Where is the GMO? Which countries have banned genetically modified crops? Business prospects

Facts: Genetic modification is different from traditional ways breeding and poses its own set of unique risks.

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The term "genetic modification" refers to the unnatural processes of taking genes from one species and, through special tools, viruses or bacteria, is introduced into another organism. This process never occurs in nature. So, when it comes to seeds and genetically engineered ingredients in our food, we are talking about completely unnatural processes.

Traditional breeding has been around for thousands of years. People can cross breeds, for example, of tomato plants with favorable qualities: better taste, resistance to natural diseases, etc., with other tomatoes. This is not what happens when we talk about genetically modified seeds.

Most GMO seeds currently being developed can withstand high doses of herbicides when sprayed. The company that creates the seed also sells chemical fertilizers for them. This is a package of services.

GMO Myth #2: We should use GMO seeds to control weeds and pests.

Facts: Ironically, GMO technology has actually made pest problems even worse.

Most GMO seeds used today have been genetically modified or produced with their own pesticides in-house and are able to withstand high doses of chemical pesticides that would normally kill the plant.

In 2012, 154 million acres were planted with genetically modified soybeans, corn, alfalfa, cotton, canola and sugar beets designed to withstand chemical dousing with herbicides.

About a third of this land is now home to superweeds, problem plants that do not die after being sprayed with pesticides.

Most GMO seeds are designed to contain high doses of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup.

Weeds have quickly become resistant to glyphosate, meaning more concentrated and more frequent applications of pesticides to control weeds.

Professor Chuck Benbrook, Ph.D., a research professor at Washington State University, recently found that between 1996 and 2011, GMO technology actually increased herbicide use by 250 million kilograms—that's an 11 percent increase.

Every time the dose of pesticides and insecticides is reduced, GMO seeds do not produce the required yield.

GMO Myth #3: GMO reduces farmers' dependence on older, more toxic pesticides.

Facts: Currently in the Department Agriculture The US is asking to approve a new generation of GMO corn and soy crops designed to withstand high doses of 2,4-D, an old toxic herbicide, because current ones no longer work.

21 weed species are now resistant to glyphosphate.

Millions of acres of farmland are now ; some farmers pay up to $150 per acre per hour for hand weeding.

GMO Myth #4: GMO ingredients are safe to consume.

Facts: GMO ingredients have never been adequately tested for long-term public health effects, despite their use since 1996.

There are about 600 studies on the composition of genetically engineered products in terms of the amount of calories, proteins, fats and vitamins.

These are mostly industry-funded studies that are typically performed to show the nutritional value of food and drug products that are comparable to non-GMO foods, or to convince livestock producers that GMO feeds are on par with non-GMO feeds.

Both types of research have nothing to do with human health and safety, Dr. Benbrook warns.

Some of the very few researchers looking at the short-term health effects are alarmed. A carefully designed meta-analysis of 19 long-term published studies in mammals found that feeding GMO corn or soybeans showed potential indicators of chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and bone marrow damage.

GMOs have also led to a rapid increase in food allergies.

Roundup, which is often sprayed on GMOs, has been linked to certain types of cancer, DNA damage, premature birth, and ADHD.

Glyphosphate levels can build up in the body and this can lead to:

Violations in endocrine system leading to obesity, heart problems, circulation problems and diabetes.
Low glyphosphate levels are also associated with damage in immune system, birth defects, cell death, etc.

Also, GMO feed harms animals. In a recent study published in the Journal of Organic Systems, researchers in Australia and the US found that pigs fed the genetic diet were much more likely to develop severe stomach inflammation and uterine density, a condition that can mean endometrial cancer, endometriosis, gynecological polyps, fertility.

GMO Myth #5: GMOs are safe for the environment.

Facts: GMOs are pressing on and have already destroyed several plant species.

The catastrophic decline of Monarch butterflies due to the use of glyphosate, used in GMO cultivation. Glyphosate kills milkweed plants near fields and roads; Monarchs use milkweed to reproduce and feed on its leaves.

Insecticides that are sprayed on GMO plants cause neurological problems in bees.

Agricultural holdings and farmers use so much Roundup that it has been found in air currents and even rain, which can be harmful to humans.

GMO Myth #6: GMO technology is an exact science


Facts: Although GMO technology is improving, it is still young and not very reliable.

When inserting a foreign gene into a plant, there is a 1 in 100 trillion chance of inserting two genes instead of one, says researcher Howard Vlieger.

The characteristics of the seeds indicated by the plant may have other characteristics, including those that we have not even discovered yet. We don't know how it might affect human health, but GMOs have already led to a rapid increase in food allergies.

Science knows very little about the genome of any crop species and its genetic, biochemical, and cellular functioning. Even where gene insertion is considered "safe", it is possible to obtain a toxic yield or poor nutritional value, or reduce its ability to resist disease, pests, droughts or other challenges, described in the Earth Open Source report

GMO Myth No. 7: Only thanks to GMO technologies can we feed the growing population of the planet

The amount of products produced can already feed about 10 billion people. But the lion's share of this production goes to biofuels and other types of energy. Yet more than 1 billion people on Earth go hungry every day.

This is not due to the quantity of products produced, but to the current state of affairs with the distribution of resources.

The President of Russia signed a law banning the breeding and cultivation of genetically modified organisms in Russia. Such products can now only be imported into the country. Large fines are provided for domestic GMOs.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law "On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation in terms of improving government regulation in the field of genetic engineering activities".
bill No. 714809-6
at the last meeting before the holidays and the end of the work of the lower house of parliament of the current convocation, deputies State Duma
. The document was developed by the Government of the Russian Federation with the aim of streamlining the distribution of GMO products.

The essence of the initiative

The bill establishes a complete ban on the cultivation and breeding of any plants and animals whose genetic program has been changed using genetic engineering methods. An exception is made only for the cultivation and breeding of such organisms for scientific purposes. Violators of the “permitted type and conditions of use” of GMO products will face administrative responsibility. Officials can pay a fine of 10 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, and their employers 10 times more - from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

No one has yet prohibited the import of genetically modified plants, animals, as well as their processed products into the country. Under the new rules, the government will have the right to impose such a ban if it identifies negative impact per person and environment one or another GMO product. This means that officials will independently evaluate and filter imported GMOs according to their own criteria. Currently, there is a government moratorium on genetic engineering on an industrial scale and the import of GMOs, but the law does not provide any punishment for its violation. As well as monitoring its compliance.

GMO ban: pros and cons

Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev advocates a complete ban on the development of any technologies that are in one way or another related to GMOs. He believes that the absence of GMOs in Russian products, confirmed at the legislative level, will make them more competitive in the world market. This is not about the health of Russian consumers, as one might think; rather, the minister is thinking about competition with American and European producers who use GMOs on a massive scale. Russian agricultural producers themselves, and, most importantly, scientists, do not agree with this position. What are they talking about?
journalists. Genetically modified plants and animals have existed on an industrial scale worldwide for more than 30 years. In Russia, this topic is not as developed as in the United States, but various developments are currently underway in this area. At the same time, genetic engineering, which was banned, serves not only agriculture, but also other industries, for example, medicine.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has long recognized GMO methods as an integral part of agricultural biotechnology. Direct transfer of genes responsible for useful traits is considered throughout the world to be a natural development of selective work on plants and animals. One of the areas of application of transgenic plants is to increase their productivity by increasing resistance to pests. Planting such crops does not require the use of pesticides, so the products are safer for consumers and cheaper for agricultural producers. It should be noted that American farmers constantly use only transgenic seeds to produce crops. The new type of GMOs are no longer distinguishable from ordinary plants, and according to US laws, such plants and animals are no longer registered as GMOs.

Director of the Center for Agricultural Policy of the Institute of Applied Economic Research Russian Academy National economy and civil services Natalya Shagaida

Scientists, for the most part, insist that it makes no difference either for the soil or for humans whether a plant is modified or not. The soil simply nourishes the plant and it does not matter what mutation it was subject to - natural or artificial. The human body also doesn’t care what kind of DNA it digests into digestive system. Anything is destroyed equally, experts insist. In breeding and genetics, selection methods that are more unsafe for humans are known, for example, radiation mutagenesis, which no one, however, prohibits. Experts and scientists are confident that new law will harm not only farmers and the cost of their products, but also science in general. Russian technologies in this area are already lagging behind Western ones, and a ban will set them back several decades. After all, domestic science is a hostage to market relations. She works at what she gets paid for. Scientists will not want to work on projects that will not be in demand on the Russian market. This means that not only GMO products will be under threat, but also recombinant safe medicines and vaccines, which are also based on genetic engineering.

Business prospects

Businesses are clearly interested in developing their own technologies, and not in reselling imported Western GMO products. After all, adapting the genetic codes of plants and animals is essentially a cheaper alternative to selection. Genetically modified crops have undoubted “economic” advantages and low cost, which attracts both farmers and retailers to them. Currently, even without direct bans, the share of domestically produced GMO products is quite small. It represents only 2.5% of the total food market. Given the financial crisis, inflation and falling welfare of Russians, the demand for cheaper products may grow rapidly. And this niche will be filled by manufacturers from abroad. This is precisely why experts explain the absence of a complete ban on the import and sale of GMO products in Russia.

Russian farmers will have to develop breeding and increase the production of pesticides, herbicides and mineral fertilizers to increase the productivity of their crops. Whether they will be able to compete with cheap foreign products remains unknown.

In Russia, it is allowed to sow genetically modified grains - this follows from government decree No. 839 adopted on September 23, said Oleg Sukhanov, head of the market research department at Bunge (one of the world's largest sunflower oil producers).

Now in Russia GMOs can only be grown in experimental plots; the import of certain varieties of corn, potatoes, soybeans, rice and sugar beets is allowed (22 plant lines in total). However, several Vedomosti interlocutors know that vertically integrated agricultural holdings have previously quite actively sowed their fields with GMO fodder. Food products using GMOs are allowed in Russia, but are subject to labeling.

Registration of GMOs is the responsibility of several departments: the Ministry of Health will deal with those used for the manufacture of medicines, Roszdravnadzor - medical devices, Rospotrebnadzor - food products, Rosselkhoznadzor - animal feed. The completed certificates will be entered into a special register of GMOs and products obtained with their use, which will be maintained by the Ministry of Health.

The first permits can be obtained 1.5-2 years after the start of registration, says Arkady Zlochevsky, President of the Russian Grain Union. ICAR General Director Dmitry Rylko says at least three years. The resolution does not say how much it will cost to obtain the certificate. "It will depend on regulatory documents, where the procedure will be regulated,” says Rosselkhoznadzor representative Alexey Alekseenko.

The most promising GMOs are soybeans, corn and sugar beets, says Vladimir Petrichenko, general director of the Prozerno company. Zlochevsky believes that GMOs will be popular among farmers: “The seeds of genetically modified soybeans cost about 1.5 times more than conventional ones (from 25,000 rubles per 1 ton), but their use can reduce the cost of the final product by 20%.” According to Sukhanov, the soybean yield in Russia in 2013 was 0.97 tons per 1 hectare with a harvest area of ​​1.2 million hectares, and the average yield of GMO soybeans in Argentina, Brazil, and the USA was 2.5-3 tons per 1 ha.

According to Rylko, in the United States, 85% of corn, 91% of soybeans and 80% of sugar beets are GMO. “Soybean is a high-margin crop that may be of interest to agricultural investors, but they may lose the export premium for non-GMO products,” says Sukhanov. Zlochevsky is confident that GMOs will not completely replace traditional varieties due to consumer demand for eco-products.

Importers of GMO seeds to Russia can be Syngenta, Monsanto, KWS, Pioneer, says Petrichenko. In Russia, according to Zlochevsky, the Center for Bioengineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology are engaged in development, but domestic seed production only covers a third of the needs; Russia remains import-dependent.

According to the website gmofree.ru, in Russia 14 regions are classified as GMO-free zones, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Belgorod region. It is because of this that Efko, which owns one of the country’s largest soybean processing plants, is in no hurry to introduce GMOs. “The main consumers of our soybean meal are meat enterprises in the Belgorod region, a GMO-free zone. If the region’s policy changes, then we may switch to GMO soybean seeds,” says Evgeniy Lyashenko, general director of Efko Management Company.

Alekseenko believes that the resolution was adopted prematurely: “Significant efforts will be required to carry out laboratory work for assessing the quality of seeds." It is also wrong to draw conclusions about the safety of seeds based on the dossier compiled by the applicant, Alekseenko is sure.

The production of GMO products is possible; no health or environmental risks have been registered yet, says Dmitry Yanin, Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies. Rospotrebnadzor also supports the use of GMOs.

The impression that the use of GMO seeds reduces production costs is deceptive, says the Union’s director of external relations organic farming Anna Lyubovedskaya: “GMOs do not reproduce. Farmers will be forced to constantly purchase such seeds abroad, since we have almost no seed production of our own.” To grow them, special and very poisonous herbicides are required, which will also have to be purchased from Western manufacturers, Lyubovedskaya is sure.

Rylko does not see an explosive growth in the use of GMOs by farmers in the future. In a 10-year perspective, a maximum of 20-30% of corn will be produced using these technologies, he is sure: “If we see more aggressive growth, it will mean that the process has become uncontrollable.” We will have to spend money on separate storage and a laboratory monitoring system, which will also slow down the transition of agriculture to GMOs, he is sure.

Maxim Basov, general director of Rusagro, said in an interview with Vedomosti in 2011 that with the help of GMOs, irrigation and targeted farming, sugar production can be increased by at least 2 times. One of the problems of Russian agriculture is a small set of crops, which leads to a delay in the development of the agricultural industry: for example, there is already enough wheat and no more is needed, he continued, and some GMOs - rapeseed, soybeans, corn - would allow the peasant to diversify his crop rotation.

The first human death caused by the consumption of genetically modified food has been officially confirmed.

The tragedy occurred at the end of October 2015. 30-year-old Spaniard Juan Pedro Ramos ordered a tomato salad at a restaurant. After eating the vegetables, his body became covered in a rash, swelling of his throat appeared, and he fell sharply. arterial pressure. The man was taken to the hospital, but he died an hour later. An autopsy showed that death was the result of allergic shock.

It was caused by eating tomatoes that contained the fish gene. And the Spaniard was allergic to fish protein. And in general he considered himself a vegetarian. And he didn’t even suspect that by eating vegetables, he would become a victim of seafood intolerable to him. Doctors admitted that with such allergic reaction Traditional medicines cannot save you.

The foreign genes of tomatoes are so resistant to any influence that even white blood cells cannot help the body. A month before the Spanish tragedy, namely in September 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich announced that Russia would no longer produce products using GMOs. This decision was made by the government. However, according to Dvorkovich, “this is not an easy question.” Russian scientists also believe that protecting society from “Frankenstein food” is a short time– the task is extremely difficult.

Not only soybeans, corn, wheat and rice seeds, but also livestock feed imported from abroad can be transgenic. All over the world, entire institutes are creating GMO products. And their developers have been trying to convince us for several decades that genetic crossings of cereals, vegetables and fruits are absolutely safe for health. But it turns out that this is a hoax! But today, one third of all agricultural land on the planet is given over to the cultivation of GMO seeds!!!

Ordinary Americans have already experienced that GMO wheat completely changes the function of the liver, and GMO corn provokes the development of cancerous tumors. Meat grown on transgenic feed impairs vision and memory, and genetically modified vegetables often cause allergies. American shoppers have recently become much more attentive when choosing products.

Consumer Reports examined more than 80 names of American processed foods containing corn or soy. These are the two most common genetically modified crops. Experts have found that all products that have the word “Natural” written on their packaging contain the most a large number of genetically modified ingredients. These products include corn flakes, chips and even baby food.

In the United States there are no laws defining which products are considered natural. Therefore, this issue remains on the conscience of the manufacturer. More than 20 states support mandatory labeling of GMO foods. However, the transnational corporation Monsanto, a leading producer of transgenic grain, spends billions of dollars annually on lobbying its interests in order to prevent the labeling of genetically modified products in the United States.

The same company supplies seeds to Russia. But in our country there is no criminal penalty for selling products that are not labeled GMO. This means that such products continue to arrive. And soon we will be like in America, where a third of the population is already hopelessly obese.

Before our eyes, a fundamentally new subculture of people has emerged who are addicted to fluffy hamburgers and sweet lemonades, airy popcorn, sausages with ketchup and mayonnaise, salted nuts, fried chips, crackers with flavors of smoked meats, cheese or onions, and other “junk food.”

The term "junk food" appeared in the 70s of the last century. Then it referred to packages in which food intended for quick use was packaged. These packages quickly overflowed garbage cans, and gusts of wind, picking them up, littered the streets. This is how the name “junk food” came about.

However, over time, eating on the run began to lead to the development of chronic stomach diseases, obesity and shortness of breath. And in 2005, the international Bureau of Food Standards published for the first time an official definition of “junk food” as vulgar, unhealthy and hazardous to health. How did it happen that literally over the last half century the once fit American nation has slipped into such an indecent physical state? And why do US laws officially prohibit calling its citizens fat, even in private?

I'm not kidding. For a truthful description: “fat,” and even more so “fat,” you can lose your job and become an outcast from society! Obese Americans are usually called delicately, for example, “horizontally unbalanced individuals” or “vertically deprived individuals.” But for what merit is such tolerance? Shame about the unhealthy diet of domestic fast food? Nothing like this! Everything is much simpler.

According to statistics, one hundred and twenty million obese Americans bring more income to the state treasury, as well as to transnational corporations and private medical institutions, than the rest of the US population! Those who are hooked on garbage food, like drugs, are very beneficial to the state.

Many years of experiments on its own people yielded positive results, and America confidently began a food war against the whole world. Food chemistry corporations and pharmaceutical companies have created tens of thousands of inventions that go against the laws of nature. And it is GMO products that are the pinnacle of ingenuity in the matter of mass enslavement of the population, and even its destruction.

Today, America deliberately poisons the population of 160 countries with hamburgers and desserts, having opened more than 30 thousand branded fast food restaurants there. Half the world eats beef raised on hormones, "Bush legs" ripened on steroids, and "enjoys" sweet American drinks without thinking about the consequences...

By attracting children with clowns and toys, and hooking them almost from birth on unhealthy, but so beloved by children, sweet foods, you can further manipulate the tastes of entire generations. In addition, children are always accompanied by their parents, who will also certainly eat something. Fast food is an ideal platform for any experiments related to chemical and genetic developments in the field of nutrition.

Behind last decades the diet has changed noticeably. In modern stores there is no such thing as seasons. Fresh vegetables and fruits are always available. But the question is: do they relate to real fruits, or is it some kind of image, deception, fake?

Take tomatoes, for example. They are grown all over the world, harvested while they are still green, and then forced to ripen with the help of ethylene, a chemical compound that is a hormonal and even narcotic substance. With the help of ethylene, unripe cucumbers, berries, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, melons, and other fruits used for food are brought to condition.

What could be the benefit of these foreign vegetables and fruits, considering that they grew in lands poisoned by pesticides?! But besides this in last years appeared new problem. Unscrupulous foreign farmers use chemical dyes to give unripe vegetables and fruits a beautiful, appetizing appearance.

After the introduction of the embargo and devaluation of the ruble Russian market Fake food products have flooded. Imports of palm oil, which is used to make baby food, fake milk, cottage cheese and cheese, increased by a third according to official data, and twice as much according to unofficial data. But production growth raw milk practically did not happen, and milk is needed to make cheese.

It turns out that a huge part of fermented milk products are made from palm oil. This situation primarily hits Russian farmers. The US elite still adheres to Brzezinski’s deception strategy. As soon as the world began to understand what transgenic products would actually lead to, many countries began to create GMO-free zones. Then in America they announced new threat for humanity.

When the first GMO products entered the world market, biotechnologists declared that growth hormones could be used not only in the design of food, but also in the production of medicines. And that GMO drugs can work wonders! For example, it is possible to heal blind people by implanting them with genes for healthy eyes.

The main direction of Russia's national security strategy has always been the preservation of territorial integrity. And for this, the health of the nation is of paramount importance. We must stop blindly trusting the product developments of the “civilized West”. We have so much land and opportunities that it’s time to start our own large-scale production of organic food. Otherwise, it will be too late. History has clearly shown that world elite is not interested in the existence of a prosperous and prosperous Russia.

It is allowed to sow genetically modified grains on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the first harvests of soybeans with GMOs are planned to be obtained in 2016-2017.

The adoption of this resolution immediately caused a mixed reaction, both among the public and in scientific circles. In addition to the debate about the safety of GMOs for the human body, the question of the potential need to grow GMO grains in our country has become acute.

GMOs and economics: main advantages

Genetically modified crops were previously known in our country - they were grown in experimental plots. The main goal of this work was to identify the advantages that the use of GMO grains on the farm can provide.

The results of collecting experimental crops have proven that genetically modified soybeans are capable of providing a 2-3-fold increase in yield relative to their “unmodified” counterparts. However, almost immediately it became clear that in the conditions of the Russian climate, including the southern black soil regions, GMO plants are not able to reproduce. The experimenters had to constantly purchase new batches of seeds due to the fact that our country does not have its own seed production of this kind.

Another factor that was identified was the fact that for normal indicators The yield of GMO grains requires large amounts of fertilizers with high chemical activity. In fact, their use led to the fact that after several years the soils in the experimental plots were depleted and could not restore their original properties for a long time (about 5 years).

At the same time, in Europe, the results of growing GMO grains turned out to be much more effective. Scientists managed to achieve a six-fold increase in productivity with their own seed production base. However, the world community has become aware of the risks that GMO grains may pose to the health of the nation. Disputes on this issue still do not subside, but the governments of most countries hastened to resolve this problem in a radical way - completely banning the use of food products with GMOs. However, genetically modified grains have managed to find their niche here - they are actively used for the production of bioethanol - an effective and environmentally friendly fuel that perfectly replaces traditional petroleum products.

The dangers of GMOs to health: myths and reality

Today, scientists around the world are divided into two camps - supporters and opponents of the use of GMOs. In the minds of most people, genetically modified foods look artificial. This statement is false due to the fact that genes are taken exclusively natural, from crops of the same breed. In fact, the creation of GMO grains is one of the types of selection that is performed at a more high-tech level.

Thus, studying the private, at first glance, normative act, you come across its inhuman basis. In history, only one analogy suggests itself - the secret plan of Nazi Germany, called “Lebensraum”, which literally means “Lebensraum”. It implied the destruction of the bulk of the population of the east with the aim of subsequent Germanization.

The question is, who is behind the Lebensraum of the new era?

Whose criminal will wants to doom the Russian people to extinction?

And what inhuman forces are behind the adoption of such laws?

There are answers to these questions, but only a few know them, plotting the course of the ship called “Russia”. So where are the “steers” leading us?

especially for Anvictory