Day of formation of security bodies. FSB Day (Day of Employee of State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation). Daily task

Security Officer's Day is an annual holiday celebrated on the twentieth of December. On this day it is customary to congratulate all those who decide every day the most difficult tasks to ensure state and national security, protect the peace of civilians. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only the FSB that is involved in this. Bodies such as the FSO, SVR, GUSP and others play a major role in maintaining state security. This day is also celebrated by students of specialized universities, who will soon begin to serve for the benefit of our homeland.

history of the holiday

The date December 20th was chosen as the official date objective reasons. It was then, back in 1917, that the Council of People's Commissars, on the initiative of Vladimir Lenin, issued a decree establishing a special body. It was called the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. Five years later, this body was disbanded, and its powers were transferred to the State Political Administration under the NKVD of the RSFSR.

The history of this body, first in the RSFSR, then in the USSR and finally in the Russian Federation, is complex. Its structure, leaders and names changed. But his goal remained unchanged - the protection of the country and its population. In its current form, the FSB dates back to 1995. In April of this year, Boris Yeltsin signed Federal law“About the bodies of the FSB.” The document discussed the powers legal basis, principles and directions of activity of the security authority.

Despite the almost century-old history of the structure, for a long time the security forces did not have the opportunity to celebrate their holiday at the official level, receive congratulations and well-deserved awards. True, this mistake was corrected quickly - in the same 1995, when the head of state issued Decree No. 1280 establishing the Day of State Security Agencies.

On December 20, Russia celebrates Security Authorities Day Russian Federation. This is a professional holiday for law enforcement officers Federal service security, Federal Security Service, Service foreign intelligence, as well as other special services of our country. The holiday itself was established on December 20, 1995 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, but long before this decision, intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers of our country celebrated it unofficially - as “the day of the security officer.” By the way, it was on this day in 1958, exactly 60 years ago, that the famous monument to the founder of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, was unveiled in Moscow. This monument became a symbol of the Soviet intelligence services for many years, and now the country is seriously talking about the need to restore it.

Why was December 20th chosen as the date of the holiday? The answer to this question is simple and unambiguous. It was on December 20, 1917 that the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was issued on the formation of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) to combat counter-revolution and sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. The creation of the Cheka of the RSFSR was personally initiated by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who perfectly understood the need for a special structure that would be responsible for ensuring the safety of the young Soviet state, for the fight against counter-revolution and enemy agents.

The Soviet state had to create a new intelligence service “from scratch” - all pre-revolutionary security agencies were disbanded, and their employees either emigrated or went to the “whites”, or were arrested or lived quietly, trying to attract attention to themselves as little as possible. Nevertheless, the Soviet party leaders got down to business with enthusiasm.

The first head of the Cheka of the RSFSR was Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, one of the most influential Bolsheviks at that time, who was considered, among other things, a man crystal devoted to the revolution. No matter how critics of the Bolshevik government treated Felix Dzerzhinsky, we must give the founder of the Cheka his due - he completely coped with the creation of an effective intelligence service, laying the foundations for its organization and further development.

Already in the very first months after the October Revolution, the security officers had to face numerous enemies of the Soviet government - from enemy agents and saboteurs to ordinary bandits. Civil War became the first baptism of fire for the Soviet security agencies, and the post-war period became a stage in improving the fundamentals of their activities. In the 1920s - 1930s, the foundation was laid for the very structure of the security agencies, in which more and more new units were created responsible for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, government communications and security of the country's top leadership, radio interception and decryption, and the fight against sabotage and terror. and political security. So, on December 20, 1920, three years after the creation of the Cheka, the Foreign Department (INO) of the Cheka was organized under the NKVD of the RSFSR, which was responsible for conducting foreign intelligence and intelligence operations outside the Soviet state.

On February 6, 1922, the Cheka was transformed into the Main political administration(then, after the formation USSR– United Main Political Directorate) under the NKVD. For a certain period, the leadership of both state security agencies and law enforcement agencies (police) found themselves within the same structure. In operational terms, the police also found themselves subordinate to state security agencies, which turned into a key instrument of political management of the state, most importantly the “” party.

In 1934, the OGPU was transformed into the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB) within the NKVD of the USSR. The thirties became a difficult period for domestic security agencies. On the one hand, the time remained very dangerous for the young Soviet power - it was necessary to solve problems in the fight against enemy spies, saboteurs, and real political opponents of the country. But there was also back side activities of authorities related to collectivization and party “purges”. By the way, the latter did not bypass the entire governing apparatus of state security agencies. People's Commissars of Internal Affairs Grigory Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov were both arrested and shot. There are countless high-ranking and not so high-ranking security officers who disappeared unknown in the camps at the end of the 1930s. The system was cleared of harmful elements, but innocent people often became its victims.

However, the formation of updated state security bodies was also associated with the party “purges”. In March 1941, the NKVD was divided into the NKVD itself and the People's Commissariat for State Security, which was to be responsible for the competence of the former GUGB, but already in July of the same year, after the outbreak of the war, they were merged. However, already in 1943 the structure was again divided into the NKVD and the NKGB of the USSR. In 1946, the NKGB of the USSR was transformed into the Ministry of State Security Soviet Union.

It was the period of the 1940s - early 1950s. was accompanied by numerous organizational changes in the system of state security agencies. For example, in 1947, foreign intelligence was transferred to a specially created Information Committee under the USSR Council of Ministers, which in 1949 became part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but already in 1952 intelligence was returned to the Ministry of State Security.

The death of Joseph Stalin also had a serious impact on the fate of the security agencies. Firstly, almost a day later, on March 7, 1953, state security agencies were included in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Secondly, when Lavrentiy Beria was removed from his post and arrested, the authorities were “cleansed” of the “Beria” team. A number of Lavrentiy Beria’s closest associates were shot, others were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment or dismissed from the authorities. But fundamental changes were associated with the creation in 1954 of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. For many 36 years, this structure became the only Soviet intelligence service responsible for the widest range of areas in the field of state security.

The KGB was in charge of foreign intelligence, general, military and economic counterintelligence, political security, radio interception, encryption and decryption, protection of senior officials of the Soviet state, security state border Soviet Union. The activities of the KGB of the USSR were placed at the very high level.

The Soviet intelligence service was rated very highly at the global level, easily competing with the intelligence services of the USA and Great Britain, not to mention the intelligence services of other states. This level was also facilitated by a system of careful personnel selection, vocational training intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers. But there were, of course, problems. So, in the 1960s - 1980s. A not so small number of USSR KGB employees defected abroad and began to work against their native state.

On the other hand, state security agencies were forced to perform the functions of political investigation and fight against dissent, often dealing with issues that actually had nothing to do with the genuine protection of the interests of the country. And, nevertheless, despite the presence of certain problems, most of the USSR KGB servicemen honestly and selflessly served their homeland.

The exploits of Soviet security officers were rarely covered in the press due to the specific nature of their activities. The exception was the border guards, but this is a separate topic. They either preferred to remain silent about the exploits of intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers in the post-war period, or presented information in an extremely compressed and modified form.

The State Security Committee of the USSR ended almost simultaneously with the history of the Soviet Union itself. Since the KGB of the USSR was considered the most odious Soviet structure, it was not surprising that they decided to simply disband it. The new democratic authorities were actively pushed to this decision by Western “partners” who suddenly signed up as “friends” of Russia.

Formally, the “August putsch” of 1991 put an end to the history of the KGB. One of the active participants in the State Emergency Committee was the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Army General Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryuchkov - on the night of August 21-22, 1991, he was arrested. The defendants in the criminal cases were the first deputy chairman of the KGB G.E. Ageev and V.F. Grushko, Deputy Chairman of the KGB V.A. Ponomarev, head of the 9th Main Directorate of the KGB Yu.S. Plekhanov, his deputy V.V. Generalov, Head of the KGB for Moscow and the Moscow Region V.M. Prilukov. A unique symbol of the end of the KGB was the dismantling of the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky by rebel Muscovites on August 22, 1991.

On August 29, 1991, Vadim Viktorovich Bakatin, who previously held the position of Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, was appointed to the post of Chairman of the KGB of the USSR. Under his leadership, the KGB of the USSR ceased to exist on December 3, 1991. The main directorates were separated from the KGB and transformed into several new special services. A new, post-Soviet era has begun in the life of the country's state security system. It was associated with no less dramatic events and upheavals.

Since the 1990s. Russian security agencies had to deal with a number of phenomena practically unknown in Soviet times - drug trafficking and drug mafia, mass corruption in government, organized crime, terrorism, political extremism.

Accordingly, the role of anti-terrorist units of state security agencies, as well as structures responsible for protecting the constitutional order, has increased. On the other hand, a very important area of ​​activity in conditions market economy became the fight against economic crime and corruption, including in state apparatus, law enforcement system, armed forces.

Now in the Russian Federation three main intelligence services are responsible for the security of our country. All of them are successors to the KGB of the USSR and the organizations that existed after its collapse. Firstly, this is the Federal Security Service (FSB) - the most powerful and extensive structure, which is responsible for counterintelligence and military counterintelligence, economic security and the fight against corruption, anti-terrorism and protection of the constitutional order, protection of the state borders of Russia (after inclusion in the FSB FPS - Federal Border Service), combating especially dangerous forms of crime, information security. The FSB bodies serve the most different people- from anti-terrorism special forces to high-class programmers, from investigators and counterintelligence operatives to coast guard personnel.

The second intelligence service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, is responsible for foreign intelligence and the security of Russia’s interests abroad. This is the heir to the glorious traditions of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. For obvious reasons, we hear about the activities of the SVR much less often than about the activities of the FSB, but this does not mean that the results of this activity are not visible, especially now that the West has unleashed a new phase “ Cold War"against Russia.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation solves very specific problems. Its competence includes not only the protection of the head of state, the head of government, and other important officials and government facilities, but also government communications, information protection, and the maintenance and operation of presidential and government infrastructure facilities. In addition, the FSO, within the framework of its powers, is engaged in anti-terrorist activities and operational work. Since the FSO included most of the abolished Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAGSI), the number of the FSO increased noticeably compared to the Yeltsin period. But, we must pay tribute, this structure copes with its responsibilities perfectly.

Thus, over more than a century of their existence, the security organs of the USSR and Russia have passed difficult path, accompanied by numerous organizational transformations, human losses, and blows to reputation. But they carried out and are carrying out their very complex and dangerous tasks to protect the security of the Russian state. Their service is not always known to us; there are half-true and outright false myths and legends about it, but it remains extremely significant for the country. After all, without security agencies, any significant state cannot exist, especially one like Russia, and even in the current global political situation.

Military Review congratulates all current and former (although “there are no former security officers”) employees of the security agencies of Russia and the Soviet Union on their professional holiday. Honor and praise to those who serve to protect state interests, eternal memory to those who gave their lives for Russia.

No, if you want, you have every right to drink your glass of vodka in your personal kitchen every December 20th. For the security officers. But there is no such holiday in the official calendar of the Russian Federation.

There is “Russian Security Service Worker’s Day,” which is celebrated on December 20. What difference does it make, you say. The FSB is the successor to the KGB, and therefore it does not matter what the holiday is called. It’s still a holiday of “bloody geby”. And you are completely wrong.

Now I’ll tell you why they are wrong.

October 22, 1991, in accordance with the resolution State Council(interestingly, such a body was not provided for in the Constitution of that period) The State Security Committee of the USSR was abolished, i.e. liquidated. The same decree created: the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR, the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR and the Inter-Republican Security Service.

On December 3, 1991, the liquidation of the KGB was confirmed by the Council of Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In accordance with the “Temporary Regulations on the Inter-Republican Security Service (MSB)”, the created ISS is the legal successor of the KGB exclusively in terms of material and technical base and property.

You will say, but people remain. The ones that are “gebyo”. And again you will be wrong. They were still listed in the newly created security agency for some time. Then the SME was headed by the famous professional and reformer V.V. Bakatin. He first reformed the corrupt bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: he fired most of the operational staff, actually banned intelligence work among criminals, but allowed employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to “earn extra money” in their free time, i.e. receive money from commercial and other structures. And he did a lot more democratic things in the police.

Have you heard anything about the “rampant crime” in the nineties? This was already a direct result of the reform and democratization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Gorbachev liked the reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs so much that he transferred Bakatin to state security.

I suppose you've heard about the wiretapping scandal at the American Embassy? This is when Mr. Bakatin (let me remind you - already the head of SME) handed over to the Americans not only the scheme, but also the latest Soviet equipment, which they managed to install in the American embassy back in Soviet times. He still managed to convey a lot of things, but he couldn’t manage even more (although he really wanted to), and therefore he wrote to Gorbachev memo, in which he complained about the damned “gebyo”, which stubbornly hides documents, does not want to share information, hides the latest technical means, etc.

That's when real reforms began with the reduction of departments and the dismissal of employees. Pulled out of the "friendly" Western countries"intelligence officers were fired (Primakov later recalled that when he headed the foreign intelligence service, he was simply amazed - a whole 1 (!) Russian intelligence officer was working in the United States), the number of employees in military counterintelligence was reduced by almost 90%, about the same number of employees " went to National economy" and from "territorials".

I remember what joy there was in the media when it was announced that the 5th Directorate of the KGB had been completely liquidated. These are the same bastards who strangled freedom and persecuted Saint Solzhenitsyn. Other representatives of the creative intelligentsia were also tyrannized. The people were happy. And the 5th Directorate was largely concerned not with Solzhenitsyn, but with the prevention of terrorist acts and sabotage.

Why weren’t people so happy when they started blowing up houses in Moscow? Where are the police looking? The police, in accordance with government decrees, are engaged in free time, prey bobble. And it’s not their job. And whose? It turns out it's a draw now. “Professionals are behind terrorist attacks.” Where are your professionals? It takes years for them to appear. It is not an easy job to prevent terrorist attacks.

But Bakatin did not fire all the employees. Bakatin not everyone. Since August 1991, over the next four years, seven (!) chiefs have replaced the head of the security service. Everything was reformed, cut down and, what is especially interesting, the name of the service was changed. I can’t even remember all the abbreviations. Even the all-knowing Wikipedia doesn’t know this anymore. The KGB ID was taken away and a “mandate” was issued - a piece of writing paper that confirmed that the bearer was an employee. Then they demanded to hand over the “mandate” and issued another “mandate”. And then, in the end, they took one piece of paper and promised, then, to send another. They never sent it.

However, it was not only our “democrats” who were engaged in reform. FBI Director L. Free came to Moscow and offered to train management and operational personnel for the Russian intelligence services in exchange for free computers. His proposal was partially accepted.

A commission was created, which included such interesting characters: Webster ( former director CIA), Shenfill (former US Deputy Secretary of Justice), Snyder (current chief adviser to the US Senate Intelligence Committee) and some other, no less interesting personalities. This commission worked for three days in the Lesnye Dali sanatorium near Moscow - they conducted secret negotiations on the future activities of the foreign intelligence service and the security service (representatives of our services were not allowed into the negotiations). There was a conversation between the Democrats.

And Mr. Soros was noted for reforming the KGB - he began funding human rights activists. Do you think it's so harmless? Human rights activists, for example, demanded, and deputies supported, to publish lists of agents who worked in the Middle East for the “damned KGB.” These same human rights activists from all screens demanded that the intelligence services in Russia be completely eliminated. And the public seemed to be supportive.

And there was also the American Heritage Foundation, which worked under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation - the parliamentary commissions of the Supreme Council pledged to hold open hearings on issues of national security, the security service could now fight exclusively against banditry and terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the GRU did not have the right to conduct intelligence activities against Western intelligence services and had to completely refuse to work with agents who worked for the KGB.

Mrs. Starovoitova gave birth to a bill on lustration of all KGB employees. However, this bill, for obvious reasons, did not become law.

There was a lot of things. And as a result, today the FSB is not the KGB. This is a completely different service. Including according to your capabilities. Therefore, don’t blame the guys - they are now literally dragging their feet over security and understand perfectly well that they can only close certain directions. Such targeted state security. For which, if anything, you will have to answer. The bosses may lose their posts, and the employees... They will be buried at public expense.

Yes, there are still a number of people working there, in the FSB. former employees KGB. IN Ukrainian army former officers serve Soviet army, but who today will say that the Ukrainian army is Soviet?

“Day of Security Agencies Worker of the Russian Federation” was established by decree of B.N. Yeltsin in 1995. Why did you choose December 20? I don’t believe that Yeltsin wanted to maintain some kind of continuity. Most likely, Boris Nikolayevich was simply duped - they slipped him an insignificant document, and he waved him in.

Therefore, live in peace - the KGB is no more.

Why am I writing about this? You probably guessed it – I’m a “former”. And even worse - I am from the “dead”. You know what SMERSH is, right? These are the freaks who slept all day, ate sweetly and drank a lot during breaks, and at night tortured “fighters against the Stalinist regime.” They (we) also organized detachments, shot millions of innocent civilians in Europe during the “Second World War,” and drowned peaceful democratic protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia in blood.

By the way, I can give you a little help. During the Great Patriotic War Officer military counterintelligence(SMERSH) lived in the war for an average of three months. SMERSH has never dealt with barrier detachments. However, there was one case - during the defense of Stalingrad, one of the barrier detachments was commanded by a military counterintelligence officer. But let’s not judge him harshly - he remained in Stalingrad.

I can tell you about senior lieutenant Pyotr Anfimovich Zhidkov - this is the first military counterintelligence officer who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Do you think he got a "hero" for tormenting a democrat? No, he raised a company, which was left without officers, in an attack “against a superior enemy,” and personally destroyed six Nazis in hand-to-hand combat. He received the title posthumously.

Lieutenant SMERSH Mikhail Petrovich Krygin in August 1945, as part of the landing force, took part in the liberation of the port of Seishin. The lieutenant's group had special task in Japanese-occupied territory. However, when the commander of the paratroopers died, Lieutenant Krygin took his place and personally led the troops into attack 12 (!) times. Then the SMERSH group continued to fulfill its task. After the liberation of the port of Seishin, the body of Lieutenant M. Krygin was found with signs of torture: more than 20 bayonet wounds, his tongue was cut out, a five-pointed star was carved on his chest, his stomach was ripped open. Lieutenant Krygin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

There were many such “dead” people in that war.

However, I have more recent examples. Senior Lieutenant Ivanov (surname changed) took up a position (with a light machine gun) at a commanding height and fought for two hours with a group of spirits that numbered almost 500 heads, which allowed the Soviet motorized rifle battalion to emerge from the gorge with virtually no losses (there were wounded). The military nominated the starley for the title of “hero,” but Kryuchkov personally was against it. Because there was an order, military counterintelligence officers were not to be nominated for awards for “infantry exploits.” Why? “We didn’t send you here so that you and the infantry would run into the attack. Who will do your work? However, in that case, the military resisted and the senior lieutenant received his “hero.” This is not a fairy tale. I know this man personally, and his portrait hung in one of the educational institutions(in the open press it was called “Higher courses for retraining of command and operational personnel of the KGB SSS”) on the second floor in the central corridor. Together with portraits of USSR KGB officers who were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

By the way, military counterintelligence during the Soviet era had its own day - December 19th. Now there is no such holiday either. Not even by analgia. The guys, I think, would be offended. However, it’s all the same to the dead. Thank you for not canceling Victory Day. Otherwise, our soldiers raped, occupied, and did something else all over Europe. Liberals know.

And I will celebrate a holiday that does not exist. Eternal memory, it happened, it didn’t work out. Therefore, to those who left - may they rest in peace! And who is still alive - God grant you, guys, health and long life. And don’t be offended by people - they don’t know what they’re doing.

19 Dec 2017 Tags: 4983
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On February 6, 1922, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) adopted a resolution on the abolition of the Cheka and the formation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) under the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the RSFSR. On November 2, 1923, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR created the United State Political Administration (OGPU) under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. On July 10, 1934, state security bodies became part of the NKVD of the USSR.

In February 1941, the NKVD of the USSR was divided into two independent bodies: the NKVD of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of State Security (NKGB) of the USSR. In July 1941, the NKGB and the NKVD of the USSR were again united into a single People's Commissariat - the NKVD of the USSR. In April 1943, the People's Commissariat of State Security of the USSR was re-established. On March 15, 1946, the NKGB was transformed into the Ministry of State Security.

In March 1953, a decision was made to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. On March 13, 1954, the State Security Committee (KGB) was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

On December 3, 1991, USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the law “On the reorganization of state security bodies,” on the basis of which the KGB of the USSR was abolished, and transition period on its basis, the Inter-Republican Security Service and the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation) were created.

In January 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the formation of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation on the basis of the abolished Inter-Republican Security Service and Agency Federal Security RSFSR, which was transformed in November 1991 from the State Security Committee of the RSFSR, created in May of the same year.

Then, other departments known from history were in charge of ensuring the security of the Russian state, for example, the “Preobrazhensky Order” and the Secret Office of Peter I, the Secret Expedition under the Senate, the Third Department of the Own Office of Nicholas I and Alexander II.

After terrorist attack On March 13 (March 1, old style), 1881, when Emperor Alexander II died, the state security system in Russia was radically reformed. As a result of the transformations in September 1881, for the first time in the history of Russia, a special department was created to protect the top officials of the state. Over the next decades, the security service was improved.

After the October Revolution of 1917, in November 1920, a Special Department was created, which was tasked with organizing and implementing the protection of state leaders and ongoing events with their participation. Later it became part of the OGPU, and went through all the structural transformations with it. From 1954 to 1990, the functions of state security were performed by the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1990-1991, after the election of the President of the USSR, the USSR Presidential Security Service was created, which became the successor to the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1991, state security authorities were united within the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation. Since 1993, as an independent federal agency in the field of state security, there has been the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation (SBP of Russia).

On May 27, 1996, the Russian Federation Law “On State Security” was adopted, in accordance with which the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was created, which was merged in the same year with the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation.

The historical roots of the Russian special services are reflected in the heraldic symbols of modern Russian authorities security: in the emblems of the FSB of the Russian Federation and the FSO of the Russian Federation the double-headed eagle is combined into a single whole Tsarist Russia And traditional symbol intelligence services of the Soviet era - “shield and sword”.

From the very beginning of their formation, the security agencies stood guard over the Motherland, guarding the national interests of Russia. This was the case during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war period, and now, when they have to fight terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, and protect the country’s borders.

In 2016, Russian special services carried out terrorist activities, including 16 terrorist attacks. Since the beginning of 2017, FSB officers have killed dozens and detained about 800 members of gangs, liquidated 66 terrorist and extremist cells (data as of October 2017).

Traditionally, the most important area of ​​work of the FSB. Russian intelligence services stopped the activities of 53 career employees and 386 agents in 2016 foreign intelligence services, in the first half of 2017, 30 career foreign intelligence officers, more than 200 individuals suspected of collaborating with foreign intelligence services.

In the field constant attention security agencies are also dealing with issues related to ensuring information security. In 2016, for information resources of the Russian Federation. Compared to 2015, their number has almost tripled. More than 60% of cyber attacks originated from abroad. Over the course of the year, 1,130 sources of harmful influence within the country and almost 500 abroad were suppressed.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Employees of national and state security agencies celebrate their holiday on December 20, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 1995. This day is designated to celebrate the day of the FSB, because in 1917 it was on the same day that the Cheka (All-Russian Cheka) was created Emergency Commission). F. E. Dzerzhinsky became its first chairman. To replace the Cheka in 1954, the State Security Committee was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Before the formation of the Russian Federation, December 20 was celebrated as Chekist Day.

At the present time, this day is a professional holiday for all employees of foreign intelligence, the FSB, the Federal Security Service, as well as for specialists who work at the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President. During the Soviet era, all of the above services were part of the USSR State Security Committee (KGB).

State security -
Forever in your destiny...
So accept gratitude
Happy holiday, Happy FSB Day!

I won’t wish for courage -
You don't have to occupy it.
May all plans come true
So that the world can become a better place!

Congratulations in secret -
We know about these nuances.
Protecting security
Don't look at the danger.
You rarely sleep. Even though you are silent -
And you keep an eye on everyone.
On your professional day
Have a blast!
Read the codes, ciphers,
Find everything, solve it,
Find out the secrets and dare!

Happy FSB Day! I wish you boundless health and boundless luck, brilliant success in your activities, high status and honor in your position, I wish you excellent health, strength and courage, I wish you faithful comrades, the support and love of your family and the rainbow world.

FSB today is a holiday
Marks an important one.
Safety is your credo,
An important pillar of life.

I want to wish you on holiday
Happiness, joy, goodness,
To live in harsh hearts
A spark of light and warmth.

FSB celebrates today
A wonderful holiday.
I congratulate you on that,
My dear FSB officer.

May luck follow you
Let happiness not lag behind.
The mood will be cheerful
And the soul sings with joy.

Iron Felix once bequeathed
You guys have a warm heart.
Cool mind and clean hands,
The wisdom of a complex, dangerous science.

We now congratulate you on FSB Day,
We wish to be faithful to these codes,
So that your service is done without risk.
Calm, peace, goodness! Happy Chekist Day!

You are on duty even at home,
Keeping the secrets of the nation.
Spies are running away
Everything from you is like fire.

We know for sure - FSB agent
Never fails.
Happy holiday to all of you, heroes
FSB work!

They take brave guys there,
You can’t get there so easily;
You are strong in spirit - this is important:
Young people will be more serious.

The personnel of this service are priceless,
What protects us always;
Frosty in winter, hot in summer
Any blowjob is a problem for us.

Be fruitful efforts -
We need such services
So that there are no enemies of dominance
On the scale of our dear country.

Long live Safety!
Always be firm and strong,
So that any enemy dirty trick
I was afraid for my sides.

Let's not talk too much
You continue to serve your Motherland.
For the sake of the country's security -
We really need such shots!

Happiness to you and your loved ones in life.
Good luck in serving your Fatherland.
Thank you that there are such people -
They will fulfill the oath and will not lose their honor.

In the affairs of past years and days
It just brings clarity
Fairer and wiser than everyone else
Always state security.

Keeps archival files,
Guards the borders
And in the wars of villages and cities
Doesn't leave it to the enemy.

So that ordinary people can live in peace
And I didn’t know anything
In the service of the FSB all year.
Labor is the secret of victory.

For those who live right,
There is absolutely no surveillance.
He is afraid of scouts
Who is sinful himself latently.

The enemy of the FSB is the enemy of the people,
This has long been clear.
Throw down the Russian flag from the flagpole
The enemies want in vain.

Health, joy in work
I wish you, security officers.
You won't leave us in trouble.
You are stern, broad-shouldered ones.

For the blue sky, for the world,
And for December it’s clean
Thank you we say
Comrade security officers!