVC films with a glossy surface

To ensure that the care of glossy stretch ceilings contributes to the shine of the surface, products containing ammonia are used. Such compositions are often used for washing glass, tiles and mirrors because they do not leave streaks. It is more convenient to use the liquid in a container with a spray bottle. Spray the product evenly onto a napkin and wipe the ceiling with it.

You can also use aqueous solutions with the addition of laundry soap, shampoo and dishwashing liquid to clean glossy PVC films. A small amount of the selected product is dissolved in water and the ceiling is washed. Then the surface is washed clean water and wipe dry so that no streaks remain. Finally, it is advisable to polish the surface with a flannel cloth.

To care for glossy coatings, use a ten percent ammonia solution. To obtain it, alcohol is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. Then soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the ceiling, after which it is wiped dry.

Important! It is forbidden to use a more concentrated solution, because this can lead to damage to the fabric.

  1. Do not use abrasive sponges or hard brushes, which may leave streaks and scratches on smooth surfaces.
  2. PVC film can easily be pierced with a sharp object, so it is better to remove any jewelry from your hands.
  3. For washing, use formulations that do not contain abrasive particles.
  4. When washing, do not press hard on the film surface. It is better to wash with your hands rather than with a mop, because when using it it is difficult to assess the force of pressure.
  5. In some cases, it is not recommended to clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, because the panel may jump out of the mounting profile. Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for caring for your type of coating.

Features of caring for PVC films with a matte surface

Now let's talk about how to care for a stretch ceiling made of matte PVC films. This surface is easier to clean because there are no stains left on it. Manufacturers of such cloths recommend using cold water steam to clean them. If you don’t have a steam generator, you can simply wash the ceiling with plain water and a mild detergent.

To prepare a solution for the care of matte coatings, you can use shavings of laundry soap, shampoo, special products, and dishwashing liquids. Also suitable are glass and glass care products. mirror surfaces, as well as tiles. It is better to wash matte film in the kitchen ammonia solution, because it dissolves soot and grease well. Then the surface is wiped dry. There is no need to polish the matte finish.

Cleaning products for PVC coatings

For washing vinyl films you can use store bought ones household supplies for the care of glass and plastic surfaces, for example, Mr. Muscle. After wet cleaning, the surface must be wiped dry.

The following compositions are also suitable for these purposes:

  • liquid products with ammonia in a container with a sprayer;
  • A regular shampoo that is dissolved in water is suitable;
  • an aqueous solution of dishwashing detergent will cope well with greasy deposits on the surface;
  • can be grated laundry soap and dissolve the shavings in water;
  • Liquid soap, which is also dissolved in water, is also suitable for these purposes;
  • ammonia solution (1 part alcohol to 10 parts water).

On a note! On sale you can find special care products PVC ceilings. Be sure to read the information on the container and consider the type tension covering.

Prohibited means

To clean the suspended ceiling surface, it is prohibited to use any sharp or abrasive objects, be it hard brush, broom, vacuum cleaner attachment, abrasive sponge and other inappropriate things. As for liquid products, you need to beware of any compositions that contain acetone, which can dissolve the polyvinyl chloride film, deform the coating or discolor it. The same applies to ammonia in its pure form.

Other prohibited products for caring for PVC films:

  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • White Spirit;
  • turpentine;
  • toluene;
  • pure alcohol;
  • other aggressive solvents.

Common mistakes when operating and cleaning stretch ceilings

The most popular mistake made by many owners of stretch coverings is that when dirt appears, they do not wipe it off immediately, but put it off until the general cleaning is done. A fresh stain is much easier to clean than a dried, old stain. Many fresh greasy stains can be washed off with regular warm water, whereas it will not be possible to wipe off dried grease without using a soap solution and intense friction.

Another mistake is that any new product cannot be immediately used to clean the surface. You need to try its effect on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the tension covering, for example, far in a corner or behind a cabinet. If the product does not cause a negative reaction of the film in the form of discoloration or deformation, then it can be used to clean the main surface.

It is better to wash stretch fabrics in the kitchen and bathroom not when they get dirty, but with a certain regularity, for example, once every 6 months. Then you can constantly maintain the beauty of the ceiling surface and not be too bothered with each subsequent wash.